@National Basketball Association

[Highlight] Jonathan Kuminga unhappy with Patrick Beverly’s foul/shove to prevent the fastbreak dunk. Steph Curry steps in to diffuse the tension and the 2 go from almost fighting to laughing together & hugging it out

[Highlight] Jonathan Kuminga unhappy with Patrick Beverly’s foul/shove to prevent the fastbreak dunk. Steph Curry steps in to diffuse the tension and the 2 go from almost fighting to laughing together & hugging it out

by NokCha_


  1. ifreddiebenson

    When your mom and dad are about to throw hands but you want to play

  2. randommeme

    Kuminga already had one T, Steph keeping him in the game

  3. really dislike these fouls being considered part of the game

    it’s one thing if you’re making an effort to block it. it’s another if you’re intentionally grabbing a guy who’s leaping off a sprint to dunk it

  4. That’s some smart thing from Curry to try to calm the situation, Kuminga would have gotten rattled and get fouled out

  5. Confident_Berry7271

    Steph and bev are old friends. They roomed together in basketball camp and shitĀ 

  6. Looked like Kuminga wasnā€™t even originally mad, I think he was just teasing Bev

  7. Disastrous_Bluejay57

    Did Steph calm the situation? He seemed the most energetic out of the 3

  8. Successful_Cod21

    Ref almost looked sad that they didnt do anything he could T them up for

  9. Be-Nice-To-Redditors

    Pat bev is like legitimately cracked

  10. Far-Blacksmith-2604

    This is really wholesome. That said, I do believe these types of fouls should be ruled flagarant. They’re super dangerous. You gotta make a play on the ball.

  11. Terrible headline. Kuminga understood bruh, Pat Bev didn’t do anything extra on this play. That’s why JK pulled Bev away from the ref like this is none of your concern.

  12. livelaughloaft

    Even Curryā€™s emotional intelligence has gravity, damn

  13. Culinaryboner

    Kids on here arenā€™t ready to understand this is basketball. You can get hot and realize itā€™s dumb in a minute. Guarantee most spots they toss the dumb ass ā€œtalk shit, get hitā€ or whatever are all regrets of NBA guys. Good on Steph for calming it quick

  14. That overhead shot with Steph sprinting behind them with his arms out was high comedy.

  15. CupertinoCA

    Canā€™t wait for bev and Rone to talk about this on the pod. Pat is awesome

  16. burnerphonecomedy

    Clickbait Headline. They were never going to fight

  17. GuestBadge

    The commentator was right, if Kuminga went down after that shove that would’ve been a flagrant 1 at least.

  18. One_Man_Boyband

    Flagrant 2 on pat bev if you ask me. That shit is scary.

  19. Curry is impossibly cool. Heā€™s been a total joy to watch.Ā 

  20. muhamedAMI

    I dont want to hate on Pat Bev, but he is a straight up bitch.

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