@Atlanta Hawks

Big Shocker – Bufkin Assigned Back To Skyhawks

by HawksAnt2021


  1. MiserableSoft2344

    That’s not shocking at all. Skyhawks play tomorrow and Hawks do not. More reps the better.

  2. I’m fine with this, they have a game tomorrow. That said I do want to see Kobe get more time in the NBA. If Trae or DJ get injured he should be prioritized over Trent. I would like to see him get 10-15 minutes a game. Then send him back to the Skyhawks when possible to get more run and alternate depending on schedule.

    For example after the Skyhawks game on Thursday, they don’t play again until February 7th. That period would be perfect to call up Kobe and give him a few minutes here

  3. Everyone hates this but he’s not getting minutes when Trae and Murray are healthy and look how Jalen developed over there

  4. I mean we obviously don’t wanna win now so might as well let him play

  5. hollow-ataraxia

    Getting to play a ton of games and further develop lead guard skills vs sitting on the bench hoping to get put in for 30 seconds – one is clearly a better alternative to the other

    If anything, I don’t understand why AJ Griffin isn’t there too. He needs some time to get used to playing defense and his shot hasn’t been the same in a while.

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