@San Antonio Spurs

Spurs Trade Tier List..

Spurs Trade Tier List..

To start doing something okay I am going to stop responding so often to people on Twitter I’m just going to be real with you I don’t think it does any good uh when I initially will respond to basically anybody that disagree I had the assumption that it was in good faith

Most people it’s not in good faith even if you explain exactly why you did the thing that you did or said the thing that you said and it makes reasonable sense and you give them actual statistics uh I think that they just fear of being wrong online and it being

So public or whatever and they don’t want to run because that’ll look worse but the entire time they had an alterior ulterior motive all right ulterior motive they they didn’t actually want to uh engage with what you were saying so with that being said I’m going to show

This on the screen well you can already see it you see it on the screen you might have some questions I’m going to explain it here at least what my mindset is going into this um and then we can discuss it a little bit me and the chat

And you know this will be a segment on the channel so anybody that’s in the comments please let me know how you feel about it and I I’ll just tell you I’ll just tell you what what I’m thinking okay um so before we do all right I haven’t really looked at anybody but

Like a couple comments and I only responded to one and it was like move Collins to e and it’s good um which you know that’s not bad faith I don’t think that’s bad faith uh and I think he’s just fed up with cins that’s fine

Whatever uh but I just said hey he can’t even be traded anyway right so um but let’s see let’s see so yeah some people aren’t getting it B is hilarious everyone in B needs to go to D okay not really understanding what I’m saying this person wait Barlo is the only right

Place but Kellin Johnson is explore what yeah so’s he’s very confused he’s like what what what’s going on here let’s see look like someone responded this is someone I probably wouldn’t respond to cuz I don’t know if it’s good faith or not uh let’s see Nathan says below or

Barlo is 20 still develop okay we probably need to look at this list first before we go into this okay um cuz it looks like he’s about to explained it pretty well all right trade tier list all right s tier what does that mean what does that mean Clan what does it

Mean if someone’s an S tier well that means there’s no exceptions you do not trade this player I obviously wimba nyama there’s no there’s nothing that can go on the table where I say yes please I’ll give you Wim banama there’s nothing no he potentially be the

Greatest player of all time there no you don’t do that um a soan and fael so what does that mean that means borderline Untouchable uh I just think with their age with fail’s production mind you and his potential as as far as how creative he is offensively how his defense has

Looked pretty dog on good in this month mind you um I won’t go as far as to say fael is a true two-way but he definitely isn’t a liability on defense by any means okay uh and then soan there’s a lot of potential still there even if his

Floor is what I think it would be which is a Draymond Green type role I think that’s good enough to say borderline Untouchable we still have to wait and see he’s only 20 doing a phenomenal job of what he’s doing now let’s go to B so

This is where it gets a little like questionable so I put Jones Wesley sasoko Barlo and the reason I put Wesley sooko and Barlo in there specifically and what does that mean only the right price so you got to give me something really really good you know for me to do

That and it’s because Barlo is he has a lot of potential okay it’s not a matter of saying Barlo is better than Collins all right I’m not going that far it’s not to say right now soko’s better than mcder it’s all contextual so I think Barlo is a very um high potential uh

Player right now he’s not playing his role or his true uh position uh as a so he’s playing a center right now and that that’s kind of beating him up a little bit but even then he kind of held his own and we’ve seen so many flashes of

Whoa you know he’s he he can shoot the three ball uh he has a nice mid-range game I could see him in the wimy era I would just hold my brakes and say you got to give me something good okay because this is a high potential player

Potentially um and I do have a soft spot in my heart for Barlo cuz he was going into the second round and it’s it’s public publicly known that he purposely didn’t go to another team he was supposed to be drafted in the second round he wanted to come to San Antonio

So I I want yeah you I think he could potentially be special we just have to wait and see at the at the very least he’ll be a really good backup to uh soan um so really really good player and if we have to go small ball he he’s a perfect guy to

Throw in there all right sasoko he might be locked down City Soko might be locked down he has a lot of potential I’m sure teams know it um I think he already has a pretty good good connection with wimy I I just I’m going to hold my breaks on that one all right

You got to give me something good because this is one of our high potential players that I would like to see us keep for the future I mean he is really good his passing ability is really up there defense is really great he has to develop a better shot um the

Biggest issue with him previously for me was his foul trouble like he he had a hard time not being handsy uh but he’s decreased that tremendously substantially uh even so he’s be he’s becoming a better and better Defender so he’s one where it’s like I’mma pump the

Brakes this isn’t somebody I just want to throw out there yet okay there’s a lot of potential and in this new area rebuild because that’s what this trade is about okay this is what I’m talking about the rebuild um I want to keep him around no matter what um or not matter

What but you got to give me the right price Wesley I don’t think I have to explain that I think fans are starting to see the amount of potential that he has not only with his speed but his you know his defense his Lou movement his basketball IQ has has increased from his

First year to now um he’s not losing the ball as often as he did prior uh he he takes just the right amount of risks okay cuz he’s going to be risky at times he takes just the right amount of risk and it usually pays off it pays off way

More often than did his first year huge growth from him um so it’s just a lot of potential with Wesley if everything can come together he might be pretty scary um Barlo super mid Barlo Barlo is good it’s just a lot of potential there you know it’s not something where I’m saying

Like I said this is B tier it’s not me saying that it’s off the table it’s just I’mma sell them a you g you got to sell me a little bit you know you got to sell me a little bit um anyways Trey Jones the reason why he’s in B tier and

Not a tier cuz I think that would be the real question I don’t think many people will say why isn’t he in C or D or whatever uh the reason why I would keep Jones and B tier is only because I think that overall uh the Spurs could

Potentially be okay if they just wi got you know some type of uh defensive Wing or three and D player or just just anybody that can kind of help us out on the perimeter and just have Jones keep him in there let him be the point guard

For maybe another year even and then you can go and get a point guard in 2025 if you if You’ like if the Spurs just have one pick uh early in the lottery I might not go for a point guard I might actually wait um you know you guys know

I’m huge on Modis bazis I know that there’s so many different other players that uh you guys like as well which I don’t disagree with you mind you most of these don’t disagree with the only person I’ve disagreed with is topit I won’t get into that right now but I I’m

Not crazy about top pitch um but overall I I think the Spurs could potentially just get them another you know defensive wing and seems like something we’ve been missing ever since the departure of uh kawhai if we’re being honest so um so yeah something we need somebody that’s a

Stopper and yeah so if we’re looking for that Jones is going to be a you got to give me something good right all right so C tier C tier is open to it so I put Collins and open to it because I think that there’s enough to his game where I

Can justify keeping him around and I don’t necessarily think that you get that much trade value out of him like I said everything’s contextual so with Collins it’s like I just don’t know if we I don’t know we get you know if we were to trade Collins I’m open to hearing things

That’s just me I think that he has really great passing ability he’s probably one of the more well Wim is probably the most but he’s probably one of the more versatile passers on our team and I’m saying even with like Jones I might that might be a crazy thing to

Say but I think Collins uh passing ability is up there with Jones at time it’s really impressive uh defensively he hasn’t been the best the month of January he’s only played five games but God it’s been awful uh but he has he has well no he doesn’t have any time to fix

That I mean I don’t even know if he’ll play the next game um but yeah the month of January was pretty pretty bad for him but he didn’t play the full month not even half the month so it is what it is whatever um but yeah so Collins is one

Where I’m open to it just don’t really know we’ll get out of it you know um now this is where we go in DNA so this doesn’t necessarily mean that these players or are more or less talented than the others so with brandom I’m not giving up this isn’t me

Like giving up on brandom so d i i say this D is explore so it just means like explore what’s out there explore their value kind of see what you could get um but I feel like with brandom and Johnson they’re two players that I think brandham is going to have a very

Successful career in the NBA I think Johnson regardless of where he goes Kell regardless of where he goes he’ll do he’ll do a fine job it’s just that with this team right now it just doesn’t fit and I don’t know how long the growing pains are going to last if we kept them

Right now cuz brandom he’s one where where his game is more so predicated on the pick and roll he’s a primary ball handler and he needs a play or he needs a team that will open up his his mid-range game doesn’t necessarily have that right now right um and then with

Blake Wesley playing even better I I don’t know and I think brandom’s trade value ideally would be pretty decent uh because he was supposed to be a lottery pick teams have not forgot about that the fact that he failed to us everyone was calling that a steal uh so he’s one

Where there’s a lot of hidden potential there if he goes to a team and they can actually utilize them in which they have Defenders and they have Shooters and he can come out there off you know Off the Bench and lead the second Unit A Team could really benefit from having a

Brandom he’s going to be one of those players that if he is traded Spurs fans are going to do the thing that they always do and they’re going to say hey he’s better somewhere else wow we really fa this player we could have had brandom not contextualizing the fact that he’s

Just not fitting with what we got right now and I don’t know if he’s going to have to go to a um catch and shoot roll I’m not happy with that like it’s it what’s the point you know because that’s not the player he is and it’s going to

Be a while before we can even develop a team in which we could use brandom in that way and like I said with Jones playing well at the point guard spot with Wesley coming alive I don’t I I just don’t really know and brandom is definitely a player down

Only the def defensive in you’re not getting much okay offensively if that’s going then you got a reason to keep him on the court but defense is just pretty dog on bat let’s just be real uh and then Johnson so Kellin Johnson kind of the same issue right uh he doesn’t have

Defenders around him we don’t really have a lot of Shooters and then even if we have Shooters out there with him he kind of has a lot of tunnel vision uh and just with this team I just don’t know what what we could do but the most

Important thing about Kell and why I would put him in D tier is because his contract is so good the Spurs did it on purpose to make sure that he would be tradable um cuz either way you can either keep him and you can add pieces

Or you can trade him right he’s he’s a easy tradable piece and I think that he’s out of everyone on the team uh where it’s a nice balance where you can get something out of him uh and then at the same time he’s not really yelling or

Fitting with the team he can put up points here and there he can have these stretches where uh he looks amazing and and he’s getting so many uh points in bunches but overall just what I’ve seen this season we’re kind of coming to that point where I’m just like yeah I can

Kind of see him just going you know um and that’s fine if the Spurs don’t do it that’s that’s cool but once again just explore what’s out there I think that’s cool and then I put e tier do it okay do it uh and Palpatine okay Palpatine’s

Voice um yeah mcdermit Mamu Graham Osman champeny I am I just think you should do it you should get champen is probably going to be off this team I’ll be I’ll be honest with you he if not he’ll be an end of the bench type player um but if

You can get something out of it do it no matter if it’s a second rounder if it’s a oh if you can get a couple second rounders that would be a steal just do it do it do it do it do it uh Osman same thing don’t necessarily think he fits at

All I don’t think we’re getting much utility I know he had a good game and some people were like well Osman had a good game this game that doesn’t like change my opinion like I’m basing this off of the entire season uh yeah and but you know I don’t think he was supposed

To stay with the Spurs for long anyways uh Graham we’re not using them if if another team can take him do it do it uh M uh Mamu same thing not really utilizing when he has played his defense has been pretty bad I think there is a

Reason why Bassie was getting uh uh uh minutes over him at this point so yeah I’m cool with it h hey Emperor Palatine what do you do with gum chew it uh mcder uh Doug mcder uh yeah that’s another one where it’s like you can send

Him off to a competitor and do your thing now anybody that we trade like I said I think that you need to go ahead and it’ll be cool to get a vet point guard that would be nice but I think most importantly just get you some type

Of defensive wing and you’re you’re good to go so hopefully I explained this well where you understood what I’m saying it’s not saying Wesley is a better player than Kellan Johnson defensively he is but I wouldn’t go as far as say Wesley is a better basketball player right now as

Kellin Johnson or Soko is better than Kellin and brandom or Barlo is better than Kell that’s not what this the point is I don’t necessarily know if he fits um I I truly don’t think he fits it’s not that I don’t I I I don’t yeah I I

Don’t yeah I don’t think he fits um but it’s just everything mixed in where you could get some good value out of him uh then it can maybe address the need uh like switch said Swit said earlier you know it’s it’s addic addition addiction no it’s addition by subtraction right um

So that’s that’s basically what that would be you you get rid of them but at the same time you know in the long haul it might it might benefit the team uh so that’s my list and like I said I’m going to stop replying to every single person

Cuz sometimes they’re bad faith so let’s see this is the one we were going to look at all right so he said wait Barlo is yeah uh Barlo is 20 still developing is taking Colin spot but is a net zero on the salary cap whereas Kellin is 25 uh

Gets 20 million and is inconsistent but he played well enough to have good trade value Kellin probably won’t get much better but he may have a better fit on another team that’s exactly what I was explaining um and this is exactly why I’m not going to be responding to just anybody

This is why this is why they’re bad faith all of them all of them you you give you give your point and they just instantly react just that’s your point he’s not 25 he’s 24 wow brilliant absolutely brilliant um and also saying will he improve will he

Not CU I feel like I don’t feel like I have to defend this but just to be real let’s see I probably should have wenton a basketball reference but it’s okay yeah haven’t really improved crap why is this doing this yeah hasn’t really improved um three different teams

Different situations kind of the same result right uh I mean statistically you can at least see it uh since 2 years ago threo percentage has decreased tremendous ly um which maybe he just kind of went back came back down to earth CU it’s the same he was averaging

Around his second year uh in the league um you can see that his his season two years ago is literally identical to what it is right now um he’s averaging the same amount of points you know a little less but same amount of points just about uh you know

Slightly more turnovers steals the same blocks about the same assists he’s averaging one extra assist uh rebounds about the same free throw percentage about the same three4 percentage worse much worse field goal percentage down one percentage but about about the same averaging the same amount of attempts minutes went down one one less

Minute yeah it’s like the same he’s been the same player for a few years now and I think think that with his playing style it just hurts the team at times and it and it and it kind of um puts up a block or a brick wall in which we

Might have momentum going and he’ll he’ll go right into a contest or it’s just empty possessions often times when he has the ball in his hands especially a team that can defend the paint it’s always bad and then at that point he’s just out there uh and with how much he’s

Getting paid which I think I do think he’s worth that money uh it’s a good but it’s a good contract and I think another team that like I said playoff caliber Championship caliber team that has the pieces to defend that has a good foundation that can uh have Shooters and he’s out there

And maybe he’s not playing for 30 minutes in a game I think he he’ll play a really uh good role good significant role uh with those teams so just just with the Spurs in this rebuilding phase don’t really think it’s worth it so um anyways Clan stop you’re going to summon

Angry Ru again I’m just being real I mean it’s it’s it’s true you know it’s true I’m not I’m not there’s there’s not some hidden agenda or some hidden Vendetta I have against any player really all right there’s no no hidden Vendetta I mean Tony Parker let’s be honest I

Mean per person personality wise like as a person he was kind of he’s kind of was pretty he was pretty he was pretty something right uh but hey his play style it worked with the team you know quite unselfish on the on the court I mean he was stupidly talented I

Think people forget that one point in his career Tony Parker was a superstar like he was that good um I mean at one point his career he was better than Chris Paul so am my opinion my humble opinion I thought he was better than

Chris Paul um but you know so it kind of you know it kind of outweighs it you know I won’t have just some personal Vendetta just because I don’t like you as a person um but that’s not the case with Kellin by the way I do like Kellin

As a person just don’t like his play style with the team oh yeah yeah except Zaza big agendas with ex exactly big agendas against Zaza Zaza could Zaza could be in the league and average 30 and I’ll still call him trash I I’m just just going to

I’m just going to do that that’s the only one I don’t even do it with Draymond really Kellin has value with his voice and Leadership exactly he’s a phenomenal leader I think he’s he’s a great locker room guy you know Devin is so inconsistent though I don’t know I don’t think you’re

Addressing what I said uh let’s see he was never a superstar or better than the CP3 ah we won’t get into that I’m not I’m not going to like argue like that’s not that’s not one of my takes that I would like die on a heal

For you know I I don’t really care I that’s what I believe I think at one point in his career he was better than Chris Paul if you want to say totality I don’t know I don’t it’s up to you but uh yeah I do truly do believe Tony Parker at

Some point was um a superstar I remember when we kept getting the J kid rumors so that proves TP pretty good uh that is why it’s difficult to think we should trade no that’s not okay sorry just trying to see if there was anything else I like the Thunder template

Follow okay good stuff


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  1. Cissoko can’t break the rotation which says what kind of player he is. I would move Osman to C .. He is a good bench scorer can do a lot of things

  2. Honestly I love Keldon but I think it's time to move on from him. Dudes the longest tenured spur at the moment and he still makes rookie bone head plays. It's year 5 for him so he shouldn't be making the same mistakes over and over again smh. Might as well send him to a contender. He'll be a good role player on a contending team

  3. Could Barlow develop into a Small Forward? IMO he has skills and would form a towering Frontline once the Spurs sign a second Big to pair with Wemby.

  4. Bro you just lost a subscriber. Gotta stop clicking these click baity ass videos and horrible takes. You don’t know spurs culture or history if you are saying trade Mamu and Keldon. Mamu has true potential to be a more athletic Boris diaw type in our system. The problem is he is always getting thrown in at center which is not his true position. Keldon Johnson is the heart and soul of our squad and the fact that you can’t see that game after game just tells me yo scronny ass was never on a sports team 😭. Goodbye tired of these god awful spurs takes from dude

  5. We are only fans. We can entertain ourselves by speculating and arguing, but none of us, despite how much we think we know, are qualified to make team decisions.

  6. In my personal opinion I don’t think anyone is untouchable except wemby but it there are some guys like Devin, Jeremey and maybe Keldon that I believe have a permanent spot if this team for the future everyone else I believe we can fine another or better type of player for each player we have. But slowly and steady wins the race.

    Edit: I would love to throw in Cissoko and Barlow in the maybe category.

  7. Dude I hate watching Zach Collins play dude constantly gets out muscled and out rebounded he’s an AWFUL shooter don’t know why he still attempts 3’s he can’t block a shot to save his life the only good part about his game is his passing THATS IT.

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