@Houston Rockets

UNDISPUTED | Skip Bayless reacts to Brooks shoves Vanderbilt as Rockets beat Lakers 135-119

UNDISPUTED | Skip Bayless reacts to Brooks shoves Vanderbilt as Rockets beat Lakers 135-119

Of course Dylan Brooks has a history with LeBron and the Lakers and he was at it again last night Houston cheap shotting the Lakers attempting to provoke and distract the Lakers Jared Vanderbilt took the bait got ejected though Lakers coach Darin ham said he applauded the way Vanderbilt stood up

For himself then in the fourth quarter Brooks hacked LeBron across the face as he fouled him going over his back for a rebound but Dylan Brooks was not ejected only given a flagrant one and when asked about Brooks after the game LeBron said next question I happen to be watching

The Lakers postgame show out here in LA on Sports spectrum and Laker greats James Worthy and Byron Scott were pretty much out of their minds over this saying in their day if the refs wouldn’t take care of a situation they would have taken care of a Dylan Brooks type of

Instigator meanwhile the 21 and 24 Rockets had the Lakers down by as many as 30 before winning 135 to 119 kesan Johnson you and Richard big lifelong Laker fans growing up out here in La like or have a problem with the way the Lakers responded to Dylan Brooks no I I

Well VY did exactly what he should have done which is you know when you Dylan Brooks and somebody’s going up for a layup don’t touch him man but you can see him push him in the back he pushed him in the back now he could slip he

Could fall coming down all all sorts of bad things can happen so clearly he gets the F it’s a cheap shot yeah and and and and Vandy handled it a certain way the second time around he let him know he put his hand put his hands in his

Forehead or his the back of his head to let him know flick him on kind of like letting him know like now what you know what you want to do so he handled it just like coach said he stood up for himself and handled it a certain way now

LeBron James on the other hand that’s not fourth quarter LeBron’s not that’s just not LeBron’s not going to get into that type of Confrontation that’s just not who he is okay certain guys guys aren’t going to it’s not like they squared up he came down trying to get a

Rebound and I think at that moment in time he realized he wasn’t gonna get the ball so he just came down with a slap he wind up getting his foul LeBron just like next question now there’s a history between Dylan Brooks and LeBron James going all the way back and then if you

Look at last year there was all the issues in the playoffs things of that nature it it those two got something different going on even earlier in the year he got the popping off when Houston played the Lakers so I’m not surprised by his behavior at all not surprised by

The Lakers reaction toward him but Byron Scott and James Worthy are absolutely 100% right back in they day oh they would have dealt with him differently he would have been the one on the floor next time he went to the rim and it would have been one of those Kurt Ramis

Hard file type situations yeah they don’t play like that in this day and age in basketball it’s just a little bit different you’re not allowed to and then on certain teams there’s C certain guys that’s the enforcers like you people know who to pick on and who

To do things to right okay he didn’t that wasn’t Anthony Mason that wasn’t you know what I’m saying that was Charles Anthony Mason you know that wasn’t them type of dudes this was somebody little bit different but Vandy he stood up for himself so I applied him for

That yeah I I they just you know it is what it is they’re going to keep letting him get away with it he going to keep doing it at the end of the day that’s what it comes down to he sees he’s going to get away with it they’re not going to

Stop him they’re not going to change nothing nobody’s going to do nothing about it so why not um it’s frustrating as a leakers fan to watch it I’m sure LeBron is overly frustrated by it um Vandy I like the reaction but it’s like get your money’s

Worth you know if you g eject me like let me get let me get my money’s worth if I’m going get ejected like don’t let me don’t let me get a baby shove and then a flick on the back of the head like well that’s just letting the ground

That’s just letting you know D books didn’t if somebody was to touch you in the back of your head if you really wanted that issue you going to approach him a certain way though Richard you’re not GNA walk away and no somebody tou you head you gonna go get him but if I

Just got you ejected then I feel like I won like if I’m just an antagonist like that’s he won like and that’s the frustrating part is all he’s trying to do is antagonize these guys and get this exact old and he got it and that’s why

I’m like if you going to get kicked out Vandy chove it you know I mean mush him do something because he he got what he wanted so at least get what you want yeah I I mean I guess I could look at from that standpoint skip you he flip

Him on the back of the head but if somebody touch me as I’ve said many many times oh we GNA now I’mma get mine I’mma get my word you put your damn hands on me I don’t care then getting suspended and all it’s over with at that point so

To to me Dylan Brooks really didn’t want to you know what I’m saying I understand what you saying about right vanderville getting kicked out the game so he got that part of it but if somebody touch you Richard you know damn well you ain’t gonna just be like oh kick him out the

Game no you’re not gonna do that no at least I’m not but ke but key how many times how many times have you antagonized somebody and they gave you a little shove or a little something you like 15 and they got the 15 and you felt

Better you didn’t go in there and choke him after you saw the flag you was like go talk to your coach on the sideline first down we moov that’s true that’s true but at the same time that dude didn’t hit me illegally for me to even be able to shove him Vanderbilt got

Pushed in the back okay that could have been many different injuries it could have been a slipping fall on ACL it could have been all of a sudden my back is you done something to my back at that point he has the right to go at Brooks

But Brooks didn’t really want to do nothing once he put his hands on him he didn’t want to do nothing because if he did he’ have been like putting you know getting after him and approaching him but he made the decision skip not to do

That yeah so could we go back to the push in the back Play because I’m with you Kean it’s a dirty play but by Dylan Brook’s standards it’s it’s really not what he usually does because it just it was just a little pushing the back when you but

You that’s not that’s not cool if you want to place your hand on my that’s fine I’m going up but when you shoving me yeah bad things could happen okay and that’s why I thought look at that that ain’t no that’s a push he he pushed him

In the back he didn’t shove him in the back he just pushed him but the point was the Lakers should have gotten right in Dylan Brook’s face at that moment to defend their teammate I thought okay yeah but I don’t know that they have people on the bench that’s like that do

They do the Lakers have that type of person no on the bench because LeBron is not built that way he it’s not that he’s not built that way he just doesn’t do it he does do it not his that’s not his deal it’s not his deal okay then I’m

With Richard I just wish that that Vando as they call him I wish he’ had gotten his money’s worth on the way out because that that wasn’t your money’s worth but in this day and age after the malice in the palace and all the things that have

Happened the the NBA just will not stand for it and people are going to get suspended for many games if you just go deck it you know can’t you can’t just go swing on him but he deserved to be swung on at that point and I’m not advocating

I’m just saying by the letter of the law you know how you would have felt of course I’d have felt that way of course I’d have felt that way and I don’t and and I don’t consider myself or nor do I claim to be a fake tough guy if you push

Me in the damn back like that we going to have some real issues that’s just what it is tough you know I don’t I don’t think I don’t think it was necessary but the Lakers again and Richard and Skip they don’t necessarily have that type of enforcer on their

Bench mentality on the floor they just they just don’t that’s why Byron and James Worthy two Laker Legends said what they said in the post game okay then to Richard’s Point again Vanderbilt gets ejected and Dylan Brooks is like bye you know like he he

Got it he did what he he he accomplished his mission his mission was to get somebody kicked out of the game and by the way right after that the Rockets just took off and just buried him all of a sudden it’s a 30-point game they they somehow were weirdly inspired by Dylan

Brooks getting under Jared Vanderbilt’s skin with a with a cheap shot and getting away with it and and and he gets away with it every single time and this is your defensive stopper you know vanderbild is in there for defense to to get he’s a spark plug

I mean he likes and he’s a tough guy and he to talk and and he did call him a word that we can’t say on television but he at least he got that much money’s worth but it it’s like sticks and stones will break my bones words will never

Hurt me right but that’s all you can do that’s the only way you can retaliate but I’m with you kha at least you could have hard fouled him or or taking a shot somewhere that was sort of barely within dill and Brooks will eventually run into the wrong dude though yeah see that

That’s the difference guys like this they tend to know who to approach and how to approach him all right so then he goes after LeBron again and this is in the fourth quarter with the game way out of hand if we could see the play one

More time and it’s a this is a Flatout cheap shot because he just he just goes oh this we there we go over the back and just got him right in the face and just red him just just red it but that’s that’s almost like a swing to me that’s

That’s like right that’s and and LeBron I I I thought he was going to die for a second you know like I was fear for his life okay but but he okay but that’s that’s the way LeBron is and yet can you not eject Dylan Brooks for that was that

Not a flagrant to where you’re gone come on man I that one right there I I don’t know I mean it looks like he was really trying to swing in LeBron’s face I think he was but I I don’t know I mean at the

End at the in the end LeBron is is you know Oscars are coming up and LeBron is certainly throwing his uh his name ring yeah he throwing his hat to ring on the Oscar tip but he did this is Dylan Brooks this is who he is and so LeBron

Is just not the type of guy that’s I know you guys remember what happened in the playoffs last year it starts off with Dylan Brock Brooks calling LeBron old remember he said he’s old yep and LeBron really took it personally and went over before the game went to their

Huddle before the game and whispered something in his ear I don’t know what he said but you can probably guess what LeBron said to him and LeBron proceeded to destroy Dylan Brooks he they were the Laker crowd was all over him and Dylan Brooks had a horrendous series it was so

Bad it ended his stay in Memphis and remember what he did he shot 31% from the floor and 24% from three and he became a liability because he was a psychological basket case because LeBron kept backing him down and just taking him to the cleaners down low and the the

Point was that sent him onto the market and sent him to Houston where he landed in the perfect spot with a coach who does not like LeBron James remember eeme udoka went after LeBron in that game out here at the Crypt remember it was December the second and just to refresh everybody’s

Memory LeBron was sort of walking over toward e and and he said you guys need to quit crying like bees he said to LeBron and the ref is standing right there here in the whole conversation and LeBron kept walking toward him and he said oh you’re going to walk over here

Like you’re going to do something because E’s he’s a big man like like he he ain’t afraid to know LeBron yeah I might bet on LeBron on that one I don’t know I might have to bet on LeBron LeBron you know eay is LeBron pretty pretty pretty good in shape big too

So pretty pretty big but eay is not a fake tough guy he was a defensive stopper and enforcer in his day and age in the leag

UNDISPUTED | The sport is so soft now! – Skip Bayless reacts to Brooks shoves Vanderbilt as Rockets beat Lakers 135-119


  1. 😂😂😂😂😂 Lebron acted like he got shot all that rolling around and shit lol. Keyshawn stop he barely touched Brooks. Lebron avg like 22 vs Memphis in the playoffs last season but the media says LeBron destroyed Dillion 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️ yeah right

  2. Wow…..He barely put his hands on him. What's all this about? They are making this way bigger than it is. Soft world this world is man…..

  3. Are these dudes serious….they have to be getting paid…of all the fouls that happened….Keyshawn is a clown man…and Sherman too

  4. Dillon barely pushed him. Yes it was a foul that’s happens a lot. Vando ain’t do nothing till Dillon was already walking away. Keyshawn talking bout Dillon didn’t want it. Neither did Vando..

    At the end of the day it’s another L for the lakers. Let’s talk about how Green, Sengun, Smith and Brooks outplayed Bron, AD, Dlo and Reeves instead.

  5. Brooks hardly touched them both. I cannot begin to imagine what would’ve been if the league went back to the Piston Bad Boys days.

  6. Man . I feel sorry for when LeBron James snap one game. Man . He gonna deebo someone. Remember when he was bout to go at doc rivers son.

  7. Y’all in the comments are a bunch of LA haters and it’s okay but if it would’ve happened to yall, you’d be ready to fight so don’t be on bs. The Bron hit wasn’t as bad tho but if yall were taken out midair yall would be ready to get him back like I said

  8. Skip is the same guy who said he didn't see anything excessive on the midair push by Brooks that sprained his arm in the playoffs because it went against his Grizzlies pick. As long as it hurts the Lakers and Lebron, Skip is going to condone the act.

  9. Wow! For anyone who takes umbrage when people say that lakers and lakers fans are soft….this isn’t helping their argument

  10. Anyone ever heard of the Bad Boy Pistons? Ever saw what they did to Mj? And he just WALKED it off and went back at them on the court? And this era is supposed to be " bigger,stronger and more skilled?". What a joke😂😂😂

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