@Phoenix Suns

Bickley Blast: Why Kevin Durant pleads for no video tribute ahead of Phoenix Suns’ trip to Brooklyn

Bickley Blast: Why Kevin Durant pleads for no video tribute ahead of Phoenix Suns’ trip to Brooklyn

And Mara boings Arizona Sports the local sports leader bigle blast not to get personal but have you ever been told please don’t the night will be better without it maybe it happened when you wanted that one glass of bourbon or when you wanted to invent invite a friend

Along on date night but did you ever think an NBA star would say those words about a potential tribute video please don’t the night will be better without it welcome to Kevin Durant’s World folks KD returns to Brooklyn tomorrow night and if you haven’t heard he is pleading

With the Nets to forego the video board recognition because they didn’t accomplish anything as a team during his time in Brooklyn and I love KD for having that perspective even though I’m hearing the Nets are going to honor him anyway but here’s the thing KD was never

The problem in Brooklyn on the court he was fantastic it was as his availability that was an issue and in the end all the drama came from Ben Simmons James Harden and Kyrie Irving their attempts at a super team was indeed a disaster but Durant held up his end of the bargain

And nobody would begrudge him that yet KD is also smart enough to know how a tribute video will be trolled and trashed in the coming days once it happened which is kind of good because it also means Katie is smart enough to know what will happen if he helps lead

The Suns to their first title in nearly six decades delivering us all from our own brand of eternal torment all right today’s ble blast brought to you by my great friends at Chapman BMW who make luxury attainable find them online at Chapman it just depends on how the people wake up

You know they it’s no that that morning I mean a lot of people don’t know what to say or how to feel about me so it’s up in the air what what may happen you know so I’m excited that uh people come watch the games and support the games I

Know it’s going to be some Suns fans this fans of every team in the world in New York city so it’s going to be a few Suns fans that are come in there and support us so but I I never know how people going to react I don’t expect

Anything uh from anyone um I just want them to do whatever they do is that’s going to allow them to have some fun that night that is Kevin Durant uh Kudos another great blast oh thank you and uh I like when people uh accentuate point out

When I think it’s very rare in the year 2024 when somebody of stature has real self-awareness yes isn’t it rare yeah it really really is and Kevin Durant has self-awareness it’s yeah to be saying please don’t the KN will be better without it he’s right on the money about

That Frank Isola is my guy who said the Nets are doing it anyway uh because they feel like they have to and Kevin Durant was really good in Brooklyn and yet yet he gets folded into their failure so the the the critics and the haters of KD

They they lump on KD’s decision to form his own super team in Brooklyn as a personal character flaw the way that they kind of assigned his decision to join the Golden State Warriors it’s a little different it really is now at at at the end of it KD did ask out and at

The end of it KD did get Ste helped get Steve Nash removed and at the end of it KD did accept and give his blessings uh on a trade to Brooklyn but I don’t think would undo that trade if you called him up right now and said hey you know what

If you feel bad about that you want to give us back our guys we’ll give you back your guy I don’t think they take it back no but what what Kevin Durant did do and yes it was a a tenure marked with disappointment and ultimately failure MH

But Brooklyn New York was one of the epicenters of the basketball world after that trade went down there was a lot of eyeballs on a franchise that for the most part people don’t pay a lot of attention to and it turned out to be a negative as it

You know as it you know the results were were as it as it were yeah no listen and and again and I think you also have to factor in the fact that the Nets I I know that that when this all went down when when the

When the tra this is long before I even knew KD wanted to come to Phoenix I I’m like okay KD you need to be a little more cognizant of the fact that Brooklyn paid you uh top dollar to AB for a year but again that’s not that’s not

Something he chose that was that was something that came with signing Kevin Durant he needed that time to Rea and I think the reaction and Kevin Durant in that sound bite was talking about the reaction he expects to get from Brooklyn he said you never know um you know are

The Nets fans the most rabid fan base in the world no no um did they fall short of their goals yes but you’re also talking about a franchise that hasn’t won anything since they were in the ABA they’ve won jacket in the NBA so I I think that failure is tempered there but

Going back to the subject of of self-awareness uh Dwayne Ranken had a piece on this on on a I’m not this is Durant saying this I’m not expecting people to praise me or honor me I didn’t even pose the question somebody else brought it up

Randomly out of nowhere I just gave my input on that I don’t feel like I deserve one meaning a tribute I didn’t feel like I stayed there long enough I didn’t put in enough work I didn’t leave a lasting impact some other things that he said about this I just think we had

More time for sure we could have done some special bleep but we didn’t have no time fans can’t connect with that uh talked about um you know the triple double the 49 point 17 rebound 10 assist game he had in the game five win against the Bucks in the playoffs he said that’s

The only game that had a lasting impact on anybody and if Kevin Durant’s foot was a little smaller yeah we might be talking about a completely different subject going into this game tomorrow night might be talking about different Suns team he even went to as far you want to talk about real self-awareness

And Kevin Durant can be salty and reactive like nobody else on social media but somebody um said um where is the quote that I’m looking for he requested the the Nets frequent uh on social media said he requested more trades than playoff series 1 during his

Time here why would we give him a tribute video that’s pretty cutting stuff Durant resp responded and said seems like me and Net’s frequent are on the same page listen and and again I I think KD is smart enough to know exactly how this is going to play out it’s going to play

Out just like that yes but this is a Kinder gentler NBA we’ve seen basically every I mean the Suns have a lot of EX players around the league now because they completely changed the look of their roster I mean DeAndre Aton got a welcome back way got

A welcome back bism bio got a welcome back next Tuesday night campaign’s going to get a warm welcome back okay you’re Paul got one so you’re right they’re being handed out like lollipops you want a cookie Landry shamut got one I also think Craig got one oh come on no did they really

Absolutely they did Landry Shaman how did they even find enough highlights to to put in well he had that really good game against the Nuggets Landry shamut and Tory Craig were both in Street Clos for their welcome oops as I think DeAndre was I I it he got nothing to prove though

Vinnie was got nothing to prove you say what you will he’s a max player he’s a max player he always going to be a max player I think most Brooklyn Fans blame Kyrie and Harden and Ben Simmons for what went wrong more more than more than

Durant I think he’s fourth on the list but but I think there’s not a chance in heck that that Katie gets the respon response in Brooklyn that the return of M and cam Johnson got in Phoenix and they didn’t win anything either no but they were here a lot longer but they

Were a lot longer connected they connected they got to a and they certainly connected right so uh this is going to be interesting and it’s going to be an interesting game because as you pointed out Vinnie there was a time about two weeks ago when when male Bridges looked

Like he needed a three-w week long nap and and people were wondering about his shooting and this and that and should we trade him and get draft picks for him the way we and and now they’ve kind of writed it play much better now there was

A piece on that was like six big trades we want to see before the deadline and Bobby marks put out I’d love to see Mel Bridges traded to the Knicks and he said don’t get me wrong it’s not going to happen you know the Knicks and the Nets have not gotten

Together on a trade since the 70s is that right who is the guy Butch beard I’d have to look it up it was certainly in the uh certainly in the piece but yeah okay uh yeah that’s tomorrow night we’ll have a lot more on that game coming up on tomorrow’s

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Ahead of Kevin Durant’s return to Brooklyn, the Phoenix Suns forward asks for no Nets video tribute on social media and Dan Bickley breaks down why the request is a smart move from KD.

Video: Felisa Cárdenas and Jeremy Schnell/Arizona Sports
Photos: Getty Images

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1 Comment

  1. Majority of NBA fans won’t respect him and discredit everything he’s done for the game and for players coming in the league like Wemby saying he wanted to play against him first and stuff like that he’s my favorite player tho 🤷🏽‍♂️

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