@Washington Wizards

Washington Wizards vs Los Angeles Clippers FULLGAME Qtr JAN 31, 2024 Highlights | NBA Season

Washington Wizards vs Los Angeles Clippers FULLGAME Qtr JAN 31, 2024 Highlights | NBA Season

Wizards wi clock and it is officially underway porzingis played awfully well they play porzingis on his Leonard curling catching but cannot top of the backboard and John Wall the one buckets but is alone in the porzingis going right at good job of not fouling Morris Fades fires the swing of the basketball

Produc after a tough couple of weeks here for the Leonard rises from the elbow pick up the spirits of John for John Wall just off the floor goes goes over the top Leonard gets into the paint he’s very good wizards Leonard creates the low and there he is sealing the

Divid half of their six shots for $100 including matchups against the Heat of giving out of it the one spot for the wizards they look at goes back to diat takes it moris with wall to beat go awkward spin fade fire no porzingis was over far Morris over the top

Clippers four for many teams poring straight away to Morris Rises for a transition League at that position goinging 35 points and did Morris for three hits the front of the r in transitional win and how it is going 141 fun fact area on the floor he’s open for

Three lets it Fly holds back turns that corner to the rim trying to make that first bucket to save on this holiday Ste shot opportunities and spinning fading for the wizards but leard from the wing to the Lane loses the obliges they were Bry beeld was a question mark today of

23 out there now for the Wizards feet keep him right in front of him screens to Batum with that patent giant strides down the that time caught it on the RO here for the Clippers Man rises for the mid would be terrific for 22 misses off the that means everybody’s concentrated

Game the ter the line to the Lane to the high energy front go right into push-ups some of the advanced stuff 318 Clippers out in front screen calls his own number behind to get that oneall set the screen and they get a it out of it has found some form

Coming kma plenty of time down the hatch the buzzer this has a shot the 28 points are luk Canard the fast break points therefore feeds back to an open Will Barton for three for the Clippers they were able to battle back Canard catch two three rebound goes to Gaff there’s

He’s going to continue to get offensive not again Gaff decide come up or stay backman drives in on coffee the floater all steps into his comfort zone Euro loses the ball able to recover way they’ve guarded Luke Canard he goes to his off that was the Luke man 840 to play

Now cof in the corner for Action here by the Clippers trying to change for three Baseline Drive right man draws a Barton creates on the the scorer for Washington in corner alone for three great job in Denver Leonard I do appreciate every shot he’s taken has got Leonard eases into the

Three minutes haven’t had one since bu for the Clippers he Fades he fires misses body on him go up and challenge crosses overing still end well Morris for three I’m of bodies or ball for three two Goodwin wi down the lane trip that is there was an offensive foul there by

Zubot so three fifths of the starting light Lan catch man was open into the rim getting foul to the rim no whistle B swarming around them all they’ve trailed by as many as poring is being fronted by you see the strip right there but you don’t back in

Bounds under their Bas the day before Wizards man whistle tra to kissper he’s a sniper lets it fly in the corner for three beat Kawai with the porzingis inside over the exr teams have 27 the Wizards second frame he Fades he fires picked up by a backpedaling K on the

Three pulls the trigger steep three settles for the floor eight fires cannot hit before they playing way too slow and very hesitant this his dinner that you took him out to is the Clippers clock a good contest by the under 40% asard is the one that made this happen he immediately put the

Pressure on CL enter now was good reporting good news out of up for Morris Morris gets into the get to the rim able to throw the hook in the OR then as a result forces the turn the line the lane to the r up the other plays and just an incredible

Reception it was a it was a great to pick up an assist Leonard Rises for stops I’m talking about the Clippers again defense By Di kiss backs down on G him just one shot at the win down fired up from TY here is dribble turnover for the Clippers to create space good

Defense bring the ball over time time had only 10 turnovers last week group tickets will receive a free Clippers 6459 interesting remember they started 10 Morris Fades those two guys I mentioned come back deep the steps much different type score than when he Washington of [Applause] aoul raise that percent Thursday to the

Suns they George that that track 12 they’ve been decimated with injuries seed so you were mentioning be able to be back by the end of the in a big way right now come in at 11 and a what they could be kissper for three for three I look forward to your breakdown

Tomorrow for what it is worth kawh Leonard has played Canard is open for three there and he wanted to get Luke going on now coming down the lane you got to step up for Canard gets it out to man for porzingis leaves it year AA has

Been in double it short handed good when attacks and he didn’t prepare to come back four games averaging 15 points in on the floor Brandon Boston Jun cof in the corner for three a whirling dervish [Applause] in I thought you were going to come on B

That’s what I was looking for don’t know his but one foot was Fades and fires leaves it take care of the ball a little bit more oh making an effort to pick the temple than it was a year ago remember started 30 and share how you get back by

Has on the floor now who’s going to get sky jump shot up to fake on Boston draws not only does the ball go in now to the Lane to the rim whistle to put two in from the line down by five here I will make it that’s

Strong that prediction Rises for three we still have time not going to do itary 13th 208 points 2412 as far as responsible for a lot of those buckets and last the way he did that time I’m looking here in the secondes to end that on the roster at that point fak right

Goes left pulls up from hisper BST to the rim he knows the defend is trying to run him lead the last time they were out in front free a coffee game it’s all we have so we’re not going to under gives to porzingis for’s met in Washington great possession wall along

To to what was drawn uping on the youngster bostonist whist and Jun at the time and they go right back to porz get both offensively and Def from the outside oh it’s a scalpel versus sword and I don’t think that’s why the officials man spikes foot jump shot so

Doing what guards beats The Bu swivel into the front court for three it’s up getting them out he Smothers the loose ball Barton is Morris sticking his nose in there good deep the Clippers grabbed all the momentum and finds a drives the L points off of those turnovers the line to the

Lane to the rim no re the tomb timing perfect Up and Under great contest by up but short this season Morris in the mid-range it is short at 85 hesitates Canard kind of right inside to porzingis and Rises for the three contested jumper great Hustle by poring before getting tied up go for

Them cover the back court now pum doesn’t even go for it Morris to patum on the wing for three collaps the defense kick it back out down the lane rise is they’ve hit nine of 15 shots in the spins back to the rim broadcast finds a seam reverse layup two

And a half to play porzingis double ball fake contested to the Lane the right like you can go another Leonard and his just like last week Clippers Kawai for three Washington and give them another possession a bucket goes a long way here St can see what he does

Points day to sharpen the tools but back the other way get to the Lane coming up from a possible Terrence man checks out of the gamees it short not talking to me we’ll continue biger got confused on that one then back the other way coach Vell thank

You as man fires it they’re going to go home happy at the defense end of the floor Wizards it’ll be a side out here once they fix the clock and it is officially underway the Wizards last week porzingis played awfully well team early on they let diat play porzingis on

His 35 points last week Leonard curling catching but cannot come up for the catch and shoot three hits the top of the backboard and John Wall the one breaks during the course of the game to get some easy buckets butom is alone in the basket here this

Afternoon por think is going right out reaching in and the rookie did a good job of not fouling against the Clippers last week Morris fad fires action right there thrown across and the swing of the basketball produc his Groove into the ground after a tough couple of weeks

Here for the be consistent in making that shot Leonard rises from the elbow fall a bucket early on which should really pick up the spirits of John one there you go well could still be a big night for John Wall just off the floor to the basket then he just elevates and

Go goes over the top kissper sheds his Defender and Leonard gets into the paint he’s very good or moves well without the basketball for the Wizards leard creates the to that post up position they go high low and there he is ceiling the Clippers have opened up two for six the

Wizards have it half of their six shots for now for Holiday ticket pack starting at $100 including matchups against the season of giving in the back court taking the point guard out of it very very efficient at the one spot for the wizards they look at wall turns the

Corner gets downhill goes back to diate takes it inside kma gets it ahead to Morris with wall to Beat dances around the defense of kma awkward spin fade fire no until that fourth quarter porzingis was over three out of four from the field so far Morris over the top up over the top with porzingis clippers four for they just haven’t been able to stop many teams

Porzingis straight away does have a couple of free throws ABA to Morris Rises for a transition talked about as well as anybody in the league at that position the last game against the Clippers scoring 35 points and did Leonard can’t find any room finds Morris

For three hits the front of the wall has it down the middle of the floor acceleration in transitional you can see how they started and how it is is going the other night gave up 141 fun fact there two shy of an NBA record get in the paint in that black

Area on the floor has checked in he’s a Feelgood story for the Wizards he’s open for three lets it Fly pull back move when he pulls back turns that corner after that he’s getting closer and closer to the rim trying to make that first bucket and visit shop. to save on this holiday steals a little bit get some second third shot opportunities and goodwi spinning fading hardly used last year for the wizards but Leonard from the wing to the Lane loses the a to shoot the three obliges really good start they were currently in Street close although

Bradley be was a question mark today situations 17 of 23 Barton had missed a few games as well he’s out there now for the Wizards went out of bounds watch him watch him move his feet keep him right in front of him here is Canard off a

Maze of screens to patum with that patented in front porzingis giant dries down the L smarter at the offensive end of the flo that time caught it on the r gives to man plenty of time on the clock here for the Clippers man rises for the mid all hands on

Dick would be terrific Barton played very well in his return to Denver with 22 misses off the 24 second violation that means everybody’s concentrated just the Suns but from the Minnesota game L the teren point guard looking over his shoulder from the line to the Lane to

The r when lobs inside to Gafford out high energy F didn’t see him go right into push-ups the impact that he can make if you look at some of the advanced stuff have enjoyed watching him play 238 Clippers out in front he’s Center Canard tries to work off the brown screen calls

His own number set up kma came from behind to get that one I’m not sure takes the inbound that may have been intended for Canard feeds back to wall jum gave it back to John Wall set the screen and they get a it out of it

48 he has found some form coming into broadcasters Jinx in place kma plenty of time Down the Hatch they do get wall beats the buzzer this has a shot lying 20 of the 28 points as Luke Gard in the paint nine of those were fast break points therefore Goodwin back the other

Way feeds back to an open Will Barton for three this last week for the Clippers they were able to battle back one above their season average Canard catch it two three out in front Martin the floater is short rebound goes to Gafford there’s that put a body on

Gafford or he’s going to continue to get offensive board oh no my goodness not again G pick and roll and Moses is trying to decide come up or stay back 20 of action kman drives in on coffee the floater look in a bank off the glass wall steps into his comfort

Zone when tries to Euro loses the ball able to recover afternoon they look very good with the exception of the way they’ve guarded Luke Canard he goes to his afternoon so far for the Wizards that was the Luke as well here is Canard inbounds to man 840 to play to cof

Now Cofe in the corner for Zone Action here by the Clippers trying to change minutes off the second quarter clock Canard for three shots and they are kma Baseline Drive Right to man draws [Applause] a Barton creates space on the road Wizards another scorer for Washington inma finds coffee in the corner alone

For three canavi is cwell Pope who’s done a great job in Denver Leonard Comfort spot there along the Baseline I do appreciate every shot he’s taken is got Leonard eases into the we had seven lead changes in the first three minutes haven’t had one since quick ones from

Leonard he’s got the last couple of buckets for the Clippers he Fades he Fires for the timeout why not give it to him one more time misses that can’t happen somebody has to put a body on him go up and challenge the re play catch oh

Man crosses over presing off to a good start in that first quarter it’s been kind of quiet since not a great possession for the Clippers it can still end well Morris for three it was very little movement that time of bodies or ball it [Applause] Wasa for three loses the ball may have

Been blocked over to Goodwin ahead to kiss wall hands off to Leonard Kawai down the lane trip his team foul that is there was an offensive foul there by no Reggie Jackson no a zubot so three fifths of the starting line once again the two-play catch man was open wide into the

Rim creating a shot making a shot and getting foul make kissper his back man attacks giant dries to the rim no whistle put the ball down on the floor you’ve got three bodies swarming around them all kind flurry to close out this first half they’ve trailed by as many as 15 [Applause] Poring is being fronted by first things that you learn way back you see the strip right there but you don’t just can’t throw it back inbounds under their basket found out I was having a boy the day before Zone by the Wizards man whistle tra swings it to kissper he’s a sniper

Lets it Fly Leonard to patum in the corner for three interception with porzingis to be Kawai with the have it Clippers have a little bit of momentum porzingis inside over the exr 22 however from the field both teams have 27 the Wizards kawh Leonard has been excellent in this

Second frame he Fades he fires ebound plays the role of point guard picked up by a back pedaling kozma Morris was open for a moment on the three pulls the triggers Morris thought about a deep three settles for the flo shot clock is [Applause] dark double ball fake Fades fires cannot

Hit before faster Pace the Clippers do because they’re playing way too slow and very hesitant you know I never got an update on your guys’ dinner that you took them out to us come on that’s good the Clippers is shadowed by diate late in the clock a good contest by the

Youngers in that first half they shot under 40% as Leonard takes it play swung the ball over and John Wall is the one that made this happen he P kaai got it faced up immediately put the pressure on CR season of gifting to enter now a bone bruise but it was good

Reporting good news out ofma late in the clock it’s up for grab Morris has it the dancing on the dribble packs down on moris gets into the to the riming porzingis Morris able to throw the hook in the from K made him put it down on

The floor then as a result forces the turn wall accelerates from the line to the Lane to the rim defense has to spread out to pick up the other players and afford the wizard who got former wizard just an incredible reception and they fed right back into him it was a it

Was a great now but somebody’s got to put the ball in the basket to pick up an assist and it’s a five-point game Leonard Rises for three they can just get a sequence of stops and I’m talking about the Clippers again going again after the beginning good defense by diat

KISS to shoot for Leonard backs down on Morris the sequence now rebounds necessary to give him just one shot at the and the Wizards lost so win and down fired up in second placed on the timer to do with adjustments from tyo here is leard Dri bounced out of bounds eight turnover

For the Clippers picked up by the rookie diate to create good defense conscious of not turning the ball over time and time again right now for Washington Clippers had only 10 turnovers last week on December 21st fans with group tickets will receive a free Clippers Mel 7 and a

Half to play here in the third 6459 team offensively could really be interesting remember they started 10 and 17 of 23 are on the road Morris Fades well if and when those two guys I mentioned come back in the playoff race in the Eastern Conference deep into the PT

No kma side steps Leonard kma’s turned into a a much different type score than when he offensive end he credits his time in Washington for kind of letting him be obviously playing behind a guy like LeBron James you’re not going to be able to get all the touches the the

Offense and he has delivered a foul sends us we have here so let’s hope we can get this thing raise that percentage against Boston Minnesota they felt Thursday to the Suns they the guys that know how to score Paul George that that struggles they’re 1 and 11 in their last

12 they’ve been decimated with injuries and five games away from the six seed so you were mentioning Ru hashimura is believed to be able to be back by the end of the to that great start they’re just going through it in a big way right

Now there they come in at 11 and aers really start to scratch the surface of what they could be kissper for three s with a rebound Morris for three soccer championship day I look forward to your breakdown tomorrow is playing hard top side for what it is

Worth kawh Leonard has played loses the ball recovers Canard is open for three get it out of his hands once he knew Luke was there and he wanted to get Luke going on get picked up by Canard now there on the weak side for the Clippers you see him coming down the

Lane You’ got to step up tough pass to handle for Canard gets it out to man for as many as 15 here today porzingis leaves the late getting over there 10th time this year AA has been in double ditch covers the Clippers defense shorthanded good when attacks with Jun

And said look over the off seon he didn’t prepare to come back good one in his last four games averaging 15 points in F the five on the floor Brandon Boston Jr wall down the lane finds coffee in the corner for three oh tries to drive on Boston spinning a whirling dervish in

In Orlando is bull b [Applause] and the good news for them I thought you were going to comment on B dishes on fast breaks that’s what I was looking foron coming out of bounds to inbounds I don’t know his but one foot was man with six to shoot under two minutes to play

Fades and fires Lees it careless with the basketball this afternoon take care of the ball a little bit more into the paint drives in on Boston you can see John Wall making an effort to pick the his role much different than it was a year ago remember started 30 Games join

The NBA and share how you give back by Brian look at the team that the Clipper has on the floor now who’s going to get ter is going to be the man sky with the three wall jump shot Goodwin set up to ball fake on Boston draws like this where shot clock

Is running down not only does the ball go in here today 18 minutes [Applause] Nows from the wing to the Lane to the rim a whistle the contact and a chance to put two in from the line and the Clippers down by five here first of weight list learn more into a I will make it coach Vell that’s that’s strong that prediction not available at that time kuzma Rises for three Clippers wall has it Clippers still have time not going to do it building since February 13th 2008 beating the Clippers fast break points 2412 as far as Canard responsible for a

Lot of those buckets and with his right hand and Banks it in off the glass the way he did that time had a good first half been somewhat quiet here in the second tries to end that with last time we played him he was not in on the

Roster at that point in his career Canard fakes right goes left pulls up from away it’s a foot race with kissper Boston to the rim Point play full steam ahead he knows the defend is trying to run him down here for the Clippers to take the lead the last time they were

Out in front the Clippers looking for one more fre oh he put it in air coffee put game free throw line here here to us technical foul on the Wizards is all we have so we’re not going a try then on Canard up under gives to porzingis for the a week ago

When these two teams met in Washington lead by one not a great possession wall along Clippers never got into what was drawn up kma posting on the youngster Boston whisted out here for Washington trying to get the idea that W and Jun at the time going to him right now and they go

Right back to porzingis get job down the stretch for the Clippers both offensively and defensing John Wall to shoot the ball from the outside the porzingis being shadowed by a wall it’s a scalpel versus sword I don’t think he did touch it and I don’t think that’s why the

Officials man spikes dumper he got fouled and he made a 4 foot jump shot so doing what and now patum is out there guards Pingas who beat man unable to convert Barton with his head on a swivel into the front court for three it’s out of bounds instead the

Miss round round up getting them out not there and air Cofe Smothers the loose ball Barton is in 55 seconds to play in the game Morris Morris draws the charge yeah Monty Morris sticking his nose in there good deep I’ll tell you the Clippers grabbed all the momentum in downtown Los Angeles

Kma finds aene drives the lers have Tak advantage of the miss used with 19 points off of those turnovers coffee at the controls from the line of the lane to the rim no re def board but not not the tomb timing perfect Up and Under great contest

By coffee up but short he has been spectacular for the Clippers this season stays out there and has in motion to the bench Morris in the mid-range it is short nothing look to break the tie at 85 accelerates hesitates wide open for a three I can see Canard kind of it’s a r

Goodwin AIA goes inside to [Applause] porzingis back to man rises for the three Wizards shoot goodwi contested jumper great Hustle by porzingis on the floor trying to come up with it before getting tied up to win this game it as all systems go for them cover the back court Now theum doesn’t even go for it at 87 Morris to three drives the lane back to Batum on the wing for three put it on the floor get in the lane collapse the defense kick it back out numbers Leonard down the lane Rises K BR on an 11-2 run

They’ve hit nine of 15 shots in in the fourth quarter spins back to the rim broadcast time out Leonard on The prow finds a seam reverse layup through the tape they’re out in front by five with two and a half to play porzingis Leonard’s played 30 minutes double ball fake

Contested the other way from the line to the Lane the energy is there when you feeling like you can go another in high 30 one for kaai Leonard and is trailed by 15 points just like last week clian 31 minutes Kawai for three will strut to the stripe here for

Washington temps that’s a lot of attempts do not turn the ball over and give them another possession the Clippers are out in front by seven a bucket goes a long way here Morris here’s Canard St you can see what he does seven of 12 19

Points to work and get back in the lab on Monday to sharpen the tools but time for that five game trip Barton back the other way gets to the rim though Clippers walking between raindrops teren man down the lane to the floor in and a free throw coming up from a possible

First and laid it up and in Terren man checks out of the game Morris to have makes the grab leaves it short I wonder if the streak of my 14-year-old not talking to me will continue holiday season to ask for a gift biger GI no that was look you and I both got

Confused on that one then back the other way first obviously now you’re right coach Vell thank you fatigued from a long road trip as man fires a fence the Clipper fans they’re going to go home Happy

Washington Wizards vs Los Angeles Clippers FULLGAME Qtr JAN 31, 2024 Highlights | NBA Season
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