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FULL NBA TODAY | “Nuggets or Clippers are the best team in West” – Tim Legler ranking Top 4 teams

FULL NBA TODAY | “Nuggets or Clippers are the best team in West” – Tim Legler ranking Top 4 teams

Presented by ESPN bet CH AUM Tim legler here in studio I’m Malika Andrew Zack L Kendrick Perkins they’re going to be stopping by shortly so this week right we got the 50th chapter of LeBron versus Steph one of the NBA’s greatest rivalries of century LeBron’s had plenty

Of historic Rivals right you think about LeBron versus Kobe you think about LeBron versus Kevin Durant you think about LeBron versus the Celtics and then you think about the stored rivalry of LeBron James versus sorry Dylan Brooks the Lakers they were in Houston last night your city chaum the Rockets got

Off to a good start but that’s not what everyone was chattering about take a look at Dylan Brooks here kind of undercutting Jared Vanderbilt a completely unnecessary play I am so mad at the outcome of Dylan Brooks Antics that we’re not talking about all the good that Houston did early on first

Quarter in the SEC in the first half as well there was plenty of good that he did but watch This Jared Vanderbilt he pushes Dylan Brooks there he was given a given a technical here and then was tossed out of the game yeah he didn’t get much really money for his money’s

Worth right here I mean a little flick in the back of the head barely touches him but he’s gone and this what Dylan Brooks wants right he wants to instigate you to overreact and you’re the one that pays the price so out goes Jared Vanderbilt but Dylan Brooks he had a

Little bit more left in the tank here CH watch him on this play here passes out I mean there was some good here for the Houston Rockets but then what’s going on with LeBron a non basketball play that you see right here by Dylan Brooks I mean

Swiping at the ball and then making some kind of gesture at his head like to me there’s no place in the game for that type of stuff so Brooks has given a flagrant vowel James stays in the game here here’s a little bit of the good that Dylan Brooks would contribute he

Hits a shot over LeBron haunting right there let’s know it the Lakers they lose big in this one here’s Anthony Davis on Brooks Antics last night yeah I mean you going for you know wide open dump and you just pushed him in the back it’s not a safe play You know guys get

Hurt like that you got to know the type of player he is um you kind of that they just keep going on and kind of provoked it you know he talks and says whatever he wants to the grows to players and at the end of day we men we

Were here earlier in the year uh we asked you about Brooks and you said next question okay next question but I have a question because it’s Perkins AER here Kendrick what’s your reaction to this latest chapter the Antics from Dylan Brooks you know to pushing the back with

Jared vanderbel yes it was unnecessary but I don’t want to hear anything about what Dylan Brooks did for as his Antics let’s talk about how Dylan Brooks set the tone with his tenacity and let’s talk about how the Lakers weren’t ready knowing that they were walking into some

Beef the the Rockets was ready to make hamburgers and they did see here’s the thing right we saw LeBron James and eem udoka get into it in the arena we know the history between LeBron and Dylan Brooks since last year right throughout the whole course of the

Postseason so this was expected they just didn’t match the energy and my thing is is this we’re not going to sit up here and talk about his Antics let’s talk about what he brought to the table and what he brings to this rocket organization and that’s tenacity he’s

Been playing hell of a basketball and he knew that they were geared up I think what the Lakers in them are what ninth and 10th for us in the in the west they might have to see each other in the playin tournament they know it’s tension Zach are you with perk on

This look I’m sorry perk I get what you’re saying and yes the Lakers have much bigger problems than Dylan Brooks but there’s a difference between the Antics as we’re calling it you know talking trash getting in people’s face going chest to chest that push in the

Back is one of the most dangerous things you can do in basketball and Anthony Davis is right people do get hurt that way you flashed back a decade plus ago Andrew bogot was never the same after he went up for a dunk and Amari STM got him

In the back and he landed wrong and snapped his arm was never the same guy still a good player never the same guy that is totally separate you should get thrown out of the game for that and the Lakers are right to be pissed off about it it’s a completely dangerous act we

Can talk all want about the Lakers but I think we got to separate the Antics which is fine Dyan the bill and all that it’s a little tiresome but fine that push in the back the Lakers were Justified to be upset about it yeah I I

Think I’m with Zach on this it feels like that was a little bit more than just basketball but Perkin you want to talk about the basketball for the Los Angeles Lakers let’s do it because Monday is loss it drops the Lakers back to 500 for the sixth time this month

That’s after the team has gone seven and seven so far in the month of January they stayed within two games of 500 as you can see here the entire month so Tim I mean it seems like the story of the Lakers season is whenever they get a big

Win it’s immediately just followed by a loss to a team that they’re expected to beat so how can they get out of this back and forth cycle and take the next step I think it all gets back to the mentality of the team this is a team

That is really just built for the postseason right that’s what they’re thinking about they’re not a team that’s going to bring that level of intensity every night in the regular season their roster isn’t made up that way they’re not a good enough three-point shooting team to like win those trade baskets

Type of games which is what the league has has a lot of knights they’re not going to win those so you’ve got to come with that mentality to be bigger more physical take advantage of the weapons they have to differentiate them from their opponent and they just don’t show

Up like that they can still get up for the big games you saw how hard they played in the Warriors game the other night like those Marquee games Spotlight type games they’ll get up for those but then they get a team like Houston coming in that look they play hard Houston does

Compete and you’ve got to be ready and you can take it from them early and kind of take their will if you can do it that’s not who the Lakers are they’re a team that’s just going to muddle through the regular season and expect to be able

To put forth some sort of run in the second half maybe after a move they can’t muddle too far though because they they can’t they don’t have the ability to just climb back up yeah and you can’t muddle through an 82 Game season and you’re absolutely right the Lakers are

Built to be more physical especially with the way ad has been playing and even LeBron James being a point forward they’re built to be bigger right but then they run into the Houston Rockets who are small I mean their Center that we talk about is alperin shenon who’s

Basically having his way with the entire NBA in an impressive way I really really disagree with perk on this I think Dylan Brooks no one is a bigger fan of the Houston Rockets than myself here at ESPN that is true I support D Dylan Brooks becoming a rocket but I do not support

The way they win and how he handles those situations like we saw Yes we know there’s a history with LeBron James yeah we get that but still those are dangerous plays and I think anybody that supports the Houston Rockets would not support those types of plays right even

Though they help you win the game was lost early on and that’s the story of the Lakers the Lakers they come out and they don’t do well in first quarters and the rockets they’ve been playing so well I mean we’re not talking about cam Whitmore we’re not talking about the 20

F uh you know first half fast break points we’re talking about these Antics and to me it’s more about the Lakers in attitude in the first quarter it’s also about them being 15th in defense and 21st in offense they’re a middle of the packed team like you mentioned they get

Up for the big games but that’s sometimes not enough runway for them to run it back twice in back toback years right perk it sounds like you wanted what yeah yeah Chen I never said I supported Dylan Brooks far as his Antics I’m talking about the tenacity that he

Brought for us getting into LeBron James defensively I watched that entire game yesterday he brings a certain type of tenacity I didn’t never say that I support him pushing Jared vanderville in the back or swiping LeBron I said I didn’t want to talk about that I wanted

To talk about how great the Rockets played and Dylan Brooks did play some some excellent basketball yesterday and he has played excellent basketball all season long and so when when the lake go ahead go ahead no it’s just those sorts of things I think J is saying that

Overshadow at times because here’s the thing Dylan Brooks was assessed a technical foul he stayed in the game or flagrant foul rather he stayed in the game this time but the next time that could be getting tossed from a game like that and then you really are taking away

From your team but perks do you want to talk about the basketball I do want to continue down that path a little bit Zach what what when ch’s talking about the defensive lapses for the Lakers things of that nature What specifically did you see in last night’s

Game well last night I just felt like they got outworked there were multiple instances of loose balls and gang rebounds and just there would be three or four Lakers standing around and one of these young Rockets cam Whitmore did it two or three times would just burst through there ruy Hur you’re just

Looking at the ball I’m going to come take it and look we can sit here and talk about the Lakers being built for the playoffs here’s the reality the Lakers right now are built to be in the 910 game in the play in tournament that’s how far back they are they’re

Playing in a different Universe than the top four teams in the west who have lapped the field in that conference totally different top four in terms of talent and stability than the Lakers ran through last year until they ran into Denver who is still there obviously look

This team is 21st in offense 15th in defense they have a worse scoring margin than the Brooklyn Nets and last year there were all these ifs we could point to if LeBron and AD can be healthy well they’ve been healthy if they could rearrange their team with a Russell

Westbrook trade they did that and it worked what are the ifs this year they’ve been healthy I don’t know if there’s a big restructuring trade on the horizon their new starting five despite the Angelo Russell shooting lights out is minus 10 for the season they don’t

Seem to have any answer that can work for more than a quarter and a half and time is running out until we have to stop talking about this as a playoff built team because they’re not there right now right sure there were little stretches right at the beginning of the

Season they were without Jared vanderbel they were without ruy haimura there were portions of that but right now this team has everything and you would think with Anthony Davis with LeBron James playing at the level that they have been playing at the same team that went to the Western Conference Finals we’re not

Feeling the same way about that team I do Wonder though in the East are the Knicks could they possibly be going to the Conference Finals coming up here on today East Edition we’re going to start in Boston where the team with the best record in the league overcame a 17-point

Deficit beat the Pelicans it’s a Celtic’s second largest comeback win in the last two seasons under Joe moula Tatum Brown Drew holiday they combined for 70 in the comeback win legs are they the most complete team in the NBA believe they are Malika because they can win in so many different ways they

They’ve got isolation players at an elite level they’ve got five different guys to initiate offense they can beat you from the three-point line they can beat you at the mid-range they can beat you on on the defensive end of the floor and from Boston to Cleveland the Cavs they continued their hot streak

Impressive win over the Clippers this time they’ve now won 10 of their last 11 games Darius Garland he could be on his way back to the lineup as well this week Zach should the Cavs be buyers or sellers at the trade deadline are you kidding buyers by bye

Bye they have four really good young players they’re playing really well now they have to reintegrate Moby and Garland we’ll see but they’re playing great they are and then back to the Northeast where the Knicks they handle business they beat the Hornets for the seventh straight win Jaylen Brunson led

The Knicks with 32 points his ninth 30-point game this month it was also New York’s ninth 15-point win in January that’s their most in a calendar year in franchise history so Chan perk thinks Brunson should be in the MVP conversation do you agree I agree but that conversation is like a cafeteria

Conversation right like you have tables everyone gets an inside voice it’s not my loud voice by loud right maybe conversation not necessarily ballot yet last not least maybe least K Roser he put the moves on KD here but the heat highlights they were few and far between they lost their seventh straight over

The last three games the Heat have been outscored by 62 points that’s their worst Point differential in any three- game span under spola now look at this the seven game losing streak is the team’s longest in 16 Seasons under SPO he’s one of three head coaches to coach

Over a thousand games before his first seven game losing streak joining Pat Riley and Phil Jackson so perk the the heat uh they played this weekend you said uhoh but there the two teams right they’re going in completely opposite directions in the standings which one are you more bullish on the Knicks or

Are you more worried about the Miami Heat here I’m worried about the Miami Heat and and here’s one for you right here Malika it’s time for the Miami Heat and Jimmy Butler to go their separate ways and I believe that the Miami Heat need

To do right by Jimmy and trade him to a team that’s actually that actually could compete for a title this season and Jimmy need to accept that for the simple fact when you look at their roster right now right you have an a veteran old Kevin Love Jimmy Butler is 34 years of

Age everyone else is 30 years and young bam is 26 uh you know HZ Jr is is what 22 I think Tyler hero is 24 like at the end of the day this Heat team is not going to have a magical run again and so we don’t know how much we’re going to

See how much time we’re going to have to see play off Jimmy right and we want to see play off Jimmy he’s just not going to be it’s just not going to be with the heat and so I feel like it’s time for them to part ways I want to see playoff

Jimmy too but trade Jimmy Butler feels a little far for me Zach what about you well the challenge would be perk said trade him to a Contender what is the contender that still has enough assets to send out to Miami and have a contender on the way back with Jimmy

Butler it’s a it’s an interesting thought exercise and stuff but look every team season reaches a make or break point the heat are here now Terry Rosier just got here hame hakz Jr just got back they have their team now Jimmy Butler the last two or three games has

Finally looked like Jimmy Butler after kind of mandering around for a bit if it’s going to happen happen if this team is going to click into place it’s got to happen now or otherwise it will be too late not enough games left on the schedule so the next five six 10 games

Are going to define whether the heat put themselves in position to at least have a shot to beat some of these teams and take on some of these teams in the playoffs or they fade into Oblivion the good news for them is they have a huge

Cushion before they fall out of the 78 bracket in the playing tournament but that’s not where the heat want to be you don’t want to be in a position where where you’ve got to beat the top three teams in the East just to get to the

Finals come on they need to be better than this and it’s got to start now or else the kind of questions that perk is asking aren’t going to sound so ridiculous or like such hot takes that is true I just feel some type of way because we’re approaching February which

Means we’re approaching the trade deadline which means we’re approaching Valentine’s Day and we’re talking about breakups I feel like perk the last few weeks you’ve been talking about the Warriors now you’re talking about the Heat and the breakups there is some logical reasoning to the struggles that

We’re seeing are not normal from them because when bam Jimmy and Tyler hero suit up they’re like five and 11 which does not make sense but I also remember that last year at this point the heat were 25 and 22 things weren’t that hot for the Heat and then they turned it

Around and made it to the finals I understand that you feel like you’ve Mi oh let me I don’t want to make that analogy but you squeeze the most out of Jimmy Butler in the playoffs and maybe he’s better off on a more of a ready-made Contender but not not too

Long ago we were also talking about if Damen Lillard made it to the Miami Heat they would be a contender maybe the idea is not necessarily that he has to go and that you have to rebuild maybe they’re just waiting for their best shot to find

Someone else to bring them back so it’s not just on Jimmy Butler going like like this every exct well but but I feel like a lot of people thought Terry Rosier was that piece right everyone said they needed a point guard they went out they got that guard they got a scoring guard

And now it’s sort of like okay well was that their move so I guess we started this by saying you feel better about the Knicks or you feel worse about the heat three say they feel worse about the heat how are you feeling I’m more in this conversation I’m more bullish on the

Next than the heat because the heat still last I look still do have air exposer right okay I have a lot of faith I have a lot of faith in spell first of all perk cracks me up because I think he in the next life he’s gonna be an

Auctioneer just selling everything sold of every player in the league sell off to the highest B sold I can see perk up there with that gav no but here’s the thing let’s talk about the Knicks and here’s what it comes down to for me when I watch the Knicks play there’s a simple

Rule in basketball when you consistently play harder than your opponent good things happen that’s who the Knicks are they come to work every single night it’s the mentality of their coach it’s the mentality of their personnel and their best player Jaylen Brunson is just one of those guys that’s very difficult

To get off his game because he’s too smart he’s too strong his fundamentals are too good and he’s he’s too highly skilled honestly and he’s kind of Built For This Moment to be a leader of a team in this situation so look they’ve got this stretch coming up without Randall

This team goes above 500 during that stretch in large parts what brunson’s going to do offensively right it’s time if they get through that they get Randle back after the All-Star break the New York Knicks are a team now you’re going to have to start taking seriously as a

Legitimate contender in the Eastern Conference that’s what they’re starting to impress me with every night because they just come with the hard hats on every night you can rarely say that about teams in the league anymore 20 and0 perk yeah go ahead against teams under 500 I mean you know they’re doing that

Thing I’m not even about to dive into the Knicks but but like think about this right just a little bit like a week ago right the Milwaukee Bucks just fired their coach and Adrien Griffin they were 30 and 13 and I came on here and I gave them their props for stopping the

Bleeding because it was some internal issues so when you and I’m not saying that he’d have internal issues I’m saying that it’s a lot of organizations that are afraid to stop the bleeding or move on and and hold on for so long when you could stop it early

And so my thing is with Jimmy Butler yes we know what he means to the uh heat culture we know how great of a coach that air exposure is I understand they had a magical run I get that but the writing is on the wall they’re showing

The signs right now that like I I’m picking three teams right now over the Miami Heat that are going to make it that could beat them in a seven game series and I’m saying Jimmy is 34 we cannot waste the rest of his prime waiting to see if the Miami Heat is

Going to be a sleeper team in the Eastern Conference yeah but when Miami’s been to two of the last four NBA Finals I think it’s pretty hard that that would be a hard that would be a hard pill at least right now for the Miami Heat to

Swallow I get what you’re saying perk but I’m not betting against Miami so sold I’m so when I’m going to be doing where is he going to go I’m what I’m doing Saturday night I’m watching our each of the top three seeds in the East if anyone if anyone’s you know

Checking they took care of business against the Bucks 76ers their last two games and then about a week ago week ago Denver they became the first team to Boston on their home floor so Kendrick Perkins we we haven’t seen a team repeat since the Golden State Warriors had

Kevin Durant do you think the Denver Nuggets they are the team to beat here the team to beat for as stopping them from repeat yes they’re not even going to make it out of the way West the team coming out of the West Malik is the Clippers and I need to apologize to

James Harden because the way that he’s playing right now alongside side Paul George and Kawai Leonard Jordan healthy with the depth that they have listen the Clippers are not lacking anything they have three legitimate siners in zubac Daniel Ty and plumbley they loaded at the wing position Norman pal and Russell

Westbrook comes off the bench and provides a hell of a spark and they have a championship coach in tou this team healthy is not only winning the west but in my eyes is winning the entire NBA championship this year wow mark it January 30th Kendrick Perkins is calling

It The Clippers are winning the NBA Championship all right well take a picture I’m writing it down I’ll take a picture in the break I don’t know whether or not the Clippers are going to come out of the west but possibly maybe could Anthony Edwards or GA they’re two

Of the young stars that could potentially Dethrone the Champions although I like to ride with the Champs till the wheels fall off Anthony Edwards he went to work in this pulls up over Chad hren here Tim yeah and I just love his in his intensity work ethic and

There when he’s making the step back three very difficult cover but sh Shay was Sensational in this game Shay creates a little bit fadeaway three there Shay Guild Alexander once again here CH creating some space strains the man I love this matchup it’s the I have arrived matchup SG a and Edwards sneaky

Candidates for MVP based off of the impact that they had but that guy right there a he’s on a different level right now absolutely this one continued well into the fourth quarter here the back and forth between these two Tim I just how he manipulates the basketball around backline Defenders it’s unbelievable how

He gets soft shots up on the glass even in traffic does it again right there onepoint game here kicking it out to Jaden McDaniels in the corner wide open for three and then two minutes left here the Timberwolves now up by two Anthony Edwards he just goes and attacks he

Rejected the screen from Rudy goar who’s a stifle Tower goes down the middle slices through the defense and shows us highlights come on young man he wanted a foul on this call happy with you got you’re going to be fine well he did have 27 points four rebounds but he was asked

About it he wasn’t too happy with refs after the game I don’t know I don’t know and I’m going to take the fine cuz the refs did not give us no calls tonight we had to play through every bump every grab I don’t know I don’t know how we won

Tonight uh big shout out to my team big shout out to my coaches for sure I mean I know I shouldn’t but I shouldn’t say this but I love this guy like I love that these are the teams they’ve been one and two in the West for

Most of the Season Zach they split the season series two and two what’s stood out to you the most well Minnesota needed a win like this they needed a good fourth quarter like this and jayen McDaniels was awesome down the stretch on both ends of the floor along with the Ant-Man who is

Unbelievable look Minnesota’s offense up and down last night they reminded us our defense travels our defense is here every single game every single possession and we are huge and if we look at at the end of the game Oklahoma City down six a player one to zero in on

Needs a three my holy bleep moment of the night they need a three desperately need a three Here Comes Lou Dort he’s open look at jayen McDaniels he’s helping it the nail oh my God hey he flies he’s going to fly at him L D’s going to consider this three 99 out of

100 Defenders are out of the play he jumps back in and Lor’s like oh my God I got to pass it and it just goes from here one big dude after another dissuading shot after shot until whatever that is happens that is my holy bleed moment of the night jayen

McDaniel’s just flying around hopping around and Lou Dort pump faking not knowing when to shoot and just deciding to pass Timber W’s defense is for Real Jaden McDaniels Is For Real they’re just huge across the board yeah there’s a reason why as you see take a look here

At the western standings they’re at the top the four teams are separated by just two games overall just one in the loss column so the race right for the number one seed in the west it won’t be decided for a couple of months here but the top

Four teams you know they’ve started to create a little bit of Separation here Chade do you have a power ranking for the four teams in the west look this is not perks list this is not Malika’s list this is not Tim’s list but doesn’t have

A doesn’t have a fire this is your girl to’s list okay and these are power rankings and even though it could be fluid here we go um perk just said that the Clippers have absolutely everything that’s not correct they have some company so number one on the list I’m

Going with the Denver Nuggets they literally beat the best teams out east they showed that they can do it when it matters most I know a lot of people have been critical of like they’ve taken some uncharacteristic losses but when they show up in the biggest moments they’ve handled their business they’ve been

Standing on business like perk would say at number two I’m going to have to go though with the Clippers okay just because I mean their talent if you think about the big four a lot of these guys who are hunting championships they are truly complete but I don’t know if they

Have all of the I guess you can say expertise and experience that the health has really kept them back from so I’m going to go with the the Clippers at number two now this is where things get fun because if you look at the sings

This is not what you see but what you have seen most of the season are the tea wolves and what I love about this squad is that they’re winning with defense a lot of times when offense is the one that has got a lot of teams better in the standings defensively they’re great

Also what you have a dpoy you have an Edwards who is an all NBA guy cat who’s the best shooting big so I like the te- Wolves there they have a lot to prove this postseason and last but not least my final fourth spot okay I’m going to

Go with the Thunder wow all right they’re top six in both offense and defense I know they have struggled as of late but again Shay Gil guilis Alexander has put himself into the MVP conversation Tech could be Rookie of the Year they’re building a squad that will

Be great for the extended future so right now these are my power rankings I have one team that could have made the list but right now this is what we’re going with who could crash the party like well I’m going to tell you first of all great minds think of like that’s

Exactly the order I would have put these teams in as well and I think the only team potentially could crash this is right here the Phoenix Suns because I just think the upside of what they could eventually become offensively might be able to get them into this party I think

New Orleans is too inconsistent lers we just talked about all their issues I don’t think Sacramento is ready defensively andas Mavericks you know Luca is going to keep you in it but ultimately they’re not good enough defensively I think Phoenix is the one team that could be so good offensively

They might be able to upset the apple card at the top okay the Dallas Mavericks they were not put in the top five or even the honorary you know sixth in this necessarily there’s no question though Lucas been lighting it up right for the Dallas Mavericks get the win in

A thriller over the magic say that a couple of times Luka has now scored and assisted on almost 80 points per game over his last three that’s the third most in a three- game Span in NBA history behind only overlapping spans from Wilt Chamberlain around what oh

Yeah around his 100o game and Jason kid he was on local radio in Dallas 97.1 The Freak and he says we are not appreciating Luca’s game enough take a listen you can’t take this young man for granted um he’s better than Durk uh he’s in the in the in the atmosphere of MJ

The best to ever do it LeBron uh Kobe um and so just to appreciate what uh this young man is doing at the age of 24 is uh something that Dallas has never seen and uh his ultimate goal is to to to win a championship and he will win multiple

Uh when it’s all said and done that’s a pretty bold statement not the Championships the the first part there but does he have a point here perk at first when I first heard these comments I was like J kid tripping but he do have a point and and Luca showed

Us that when he first went against the the Clippers in that series and he dominated the Clippers although Dallas lost the Series but Luca is one to one when it comes down to just individual talent and dominating the game I always said this he’s LeBron James minus the athleticism right minus the highflying

Dunks and all that that’s how much he controls the game a game changer and a game manager when need be and Luca what he’s doing right now the Run he’s on is special I wish a lot of it could come to wins cuz you want to see more of this

Luca in the postseason but Jay kid is on to something listen he took it too far let’s let’s just let’s just be honest about it he went too far I didn’t even have a problem when he said he’s better than Dirk because from a skill set standpoint he is better than Dirk

Because of his ability to handle the basketball and create for other people and he scores at the same rate Dirk did or better than Dirk did even so I’m okay with that he should have left it there and said he aspires to be one day mentioned with the likes of a LeBron

James A K Bryant and Michael Jordan that’s a perfectly fine statement when you throw him in there now with three guys that won 15 rings collectively and you haven’t even been to the finals yet and here’s the biggest point for me all three of those guys at stretches in

Their career were were candidates for Defensive Player of the Year certainly First Team all League type Defenders laid it on the line and affected the game on that end as well so I just think JK went too far and there is no way Jason kid makes that statement if he’s

Not his head coach like if Jason kid just watching Luca he’s not saying that about Luca do you agree come on you appreciate I’m thinking but but legs but legs I was think I’m thinking that he talking about like when they were around his age and at the beginning stages of their

Career I do think so yeah that’s what I that’s what I took it as and it gets exaggerated when it’s on local radio and you’re right perk and I think the numbers that I was going to bring up is he’s 24 averaging 34. six or something right now that is absurd he’s a

Five-time NBA Allstar already at the age of 24 so his trajectory and what he’s able to do his talent-wise I see the comps when it comes to scoring controlling leading a team but my goodness the separators here our Championship Tim is absolutely right to me yeah Zach where do you fall on

This yeah I just I I think we maybe should just leave the names Michael Jordan and LeBron James kind of off to this side in most player comparisons but look he’s on the way there that’s what he’s doing that’s how good he is that’s the territory he’s going to be in if he

Keeps playing at this pace and yeah he hasn’t WI a ring yet he’s 24 years old or whatever he is and the ultimate tribute to him perk nailed it before teams fear him as a playoff opponent they want no part of dealing with this dude for seven games trying every

Defense in the book against him we got we got a trap we got to switch and watching him solve it on the first or at the latest second try he is a guy that makes coaches stay up at night and get cold sweats and have nightmares about

What in the hell he’s going to do to our defensive game plan tomorrow and the next day and the next day teams want nothing to do with him in a playoff series yeah I wouldn’t want anything to do with him offensively in a playoff series by the end of his rookie year I

Said this guy’s going to be a multiple time champion and a multiple time MVP and I believe that I’ll stand by that statement but let’s let him let’s let him get a little further down the road before we stop dropping those kinds of names that’s all I’m saying he took it a

Little too far that’s always good to have something to Aspire to right you want to leave something to Aspire to we had 12 games uh on the NBA slate last night they were a whole lot of fun but before we bounce the play of the night did you guys see

This 1.8 seconds left Memphis hustle inbounding oh my goodness Cameron McGriff throws it down the game-winning alley just a perfect pass from from a absolutely perfect man look at that ball I mean this is respecting honoring delivering a game in one possession I saw this title I was like yes you’re on

NBA today let’s go get it in let’s run back some of the best game winning Alley First Blood our Middle Lane Tower is under attack an ally has defeated our Dragon Lane Tower is under attack enemy has defeated our Dragon Lane Tower is under attack our Middle Lane Tower is under attack deated an ally deated our Middle Lane Tower is under attack enemy deated an enemy deated assist

An enemy has defeated an enemy has deated an ally has defeated Theon defense line has disappeared why ATT your team destroyed a tower an enemy has defeated to ATT Eny our Middle Lane Tower is under attack an enemy deated en our base Tower is under attack an enemy has been defeated enemy blood our Tower is under attack your team destroyed Tower your tower has destroyed our Dragon Tower is under attack Tower attack en our base Tower is under attack you have

Been defeated deated our middle L Tower is under attack our middle Tower nice assisting nice assist why te has deated your team destroyed Towery Tower an enemy has defeated I’ll give it my all Middle Lane Tower is under attack your tower has desty en an enemy has deated an enemy has deated double

Kill when I me Daddy

FULL NBA TODAY | “Nuggets or Clippers are the best team in the West” – Tim Legler ranking Top 4 teams


  1. Tim Legler is straight hating on Luka. He raves about other young players, but hates on Luka. Did Magic, Bird, Barkley make all defensive teams? There are many great players that never made the all defensive team. Stop it.

  2. My only problem with Lebron is acting like he got shot every foul. Yes its a foul but dam. That keeps Lebron from the Goat debate. The flopping. He played out for 5 minutes. come on Man U better then that. Get up and play ball.

  3. Did that weak wannabe gm pelinka had a chance to draft Whitmore? A gopher Again listening to everyone else and drafted that guard from Ohio State, like LeBron needed to be with another one of them!!

  4. Those were dangerous plays way long ago that's why the nba is trash no more physical play just 3 pointers what a jokeb

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