@Detroit Pistons

Monte Morris made his Detroit Pistons debut what I noticed Immediately

Monte Morris made his Detroit Pistons debut what I noticed Immediately

Wanted to talk to you guys about Monte Morris and his debut because he he did make his debut this week um against the Hornets and for me when I saw Monte Morris out there I was like that’s the backup point guard the Pistons needed all season long now obviously we know he

Had injuries to start the year he was supposed to come back in November he had a setback and he came back this week for the Detroit Pistons you’re you’re seeing his impact right away in a Detroit Pistons uniform this is a guy that has a very low to a low assist turnover ratio

Um you could look it up it’s you know tops in the league he he’s a backup point guard that is a veteran that can slope things down for this team he can hit a three-point shot down the stretch when you need it he’s just a vet I think a lot of

Teams around the NBA have even called about recently like they’re their teams are on the NBA calling the Pistons hey is Monte Morris available uh or would you guys be willing to move them and you know I I think from the Pistons standpoint like you need a veteran

Backup point guard like a Monte Morris would not surprise me if they resigned him like if mon Morris has a good rest of the season the guy’s 28 years old he he’s not like you know 34 35 he’s not washed he he’s still somewhat in his prime in

My opinion um I I think a lot of people were really excited when the Pistons did trade uh for Monte Morris and you’re seeing what he can do on the basketball floor and obviously he was with the second unit today with Burks out there but like I said it just the offense

Seems a little bit more calmed down not rushed um and he’s a vet that I I really do like but I did want to kind of touch on his debut for a little bit against the Hornets he look good out there man he really did I’m I’m really happy for

Him happy that he’s out there not to mention you know he did play for Flint beer he is from Michigan there’s a little bit of bias here here for me being a a piston fan and living in the state of Michigan but uh I I really like

Monte Morris out there want get to the comments section or what you guys are saying about Monte Morris how you guys feel about him as a backup point guard for the Detroit Pistons uh Mr E says uh mon over Killian easy yeah I mean like for me Mr E when I

Look at Monte Morris it’s just more of a a player that has been around longer he he’s a he’s a Savvy vet he doesn’t try to force anything um when he’s open for three he will shoot it where at times it looks like Killian doesn’t really trust

Himself to shoot the basketball and I don’t know if that’s a confidence issue I don’t know if it’s him not being comfortable with his three-point shot like because when you look at Killian shot it doesn’t look broken it just doesn’t go in all the time but I think Monte Morris is an upgrade

Over Killian and I know the Killian fans are probably gon to come for my head for even saying that because there’s a lot of Killian stands which hey you’re you’re entitled to your own opinion you’re entitled to you know have opinions about a player that you’d like but I think Monte is a

Clear upgrade over kilon uh we got a comment from Muhammad Muhammad says very true I didn’t expect Morris to play this much ISO he needs to slow down a bit uh play his role as a facilitator yeah I I I think I did see that today a little bit

From him playing in the isolation but it is only his third game back I believe I think once he gets a more reps more practices under his belt mam he’s gonna calm down a little bit um have to remember you know it’s only his third game back uh he’s had to watch a

Majority of the Pistons games from the bench I think once he gets in shape a little bit uh he’s he’s gonna look really good and he’s a backup point guard that I think you know Jade iy and Kate Cunningham and Marcus Sasser can lean on because he has that veteran

Experience he’s played with great NBA players throughout his career um and that’s why I was so high on when the Pistons did trade for him because he’s just a a perfect backup point card for this team our first win against an above 500 team a first seed happy about that but

This is also marks our third win without Kate we only have three wins without him yeah Johnny uh I’m glad you mentioned that I I said at the top of the the podcast that this team team plays a lot faster in the transition game and they push the pace more under Jaden Ivy

Versus when Kate has the ball because Kate’s a little bit he’s not the same transition player that a jade Ivy is but you do see a different type of style when Jade Navy is out there and Kat’s on the bench I don’t know if that’s something that the Pistons want to

Explore going forward to having you know jadeen iy had the ball in his hands more and have play Kate off ball or play Kate shooting guard or small forward I think there’s a lot of experimentation that they can do uh with Ivy running the show because you saw today they played great

In the transition game they were pushing the pace Ivy was hustling out there I I swear I think I counted six just hustle points from Jaden Ivy whether he was uh going for the loose ball I I think he had he died for the loose ball kicked

Out the Birch for three hit it uh the one thing you can say about J Ivy is he never gives up on the play and he’s always hustling out there and I think when I watch that you have to reward the guy of giving the ball in my opinion

Anyways um I would much rather see Jade iy run the point as of right now not to say that Gade isn’t a good point forward I think he is but the pace in which he plays is very slow yeah like I said I I I I do agree

Um with the Monte Mo stuff you a lot of you guys are agreeing with me that you know he he should be getting a bulk on the backup point guard minutes uh this comes from Adam Young on Facebook shout out to you man Morrison Sasser as our

Guards Subs Killian can’t shoot to save his life yeah I mean like I said I don’t know if it’s a confidence thing with him or just He he’ll just never be an NBA shooter I don’t know um you have to remember he’s only 22 years old maybe

You can turn a corner but I just don’t know if it’s going to be in a Pistons uniform because this is his last year under contract um and the Pistons did tried to give him a contract extension but they were really far off apparently in terms of just like a price tag of

Resigning him but yeah Monte Morris looked great out there Marcus saster down the stretch today um in the past couple of games this week it’s just looked great in my opinion I think you gotta play Sasser you really [Applause] Do He

This week on Pistons Talk Podcast, Anthony discussed the Impact veteran point guard Monte Morris made for the Detroit Pistons

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