@Houston Rockets

Rockets Defeat Lakers, Cam Whitmore’s REVENGE, Jalen Green’s NEW Game, Is Sengun a MAX Player??

Rockets Defeat Lakers, Cam Whitmore’s REVENGE, Jalen Green’s NEW Game, Is Sengun a MAX Player??

What is up csgs in this video I’m going to talk about cam whitmore’s explosion onto the scene for the Houston Rockets also Jaylen green what has changed from him in the recent games and lastly should Alin shenon be a max player I’m going to answer all that right now tap in Enjoy the Rockets Chop Shop is your One-Stop shop for all your basketball needs for highlights analysis podcast we do it all here at the Rockets Chop Shop make sure you hit the like button on the videos that you watch if you enjoy them hit the Subscribe button to get

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If you want you can support us through our Partnerships with our sponsors the Rockets Chop Shop is made by fans for fans and we’re going to keep rocking and keep dropping that heat youve from me this is something I Know know so your Rockets are coming off a thrilling victory over the LA Lakers in a game where we basically destroy them um it seems like La struggles playing in Houston but um this was a game where everybody got to show a little bit of

What they could be in the future a must needed game after you know some of the slum that we’ve seen from the Rockets the terrible loss to Portland the terrible loss to Brooklyn um even you know the game against the Hornets was like e you know they weren’t that good

So it’s was really hard to say you had the road trip from Hell which we just lost every damn game pretty much so this was a much needed Victory it was kind of a reassurance to the fan base about what we actually have building you know I

Mean with these young guys there going to be a roller coaster right if you get a couple bad games in a row it’s like you know blow it up do this guys want to trade everybody when they play good you kind of reminds you of what you know the

The long-term outlook for the team is and for me the way I look at it is always take the macro View and then you can observe some micro development and then you know glean some things from there but you know never get too high or too low with any of the players because

Once again they’re young and and with these young guys one thing about drafting a lot of Lottery players they’re going to have flashes of talent um the way you assess that you know whe whether it’s something real or not is consistency and that’s something that

We’re trying to see from a lot of our players but uh one guy that is on the scene and showing up um in recent games as especially on the offensive end and sneakily a good Defender is one Cameron Whitmore um in this game against the Lakers cam played 18 minutes uh went

Seven of 12 from the field 58% 33% from three um also scored a quick 20 points and got to the line six times in just those 18 minutes um zeros on the assist zero steals zero blocks zero turnovers um had six rebounds so so cam is is

Really making an imprint as a guy that you can bring in as a spark and earning his minutes and you know you had guys like Aaron holiday who were dmps in this game and when you get performances like that it seems like uh coach adoka is

Trusting cam more right the more uh he plays like this the more he gets but overall just looking at the game versus the Lakers um it really came down to how the rocket started started fast we started aggressively and the Lakers couldn’t do nothing against us but in

This game like I said not a lot of uh Aaron holiday he went straight for the Gusto with some of the good lineups cam was one of the first people off the bench amen Thompson was out there guarding Fred only played let’s see for Fred vanle he played 37 minutes not even

The leader in the starter is in minutes so you know that’s a game that he’s trying to win J Shante only 18 minutes Jeff Green was has been kind of bad but like I said on the live stream after the game y’all got to cut Jeff some slack

Like this is not what he’s supposed to be doing Jeff is not supposed to be relied on he’s here to to tap butts and and hand claps right pause so Jeff’s role is not to be a guy you rely on for 30 minutes I think we’ve kind of uh

Reached the a limit uh uh the the expiration on Jeff’s uh eliteness on the court but he still provides some good minutes but um he was a only eight minutes plus four and then uh you didn’t see a lot of like I said no Reggie bulock no Aaron holiday no Jack landale

So this was a game we definitely had to win because we are in that mix between that 9 through 12 spot with the Lakers I’m trying to make it into the play so definitely a smart game from coach DOA he did have a lineup out there in to

Close the third that was like a combination of every bad player in the game it was like Fred Dylan Jeff Tate and I forgot who the I think it might have been cam to try to offset it that almost lost the game it got down to about nine points and then he snapped

Out of his um intermittent um stroke he was having and put in the the players that were actually winning us the game and we were able to cruise the victory but once again Alber shangu Jaylen green 65 points um you know combined of 14 assists 24 rebounds

Impressive one of the more um complete jayen green games and and just just to you know to to talk about him and we’ll talk about him a little bit more as well um Alp has a very quiet 30-point game um just kind of in the flow of the offense

Nothing really hard and played one of the best complete and complete defensive games I’ve seen from him was able to hedge at the level of the screen was able to guard ad Braun and and even D on some possessions and isolation so love to see that from him um but you know you

Know some things take away from the game Dylan Brooks was bad I didn’t like his minutes on there out of all the starters he was a plus4 whereas the other guys are in the double digits you know uh Jabari plus 11 shenon plus 15 Jaylen green plus 13 and then Fred plus 17

Dylan was ah you know what I mean he he’s kind of uh I had said on the live stream that he is he has like this this thing with within him that wants to just explode out this demon of of CTE right and and he’s like fighting it you can

See him fighting it but man it is getting real he’s been kind of putting together some bad games and a lot of times some of the Antics he does does hurt the team so that’s something to keep an eye on let’s keep an eye on that

For Dylan going forward I do want to talk about a man Thompson who only played 11 minutes um had zero points but seven big rebounds three assists and steel um I think a Men played a good game despite what the box score shows one of my favorite plays from the game

Is a clip where he got a rebound off of Christian Wood’s head full like extension diving like Megatron from from the Detroit Lines over wood grabbing the rebound pushing in transition from coast to coast got to the end of the Court floating out of bounds hit cam Whitmore

On the wide open three that kind of uh was a little dagger for the for the Lakers cuz they called a timeout after that um I love love what I’m seeing from my man he has a lot of room to grow but he gives you once again the flashes of

What you could be as they grow older you want to see these young guys put together the consistency piece and and that’s what we’ve been kind of waiting on for like the Jaylen greens of the world and and some of the other younger players shenon one thing you can say

About him he’s consistent right so if you have great flashes and now to consistent great flashes then you lean into the category of this player is actually going to be really really good um just waiting on that for some of the other guys Fred is strling right now

Fred is struggling with a shot um Fred only shot uh let’s see Zero for zero for zero right only had three points and most I think all his points came on technical fouls but it was a team High plus 17 this dude has the master of the impact uh without correlating with the

Box Court there is just something he does on the court and he did this into like you look at his stats they’re just trash and then all of a sudden he’s the highest plus minus on the court because Fred’s a winner he’s a winner winning player he makes key plays defensive

Plays he’s a a linking player on the lineups he he’s a glue guy um and I think the way coach adoka played him is kind of how I’d like him to be played Jaylen was on ball a lot Fred played off ball he allowed Jaylen to initiate a lot

Of the actions because he wasn’t he didn’t have it going he pressed a little bit with some of his shots but overall it wasn’t nothing egregious and I think this kind of shows you the The Sweet Spot for Fred is not going over right we

Don’t want to see that but if the other guys have it going Fred just wants to F voids right so if the void is filled by somebody else cooking I think he is perfectly content with not pressing I think he only presses when he has to do

So when he’s trying to win he’s a winner if he sees these kids are fumbling and not doing what they’re supposed to do and they’re about to lose then y’all get ready for a 20 shot Fred Van vet Knight if shanon’s cooking he’s gonna feed him if jaylen’s cooking he’s gonna feed him

The only thing Fred needs to work on and this is a constant criticism for him that’s Dat Back dates back years in closing moments he thinks he’s him and he is not him Fred is a great player but I do not want him taking any of the last

Shots unless they’re wide open and and that’s something he has to work on is his late game shot selection but otherwise I would say 80% of the time in 80 you know of the minutes in the game he is making the right decisions and putting you in position to be successful

You can also see that in the fact that um he had 14 assists and only two turnovers which is you know I mean his assist to turnover ratio for all the high useage guards in the league is one of the best so shout out to Fred for

That he definitely doesn’t need to pick it up offensively you’re not making 40m to go over right I can say all all the things I just said that’s cool but you’re making some money bro so you got to make that work for us like we got to

Make up some things and you know I mean so I haven’t said that if if this is like the the the level of Fred we’re going to get and he is still a player we heavily depend on in our starting um lineup and all the pretty much all the

Lineups um if if a man Thompson can take a leap if Jaylen can take a leap if collectively the the back court the young back court can take a leap then you know I wouldn’t mind not exercising Fred’s thirdd Year I hope we don’t have to depend on that now maybe we could

Restructure it and extend him out a little bit on that third-year um contract cuz remember he’s making 40 plus M for three three years the third year on that is going to be a team option so the Rockets have the right to uh decline that option and then Fred

Will go into free agency um so technically next year if the rock is declined his option next year he’s an expiring contract to me you don’t make a move about Fred until one of the young guys in the back court declares it and they have to declare it by being

Consistent which we haven’t seen as of yet but overall I mean I loved the way like um you know the players attacked their mismatches Jaylen was aggressive I’ll talk about him a little bit cam was aggressive am man was aggressive um the Vets weren’t that great but you know

Shenon did his thing uh just overall a good game by all the guys was great to see so what I’m going to talk about now is I’m going toing break down some of the key performances uh and performers looking at cam Whitmore Jaylen green and

Al shenon and just to see um what are some some things that I I’m interested in these three for so y’all check it out here comes cam Whitmore cam wh Whitmore ladies and gentlemen put on a show young man put on a show one of the things that has been apparent to me

Watching the Rockets play is the emergence of Cam Whitmore as a viable rotational player and um it just got got me curious about what his impact is now you know he’s been a positive to me just by watching the game but sometimes the numbers kind of you can kind of tease

Out really what’s happening when cam gets on the court one thing I know when he comes on it’s instant offense now he had a couple of games where you know his shot isn’t falling but usually when he comes on he’s doing what he’s supposed to do if you guys remember from the

Start of the year uh before uh the season started I had made uh kind of notes of what cam could do to become a rotational player on on this team number one thing he has to do is play hard and he does that on a nightly

Basis number two is to run in transition he does that on a nightly basis one of our better transition players right now and number three is to hit those open shots because they’re going to use them more as a spot up guy early on in his career as he develops his handle and

Things like that so he’s hit all those check marks the defense is coming along um the shot selection it it goes up and down there’s sometimes where I don’t like the shot selection and there other times where he actually does what he’s supposed to do attacking close outs um

Getting downhill on players that he could bully and just using his body as a weapon um so this is all like really really high level stuff from a guy that is that young at 19 years old um he has the tools to do things a guy like jayen

Can’t do right now probably one of the best athletes on our team um as far as wining he explodes going to the basket um you know I mean the rim pressure is there the shot is there you know 40 plus perc three-point shooter I think it

Might have dip down to 39% as as his attempts have gone up but just wanted to assess what is Cam’s impact on the team so what I’m going to do is I’m going to look at the lineups that he has been with for the Rockets uh this season so

Looking at the twom man lineups with Cam Whitmore um him and Jabari together 278 possessions plus 3.3 you can see him and Jaylen 14 plus 14.2 and him and Fred are a plus 18.2 so with him and Fred on the court together being the highest plus

One thing I do want to note him and Jaylen do play very well together I know there’s some concern about maybe um you know who should start who should not start I’m not going to lie looks like jayen and and cam actually have some Synergy going there they do allow our

Pace to be a little bit faster a lot of a lot of bit faster compared to our regular starting lineup so he adds a different punch and then seems like him and jayen especially in transition they they’re both them both screaming down in transition really puts a lot of pressure

Pressure on the defenses you can also see the negatives of the people he’s struggling on the court with right now and struggling is a stretch uh with shangu minus 1.2 um and with Dylan Brooks minus 8.2 now um as as we build this out we’re going to kind of expand

Out on the uh on the lineups to see are they actually struggling because on two-man lineups it means two of them on the court with a million other people so with shenon the lineups coach adoka has played him with they haven’t been great and to me this I mean I kind of already

Figured out why this is and we’ll see why but the biggest negative right now with Cam on the court is is Dylan Brooks and and and then you look at him and a man together in 4446 possessions a minus 3.7 so him and a man together that’s an

Aggregate of all their lineups from when the season started so to me when it’s closer to zero you really don’t put too much into it one of the drawbacks of uh cleaning the glass which is where I get their uh their differential data from when they’re on sharing in the court

With individuals uh is that you cannot filter It Out by date ranges so um you just have to look at it for the entire season I can almost guarantee that they um some of the most recent lineups are a plus so that’s the Twan with Cam Whitmore so let’s look at the three-man

Lineups with Cam Whitmore so now we’re teasing it out a little bit more so you can see that when it’s cam Jabari and shenon together it’s a plus 21 right that’s that’s a three-man lineup that is really really Elite and 83 possessions not a high frequency you want to get to

About 100 to see whether you can really make some noise out of a certain data point when it comes to possessions but 83 is pretty you know is decent plus 21 in that so you can see that baked into the cam and Jabari pluses was shanon

There you look at Cam shenon and Jaylen now remember Jaylen for the most part has been a negative so that’s a plus 9.5 and 179 that’s significant so the three and I’m going to use shenon as kind of a fixed rate for these lineups because he’s our best player and he’s a guy

That’s G to be on the court when the matters the most so he’s going to be in these lineups as kind of a fixed um a fixture on there compared to the other players around them shenon Cam and Fred Van fet a plus 13.1 in a lot of

Possessions 278 so that’s a big positive so we’re seeing that cam with shenon is a positive when you have Jabari Jaylen and uh and uh Fred Van v on there so when you add in the third player being Brooks which is our our other starter that’s where you see the negative so

He’s a negative 15.3 so that negative twom man lineup with Shang goon is not because of shenon it’s because of the negative Twan lineup with um with Dylan Brooks uh if you if you had Shang goon and then any lineup with Dylan it becomes a negative for them so basically

Cam and shenon work which I think is important for us going forward because we’re trying to answer the question honestly who needs to come off the the starters right if you look at our starting five you have uh Fred vany Jaylen green Jabari Smith Jr Dylan

Brooks and Al shenon I can guarantee you if as long as Freddy’s here he’s gonna start Alp is gonna start um Jabari is is locking that down he’s gonna start so the people that have been struggling mo more recently is is Jaylen for sure and

Then Dylan has been up and down he’s a vet so you know coach gives him a longer role but let’s say a year from now does it become a conversation for those two spots between Dylan and Jaylen as far as like who should get their spot taken you

Got tar on the heels of um of Dylan Brooks and then you got cam on the heels of Jaylen and to me and Dylan Brooks because if Jaylen and cam are playing good and Jaylen turns a corner that’s a big if it gets a little interesting and then with a man Thompson

It’s a minus 20.8 so these lineups have not been good with Cam and a man on the floor and it’s usually dependent on on more on a men and to a men’s defense coach adoka puts him out there with some hor horrible lineups right he’s usually out there with Aaron holiday Tate some

Of those bench lineups that haven’t been good Jeff Green Etc so he hasn’t really had a lot of opportunity to be isolated with the starters to get his his ENC Court differential as high as you wanted to so those are the three man lineups so looking at fiveman lineups because uh he

Doesn’t have there’s like two fourman lineups so you might as well go to five in the fiveman lineups um the most frequent one that he’s played in is the is the bench unit that we started off the season with that to me is hurting uh is hurting amen Thompson’s minuses it’s

The bench unit where we expected Jaylen green to be able to cook if y’all remember early on in the season the twos were Jaylen and Jabari together and uh with Cam amen and Aaron holiday and that their job was to let kind of jayen and Jabari be the facilitators and that

Lineup in 98 possessions is a negative 17.8 so we’re losing by 17 points when they’re on the court together you look at the um the next most frequent one is is the one that we’ve seen more recently this is with Dylan out when uh and him being injured or being benched when cam

Comes in the game with the starters with Jaylen with Fred with Jabari with shenon in those 44 possessions we’re beating teams by 47 points per 100 possession that is damn near 50 points so this is a very elite lineup you guys have seen it on the tape they are actually doing work

With this lineup and it it is something that um I am very very impressed to see with such a young player um and then the other lineup we’re going to look at is the one with where Dylan is in place of Fred ran and anytime Fred is not on the

On the lineup it’s trash right so minus 32.1 whereas just Dylan and um and amen Thompson out there with Cam with Jaylen green so this lineup is not of I don’t like it right I don’t like it for multiple reasons uh on there one the two two rookies uh two Jaylen green three

Dylan Brooks and then the only positive to me on there just by in a vacuum is Al shenon um if if if if Jaylen was better I know a lot of people were still high off of his recent turnaround especially after the Lakers game but what the data

Does tell me he’s been pretty bad right overall and aggregate recently he’s been good I’m going to talk about that in a little bit but um you know I’m not going to get too carried away with Cam but one thing that once again it begs a question

Right him and Jaylen play well together that’s a given right now that’s what we’ve seen Jaylen and cam they’re positive and they’re Twan three-man and fiveman lineups um cam plays well with SH shenon cam plays well with Jabari he plays really well with Fred Van vet he

Does not play well with amen Thompson he does not play well with uh Dylan Brooks right now and uh one of the Mysteries is going to be how you integrate tar een into this and so that that collection of players this is not a knock on any one

Of them it just tells you that one the Rockets uh competition next year is going to be really vicious and I love it I’m here for it if it was me at this moment in time right now I have open competition for Dylan spot and for uh Jaylen spot if Jaylen isn’t as

Consistent as you want him to be if Jaylen keeps playing like this for the rest of the year you know I mean you keep that in mind obviously he’s going to come into next year as a starter and then you see what he brings on his

Contract year because if he turns up to the player that we expect him to be then um this conversation is moot it’s really just Dylan Brooks that’s up and that’s gonna be a battle between tar een and cam Whitmore also ask some more philosophical questions about who do you

Think is a better bench player a guy that is going to give you a lot of random chaos plays in offense in transition and play really Elite defense in in tar een or a guy that is going to give you instant buckets he can stretch the floor can run in transition as well

Is a pretty decent Defender to me it all comes down to how they fit with the uh with basically with the starters right which one complement the needs more that we have on the starting five for me personally I’m leading towards next year I want tari starting because the defense

To me is more important right even though our offense is pretty bad right now I feel like with some just anything more than we’re doing right now uh they can be pretty good if Jaylen isn’t trolling he can be pretty good and if Jaylen is bad then obviously then to me

CAM should start in that role then I think tar should start I’d love to see a cam Whitmore tar e and Jabari shenon and fr van vet um as a men kind of catches up all of this is going to be determined by players internal development right

All of this is going to be determined by internal development but so far so good it is great to see that cam is actually leaving a mark on the team and is pushing down the airon holidays and tastes of the worlds when it comes to minutes am man Thompson has been playing

Good as well he’s one of our better perimeter Defenders I’ll I’ll wait a little bit more to uh more games more tape to do a more in-depth look at how he impacts a team but right now cam is defin definitely out of their class he’s the guy that’s saying give me more

Minutes and I’d love to see more minutes from him for him against the Rockets this season good pass four to three that’s fun to watch defense to offense that was all Jabari Smith Jun unselfish So speaking of Jaylen green one thing that I’ve noticed is that Jaylen is really

Turned the corner and it kind of started around that Detroit game um about you know five or six games ago he has been really playing different L and it’s hasn’t always been pretty but there is a def definitely an aggression there that I had not seen from him now once again I

Always refer to what I uh kind of laid out for him to have as a third-year leap as a guard right as a as a guard I wanted him to attack the basket drive drive drive drive drive if you drive you’re going to score more points and I

Think I projected if he just raised his Drives By like four or two or three more drives per game it’ll give him at least four more points on his total Landing him at about 26 uh 25 points per game or something roughly like 24 25 points per

Game just by driving more because one thing we saw about jayen for all the guards in the NBA last year that had a certain amount of frequency of driving to the basket he led the league in fouls drawn right so that means when he drives to the basket he gets fouled because

He’s fast and yeah he gets there the only problem is that when he gets to the basket doesn’t really know what he’s doing jumping too early too small loses the ball so there’s all those factors but in recently you guys have been seeing him use his truck stick right

You’ve seen him use his shoulders to move not only just small guys but big guys out the way and that is a great development for him the thing about Jaylen that makes these games different is that usually when he scores a lot of points it’s based on his three-point

Shooting he has been horrible shooting the three in the stretch so and actually that’s a positive for me because I feel like he could even out at just a average three-point shooter and that is perfectly fine but the fact that he has been shooting bad and still scoring at

The rate of the getting to the free throw line and also um being able to rebound which is another aspect of his game that has picked up the entirely this season um is just something that you really love to see so if you look at

His for first 41 games um which is prior to this five game stretch that we’ve seen recently 17 points per game 4.2 rebounds three assists very pedestrian for a third-year player who’s supposed to be a star right 39% from the field is nasty 32% from three is nasty and then

80% from the line is about average um but look at the drives per game only 8.8 drives per game which is around the same he was doing as a rookie right nothing really special there um Phi goal on drives 42% which is below League average uh free throw attempts on drives 1.9

Which is low for him he’s usually in the twos and then points off of Drive 5.5 of his 17 points were off of drives that means the other ones were off of mid-range so the other 11 points are off mid-range and three-point shots so this

Is what we saw from him uh for most of this season then you move on now to this last five games with Jaylen 26.8 points in the last five games seven rebounds four assists 48% from the field right 48% from the field that’s Dem near a uh

A 10% increase in his field goal percentage 30% from three the threes are actually worse um he’s not shooting great from three but to me that’s it’s it’s not a positive but I’m actually comforted by that seeing this level of production I’ve never seen him have a

Stretch like this scoring where it’s not based on just fluk random three-point shooting 86% from the free throw line as well look at the drives per game 11.4 so that’s a plus 2.6 increase right so he he was scoring 17 and in these past five games he’s scoring 26 so just by driving

Almost three more times per game that aggression has opened up the rest of his game and he’s scoring almost 10 points more uh in that because he’s getting to the line and he’s making his layups field goal on Drive talk about making your layups 52% that is slightly above

League average and that’s a plus 8 a plus 10% increase free throw attempts on drives is up uh by one to 2.8 and points on drives is 10.8 40% of his points in this stretch are coming from drive that’s damn near half his points are on drives this is different right this is

Not the standard uh Jaylen goes six for n from three and scores 30 so what I see this as is what I call turning the corner because what he is doing right now is totally replicable it totally scales up and you guys know I’m very big on scalability for guys and how they

Play in the NBA if you show me a skill that I can see you doing in the playoffs then I can say that that’s something that we can hang our hat on if this becomes his bread and butter getting downhill with physicality getting downhill with speed and attacking these

Mismatches attacking bigs in a drop and finishing and he finished damn good against the Lakers then all of this talk about he should start not star Trey jayen is just moot at that point consistency though what I said earlier about young guys the mark

Of a player that you know is going to be like a really good player is when they start being consistent can Jaylen keep this up that’s the question we have to answer right now love what I’m seeing from him I love the focus on both ends

Of the Court he’s still not great on defense um still uh like you know you want to see more if you look at some of the drive stats he’s not passing out of those drives so the tunnel vision is still there um you know the assist rate

Is still low um on those drives because once you you make that a superpower where you can drive to the rim and teams start trapping and double teaming and sending help early you got to be able to kick it out and if he can’t do that he’s

Going to struggle again so I’m going to be watching for that right now teams are going to put him on The Scouting Report so Darvin ham is not going to be only coach calling him a three-headed a part of the three-headed monster right they’re going to see him as part of that

300 monster for real and they’re going to start sending that help if he cannot leverage his ability to get to the rim into passes and generate open threes for teammates then we’re going to have a different discussion but the way I view him right now he’s like a kid learning

How to walk and they’re just getting their balance right he’s getting his balance figuring out I can use my legs I can step here and here once he gets that that part down what you want to see is the next level which is the the the

Leveraging that it doesn’t have to be no Chris Paul tie passes just driving kick basic drive and kick knowing where your Shooters are knowing where the help is coming from that sounds easy enough but a lot of guys struggle with that right we see a lot of ton of vision guys uh

With this so that is what you want to watch out for one can he keep learning how to walk with the consistency of getting to the rim 11.4 is is really good it’s not like SGA who’s up in the 14s and 15s but for Jaylen this is

Roughly around where I wanted him to be so we’re going to keep an eye on that uh going forward so keep an eye on that I really think he’s turning the corner to the winning thing Houston has trailed off a little bit I think overall just as

A general sort of uh take on him and the growth we’ve seen in year three I feel like this is a guy that’s going to make eight or nine All-Star games multiple all NBA teams uh you know if Houston builds this thing right be in the conversation at least for you know that

Top five or six conversation of MVP I really believe this guy is that good am I off base with that so Al Shang goon’s contract just like jaylen’s is coming up and um you know the fan base as usual is torn on should he be a max player should

He not be a max player are the Rockets going to pay him the max some people say no they don’t see it some people say yes to me um I mean just stepping back it’s I think as long as he sustains what he’s at right now and even if he

Incrementally improves even if it’s just increments like he scores one more Point next year he probably is going to Garner the max right because you know he’s 21 years old once again averaging 21 points 9.2 rebounds 5.1 assists right that is those are are not stats to sneeze at for

A player of his age shooting 54% from the field 28% from three 71 at the line his free throws have got up really high and then he’s starting to tank them again but um is Shango the max player I mean let’s just um let’s look at the

Comps for players that are 21 years old so let me pull that up so what you’re looking at right now there’s only two players in NBA history that have averaged 20 plus or more points nine or more rebounds or five Plus or more assist while being 21

Or younger it’s Alin shenon and Luca donic right only two players in NBA history in the entire entirety of the NBA as we have it so do you think that the Rockets are going to say that you know we’re going to let him walk right

They might let him go to free agency and see what he could get maybe I don’t know if stone is that Cutthroat is he that prudent for me whether he gets it the money or not I really you know doesn’t matter to me if the Rockets if he stays

And we don’t pay him the max I’m happy right but I think that as as far as some people thinking the Rockets are going to draw the line in the sand and say that if if if he wants the Max uh rookie Max which is I think 25% of of your team

Salary if he wants that then we’re we’re walking away that’s cap big cap um if if Stone does that then he probably lose his job because another team is going to pay him that there are a lot of teams that have a lot of money they want to

Throw to a young 21y old that’s on Pace with stats that Luca Doner are are um are featured on um so you know a lot of the concerns with Alber shenon is going to be not his offense though it’s a defensive concerns U one of the things

We saw from that Brooklyn game uh was how he struggled against Nick Claxton and and then you see this Lakers game he is um having a great game against Anthony Davis so it’s kind of a perplexing thing like so I kind of drill down to see I wanted to see what are the

Players that um in his matchups what are his best matchups and what are his worst matchups and data is kind of surprising right so what you’re looking at and I’ve I’ve done something like this before in the past uh these are Shang gun’s top matchups on high frequency right Nicola

Yic obviously we played Denver about 60 times this season already um when he’s guarded by Al shenon holding him to 43.8% jokic’s um season average right now is 58% so that’s damn near 15 point less than his average when Alp guards Anthony Davis holding him to 45% uh his

Average on the season against every uh the rest of the league 53.5 uh wemi holding him to 30% his average 46.5% and then embiid holding him to 46% his average is 53.9 okay I want you guys to just keep a mental note what do you think these guys have in

Common before I I reveal it the worst matchups he has sabonis is uh given him 63% when they face each each other where his average is 61 uh Jaylen durren is 66% where his average is 64 bism bomo his his stepdad is giving him 60% where

His average is 56 and then Nick claxon is just blazing at 87% against al shenon where his average is 63% before I tell you guys what it is what do you guys think the reason is I’m going to give you a little pause for you to think to

Yourself This is like one of those PBS shows where um the answer pops up on the screen you know with the kids shows but what do you think the the common factor you look at that top list you look at this bottom list what do they have in

Common so let’s reveal that so what they have in common let’s look at the play types of these players right for uh yic is number one Play type is post-ups which is a form of isolation for a big man that’s 26.4 of his plays per Synergy

Uh for ad is an even split between post-ups and pick and roll um R man so that is uh you know and the Lakers they’re very bipolar if ad wants to play the the five1 game he’s going to roll if he wants to be a a wing he’s gonna face

Up and post um so let’s just assume when we play uh the Lakers usually ad wants to isolate on LP so that he’s a mostly a postup isolation against Alp uh Wy plays like a guard so he’s a spot up so that means Alp is guarding him in space and

Then for embiid once again his number one frequency is post UPS so and the guys that killed Alan shenon with they have in common is the same thing they’re all highest frequency is R man so pick and roll pick and roll pick and roll R

Man R man R man so what this means what does this mean Frank right what this means is that basically in a vacuum alpr shenon can guard and to me the the itest shows it he can guard in isolation he can guard in space and this is what I’ve

Been you know saying his whole you know since the season started for sure that shenon can be a a good Defender and he’s shown that in spur throughout the season where he just has to learn to know where to be he can be a great positional

Defender he can be a great in a vacuum Defender and to me that is the more important than being a guy that can uh stop a lob threat the reason being these players uh the Duran of the world the the bomos all they do is feed off of the

Um the the lobs of their guards right so and pick and roll Garden of pick and roll is a defensive concept that is based on the team you have surrounding you if Jaylen green is your is your uh is playing the low man or he’s the weak

Side helper then yeah uh sabonis Duren all of them are going to have high scores against your team the pick and roll is one of es especially stopping a rle man is pretty easy to do you’re going to concede some things though right if you want to stop a rle man

You’re going to do two things right one you can just live leave your big alone like could just stay with the Roman and not let them get to the basket what that does is means your guards have to be that much better at fighting over the screen and stopping the uh the opposing

Guard which in the NBA that’s really hard to do right because we have all these Elite guards the other thing you could do is have your um your weak side helper come down and tag the rle man aggressively what that does is it it leaves a lot of uh Corner Shooters open

Now there’s about five guys in the NBA right now that could make that corner pass so you’re talking about the lead of the lead guards the Halle burs of the world the Trey Youngs of the world the Lucas that can make that pass so on average against 80% 85 90% of the league

If you just tag the big man and let shenon play at the level of the screen you can stop a pick and roll and we’ve seen it in spurts I’m not sure if it’s coach adoka that is at fault for telling him to drop or is it their you know I

Don’t know what they’re I can’t tell cuz it changes on damn near a play-by-play basis but we’ve seen it when uh Portland when we played Portland shenon was high hedging on Anthony Simons cuz he was killing us on the three right able to show that’s what you call a show you

Show at the level of the screen you recover back to your assignment but before you recover somebody from the weak side has to help and momentarily come down and take over the assignment till you Retreat back to it and then they go back to their Corner the problem

Is once again the alignment for the Rockets that’s jayen green that’s uh it’s just random people it’s small people like you need a man to be there in 2017 18 Rockets when we had our our tuck wagon lineup that that that Defender was usually going to Beba M PJ

Tucker one of our our big guys right that can come down and if they had to fight with that big man if they had to scram switch or do anything on on the on the weak side so so right now we just don’t have the Personnel to play that we

Don’t have them in the starting lineup for sure one thing I’ve seen they kind of looking back at the cam Whitmore thing cam gets busy with the with the uh with the with the big man right taking it back to the cam wh more thing cam

Gets busy with the big man because he’s going to try to at least weak side shot block because he has the body and athleticism too and he’s big enough to actually stop a rolling big so what we’re seeing from the pick and roll defense from the rockets in my opinion

Is not all of shanon’s fault you he cannot play two like he can’t play the the guard coming and the uh and the uh the big man rolling there’s about three big men that could do that Jared Allen could do that um uh nick uh uh Rudy Gober could

Probably do that and maybe I’m missing somebody else but that is a very rare skill set for a big to do um in today’s NBA the only problem with those Jared Allen and the go BTS of the world when you get to the playoffs they’re unplayable you know why because they

Can’t score so it takes us back to the Luca donic comparison does Alp deserve the max he can guard in isolation right on on pick and rolls you have to have a team defense built around him to be able to uh make up for the fact that he’s not Kareem Abdul Jabar

Cuz that’s who people expect the kid to be right he’s supposed to be Jared Allen on defense and he’s supposed to be um uh Luca on offense which to me is an impossible player like you guys have to understand almost every superstar in the NBA has a glaring weakness that their

Team builds uh around to try to uh make up for so the question for the Rockets is is shenon worth it once again if you’re on Pace with Luca you heard what JJ reck said about him on the offensive side of the ball and you’re looking at his matchup

Because when it comes to the playoffs teams aren’t spamming pick and roll in the fourth quarters of playoff games it’s going to come down to mano imano they’re going to hunt mismatches attack attack attack because at that point if you have a smart team you’ve made it to

The playoffs and you made it to the second and third round by then I’m sure you can guard the pick and roll cuz every team in the NBA runs a pick and roll can you guard guard your matchup that’s what it’s going to come down to

Can you survive as a big man on an island when you’re guarding guards and wings and things like that to me Alp is shown he can he’s I rather him at some point switch out on Defenders than do the drop coverage that they’re doing coach adoka to me needs to be a little

More creative with their alignment and uh Alp definitely can play better against the Nets he was trash like he was soft I don’t know what you know I mean he he’s a young player so it has uh jayen struggles on stuff Cam he’s still 21 once again we’re not going to act

Like he’s a finished product but to the question about paying him I think right now in the NBA Market whether it’s in Houston or anywhere else the dude is going to get a max a rookie scale Max it’s just that are the Rockets going to

Be uh the ones that are going to give him that that’s a question for me to me is a no-brainer but you don’t know what this team with this front office what their views are I think it’s pretty clear at this point but you know I don’t

Know but going forward I mean I think you know the Lakers game really did put on display what the Rockets are really good at um what some of these young guys are really good at and what are some of the positive that you see from this

Rebuild um that you know you can kind of use to kind of pacify you why they go through their ups and downs I still think Stone needs to make a move at the deadline um you know it’s fast approaching I think about nine or 10 days away is going to be the trade

Deadline uh for this this calendar year what are they going to do I don’t know right to me get some spacing out there right get some two NBA players that can take over the take minutes and the Jeff Green minutes Aaron holiday to me is a situational guy I you know there are

Some positive lineups with him on there but we just need some spacers we need guys that can shoot and a backup five still that can come in and give us a non Jeff Green five look especially against teams that want to roll out the Jay Jaylen Duran of the world roll out the

Nick claxons of the world but all of that to me is is easy stuff you don’t have to trade the farm to do it I think the Rockets can do it I think they’re a viable team I still think that we should be in the playin at minimum minimum I

Don’t care what nobody says if we lose 10 games in a row this team the one one coach adoko is losing a lot of these games with his lineups let’s be for real he’s losing a lot of these games if we keeping it a buck like some of the

Lineups he puts out there my God I got him on on pack watch not for being fire but just the level of coaching that I’ve seen from him a little disappointing some of the lineups in the offense and then also um you know with with the roster upgrades what what is Rafel Stone

Going to do but y’all let me know man do you agree with what I just said one let me ask you this question will you pay shenon the max or will you let him test the free agent Waters and if you if you’re not going to pay him the max what

Are you willing to pay him do you think jaylen’s uh streak is sustainable or is it a fluke and do you think cam Whitmore should start at some point in his career either this year or next year let me know in the comments and in the chat uh

I know it’s been a uh kind of a couple days between videos been very very busy try to get them out more often we’ll see um but appreciate y’all for supporting the channel um if you are new to the channel make sure you hit the Subscribe

Button if you like this video hit the like button keep rocking with the chop shop and we’re going to keep dropping that F that’s off to Al he’s improved so much on the defensive end pulled the chair on Anthony Davis and got the block gam for

Two they have no answers no answers for the Rockets rookie Kim Whitmore He

Rockets Defeat Lakers, Cam Whitmore’s REVENGE game for the team that passed him up, Jalen Green’s NEW Game. Is Alperen Sengun a MAX salary Player??! #nba #houstonrockets #alperensengun #lebronjames #lalakers #nba

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  1. Great comments and insights. Thank you.
    He should have already had +7/8 assists if the teams 3p average is in line with the league.
    He is a hard worker and wired mentally in a correct way He will improve his free throws back to his usual 80%(In Turkey) when his hands adopt to his strengthinin body.
    He will improve his2p shots quicker then hopefully his 3p will increase with well planned training..
    His existing level of performance and the potantial deserves the investment

  2. Basketball rosters are so fluid, so I’m honestly not worried about what players gone get the max, etc. I think we’ll be able to keep 3 to 4 of our core 6. Rookie max is a lot of money but it’s not gon break the bank like a supermax. I believe JG, Sengun, and Cam are the future of this team. Surround them with affordable, smart, high energy players and we’ll be tough gonna couple years. Cam should start at the 3 next year imo.

  3. Not sure if Cheapman is willing the spend the necessary amount to keep all of Sengun, Smith Jr, Green, Whitmore, Thompson and Eason… 😅
    Jabari came back and we beat the Lakers he’s so important for this team.

  4. JG will keep this up until the opposing teams are convinced that he is a threat and taken some precautions. That should take around 10-15 games. At that point his production can drop a little but it also means that his teammates got more space in the offence. I say this because his efficiency comes from his aggression and rebounding improvements, and I feel like he can sustain both. At worst the rebounding will be there because he finally seems to have learned to go for it, lol. That is probably one of the small things that he has never had a chance to learn.

  5. Great vid Frank 🚀 Sengun definitely deserves a max, and shoutout Jabari for coming back off injury filling a role we’ve been missing these past games. W senguns defense in the p&r I think having amen being the starting pg will help out a ton as well as having either tari or jabari or both as helpers. This team drafted everything we need to be successful I can’t wait for the future

  6. I've been saying a team might be dumb enough to give up a few pieces for Brooks. I'm not saying trade him but a team floundering to make the playoffs may overpay. It would definitely open it up for whitmore and eason

  7. I think of Cam as JR Smith with a higher ceiling, because he is bigger and his attitude towards the game looks more serious. Can get a bucket from literally anywhere, play very well off the ball, but not the most cerebral player.
    He is already a valuable player, as long as you don’t burden him with the decision making. That is also one of his immediate advantages over Jalen. He is focusing on the things he is good at, lets others create for him and does not try to do too much.

    If he also improves on the mental side of his game, like improving his court vision and learning how to drive&kick, maybe simple screen actions, we got another franchise player in our hands to worry about how we will pay.

  8. Alpi will likely receive a contract in the range of 210-260 million USD for 5 years, and he deserves it. This may seem like a substantial sum given today's salary cap, in reality, it is not.

    NBA is making a big push for TV rights, the league aiming to secure 70-80 billion USD from a new TV broadcaster or provider. This means they will triple their TV rights contract, providing more money for the teams and leading to a significant increase in the salary cap.

    As a result, offering a player 250 million USD will become the new normal.

    If the Rockets allow Alpi to become a free agent, he could easily get that salary from teams in Los Angeles or other big market teams. Alpi has the support of an entire country behind him and he is an entertaining player to watch. This would be a benefit for those teams.

    So max him or leave him. FO will decide that. No other option.

  9. I think alpi doesn't have to be best defender ever. if he gets to an embiid level of a threat on def, he can be a real complete package.
    and at this lvl, he's gonna get his max contract for sure

  10. I hope Jalen can learn to pass on his drives. He's an All Star if he does.

    As far as the matchups for Sengun, i hate the way the NBA now schedules teams in a small window. Really helps Biyambo that he played Sengun the week the team had the flu.

    That said, good point on PNR guys. But yeah, it shouldn't be a question if we pay Sengun the max.

  11. If you raise them up then no one else is allowed to harvest the fruits. Sengun stays with Houston no matter what. the boy is just 21 still developing. I can't even imagine how the rockets will grow in the next few years

  12. I would love to see a Jalen, Cam , Tari, Bari, Sengun lineup. I also want to see Cam post up more. He is so strong he can back down a lot of smaller players.

  13. Jalen finally is not avoiding contact. He went into the chest on a couple drives and it was beautiful. He needs to continue this physicality.

  14. With this type of data you could easily be an asset to the Rockets front office 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾@ FTANK58 , you’re the Best in this Business 💪🏾

  15. As a Turkish fan I look from the other side. Just pay the guy what he deserves, -which is max, cos I want him to stay within this group. Except we need to solve the shooting voes. IF we'd have a respectable firepower, we'd be about .600 right now. On the other hand, in a team like Boston, GSW or even BKN NY, his stats would be a tripple D machine.
    I've allways advocated Green. I cannot agree more all Frank's been put forward. What I can add is he needs to draw a line between aggresiveness and selfish pick up game basketball.
    Cam.. I adore this kid. Not should.. he will start or run the 2nd unit soon

  16. Cam definitely should be starting. Good thing about Sengun is that he’s an overseas born player. To me it seems they tend to stay with there teams. So offer him a team friendly deal and he just might take it. Something long term of course. We need a BIG. Gotta be a Big out there, that’s young and sitting on somebody bench not being utilized.

  17. Segun is not a max player. He's not a player the team can guarantee a win in the last minutes. When he becomes more consistent on defense and mid range shooting then he's a max player

  18. Sengun is a no brainier max, it's Jalen I am a lot more worried about in terms of FO bonehead decisions

  19. You are spot on with Udoka, pretty bad coaching at times. Also super factual presentation of exposing what is mostly regarded defensive weakness of Sengun is in fact not fully on him.

  20. @Frank could another reason Sengun does better vs the row1 bigs over row2, is because the row1 are ALL STARS, he plays better vs the big names….Sabonis is a big name but the rest aren't comparatively

  21. I know Jalen has had hot streaks before but I agree that this one feels more like the turning of a corner. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that he’s had his 3 best rebounding games back to back. He’s being aggressive in all aspects of the game, not just scoring. It’s great to see him be able to score and effect a game positively when his shot ISN’T falling, like he did in the Lakers game. Hopefully he can maintain that energy because when he plays like that we can be a very competitive team.

  22. Sengun is already a star at the age of 21. I hope this discussion of whether or not he gets a max looks really silly down the line.

  23. I’m good with cam coming off the bench this season because we have no scoring with our second unit, but next year he most definitely earned a starting position over brooks.

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