@National Basketball Association

[Wind] Every Lakers season follows the same script. October: “Lakers won the offseason.” January: “Fire the coach.” February: “Trade everybody.” March: “Lakers won the trade deadline.” June: “Next season is going to be different.”

[Wind] Every Lakers season follows the same script. October: “Lakers won the offseason.” January: “Fire the coach.” February: “Trade everybody.” March: “Lakers won the trade deadline.” June: “Next season is going to be different.”

by BigButter7


  1. No-Knowledge9447

    What is else is the nba media supposed to talk about? The Timberwolves? Lol

  2. And meanwhile the nba giving them free throw disparities unseen since the wilt era

  3. Banking-Botanic

    In the nicest possible way they did come off a WCF appearance, they should have some level of expectation of making the playoffs

  4. percbandit

    There’s a reason why the term “on paper” exists.

  5. everyoneneedsaherro

    This has been basically every LeBron season since 2017

  6. WhatTheRickIsDoin

    I like that this dude just made this up in his head

  7. IntrnetHteMchne

    that describes like 1 or 2 of the last 5 seasons..

  8. eutectic_h8r

    They added the in season championship plot twist this year though

  9. Yommination

    Rob Pekinka is shit and Jeanie is a bottom 5 owner

  10. Vexing_Pie

    I thought this was Windhorst lol its just some Denver random

  11. NotClayMerritt

    I’m happy to be proven wrong but I think this team does much better with a new coach. Problem is I’m worried who Jeanie Buss and Kurt Rambis thinks is a good replacement for Darvin Ham

  12. TheseKnicks

    Except they have no trade assets now for “Next season is going to be different.” Time to tank and maximize AD+Lebron trade value.

  13. Zeetheking1

    What? This off season was one of few where people felt we “won the off-season” and last year was the only time since pau that we have “won the trade deadline”. The fuck is this dude on?

  14. You’re missing the “refs give them insane FT advantage to get them into the play-in” step

  15. Islanduniverse

    Except for the 17 where they won a championship.

  16. _FreeYourMind__

    They haven’t been good in almost 7 years. They are the Dodgers of basketball if you just took out the regular season success part of it.

  17. Clorst_Glornk

    didnt they win a championship like a couple years ago

  18. DontBanMe_IWasJoking


  19. RemoveHuman

    Yeah so sad we won a championship a few years ago and made WCF last season.

  20. Disastrous_Bluejay57

    DNVR Nuggets coming in from the top rope

  21. Forkmealready

    I’m a lakers fan and this offseason the sub was freaking HYPED. They said we won the off season with Gabe, prince, reddish and wood… I was hella confused because to me this looked like a mid ass team outside of LBJ/AD/Reaves.. those guys downvoted the shit out me yo….

    Well how the turn tables.

  22. Awanderingleaf

    Still made it to the Western Conference Finals with Lebron leading the way at 38 last season. There is a reigning MVP whose never even been past the second round :/ Shouldn’t judge a team or player solely on their regular season.

  23. needmoresleeep

    Yes, the overall reaction to Pelinka’s off-season work was positive, but Lakers fans saw the weaknesses before the season started. The reaction to Gabe Vincent was mixed. Fans were not sure he could replicate his playoff performance consistently but saw potential but maybe an overpay. And now that he’s been injured, it’s left a big hole at defense at the pg position. The desire for Christian Wood was extremely mixed, although people were happy the Lakers got him on a minimum. The reaction to Prince was pretty understated. Fans were sad to see Lonnie Walker IV go but happy he got a chance elsewhere. Reaction to signing Reddish was pretty meh. Fans were repeatedly calling for the Lakers to sign another big, which they didn’t do.

  24. CartoonOG

    I’d say the Lakers did win the trade deadline last year considering how far they made it. I had them mfs losing first round

  25. How many times has this scenario actually happened for the Lakers? Genuinely asking. “Every season” feels like a major reach

  26. OrdinaryStandard7681

    The amount of idiot coming out of colorado these days is appalling lol

  27. aviatorbassist

    LeGM is laying in the bed he made. Trading for AD in my opinion wasn’t a bad decision but it wasn’t the best decision . It worked out because the bubble gave everyone time off to rest. So while they did win the chip imo they got lucky.

    To get AD they Traded Ball, Ingram, hart, the rights to deandre hunter and 2frp
    They didn’t keep the rights to randle.
    They also traded zubac

    Then after winning the chip they traded or let walk Kuzma, Caruso, Schroeder, KCP, Malik Monk,

    I would argue that Lebron would have been better off to keep the young 2019 lakers around and letting them develop around Lebron would have been a better recipe for winning multiple titles in the twilight of his career than going all in for an oft injured big man, of questionable shooting ability.

    If they would have just kept the players they drafted and been patient they would have been in position to Win multiple titles, and as Lebron aged the stars around him would have gotten better. The AD trade is defensible but in my opinion not ideal.

    The absolutely fucking stupid one was trading for Westbrook.

    Caruso/KCP/Lebron/Kuzma/AD would have been a good team. But Lebron traded long term gains for short term profits.

    The Lakers have drafted extremely well, they wasted all of the value they created through lack of patience.

    They wouldn’t probably wouldn’t have paid everyone but hypothetically they could have had a roster of

    Lonzo/Bi/Lebron/randle/zubac with
    Caruso/KCP/Hart/kuzma/ coming off the bench.

    Even with Lonzo getting injured they’d still have had the depth to recover from that, and picks to support the roster.

    From a GM standpoint the lakers have been totally mismanaged which falls on Lebron and the buss family.

    TLDR: LeGM may have cost Lebron 1-2 titles, which would have probably had him as the undisputed GOAT.

  28. EchoLooper

    Doesn’t help when your star player is 39 and plays 0 transition Defense.

  29. JacobfromCT

    I love the NBA but I hate how it’s covered like a reality tv show/soap opera for men. “How can this team get a superstar?”/”Should they fire their coach?”/”Will this superstar demand a trade?” I would love for there to be more of an emphasis on strategy and coaching, like NFL coverage.

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