@Oklahoma City Thunder

They can talk now maybe even in the playoffs they play better but KAT and Rudy are both getting up there in age. While we have one of the youngest teams 🤷‍♂️

They can talk now maybe even in the playoffs they play better but KAT and Rudy are both getting up there in age. While we have one of the youngest teams 🤷‍♂️

by Spare-Water-7672


  1. mindclarity

    Ant is going to become his own worst enemy. Watch.

  2. laidbacklurk223

    It’s okay. Keep talking. We’ll keep receipts.

  3. matdarg09

    They traded their future for this exact team. They are championship or bust. Let em act like they just won a championship. We will own them for a decade.

  4. IDespiseFatties

    Dudes talking a lot of shit for someone who lost them the game at home against us and then proceeded to get roasted into oblivion.

  5. I like both Minny and OKC so the game was entertaining to me regardless but I couldn’t get over how out of shape KAT looks.

    He legitimately looks lazy on the court, awful body language…I can’t see them making a deep playoff run w him being half assed out there.

    He’s basically a 7′ w a rec league body shape…skinny legs, beer belly, looks like he hates running and always wants to play 1/2 court

  6. pooooolooop

    I don’t really see this as intense shit talk like some of you are taking it as

  7. 808zAndThunder

    Let him chirp. The difference is they went all in to win now with their roster from the Rudy trade. Thunder are going to stay focused on their path. Let’s see if they can keep up when we make our win now move

  8. 808zAndThunder

    Just look at how many teams won anything with a 20th ranked Offense. Hell outside top 15 is bad. TWolves are gonna get a rude awakening in the playoffs. It’s why they struggle closing out in 4th qtrs all season. Anyone who actually watches basketball and not just the drama around it knows what’s coming.

  9. NewspaperConfident16

    Ant is just yapping. Let him yap. The thunder is gonna keep doing their own thing. Silence pisses people off the most

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