@Philadelphia 76ers

[Barnard] The Sixers rank 26th in the NBA in 3PA per game. They are 17th in the 3P% as a team When you are built around a post and mid-range-oriented player like Joel Embiid this is never going to lead the league- but this is too large of a gap. They need a high-volume shooter

[Barnard] The Sixers rank 26th in the NBA in 3PA per game. They are 17th in the 3P% as a team When you are built around a post and mid-range-oriented player like Joel Embiid this is never going to lead the league- but this is too large of a gap. They need a high-volume shooter

by DanM142


  1. kniselysoccer13

    Meanwhile the Celtics shoot like 42 a game. We better get serious about non Embiid shot selection quick or we’re toast in round 2 again

  2. King_Wentz

    Yep need shooters around Embiid or we’re dead

  3. hasordealsw1thclams

    I don’t watch the Spurs so idk if McDermott can do anything besides shoot, but he might not be a bad option that no one really talks about. Kennard is another one.

  4. I don’t think there’s any one player they can realistically add by the deadline that will change this.

  5. The math won’t work against good teams. Morey of course knows this and will act at the deadline to address it. I still think the biggest problem to get more threes up is Tobias. He is having a solid season but he has been a bad fit since day one and needs to be replaced by someone who shoots more threes. Replace him with Jerami Grant and our offense would improve by a lot simply because of threes and gravity. Not saying we should put our chips in for Grant. Was using him more as an example for a player who is slightly better than Tobias yet would improve this team by a lot

  6. this is why tobi is a poor fit next to joel. his reluctance to hoist threes up and instead settling for the midrange is not conducive to post season success.

    it’s also crazy how tyrese is both one of the primary playmakers and the highest volume three point shooter on the team. the team has no reliable release valve, it’s no surprise his efficiency has started tanking especially with heavy minutes played.

  7. Thegrandmistressofoz

    I see this a lot and its actually moreso statistics than anything else. Consider that our best player is a mid-range / paint monster than anything else. Joel takes 22.3 FGA, where 19.1 are 2PA. That’s going to heavily skew our %s in things like this where they’re volume stats. Denver is similar to us, they’re even lower in 3PT rate because majority of their best player’s shots come from 2s (and Jokic’s even less volume than Joel scoring wise).


    Just did the math over at bbref, if you exclude our Embiid shots, our team 3PT rate for our rotation that actually plays (Maxey, Tobi, Melton, Oubre, Batum, Bev, Morris) is 42.1% which would be pretty good. The biggest outlier is Tobi with a 3PT rate of 26.6% only, but every other role player minus Reed is at 40%+ easily.


    Nothing to say about the %s though, they were pretty good like a month and half ago until Embiid missed like 8 games in the next 15 where we shot absolutely atrocious lol

  8. SquashForDinner

    Our offense doesn’t exactly cater towards 3s anyway. We don’t get wide open shots like the Celtics or Pacers. Our ball movement is atrocious. It’s like no one in the team is trusted to make any shots besides Maxey, Tobias, and Embiid.

  9. Master-Extreme5244

    We were 15th in 3PA attempted last season & 1st in 3P%. You can be near the top with Embiid if you build around him correctly, which means surrounding him with 40%+ 3pt shooters off the catch. Melton & Tobi both are shooting under 40% off the catch this season. Imagine having two actual shooters instead. Also, surrounding Embiid with shooters makes it easier for Embiid to run the floor and that’s the only way we will be effecient as a team as no one else on the team is a good playmaker, which is why everyone’s stats drop significantly in games without Joel

  10. Loose_Mix_447

    Genius level analysis! Thank God we have these guys

  11. I don’t think bogdan is nearly as available as you all think. On Sam vecines recent podcast he said the hawks really like bogdan and are comfortable with his long term money. I’m sure it would take alot to get him.

    The real answer is bojan from the pistons and signing a bought out kyle Lowry. Then let’s ride

  12. I’d rather get rid of the 3-point shot at this point rather than it continue to dominate the game but, until that happens (which it won’t) I guess we just need to be like everybody else.

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