@Portland Trail Blazers

Portland Trailblazers vs Chicago Bulls Watchalong!!!

Portland Trailblazers vs Chicago Bulls Watchalong!!!

All righty hello everybody my name is Aiden and welcome back to another stream ladies and gentlemen we’ve got a Chicago Bulls and Portland Trailblazers watch along to I guess go through today the Bulls playing another game and obviously a winnable game here for the Chicago

Bulls as well it is time to see if we can just in the end get the job done secure a victory that we desperately need to end this West Coast trip and move on to our game at home against the Raptors a couple days after this it’s

Going to be a big game um it’s a big game because we got to win the game I mean when you look at Portland they’ve got 13 wins on their season I wouldn’t necessarily say this is a big game just based on the fact that Portland are the

Most amazing team in the world I wouldn’t say that but what I would say is this is a must-win game because we’ve lost two in a row and this is a golden opportunity to respond to that and to kind of pick yourselves up from that so that’s what I’m looking forward to in

This game and hopefully by the end of it we could get the job done that’s what obviously what we all want to see but again before we get any further if you like the stream feel free to drop a like And subscribe if you haven’t already and

Let me know in the comments below what you guys think about the game today and yeah so everything in between just let me know what you guys think it looks like League Pass is not being too kind to me right now so I can’t actually

Go to the live section which is just not good I’ve reset the app about three times and it hasn’t worked so I’m just going to wait a bit and hopefully the game doesn’t start in the meantime let’s see what you guys are saying about this game I’m late I’m

Always late uh yeah always late I don’t like watching the pregame stuff you know like I just want to get into the game the pregame stuff is very boring it’s just announcing the starting lineups and it’s just talking about oh look at the rec form for the Bulls

They’ve lost two in a row at West look at Portland they are struggling how can they pick it up you know stuff like that is I I value my sleep more than listening to what other people have to say about my team you know I watch my team every day I

Know what they need to do in many ways that’s just how I feel about it I’m sure they can give me a different perspective but yeah I just don’t not a big fan of that all right it looks like I’m able to go live at least the game is live now

Which is good and the game is about to start so excellent okay um I hope the Bulls could get a better start and win the game tonight I gave a like on your channel this is a must-win game for the Bulls if we do not win this

Game I suspect that a lot of people are going to be fuming at this blls team so a chance to really redeem themselves here let’s hope they can get the job done um I got two of my weal I got sorry I got to go collect my check tomorrow so

I can’t say I’m too late that’s that’s okay man that’s fine look these games are out west so I’m assuming for the East Coast even though it’s a bit like an hour’s difference um that makes all the all the time in the world bro some people just got asleep when they got

Asleep so yeah um it is what it is so uh what’s up Aidan have not been have not had much faith in this team lately yeah the two games again it’s it’s it’s completely not like they lost in two completely different ways a comeback loss from the Suns and then an

Absolute demolition against the Lakers it’s it’s very unique how we lose these games but we’ll hope for a better one again Portland are not the Lakers and they are not the Phoenix on um but we are away from home so I can’t say with full confidence we’re going to win this

Game but we’re the favorites and we got to show up it’s as simple as that uh in all fairness if the Bulls figured out how to play like that they are at the beginning of the Season we could have have been the seventh or eighth seed but

We’ll never know oh the beginning of the season was not good for the Bulls uh let’s oh I just wow Portland just tipped it right to I to start the game and I gets a dunk hey that’s the greatest start you can ever have to a game right there from the tip

Off straight to a dunk within 5 Seconds of the game or whatever it is so hey that’s nice but yeah the balls at the beginning of the Season were awful it was more towards December and January that we really picked things up I mean we’re still in January but um you know

Early January I guess you could say so yeah uh we’ll see we got an easier schedule coming up we just got to make sure we don’t play to the opponent’s level we could get the job done I really see this week as three winnable games compared to obviously the Kings and the

Kings are maybe not so winnable so we just got to deliver we got to execute Patrick Williams injured is and is in a walking boot yeah this is the one time I do an injury update Patrick Williams is in a walking boot wow well again I’m not going to say that

It it makes sense but like the way that he was moving in these last two games um maybe it’s an aggravation but it didn’t look right to me but maybe that’s just me trying to give him the benefit of the doubt rou needs to go 20 and 11 tonight

If he’s not if if not he’s gone in my eyes um he won’t be traded this season but V Should Have a good game I mean both V and drumond need to have good games in mind opinion but I believe JRE Aton is playing

So yeah I don’t know I mean Jona aan a lot of people question his defense but I don’t think he’s terribly bad on the defensive end V is much worse on the defensive end and aan I would assume so we’ll see how that goes looks like V got

Just got a tip rebound it goes to Io Io in transition gets the layup to go the balls are off to a great start 9 to4 already in the game in the first two minutes so that’s what we need to see let’s keep that up he can’t go flat

Against aan yeah we’ll see we’ll see one thing we know about this Bulls team anyone can go flat at any given time honestly I think we just need to throw Zach uh for bogie and if they don’t and if we don’t get a second player get at least two first rounders

I’ll be okay with that I’d like two first rounders from the Pistons I’d like a play it in return for the Pistons I I’m I’m not I think I was very strict at the beginning of the Season cuz we had so much time but you know I I think I’m just like everybody

Else I can understand the value of keeping Zack LaVine until the offseason just to get the absolute best thing available but I’m again I’m a fan and a fan runs out of patience a fan wants things to happen now you know you want your change to happen now you want your

Future sorted now you want every decision to be made right now and I think I’m falling into that just as much as anybody else I want Zack LaVine traded before the trade deadline because it sets our future up I don’t want to wait and wait and wait to figure out our

Future but if there’s nothing good on the table there’s nothing good on the table we can’t we we we can’t really complain about that plus I oh Kobe gets swatted there was that by JRA Aon yes it was Kobe white in transition JRE meeting him stride for stride there and

Ends up getting that mean block against him but yeah it’s hard it’s hard to talk about the Bulls in their future right now because you just don’t know what’s going to happen no one knows it’s like it’s like when a season ends in a TV

Show you have to wait a whole year for the next season you just don’t know what’s going to happen bro like you know it’s like a cliffhanger he just waiting for that you’re just waiting for the Cliffhanger to be resolved Casey Johnson said after the recent trip he uh senses

That LaVine is traded by the deadline he said um they won’t accept any deal but they will have to accept the best de available deal he also said there is a world where the Bulls would have to give up a pick to move from LaVine well look again when Casey Johnson

Speaks it’s obviously very notable you have to take that into consideration I wouldn’t necessarily say he has the biggest trade information of all time but I I don’t really have anything I’m not against what he’s saying at all I mean he thinks LaVine could get traded

But I I do believe there is a world also you know AR argument speaking where Zack lav doesn’t get moved I think there is a world where that happens um as well so we got to be very mindful but I do want Zack LaVine traded by the trade deadline

I do I want our future sorted I want to see what we have to um I guess available to us I want to if there’s new players coming into the team we’re still in a playing tournament situation we need these guys to get adjusted to the blls

As soon as possible we can’t leave anything up to chance here we can’t leave a player to come into this team especially if it’s a guy like Ivy or assur Thompson for example for the Pistons or um Duran whoever it is that we get from the Pistons with bogdanovic

We can’t leave it up to chance that these guys just come in and everything clicks like that there might be some Growing Pains there for the Bulls and we can’t afford those types of things to happen so late on in the season so there’s a lot of reasons why the Bulls

Should be doing this deal before the trade deadline and everything in between so I hope I hope we could get it done it’s not anything towards Zack line again I still believe Zack LaVine could work for the Bulls when he’s actually healthy and when he plays his role but

He doesn’t want to be here man it’s as simple as that the thing about AK is he has a bad habit of sitting on his hands so you can’t really expect him to make um a move if he doesn’t get exactly what he wants let I quickly dive on to the first

Thing uh another thing that Jordan said about the first round pick we might have to give up to move on to LaVine the only way I can see the Bulls giving up a pick to move on from LaVine is if we’re getting someone of equal value to him

And I mean a a borderline allar level player that’s what I again that’s why I think we could give up a first pick for LaVine but I do see I I feel that’s unlikely uh in all honesty I do feel that’s unlikely maybe it’s like a pick

Swap I I’m sure that could happen we’re basically giving up our first round pick and the other teams giving up their first round pick I’m not sure but I can’t see us getting a full letting go of a full unprotected first round pick for bogonovich from the Pistons I just

Can’t see that happening you know it would have to be someone of equal value I would say to LaVine or someone that’s borderline on allar or just below that caliber that could get to that caliber I could see the Bulls getting a first round pick for them if you know what I

Mean so yeah we wait and see but yeah AK does have a habit of just sitting on his hands and not doing much so it’s not necessarily sitting on his hands and not doing much I think he has too much self-belief in the team and his and himself that he feels like doing

Nothing can still get him the best results I think he’s starting to figure out that this team is just not I guess that good to really just sit on your hands you have to do something and I think the Bulls will do something they’re going to have something’s going

To be done I truly believe it um before the trade deadline but definitely in the offseason so it’s hard to say but we’ll see we’ll see it looks like the balls are missing and chucking up a bunch of Threes by the way um but yeah let’s keep on reading

The chat here I would love to see LaVine traded but I don’t think he will be uh nobody I don’t think he will be nobody wants to pay his contract for a liability of an injury he’s going to bring injury prone players uh obviously that’s a big discussion as well I think

Someone will pay the money for LaVine just out of desperation um does it make sense look I will say this even if it happens I will still say this to the Moon you know comes home it doesn’t make sense for the Pistons to trade for Zack LaVine it doesn’t it really doesn’t but

If they do it it’s out of desperation they want to have some entertainment towards their season’s end because they’ve had such a very bad product of basketball they feel like Zack LaVine can change that that’s up to them it doesn’t make sense to me to see LaVine

Go to the Pistons it doesn’t see it doesn’t even make sense to me that LaVine mentioned the Spurs as an option option to go to it all of that makes no sense to me but if that’s what want if that’s going to happen who am I to complain but desperation will play a

Factor whether it’s the Lakers the p distance whether it’s the Spurs whether it’s Atlanta I don’t know who it’s going to be but a team could get desperate enough to throw up a trade for LaVine and if the reports are that the the Bulls are just going to accept the best

Offer they have while then who cares about making sense I it is what it is if desperation comes desperation comes and plus I think the Bulls will be a bit desperate as well he just kept repeating uh that over the Bulls last week and being around the team that this

Uh separation between LaVine and the team is the biggest it’s been and is predicted it to be done by the deadline look nothing is worse than an unhappy or a divided locker room but I still don’t believe again like he’s been I think he’s been divided for a lot longer now than people

Probably think you know pretty much from the very beginning of the Season uh but they’re trying to keep a professional in the public so we’ll see um I wouldn’t necessarily say his division from the team necessarily means he’s getting traded but it just means he’s trying to

Isolate himself from the team so the team is going to force I guess force the trade whether that’s in the offseason or the deadline but I do see I I I see him going I I do I’ve always said it I see him leaving by the trade deadline I

Think the more time that goes on I I I begin to believe that he could stay it’s a possibility I’m open to the possibility but the again I still believe he’s going to get traded by the trade deadline but if it goes all the way to February 7th for example and

There’s only one day left I might feel differently if you know what I mean the pick we give up L could be the one that gives us uh gives us one of Detroit’s better young players we’ll see I I would give up a first round pick

If we could get Duren the way that he just played in the last game so you know and I would do this I I I don’t know I don’t know it depends on the player it really does IO makes a mid-range the score is

Six 17 to 11 um makes plenty of sense to me we get bogy and IA and Ivy I mean if that’s if it makes sense to you it makes sense to you and we’ll and will’ll go to I don’t know who that is goate to another Bulls reporter sorry I don’t

Know who that is but now I do uh said that there is a chance of value goes down in the offseason even more because it’s another year he injury prone and another year he isn’t an allar well again we saw what Zack LaVine did towards the second half of last season

We we can hope that that comes again um we can hope that it you know it pops up again and Zack LaVine can have a great end to the season if he’s going to stay here we don’t know and the balls will be desperate in the offseason but every team will will

Be desperate the Bulls if the Bulls traded by the trade deadline and accept less of what they actually get they want that’s desperation they’re only trading it based on desperation um if they wait they’ll be desperate by the offseason if they wait even past the offseason they’ll be desperate throughout the season the

Bulls will become more desperate will teams really follow that desperation I’m not sure um here we go Chicago let’s get the big win tonight we are up Julian Phillips is in the game oh wow a rare sight to see it’s like we’re playing Portland chucking Julian Phillips Kobe white turns it over

Poor dribbling from Kobe and Phillips with the snatch bro Phillips got the two-handed block ain’t no way they caught a foul bro they can’t let the rookie play nah surely that’s not a foul hold on I don’t think that’s a foul yeah thank goodness wow Julian Phillips

I think Stacy Kings said the best bro this man’s play volleyball out here meme block all right um I doubt we get any young piston they’re all um they’re all but said they’re Untouchable then I don’t understand why we’re even doing a deal with the Pistons

I I I can’t see like again we we’re talking about the Pistons getting a first um you know gting bonovich and two first round picks that’s the only understandable logic that I can see us doing a deal with the pisses if we don’t get a young player in all honesty

Um Ivy bogy and assua uh wait Ivy ivy bogy and assua and bogy is good for me oh okay i’ take that of course I would but if the young Pistons are Untouchable then what exactly are we doing with the p distance if they want two first round picks fine but if we’re

Giving up a first as well that’s a joke no no no no see that’s desperation right there if the Bulls accept that uh Detroit also probably gets the player they’ve um they’ve had since Blake um I don’t know who Blake is hope you’re not talk about Steve Blake Kobe

Shoots the three that’s off rebound Portland Portland with a chance to take the lead Jeremy Grant kicks it to Javon Cara good pass Javon Cara to V to Kobe all right V in the post with uh Jeremy Grant on him no double team comes he oh wow he kicks it to Kobe

And wow we’re we’re really a little bit over the place in that possession I’ll be honest 17 to 16 is still the score um Portland ends up fouling so it’s going to be side out of bounds here for the Bulls he meant Blake Griffin oh wow okay yeah

Well I mean Blake Griffin did well for them but I don’t think he was ever going to be a guy that actually LED them anywhere uh even when they had Blake he wasn’t the best he was in and out with uh surgeries well I think lvid would do

Better for the Pistons than Griffin but I mean Griffin yeah he had back issues like back issues are very hard to stop he had back issues right before he even got traded from the Clippers so yeah we should call see uh Jeremy Grant is available so we can finally

Right our wrongs Portland have reported countless times they’re not doing a trade for LaVine uh so even if he is available first of all he’s on a hefty amount of money I think he’s on a Max contract is he not I don’t want to do that but

Um yeah I mean we could make the call doesn’t mean that they’re going to answer it I guess all right Simons gets rejected by Javon Carter Kobe white in transition finds V with a heck of a pass and V goes up for the slam it’s a very fast-paced game but

Again I wouldn’t necessarily say there’s a whole lot of skill here both teams just running it looks like another steal no goes out to the corner Grant misses the three Javon Carter is last to touch that’s going to go Portland’s way I don’t know about that one but that’s the call Blake

Griffin uh played injured and basically ended his career leading the Pistons in their first playoff in a while he did well but I think again like when you traded for Blake Griffin you expected I guess a superstar you expected you expected a guy that could lead you into the playoffs of multiple

Years not just one or two and even in those playoff runs again playing injured to be fair um the pisses didn’t necessarily get really anywhere from that so I mean I don’t know I I think the pisses had a better team with Blake Griffin in there compared to what they

Have now but I feel like Zack laik could do better with the Pistons I just don’t I just don’t see why the Pistons want to deal with LaVine I really don’t get it but who am I to complain they didn’t really manage his return well either uh

Because right after he came back and led them to the playoffs he went out for his second surgery y yeah again um playing injured you got to give respect to Blake for wanting to play injured and for going out there just trying to do everything for his team but when it doesn’t

Work best believe people are going to have something to say about it and best believe the organizations are going to be responsible for it as well because the ultimate decision is with the is with the organization it’s with the Detroit Pistons it’s not with Blake Griffin Blake could say I want to

Play all day long and the Pistons can shut him down all day long it’s as simple as that so yeah that’s bad from the Pistons it’s very bad from the Pistons and look it’s not like we’ve not had situations like that in the past as well so we can’t

Judge and blame you know blame the Pistons for that but it’s just not good I don’t like it when any team really does that but sometimes you have no choice sometimes you have to win the game I don’t know it’s a it’s a tough it’s a tough situation out there in the

NBA making all these decisions not all of them are going to be right either so yeah anyway uh I think it’s a timeout I’m not actually sure I’m pretty sure it’s a timeout the score is 21 to19 right now uh the Bulls had a good start to the game and Portland have really

Picked things up it’s kind of been very chaotic basketball if I do say so myself I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s a turnover Fest for the Bulls or the Portland TR Blazers either it’s a very quick game things are going very quickly the want to run in transition obviously

Portland as a young team want to run in transition they just want to you know use the pace of the game so it’s looking entertaining from that point of view it’s looking like a very quick game a very fast and energetic game so I’m excited for that we’ll see what ends up

Happening I mean when Kobe white and V are running in transition and V is getting a slam dunk speaks to everything that’s that’s kind of um going on with this game 241 to go on the game we got 4 14 points in the uh in the paint which is very interesting all

Right thyo misses the three rebound to Javon Carter thyber one of the better defenders in the league former Philadelphia 76ers player all right Julian Phillips drives to the rim and ju Julian Phillips hey this is your chance my friend you’re versing the Portland Trailblazers gets right to the

Rim and gets the layup through contact well done young fella keep going let’s see a juliia Phillips Breakout game I would love nothing more he misses the free throw though so that’s a bit unfortunate but keep getting to the rim young man keep going to the rim if

Detroit plays their cards right uh they could contend in maybe 5 to 10 years they also need to move off of Killian Hayes that dude is a bust the problem is Detroit is has the problem Detroit has is similar to the bulls look um I I’ll tell you this

Right Detroit 5 to 10 years from now could contend right I I think again potential and selecting the right people from the draft can make you a contending team in the end but they’ve waited so long it’s been a long time since Detroit has really gotten close to contending for a championship

They’ve G to the playoffs a couple of times sure they’ve you know they’ve tanked for a while as well IO is going to get another transition Point yes he does oh he misses the layup IO dumu all the right skills but he can’t seem to finish and that is going to be a

Jump ball for the Bulls there um but yeah like they’ve waited so long i’ you know that that at some point you have to understand it might take longer if you keep making wrong decision after wrong decision you’re not going to contend like no team’s going to feel

Sorry for you and give you their best player unless it’s obviously the blls maybe but Carter makes a three they got to do they got to select the right people in the draft they got to select the right people in the draft they got to select the right veterans they have to

Everything has to go right for the Pistons they have to select the right coach because it seems like every year it’s the it it’s it’s it’s the same problems you know their draft pick is a bust unless your Kate Cunningham has there really been a successful draft

Pick that you know at this time IV 14 points per game you could argue he’s a success or not um he has potential potential that’s for sure assur Thompson he’s he’s been solid you know he’s he’s getting good rebounds but he can’t really score offensively so you need to

Build a team around him that can score and allow him to develop his own game offensively it’s as simple as that you know you have to make the right decisions around these players you can’t just draft everybody and expect them all to work together you got to actually

Build the team I think that’s the biggest point with DET with Detroit right now their team is very imbalanced it doesn’t look like their team is balanced well at all it looks like they got the WR on Coach to play their style but those suit those players don’t suit

Well with each other in all honesty um so we’ll see we’ll see uh they don’t want to let uh they don’t want to let go out because they have hope for a magical chance that will make them contend they got to build a team they need to need to sign the right

Veterans they need to sign the right coach they need to draft the players that actually balance well with each other that’s how you’re going to get a chance to compete that’s how you’re going to win games that’s how you’re not going to be last in the East it takes a

Lot more than that to win games you have to grow together as well but their team is awfully imbalanced I would say and it seems like everything’s kind of gone wrong for them this season including injuries injuries has played a big part in why they’re down so bad right now um

Detroit draft and sign busts well that’s that’s where the problem lies similar to us not really though I mean it’s I find it incredible how how let’s give an example here um let’s give an example here when we had our young team right LaVine was young we

Just signed Kobe in the draft Larry Markin and Wendel Carter that team was pretty close to Detroit at that time I think Detroit may have had Andre Drummond at that time um So that obviously really propelled them a little bit more but our young team pretty much

Had more of a future than Detroit and Detroit were really going younger as well I mean there was obvious a time where they traded Drummond or they got rid of him you know what I mean like I find it weird how Detroit has been going at this for a long time

Rebuilding for a long time yet in the end I mean the magic as well the it’s it’s it’s very similar that they just end up having a brighter future than Detroit it’s because they do do the wrong things Kade Ivy ASU and Duren they’re doing much better drafting now

Uh all those players have done well but I still think their team is very much imbalanced I really do um you know it it seems like it’s a 50/50 with them in all honesty they just need time they are young we’ve been giving them time for ages I mean again there’s literally if

You if you’ve watched Detroit play this season let’s take a look at Ivy right Ivy has been a guy that’s been in and out of the Detroit Starling lineup they can’t decide whether or not they should play Killian Hayes or Ivy next to Cade they may figured that out now but for

Most of the season they have not figured that out and that has caused them a lot of grief and pistons fans are very public about that um assur Thompson is a guy that you have to build your team around offensively because he is not a prolific efficient offensive player he shoots 15%

From the three-point line he shoots uh 40% from the field that’s not good offense so you have to build your team around him that allows him to be a little bit more Freer to do what he is good at which is unbelievably good defense for his first season and he’s a

Phenomenal rebounder as a forward and his hustle is second to none in my opinion in the NBA so you have to build a team around these guys I honestly I really think those those guys don’t match they’re all young they’re all talented they’re all good individually

But I really don’t dig they match as a team so maybe it is time maybe it’s the right coach or maybe they do have to make some changes I don’t know this is why I can’t be an NBA executive I don’t think we signed busts we just can’t

Develop them uh look at IO when he played for Illinois Patrick Kobe dalen they had potential to be great role players or breakouts uh Mor Kobe and IO I would say the bull sign busts as well we’ve had a pretty long history again auto porter was a bust for the

Bulls too many injuries very injury-prone I mean I know this is the old regime but this is our pass we have signed bus before um Jabari Parker was a bus we we signed him on a contract one of the worst players I mean not one of

The worst but he was a good for the Bulls put it that way um you know some will say even the the draft picks that we have people call Patrick Williams a bust Pete Marco was a bust uh all of our two-way contracts have not led to

Anything either we keep on Switching and turning them every season so I would say the Bulls have signed busts in the past we have drafted busts we have signed busts Tristan Thompson was a bust for us um we signed him on a buyout Market he was a bust with all due respect

Um so yeah I would say at the end of the day both teams signs bus but I feel like no matter whether we’re tanking or whether we are contending I always feel like we have a brighter future than Detroit right now it’s because of all the wrong they’ve

Made a lot more wrong decisions than us I would say that and plus we don’t have great coaching stuff and neither do they so uh yeah you could draft the best prospects but if you can’t develop them properly that’s not um that’s not on the player and it doesn’t take them to uh

Bust it’s more more of a problem with the bulls development system again if you can’t develop a player that player unfortunately turns into a bust it’s not it may not be their fault we’ll never ever truly know whose fault it is for guys being a bust in this league but D

Terry for example how could you say it’s um D Terry’s fault you can’t because at the end of the day D Terry doesn’t play how could you say Julian Phillips isn’t developing and it’s Julian Phillips fault you can’t because it’s the bll that’s holding Julian fillers back and

The guy barely plays but when they don’t play for a significant period of time they turn out to become bust because the Bulls make them that so it it is unfortunately it affects the player that’s why it hurts so much to see busts around the league cuz some of them don’t

Even get to play I mean would wisan be a bust if he actually played from the beginning of his Seasons until now some might argue yes some might argue no but the guy barely plays for Detroit he barely played for the Warriors So eventually he’s going to turn out to be

A bust if he doesn’t play if you know what I mean um but yeah Detroit without k b a fully healthy OKC by 16 points yeah well everything can happen in the league you know it it’s it’s just one game not only do we draft bus the bigger

Problem is even with our good draft picks there was better players on the board still well again we we’ll never live down in the H burden situation would we uh H I think about it did Marco leave before the development staff came in or after I believe it was before I

Think it was literally the year that he left um the year that he the year that he got waved is the year that they brought in the development staff but we brought development staff in by the way as soon as AK came into the role so we’ve had

Development staff I think we just signed more development staff so it’s not like he had no one to help him develop uh I don’t want to really put that on to him I’m just saying that they signed more development staff more specifically in the shooting range you know the shooting coaches and

Whatnot and a couple of other guys they did that with Marco left how would Marco do now probably the same to be honest see it as how adogu is doing right now put it that way playing phenomenal in the G League gets no time for the Bulls it’s the same thing Kobe white

Makes the three the score is 33-3 right now I’ve not pay attention to this game whatsoever I need to really focus on this it’s it’s a close game right now uh they did Marco dirty though we did we absolutely did I don’t get it I

Don’t get it the summer leag that he had to not get a single minute is a joke and again the fact that Jordan said this right now the fact that Jord uh the Marco didn’t even get one actual NBA game on our team when we did not have a

Backup center for ages is crazy it is we played dere J Jr at backup center but that they would make the argument that he wasn’t ready maybe he wasn’t ready but I feel like no one would truly know the answer to that unless we actually saw him play you have

To trust the coaching staff to know what they’re doing and yeah look maybe he wasn’t ready I don’t know maybe he was ready but it is wild that he didn’t play it’s crazy not one game all he played was garbage time I don’t think the I think the Bull’s worst thing is their

Development I really do like you people will say well look at Kobe white he’s developed yeah Kobe white has developed but if you call one guy developing compared to every other guy that hasn’t are you going to really put that on the Bulls and say the Bulls

Did that you know what I mean the more people that you look at for the Chicago Bulls and say they didn’t develop compared to the one guy that did develop some might say you should think of the player that actually developed Kobe white developed himself it looks like

Everything I’ve seen from kobby White is self-development it’s not the Bulls Kobe white worked on his own handles not the Bulls Kobe white is working with a shooting coach not the Bulls Kobe white worked to get stronger not the Bulls you know what I mean I’m just saying like I think Kobe

Put the work in in his own time and that’s why he has developed I’m just thankful that the Bulls are trusting him cuz that is the one thing you can give to the Bulls someone’s got to ask Marco what happened someday maybe he was homesick we don’t

Know the reason he left bro we don’t know the reason why the Bulls got rid of him we don’t know the reason why he left maybe he got homesick he did end up when we signed him he stayed an extra year in his home in his home to play basketball

I believe I think it was the signning stash maybe just didn’t find it comfortable in America I really don’t know we might have to ask him just to figure it out solve the case study of Marco simonovic what happened how did he get how did he leave the Chicago Bulls where

Is he now we know we got to we got to take a test on him back to high school days yeah anyway we’ve got on a bulls tangent we’ve got on a Detroit tangent I don’t know how Detroit always getss involved in this stream I feel like some of you are secretly

Detroit fans and I just play along Killian no livers no wisman no Joe Harris no I don’t think I mentioned that yet um that’s one of them I skipped past uh they didn’t sign KNX they didn’t sign Joe Harris they didn’t sign wisan in terms of a

Draft but livers yikes Killian Hayes is inconsistent Kellan Hayes could have like 20 assist games um in other games he just won’t contribute at all like he just won’t who who have zeros across the board that’s kind of how I view Killian Hayes um but I think ivy should be starting I

Mean I’m glad that they’ve seen that now D Terry is coming into the game Now ladies and gentlemen we’re seeing a DT appearance I can’t blame him for not finding a comfortable so many people um made him a b a joke every few streams and videos let’s be honest I find it

Hard to believe that Marco in his spare time is watching Chicago Bulls content creators I’m not saying no Bulls player would um just because we’re human at the end of the day you can’t tell me a YouTuber um um you can’t tell me that for example Kobe white doesn’t go on YouTube and

Watch something you know what I mean but I find it hard to believe that’s what I what is going to make him on comfortable he’s going to go and watch a Chicago Bull stream and someone’s roasting him I don’t think it’s that I think it’s more because he’s in a new environment he’s

Probably on his own in this new environment he’s a young man moving to a new country is not easy it’s not comfortable he probably doesn’t know the language very well some players just don’t ever get used to that some players may never get used to that some players

Moving away from their country is just not for them I again I’m I’m just living in hypotheticals here you know when I when I say it could be hard for him I mean moving into Chicago trying to find a place in Chicago trying to learn the language of English you know if he’s

Never learned it before it’s hard to learn um being alone in that country as well I’m assuming his family didn’t move with him and stuff of that nature I think all those things is what I was is what I meant but maybe it is he watched a bull stream and people roasted

Him maybe it is is that I’m sure that got to him as well but yeah I don’t know we need our ball boy back bro ball boys make actual money in the NBA bro like you could be rich just being just by being a Bard boy it’s

Insane all right Jeremy Grant drives to the rim on Kobe White Walker gets an N1 Andre dond commits the foul wow it’s a tough shot right there Jabari Walker G to the line here and he makes the free throw it’s a one-point game this is a close one AC to

V v drives to the rim almost turns it over dalon Terry will go up and under though and he will get the layup dalon Terry it’s good to see a game where we’re seeing Phillips and Dal Terry play some basketball out here how often do you see a Julian

Phillips gets minute in the first half by the way DT with a steel and Caruso with the slam all right and Ali you to Aon Henderson and eight combination working well there for the DP V to dalon Terry Dal finds Kobe Kobe white gets pretty much stuck

Into a situation here double teamed he’s diving for the ball he saves it and an O to Phillips oh wow dalen Terry just threw an alley to Julian Phillips in 20124 who would have thought we’d be seeing the day and another steal this one by Kobe

White Kobe’s going to slow it down nice behind the back he does lose the ball he’s going to pick it back up and it’s saved Phillips in a pick and roll de la Terry finds his way to the rim to AC 43 Alex cuso misses um yeah as I was going to

Say that aloop kind of it went from No Man’s Land like Kobe white was kind of stuck in a situation there to the two youngsters getting an alleo that that seems like a g- league play built up right there and honesty those two having a good time who would have thought Kobe white

Just hustling for the ball there JRA didn’t want to die for it and it’s a no look aloop by the way by Dal Terry let that sink in as well a no look alleyoop from d and Terry boom I’m telling you there is a spot

Here for Phillips and D Terry at least I like I’ve liked Jan phillips’ game today as well like big time I really do feel like there’s a spot for these guys on this team if they just get the opportunity if Pat will finally break through the future of this team will be

Bright I believe this uh few years are a traditional period where the young guys develop Kobe Pat IO Terry Phillips uh sonou Etc um we can’t expect all those guys to develop we would be very lucky if all those guys develop into the guys that we need them to develop to

Develop like it’s it’d be lovely you know if we could see D La Terry Patrick Williams Kobe white a dumu Julian Phillips Adama Sonu all develop into top quality guys that would be fantastic but that is very rare you know you do get you do get draft picks wrong in the NBA

And you’re going to have to move on from some of those guys I would believe in the in the near future so yeah we’ll wait and see how that goes AB boy boy averages 14 an hour in the US 22 in the NBA I feel I feel like some teams offer

More than that to be honest um but yeah I’ll take 22 an hour bro just working in training sessions and passing the ball to people that’s a nice living right there just by passing the ball you need the process of a winning culture and not tanking look at Detroit even the magic

Again the Detroit and the magic it’s it’s it’s what I’ve been saying for a while first of all the magic are ahead of us so we can’t really speak much about them but with Detroit it’s more than just signing the young guys you have to sign the right veterans around

Them you know you can’t just sign any old veteran and just assume they’re going to bring leadership to a team you need to sign the right veterans around them you need to sign the right coaching staff that could get the best out of them the right Player Development staff

You need all these things to happen to develop a winning culture it’s not just the young guys not every young gu is going to work out I would say this for the Pistons as well the Pistons right now Jaylen Duren Kade Cunningham Ivy and asso Thompson it would be very very rare

It’d be very good but very rare to have all those guys succeed for the Detroit Pistons and actually thriv in their team it’s very rare to see stuff like that happen I mean the example we could leech is the Warriors I guess they drafted Curry they drafted clay they drafted

Draymond but they also had a good coaching staff around them and they had David Lee at the time they had Andrew Boger they had veterans around them that really um pushed them as well and developed them even before Klay Thompson really developed into that key guy they

Had Monte Ellis on the team which is you know a pretty good production player they had the right pieces in place it’s very rare so I can’t see a world for the Bulls where Kobe Pat IO Terry Phillips and U are all here 10 years later

And they all develop into the plays that we need them to develop into I mean people are already making the argument that no one that they haven’t developed anyway but I don’t I can’t see them all here in 10 years time developing for the Bulls or into to into

Developed players some of them will be some of them won’t be that’s how I view that’s how I see I guess what’s going to happen in the future I’m almost positive that LaVine will be a three team trade or our return could uh come from a mixture of teams potentially I mean

Especially when you see Andre drumond trade talks recently you know there’s a possibility there Javon Carter I’m assuming is someone the Bulls could get rid of if they wanted to uh the Bulls could also add to the buyout Market and that could be where some of your value comes from

Also I would not be opposed to a three- team trade in fact if as with the Lakers I’d probably welcome a three team trade if we could try to get a pick a better pick than the 2029 one that would be absolutely amazing I would love to see that so

Yeah we’ll see we’ll see it’s going to be an interesting week couple weeks here ladies and gentlemen I don’t see Pat as a uh a Cornerstone maybe the third best guy on a team someday maybe we don’t know the thing about development I mean look

At Kawai I mean we like to off to compare these guys so so often you know Pat and Kawai but even Jimmy Butler you know how long they took to develop it didn’t happen overnight for them they you know it wasn’t like a Luca situation they came into the league and became the

Best player you know it took them years to get into the position where they could Thrive we just don’t know he could turn out to be a Kawai Jimmy Butler type of guy where he develops longterm into the player that we want him to be and people are just running out of patience

Or he could just become a 3 and D guy he could just become a three and D guy with some pretty good athleticism I don’t know I don’t know IO could become the next Drew holiday he could also be a role player for the rest of his career

We we like we really don’t know we shouldn’t be labeling these guys we need to just see how they go no one thought Kobe white was going to be the starting point guard for the Chicago Bulls two years ago no with all due respect no one thought that they either thought Kobe

White was going to be a shooting guard for this team or they wanted him gone I will never forget I guess two years ago now the amount of hate comments on Kobe white was ridiculous it was so bad and I loved Kobe White’s game at his best but he

Just didn’t show his best every single game he he he just didn’t and people were so frustrated because of that but look where we are two years later Kobe white is our starting point guard he’s been our best player this season in my eyes and people love what he’s bringing and

He’s on a cheap contract that worked out very well for the Bulls we don’t know that’s what I’m trying to say they could turn out to be Superstars you know I could turn out to be the next true holiday and just be that guy that you

Need to win a championship or he could turn into a role player that really produces some Knights and doesn’t produce other Knights I don’t know same with Pat same with other guys like Phillips and Terry it’s going to take more than a year to figure them out why is the Bulls uh broadcast

Talking about Duran um and the Pistons probably because of the reports about the Pistons and the Bulls doing trades I’m not listening to them I can put them in and see what they’re saying they’re not they’re not even talking about it anymore let me know what they

Said all right Walker misses the three balls up by eight here a little bit of a breathing room here for the balls as they have a chance to make a double digits vot shoots a three bad Miss Kobe getting um maxed like Mike connley yeah I’ll take mik Hy right now

If we could I’d take mik Hy in a heartbeat right now talk about a guy that could make a difference Off the Bench for you wow I mean he’s starting over in Minnesota I believe so don’t think he’d want to come here but yeah I’d take him if that could

Happen Okay do you think we should move off of Caruso to get possible assets for from contending teams it depends on what the blls are going to do if you like okay I would ask you Blake in answer to that question what do you want the Bulls

To do do you want the Bulls to retour the team get different assets and try to compete again or do you want the balls to rebuild and if your answer is retool and have a chance to compete for example next season you don’t trade Alex Caruso

Cuz he’s one of the only guys that really brings an impact on both ends of the ball for you I really believe he’s going to be an all NBA Defender again this year um as long as he stays healthy he’s been phenomenal for the balls and

He’s had the one of his best offensive years of his career but if you’re looking to rebuild Alex cruso is the first guy one of the first guys you trade um it is as simple as that because he is getting up there in age I think it’s very disrespectful to

Let a guy like AC rot on a team that’s not winning um he’s his value again he’s he’s in his late 20s early 30s I don’t know how old he is but he’s around those ages um don’t waste his career on a team that’s not winning it it would be very

Disrespectful to Alex Caruso so it just depends on what you want my answer because I we’ve heard so many times the balls are going to retour the team and not rebuild the team So my answer is no I don’t want to trade Alex Caruso but it’s as soon as we decide to

Go younger that’s when you trade Alex Caruso um so it has to be a it has to be a deal that is way too good to refuse for me like we’re talking two first round picks here two first round picks maybe a youngster that’s what we’re talking if

You’re going to get rid of Alex cuso right this second anyway they put up Durant stats on the screen and said Pistons have won two in a row and then Stacy was talking about them having good young players um well again I’m assuming the only reason they were talking about it is because

That’s what we’re linked to at the moment Duren did have 20 and 20 I saw that when I woke up today um one of the youngest players in the league to ever do it so fair play to him um again with the Pistons they need a little bit of

Balance their team is lacking balance in every Department their players they’re coaching their development staff I kind of get the feeling it’s just very unbalanced over there in Detroit so they need to sort that out they definitely do every team in the league wants Caruso

You are right not every team I would say but I would say 28 out of the 30 teams probably I’m just making an assumption here of course um would want an Alex Caruso what he provides is valuable man imagine having a player on your team that could really actually change a

Game and make a dramatic impact on a game defensively we haven’t seen that in 20 years a player that could make really make a statement defensively and change a game defensively maybe not 20 years that’s a bit of a stretch but um definitely not in the modern era the

Modern era is all about offense who could drop 40 the first first and that will probably be the guy and the team that wins the game you know you know we’re how many players have dropped 70 in the space of a month like what was it

Joel and B dropped 70 um Cary towns drop like 60 Luca didn’t Luca drop 70 recently all these guys are dropping 70 when was that a commodity 20 years ago Kobe dropped 81 and that’s you know other than that you’d get maybe one game a season where someone will drop 60 if

You’re lucky that season so like yeah defense if you can make a real difference on a defensive team um it’s very valuable name a team that wouldn’t want kuso I would say a tanking team uh I would say Portland for example wouldn’t want Alex Caruso I would say

The Pistons wouldn’t want Alex Caruso I would say teams like like the Memphis Grizzlies probably wouldn’t I mean maybe Memphis because injuries you know they’ve got their whole starting five injured maybe next season they’d want Alex Caruso but tanking teams wouldn’t want Caruso and Caruso wouldn’t really want those teams either I would

Assume I would say teams like that but if you’re looking at a team for example A Team on the brink of trying to save their season like the Warriors or the Lakers yes they would want Alex kuso if you’re looking at a team like the bucks

Or a team like Philly Boston Denver yes Ed want Alex Caruso um yeah I would say just a couple teams might pass on him those teams want vets not every team wants vets Portland don’t want vets Portland are trying to tank they got rid of every vet except

For Jeremy Grant they literally got rid of every vet they could I don’t think Portland wants vets I really don’t and plus if they want want a vet that vet wants to that vet has to want to go there as well cuz uh they don’t they’re not going to want a vet that

Doesn’t want to be there as well you got to remember that we’ll see I guess it just depends on Ker’s character think about trading Zack for Bogi not extending Demar and Drummond you’d be looking at close to 40 to 50 million extra then 20 million at the end of a

2425 um you could acquire more Talent you could you could acquire more Talent with that amount of money with not extending to um I think bonovich is he not on an expiring contract I’m not too sure uh Zack LaVine obviously getting off the books yeah you could definitely sign

More talent but sign the right Talent again you got to sign the right Talent we know what the Bulls problems are we know the Bulls don’t have a lot of size and forward help we don’t we know the Bulls don’t necessarily have a rim protector we know

The Bulls can still work on their three-point shooting um there’s a lot of things we could sign there it’s about signing the right pieces so you know free agency has Al often been a struggle for the Bulls because we don’t necessarily sign the right talents and Superstars don’t

Necessarily always want to come to Chicago some do most I would say don’t so we got to be careful with that as well Alex cruso should retire a bll um I’m not sure if he’ll retire as a bll I think eventually the Bulls will trade him if we are trying to rebuild um

Yeah we’ll see uh an interesting team to watch uh for wait I don’t see a world where Drummond or D rozan extend it would be financially irresponsible to uh to move to extend D rozan the Bulls want to extend D rozan that’s been reported for

A long time now but the money that they are offering and the money that dear want is far apart that’s been from the very beginning of the Season we’ve known that so it might be irresponsible but that’s what they want to do they want to extend demard Rosen

Um an interesting team to watch for trade deadline is OKC all of their picks wow wonder if there are any scenario they would want LaVine and what player we might receive uh that match I think OKC are very selective I’m not sure if OKC is going to rush into

Anything um you know they have a whole bunch of Trades that they could do with those picks they could get most most players in this league based on their picks alone but um I kind of get the sense that they’re looking for the right guy and maybe they

Just don’t think Zack LaVine is the right guy so cuz if Zack LaVine was the right guy for them you can’t tell me they wouldn’t be in the conversation because they have the money to do it they have the youngsters as well they got a couple of good youngsters they

Could give up if they wanted two and they’ve got the picks to do it as well I just don’t think they want LaVine but we’ll see desperation could come into play um PDX is vets I’m assuming you mean Portland’s vet uh vets Aon and Simmons I mean yeah they’re technically

Vets but they’re vets that fit their timeline I mean they’ve been around the league I think Andre eight has been around the league for at least five years but what is he like 24 you know there’s still room to grow for aan and same with Simmons as well or Simons I

Should say um both of them are still young enough to make a difference AC is not 24 years old I mean let’s take a look how old is Alex Caruso let’s we’ll take a look how old is Alex kuso because I think he’s 29 30ish he’s 29 years

Old that’s a player right there that only has a few you know maybe about five or six years in the NBA to make the biggest impact in the league to really get to that you know he’s in his prime essentially do you do you think Alex

Caruso wants to spend his years in his prime on the Portland Tri Blazers that are not ready to compete they have 13 wins on their season they are not ready to compete Alex Cru would have made sense when Dame was on there maybe when C J was playing there but I don’t think

Portland would do that to AC I don’t think they want to do that to AC and AC I don’t think would want to go there so yeah no I I can’t see a world where Portland would want Alex Caruso and their vets are very young veterans if you consider even consider

Them veterans I don’t consider Simons a veteran or Aon a real veteran I see them as upand cominging players still but I guess that just depends on how you them if the Bulls play their car drive they could build a really good team considering AA is making 6 million kuso

Is making 9 million and Kobe’s making 11 million exactly I I honestly think Kobe white that contract might have been the best thing we could have done cuz Kobe white in the next three seasons is either going to be our first or second best player on this team and

Wow you know like you could get a number one option on big money and you got Kobe white on 11 million that’s phenomenal I know Kobe W has um incentives built upon that that again Kobe White’s deal is so Team friendly and so is Alex cruso and

To an extent so is IOS uh so we’ll see it’s going to be again we have the potential to do something but does it mean we’re going to get it right probably not probably not um okay if I’m OKC I’m going for Larry maradan wow that’s a bold statement OKC doesn’t need

Larry they’re set to dominate the draft in the next 5 years as well as all the young Talent they have if they don’t win if they don’t get a title I’ll be shocked they’ve built themselves in a good position but I wouldn’t mind Larry mark on OKC again we we’re assuming that

OKC have to give up five first round picks for Larry marinan they would probably only have to give up two maybe even one cuz Larry wants to leave Utah I’m pretty sure if I’m not not mistaken that’s what the reports are out there about lry marketer wanting to leave and

Utah wanting to trade once those things are public you’re not going to get five first round draft picks for Lowry you know what I mean um as long as it’s publicized as long as it’s publicized you’re going to get less picks probably so I they could get Larry I think for

Larry it’s just about would they want to pay Larry that amount of money and would that actually help them win a championship if the answer’s yes then you go for it if the answer’s no then you keep your picks and you move on um I think Brockton and

Grant are more of their vets they are but look they want to trade Brockton they’re still interested in trading for him they’re open to the idea of trading him I don’t know about grants I’m St they signed Grant to a Max extension if I’m not mistaken they

Signed him on a big time contract um or close to a Max I don’t know what it is but um they they they are interested in trading for Malcolm Brockton that’s considered their vet you know what I mean not every team is seeking veterans right now or if they are seeking veterans

Veterans that are probably on the end of their career that could just provide some wisdom I don’t know I don’t know I wonder what his game will be like in his 30s I don’t think he’ll be as energetic driving um driving diving for balls as much

Anymore I mean look if he’s turning if he’s turning 30 uh in February his game will be the exact same um but if he’s getting to like 35 36 years of age probably not um his body you know he’ll probably be out a lot more in those

Times than he is now um at the age of 29 that’s what I would say even if he does kind of stay the same that was a good first half by the balls they need to keep uh keep it up in the second half

And keep their lead we’re up 53 to 42 by the way balls up by nine in this game um let’s hope that that could continue do you think the Blazers can win they’re not out of the game not by a long shot uh yes I believe the Blazers

Can win this game but look I think if you’re a Blazers fan and you’ve been watching the Bulls and scouting the Bulls here are things you need to know number one the Bulls fall in love with the three-point line a little bit too much when they’re not shooting it well

The Bulls could get stagnant Billy Doan doesn’t use timeouts in the second half and the Bulls concede big leads in the second half so yes Portland can win this game but I’m hoping the Bulls will have enough to seal the deal cuz we need to win this

Game we’re a two game losing streak right now we need to redeem ourselves we need to win the game so I would still put the Bulls as the favorite uh keep eyes Alonzo he’s running again oh next season this Lonzo time ladies and gentlemen another guy on a hefty

Contract but that’s going to be an expiring deal next season so we’ll see how he goes again next season is going to be a very interesting season very interesting season really so there is uh the Bulls just kind of gave a stat out here I think it was Adam am that said this

That Kobe W has the biggest minutes in the NBA he leads the minutes in n in minute he leads the league in minutes played we are really becoming a Tom Tibido team out here bro just playing everybody 38 minutes a night bro that’s crazy but that goes to show how much they trust

Him all right I’ve Never by the way I think this is the first time I’ve been through a whole half of um a whole half time without looking at the stats and without I guess looking at the other teams and what there’s going on around the NBA I’d like to apologize for that

But there were so many chats at halftime um that I wanted to get through that it basically took us all the way to the third quarter so yeah uh I don’t know who’s doing well and who’s not doing so well I guess I’m going to have to figure that out in the

Game reaction but a lot of chats out here the problem with that is that we don’t know if the pain is really gone because the pain had returned when he started um taking jumpers and cutting I would say when it comes to that situation a cartilage injury you would

Most likely suspect that the pain would be gone during rehab you know what I mean but if he is starting to run again all in due time all in due time but he was also he was also having pain even before then as far as I’m aware um it was uncomfortable I think

Was the word that was used often maybe not pain but uncomfortable so we’ll see we’ll see he’s expected to come back next season so he’s got a long time listen we don’t we don’t need to rush him into anything here if he’s running and cutting great um if he’s shooting jump

Shots soon great he’s not coming back this season so he can take all the time in the world if he wants there’s a lot of time for him IO dal’s goal uh the next few years is to become the next Caruso I’d love that how am I

Doing I’m doing well Bulls are winning can’t complain um yeah can’t complain too much the 49ers win tonight finally finished uh Super Bowl February 11 my head hurts I don’t know too much about the Super Bowl to be honest I’m not from Chicago or from America um that’s the

One spot I probably need to learn more about but congratulations I guess on the win and yeah good luck in the Super Bowl I know about the Super Bowl it’s a very big thing um but yeah all the best when you thinking the Bulls uh when

Are you thinking the Bulls will be where do you think the Okay Okay Tyler saying where do you think the Bulls will be in their standings look I said at the beginning of the season I think we’d finish seventh or sixth in the Eastern Conference

Um the problem with that is I don’t want to be the guy that changes my mind cuz again I’m kind of the guy where if I’m wrong I’m wrong you know what I mean and we move on from it so at the beginning of the season I said six and seventh

Seed I’m going to stick by that and say that’s where I think the Bulls will finish but there’s also a very big chance we stay where we are or we go to the ninth SE uh the eighth seed so that’s my answer I think six I’m

Still sticking with six at seven just so you know by the end of the season if people want to say you were wrong that’s fine I’ll give them the opportunity to say that but where we are right now I can see e seed on the horizon for

Us so we’ll see one of those three seeds I guess or even where we are let’s hope we don’t stay where we are that’d be pretty I I want the double chance in the playing tournament that’d be nice um the real answer will be when he starts jumping and cutting if the pain

Is gone it should be a straight shot to to recovery before uh because it is a cartilage issue the transplant should M should mate any pain well that’s what I mean um with a cartilage injury you know I guess with him I with the whole cillage surgery it should be mitigating any pain

But you don’t know he had a whole bunch of surgeries before that one he had two surgeries before that because they thought it was an MCL injury and they thought it was this and that and it just wasn’t so that’s why the pain continued so who knows but I do believe

I’m going to be The Optimist and I do believe that Lonzo will be painfree or maybe not necessarily completely painfree to the extent where he’s always 100% every day cuz I think as an athlete you don’t really get those days ever that you’re purely 100% every single day but close enough to compete

And try to make a comeback in the NBA he may not be the same player he may not have have the same attributes anymore he may have to adjust his game differently he may not be a starter anymore I don’t know but in terms of making a comeback and

Actually playing I believe he’ll be painfree enough to do that so we’ll see I’m going to be The Optimist um where do you think the balls will finish in the standings again I I think 6 to7 is what I said at the beginning of the season I think if you

Ask me now and I had to change my answer it would be around 8 to9 but I’m going to stick with six to7 because I don’t want to go back on that word so we’ll see what ends up happening let’s go Bulls let’s get this win tonight we’re

Getting closer and closer 55 to 49 is the score right now for the Bulls and the Trailblazers and it seems like Portland just won’t go away they come back the Bulls kind of surge then Portland to come back the Bulls try to Surge one bad quarter could

Really end things for the Bulls here so we got to be careful um as an international myself when did you start to cheer for the Bulls I started at the age of 1991 at the age of six uh a little bit later than you um I started really watching the Bulls as

Kind of a 13 14y old uh about the D Rose era I think the the year after D Rose’s injury is when I really got into basketball uh D Rose’s first injury uh with the Sixers the year after that was the year I really got into basketball I would say so yeah about

About close to 10 over 10 years now I would say I’ve been cheered for the Bulls there shouldn’t be any pain it makes uh it makes sense uh everything happened how it did because if he damaged cartilage depending on how much his knees would uh be bone on bone yeah

Well that’s what cartilage is supposed to protect that I assume I can’t say I’m a doctor but you know like the whole point of his surgery is supposed to be he’s pain free so unless they’ve messed it up again I see him being pain free for the

Most part didn’t they say he’s already pay free um that that has been reported that he is paying free but he’s ramping it up a little bit more now that’s the apparently that’s the story I going on about Lonzo and when you ramp it up there might be some pain there that he

Didn’t know he had I don’t know um but it has been reported in the past that he is pain free he I think he’ll be painfree enough to make a return at some point next season the balls are setting uh a settling for three point point shots

Again not good uh again I’m really paying attention to the chat but but that seems to be a second half performance for the Bulls where we just settle settle settle settle and then when it matters the most oh look Kobe W could drive to the rim again you know

Like look everybody drives to the rim now we make a hard for ourselves they did however um you have to take it with a grain of salt until he starts his hard movements and plays to see how it really affects him that’s the whole point about

Whether or not he’s going to be NBA ready or not can he make those hard Cuts can he make those hard runs can he play the same style as he played before can he adjust his game enough to be NBA ready you know what I mean like there’s

Going to be a lot of ifs buted May’s with Lonzo B until we actually see him play we need to see him on the court for ourselves whether it’s pre-season whether it’s the middle of the Season whether it’s the beginning of the Season whether it’s 25 minutes that’s in a

Starting role whether it’s 10 minutes off of the bench that’s when we’re going to see and no all cuz again we’ve seen the Bulls hide stuff from us they still haven’t announced Billy Donovan’s extension by the way it’s been two years still don’t know how long Billy stayy

For so the Bulls keep things from us they don’t tell us the truth sometimes so you could believe what Lonzo says you could believe what the Bulls say you could believe he’s pain free you could believe he’s not pain free you could believe everything you want to believe but nothing is truly

Answered until you see him for yourself until you see the actions actions speak louder than words I love that saying cuz it’s very important um in in just everyday life to to have the actions just as much as the words and we will see Lonzo Ball’s actions and what

He’s able to do compared to what his words say and we’ll see if he will be able to play It’s going to be an interesting time but don’t settle for just words there’s a lot more left I mean remember Zack LaVine when he said he was

100% at the beginning of last season and then every single game he didn’t play back to backs because of his knee um he was stretching his knee pretty much every single possession he could he wasn’t 100% that wasn’t true because if he was 100% he would not be needing to

Stretch out that knee every single time there was contact he would not be missing backto backs he would have been 100% he would have been ready to play and then they even admitted at the um at some point throughout That season Zack line wasn’t really 100% so don’t

Listen to words is what I would say or listen to the words but don’t necessarily interpret them as the complete truth all right 57 to 53 is the score There’s 7 minutes left in the third quarter Jeremy Grant midrange and it rims out rebound to Nicola vvi Kobe white trying to

Run finds I I with a nice crossover gets into the paint finds AC out there in the corner and thall one of the better defenders in the league says absolutely not and he swats it out of there hey if it’s a Defender you want in this

Ball’s team if we want to do a deal with Portland I would take thall talk about a guy that can make a difference on the defensive end as well that’d be pretty pretty excellent to see but he’s not necessarily known as the most amazing scorer D rozan shot clock

Violation that will go to Portland again the Bulls are kind of losing their heads a little bit I would say here Um would you do this Zach and Javon for Keegan Murray Barnes Hera and the 2025 protected pick yes yes don’t need to ask me twice buddy yes I would do that that’s a that’s a retour if I’ve ever seen one a couple of good role players Harris

Barns a good forward Keegan Murray good player um herder great three-point shooter and a protected pick yes I would do that but I don’t think the Kings would do that I think it’s a bit too much for the Kings considering where they are in the west but um I’d probably do that

What’s good what’s good my friend Jordan says why would Sacramento do that man we would have to give up Z two first routes for those players um Keegan Murray’s going to be a star also Untouchable Jordan’s g off bro it’s okay Jordan bro let’s live in hypotheticals for a situation we don’t

Know bro like it’s all right you know maybe the Kings just kings are stupid you know just like the Phoenix Suns suns are stupid maybe Phoenix is uh maybe Sacramento is stupid we don’t know Kobe why was that an M1 or no call okay 61 to 57 Kobe white has 13

Points just talking to Billy Donan at the moment as Malcolm Brockton shoots a free throw if that popped up to me yes I would do it if Sacramento wanted to offer all those guys for LaVine and a protected pick yes of course I would do it all right 61 to 59 two-point game

Here Portland have 15 free throws compared to the bulls four iio drives to the rim finds V for a jump hook and he got it all right 63 to 59 Brogden gets it to the mid-range good defense by IO thall to Aon Aon in the paint nothing but

Nets jandre a in a very good bench not bench paint scorer Kobe white gets his way into the paint and he gets a little floater off to go it looks like the balls are getting back into that paint let’s hope it can continue Brogden nice crossover gets to

The rim and that is blocked by I on the backside 448 to go in the third quarter both teams really putting in a shift here to win this one Keegan Mario had 47 points uh a 47 point game where he made 12 threes if he was our player

Um would you be trading him for LaVine I wouldn’t go based on one game to be honest if it’s just one game that you if that’s the only game that you can bring an example for but we’ve already had this discussion about Keegan Mari before

So I I already know how good of a player Keegan Mari could turn out to be so no I wouldn’t but that I wouldn’t go based on one game trying to play Both Sides here it looks like Julian Phillips got an n one like for example if you told me

Right now for let’s just say Julian Phillips had a 47o game just it just happened let’s just you know live in la la land and then you would say would you trade Julian Phillips on if you’re the Bulls yes because it’s just one game but I’ve seen Keegan maray there’s a difference I

Know but um I would if I’m the Kings I’m not doing that deal I would I I would say get rid of Murray look maybe ke Murray for Zack LaVine and we could give up a first or you know if that if that was something we could do straight up maybe I don’t

Know it’s hard wean let’s okay let’s take a look at Keegan Murray’s stats this season we got time on our hands let’s let’s see what we can do about this stats he’s averaging 16 points per game 5.5 rebounds 1.6 assists uh don’t have his efficiency stats but I’m going to

Trust that they’re solid and and he’s 23 years of age so with those stats in mind I’ll leave that up to you guys do you think the Bulls and Sacramento could get a deal done where we send Zack LaVine to the Kings for Keegan Murray Harrison Barnes Hera and a 2025 protected pick

I’ll leave that up to you I don’t think the Kings would do it but that’s just me um Julian Phillips is doing amazing he is every time I look at him he’s just driving to the rim with very high Effectiveness here speaking of drive into the rim that looks like something

Happened in the paint there and that’s going to go Portland Portland’s way he’s had nine games with 25 plus if that was Patrick Williams would you trade him because if that was Pat we would be calling him the next LeBron um again it’s different with Pat isn’t

It because Patrick Williams is I guess a two-way he’s seen as a two-way player so if all they could do was score the ball and not play defense then he would be compared to Zack LaVine if you know what I mean but um if Patrick Williams averaged

25 a game with his ability to play defense I would probably cry if we got rid of him I would I would cry genuine tears would you trade line for CLA for clay kaminga and a 27 first I believe we could do that uh we could do it for

Lonzo’s exception if you’re saying Lonzo and and LaVine for Kay kaminga and the 27 first that won’t happen because I I really don’t see any team trading for Lonzo ball I don’t see any team wanting to pay Lonzo ball 20 plus million for a chance that he might not ever be NBA ready

Again so would I do it I mean I like kaminga the guy’s going off I don’t even think the Warriors would do this but um I just don’t know about clay I I don’t know about clay cuz clay to me is having a really down year right

Now and that’s on the Warriors where the ball movement is second to none what would he do for the balls where all he did is sit in the corner I don’t know I don’t know I would probably say yes because I’d want kaminga I guess but I don’t know Keegan shot 41% from

Three on six of 10 his rookie year they should be looking at Chris Murray his brother on the Blazers I didn’t even know he had a brother I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s that like you’re making it sound like it’s unfathomable um you know I think Kari could potentially become a great player

He has great potential to be so 16 points at the age of 23 is not bad at all but what what is now you’ve pied PE my interest what did LaVine average a 23 years old oh man why am I doing this to myself bro I don’t I don’t want to give myself

Al hope for things that that will probably never happen let’s take a look at what Laine averages at 20 at 23 years of age ah Aiden bro what are you doing why are you doing this Zach averaged 23 points wow 23 points per game 4.5 assists shots 37% from

Three wow 46% from the field okay well interesting anyway have you seen the Pistons trade uh LaVine trade rumors even for me it’s ridiculous uh what they’re asking for LaVine again as soon as I saw that the Bulls would want Kate Cunningham in return like I immediately switch off like come

On bro come on you like Kade Cunningham is probably their first player that’s considered a franchise player that actually brings them hope and that’s what you’re seeking in return look I think personally Ivy assur Thompson um and Duran and not even Duran Duran in my opinion is off the books as

Well but IV inur Thompson I think that that we could get a trade from them but the Pistons are probably don’t want to get rid of them but as soon as you mention Kade just like why come on why even bro it I’m telling you now if the Bulls

Actually said in a phone call to the Detroit Pistons we wouldn’t mind Kate Cunningham in a trade the the prop the biggest side eye the Pistons GM or Executives would have given to that comment it would have been crazy that man would have got whoever again

Surely not no way uh what is wrong with Bulls fans Kay kaminga an a first y all tripping we have to uh trade the entire big three for that deal and Billy Donovan oh calm down Jordan bro let’s not pretend Clay’s like the end or be or

Here it’s just Kingo I don’t think anyone actually really wants clay would not work here um I really don’t think clay would work here it’s just kaminga but yeah anyway Bulls fans are going to be so disappointed when the trade happens uh this Keegan Murray second

Year in the league LaVine is uh at 23 in the league was here for 5 years hey don’t shoot the messenger here bro I’m just looking at Stats I’m I’m I’m not out here compare I was comparing them at 23 years of age but that was just a peak of Interest

That was not to make an argument for anything it’s either Ivy or assua not Ivy and assua uh no I well if I said that that’s not what I meant we know bogdanovic is going to be in the trade just for contract sakes I’m saying if we

Could get iy or a I didn’t mean both we’re not getting both but I’m saying out of all the Pistons players Cade Ivy assua Duren asua and Ivy are the ones that are more likely to get cuz what’s happened to them in their season at the at the middle of the

Season um you know Ivy was a bench player you know what I mean and ass saw Thompson sometimes he didn’t even play for Detroit in some games that’s what I’m saying we are likely to get one of those two we would not get both Clay is better than l Clay

Is better than LaVine and is a much better Defender and they really said kaminga the audacity to ask for a first as well I’m sorry I don’t think Clay is better than LaVine the only reason I think you’re saying that is because you’re hurt with Zach LaVine Zack LaVine hurt you deep

Inside I think Clay’s having a he’s having a I mean wa we’ll take a look at the stats 17 points and I don’t think Clay’s that been that good defensively either but hey considering the fact there’s a big fact here if you want to bring clay into the

Conversation I’ll tell you the biggest thing that makes me feel that like clay I guess you know is a better option than LaVine because I think lavine’s the better player right now but Clay Thompson was out for two years right he’s played 42 games this season

We’ve only played about 45 in general as as a collective NBA most teams have played around 44 45 games Zack lven has played 25 games that’s the biggest difference to me I cannot believe that Klay Thompson is more durable than Zack LaVine when Klay Thompson had two years out of the

League um I’d prefer a over Ivy it’s I I like Ivy I really do I I like Ivy I think assur Thompson needs to develop his offensive game massively um for me me personally just looking again I don’t watch every Detroit Pistons game but when I look at 15% from

Three that gets me a bit iffy and he shoots um 40% from the field that gets me a bit iffy but um yeah Clay is definitely not better than LaVine I think lavine’s a better player than clay that’s my opinion clay LaVine are both going to get you 20 points a game

Only difference is Clay is going to lock up the best player when LaVine is going to be a liability on defense um The Warriors right now one of the biggest issues is defensively I don’t think clay at this day and age is going to be locking up your best defender your best offensive

Player that’s what I think and you know Clay does get you 20 and Clay destroyed our franchise last time we played him so you know he just hates the balls but overall I think LaVine is a little bit more of a ball handler a little bit more of a playmaker for his uh

Stats Clay’s more definitely an off the- ball mover I think look if he is actually allowed to come here I’m talking about for the Bull’s sake here because with the Warriors there’s a there’s a meaning to their movements when they move it’s CU they know they’re

Going to get the ball by the way Portland have the lead so keep your eyes on that but if Clay’s actually allowed to come here and not just sit in the corner he could work here I like clay I would take clay cuz at least clay would come

Here and not talk about wanting to leave I would take clay for for Zack LaVine in a nutshell but I don’t think Clay is better than LaVine but if he could come here and actually play his game and the balls use him correctly he could still work here

He could still bring something to this balls team that I would like but we’re not getting clay and kaminga I don’t think have you seen kaminga this last month guy’s killing it bro the only reason I think kaminga would want to leave the Warriors is if he still feels

Like he’s not getting his potential he made a quote I think about Steve Kerr not wanting to live up to that potential but since that quote the guy’s been balling out like no tomorrow I I I can’t see a world where you get both but if we use clay I’ll give uh

This is not a good example but if we’re talking about clay remember what we did with Larry marinan how he just became a corner shooter for the Bulls just catch and shoot picking pops sit in the corner and shoot the three and we could have got a lot more out of

Larry marinan I hope that’s not what we see if we get a Klay Thompson I hope we don’t see that because Klay Thompson to me is more valuable than just sitting in the corner and shooting the ball we need off ball movement if clay can bring that to this

Team that would be fantastic cuz this team still I don’t think moves enough off the ball if clay can you know have more responsibility even dribling into his shot it could be helpful I think all these things could be helpful but I don’t think I think people are

Overestimating clay as a Defender this season in my opinion but yeah I don’t I think LaVine has a little bit more to his game than clay does at this point in his career but of course Clay’s a lot older as well so I don’t I don’t know bro I think

We’re going to have to pay Caruso and LaVine together to get a good return then you basically no no no no we could get a good return for LaVine if we get rid of kuso as well you may as well just start the tank bro it’s the tank coming into the season everyone

Wanted LaVine to be a catch and shoot scorer I’m saying when it comes to what he brings to the game I think the problem with Zack LaVine is that he had doesn’t have great IQ so of course would you want the ball in someone’s hands that wants I guess that doesn’t

Necessarily have the greatest IQ when it comes to decision making and pick and rolls and stuff of that nature but LaVine brings a lot more to a team offensively I think than a clay Klay is a catcher shoot player the Bulls could use a catcher shoot player but I believe

Zach has a lot more a lot more to his game than a Klay Thompson offensively Klay Thompson’s a great offb mover a great three-point shooter but I can’t really see Klay Thompson doing much else I hope he can but I don’t think so no matter who is better by how much and

Even if we can’t win a chip I feel closer to a championship with Clay on my team that’s there we go Jordan that’s what I like to see right there it’s not necessarily about who’s better I think Zack LaVine is a better player than Klay Thompson and we can have the arguments

All we like I very much doubt anyone’s going to change my mind but what clay brings to this team if he can bring it at a high level will still be valuable for the Bulls clay again one of the best players that I think the Bulls could get is the buddy

Heeld I think Buddy heeld would work work so much for this Chicago Bulls team Klay Thompson is very similar very similar to Buddy heeld an excellent three-point shooter terrific off the catch and shoot he can defend I wouldn’t call him an amazing Defender this season but he can defend he could defend better

Than LaVine no one’s going to dispute that what he brings to this team can definitely work if he’s allowed to do it and if Billy can coach him properly because I don’t think it’s a secret that clay came into his own with the coaching stuffs that he had because the coaching

Stuffs the Warriors had are better than the Bulls coaching staff we don’t want clay to just sit in the corner and not move all game cuz that takes away from clay will take away from the rest of the team as well so yeah we need to switch

Things up if we’re going to get a guy like Klay Thompson I don’t want him to just sit in the corner man that’s that’s what I’m worried about for for any guy that comes into the team but Klay Thompson is more than just any

Guy I got to blaze up and look at that score we’re up by one I’ve not watched this game I’ve been more interested in the chat today do you do you realistically see a trade the Bulls could make that would make them any more than a first round exit

Po poor a first round exit you reckon no I don’t mean to sound bad about like that but no we’re the ninth seed bro we might be the eight seed by the end of it I can’t see a world that we make a trade that takes us past I mean maybe I think

The only thing that will get us past the first round is if a big injury happens to the team that we play with all due respect I don’t know that’s just my opinion it also depends on who we play I need to I need to hit the bulls with

That light skinn face my G I’m disappointed though look there’s still one quarter to play we got Chicago Bull Central oh my we got some Bulls royalty in here what’s up I’m doing great how are you my friend all right drummer’s at the line and he makes the free throw

So I just put my earphones in and the first thing I heard was damond has made three from three from the free throw line unbelievable stuff Reed misses the three and that’s a rebound for D rozan can the Bulls execute in the fourth quarter today

Again it’s a little bit too close for my liking against Portland but there’s a time for this I’m living brother you’ve been killing it this season man I appreciate that you have too I think a lot of bulls content creators have killed it this season it’s

Been fun it’s been fun to see um so many bulls channels grow bro it’s incredible I can only imagine how fun it would be for a bulls content creator when we’re like proper contending it would be f it would be so fun imagine being the you know two years

Go bro everybody was having a great time being that first seed this should be a blowout it’s well look no you can’t expect every team in the NBA to blow out another team if you know what I mean like there’s always going to be close games we just got to get it done

We we’re in a close game we can’t really change that the Bulls have to get it done in the fourth quarter it’s something that is hard to ask considering what happened with Phoenix and what happened with the Lakers and what’s happened with a bunch of our second half performances but

I must say you know against Portland we should be able to get it done I’m hoping it’ be I’d be fuming if uh we don’t win this game to be honest Kobe’s three-point shot is way too streaky man that’s why he’s developed a lot more than a three-point

Shot Kobe white to the rim again I’m so I’m so happy with Kobe man I I know look I don’t know his Stats today let’s take a look at his stats real quick Kobe has where’s the box score 15 points I believe Kobe white has today nine assists my’s going to get a

Double double I’m happy with that but um when Kobe white gets to the rim it’s something it’s like a beautiful site to behold it’s beautiful to see um du reath an Australian brother is keeping the balls in this game with with that awful shooting oh wow hey I’d still take thall

Though as well we’re talking about Australians I’d love thy on this team I’d love just any Australian on this team bro be nice to have someone to represent us you know but anyway we’ve made a a a a somewhat interesting run 81 to 75 is the score at the moment we’re out of

Timeouts we just got to keep it up we can’t let that Portland crowd get into the game because I feel like the Bulls lose their head sometimes I don’t know if they handle they don’t handle away games very well just based on their record

But if they get into a loud arena with a lot of energy I don’t know it seems like they do lose their heads a little bit they’re showing Andre Drummond highlights at the moment again we have done very well in the paint today that is something that apparently

Portland struggle with a lot I I don’t really watch a lot of Portland games but coming into the game they’re talking about their paint defense and how poor it’s been and we’ve done well in the paint so it looks like we’ve scouted that so we’ll see if that could be I

Guess the formula to win this game d roza got a steal Phillips another foul on uh from Portland Julian Phillips has had a great game today every time I look up this man is driving to the rim for something it’s beautiful good steal by D rozen playing

The passing Lanes Kobe with his butter fingers and up passing it to Phillips for a foul I’ll take it how many minutes left to go in the game there is 10 minutes and 30 seconds on my uh time at the moment I might be a

Tad bit behind but around 10 and a half minutes the vusic stat line all right let’s take a look at V’s stat line V has 12 points six rebounds two assists and a block he is 6 from 12 from the field but in typical V fashion he’s 0 from three

From three having a career low um not a career low a season low you know in terms of three-point percentage for the Bulls at least his time with the bulls so yeah Drummond a plus then V Let’s just trade V he don’t fit never did I think we have seen games out when

Vovi was out that we missed a player like rusovich I think sometimes he can provide games where he’s just incredibly frustrating to watch um but I think we missed him in terms of his playmaking I know he doesn’t average the most amount of assists on this team

But I think he’s a very high IQ playmaker he’s someone that can find someone on a cut with a pass he’s someone that can pass out of a double team he’s someone that can also score in the post so I think we do there are some

Games that you will miss vich and I think other games where you’re saying we’ never needed rusovich it just depends on the game the opposition and everything like that four years is enough let’s move on WE resigned him Bros he’s staying here I know Bulls fans might not like it but he

Ain’t getting traded this season I really don’t believe it we’ll see what happens next season but it won’t be this one loving the production from my bench today and the young Bulls the young bulls have done so well again if we’re looking at stat lines here let’s take a

Look at the young bull stat lines we’ll look at Phillips first uh again Phillips say eight points two rebounds and one assist never thought I’d see the day Phillips would actually play on the bench this season and produce that stat line dalen Terry where’s Dal Terry he’s got three points

Two assists two steals he’s had a good defensive uh game for sure that steal that he had for Alex cruso dunk that was nice the young blls are killing it we just need V to stop shooting threes um unless the shot clock is about to

Expire yes I like that you know have him as a bailout I don’t like V shooting a lot of Threes I remember the first season julan Phillips makes a three hey you know what Young fell you keep shooting them what I hated about vich the first

Season was that he shot six to seven threes a game and everybody had a problem with that and even V to an extent admitted that that was a bit too much threes for him so in the second season he kind of went down to the paint a little bit more

Got a lot of post hooks had the most post hooks in the league at one point was doing well in the paint one of the one of the best paint production Seasons I guess for the Bulls in a while and for him on the Bulls as well then this

Season it’s just not working as much So yeah like I can sense the frustration cuz last Season V had a very good season for a third option this season and we can take a look at the stats but stats sometimes can be deceiving I think the efficiency is where we need to look at

With with vovi so let’s do that real quick today just seems to be a stats day we’re looking at everybody’s stats we’re looking at clay stats Kegan Murray stats rusovich stats we’re looking at them all so again the biggest thing that already stands out cuz he’s averaging 17- 10 he

Averaged 17- 10 last season as well I just think the biggest thing that stands out 27% from three that’s the thing that stands out to me the most and his efficiency in general has gone down but not drastically so yeah I could sense the frustration from three there V is gone

With an exclamation mark Bulls fans being Bulls fans been like this for many years nothing changes in fact it’s getting worse I guess Bulls fans have being Bulls fans I I I will classify I’m a bulls fan so I guess I’m just being a bulls fan but you can’t expect the Bulls to

Make a change every season and expect success either it’s it’s tough man it’s not easy being a bulls executive you got Bulls fans on one side saying everything needs to change you got Bulls fans on another side that’s saying that hey there’s something there with this

Bull Team we got to run with it you know that’s obviously what the front office thought continuity and whatnot you can’t make anybody happy bro that’s why that’s why that’s not their job is to try and do the best they can cuz they’re not going to make everybody

Happy again I I like to say it in this way think of it as a case study and the question is solve the Chicago Bulls problems solve the Chicago Bulls problems you will not get one answer that is exactly the same as another by the way Portland in transition Malcolm Brogden for three

That’s a Miss Drummond grabs the board but you won’t get the same answer for any of them there’s going to be 99 people saying 99 different solutions that’s why you can’t please everyone so I look I believe we should make changes I want Zack LaVine to get

Traded uh I want to see where we go from there maybe there’s a conversation about extending D rozan or not we’ll have to have that later but I want changes to be made but there are certain changes I just know won’t be made this season and

Vovi is one of them he’s not getting traded this season if he gets traded this season in my opinion that’ll be the biggest shock of the entire of the entire like that would be more of a shock for me than LaVine getting traded or even D rozan getting traded cuz D rozan that

Makes he’s on an expiring contract LV makes sense he doesn’t want to be here we just resigned rusovich I’d be stunned if we trade him this season I’d truly be stunned remember when drumond had that preseason stretch when he looked like a stretch five yes that that no that uh no

Missed three-point preseason 100% from the field in that preseason that was funny he did say as well um sorry I’m losing my train of thought here he said as well he wanted to chuck up more threes and then we never saw him do it the balls must have shot that down real

Quick Jeremy Grant in transition a blocking foul called on Alex Caruso and Jeremy Grant’s going to go to the line for two free throws here it’s already single digits 91 to 82 is the score 618 to go in the quarter and we’re in for again we’re

Going to be in for an interesting ride here as the game is closing out um d v gets eight points and five rebounds in the remaining time I’ll tell you what anything’s possible anything is possible I think there’s a possibility that could happen not a likely one but

It’s possible game going over 201 points in the chat 201 points are you talking about for both teams that’s that could happen that could happen aan outdoing V I’ll tell you what I’m not surprised I don’t I don’t know if this is accurate or not I’m only going based

Off what I remember I don’t remember Vu ever having a good game against aan I remember Vu always getting cooked by aan I’ve never really thought otherwise but that’s why you have Drummond I’ve seen Drummond do some good things in this game so happy days I with the pump fake and the

Floater it’s off rebound Aon 555 to go we are seeing Julian Phillips play some very important minutes here and it looks like an an one for Simons Kobe white commits the foul or is it IO um I think it might be IO let’s take a look at the replay it’s

IO yeah I just jumps too early final total over 200 yeah I I can see that happening right now where I stand I think both teams can get into 100 Caruso is on five fouls yeah that makes sense to why Julian Phillips is playing all right aan is the second

Softest big in the league um the only one behind him is wisan but still aan always Cooks foch I again can please let me know if I’m wrong Julia Phillips misses a three and the ball Finds Its way to Simon’s hand but please let me know if

I’m wrong when has v ever had a truly amazing game or outplayed aan in the games that they played I really don’t think so I think V you know he I guess he just doesn’t want to play againsts aan bro I don’t know I really don’t know what to

Say it just seems like every time they match up together we never really get on the better side of that a technical foul for Simons by the way so D Roan’s going to go to the line and shoot for two oh shoot for one sorry what am I

Saying bro this I need to pay more attention all right so I’m just checking something real quick I believe wow we’ve got 19 likes on this stream so I just wanted to check that I haven’t checked that all game um thank you guys so much for that that’s that’s

Solid for a game between the Bulls and the Portland Trailblazers like I expect a lot of people to watch against the Lakers where you know the Lakers are a very popular team but to kind of see that support against Portland again you don’t know how much

It means it really does mean a lot to me I appreciate all you guys for all of your support throughout all these watch alongs hopefully I can provide a little bit more for you guys towards the end of the season um it’s going to be again a

Very interesting time but thank you guys so much looking forward to V vers Wiseman will wisan even play we’ve versed Detroit a couple of times has wisman ever played I think he played maybe one of those games um so yeah is crack a huge problem in your

Hood I don’t smoke so I don’t know the answer I’m sorry bro might need to ask somebody else I would say not from personal experience I would say probably not but I yeah that’s my answer I I just don’t I don’t know all right a big three made 92 to a

This game is not over we need to focus on on the game right now a three-point game here 44 434 to go look this is going to be an exciting finish to the game I guess just to kind of bring the hype in here do the Bulls end up going

On a three-game losing streak out west do we lose every single game out in the west coast trip or is this going to be the game the Bulls can recover even if it is in a close contested game against a team that we should fairly be beating comfortably

Um so yeah this is going to be tough we we got to focus on this we got I got to actually commentate on this if we have the chance I have to do it if the Bulls lose this game I’m ripping up my season ticket

Hold hey how you Jordan how you going to tell me that you had a season ticket holder card you never you never told me that bro we could have been in Chicago today but not in Chicago today but you know let’s leave for Chicago today we’ll get

There by the Raptors game come on man don’t rip it up just let me go when this is disgusting bro when uh when Detroit traded Bagley um wisan became the backup big yeah fair enough should Bagley uh shout out to Bagley he’s killing it in Washington shout out to Bagley killing

It in Washington how’s Washington doing I still feel like Washington haven’t won many games just like my Chelsea the one you found on the floor I did I did if you guys didn’t know on on on one of my very often walks I found a Chelsea membership on the floor just sitting

There on the road and I never picked it up and every single day it got ran over for about a week before I picked it up just car’s running over it every single day so I eventually you know I went I go on a routine So eventually I just saw

I’m like all right I just going to pick it up and put it in the bin before it becomes literally part of the road but I’m surprised no one saw a Chelsea membership and did not pick it up but anyway it is what it

Is the time out has come to an end I’m going to have to focus on this ladies and gentlemen I try to get into the chat as much as possible possible but we got to pay attention to the final minutes of this game don’t forget to give a shout out to

Liil Jabari there you go the the the daily shout out all right here we go 427 to go the Bulls commentated to talking to people we can’t hear the balls haven’t scored in 3 minutes and 19 seconds we got D rozan with the ball he’s going to shoot up a three what

The and he makes it I’ve never seen D rozan isolate like that and shoot a three that’s a massive shot for the balls 95 to 89 D rozan just said I’m going to turn into Curry for a possession and he did all right Aon V guarding aan in the

Does a spin post hook he misses rebound to D rozan is this D rozan takeover time and will it actually work out for us Jeremy Grant guarding him very very heavily at the moment putting a lot of pressure D rozan to Kobe Kobe back to d rozan d

Rozan he ends up getting Grant in the air and he gets the layup Demar d rozan deard de Roan delivers this time in the fourth quarter makes a three and he gets Grant to bite on the pump fake and he goes straight for the layup wow he’s Shifty isn’t he demard roosen

And he gets the layup to go now we have to look at D roosan stats I’m sure they’re not fully all up to date but D rozan up until this point had 16 points so I’m sure that’s changed um but wow the rozen’s taken over you think dear has a shot an allar

I feel like the NBA is too stacked this season I really in my heart as much as I want to believe demard D rozan has a chance to become an allar I’ll say the chance is very slim I really feel like we’re going to have a season where the Bulls don’t have an

Allar it’s not going to be LaVine lavine’s been out for too much I like Kobe White’s emergence but but I I don’t think the emergence has been good enough to give him an All-Star this season I’m very hopeful for next season though and hopefully if there’s a skill challenge

KOB why can play in that because he’s become very well-rounded but um no U my answer is no I’ll be happy if it happens I’ll be sure to make a video congratulating him like I do every season but my answer would be no I don’t think DeMar rosen gets Allstar this

Season but what do you think let me know in the chat anyone that’s watching what do you guys think do you think dear will make the allstar team this season obviously he’s not a starter we know that now but will he make the bench keep

In mind the bench is a lot of coaches decisions as well so it just depends on what the coaches think also Malcolm brogon shoots the three that is off it looks like Portland has gone cold to end this game 3 minutes to go the RO are looking to take over here

Jeremy Grant still guarding IO comes in for a pick and roll they switch it V goes to the rim finds Kobe he finds IO for three and he misses rebound yandre Aon 97 to 89 Simons gets the shot blocked by V Brogden ends up getting the ball off

After an offensive rebound th ball to Brogden brogon gets to the rim finds Aon it’s turned over Caruso in transition Kobe for three in the corner he misses Kobe White’s been struggling I believe from three today we’ll have to look at the stats in the in a second here maybe after another

Timeout Brogden and one Brogden drives to the rim as as Dead face as he could get bro no emotion shown by malcol Brogden and he gets the n one to go he’ll be gone to the line for one more free throw here as they have a chance to kind of bring thems

Back to life in this game with so little time left on the clock Kobe needs to be an Allstar he’s overcome so much including having little T-Rex arms I don’t think he’s going to become an Allstar but I think you know how when they have the MVP race they

Have three people to nominate kind of you know the three main guys in the MVP race that you could vote for I think Kobe white will be one of those guys you could vote for for the most improved um I don’t think he’s going to

Win it but I think think he’ll be in the conversation and I’m happy with that I’ll take that because it shows Kobe White’s how much he’s changed not even changed how much he’s developed I think change is the wrong word I think it’ll be in that conversation for sure but I I

Can’t see any Bulls player getting an All-Star um nod this year and the reason why I say that is because when the Bulls play when we win games as it’s a three-point game right now um a lot of guys get involved in the game yeah so you know we get a lot of

Guys involved there’s this team is not not necessarily A Team where a guy can average 30 and we still win we very rarely see that these days so with so many guys contributing it does unfortunately take away the stats that lets you be an Allstar um yeah any

Anyway we’ve got demard Rosen at the line here and he makes it a four-point game and a chance to make it five here with this second free throw did you guys know when wisman was in high school apparently he had the Mamba mentality wisman was picked second

In the NBA draft was he not that’s again goes to show not every pick necessarily works out even the best teams in the world can make a mistake um had me worried for a second you were going to say Kobe is top three in MVP maybe one day man not not this

Season bro I love Kobe W but I have to be real you know like that’d be wild um who are letting Vu spot up in the corner yeah I don’t know not a fan of that one Kobe needs to be in the conversation for MVP who’s more valuable

To their team than Kobe uh I could think of quite a few guys I mean if yanis was not on the box would the Box be anywhere near a championship no Luca is pretty valuable to Dallas I think Dallas would be the last seed to be honest if it wasn’t for Luca

Um you know if yic wasn’t on Denver I think Denver would probably be an eighth seed at best I think there’s a couple of guys you can make the argument that LeBron’s very valuable to the Lakers it’s an argument at least yeah like Kobe’s pretty valuable

To us as well though I’m not saying he’s not valuable I’m just saying you know a lot of teams have a lot of valuable assets some very valuable assets cough cough sixes with Ben Simmons exactly not every top pick and are being what you want it to

Be who’s winning Rookie of the Year Chad wanyama Miller or Simmons I get it I get it I get it I get it but my answer would probably be that’s tough you know I think would have to be between Cad and wenyama the this the hype is going to be about around

Wanyama but I don’t think you can rule out Chad I mean I mean he’s on a winning team and he’s producing some really good stuff W’s not on a winning team and he’s producing really good stuff I don’t think Miller’s in the conversation that’s just me personally and I’m surprised again we’re

Talking about plays that have not necessarily lived up to the moment scoot Henderson um not Donovan Mitchell with a laughing emot what do you mean is this about valuable players Donovan Mitch is pretty valuable but yeah anyway sorry off track uh I think I I would personally give it to

Chat but I think the hype is going to be around Wy and it’s a media vote simple as that if the media are voting it’s wemi but I think producing good stats on a winning team team is pretty impressive so SC ain’t doing anything uh yeah he’s

Not doing anything it’s it’s kind of weird um because Ben Simmons won’t uh won it over Donovan Mitchell when Ben wasn’t even a rook yeah yeah that’s what I mean that’s yeah yeah yeah yeah when he said Simmons I get it yeah I didn’t know again I didn’t know Donovan Mitchell

Came second that year but um yeah fair enough po imagine bro that guy Donovan Mitchell dropped 71 points on the balls one one time and he didn’t even get Rookie of the Year bro that’s embarrassing when he was a rookie but that’s my boy Ben bro leave Ben alone

Bro no no more bullying Ben please we can’t bully Australians in this chat this when was this allowed Scootin each time guys KNE time just like Kobe fair enough again I think he’ll be fine in the end I hate the Knicks they are too good now that’s what happened they took a

Risk and it worked out for them they should be very happy with themselves I would take three of us starting lineup for Anthony three players out of our starting line at Anthony Edwards okay which three players by the way there’s 31 seconds left it’s still three points I need to

We need to get focused on his game B Simmons is the softest NBA player of all time ouch and Donovan Mell showed up to the game wearing a t-shirt with rookie in addiction yes I do remember bro you’re bringing back Vibes out here um someone made a three for the

Bulls it’s 102 to 96 we’re up by six I think IO made a three here let’s take a look at the replay IO finds V in the post V back to IO iio just shoots it no hesitation and he gets nothing but Nets a sumu a do yes ladies and

Gentlemen give me all the threes from IO he may have just won us this game congratulations to IO D rozan giving him a good old pat on the chest there saying that’s that’s it that’s it is what we need let’s see I’s got 11 points Off the Bench Julian

Phillips has got 11 points Off the Bench Carter’s even got six points he’s come out to play Drummond’s got 15 nice bench production from this blls team I’s been goated this season he’s played well and again he just may have won us the game right there six points

20 seconds left I mean it’s possible for Portland but it won’t be easy it’s going to be very difficult for them to come back from this in the end the ball’s got it done in a somewhat underwhelming game I think many people could assume 102 points not necessarily the most amazing

Game from the Bulls but we won today well we we let’s I won’t forget I said that we are winning right now with 20 seconds left all right Brogden Caruso guarding 17 seconds Caruso gets the steal he doesn’t Portland ends up getting that ball back and it’s a turnover Kobe gets the

Steal in the end Kobe white plays the passing Lane well tracking his man all the way gets his hands in the cookie jar and by goodness did he come out with a whole bunch of cookies and that might be the game right there I think vvi got fouled if I’m not

Mistaken good defense by AC to begin that whole possession though thy tries to pass it Kobe plays that lane tremendously well so V at the line here to seal the deal makes the first nice nice composure there from the big man only one of our big three that we

Can’t justify keeping is D rozan that completely makes sense um I was hoping to go two and one on the road but one and two is good enough I guess it’s really not I mean the the the Phoenix game we should have won with all due respect but Phoenix just you know

Turned into Prime I don’t know the prime Warriors I don’t I don’t even know how to say that but um yeah anyway it is what it is it’s uh so I’m just reading the chat it is what it is we should we should have went

Better in the west but look there is a lot of opportunities at home the Raptors at home next a winnable game the Bulls have just won this game by the way a winnable game against the Raptors up next a winnable game against Charlotte a I would say not necessarily winnable but

We can provide fight a good fight I think against the Kings at home so we have opportunities to really bring ourselves out of this hole that we put ourselves in because of the West Coast trip but we got the job done today and that’s exactly what we needed to do

Where is the standings uh does a win put us I believe I believe um the standings if we win today we remain 9th I believe that’s how it is at the moment I believe the Bulls in terms of standings I’m not sure if this is necessarily updated I believe we have 22

Wins now um so yeah I think we I think we’re 22 and 25 if I’m not mistaken and we’re going to remain ninth cuz Orlando have a positive record and they are the eighth seed so we need Orlando to kind of lose a couple more games before we have the conversation

About the e seed so we we remain ninth I believe we have 22 wins 25 losses and we’ve got a couple of winnable games at home which we must take care of this was some good minute management by Donovan on Caruso to stop him from fouling out

And winning us the game exactly good job from Billy finally he does something well I’m just playing but um I’m also very happy with the bench production and I’m happy he trusted guys like Phillips to play in big meaningful minutes for the blls and actually produce for that

It’s fantastic uh so I’m very happy with that this was a good win uh this is a good and big win by the Bulls tonight yes it was AK Vu you are gone turns to security goons sends him to Detroit Detroit will not want vusic don’t think so they’ll say no thank

You all due respect they want LaVine they ain’t going to want vich okay Phillips is the kind of player Bulls need to develop but with the kind of system the Bulls run no winning culture at all Phillips will be forgotten feel sorry for the guy again Phillips doesn’t

Play that’s that’s the that’s the only thing you can make an argument about the bulls having a winning culture or not you can make an argument that the Bulls don’t develop guys well you can’t even make the argument that the Bulls are developing someone if he doesn’t play

For the Bulls he plays for the windy city Bulls but again patience is going to be key if he’s going to play for the windy city Bulls the best thing we can hope for is that he executes well for the windy city bulls and hopefully he is

Seen by the coaching staff and he is seen by this Bulls team and he gets his opportunities sooner than later it’s the exact same thing with dalon Terry dalon Terry had a phenomenal g- League season last year and everybody wanted him to play for the Bulls and he very rarely

Did it’s not easy we send any pick that we get it seems like we send to the G League these days so I don’t know I do feel sorry for him but hopefully again he keeps working hard he’s obviously very athletic he has I think great potential he did well Off the Bench

Today we’ll see it will take time for him it will take time it would not be a one season and he’s all of a sudden a superstar it will take probably three four five years for I guess Phillips to Define his body get really comfortable with the contact and be ready for the

NBA proper for a consistent role maybe even a starters role who knows but with that being said um think we make any trade move soon we have no choice the trade deadline is February 8th we’re Fe we’re in January 29th we’ basically got a week

We got about a week and a bit so yes my answer is yes I think we will make trade soon we have no other choice it’s either now or never essentially so be on the lookout for that it’s going to be a very interesting week hopefully we could cover it all

Maybe there’s not much to cover let’s wait and see thank you guys so much for watching if you enjoyed the stream drop a like And subscribe if you are new to the channel we got a couple of new subscribers today which is fantastic to see always appreciative and I’ll see you

In the next watch along it should be against the Toronto Raptors the Bulls will be returning home so let’s I can’t wait to see the home crowd again hopefully the Bulls fans can bring the energy up and the boyss can play well at home have a wonderful and safe day I’ll

See you in the next stream stay safe stay healthy stay tuned for more God bless take care and peace

Come Chill as we see the Bulls take on the Blazers!!!

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