@Miami Heat

Miami Heat: How do they all need to sacrifice?

Miami Heat: How do they all need to sacrifice?

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There seriously check out the website usually I do a scripted read but actually I got something for somebody this week so I checked it out and it’s on its way to me so check it out shopt and get something for the person in your life prior to Valentine’s

Day you got two weeks it’ll be there before then and now today’s episode down on the floor ride for my dogs where a thing you can check the score Hustle Hard couple SCS we bubble frog just like bu say you in trouble yo check the floor

Play got to all B y’all seen the block stop with one hand and P trust it’s F have the gut we here to bring the heat y’all can hang it up welcome to five on the floor a daily Insider show on the Miami Heat and the NBA featuring Ethan scholet Greg sander

And Alex Toledo plus others from the five reasons Sports Network all right welcome back to five on the floor here’s today’s floor plan I’m Ethan skolik you can follow me Ethan J scol at five Reon Sports you can also watch me get crushed in the heat culture

Tournament right now uh our friend Miami Heat UK put together a round of 64 I made it to the Elite 8 Greg is also in the Elite 8 we’re going to discuss that here in a second but I’m getting destroyed as I knew I would by Heat

Versus haters uh Greg is up against our old friend Alon Sydney uh you can follow him at Greg sylvander where are you at right now if you checked admit it have you checked I have checked and I was at last 69% of the vote was going to me very

Nice really yes Al is you know Alf is Alf has been on one lately I’ll just say that we love Al he’s he’s been on one he’s been pushing for Duncan Robinson the start for a long time I don’t know that necessarily the results of that are

Uh are com are correlate with with his opinions on this stuff but you may make it to the final four I’m not going to the final four you and Brady are going to be in the final for it looks like because Brady’s ahead of Eric Reed can I

Just say one thing I gotta say one thing Heat verse haters we got to know your name you gotta we we if you beat Ethan J skolnick I’m calling you out sir we need to know who you are anyway move on this is a n well you’re speaking from a

Network that employs uh Eternal bass and tropical blanket I don’t know that we’re I don’t know we’re in any place to speak I I I’ve been trying to get Alex to change that forever it’s it hasn’t worked I I do think I would have had a

Better chance if I was in there as five reason Sports instead of Ethan J skolik there’s still some who don’t realize that I do all the tweeting from five reasons sports but anyway today’s floor plan let’s get to that um because again you’re going to the final four and I’m

Not uh we’re gonna talk about sacrifice and we’re gonna talk about it because I asked Tyler hero a question yesterday after the game after the heat lost their seven straight Tyler did not play well again but he wasn’t the only one and that’s the thing I I I’m trying to make

This clear like I understand he’s become the lightning rod here but look bam was awful last night and we we can’t get around that and honestly with the exception of Jimmy who I thought was okay um Josh Richardson I thought did some good things to get them back in the game and

Then sort of shot them out of it I mean other than that like what I mean what did we see Duncan got sick hakz was 0 of six Kevin Love has not looked right since he’s come back right Terry Rosier right that’s it like the beginning of

The game Terry Z he didn’t even play at the end when they made the comeback and their onoff numbers with him are not particularly good so I I mean everybody’s pointing to Tyler but he’s not the only one who’s struggling right now but I did ask him after the game

About his shot diet because there’s a clear difference over the last four or five games he’s shooting a ton of threes and the thing is we’ve been saying that he should do that like the majority of us here at the network have been saying play more off the ball take more threes

Get out of the mid-range just because that’s where Jimmy and Bam primarily operate and Tyler and look the thing about Tyler is he hears everything he sees everything and so I wasn’t particularly surprised by his answer but the directness I guess surprised me where he said trying to sacrifice to do

What’s best for the team and get off the ball a little bit more again I’m paraphrasing him uh Wes Goldberg posted a video we did after as well and that word sacrifice I I think rubbed some people wrong when I was following it on social media again because of the source

Of it because the sacrifice that a lot of fans want Tyler to make is to be the Sixth Man and that again that’s where our friend Alf comes in but that’s not gonna happen right now so it’s like he’s doing doing I I think the best that he

Can so the subject today is how can he and others sacrifice to make this thing work so start with him Greg what would be sacrifice for Tyler hero uh when I heard that quote and when I read the quote and then because Wes Goldberg also wrote a story about it and

Tweeted it I think you asked him the question but Wes was the one who posted some of the video that went around Etc um and then you obviously also posted stuff too so there was a couple different places where you could see reaction to this

And I didn’t like that it was kind of coming from a place of I’m I’m going away from my game to sacrifice for the better of the team that’s what rubbed me the wrong way because you know what sacrifice is sacrifice is Alonzo Morning like being a

Hall of Famer and figuring out how to come off the bench so that he could play a role on a title contending team that happened before sacrifices Udonis Haslam taking less money to stay in Miami when the big three were formed turning down a deal from the

Denver Nuggets I think he had another team that had an offer in hand took less money to stay probably took a lesser role to stay that’s sacrifice PJ Tucker that dude was guard and and and Jimmy said after they lost uh the or when they when PJ Tucker was here before

He left uh Jimmy said I didn’t know I could fall in love with a basketball player as much as PJ Tucker that dude goes and guards the best teams player all game and then only gets to take five shots and three of them are from the

Corner that’s sacrifice so I just I just want to get really careful when we talk about sacrifice because then it becomes a game of show me and that that’s just where I’m at and so I’m going off on a little bit of a tangent because I I

Think that it was kind of more of the I’m having to I’m I’m being inconvenienced and having to sacrifice and that’s how it came across to me if that’s not how it was supposed to be then I apologize but that’s how it was absorbed by me and I I didn’t like that

That was the theme of it for me everyone should check their ego at the door and it should be about what’s best for the team and if that means that it’s Tyler hero comes off the bench and they try that or Terry roier comes off the bench

And they try that they should be open-minded to that and I’m I don’t know who is and who isn’t but like that’s I guess where I’m coming from so from Tyler’s perspective if you’re asking me the one thing it’s become completely open-minded be an open book to anything

That may be suggested of you for the betterment of the team and let’s really put that into action see here’s the thing about that Tyler exchange specifically um sometimes it’s the person who ask the question and I wonder if the fact that I asked the question is why it got that answer

Because I think he’s aware of some of the things that have been out there and and what’s he’s usually aware I mean he’s told me that before he told me that at training camp in the Bahamas a year more than a year ago um he has said

Recently that he pays attention to less of it but he knows what’s going on and you know I think what’s funny is things get twisted where it’s you know for a while I I think we got painted as being anti- Tyler in some way which we were

Not uh and then actually I feel like I’ve swung the other way where I I keep saying that everybody’s on him uh as opposed to on others um I mean that’s the perspective I’ve taken over the past couple of weeks but we have talked about

Him playing more off the ball I have not pushed the agenda of him coming off the bench I I I understand why it’s out there I understand the numerical reasons for it I understand the historical reasons for it you hit on it some of the best players in this franchises history

Have come off the bench you mentioned zo Dwayne Goron um I mean there’s a long list of guys who come off the bench like this is and he did it extraordinarily effectively two years ago look I won money on him winning Sixth Man of the Year okay I we were in favor of

Everything he did that year um but I I wonder if if someone else had asked the question if it might have gotten a different answer it felt like he had that answer ready uh he’s not a dumb guy he’s bright uh and and he knows

What’s out there and he he kind of knows sort of what the narratives are and the agendas are and he kind of knows what to say and then he backs off like he’s not I’ve covered some athletes who don’t know what they’re saying Tyler’s not one

Of them and and so I I I understand I I I understand his perspective on this because it always falls on him right and this is kind of what the Heat have said to me about you know him in trade talks they’re like teams always come after the

Third guy and then it gets interpreted that we’re trying to move him when we’re not and they’ve made it very clear that at least up until a month ago I can’t speak for the past couple of weeks but they’ve only offered him for the likes of Dame Lillard and Kevin Durant I mean

Top 75 players in NBA history so they’re not looking to move him and I also know that they were frustrated I’ve talked about this a lot frustrated by the perception of him as some nothing type player like they believe in him more than those around the league do so

I understand your perspective on this and how it comes off because it does come off like okay I’m the I’m being the big man here you know I’m that’s why I’m doing because my question was not framed in a way to say he was doing something

Wrong in fact even though he hasn’t shot the ball well from three again we’ve we’ve pushed that agenda maybe not the coming off the bench agenda but I think we’ve pushed the come off the ball you know play off the ball more often not all the time but come off play off

Because you’re good at it like that that’s the thing and and I think the question has become now like now that Duncan is sort of gone into a shell which was predictable I think uh with everything that’s happened is like alf’s point is why are you forcing Tyler to

Play like Duncan when you have Duncan and just put Duncan in the starting lineup so I I understand the perspective I understand his perspective I understand how it came off in a certain way um but I also understand why he might be frustrated by the idea that

It’s always him that has to sacrifice it’s always him and and so I don’t know necessarily you know at 24 years old and he’s just gotten this contract that he’s gonna be willing you know willing and and happy to do what Dwayne did towards the end what Goron did when SPO sat him

Down what zo did but zo came back to a team with Shaq you know so I they were mitigating circumstances to all of this let’s go to the next guy though because look again it shouldn’t just be Tyler to sacrifice what does bam have to sacrifice now his comfort level his

Comfort level with that damn mid-range shot that I think it’s a great shot and he he should continue to have it as part of his repertoire like anyone who says that he shouldn’t shoot that shot is ridiculous like did people tell kg to stop taking that shot hell no but he

Needs to mix in other stuff so his sacrifice is getting out of his comfort zone offensively getting back to some of the stuff he was doing earlier in the season um and frankly other than that it’s really just about him being as effective and efficient as possible

There’s so much that goes on defensively with him that I think we can’t quantify that uh I I just I hesitate to get two there if anyone’s and people are going to say that I um am being a bam out of bio apologist I guess and that’s okay

Whatever that’s fine I I I more this is where I come from he gets more of a pass than the other guys because of his responsibilities elsewhere throughout the game on the other side of the ball so that’s just how I feel but if there’s anything for him it’s getting out of

That this this stretch of mediocrity from mid-range and getting to the basket being more decisive being uh taking care of the ball these are like the things but again these are just the things that we’ve talked about I don’t know that any of those things should be defined as

Sacrifice they’re just doing what you’re supposed to be doing and so that’s why like when we go down the road of sacrifice it becomes a more existential question than these little small gadgets that I’m throwing out there that maybe Bam could switch up but if there’s anything it’s getting away from the

Mid-range and being decisive to the rim well here’s the thing we got to acknowledge Bam’s anchoring a def defense right now that’s not very good I I’m not blaming that on him but I mean he’s out there and they’re giving up 100 points by the end of the third quarter

Like that’s been happening a lot no dogs Phoenix right they don’t okay and so this is where I’m going to go with this I the mid-range shot yes absolutely and by the way he’s not shooting it well I mean he’s not shot it well for three

Weeks like and that’s we talked a lot about how he had to shoot it that was the whole Brook Lopez thing SPO has referred to that has called that back and everything else but now you’re right it’s become everything and I I get that he doesn’t have anybody to throw him

Lobs although Rosier seems willing and able to do that so it does seem like maybe more of that will come here’s what bam needs to sacrifice bam needs to stop being such a nice guy you know what we all love about bam is he is the perfect face of a franchise like he

Really is like he does all the community stuff he’s family oriented he’s he’s his teammates love him him uh everybody around the league loves him like he is like he’s perfect in all of those ways he’s the captain now and this was my concern about him

Being captain and I I you know I I feel like that I knew they were gonna give him the captain there he was the only option and when I talked to him about it in training camp he’s like I don’t know who else it would be he was the only

Option okay but mostly it seemed like they want him to grow into the role like it’s not like he’s ready to do it he’s not UD I mean UD was calling him out on NBA TV yesterday you’re right like UD would get somebody’s face bam has to let

Some of that go like he’s got he’s got to be harder on his teammates at this point that’s comfort zone too that’s comfort that is that’s probably that’s harder than the basketball stuff like you have to be different like I you know I mean and that’s difficult um but he

Needs to do that because they gave him that role and this is a sinking ship and he is the captain of a sinking ship by definition right now so who whose face he needs to get in I don’t know who it is is it Jimmy is it Tyler the role

Players is it SPO whatever it is I just think that if he’s gonna have that role now you got to start now you got to start now this team is it’s not just this season that is on the line right now this we’ve talked about it this

Build is on the line right now and if he wants to be part of this build and the primary part of this build which you and I both believe he can be I I think we we have tremendous respect for bam but he he needs to get out of his comfort zone

Uh there a little bit and kind of go from there I will get to Jimmy and the role players here on the other side before we do want to mention a couple great sponsors of the five reason Sports Network again I apologize for my voice getting over cold and you know my mic

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The best position to take this next step and if that means I don’t know how he does that if that means going at him a little bit if that means not going at him as much if that means following his lead more if that means passing him the

Ball more if that means Maybe looking for him deliberately I think that that can do nothing but help what goes on here so for me the sacrifi the sacrificial moment for him is to start to hand the keys to Bam um in certain ways I’m not saying that bam can be an

Offensive Hub I’m talking about as the voice of the team as the leader of the team uh and that’s a really tough thing to ask Ethan do you think I’m off base to even ask that question what do you think Jimmy needs to sacrifice I’m when you mentioned to Bam more often that’s

The one that perks my ears up because I don’t think there were any assists from Jimmy to Bam last night so I think he’s still stuck at 10 for the season and honestly that’s kind of an outrageously low number so I I just think that you know whatever fit issues there are

Between the two of them offensively I do think Jimmy needs to embolden him because I I think that will help him uh to me though the single biggest thing that Jimmy needs to sacrifice is he needs to sacrifice the downtime right now and I don’t mean the downtime with

The coffee stuff and the 22 advertisements and commercials and the stuff he does I mean the downtime in the season like I I just think we’re at a point now like it’s it’s the end of January you’re getting up to the all-star break he’s gonna get a break

During All-Star he’s not going to be an All-Star this year I know he doesn’t want to be anyway but he’s not he’s not gonna be named to that team he needs to go now like just go like that’s it and I and I I think that

It’s felt to me at times like Jimmy doesn’t want to step on too many toes here in Miami because of the reputation particularly the reputation he developed in Minnesota and I I just he’s earned the right to step on toes he’s earned the right to demand the damn ball and to

Have them all feed off of him and I just I don’t think he can have down halfs down games anymore they they are so relling on his energy he gives them belief that’s the thing that whole playoff run last year was him giving them belief and I know a couple of those

Guys are not here anymore Shu and Vincent but the others who are still here there’s I think sometimes they’re just waiting for Jimmy to be Jimmy and I I just be Jimmy get if SPO is not featuring you enough tell SPO to feature you do whatever it is you have to do to

Be H aggressive and have everybody feed off of you I don’t think there couldna be any downtime all let’s get to the role players here because Tyler said yesterday it’s starts with me bam and Jimmy um but there are other guys that I think I have to uh sa sacrifice

Something or have to I don’t think hakz has to sacrifice anything at this stage I think that they need to figure out a way to get him back in Rhythm and I think the same is true for Kevin Love and Duncan Robinson I I think all three

Of those guys if you look at why this team was playing better than its net rating early in the season with all the injuries those are the three guys we talked about we talked about hakz we talked about love and we talked about Duncan and all three of them have been

Unproductive of late you’re right if that’s going to continue like they they’re not and so if Duncan is is having trouble finding a fit again he’s got to snap out of that now Kevin Love seems to we know how much he cares okay he was throwing stuff on the bench

Yesterday he needs to figure out a way to make himself viable option for this team again because backup center was one of the places where the heat had an advantage most nights because of what he was providing has not been the case lately and hakz I I think that’s more on

The on the coach I honestly I I think think that you can’t have Kime standing in the corner now like not with what he was doing earlier in the season no that needs to be sorted out so to me it’s not sacrifice for the three of them it’s

More just playing better the sacrifice has come from guys like Josh Richardson whose minutes have come down and then you know another guy we got to talk about is Caleb because I I I what do you think he has to sacrifice I just I just I don’t feel like you know what you’re

Gonna get from him every night and I felt like last year we did yeah and a lot of that has to do with that the the bursts to the rim just aren’t happening as frequently and that’s tough for him because with his lack of ball handling

He needs that initial burst to the rim to kind of make up ground for the lack of uh him wanting to dribble all around so to me um I don’t think he has much to sacrifice I don’t think any of the role players really are s they’re already

Sacrificing dayto day find what about Rosier what about Rosier he could potentially need to Anchor a second unit like they may need to look at that that they’ve been staggering and I like some of that that they do and then obviously they’ just keep falling off cliffs but I

Thought that there were moments where the Staggering looked like it was it was heading somewhere um but I I don’t really want to focus a ton on on four through 10 and what they need to necessarily sacrifice because I think that all of those guys sign up to

Sacrifice on some in some way shape or form do you think that any that there’s anything that coach B the front office or ownership has to sacrifice right now oh well let’s go through it I’ll mention Rosier on one thing here I think I think he needs to dig in defensively

Honestly like that that’s where because look he’s supposed to be an upgrade over Lowry in that regard like I know that he had uneven an uneven time in Charlotte you know playing on a bad team but he’s more capable than Kyle of playing good defense at this stage of their careers I

I I think that he needs to guard his man basically that’s that’s what I have one thing that they can all sacrifice their damn body and take a charge well that’s the thing because that’s the one thing Kyle did and that got brought up yesterday now you got a lot of Heat fans

Who whated Kyle out of here for the last two years who all of a sudden are reminiscing and all Melancholy about the fact that he’s not here uh I’ll run through the other the others first I honestly I I I know fans are gonna get on me I don’t know that ownership needs

To sacrifice anything right now they made a move like everybody wanted them to make a move they’re trying not to be in the second apron I I mean if the all-in move was there I would say yeah sacrifice okay and and pay even more tax

And go but the all in move is not there right now I don’t think I mean it’s Donovan Mitchell right like that’s the move and I don’t think Cleland guy is that an all-in move I guess I guess kind of I mean I he would help significantly

For sure I mean Danny Angel is gonna demand a ransom from the heat I don’t I don’t know I I don’t I mean I felt that they ownership needed to sacrifice to make a move to give them a better chance agree and they did to a certain degree I

Know that the tax comes down this year but now they’re going to be a tax team going forward it’s more likely than it was prior to the trade so I wouldn’t I wouldn’t go there or with Pat at this stage I I I think you know SPO he’s throwing everything at the wall

Right now I mean he said it yesterday like that was I mean he was very candid and and I wouldn’t say despondent uh but more open about his search for answers he said I’m searching I’m searching um I think SPO needs to sacrifice some of the small ball stuff

Like I at this point like if they’re gonna go get a big if they’re not gonna go get uh more big players then he’s got to utilize the guys he has and give them a better chance on that end because I will tell you I’m watching them against

Phoenix and they look tiny against the Suns and the suns are not a particular big team like I mean n yes and Durant but they’re not I mean it’s not Orlando is a big team like there are some big teams around the NBA Cleveland when they’re fully healthy is a big team uh

With Mo and Allen in there but the heat looks small at every POS now they’ve gotten small well I guess Rosier and Lowry I guess Lowry was wider than Rosier right I guess we look at it that way the same height roughly but I mean they looked re acreage right but they

They they just look small and so I’m like okay so can you play more of your big options can you go back to yic can you maybe try bam with Orlando Robinson at times and see if that maybe freeze bam up a little bit like I think he’s

Gonna have to get away from some I mean playing Haywood High Smith at the four is not working right now we we liked it I liked it but it’s not working you know playing six5 guys next to Bam like he’s wearing down so I think maybe SPO needs

To give up on some of that philosophy because it does seem we talked about this on a previous podcast like the league is come back to Pat here a little bit in in terms of playing with size and you know again it’s more functional size than maybe in Pat day it’s more skilled

Size perimeter size uh but Miami is a tiny is a the team that spoler putting on the floor is small it’s very small he has some options on his roster to go a little bit bigger yep I still think they need to add to those options but for the

Time being uh I think he needs to lean more that direction because here’s the thing if you’re a small team and you’re fast that you can get away with it but they’ve got one guy with plus speed on the team and it’s it’s a guy they just

Got right so it’s like they’re they’re a slow team in general they’re slow small Jinx in the show in the show thanks for our sponsor shop tuub better Edge prize picks I promise I’ll have a voice someday have a good one everybody

Miami Heat: How do they all need to sacrifice?

Tyler Herro used the word “sacrifice” to describe his new shot diet of late. But it’s not just him that needs to give something up to get the Heat going again — after seven straight losses. Ethan Skolnick and Greg Sylvander look at Bam Adebayo, Jimmy Butler, Erik Spoelstra and others.

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  1. Sacrifice would be for Jimmy to play hard every night. Sacrifice would be for BAM to learn one post move in SIX YEARS, but I forgot this network isn’t allowed to hold BAM accountable.

  2. Put Tyler's ass back to bench.. otherwise trade him. You can't be worried about his feelings when your team is as bad as they are. lineup changes have to happen otherwise season is lost

  3. Greg, AD don’t get a pass, Greak Freak doesn’t get a pass, Embid Don’t get a pass. But Bam get a pass and you wonder why they call you a Bam Apologist, Bam needs to look in the Mirror.

  4. So basically Herro is the only one that needs to Sacrifice. Because y’all didn’t list one thing for Bam and Jimmy to Sacrifice. Not surprising AT ALL.

  5. Herro rightfully gets the critique of his game is be he is taking most of the shot attempts and handling the ball the most. So his game is the biggest part of the offense.

  6. When is spo gonna be held accountable for this losing streak and call better defensive schemes cause doubling players all game is always leaving someone wide open to hit 3s and terrible coaching

  7. If you’ve been paying attention Greg, that bams responsibility elsewhere take is trash, truthfully bam hasn’t been BAM defensively for awhile now

  8. No one should have to sacrifice anything. What good teams in the nba have anyone “sacrificing”. Everyone should play to their strengths and form the rotations and lineups around that.

  9. We will bounce back let Terry be him and be aggressive hes a bucket I like using Tyler as a catch and shoot to space the floor we will get thru this lets go🔥

  10. I don't have an issue with Herro's comment… what he said is true. He is clearly playing differently to try to make this work. It seems to be an issue of semantics around the word 'sacrifice'. Either way, he's adjusting himself for the betterment of the team. It could be argued that the better adjustment is 6th man, but seems his heart and mindset is in the right place.

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