@Sacramento Kings

Kings win UGLY…Is that OK? Plus, Sabonis has 26 rebounds in win over Grizzlies

Kings win UGLY…Is that OK? Plus, Sabonis has 26 rebounds in win over Grizzlies

It wasn’t easy tonight against a Memphis Grizzlies team that was down 1 2 3 11 players Yes you heard that right 11 Players missed tonight’s game they had eight active players including one player who they called up from the Memphis hustle today and they got off to a nice start against the Sacramento

Kings in fact outscored Sacramento 33 to 18 in the first quarter the Kings had a grind their way to a win in fact did not take their first lead until the third quarter wow and ended up closing well Memphis did not score in the final 3

Minutes and the kings were able to hang on and get a victory even if it was ugly a win 103 to 94 each and every one of our podcasts presented by our friends of our Northwest Exteriors check out our website trust I’m Duce Mason that’s Morgan Reagan how you doing

Mo I am fantastic that the Kings finished off with the w um besides that hey I’m just I’m good on this Monday but like let let me just I want to talk about tonight’s game about how I went in going in the game oh please I as I saw

All the injuries Mount up for the Memphis Grizzlies I went there’s just no way like this will be a stressfree game I was telling more I’m like this is easy like this is one of those games I’m not trying to be cocky but like look Memphis has like eight healthy guys right now

And I was looking at the list I went oh Scotty Pippen Jr I’ve called his g- League game oh Jacob Gillard I’ve called his g-league game Matt H I’ve called his g-league game all those players are playing significant minutes I went easy W but of course it’s the NBA and it’s

The Sacramento King so it wasn’t easy Morgan was offended by how I was approaching tonight’s game offended I was i w and as I should be because that approach is unacceptable and that approach seemed to be the same approach that some of these Sacramento Kings players think they had that approach I

Don’t even think it was the approach of cocky we got this win in the front of their minds I’m sure that was at the back of their minds and when that even lingers at all anywhere on the mind it can alter the way that you go into a

Game the way that you play it I’m not sitting here acting like it is easy on the road going into a game being like Oh cute we’re gonna play a whole bunch of g- Leaguers all right let’s get this done like that mentality is still

Like we need to get this done let’s go let’s do the right things but already if that is even on your mind then your game plan has shifted in one way or another as an individual and I felt like mentally the game plan have shift mostly shifted in almost all the players except

Like domas sabonis sabonis was outstanding in this game we’ll dive deeper into what he did but he did said or at least tie a franchise record for most rebounds in a game he had 20 points 26 rebounds tying Chris Weber who had 26 points along with 50 excuse me 26

Rebounds along with 51 points in an overtime loss to the Indiana Pacers back in the day um yeah tonight was just bizarre I I felt like you I think we do this sometimes where go hey man they they didn’t take this team serious blah blah blah I do think sometimes

When you’re faced with circumstances like the king’s face tonight you may try some that you don’t normally try because you’re looking at the and it’s not even like a disrespect thing it’s like subconsciously you’re just like oh that’s not Desmond Bane in front of me

I’m going to try this and it’s it’s a huge mistake because one the league is more talented than it’s ever been there’s a lot of talent in the g-league too and so it shouldn’t matter two the one thing that Taylor Jenkins teams do they play hard yep it doesn’t matter

Like they can have guys missing they’ve had guys missing before tonight now this was the extreme when you have 11 key players out but they’re going to play hard and they have something to play for yeah that may sound cliche but it’s really not if you’re Matt hurt today you

Have never played an NBA game in your life in two hours before the game you get a call and say hey you’re not playing for the Memphis hustle tonight you’re signing a 10day contract welcome to the NBA and by the way uh we’re going to need you to play tonight he played 23

Minutes in his NBA debut that’s the Grizzlies are down bad so you know what mat Matt her’s gonna do he’s gonna go out there and go this is my moment I just scored 35 points in my last g-league game I’m averaging 25 a game in

The g- league I was there last year this is my chance to go try and do something out there Jacob Gillard I’m like a fringe guy that’s trying to get more minutes I want more Scotty Pippen Jr I got a two-way deal I want a guaranteed

Deal these guys are going to come out and play and you have to have the right Focus you can’t just be dismissive even if it’s subconscious by the way G league players too I mean we watch a lot of g-league basketball and there is a lot

Of talent there are a lot of veterans there are a lot of fresh new players there are a lot of players basketball players around the world that understand what type of opportunity it can be being in the G league so there are good players there and I think sometimes when we talk about

Hey G Leaguers coming up you still notice a difference when you see G Leaguers versus uh NBA players but on nights like this when it’s a combination of a whole bunch of players that are really being like okay we want to take advantage of this opportunity and play disciplined basketball under Taylor

Jenkins understand like we’re not just going to go out there and jack up a whole bunch of shots because we don’t have anything to prove prove except trying to battle and get a good team win and you felt that tonight yeah if you’re one of those guys it’s about making

Winning plays not trying to get a whole bunch of buckets are you in the right spots defensively are you making the right plays offensively are you taking the right shots are you passing it the right time so for those players it’s super important so on the other side for

The Kings they’re clearly a team that should have just they should have just coasted to a win tonight if you’re locked in but that’s the thing with this team let’s be honest about about it and we’ve seen it we saw it in close games right where they have these big excuse

Me in games where they’re up big and it turns into a close game why because they stopped running their stuff tonight wasn’t that they weren’t running their stuff I just felt like the passes a little too loose with the ball like I I just felt like the decision-making they

Had some awful turnovers early in this game they end up tonight with 19 turnovers that turned into 22 points but 12 of those turnovers came in the first half and some of them were were just so so car Keegan had some that I’m like what are you doing like leaving your

Feet and passing it in the air to a Memphis Grizzly player um also in really quick too I just because this note I didn’t want it to leave me when you were talking about subconsciously some of these players going up against some of these guys I think this is even where

That plays a part they go this guy is Scotty Pippen Jr he’s giving me this much space I’m going to try taking this shot on him this guy is only this tall I’m going to try making this jump pass on him and the jump pass would be like

Cute lazy try to get there and it would turn into a turnover because what that player on the Memphis Grizzlies was trying to do was get that steal was making sure that their hands were in the passing Lane like every single play there was effort out there by the

Grizzlies and the Kings weren’t matching that with the way that they were with their energy on that end of the floor which leaned into a lot of different turnovers the one that was just brutal to me I mean it’s not just the one right there’s many turnovers tonight but uh

Barnes had just tied the game or excuse me cut it to two a 8583 at the 759 Mark of the fourth quarter then Malik Malik monk has a steal and he’s on the break and like yeah all right push he’s some for some reason goes behind the back

With the dribble and throws a bad pass steel and you’re going these are the plays that Crush you now luckily the Kings got the ball back because Memphis was sloppy with it but it it’s it’s what Morgan was just talking about trying things that you probably shouldn’t try

In these situations and that’s like for this team going back to what I was saying where all right when you got big leads don’t look at the clock and see four minutes just play your game just play the game just play with Pace get the same ball movement play your game

It’s the same thing when you’re taking on a an underman team or a team that you go I don’t we’re Desmond Bane Marcus Smart John Mor uh Stephen Adams all these guys are out what what a week like we’re just going to do our thing if you

Have that approach it comes back to sting you now that was with the turnovers I also thought like why I was even concerned at halftime when we were on NBC Sports California talking about it was like they were just missing so many open shots Harrison Barnes I think

All of his threes were open he missed them the kings were at the half just awful from three they were three of 19 from three point land at the half and they were down three I mean you have 12 turnovers you’re three of 19 from downtown and you’re down three at

The half I’m like they’re fine they just need to clean their up so what do you know they knocked down a few more threes it wasn’t great they end up on the night 11 of 38 from downtown but the Grizzlies could not manufacture much offense right they missed a lot of shots

Because of all the guys that were missing and Sacramento Al those sloppy not as sloppy with the ball it just T took some more execution so I thought tonight it it felt like it was a combination of being too loose with the turnovers and missing some great looks I

Do want to explore that for a second too with the Mis looks because something you brought up was okay at what point do you just have to I understand you want to keep shooting threes when they’re open like a great looks you don’t go away from what

Your offense is but at what point do you have to put the ball on the floor and attack and I they did a little bit of that in the second half but not a lot I’m not even saying put the floor put put the ball on the floor and attack the

Rim I am saying put the ball on the floor shot fake one dribble midrange mid-range mid-range Baseline and I and I say this because someone like Harrison Barnes for example uh when what did he he finished two for 10 from Beyond The Ark when he was 0 for whatever I think

It was like 0 for nine or some or not 0 for nine uh you whatever it was he might have been 0 for nine from downtown he might have been 0 for 10 to start I mean he finished two of 10 from Beyond The Arc either way it was it was just it

Wasn’t good and I was telling could that’s what I was trying to say I you know what I just realized I was doing the math in my head and I was like wait are you that doesn’t make any sense I just add the two mies yeah I was like

Wait am I reading the stats wrong okay so anyway whatever he was at that point he was oh for whatever there’s a turnover for deuce and mo that major Miss like take the jump shot and I was I was telling dudes I’m like he’s just got

To see the ball go through the net and it wasn’t like get get yourself a layup you post up on somebody that type of game it was no like the way that these some of these Grizzly players would have run him off the line if he had just sha

Bake they would have they would have gone they would have gone and I want the defense to react a little bit I know you’re getting good shots but you’re not knocking them down go ahead and put the ball on the floor make the defense rotate this is also a team that has a

Whole bunch of new guys playing together so the communication on defense could break down like even if if they’re playing hard it’s the same thing offensively where you know guys are going to be in weird spots like Matt herp hasn’t spent any time at all playing with jiren Jackson so there’s

Going to be weirdness going on when if they’re both out there at the the same time same thing defensively so make them think a little bit and I I think the Kings let them off the hook a lot tonight and luckily they were able to escape with a win because they just have

More Firepower and they are the better team they win 103 to 94 yeah and I also thought you know going on still talking about some of the threes that were being T the catch and shoot threes uh Daren Fox you know he was one for four right I

Really thought he did a much better job of being like okay once he wasn’t making them in the beginning of the game he goes I’m going to start doing what I do best and it was attacking it was going downhill and whenever he gets back into

That I SW I think he gets it but how he leads through his actions are absolutely incredible and how it is contagious for everybody out there and I say it’s contagious it’s not like oh if he’s putting the ball on the floor I’m going to put the ball on the floor and attack

No it just makes the defense have to think and adjust so much more when he starts doing that consistently and so I was glad when he started to get to that that’s also when we started seeing more threes taking in Rhythm and guys like actually looking like uh like they

Weren’t hesitating and they were they looked like they were using their legs a lot more there was just so much more to the three-pointers when they were being made and honestly I thought they could have pushed the pace more earlier in the game I felt like it they didn’t do it

Enough the one that happened in the fourth quarter was just outstanding that push he had in transition when he had that spin move and took it uncontested to the rim yes that was explosive from dearen Fox he had 23 points he down eight of 14 uh the Sacramento Kings shot

10 free throws tonight all by dear Fox he missed four he had this good run he made 15 of 16 he missed four tonight six of 10 no one else got to the free throw line that is insane to me well especially someone like domas sabonis

Who get just knocked in the face you’re telling me he did not get one free throw attempt that it’s absurd I don’t ever want to be one of those like people when I when I see other teams and they have these star players and they’re like where’s the whistle where’s the whistle

Cuz are so used to like ass calls and with sabonis there’s some that are just like so obvious when he’s getting knocked in the face or something and I’m like okay that’s really not going to be called or he’s getting you know thrown down on his arm or whatever it may be

And so yeah it was strange to see that they only attempted 10 free throws and they were all by dearn Fox when the Grizzlies uh attempted 28 free throws and they made 21 of those and that’s kind of what kept Him float too is the fact that they’re able to knock down

Some they like you mentioned they missed seven free throws 21 of 28 Memphis shot 37% in this game and 36% from Beyond yor 13 of 36 for them the Kings did make them pay off their turnovers they had 14 that turned into 22 points yeah um just

A weird game just a bizarre game uh the kings were great in the paint 56 points in the paint but I think they could have gotten far more attempts in the paint I I don’t think they explored that enough and that goes what we were saying it

Felt like they were jacking up some threes because they were open instead of going you know what let’s attack like they can’t stop us I think at the half too Sacramento had 32 points in the paint they were 16 of 21 in the paint like they had 18 points in the first

Quarter Sacramento I know I’m throwing a lot of numbers at you I’m going in reverse order here the Sacramento had 18 points in the first quarter they were all in the paint in the first quarter I I felt like they went away from that and it’s like no just attack I know the

Three is going to be either but if you can attack the paint it’s going to open up everything else and maybe you get to the line more it’s not just dear Fox shooting free throw so yeah it just it it felt like some people wanted to jack

Up some threes and then even in the mid-range though you know looking at someone like Keegan tonight poor KS he he did not have a good night tonight it was just like it’s one of those nights where you just be like that was a bad

Game and what was going on with some of the the decision making well and that’s that’s why I’m saying it’s like I we’ve we’ve seen him have bad shooting nights we’ve seen him have um you know uh softer nights this was it felt like shooting softness and sloppiness it felt

Like a combination and I feel like with his shooting it was soft and when I say that I saw the way that he would go into a jump shot and it didn’t feel like that nice crisp strong jump shot that we’ were seeing him do over some of these

Better teams where tonight just felt like a little bit lazy slower and just like not in all in one motion or whatever so yeah I don’t know if that was a mindset thing if there was something going on um but I’m going to say no it was just a bad

Night it was the first time in a while that he looked like a young player in the league to me I you know I just went whoa what this is unlike him because he has been pretty consistent you know and it’s not always scoring 20 every night but I’m like he’s

Good to get you 16 a night probably he’s been doing a better job on the glass and what he’s done defensively this year has been outstanding but tonight he finished with Five Points he’s two of seven shooting one of four from three and he knew it was a bad night because he only

Played 24 minutes and I I think Brown liked what he was getting more from TR lyes in those minutes and the other thing with Keegan too is like oh the shooting is one thing but I think the thing that pops out when you looked at him tonight was the four turnovers you

Know Deen Fox if he has four turnovers you don’t like that number he’s got the ball a lot so sabonis when he’s got those five turnover games like come on man stop with the illegal screens or that was not pass that was worth throwing sabonis has the ball a lot or

Malik monk it takes some high risks sometimes and he has some sloppiness Keegan’s not handling a lot it’s like Keegan had the ball for a second it’s like he had a in the fourth quarter a crosscourt pass that was really bad that you’re like that’s just not a pass you

You should make was very his decision making was very confusing like it just wasn’t Chris tonight and and it happens I’m not saying oh my God I’m worried about it but it’s just um just wasn’t Chris it just wasn’t so or mature with all that said there’s all this like H

Tonight and you’re like well they they were still able to get the win they are 27 and 18 all of a sudden they’re nine games above 500 before we get to sabonis I do want to mention Kevin herder tonight because we focused on a lot like

This was bad this is I thought Kevin herder was really good in this game I love the way that he was moving without the basketball with the basketball in transition I age he was a good example of a player that I thought wasn’t just relying on the three and he was making

Sure that if he had the opportunity to attack the paint he was going to do so and Kevin herder tonight had 17 points he had four rebounds he had three assists in two steals along with a block he did on seven of 15 shooting but eight of his 17 points came in the

Paints in the paint for Kevin herder I like seeing that he was 47 in the paints you don’t always see that from uh red velvet so it was good to see him uh be active and I I’m happy that he’s stringing together some product he’s becoming more consistent which is great

To see yes it it’s so great to see because I mean what made them so good last year was multiple people being able to be productive and everyone being able to do something in their role and people would have their off nights and then come back

In on a different night and be better or uh contribute in one place or another and it felt like Kevin herder and his slump so many people were just like oh this is this is who he is now this is who he is well you know why Morgan because

Why it was a 30 game slump you know and so when you have a chunk of season that’s that long people get concerned and it’s fair it’s fair totally most slums stop the concern is completely fair is absolutely completely fair I am not denying it I was

Concerned my only thing I just for a lot of people I mean and especially for people that have been athletes in their life like I don’t know have you did you never did or even some that played at high higher levels like did you never have like an entire season slump like I

Did and I remember thinking like oh my God is this me is this me and it’s a whole waste of a year and everything and you’re just like you miss out on opportunities and all these things and there are some NBA players that also have an entire season like that like I’m

I can’t say because I wouldn’t I wouldn’t be able to recall um but like someone like Julius Randall you know who saw the season when he was shooting lights out from three had a fantastic season and then he had the down year right and he was still playing okay

Basketball but it wasn’t to what he was playing and my point is with someone like Kevin herder it’s like he had a major slump but I truly feel like some people were like this is who he’s going to be the rest of his career yeah that’s

Where I that’s that’s my point of being like that is just weird to me I just I also go people thought that about Deon Fox when he had that stretch too they act like that’s who he is now and it’s like yeah I mean it it’s the conversation

Around how we look at teams when they go through fongs or players gets extreme and you start questioning everything and I think there’s also a thing in Sacramento where when you have had 16 years straight of bad basketball and there’s that one year in the back of

Your head you’re going was last year fluky oh this is kind of weird so then you go I know Kevin was good last year but then he had the stretches where he was and the playoffs wasn’t good now he’s doing this and so it’s stringing together and people had some legit

Concerns and he looked shook yeah now what I love is the fact that he got out of this and I don’t know how he got out of it and it’s not just making shots because that’s the thing the shots going to come and go for players that’s the

One thing with with sports is like or with basketball is you got to fight through that stuff and make sure you have impacts in other ways I think Kevin has done a much better job of doing the other things making sure he’s more involved and I think they’ve kind of

Tried to do more what they did last year too like That’s Mike Brown adjusting a little bit that that is I think that’s I mean I don’t think it’s a coincidence that all of a sudden HBS get more looks and herder’s getting more looks I think

They tried a lot of new stuff this year because they feel like they need to to be ready for the playoffs which is fair but I also think they went okay we got to like we got to dial back a little bit and make sure we’re still having these

Guys involved and it’s not just hey let’s run the same stuff it’s we know Keegan is going to have more role but we still need to get Kevin his and we still need to find HB his we need to get their confidence up and their engagement up

What made us what made us great or what made us play the style of basketball that had this historic year go back to that and going back to that you can still evolve from where that was at and I think they were trying to change instead of evolve and now you’re seeing

It evolve again where guys are like you’re saying getting included feeling included and it is translating into winning basketball next guy we got to talk about Morgan who the Rock and Soul player of the game oh who’s that who do you think it is domas sabonis hey theonis sabonis

20 points tonight he had 26 rebounds was which tied a franchise record he also had five assists he did it on 10 of 11 shooting dude 10 of 11 shooting 20 points 26 rebounds are Rock and Soul player of the Week player of the Week

Player of the day make sure to go over to Rock and Soul Diner just six blocks from Golden One Center why because it’s amazing breakfast lunch dinner oh you want breakfast at 3 P.M go get it at rockn Soul Diner it’s amazing if you go during a Kings game make sure to tell

Them hey I heard about you on to do some more podcast it’s a good spot to watch a Kings game or go before after a King’s game when they’re in town all right let’s talk about Deon sabonis for a second morg let’s do it I know we’ve discussed his presence

Before but this guy tonight was just a menace I mean we’re doing breakdowns on TV on him tonight and I’m just in awe of what he was doing and it’s nothing new it’s what he does every night he plays so hard so hard and when when one of your

Best guys plays that way I brought the example up tonight you have hustle guys over the years that fans fall in love with you know and those guys you’re always like yeah you just have a soft spot for him because they do the Dirty Work they go rebound maybe they block

Some shots maybe they dive on the flo floor for a loose ball sabonis is an all-nba player but he still does the dirty work he’s still down there getting physical I mean he had a play tonight where he got back got got vertical to contest a shot got a

Rebound then pushed in transition on the break dis to the Barnes easy bucket he does that all the time and then it’s falling on the floor he gets back up gets an offensive rebound put back he plays hard all the time and I felt like he’s a great example of a guy that

Doesn’t give a who’s on the floor around him that guy plays one speed all the time it doesn’t M matter if he’s going against yit doesn’t matter if he’s going up against Derek Lively a young player he’s going to go and do his best to attack the glass and rebound his ass

Off and play hard I love that guy and like you said it is truly contagious and I think he is someone that is so fun to watch because we have seen his game grow just in these this these couple of years and even this season you’re seeing it

Grow and how are you seeing it grow oh not because he is getting more rebounds or whatever you’re seeing it grow because he’s keeping his emotions under control he plays with so much passion you know how hard it is when you’re a passionate person to just reel it back in I

Couldn’t do it I could not I would lose my I would punch someone in the face on the floor whatever I needed to do he gets hit in the face rails it in tries to keep his cool and him learning how to do that has only made him a better player because it’s

Kept him in the game it’s kept him focused on okay going back down on the other end I’m not just going to make some stupid foul I’m going to still play with my chest and not with my hands okay on the next end down like he is thinking

He is engaged he is focused I just love that he’s been able to also take that part of his game to the next level

Deuce and Mo react to an ugly Kings win over the short-handed Memphis Grizzlies to get their 4th consecutive win and start the road trip 3-0. Plus, how Sabonis tied franchise-history.

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