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Darius Garland RETURNS! Cavs defeat LA Clippers! The Junkyard Pod – Cleveland Cavaliers Podcast NBA

Darius Garland RETURNS! Cavs defeat LA Clippers! The Junkyard Pod – Cleveland Cavaliers Podcast NBA

Mitchell has his head up Tak get that we Stu out of Here welcome to the junkyard pod hosted by Tony pesta and Jackson Flickinger you can find all of our work for Fearless sword and write down uid in the description below and if you want to be in our exclusive Twitter group chat all you have to do is subscribe on YouTube

Spotify or apple send me proof and we will add you to it and you can hear all of our best or probably worst takes the Cleveland Cavaliers have never been more back Evan Moy made his return last night after missing six weeks with a knee injury and Darius Garland is set to make

His return on Wednesday following a fractured JW that held him out for roughly the same amount of time as Moy all the while the Cavs continue to Rattle off win after win they are 10 and one over their last 11 games 15-4 since December 15th they down the Bucks in

Milwaukee and then they took on the other High Hest team in the NBA during the stretch the LA Clippers and dethrown them as well Jackson let’s start off with this what are your thoughts on last night’s game and how did Evan Mobley look in his return I think this was maybe the most

Impressive game of the season for the Cav and I know that may be High Praise but I think just everything that the Clippers how good they were playing coming into this game and how they were it seem it seems like the Clippers are really like hitting their stride at this

Point and the Cavs they’ve been good but I think it’s been fair for people like bontemp and everyone else to say that the Cavs haven’t played anybody because really during a lot of the beginning of that stretch without Moy and Garland they were beating up on some bad teams

Granted it was really one-sided but you know they weren’t beating the best teams in the league and then you go and you up to Milwaukee you have two really good games you win one of them and then you follow that up with the a really good win against the Clippers I think that’s

Impressive and you’re getting the Clippers they just came off of a huge win against the Celtics they’ve been looking good and you know the Cavs just kind of were the more physical team the things that they have been doing a good job with kind of carried over they were

Still a really good rebounding team they still got up a bunch of Threes but they were also a great defensive team still and that carried over with Mobley out there even The Limited minutes we saw those two big lineups the Cavs still did a great job of defending the three-point

Line which is something that I think has been really underrated and not talked about enough during this Cass recent stretch you look at the Clippers they shot 32% from three only 34 threes that’s both of those things are great and when you do that you’re going to

Give your offense a good chance to win so that’s that’s what I liked most about what I saw I know that wasn’t really about Mo but it was kind of we’ll get to it well the Cavs were the Cavs did all the things that they’ve done well during

The streak but they added Moy into it so that really helped yeah it was a it was a very inspiring win I think mainly because when we talk about like that first Milwaukee game well technically the second Milwaukee game where they beat him by like 40 is the one I’m

Talking about right uh that felt like a game where the Bucks just didn’t have it the Clippers in this game they played really well that was a really good back and forth game it didn’t seem like oh well just not the Clippers and I know we got you know pretty close to the

Clippers best punch Kawai was playing out of his mind Harden Westbrook like it was a really good game for both teams and the Cavs just came out on top which is huge for them to do uh the defense as you mentioned is really that I I felt

Like Moy looked a little out of position at times he looked like a guy who hasn’t played in a while but when him and Allen are passing people off to each other it’s just so good it’s just such Elite Rim protection and when it comes to defending the three-point line I really

Think one thing thing that has kind of a gear that has switched for this team is that they’re making those secondary rotations whether it’s Wade stru Mitchell like and I think this is an impact of Max stru kind of holding them accountable because of how hard he plays

Every night like last season I don’t think we see Mitchell or or anyone else in the back court really Sprint and sell out to get to the three-point line as that secondary rotation it’s just kind of like well I passed my man off MO is

Gonna stop him at the rim and oh shoot now I have to run out to the three-point line and it’s too late now those plays are just kind of happening instinctively especially Dean Wade who has just been playing such good basketball he was all over the three-point line he was doing a

Great job of playing Help defense and again I do think maybe it’s a little Miami Heat culture for Max stru I do think he is maybe one of the driving forces behind that because he just he does not take any any BS he does not play games he wants to win more than

Anyone else out there and I feel like maybe that’s rubbed off on the Cavs one thing that I think is really interesting about this whole thing is kind of Donovan Mitchell’s play on the defensive end uh last uh against the Clippers he was guarding Norman pal

A lot and kind of the team was kind of funneling shots towards him and Mitchell was kind of he was doing late late contest but his job was more so to kind of like muck up the paint and kind of use his wingspan to kind of just get in

Passing lanes and and make sure that guys like Harden and Paul George didn’t get shots up you look at you look at Paul George he went three went three for 11 James Harden only had eight shots so they really did a good job and I know

That is a lot of Dean Wade and Isaac okoro because they were both uh heavily involved in both of those players but it really speaks to you can’t in the NBA you can’t guard elite players like that with one guy like it’s not the 90s where

There’s the way the defense is set up it’s one it’s it’s one V one like you just don’t do that it’s all a team effort and I think that’s where you see the Buy in from Mitchell on that end really just helping Isaac okoro and Dean

Wade and Jared Allen just kind of be the best versions of themselves yeah that I I know this was Mo’s first game back but like I it doesn’t seem like the team is relying on their world class Defenders and they’re world class Rim protectors and Moi and

Allen as much as they were last year really seems like everyone is involved now they’re playing on a string defensively which leads me to another interesting point and an interesting difference between the Clippers and bucks and it’s it’s so unfortunate because I listened to the chase down pod

Today after I already did kind of my rundown for what I wanted to talk about and they hit on so many things that I wanted to say so I don’t want to copy the chase down or do anything like that but I think it’s very interesting because against the Bucks that’s a very

Drop heavy team and the Cavs have to play that a certain way against the Clippers they’re a switchy team they have a lot of switchable Defenders and so so I thought that was a really interesting Dynamic and I wanted to know from your perspective how did the Cavs

Kind of how did their approach to playing offense change in this game I think it was really interesting how they did it um before the game uh Ty Ty Lou talked about how when You Face somebody like Donovan Mitchell you can’t show them the same thing so sometimes you’re going to

Drop sometimes you’re going to switch sometimes you’re going to Blitz and I think you saw that throughout the game where the Clippers weren’t really doing the same thing on back-to-back possessions with him um and he did a really good job I thought of getting the ball out early I know this wasn’t this

Was 20 he had what was it 28 points and kind of not the best shooting night of his career yeah but I think it’s he shot very poorly from deep but he was like almost perfect inside the paint so right so this this wasn’t a game when you were

Watching it or I I guess if you just looked at the box score you wouldn’t say oh yeah Donovan Mitchell just really a dominant game from him but I thought this was one of his most impressive ones just how he was able to kind of read and

React really fast to how the defense was kind of shifting on the Fly and he was able to get it out to Jared Allen early when when when that’s what it called for he was able to get it to Dean Wade a lot

Uh he had a lot of passes to Dean W some that he didn’t hit but like he really did a good job of just kind of reacting and doing what the defense like was giving up and that’s not something that he’s done in the playoffs especially last year against the Knicks

He wasn’t accepting what the Knicks were trying to throw at him he was trying to shoot over them he was trying to run through the double teams or if he did pass it out it was like way too late and the defense was already able to recover

So that’s where I was just kind of really impressed with this and this was a physical game where it was a lot of especially like the fourth quarter it was very like half court heavy and I thought the Cavs they weren’t perfect but it was a more perfect version of

This team it felt at the end of last year you kind of saw teams you know they that game against the Sixers really sticks out I don’t know if you remember the one the one where Joel embiid should have had a six foul but then they’ reviewed it I

Remember like half court offense just completely fell apart in the final like five minutes of that game they just felt like all right you were when you were watching it you were like well you know it was just a bad night but then it kept happening and then it you know in the

Playoffs it happened again uh this game it felt like this was uh okay we’ve learned all of those lessons from that Nick series and we’re going to start applying them here and that’s that’s what I was most encouraged about with this game those are all uh great points

Point what defensive scheme do you think they are better equipped to take on right now the drop or the switch because I think last year against the Knicks their downfall was not being able to beat that drop coverage whereas this year I think they’ve kind of addressed a

Lot of those weaknesses whether it’s just Allen’s growth as a playmaker and being able to do stuff above the break you have Max stru who can come off a triple handoff A lot better than Jetty or aoro standing in the corner like last year in that Nick series they just kept

Running into the same is over and over again and they their only option was either okay they had a couple options he was either okay Mitchell just has to shoot over the drop and beat it which he had a unfortunately a pretty poor shooting series Moy has to beat his

Defender by either taking that mid-range shot or trying to drive into the pain we saw how that went or you pass it to a cororo in the corner or Jetty and it just nothing was working right this year they have so many more options whether it’s Mitchell seemingly adjusting to

What the defense is giving him rather than running his head into the wall over and over again the Clippers game was such a good example of that and even the Bucks games both of those uh and then also just I mean dean Wade is shooting

The lights out this year Max stru is a better shooter uh Sam Merrill who didn’t get to play much on this Clippers game I think would be better suited in in a Nick series maybe I think the Clippers are really like just to hit on that Sam

Merrow point because I saw a lot of people talking about it just a bad matchup for him like yes because they’re such a switchy team they were able to limit his ability to get open off of the ball and then on the other end of the floor you don’t want him guarding

Westbrook you don’t want him on Harden kawhai PG there’s just he’s not a horrible Defender as we’ve talked about but still in those one-on-one situations the Clippers just had so many ways to attack him that it was rough yeah there was a couple tough series uh there for

Um him and you know Sam’s my guy uh but there was this one play where like Russell Westbrook backed him down from the three-point line and I don’t think it end ended up in a made basket for the clippers but it was just Sam was trying so hard and like Russell was just

Pushing him back like it was nothing so that was it was a tough it was a tough matchup for him I don’t I think they’re I think they’re better equipped for both of them both those matchups now than they were before obviously Sam is better for like a drop coverage but when

You have guys like Donovan Mitchell who I think can beat anybody off the dribble in a one-on-one situation or at least you trust him to do that I kind of like him in a switching situation more where it’s more spaced out and more you know you kind of you’re

Not as much right he can manipulate the defense a little more rather than having that help Defender just staying home feel like Mitchell he was so good last night I’m just going to we’ll just we’ll just transition to talk about here he was just so fun watching as a playmaker

Because every time the Clippers thought they had him he was getting into the paint kind of freezing the entire defense and then he was just pick your poison I mean he was dropping dimes to Allen he was kicking out to the three-point line he’s been so good at

Just the the Cavs aren’t playing at a reckless speed but Mitchell has his foot over the gas pedal at all times and he is getting them Off to the Races whenever an opportunity presents itself that’s where Wade has been so good just firing in transition above the brid it’s

Been really fun watching Mitchell just be on alert like this entire stretch he’s been so alert as a playmaker and he’s been making some really really good passes that I think you know throughout his career up to this point before this year he had one game of 12 or more

Assists he’s already had three this season and I think that really shows of course he’s playing point guard for a long stretch here but I think Mitchell has really just done such a great job of get elevating his teammates in a way that we haven’t really seen from him in

The past yeah and I think when you talk about them playing with more Pace or more speed it’s not like looking at the pace numbers it’s more so they’re playing with a sense of urgency on the on that side of the ball that I don’t think they were ever playing with last

Year where they’re really deliberate about what they’re trying to do and if they see an opening they’re gonna attack it I think you shared the clip online where where threw it to Wade yeah he’s like behind half court the Clippers defense is set up and he just rifles I

Mean Mitchell’s throwing these passes before the bad Sports camera can even cut to the player shooting the ball which isn’t saying much yeah I know B’s cameraman has some work to do but Mitchell’s bringing Mitchell’s putting the pressure on him yes yeah so yeah that’s that’s where I think this offense has

Really kind of changed because last year it just felt like so many times they were just walking it up the court and walking it into the actions that they were doing instead of getting into them quickly cuz they’re not like taking shots with 18 seconds on the shot clock

Every time it’s more so they’re just they’re they’re just maximizing their time yeah when when the opportunity presents itself they’re taking advantage of it and that all starts with Mitchell throwing those look ahead passes which are really I mean you just can’t jog back against this Cavs team right now

With the way they’re playing um let’s transition to talk about Darius Garland who supposed to return on Wednesday it it sounded like it was a sure thing now I saw Evan tweeted that he’s questionable and might be a game time decision but let’s just assume he’s

Going to be back on Wednesday Moy was questionable for Monday so okay that’s I don’t know if that’s more so like a technicality but yeah might be I would I would be pretty surprised if Darius doesn’t play yeah we’re we’re just gonna assume that he’s gonna play if not Wednesday

Then on Thursday uh the question that I want to pose because we just talked about Donovan Mitchell at point guard what dynamic does Darius Garland bring to the table now that he will be taking that point guard position back from Donovan Mitchell uh so this type of offense really should

Highlight darius’s skills better than like the offense that they were running last year an offense that is really there’s a lot more movement there’s a lot less all right I’m the point guard I’m going to bring it up the court okay Donovan Mitchell clear out for a you

Know a pick and roll I’ll do a pi roll like it’s not really like that anymore so that should be better for Darius whether that is better for Darius we still have to see because he he has had a tough start to the season um I’m not

Sure if his hand was an issue at the start of the Season you can definitely if you believe it was you could say hey this is why the three-point the the three-point numbers were down and the attempts were down and the turnovers were just up like crazy but

So I think he he should be a good fit but I’m still with how bad the start of the season was I’m going to wait and see before I get too excited but this should be the best fit that he’s ever had in his career with how they’re currently playing yeah I agree

100% with that I we’ll have to wait and see I think it’s a combination of a lot of things why he was struggling early on from injuries to maybe just starting the year a little slow in a shooting slum making poor decisions the Cav as a whole were a little discombobulated now this

Team is playing with So Much Chemistry and they’re so connected that if Garling can insert himself into that it might take him some time but he is such a talented playmaker he’s such a talented scorer that this should be the best fit for him uh similar to moy a lot of

People are you know we were so concerned about is moy going to mess up their offensive style we kind of forget that this offensive style will probably bring out the best in Moy too like we haven’t seen too much of it yet but just just this faster Pace putting spacing around

Him the ball is moving a lot more he’s such a good finisher down low that if you give him openings he’s really going to be able to capitalize on that and same with G hope have I do have one uh nitpick for Evan okay and he needs to

Actually make contact on these screens and I think that really hurt that second unit because he was still kind of doing those like lazy screens where everyone knows he’s not making contact with any body and he’s just kind of standing in the way and guys like Sam merold they

Need you to make contact on those screens for that to work so I know I know this was his first game but if we’re looking at the success of some of those units you need that’s something that you need like Sam needs those screens especially against a team like

The Clippers who is a switch heavy team so maybe against the Pistons you really don’t need anything but you know get good teams you just need some players to to play 48 minutes that’s all you’ll probably get the win although the the Pistons did win their last game so we’ll

Give them credit for that but and lions everything but that’s yeah everything literally Moy absolutely needs to make more contact on screens I think that’s been a problem for him dating back all the way to college if I remember correctly like scouting reports he just

It might just be his style I think he slips a lot of screens and he just doesn’t just make he just needs to make a little more contact on those that’s why though hopefully yeah just once or twice uh that’s why hopefully with Allen having such this this kind of a breakout

As as a player who can operate up there maybe you manage to switch their roles a little bit and you have Allen doing all of that instead but uh we’ll see uh another question that I want to ask as far as DG’s return goes Cavs have been

Very very good on defense and really aside from Nang and and Merill occasionally they’re putting out lineups that have like no weak points on the defensive end I mean you’re putting out Mitchell is having a very good defensive season aoro Wade Allen streu has been very good my question is now that

Garland is going to be out there and he is I try to give him as much credit as I can for defense because he’s just physically limited I think he’s a capable Defender it’s just there’s only so much he can do with his build what does that mean for the Cavs defense now

That there is a weak point for teams to Target I what I don’t want the has to do is what they’ve done in the past which is kind of overcompensate for Darius Garland I think if Darius like if Darius Garland’s going to be your starting point guard Darius Garland needs

To not be a liability on the defensive end and I’m not saying don’t play Darius Garland but I’m saying don’t try to overcompensate where you hurt your defense and in other areas by not trusting Darius Garland to do his job so I think that’s one of the things that this defense

Has done a better job is kind of not overreacting to when somebody gets by their guy what we need from Darius is we don’t need you know like we don’t we don’t need all defense from Darius for this you know team to work but we do

Need him to compete on that end and I think he can do that uh I just think it’s easier to not do that when you know the help is behind you and that everyone’s going to just collapse anyways and I think that’s where you’ve seen Donovan really step up

Because this isn’t the defender who Don that Donovan was last year you know he’s really stepped up in this stretch knowing that hey I have to um compete on this end because I’m not gonna have Evan Moy there to just clean up all my messes

So that’s what I want to see from Darius and I hope I more so hope that the team keeps the philosophies that have made them successful right now because this this this defense wasn’t very good at the start of the Season uh people forget that it was pretty mediocre uh for large

Stretches and that’s one of the reasons why they were what are they 15 and 13 13 and 12 whatever whatever it was um so like there he is his F that he doesn’t need to break a defense he’s not he’s not Trey young levels bad and they

And they don’t need him to carry the whole offense like that’s one of the Trey young problems is they have no offense so Trey young has to do everything d doesn’t have to do that but what he does need to do is when he’s out

On the court you need to compete and the Cavs have depth like they don’t need him to play 42 minutes a night for them to be good they just need him to compete in the minutes that he’s out there yeah those are all great points I think you

Know I think Garland is capable of fighting on the defensive end and so it’s it comes down to the defensive philosophy it comes down to individual trust and accountability uh hopefully as the season goes on and Garland’s back up to his normal minutes that Trend holds

For the Cavs because I do think they really are at their best when they kind of trust their point of attack Defenders to a reasonable extent Allen and moley still have to have you know the ability to get over and protect the rim which is something that they they’re amazing at

But you can’t do it at the cost of breaking down the rest of the defense when it’s not really necessary especially those in between shots that we’ll talk about it forever probably in the next series like you really didn’t need to smother Brunson on those floaters those are the types of shots

That the defense probably would rather give up more often than not and so you want to see the Cavs continue to play the style of defense that they’re playing and if there’s anything that they learned from last season that should be the lesson and hopefully what

We’re seeing is isn’t just a trend but is something that JB and the coaching staff is actually sticking into their heads yeah and one of the things that we saw from Darius at the beginning of the year is he was going under so many screens on the perimeter and that just

Like he was doing it lazily and you know Jared Allen and Evan Moy aren’t going to come up on screens to hedge uh this just not really what they do so when he was lazily going underneath those screens it was just oh this is an open three for

Dearen Fox off the dribble oh this is you know Shay can get this three and that’s that’s what you can’t have with this defense like that’s what like when you watched the game yesterday there was no times where you’re like oh um Ka Leonard getting an open three just

Because they set a simple screen there and that’s and that’s the kind of stuff that was happening to the Cavs at the beginning of the year and that’s where where you need to see Darius kind of take more ownership of those situations yeah yeah you just got to run teams off

The three-point line I mean that’s really the best defenses in the NBA you limit shots in the paint and you do your best to run teams off the three-point line the more shots you can force in that mid-range area the better defense you’re playing really because it’s it’s

The least efficient shot in basketball so yeah hopefully the Cavs keep it up yeah and they can’t just leave the corners because that’s what they did last year Evan Evan says I’ll just leave my guy in the corner we’ll be fine and that’s you know that’s not good yeah

Yeah it’s not great you know who wasn’t being left in the corner though Isaac Koro 17 points the first half that game he was kind of left in the corner they did adjust they did adjust and actually started defending him a little bit uh James Harden was was kind

Of out there in the corner respecting a Coro a little bit and we saw him uh have a couple good drives on Closeouts and and set up other people so Isaac aoro all defensive campaign we pushing it just wanted to sneak that in there at the end because he’s been playing very

Good basketball he has been playing very good um this is this stretch you’re see you are seeing how important he is and how when he’s able to just like he doesn’t need to do a ton on the offensive side of the ball he just needs to exist he just needs to play

Basketball and be part of the offense and when he is he’s able to just do what he does on the defensive end and I think after the game uh bigger staff and Donovan they were all talking about um how his the best point of attack Defender to ever exist and I think

That’s a little hyperbolic but what he does do no no uh but he has he he really has improved on that end and I think he’s been more disruptive this year which in the past it felt as if he was a good on ball Defender but he wasn’t

Helping a disruptor right he wasn’t he wasn’t really helping the whole team he felt more like a corner in football that just shuts down his guy and doesn’t get any interceptions he doesn’t help in the Run game he just kind of all right I got

I got my guy he’s done that’s great but it doesn’t always help the rest of the defense and I think what okuro is doing now is he’s just really just a great just a great team Defender as as well and I think that’s where the development has been yeah he’s been really polishing

Uh his game on the defensive end for sure it’s seems like it at least for me it’s always annoying because I I would want to put together like compilations of a corter playing great defense but when you go back it’s like well he just suppresses shot attempts like guys just

Don’t really attempt shots around him so it’s always impossible to find those clips and now he’s starting to be a little bit more of a disruptor he had a really nice steal against the Clippers like he’s just he’s really blossoming as a a Defender and he’s starting to you

Know it’s it’s kind of a meme at this point that we just keep talking about and putting together some offensive skills but he really is starting to take advantage of those little gaps in the offense he made a great back door cut attacking and transition like he’s starting to put together these things

That might be able to keep him on the floor during important games and that’s really all that matters because if he does enough on offense to stay on the floor well then you’re getting the best point of attack Defender to ever exist I still very skeptical of him when he’s

Playing with Moy and Allen and I know mo and Allen but it’s if you want him to guard a Damien Lillard or guard A J Jaylen Brunson he’s gonna have to be playing with Allan and Mobley and I think that’s where that’s where the spacing issues are going to come because even though

They’re playing a different style and stuff when you have the same guys who have moderately improved but not totally improved you’re still going to run into those same issues so I have my concerns about Isaac long term or in a playoff series but I mean he has been

Good thank you for saying that I really needed to hear it yeah and last thing that I’ll say before we end the episode here too is Dean Wade has been pretty good too he’s not at at the same level on defense as aoro but he is shooting a

Career high 3.9 three-pointers a game shooting 40% so maybe Dean Wade will actually be helpful in the playoffs too who knows I the Cavs depth has just really been shining over this last month or so one thing I really like about Dean Wade yesterday he went he what was he he

Went two for eight from three that’s great he was just fir I know yeah I know two for Eight’s not really that efficient but taking eight threes the dean Wade of last year would have missed his first one and said I’m good guys like I’ll just I’ll just reset my steps

In yeah so and he really is a good he really is a good Defender um he does a good job of using his size and he’s really aggressive at the point of attack where he’s not giving he’s not giving his opponent any space so I think

He’s you know when when I look at the problems this team has I’m still not 100% conf confident with the 4 five position or the 34 position where Wade and Nang are currently getting minutes but if you’re taking eight threes and you are playing good defense like he has

Been you can play in a playoff series and last year he was playing okay defense and he wasn’t taking any shots so he couldn’t play he didn’t play after game one or two one of those out so that’s not going to happen again if you are taking shots and you’re also

Providing a good defense like that’s that’s what you need that was you know six points isn’t going to make anybody super excited but when you’re taking those threes the defense has to say oh this guy is a what is he he’s like a 40 something percent three-point shooter

From the corner like he’s really good from the corner so teams know this it’s on The Scouting Report and when he’s taking no shots in the game you know the coach is like hey we can’t leave this guy open in the corner so that just helps everything and last year the Nick

Did not care Dean wig could be anywhere his Defender Josh Hart had no idea where he was you know Obi toppen did not care so that’s that’s where the Improvement has come yeah uh we’re definitely gonna have to talk Cavs Nicks again uh sometimes it does seem like they’re just

On a collision course for for this rematch and I’m very interested to see I mean in the um Eastern Conference Finals yeah of course of course uh I’m really interested to see if those two teams do uh face off again how the Knicks choose to defend us I’d assume they go back to

That drop coverage that really because it was just so effective last year but I think the Cavs can beat the drop this year I feel confident in that compared to last year um and the Knicks they can play switchable defense too so I’m I that’s something to really watch out for

Whenever I don’t know where their next regular season matchup is but I would like to see how the Knicks choose to defend them and if the Cavs are able to because that’s that’s their kind of last year not only were they just had some some weaknesses exploited but they also

Just played well below what they were capable of and so that’s kind of that chip on their shoulder that I hope the Cavs and kns play again in the first round and they get an opportunity to kind of expel those demons I never want to talk about a c

Nick matchup ever again in my life so I don’t blame you you’re gonna have to find somebody else to talk to that to that series about but Cory’s making his return soon so I think it’s everything the Cavs have done has been to not run into the same wall against the

Knicks and I think the rebounding they they were one of the you know they did a great job rebounding last game that’s really helped them and that’s something that killed them against the Knicks you look at the three-point shots they’re still getting up a ton of three-point shots it’s not necessarily that they

Couldn’t like they just couldn’t get up three-point shots against the Knicks and they didn’t have anybody on the court who could take those shots that’s why Jetty was playing big minutes that’s why Danny Green got minutes that’s why you know Lamar Stevens didn’t get out there that’s why Isaac Aero got pulled because

They weren’t taking no shots so does that carry over to the playoffs it’s a very different setting in the playoffs but you have to really like what you’ve seen where they’ve grown but what we need to see is we need to see all we need to see the core four together

Playing this style for multiple games for multiple weeks for a month before I think we can safely say the cats have learned their lessons and they’re ready to go because the truth is they’re not going to be playing Isaac aoro and Dean Wade starting lineups against the deck and if they do it

Probably be a five game Series game Cavs five right right I’m yeah yeah yeah no I I agree those are all valid points um and with that being said I think that’s goingon to do it for this episode of the junkyard pod thank you all for listening

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Darius Garland is set to return on Wednesday! Meanwhile, Evan Mobley made his return in a victory over the LA Clippers.

On this episode of The Junkyard Pod, we discuss Mobley’s first game back, Garland’s upcoming return, and how the Cleveland Cavaliers downed the Clippers.

The Junkyard Pod is hosted by Tony Pesta and Jackson Flickinger. Our special guest, Jayson Richardson, can be found writing for North East Ohio Sports Insiders! Follow him on Twitter:

Please subscribe to The Junkyard Pod wherever you get your podcasts!


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  1. Tbh I want Mobley to shoot more his jumper looks quicker and more fluid…..a confident Mobley is a better player offensively man. We really need Mobley to improve on that end

  2. this game felt very similar to last year in LA when the clippers erased a late double digit lead to win, they definitely tried to make a similar push but the cavs didnt let any contested shots or bad calls throw off their rhythm this time

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