@Atlanta Hawks

Hawks vs. Lakers Postgame Press Conference: Quin Snyder

Hawks vs. Lakers Postgame Press Conference: Quin Snyder

Okay Coach I know that you don’t often like to point to just one specific defensive possession or defensive player or anything like that but I just I was curious about both Jaylen and deandre’s defense on LeBron tonight well this is the first time that we’ve had those guys together since

November um you know it gives us some depth at at wing and as you said you know sadik started on him and um you know those those three guys in combination you know just gave us really solid minutes and uh you know did some good things on the other end too I was

Happy to see DeAndre just rise up and and shoot the ball um so it we you know we played well and it’s good to have you know our guys back coach what do you think kind of led to such a an even score scoring night I guess especially for the

Starters well we you know I think we shed the ball and um guys had a good sense of where an advantage might be um you know it doesn’t always happen that way not because you’re not you know you’re less unselfish but just the game kind of unfolds that way and you know we

Did a good job playing in Flo and you know I thought DJ and Trey both of them really managed the game um both individually and when they were in the game together you know we had possessions um where Trey was calling DJ’s number Trey had vanderbild on him

And uh DJ had an opportunity to attack you know so those guys and and as I said you know I thought that our our defensive effort from our you know our wings gandre and JJ and Hunt I’m sorry and sadik um and on the glass too you

Know those guys their size and that allowed us to get out and transition some and Coach kind of picky back off that third quarter punching first with s there spurts happy you with your team come out at halftime starting fast and maintain the league the whole second

Half yeah you know that’s been a point of emphasis for us it hasn’t always worked out that way um but I thought you know they they weren’t making shots in the first half and then as you said you know they started seeing the ball going in the basket

Um we made a few turnovers that got them out in transition but you know I thought our guys stayed together and really responded and we responded by by Garden you know and that you know to me that’s that’s the thing that you have more control over whether you’re making shots

Or not and you know we were able to get some stops and that makes the offensive end a lot easier coach kind of building off of his question but I feel like tonight um there were no big let UPS once we got the lead and usually when we

Come in here we’re talking about one or two quarters where we had let ups I don’t feel like we had that tonight so does it feel like not necessarily this team has turned a corner but that we’re turning a corner um and and having that

As an emphasis more well I I hesitate to whether it’s turned or turning um we just needed to keep We we played well you know and and we need to keep playing well and that that means as I said we’re healthy right now you know hunt will be

Able to give us more minutes is you know that that continues to rise as you know as he’s more and more comfortable and um you know try to integrate him but be smart about that but uh you know I liked what I saw on the defensive end and I

Thought we were connected and we just have to keep doing it because it felt good it felt good to our players it felt good to me and Coach I you already kind of talked about a little bit but having DeAndre back in the lineup what does it

Give you as far as options defensive wise and things you can do with him in the lineup yeah we’re able to switch more I mean there aren’t you know tonight there was a few possessions or a few minutes where you know we didn’t have two of those guys in but when we

Have you know when we have one of them coming off the bench whoever whoever it is and they can sub and give somebody else a blow I think you know they can maintain we’ve had guys playing a lot of minutes you know and we trust them but anytime

You’re up 35 36 37 minutes over a period of time you know that’s hard you know you just you ask you’re asking a lot of guys um you can do that occasionally but over the course of a season and games every other day back Tob backs um you

Know to have so to have hunt back and that and you know we we lost jayen for a while and uh it’s it’s good to see you know that those guys they were connected and as you said you know the the defensive end they’re able to switch and

Help each other and that’s that size when those guys are spreading out it’s different and it’s also different on the glass to go a little further about that with DeAndre what spe like what are his strengths you see defensively it seems like he he helps well and he seems to

Know he’s very he’s very you’re right you know he’s got great habits um you know in shifting and helping and rotating he he has a good feel for where he needs to be and then you know he’s he’s 6’8 you know so whether he’s defending Wing or there’s times when we

Have him on the ball so some of that versatility is you know is really helpful he takes pride in it too I know it was a very short stint but Kobe getting his first NBA bucket just what did you see from him in those couple of minutes well you

Know he’s been playing in the G league and you know I thought there there’s a comfort level you have when you you know he’s played a lot of minutes you know and obviously tonight was different he’s playing the Lakers and um and hitting three you know he got he deserved the

Bounce you know because I’ve watched him dive on the floor I’ve watched him pick up full court you know he’s been doing the things that that we need and that he needs to do to keep improving as a player and I think when you do those things you know it takes pressure off

Any shot I don’t think he thought about it I just think he was open he shot the ball and that’s a credit to you know Ryan Schmidt and his teammates you know in the G league and you know that opportunity to play you know is is really really important for a young

Player he’s 19 years old you know I think maybe 20 now I don’t know back here coach so um the Lakers really struggled uh three-point shooting wise early in the game and you guys did a great job of turning that into transition points uh and then kind of

Just kept it going how important is it to command the transition game especially with the pace you guys play with with for you guys yeah I mean we we wanted to run tonight um it’s hard to be on a back to back um which they were and

Sometimes that takes your legs it did early I thought they had you know when they came back there in the second half they started making shots and uh you know I think we did a good job of of weathering that and particularly taking care of the ball the stretches that we

Had good offensive possessions it’s a lot easier to defend so and it was good to see the ball go in for us you know we didn’t have a very good January shooting the ball I think we were 30th in the league so we we we deserve to see the

Ball go in cuz we have some guys that can make shots thanks coach okay thank

Hawks vs. Lakers Postgame Press Conference: Quin Snyder after 138-122 Win

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