@New York Knicks

Knicks’ INSANE Transformation! 🏀 Best-Run Team in NYC?!

Knicks’ INSANE Transformation! 🏀 Best-Run Team in NYC?!

Everybody’s missing the boat on the Knicks because you think about every conversation right and now it’s going to start picking up steam football’s almost over we’re not quite there with baseball yet the Knicks will be Center Stage right and almost every Nick conversation revolves around really two things is

Jayen Bruns at a superstar and is Julius Randle the you know really truly a legit number two the crazy thing is that’s not even the biggest story let me tell you what the biggest story is the biggest story is that and this is unbelievable

That I can say this and mean it the New York Knicks are the gold standard and the absolutely best run franchise in this city period the New York Knicks as they dragged us through Decades of of sheer hell Isaiah Thomas Stefan mberry Deddy Curry Derek fiser Jeff hesek Phil Jackson failed draft

Pick after fail draft pick sloppy free agent signing after after sloppy free agent signing salary cap hell the New York Knicks are now the best run team not well what about or what what about this no including everybody number one the best so when I look at

This I mean if you’ve if you’ve really been you know let’s call for what is some of you are just jumping back on the bandwagon and that’s fine that’s fine I’m not going to chastise you at least not now but if you’ve watched this this plight slowly provide a little Clarity you will

Understand that nobody is doing a better job than Leon Rose nobody now I know you don’t hear he from Leon Rose and that bothers some people mostly media members and I I get it I’ve chimed in on that on occasion as well I do think there’s a responsibility to engage your fan base

All right and I don’t love what the Knicks are doing with without making him available and the press releases they’ve circumvented something that’s very important but aside from that the New York Knicks don’t have a s think about this they don’t have a single bad contract there’s not one they’ve got

Great draft equity which enables them to do whatever they want there’s no dissension there’s no turmoil there’s no drama there’s just wins and let me beat you to the punch I don’t know maybe say the Giants Well if you say the Giants yeah I mean you’re leaning on History you know you’re kind

Of conveniently misremembering I don’t know the last decade or so the Giants what the Giants have been I don’t think it’s the Giants I know it’s the Knicks I know it the Knicks are the best run franchise in the city and it seems absolutely insane that I can say that

And really truly mean it you know like the minutia and it’s fun and I love it and you did see a superstar again last night in jayen Brunson I know it’s the horrendous Hornets I got it yeah I know it’s a tight game no OG no Randall you

Want to throw no Mitchell Robinson in there without 60 60% of the starting lineup that you know you know that you argue hartenstein Mitch whatever certainly without 40% two studs in Randle and OG Brunson said no not on my watch not happening let me banging 30

More get get this win so yeah like that’s that’s like the the small stuff the big stuff is that they have transformed in front of our eyes and from top to bottom whether it’s ownership meddling Dolan doesn’t do that anymore he has not for a while never

Really did it with the Rangers not doing it with the Knicks there is not a player on this team that you watch and say oh man he’s okay but is he really worth that money nobody all the contracts line up look at this guys this is amazing so

The Nicks going to win 50-some games this year provided Randall comes back in a couple of weeks that’s the timeline we got yesterday the Knicks payroll this year they are 16th 16th next year as you push forward they’re 18th and then even in 20125 2026 and listen that that’ll

Change a little bit with OG’s extension Etc they are 15th so this is not even like a a little you know quick reaction here ah the Knicks are hot let’s get a hot take no this is a wellth thought out incorporating everything opinion that I strong ly believe that I don’t think

Many of you see yet you see the Brunson stuff you see the Randall stuff you need to see the bigger stuff there is not a better run team than the Knicks 877 33766 66 BT and S minus My Guy s here on the fan inside of Our Town Fair Tire

Studio our friends of Town Fair reminds you that you always get the guaranteed lows price on name brand tires from Connecticut to main nobody beats toal Fair Tire no what do you want what do you want to chime it about what you got I just can’t believe you’re saying this

Because last week you said that the the Yankees are the best team in the AL they are but they’re the Knicks of the best run franchise in New York is outrageous because you’re talking about a team who consistently goes to the playoffs every year who actually has won championships

In the past 20 years oh oh so we’re going to do a little remember when come on down it’s your life Memory Lane we’re doing now right and there still still consistently great I know last year they missed the playoffs but oh my goodness one out of how many years have they

Finally missed the playoffs the Yankees are always there they’re making it to the the fin not maybe not the finals but they’re making it to the AL you know divisional round whatever round it is they’ve been there before this is not new to them they’ve been there consistently you’re talking about a new

Team a newbie and by the way H don’t get me wrong I’m thankful probably more thankful for what the Yankees have given me as a fan you know last year aside but they still battled they could have easily won 70 something games this is not to dismiss the Yankees I do believe

I stand by what now you start seeing the Astros getting hater in my opinion last week before that happened was that the Yankees are the best team in the American League and I’ll stand by that I think the Yankees are going to win 90 something games 94 95 they will add an

Arm Yankees will be in the mix for the World Series that’s not my point though because when I talk about having the best chance to win a championship versus best run think about the the Yankee issues stepping back to oh God why is Aaron Hicks on this team oh my God why

Is Joey Gallow playing now a lot of people and and I get it although I do think he bounces back what the hell did they do with caros rhon oh my God they’re saddled with this Stanton stuff forever he signed through 2027 Nicks have none of those issues zero yeah they

Also have none of the best players in the league and the Yankees have three of the best players in the league they have Garrick Cole Aaron judge Juan stto three of the be best players at their position Nicks have zero best at their position you know that’s funny the uh I by the

Way I think a lot of people will agree with with HF on that I mean I think you get some Ranger love I would imagine you get some Yankee love I would think some maybe delusional giant fans will pop in think it’s still 15 20 years ago uh

You’re welcome to come on in there is nobody that’s going to change my opinion or really and I thought about it from every single conceivable angle this is the best run team in New York and I remember H not to put him on blast but I I’m going to

Because like you to or at least to come to my opinion if you do and if you don’t I respect it well we’ll debate 877 337 6666 you got to remember where we were and like how unlikely this transformation is at the Garden now I don’t know whatever the heck the years

Were I guess oh Larry Brown’s first year so U 04 five 6 78 for about six seven years I did ni pregame post game I was at the Garden every night every single night piped in and and knew what was going on I remember recording pregame interviews usually

With like Mark aguire who was an assistant at that point mark was was usually my go-to guy uh or Brendan sir some of these other names that if you’re a big Nick guy you know or gal and I remember one night at the Garden I mean

They were in the midst of a 22 23 win season it was absolutely pathetic and I look over this is before the game and I don’t mean you know 2 hours and 12 minutes before the game this a a look up at the clock there’s like 11 minutes to

Go it’s like layup line yeah I mean it’s it’s almost go time it’s almost player introductions and HF you know what I see remember Ronaldo balkman remember that name yeah one of the great yeah exactly all I see him sitting front row b it may have even been Spike seat right in that

Vicinity with his legs like wide open and his arms on either side behind it like behind the chair with two models next to him wa I mean this 11 minutes before the game no repercussions nothing you know I remember Eddie Curry and and and I’m not I’m not trying to Fat shame

Anybody but not having an ounce of respect for his job to the point he was always 50 lbs overweight I remember the story and it’s true where Quenton Richardson was so incensed at the Stan mberry and wanted to kill him after practice that Stefan Barberry locked

Himself in the trador room so that qu listen you know I’m sure Steph’s tough you know Cody Island kid no disrespect either but Q was Q could throw hands so I I don’t blame Steph for moving away from that this is what the Knicks were and what they are now and you’re

Slow to the party and that’s okay the best run team that we have now that’s the statement to me the best part of the of that is that it’s only going to get better so H you piped in you push back on the Yankees and I get it and I would

Imagine Yankee fans would you know grab their piece of Flesh here and and and do a little battle here name the bad contract on the Knicks I mean people could say Rand I could people say Randall if they don’t like Randall anymore but that’s well I

Mean anybody that says that is an idiot I mean he’s a second Team all NBA performer and the guy plays 35 minutes every night he’s an Iron Man outside of the latest injury or the this injury and he’s a stud now we can debate the depth

Of the stud this bad contract I can make the case it’s one of the best contracts how about Evan forier well matter of fact in the modern NBA $19 million a year as an expiring deal is a great asset so no he’s actually he do have to take a shot for

The rest of the year he’s one of the greatest assets on the team cuz he’s going to be packaged for something else there is not a bad contract OJ OG because next year 40 million on the on the books worth every penny now he’s got a player option for whatever it’s and

He’s going to opt out Nick will give him all that’s already worked out he’s that trust me he’s staying the numbers and the the general parameters done he’s going nowhere it’s funny the one thing that you could really debate which which I often did they were they they rid

Themselves of and that was RJ Barrett that’s not a good contract and he’s gone so old Nick regimes would either draft the wrong guy out of desperation bringing a broken down star whether it was and I mean way past their Prime Stevie Francis Penny Hardaway Jaylen

Rose all the old names that came in and Walt through when they were basically cooked we know we know them all now they proactively fix the few mistakes that they make and that is the sign of a forward-thinking locked in awesome franchise uh listen I know that

This they’re the hot team right now but I mean consistently over the years they barely scraped into the playoffs like I mean you’re talking about this year that’s great but like over the past few years it took him a while it took him a while to get it like the Rangers have

Been there now consistently in the playoffs they’ve they’ve taken deep runs they went from a Henrik Lundquist to Eagle St who by the way for the month of January I believe has the worst save uh average or in the entire RL he he’s he’s having a he’s having a terrible been

Horrendous but but they’re still in well they were in first place the other day listen they’re still going to be in the playoff mix they’re still going to go back they still they’ve had some injuries but the point is is that the Rangers are still consistent they have

Been consistent the Knicks are finally getting to consistently going back toback in the playoffs so and and and and I I understand what you’re saying I I truly do but I think your timeline’s different than mine and that’s fine because that’s how you process it HF I

Get it I respect it I don’t see it this way see I don’t look and I just ran through you know the the Myriad mistakes that we’ve been subjected to this Century you know I don’t have to keep doing it even though I could probably

Come up with 15 fresh ones as the show goes on because there were a million of them but to me it all starts with Leon Rose like I’m not worried about four years ago ah the Knicks did this or they didn’t do that I’m talking about now they have somehow

Developed a financially solvent roster without a bad Albatross contract guys firmly in their prime or entering it pieces that are desired by other teams a boatload of firstr draft Equity a really good coach I mean I don’t know that there’s anything wrong with the Knicks quite frankly

I really don’t yeah I’m going to push back to of the Giants now too because now now you work for him the great New York football what have they done what have they done they’ve dealt with the wor they poor coaches in 10 years they’ve dealt with the worst salary cap

Situation in the NFL in the past two years and that’s because of the previous regime of Dave Dave gin and Joe Shane and Brian dble have put together two years of competitive they went to the playoffs they won a playoff game which in years past they haven’t been able to

Do they have Daniel Jones in a contract where it’s easy to get out of after next year it’s in a good spot they’re going to be able to bring in a top free agent this season if they want to if they want to keep saqu one they can they have a

Lot of things at their fingertips and the roster has been getting better injuries aside they are improving and they’re going to get better listen half I’m not trying to disparage all these other te I’m not saying that nobody is in a decent spot and I said last week

And it just came up a couple of minutes into the show I think the Yankees are the best team in the American League so I like that you’re trajectory of the Yankees I even do like the trajectory of the Giants not as much as you do I think

You g loss over a few things like when you say well they could bring back saquin well let’s see if they do because I don’t think that they do I think he’s gone so when saquon’s gone who’s going to run the ball now I’m not saying you

Can’t find somebody in the fourth round we’ve seen it happen a million times and obviously more financially appealing you know look at pre hall for the Jets when he’s healthy he’s making $900,000 he’s a stud I get it there’s different ways to uh to fry the fish if you will but hey

Talk about Daniel Jones like he’s Dan Marino the guy’s knee was shattered he’s coming back I don’t know what he is the old line is still a relative mess and I’ll tell you what if it doesn’t go well with dble and if Brian dble who I like

And support and believe him if Brian dable doesn’t look in the mirror and do a little soul searching and change a little bit the Giants are going to had their fourth coach in 8 years and that’s emblematic of a well-run team I don’t think so well again I I trust

The process with them I trust the process seers trust the I I do 100% because again like they have they have made uh you know a terrible what they’ve been handed what they been they’ve been handed a crap sandwich and they’ve eaten it well they create Oh you mean the new

Regime yeah yeah that’s true they’ve had to deal with the worst so was Leon Rose even worse so and they’ve had we’ve given them the time we’ve given them the time I think that the Giants in the end will be the best franchise in the next 5

Years you really do so so you’ve got you’ve got full confidence that D can control this crazy temper that he apparently has but the temper is aside I like like to see the human I like to see that hey a guy who much better than the Jets who by the way Robert Salah

Couldn’t tell I’m not mentioning the Jets were a disaster I’m not mentioning the Jets well EXA exactly I’m not bringing them up they’re the worst among the worst to be honest with you Tibido reminds me a lot of dble too they have a little feistiness with them like I mean

I know a lot of the aggression from Tibido comes from goes to the refs than the players but D ball has that feess to him has that little anger issue I love it and it shows and I think he gets the players to be motivated I know it

Doesn’t look that way all the time but I think that’s the case all right 877 337 6666 BT and S show here on the fan Brandon T Salata Sal is off today if you’re just tuning in hey I understand the two most electric or you know resonating topics with the Knicks this

Year is Bruns of the Superstar is Randall the real deal number two I get it and I engage in that I watch I you know obviously mean s go through this we do it on social media understood that’s the smaller issue the bigger issue I believe all the teams in this city

Somehow some way from the depths of ruins the New York Knicks have built themselves up to be the best run franchise in our city

🔥 Uncover the jaw-dropping turnaround of the New York Knicks – from the depths of chaos to claiming the throne as the best-run franchise in NYC! 🏀 Is this the most shocking transformation in sports history? Join us for a riveting analysis as we delve into the Knicks’ incredible journey, dissecting key moves, player performances, and the strategic brilliance of Leon Rose. 🚀 Don’t miss out on the hottest sports talk – hit play now and discover the secrets behind the Knicks’ rise to greatness! 🔥🎥 #Knicks #NYCSports #BasketballTalk #nbaanalysis

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  1. Agree with BT here, there are many holes in Hoff’s arguments as well. The Knicks are currently the best run franchise in NY.

  2. BT is absolutely correct. Leon has brought the Knicks back to professionalism & class again. I'm a Knicks fan since 1967 & see similarities between Eddie Donovan & Leon Rose. Cannot compare NBA to MLB. NBA players are much superior athletes & sport is grueling to body. NY Yankees have signed some of the worst contracts. Yankees were primarily great during Gene Michael/Bob Watson era.
    Go Knicks!!

  3. imagine when the patience pays off and we get donovan mitchell to play the 2. brunson mitchell og randle mitch robonson. perfect roster. scoring(brunson mitchell randle), size and strength(randle mitch robinson og), and defense(og and mitch. Finish the job Leon!!!

  4. OMG…so annoying. Who's jumping back on the bandwagon? The Knicks fan who's been sticking with this team after 15win seasons. Knicks fans know what's going on with this squad. It's WFAN who is jumping back on the bandwagon. And the other guy there who says the Knicks don't have one of the best players in the NBA is not watching the games obviously. Embarrassing. Brunson is a superstar!!!! Watch the games!!!

  5. Step 1: Give some out of left field take that he knows will annoy ppl.

    Step 2: Soembody else on the show chimes in and (obviously) they “strongly disagree” in order to get some bs argument on the show 🤦‍♂️. Rinse and repeat.

  6. This proclamation could look foolish by next season… must play it smart. They changed the direction totally when they resigned Randle and miraculously picked up JB. But the F.O. has made solid moves, and the org is not distracted by media outside the building. Keep it up, Leon. An exercise in patience.

  7. Every year I have hope until the playoffs happen. Let's just see what they look like in April, sick of getting my hopes up every year. We still have Dolan looming over this franchise like a malignant tumor that still hasn't been cut out.

  8. Love how Hoff is just like "Giants are in a great spot cause they have Jones bad contract which they can get rid of easily" as his logic of why the Knicks aren't the best run team currently lmao come on now

  9. Yankees haven't been best run since George died. Best run? Stanton? Hicks? Radon? They were 20 years ago. Knicks are best now.

  10. The Josh Hart trade was bad, and he has a bad contract. Obi Toppin and Quentin Grimes were bad 1st round picks. The reason the Knicks are good is because Brunson was a phenomenal signing and Donte and Randle are solid players.

  11. OG was the difference maker, he locks things down, that's what he does, that's what he did in Toronto for years, and to think he wasn't even healthy during that 2019 run. OG has made the Knicks a competent team, they could go to ECF or beyond, you just don't know in this NBA anymore, look at teams like the Heat have done in recent years.

  12. 💯facts! JB is the best player on the floor night after night no matter who the opponent is. If that ain’t a Superstar, you vision is blurry AF!!! Go get them eyes checked.

  13. About time this was said. Give credit to Dolan. After being bamboozled by Phil Jackass and his DISASTROUS run in NY, Dolan did prove that he is now "Hands off". The turnaround of this franchise is astounding, but people still think Dolan is still making personnel decisions.

    The Brunson contract itself is probably the SMARTEST one in the NBA from a team aspect. Even Randle's extension was done team friendly. Just smart move after smart move.

  14. Brunson (actual 1A for 50% the cost)
    OG (strategic chess piece)
    Randle (all-NBA when "good")
    Mitch, Grimes, Deuce (homegrown defensive lockdowns at 40% the price)
    Hartenstein, Hart, DDV (championship-level role players at 50% the price)
    Precious, Sims (talented 10th and 11th man in healthy 9-man rotation)
    Thibodeau (36th all time in wins with a better winning percentage than 23 of the 35 HCs ahead of him)
    Leon Rose (building a top 5 NBA team at 50% the cost while accumulating draft capital assets)

    The Knicks will win a championship before 2030

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