@Milwaukee Bucks

Was this a joke?

So for the holidays, my wife got me this custom made History of the Milwaukee Bucks book from the New York Times. Basically it’s a compilation of every NYTimes article where the Bucks are mentioned. It’s super cool and interesting not just for the Bucks articles, but whatever else was going on in the sports world. Think you can get this made for any team in sports.

However I think this was compiled by AI or something or the editor has a wicked sense of humor, cause what is the first and only photograph used in the introduction? Not Kareem. Not Giannis. But a reminder of one of the worst trades in Bucks history and a player who hated and trashed Milwaukee on his way out, and ushered in a decade of darkness. Thanks NYTimes.

by 1998TimThomas

1 Comment

  1. that’s awesome lol.

    a trade that “fit like a glove”

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