@Dallas Mavericks

Mavericks vs Suns Recap: NBA Rivalry Week! Luka Doncic, Kyrie Irving, Devin Booker, Kevin Durant

Mavericks vs Suns Recap: NBA Rivalry Week! Luka Doncic, Kyrie Irving, Devin Booker, Kevin Durant

N [Applause] Evening Mavs fans this is Kirk Henderson you’re joining pod Maverick tonight I am joined by Matthew Phillips he is a contributor over at Mavs Money Ball on the regular Josh Bo was not able to join tonight the Dallas Mavericks just lost 132 to 109 in a game that I hope will be

The turning point in the season because that was one of the dumbest [ __ ] games I’ve ever seen Matt how are you uh I am less excited than I was about two hours ago um this is this is just not a good game this is not good

Although if you want to if you want to be positive this could be the type of game that causes so that is if you want to be positive that’s it I’m glad you’re starting with a little bit of Hope because I’ll tell you what I am pissed off and I am

Tired okay so for anybody that didn’t watch this game you made an excellent choice the Dallas Mavericks started off the game in the first quarter with really ridiculously hot shooting great playmaking from the entire team uh it helps just to knock down shots I want to say the Mavericks were eight of their

First 12 from three something maybe might even be more than that might have been like 10 of their first 13 really really really putting the Suns on the ropes uh Luca when he wasn’t shoot when he wasn’t making threes or dishing out for threes he F found Lively for two

Absolutely gorgeous first quarter dunks um everything was just fantastic Kyrie iring obviously didn’t play in this game due to a thumb sprain he had mentioned how he was goingon to battle through it but you know it’s your shooting hand like it’s he so he the M’s not not

Resting him or the Mavs opting opting to keep him out is probably for the best the Mavericks did have their first game back with Dante exom who looked like Dante exom of old in this game not particularly interesting um things started to go to [ __ ] in the second

Quarter and Matt please please correct me if I’m wrong here because I honestly didn’t have enough time to go back and look at the game log here but the Mavericks were up at 1 51-35 um what was the the run that you were kind of keeping track of uh the run

That I kept was was actually a little it started at hair before that the M the MS were up 48 to 36 okay I remember this yeah they’re up 48 36 and then Phoenix went on a 64 to 2 or 68 to 24 run some it was something like

That like it was 68 to 24 was the run like it so it was 40 excuse me it was 48 to 32 it’s going to take scientists it’s going to take scientists analysts who do this for a profession that aren’t us really break this down in a more

Scientific manner but here’s what I saw and I want to tell you what I what I want to hear what you see in the in the second quarter alone that final five minutes we saw Luca who had been to that point just like like fire and brimstone death and destruction level Luca donic

24 points in the quarter just maming the Suns and then he lost his mind um he took I want to say three three-pointers maybe four but all but the catch and shoot from the top right corner were not good shots there were they were shots where Lucas trying to go for the

Absolute you know MDK like the total fatality then when the shots at this and during this the suns are basically creeping back in scoring points scoring points scoring points um then he decides he’s all right I’m gonna stop shooting I’m gonna drive he throws one pass to uh

Derrik Jones Jr who decides to cut at the wrong time kind of just a miscommunication stuff like that happens and then the following possession uh Luca passes to the Suns which you know live ball turnovers are a death Nowell for an offense and then what do you know

The Mavericks are down at half 57 I’m sorry up at half 58 to 57 with Luca picking up a tech heading into the half where he is mad as hell but nobody could figure out what now you figured out later that he was mad at a call that

Josh Green picked up because you went back and rewatched the tape it was a it’s a non- call and honestly I’m not even sure that that call was wrong but if you watch the re like as he’s going it’s a rebound there’s a play where the the MS are going for an offensive

Rebound and Josh Green tries to get there and Deon Booker and Josh green kind of come together and both of them dive in opposite directions and uh then they go and like you can see Luka because luuka had hurt his foot right before that he had said something when

He that’s what he was mad about he was mad that he hurt his foot yeah but he he didn’t say like he was done arguing about the foot thing before that and then like that happen he hurt his own [ __ ] foot he rolls that wasn’t anything that was just a saying

Something but then as soon as that happened like he turned around and just went off on I think they said was David Guthrie the official and I I am I try not to do it on here I generally the ref guy the refs were not good the the Mavs

Had some legitimate complaints at points during this especially because the Third third quarter was an interesting thing of all its own so I’m I’m mainly thinking about this second quarter thing and how they closed where and and one thing that you and I have will will you

Tell me the one thing that you and I haven’t mentioned during that second quarter run uh I’m trying to figure out where where you’re trying to go with that speci I got two hands in my pockets a pair of glasses a bald head and I’m watching the game with a front row seat

Head coach Jason kid did nothing because he does nothing so this is the point I would make about that because it was funny because he actually it looked like he made a point because in the third quarter he called all of the timeouts like when the when the M such a poser

It’s like all this [ __ ] is for narrative where he’s like see I called some timeouts not much I can do here the question sick of him I have defended him to the point that I can on this show because I don’t believe the Mavericks are going to do anything that’s my main

Point the Mavericks not going to do anything about him but my God man do something show some spice show some heart show any emotion the Jason kid I knew from a player would not put up with this [ __ ] he needed to get ejected in this game like the fact matter like one

One of the things that he likes to point out all the time is that the players can’t get focused on the refs and I do understand that to an extent that when your coaches yell at the refs all the time like it can it can lead to the

Players getting more yelling at the refs too but the Mavs already yell at the refs as players and part of that is there coach doesn’t stick up for him like you never see kid come be animated like there were times and Carlile had his faults but there were like Carlile

Would have gotten tossed in the second quarter of this game like 100% if Carlile was there this would have been one of the games where he just lost his mind and it would have been funny and they’d have done that and instead the Mavs just allowed themselves to keep

Getting mad kids just chilling over there on the bench and generally speaking like I understand he can’t be I’m gonna just get technicals every game and I’m gonna do this like he can’t argue every time Luka argues because Luka argues but like Luka argues literally every call

But he can argue some like this would have been a good time like and if nothing else it’s a bullet to it’s a bullet to get your team fired up like coaches getting it and if you don’t want to yell at the refs yell at your freaking players like that’s the other

Thing they could have done here the point at some point during this game he needed to yell at someone I don’t care if it was if it was the refs Luca Grant Williams for getting tossed although like you could J whatever he was doing for the majority of the game this this

Is the part where I like so it’s like we got a little ahead of ourselves because the third quarter starts Cory uh Cory Booker that is a senator Devin Booker shoots a free throw ties the game 58 up the Suns then score seven quick points Jason kid finally calls his first

Timeout his first timeout during a lengthy almost six-minute run uh following that timeout in the matter play was Lively in at this point the Matter’s playing very small because I’m trying to figure out um yeah he he was in but it wasn’t it w I believe at that point that

Was before Grant got ejected it yeah this is where this is where the kid stuff really were really killed me um and I know some of y’all don’t like me yelling I I I let me Express that I just don’t care it’s my show and I don’t do

This very often apologies to No One um Grant Williams picks up a teack after an offensive after after basically a bang bang no call and depending on what your position is I didn’t mind the no call he slid in he’s he’s a smaller guy nkit is a big Center he’s going he’s

Allowed to make a move towards the basket Grant gets up and this is what kills me Grant thinks about it this was not an emotional I’m going to argue with the ref he thought about it and then made the choice to go argue with the ref I forgive emotion I have a

Seven-year-old son I have to think about emotional outbursts all the time because my son is like a seven-year-old ID version of me he does the dumbest [ __ ] and it’s because he’s me and so I think about these things a lot I forgive and understand that sort of thing frequently

But this was his second technical he picked up the first one in a let’s call what do you call it a fracus uh what would you term that first quarter like guys getting chest to chest with one another something the Mavericks needed more of that is what I would that is

What I you and I disagree on I didn’t like him stepping over Durant like that I just I don’t like it I don’t so I’m gonna I’m gonna kind of go off on a little bit of a tangent there on that I don’t I don’t necessarily like that I

Don’t like goon basketball I don’t I don’t like going to that but we saw how effective how effective it could be you talked about Luca kind of losing his mind at the end of the second quarter like that was there was a very specific thing that caused that which is Josh

Aogi came came in and started picking him up and face guarding him and I personally believe committing a ton of very obvious fouls but that’s a good thing like it changed the rhythm of the game and the Mavs need the ability to like the Mavs don’t have

That like they don’t have a guy D der Jones Jr can be a really good Defender at times Lively has good defensive ability exam’s become a pretty good point of attack Defender at times but the MTH I mean so like obviously both of us are older like the guys that I would

Think of with this are like Tony Allen or things like that like the mths don’t have anybody like that that you can say like like for instance because Deon Booker was on fire as we have amazing like like just a just a brilliant basketball game like as as we have now

Seen in the last two games uh Maverick opponent just decide and I also one small thing on that there’s plenty of times like I’ve seen a lot of videos on the internet and the website formerly known as Twitter and stuff like that of Luca guarding Jaylen brown with the idea

That Luka wasn’t bad defensively because he basically stayed in front of Jaylen Brown other than the play where he fell down and he wasn’t necessarily terrible but there is people need to understand that allowing another NBA star to pick where they want to get to and then shoot

Is not good defense even if you were technically between them in the rim and that was also a lot of what happened with Devin Booker where he just today just walked to wherever he wanted from 10 12et yeah 10 to 12 feet he was just rising and firing and there were there

Was no maveri near him most of the time because they were so off-kilter I mean I I’m not here like like there you know there’s like there’s a couple of suns fans in the comments that are like clearly like trying to troll which is fine have your fun I mean I will say

That the Mavericks have won all the meaningful games so as long as you understand that that the the most painful loss in your recent history came to the Dallas Mavericks I’m gonna lie to take a little Victory lap to this one because you know what it’s it’s it’s fun

To beat a team you don’t like I’ve been there um but the the suns were the suns were amazing and they they weathered the storm and turned around but that portion that that bang bang foul and what Grant Williams did right there kid is out there with his hands in his pockets

Talking to the ref if you can see the way the game is going which as a former player in a Hall of Famer you got to have a better read on that game that was the time to really really really stand up he didn’t but then next play might have been the next

Play Derek’s Derrik Jones Jr it was it was a very next play Derrick Jones Jr dunks the beesus out of the ball on top of nurkic’s head he’s I don’t think he gets fouled or anything like that it’s another bang bang play but he ends up on

His back and he’s called for taunting and he’s called for a taunting Tech and that was the one that was really that was the only one that I thought in the whole game where I’m like what the [ __ ] ref like that was the egregious nonsense thing where at that point you you have

To stand up and do something and do something that was the get tossed that is 100% the time to get tossed if you want to stand with your hands in your pocket you go yell at the ref for a minute and a half and then get tossed

And then yell at him for another 30 seconds and then you can go stand with your hands in your pockets all you want in the in the locker room after you’re done and then get your you can get your laptop out like like Mike Brown and prepare for the postgame press

Conference because clearly we weren’t worried about the game uh it’s just it’s the game was just so frustrating because it started so well and what it highlighted to me so kid was terrible what it highlighted to me obviously I’m gon I’m gonna throw a caveat out here

And I don’t mean to throw out too many caveats but I Luca is my favorite player that currently plays in the NBA that is why I write for mad’s Money Ball like I I am thrilled that I get to watch Luka all the time this was and I am generally

One that takes up form about the whining to the ref because and I mean you see more of it than anybody because of the slack but this was a game where Luca did everything that everyone brings up to hate about him like yeah yeah and I mean

I’m gonna touch on the other thing that I think is a big deal here which is the fan getting thrown out like I just it’s not so much the getting the fan thrown out that is important provide provide a little context when did it happen what what happened because this is gonna this

Is gonna become a story and I’m already I’m looking through my Twitter mentions as you’re talking to me and then there are people that are like sitting here trying to frame this is well Tim McMahon tweeted something out to you people I need you to shut the [ __ ]

Up well Tim’s a reporter he reported that’s his job um so like I said I mean LCA Luca is still a kid like I get that and I understand and we can make excuses for him in that way but the fact of the matter is Luca talks as much [ __ ] as

Anybody in the NBA like he he famously talk crap about the Suns talking [ __ ] when they were ahead and then not going whatever luk talk [ __ ] to refs he talks [ __ ] to other players he talks [ __ ] to fans that’s one of the things I love about him like that’s part of what is

Fun about sports is talking crap and then backing it up and 99 times out of 100 Luca is absolutely one of the best people at backing it up but so what happened in this there was a fan that was apparently chirping at him the whole first half of the game and was cursing

Allegedly cursing and everything in the first half I I don’t think it was cursing though because you get those things with you’re within five rows of the front row like those you get those little tickets handed to you that tell you you will be removed from a game for

Disrespect yeah and I’ve gone to a bunch of games obviously not set close like you know that um we so anyway allegedly I just the only reason I said that because Luca said that in his postgame press conference that he was cing at him in the first half but only in the first

Half Jay in the chat says he he said in the post game he didn’t want the fan ejected he wanted him to be warned well it that to me doesn’t matter one way or another if you go to security and ask them to address a fan then the fan has

Clearly gotten to you and well and the those security guards tend to to act with a little more um the the security guard and those fans will always act on the side of over overdoing it it’s because they don’t want to yeah they they’re gonna act they’re gonna provide safety as they

Should to be perfectly honest now that being said he specifically said it he didn’t say anything about it all this stuff happened in the first half what was happening in the first half Luca was playing great like that’s why it didn’t bother him basically LCA was playing

Great the Mavs were winning that’s front running that is everything that he taught crap about the Suns for doing in the in the playoffs and that we all laughed and we all made the jokes about about Luca being you know Devon Booker’s dad and all that Devon Booker outplayed

Luca today and Luca got mad because somebody was talking crap to him and he shouldn’t have and the reason that it matters is not because that individual fan while while it does suck for that fan because I’m sure those tickets were expensive and getting kicked out I like

That I just don’t like it yeah while it does the biggest thing that it matters as far as from our perspective is it shows a pattern of Luca of the Mavs and specifically Luca allowing things that are out of their control and that should be out of their mindset to dramatically

Affect them and affect the game like to affect his temperament like that’s the problem it’s not that hey this one fan got jipped out of what was probably a couple hundred dollars worth of tickets it’s that Luca was focused on a fan in the middle of the game where he was

Struggling and the fact that he was struggling let that happen and that’s a problem sure which we just don’t see I mean part of why this is so maddening is you just don’t see it from a guy like Luca he loves the back and forth and if he says

That he didn’t want the player ejected and I believe him the player was or not player the fan was still ejected and and that’s where it’s just like don’t make it a story and so when you have all these these people that are like well why did the media report on the

Newsworthy item I implore you to grow up and understand how this works in a game where you’re getting blown the hell out he complains to someone about a fan that that fan ends up getting ejected sorry that’s a story that’s a story you know I I just don’t know what

To do with some of y’all that like endlessly want to defend bad decisionmaking don’t cuddle when somebody does something stupid it is okay to say it out loud I’m sure Amar notes that I that I should go watch the pressure and I and I will I usually do

After the game um Tim is arguing with him because Luca doesn’t like bad press because Luca knows he’s embarrassed I’m sorry like no you guys are like anybody that says this stuff is not newsworthy when you get beat by 20 points and you have a rival fan ejected from your home

Court it’s news even if he didn’t do it on purpose you simply don’t know like like this isn’t how like how like search algorithms work and what generates traffic like it is news yeah I actually saw the part of the press conference that he’s talking about

With Tim and LCA arguing and I mean like like I said I you can look at everything that I’ve written over the years I not in any way here to bash Luka luk is my like Luka’s my second favorite player what are we doing here yeah like I love

Luka um like generally I take up for him at all times like Luca is fine we don’t we I mean like he can have a bad situation he can have a bad night um the problem is is that right now the Mavs the Mavs are in a bad way like they just

We’re we’re getting real last year vibesyoutube I just the like I said to get back to what I said at the beginning they’ve got a change and to me the most obvious change is to make a change at head coach like that’s the way to go is I I just I just

Think you have to go there um I don’t think that they’re in the right spot to where they need to make a huge Player move just because of the ramifications as far as if they trade a first and how it limits them in the future like I

Think the time for that move is in the offseason um for whatever their last big move the last gasp of the the Luca whatever ERA this is um but they have to do something and with kid and I mean I I have seen kid coach well like I

Have seen kid like kid is a basketball genius like he’s smart he knows these things it’s just it doesn’t apply to coaching and that’s happened to quite a few great players like there’s a difference in in understanding basketball at at an elite level and in having both the skill and the will to

Translate that to a coaching ability and he he just he’s won in a long line of players who hasn’t translated his on court basketball genius to coaching genius but even with that we’ve seen like he coached really well during like he’s he’s in the playoffs I wrote

Something about how the mths had a distinct coaching Advantage like he out coached Monty Williams in the Suns series like it was a it was a legitimate thing that the M were the suns were the the the more Talent team that’s not a question and I just I look at the mths

Though now and I just I don’t see where the out is I mean because if you look at it Derek Jones Jr was terrible today um he’s been quietly trending back to Earth as far as shooting and everything for a little while he’s very athletic he does

Some things but he has the limitations that are why he’s been available so often throughout his career um Kyrie is has been Kyrie and that he’s breathtaking when he’s on the court and he misses about half the games that’s pretty much where we’re at I mean the reasoning for him missing the games

Really doesn’t matter as far as how it applies to the Mavs in the long run and then we’re back to where we started which is Luca being just absolutely stunningly amazing and then wearing himself out and then getting injured and coming back and being a little worse and

The Vibes being bad and the MAV just not having enough to compete at certain times and I say all that like the the frustrating part about the m is I both say that to where I don’t think that they have anywhere to go but I’m also so excited about the possibility of Alca

Kyrie exm Lively for some if they I just want to see it like I just want to see it thought we were gonna get for 15 games in a row and see where that goes so it it’s just weird because I’m so frustrated and I’m so annoyed and I’m

Mad about a bunch of stuff and I’m mad about the mats quitting that that’s the biggest thing from this game is that the mats quit like that is the biggest indictment of the coaching and of the players themselves is that they quit like you can be mad at the refs you can

Think the refs were were crappy and and if you follow me on Twitter you know that I complain about the ref a lot but at some point you have to do so like it doesn’t matter if you’re still there you still have to play and like I was talking about with kid

Like I couldn’t be a coach like this one I would get myself in a lot of trouble but I would have liked to seen at some point if you want to make a statement you’re mad about the ref like after the Derek after the Derrick Jones Jr uh

Technical like I would have sent eight people out on the court like legitimately i’ just been like hey if you gonna play with eight I’m gonna play with eight too uh that would have been a funny way to get a tech I think um just

To make a statement but you have to do something that’s the thing you have to compete that is the most important part of it and they just like after Grant got tossed and then they just didn’t compete like they were just large stretches where it was like and so many of the sun

Shot were just open shots where guys just didn’t rotate to them like I understand you get in rotation and people make shots and against the Suns the MS don’t have the horses to guard Booker Durant and Beal so they’re gonna have to get in rotation and leave people

Open but there were so many times where guys were there to rotate and they just didn’t and people were open so that is that is what was frustrating for me so I didn’t do the thing I normally do and I’m going to take a minute to do it at a really

Awkward point in the show which is to ask you to like the Stream if you could uh head into your you know your YouTube feed and consider liking the stream I’d really appreciate it if you would also uh consider subscribing to our show while you’re there I try to do one of

These normally it’s Josh Bo but Josh and I have a a kind of we have a whole bunch of Staff over in M Moneyball so we bring people on after every show I’d very much appreciate it uh I’m delighted to be back on Apple podcast finally after six

Weeks of chanary uh if you are listening on any actual podcast stream the next day if you could leave a review um I’d really like that I I just I appreciate the support uh it’s it’s it’s fun to do this guys it it really is fun to do this

It’s cathartic to do this I don’t like stewing in front of my computer in front of my phone I feel better after talking I feel better after getting a little bit [ __ ] um it is what it is in the end it’s just basketball it’s not real life

Stuff uh and and I I’m really grateful for even the the trolls that bounce in here every now and again uh so if you could go ahead and and and consider any sort of support i’ would very much appreciate it now if you are listening to our podcast stream go ahead and uh

Catch us some brief ads and then we’ll be right back all right so one more thing I I just want to I want to put a little bit of a bow on this and I don’t like like there is a whole Market of people that love mediab based stories and what I

Mean by that is like media talking about other media anytime Tim McMahon for example is part of the story it is a bad thing for him and for basketball and so when we’re in here talking about what Tim should shouldn’t do I simply implore you guys to think about what the point

Of media is the point of of actual news reporting media is to tell you what is happening when and why if you don’t and also how if you don’t happen to like those things that doesn’t mean they’re irrelevant it might not be for you if you want team-based propaganda I can

Promise you head on over to the Mavs YouTube page those guys are put in a position where they’re only allowed to talk about very certain kinds of things they’re not allowed to criticize they’re not allowed to talk about trades for league rules you know there’s all sorts

Of of of podcasts and media out there that you can seek Beyond mine there’s locked on Mavs there’s we talk Mavs there is uh my man uh the Garcia I can’t remember his his his feed who does all these pregame shows there are um gosh my

Guy bibs at what is bib show called uh Mavs Outsiders there’s a ton of great content out there if you really really want to go see it and just because certain things hurt your feelings doesn’t mean they’re not true sorry that’s the way this goes uh somebody says in the chat European journalists

Are much more brutal but they never call players trashed or washed ever that’s opinion based shows but Tim is writing a book on Luca he’s in the mix of all of this he’s put in a difficult situation I’m sorry if you get a if you get a guy ejected even by accident that’s

Something that that’s gonna happen I mean Kyrie got into a little bit of a couple weeks ago at a jazz game when some some player or when some fans were asked to put a sign away that became news it’s just the nature of things uh

TK TGK TV is the is my man Garcia’s um post so one other thing I would also add Mr ruthless raccoon in the chat uh you don’t get to claim to uh Booker doesn’t get to claim to be Luca’s daddy now because when he’s Luka son he

Congratulated Luka on the birth of his on on his I wasn’t G to say that what I was going to say as to the chat like winning a regular season game will never Trump winning the playoffs like it doesn’t matter if you win the beginning of the next season like the Mavs beat

The heat in 2007 in the regular season that never made up for the 2006 finals like it doesn’t change like winning regular season games later Luca will forever have the upper hand in that until they meet in the playoffs again but that’s just that so here’s kind of where I am and I

Think we’re going to close out the show here in a little bit I think think that that hopefully this is an inflection point doesn’t feel like it’s going to be you know doesn’t feel like it’s going to be um I wrote in my recap that there’s a lot of built-in

Excuses this team doesn’t have a lot of continuity um the the team they just played has that same excuse though so I don’t like using it I think it’s [ __ ] um they don’t have a lot of size I don’t understand some of their scheme based stuff and sometimes hot

Shooting is just going to crush you they did not have an answer for Booker in that regard I don’t I’m not mad about them not having an answer for an all NBA player you know what I mean I I just I get it but I would like to see more than

One thing though like you see when Lucas cook like Luka was cooking early and you saw the Suns tried like three different Defenders they tried different looks they trapped him they did all that like the Mavs basic plan is hey we’re going to switch screen and roll and then if

You score on isos by walking down to 12 feet well okay good for you that’s all we can do we can’t do anything else we can’t put two on the ball we can’t we can’t ice screens we can’t we can’t try weird configurations where we pre-switch

Things so that we can switch back when you use a screen like we can’t we can’t overh help and get in rotation like we there are a bunch of different like I don’t care if you get beat just don’t get beat the same way the whole game

That that to me is where I have an issue with the coaching is aside from just the the effort part of it which that’s a big part of it too I saw somebody earlier I think it was Patrick France said that he was glad we didn’t see Dwight pal Dwight

Pal would have played hard it might not have mattered he might not have been good by the way a cornea scratch oh my God that sounds really uncomfortable yeah and I mean you know he’s gonna get hit in the face so that’s probably not a

Good injury for him to play with but in general my main point with that is classes give me give me some give me some sport goggles somean goggles from 1994 but just in general I I feel like a lot of the stuff today was just effort-based I mean when things

Started going poorly like at the beginning everything was great Josh Green was flying around this was a very front running game from the Mavs and when things started going poorly the players didn’t didn’t respond with well enough with good enough effort and the coaching staff like that that to me is a

Lack of effort as far as coaching we didn’t we just didn’t try anything because I mean really if you go back and look at it we never really switched matchups we didn’t try anything crazy we didn’t we didn’t you know go to Zone not to defend kid I mean they did go Zone

And and it didn’t work yeah but not very short amount of a time it’s just and and I get that at some point just if you have bad Defenders your defensive scheme is gonna struggle like it doesn’t really matter what the scheme is like everything’s based on solid manto man fundamentals I

Just I would like to see just give guys different looks because everyone like it we we say it about Luke all the time it doesn’t matter what you do if you do one thing forever he’s going to cook it Booker is not as good as Luka even

Though he outplayed him tonight but he is also he is if you give him one look permanently he is good enough that that one look is not going to work well but I’m that’s where it’s just like what do you do like you’re rotating like you’re you’re rotating sinking ships between

Durant Booker and Beal like that’s the point um the guy that we haven’t talked about at all that did a really fantastic job for the Suns mainly because this is uh Mavericks podcast kada Bates G um he’s a huge and he hit Shots tonight and if he’s doing that the suns are exceptionally

Difficult yeah I mean like that’s that’s one of the things but again that’s one of the the situations I was talking about earlier where there were times when the mths could have closed to him and just didn’t like I understand like living with shots from certain players

Because that’s the thing like if if kbd is making shots you’re probably just going to lose to the Suns like that is a thing but at the same time like there were times when they were in situations where someone could close to him and it wouldn’t have compromised the defense at

All like it wasn’t it wasn’t like they were taking something else away to not close it was just we’re not going to close because we’re not going to close and those mini contests like they matter like that’s one thing like try a cornette contest try one of the little

Eclipse things from Boston where you jump from back by the rim and try to interrupt just do something that’s that’s the overwhelming point I want to do that I would try to bring up is like there were plenty of times where they should have tried something try something what a wild

Concept what a wild concept T-Bone the Disco spider quite the the handle would like me to talk about uh Tim hardaway’s game I don’t know what to talk about Tim Hardway game we’ll do it the next show um all right so those there I talked about it Matthew you’re a superhero for

Hanging out with me tonight you also wrote an excellent stats post that’s going up shortly if all of you could do me a favor head to my Twitter feed if you’re a Twitter user uh I posted the mads Moneyball recap go read that recap I don’t often tout my own work because I

Think my own work usually sucks um I’m just brain dead since having a second child but here I am but I liked doing this recap I felt I really put put something into it if you could go read that and give it a share share with the friends your neighbors co-workers print

It off send it to your mom do something really interesting I I I just would appreciate that that sort of support um what we’re going to do here is I’m going to close up for about a minute those of you who are in the live stream those of

You who are listen over podcast the next day look for the Mavs uh group therapy podcast where you can come and join and event and yell at me tell me why I’m wrong tell me why the Mavs are wrong and we’ll come hang out uh we’ll hang out

Here for at least probably another 30 minutes if not more thank you so much Matt do you got anything else before you go uh no I’m good just I I wish they had tried all right guys this has been Kirk Henderson and Matt of pod Maverick and Mavs Moneyball we will be right Back He [Applause] Welcome back Mass fans this is Kirk Henderson and you are joining me for the first episode in a very very very very very long time of group therapy live for those of you who are new to the show or maybe haven’t seen it before I’m about

To post a link in the YouTube comments there there that I want you to consider clicking on and I want you to consider um basically coming and hanging out with me talking about the game with me talking about the Mavericks in general with me telling me where you think uh

I’m dead wrong or what you liked or disliked about that game I try to do these uh particularly in past Seasons I try to do these fairly frequently but this year just due to having a new baby and life uh just haven’t gotten around

To it as much as I would like so please go ahead and click that and consider coming and hanging out with me for a little while because you know I I I sensed a lot of people that wanted to to come talk I was asked for this stream uh

And and I really want to really want to just kind of work out our feelings uh to a degree all right so coming up first um I got my man Sam I’ve not seen Sam in quite some time really excited to talk with him Sam how are you doing buddy

Kirk long time no talk how you been man I you know I’ve I’ve generally great since this you tonight no I get it I get it I get it um like I’ve been listening I’ve been watching you know obviously the Mavs is it’s up and down up and down but something about

This game was just pathetic I mean we’re on a three- game losing streak you Lakers on the road you know that’s that can happen the Lakers are a decent team um then you have five days off you lose to the Celtics the Celtics are a great

Team so it’s yeah losing than that but they came off a back toback you got to have a little better effort than that and then today you’re playing against your Rivals this rivalry week quote unquote go 48 32 and then you get out scor like what 68 27

Yeah you just you just all you can do is laugh and I kind of related it to the Cowboys because with Luka did with the whole yelling at the fan you know he said he didn’t want to get him ejected or whatever but at the end of the day he

Got ejected so now it’s kind of like bro you’re the you’re the one guy that talks more than any other player in the league like you talk just as much as any other player in the league and when you’re going good you’re good but then when it

Start to go bad and somebody says get on a treadmill it’s a problem like that’s at some point my guy like come on dog like what are you gonna do like look look at guys like embiid look at guys like joic look at guys like SGA

Look at guys like Tatum you know I’m not even saying that you know obviously yic got MVPs and B got MVPs uh Tat’s been to the finals SGA is one of the best players in the league right now but you never you never see like the level go up

And down even yish he complains but he has a confence about him that Luca just for some reason doesn’t have still and he’s been in the league what six years now this is his sixth year yeah and at some point I get it you may not have the

Talent of some of those other teams but like dog at some point like I don’t want to blame Luka because kid has a lot of too like you just can’t have your hands in your pockets you just can’t sit there and just look like I mean the problem is

He said it he’s just watching like the rest of us so whenever you see stuff like that you’re like dog what are you doing literally what are you doing the the challenge with the with the Luca discourse is you have to and this is why we have conversations this is why we’re

Not on Twitter this is why we’re not on Reddit this is why I’m not texting with friends this is why we’re talking problem with the the Luca conversation is that it very quickly lacks any sort of nuance I think it is completely fair to say that he deserves a ton of

Criticism for his behavior and what he takes away from this team when he is off his rocker he is a leader he or he is supposed to be the leader we can expect more from him that said I also understand it I do I get why he’s this

Mad at certain things I like today was a little much but like talking from the big picture I get it but you as a superstar simply cannot lose the thread like he like he did tonight and there’s going to be a lot of discourse back and forth about it within the Mavericks fan

Base the next few days and I loathe that I do because it shouldn’t be what we’re talking about at all but it is and that’s just the way Sports media consumption works fans particularly fans of other teams want to see drama and if you give them drama that’s what you’re

Going to talk about true and even like me I defend LC I obviously he’s my favorite player right now so I’m gonna defend to the ends of the Earth you got to be real about stuff though because I see some Luca fans like I’ll go on other

Streams and I’m like bro don’t be blind dog like you can love Luca you can back him you he can do no wrong that’s fine but like yeah I don’t I don’t like that it’s boring to me when he’s wrong he’s wrong it’s just it is and um I’ll just say one more

Thing before I get off the whole kid I didn’t want to be hi in but he’s here so you know it is what it is at this point I really don’t think he’s going anywhere honest like he’s been here this no’s he’s not he’s not this is his

Third year here and besides like one great stretch in the second half of the first year he’s really been [ __ ] if you really want to look at it it’s if it’s if it’s not coaching decisions it’s personel decisions is taking guys off the floor it’s not calling timeouts and

Then like you said I think you said it earlier you know the fact that he banged all his timeouts in a second half like hey look I took time out it’s like dog come on man that’s it’s performative it’s performative it’s like people who get on Twitter and retweet

The thing and be like I disagree with the bad thing in the world give me my brownie points shut up act don’t talk right exactly so it’s like kid is like Mike McCarthy oh my God oh I don’t want but like at some point I want to think like this is me

Being hella optimistic I want to think this type of game would be like okay we gotta do something and I’m not even saying fire kid because I don’t think they’re gonna do it neither but like something has to change give me a players only meeting give me give me

Something something anything let’s just say hey we gotta get together like this is unacceptable something I need to hear bro we had a meeting we all talked we all you know we it out this is what we’re going to do and I think they play against the Hawks on next I think I

Believe um and Trey young get a playing I’m not saying the Hawks are like a horrible team but they’re definitely not great if we don’t go out and in my opinion I’m not gonna we should Stomp Them we gotta Stomp Them if we don’t stop them

I I don’t even know what to do at that point to be honest because it’s just like this team is we’re literally on the same track as last year and it’s it’s going to piss me off to we’re a little ahead we got we got room but the the

Problem is the the schedule’s pretty brutal coming up here’s night here I’m going to pit you this idea Sam and then I’m going to let you go how about as a unifying Factor as a unifying factor for us Mavs for the MAV fans who really conceptually don’t like media which is

Fine I don’t expect you to like media uh but like the Mavericks fans what if the Mavericks rallied around hating Tim McMahon what if that was their rallying cry being like [ __ ] this guy we’re gonna go score a bunch of points in Play I Don’t Care What You rally around do

Something that’s my point I mean would have a problem like personally I don’t I don’t get to hate with Tim mcmah he’s just doing his job so it’s whatever fine but it’s just like if that’s how you feel that’s how y’all feel cool if that get y’all to play harder you get y’all

To prove a point by all means [ __ ] Tim McMahon go ahead I don’t have a problem with the man he’s doing his job if he hears something and he reports it that’s what he’s supposed to he can take it too I like I wouldn’t say I’m friends with

Tim I know Tim Tim’s fine you know he he’s fine with taking the [ __ ] he’s got a job it’s his job we need more guys like that to be honest it’s like dog I can’t you can’t get fed [ __ ] 247 like no it’s so great because I remember

Like there was all this stuff back when Dante Ellis was super pissed at Parson’s contract right we’re talking like way back in the day and he was writing about that like that was a thing and fans were like that’s not true you’re just stirring locker room nonsense blah blah

And like it was absolutely 1000% true because the NBA is a complicated League it’s an emotional League Money Matters things happen that’s where it’s just like hey if things go sideways you know rally around whatever you need to like look I don’t care just just make it

Happen and win some ball games right because I mean at this point like I’ve kind of reserved our our place on the play if we’re lucky yeah who knows what could happen because if if they somehow missed the playoffs two years in a row with Luca and not full Prime yet they’re

Not GNA Miss no they’re not not going to miss the playoffs like like this is where anyway okay I’m I got to go on to Brian who I I Brian has been itching to cook with grease for like five days um he is he is my internet friend and we

Talk in DMS um though I would like to say Brian’s my actual friend since I see him in face as all of you are my actual friends thank you so much for for hanging out with us buddy hi you have a good night KT Sam I hope you come back

Sam is a legend coming back from the the old school days when I was doing this on Spotify live and really all the way back to locker room all right coming up next is Brian but if you are are confused as to how these guys are talking there is a

Link in the chat I bring every single person up here so long as you aren’t too mean to me um you can even be mean to me I don’t care like I I’m I’ve been married for 20 years my wife is mean to me we’re fine all right coming up next

Brian what’s up hello hello uh well first two quick Corrections right one I would call this French I think so I would call us internet friends at the very least yeah yeah well we’re going to hang out at some point IRL because I I like meeting people

Oh yeah we definitely got to get bears and yell about this team uh secondly uh not upstage the big bro Sam shout out to him coming back and being on the show appreciate getting hear his voice uh the Lakers are not a decent team they’re not oh yeah the Lakers are

Not a decent team that is a bad team and more than being a bad team that is one of the worst offenses in the league and we let them score 125 points on us 125 okay but like you know the I don’t know if you I I compared um

D’angela Russell to that car that Homer designs in The Simpsons uh where it like that’s danelo Russell to me where it’s like Lakers fans are gonna be like come see Danel Russ look how good he did against the because he’s on he’s on a tear like I

Russell is not my kind of player but yeah I know I know you’re you’re right you’re right but I just I have too much like like LeBron and AD are going to make the All-Star team and and so it’s like at some point like are the

Lakers a good bad team or a bad good team so I I I feel what you’re saying though I’m wondering which one the Dallas Mavericks are at this point uh buy this was I feel like I’ve said this was the worst loss of the Season like seven

Times already I’m so sick of this man I hate everyone I hate this team I hate this coach I hate our star I the GM I hate Cuban’s not even the governor he’s making money angels in Allison’s front yard he doesn’t care about any of this I

Think he cares a lot I’m very critical of him but there’s only like as a as a guy who’s been around this long there’s only so many reactive things that you can do and i’ I’ve defended kid to a degree on here but like I they’re they’re just running out of bullets

Pretty quickly which is why these you know they lost to to Boston by nine they lost to the Suns by double digits I’m pretty sure every single one of their losses but two has been by double digits they’ve been getting their ass kicked of our last four losses have been complet

Compl blowout uncompetitive the Boston game was completely uncompetitive even if the score doesn’t reflect it they had that game well in hand all game long it didn’t matter that we tried to put a little fight back up it didn’t matter the kid tried to go to Maxi at

The five and a little five out lineup because he can’t be a stretch five can’t be a stretch shoot uh a stretch shooter right a stretch five stretch big if you have the stretch ability of like a stone Golem if you won’t shoot you’re not stretch five you’re not even a stretch

Four if you won’t play the dude that’s clearly a four but won’t shoot next to the big center right that can help you and they can be like long and switchable together against a team that is like baking you in the mid-range and getting to the r whenever they want that I’m I’m

On about a pass game but this one was embarrassing it was embarrassing for a multitude of reasons I’m really mad that that first quarter Josh effort got wasted because he was playing so well you know it’s I’m glad you brought that up I’ve been so damn negative Josh Green

Played a great game J awesome brother like I’m I’m legitimately mad for him sure that this is what they did in his and like this this was gonna be if they had gone on to keep playing for hell even three more quarters they could have gave up the ghost uh with nine minutes

Left in the fourth and still would have won the game if they were playing how they did in the first quarter and he was a very large part of it on both ends and that would have capped off like a run of four straight really good games by Josh

Sanders but still four straight really good games uh where we could have legitimately and I and I still do like my faith in him has been restored a bit just as someone who can hit open shots and defend when he’s locked in and isn’t being screened to death uh but we need I

Know I know we we still got to put caveat on that because he can’t read the screen to save his life but it’s fine um or navigate rather but yeah we need that PJ Washington trade to come because we need Derrick Jones Jr to get moved

Back to the bench it it’s not even really his fault man he’s played above his head so long this season it’s it’s unreasonable to expect him to keep doing it I’m not even GNA be mad at him for how poorly he played tonight and he played like

[ __ ] make no mistake about it he stunk but I love him because he really gave us a spark and uplifted us for the first half of the season when we needed it and quite frankly when we didn’t expect or deserve it because he was the last player signed to this team other

Than maybe like that Morris brother who D completely [ __ ] stinks and nobody cares about uh which by the way I think they missed the deadline to wave him with no penalty so huh if we want to get rid of him we got to trade him and let him mcfire

Something yeah that’s fun so all that Dante came back looked fine in his minutes uh to start he and Josh Green were flying around on defense wely started the game well peed it off but again I’m not I’m not hanging this on the head of like a 19y old rookie who

Was doing his job and then the star let the game get blown out of proportion because he lost his head and then uh the vet with like playoff experience that we brought in uh made two get shot and then he lost his head twice and a half and

Got himself kicked out and then we got we we we got Jason kid hiding his Deadpool tiny hands in his pocket seeing [ __ ] did he say insane because I’ve not gotten to his quotes quotes kid I I don’t I don’t even want to look I’m already like trying to ignore this Tim

McMahon situation because they’re not about to make this night about him I know what I watched and that sh didn’t have anything to do with Tim McMahon or LCA getting a fan kicked out like they can talk about that if done they can make that the narrative matter of fact

Mike paluchi had an amazing tweet after that uh he was like the fact that luuka is even concerned with that while his team is getting that head kicked in at that point in the third is the problem the fact that that was even where his head was while his team was

Screaming bloody murder on the I’ve not seen that I’ve not seen the thing but let’s let’s do let’s let’s just give him the big- time benefit of the doubt and say all right he didn’t he he talked to somebody you agree I think you agree with my point having been to Mavs games

That the whole role of those security guards is to overreact yeah like well that’s the thing you can’t tell a security guard sick them and then expect them not to go sick them they do that happened against the Suns with Chris Paul where Chris Paul lost his mind and they had like a

14-year-old boy ejected for tapping granted don’t touch other people really simple rule but they had like a 14-year-old boy ejected for touching Chris Paul’s mom like their job is to not [ __ ] around because you don’t want to find out so it’s like I get you know

I get the back and forth but it’s just like if if that’s where you are if that’s the narrative it moves away from the fact that by that point the Mavericks had surrendered a 16-point lead and were down by 28 at one point do that math for me because I’m very very

Stupid is that a 44o swing it might 44 point swing point the second to like the end of the third I think they said it was something like a 65 to 23 runs something crazy like that it was it was the most insane thing I think I’ve seen and I

Watched this team get blown off the court by the Pelican C team uh it it was it was I hated that game it and guess what and guess what what we got another game against the Kings on the second night of a back toback coming so they

About to whoop that ass again I don’t know man the Kings the Kings strike me as another team where it’s like they’re they’re like all out of ideas and they’ve tried nothing I I think they finally have rided the ship a little bit but there’s going to be a bunch of uh

What is happening here moments coming Kirk you know what the you know what the next Bright Idea is what play the Dallas Mavericks on the second night of a backto back and run those [ __ ] into the ground because if you do it they will not they will not they not

Fight back what what are they gonna do turn to their coach for like some help an adjustment a time out hell no it’s a really good sucks man this team is so bad to watch not only it’s not even just that like they have the built-in excuses with the

Injuries and I’m we can’t lean on that no more I’m sorry if Kyrie just met a made a wet gram crackers made a wet gr crackers I got into it today with a couple of porzingis fans and I just got to say this again because we’re an hour

In on a podcast where hopefully no 17-year-old kid is going to screen cat me on this and and you know try to dox me or whatnot yeah but it’s like I Kyrie is very important to how this team functions and I had I I to today I had someone

Tell me that Kyrie Irving is in his prime a 6 foot1 175 pound 13-year NBA vet I just am thrilled when he’s on the floor okay he is that special sauce but they also need him so it’s like when when I had a bunch of people

Telling me Oh yeah he’s going to play 75 games next year I’m just like I need that hopium I want him to that’s not a question but it’s just like that the this is where Dante exom hopefully comes back to form a little bit and we can

Work our way through this because need Kyrie Kyrie was real bad against Boston got covered up Luca was so much worse on offense Kyrie’s defense against Boston wasn’t even a factor but it’s just like they need these two to hum they can and so it’s like I’m I’m I I don’t

Like any sort of negative narrative about the two of them because it completely destroys the fact that we’ve actually seen it work it does work there’s no I tweeted about it earlier it does work but there is a great story on ESPN about this from from Ramona I think

It was Ramona of all people Ramona shelburn that like gets into him it’s like it was a lengthy Kyrie talks about how he likes playing Luca I mean and Kyrie is a verbose quote you know which makes me sometimes I don’t know whether believe him or not but that’s neither

Here or there he’s willing to talk and like I just I read that story and I was like yeah go seek it out if you haven’t seen it um it’ll make you feel a lot better about the Kyrie LCA Partnership if you have any questions which I don’t

I just I think it can work so it’s I don’t have any questions it’s can they stay on the court it’s like the the haters are gonna win I feel like I tweeted this earlier uh I’m afraid the haters are gonna win because it don’t

Matter if it can work if we can’t get them to play six consecutive games together together with Dante aom which and with Derrick Lively with like an actual n if we can’t have that then this is [ __ ] and that just is what it is and when you get a bunch of games like

That that you know Stack Up and Stack Up and Stack Up and add up and add up and add up and all these built-in excuses and all these oh let’s get healthy oh let’s get healthy oh let’s get so and so back oh we’re missing this role player

Oh we’re missing this key role player okay you get damn near everybody back Kyrie sprains his thumb or whatever uh knock on hopefully it’s not too bad uh and he has to missed the game okay fine the dude that we inject into the starting lineup because he’s been

Playing well Off the Bench finally does the thing where he comes in and plays the way that got him into the starting lineup in the starting lineup and the whole team around him shits the bed I don’t give a [ __ ] about who’s hurt I don’t care about who’s healthy because

We get healthy and we play a halfway decent team we punch them in the mouth and they punch us back and we [ __ ] fold and like point where it’s just hard to watch right I like I had to ban a Suns fan right that that was crazy and and I

Was more mad at like d because he was spamming the chat but he wasn’t funny I’m like bro you gotta be funny if you gonna be doing This oh man all right man I will talk with you soon all right thanks for hanging out with us yes sir thanks for having me all right let’s see here coming up next we’re going to go to Henry uh team captain Kyrie who’s been joining us uh past the second show in a

Row I think I’ve done one of these Mr Captain Kyrie but I’m gonna call you Henry because we tweeted today how you doing I’m doing today AR I’m all right boss I’m not on the computer can you hear me okay yeah your audio is fantastic so we’re gonna just so

Everybody knows um those who are waiting we’re gonna go uh uh Tyron after this and then Matt along with anybody else who wants to talk so so tell me what you’re thinking today first off [ __ ] kid that bald Halloween candy [ __ ] Skittle bro I hate this guy I’m changing

My thing man this is what you’re going to see repeatedly on Twitter now I’m just keeping this here as a permanent fixer uh fixation here but I mean to address the last point for the for the guy that just went where he said we got we punched him and then they punched us

Back into the mouth I feel like that is a remnant of the coach didn’t you tweet that you wanted to see kid get ejected just to show he like some passion or was that someone else for some odd reason your audio is just left out I’m a I’m a dummy I I

Muted myself because I was hacking um my my I did tweet that you’re correct and my thought was and and you know maybe it’s stupid of me thinking about this about sports teams like a like a like a business because all of us have jobs and stuff like this but it’s like sometimes

You just want your boss to go to bat for you right and that’s that and he didn’t and I’m disappointed in him and and again everyone who who’s been in a competitive environment or play sports knows that leadership starts at the top and then trickles down so it’s I don’t I

Would wasn’t a mad fan during the Rick carlot era but obviously Rick carow is one of the most amazing coaches uh in the NBA and some of the things that I’ve seen is it is Luca didn’t like Carlile because he held him accountable actually ran plays had good timeout management I

Can’t speak to that because I wasn’t around to watch it but that’s just what I’m basing it off of so if Luca didn’t like the coach because he held him accountable ran actual sets plays and had good timeout management you didn’t insert Jason kid who does whatever the

[ __ ] you want to even if we get another CH coach and I want kid gone by 11:59 tonight like I’m making no mistake about it but even if we get kid gone what’s to say that he’s going to buy into the next coach and we’re not just in the same

Situation a year from now so I’m not I’m not going to blame Luca and say it’s all his fault or nothing like that but as the leader of this team or the supposed leader of this team your body language is going to be rubbing off on the entire

Team if I see your head down slowly chugging back on defense it’s going to permeate throughout the ENT ire team that’s right I need him to buy into the coach whoever that may be and I feel like that was a a big thing for tonight

Well and and the coaching stuff I mean I think I’ve avoided talking about it because like I talk with different people in the Mavs organization not like higher ups or anything like that but I talk with like you know like skin Wade is a is an occasional friend of me we we

Just about MTH stuff real life is fine but it’s like he’s just he’s just kind of flat told me he’s like like he said it on social he’s they’re not going to fire the guy and so it’s like when stuff like that happens I don’t like beating a

Dead horse so I’ve kind of avoided it like tonight was just one of those things where I need him as as a kid as as as a co-leader because you’re you’re right about Luca like Luca just needs to be better in these situations and he has

Games where he is and he has games where he isn’t you know the Dallas Morning News wrote for the second straight game that officiating got to them and it’s like guys the officials aren’t changing you got to adapt Who You Are and that comes back to kid too where it’s like if

You need to send a message that you think your team is being treated unfairly send that message I promise you the 13 other assistant coaches on the bench will do something about it they like they’ll also coach they’re they’re all coaches I just I and that’s another

Thing I think the NBA should Implement that I hope they do uh in the upcoming season is players have to have press conferences after a terrible game and answer for what they did refs make mistakes all the time they’re human just like us why do refs not have a press

Conference to address some of these horrendous [ __ ] calls so they so that’s actually a very interesting question Henry and that there is a the refs are available for a pool report to to address some of these things Tim KO is often and McMahon are the two that I

Remember most kind of talking about this the only one that I really felt was absolutely awful tonight was the derck Jones Jr one everything else was kind of like these guys like slap fighting and like very closely but that was the one that I thought was stupid did you were

Any others like really outrageous to you that like flew off the you know flew off the screen and made you unhappy I didn’t feel like anything was agrees I wish they would have let gray and Katie go at it again just to that’s just just for

Yeah just for us like how [ __ ] funny would that be yeah yeah just let just let them go at it fam ain’t nobody punching nothing ain’t nobody doing nothing like come on man let these people go at it like this is playground fam men love to see the competition let

The testosterone go stop just stop touching [ __ ] that’s what I want them to do in that scenario can I read you a a really painful Devin Booker quote that he gave postgame go for it Devon Booker on the scuffle between KD nerk and Grant

He is he just wants to do the Antics man we’re out there trying to hoop so you know give props to nerk for holding that down if I would have seen that I would have done the same thing that’s how we get down we’re not with the nonsense

That hurts me on a like a spiritual level because I don’t know if you were watching the Mavs at the time but I’m sure you’ve seen the clip of of of Aon and book doing like post game push-ups when they got up on the Mavericks like they are absolutely about the [ __ ]

Like the the suns are a [ __ ] powered operation it’s fine it’s who they are so but to get to be on the downside of something where you can’t answer book and a meaningful way really hurts me yeah know everybody talk tough when they up like we we know he s like we we’ve

Seen it fam there’s certain guys that when you meet face to face like all right if if I swing on him I I come on man like we know you’re not about there life F he’s he’s a keyboard Warrior you know what I mean he being voice chat

Saying the nword and we know he ain’t going to say that in real life so ain’t nobody worried about book it’s it’s fine we it’s on to the next one but that was bad I just I don’t get it how does kid have such job security when Adrian

Griffin was second in the east 30 and 13 still got displaced and kid has absolute job out again like he said outside of that that that Western Conference Finals R we either seventh in uh in defense his tenure here has been hot dog water he has absolute job security and it is

Maddening I don’t give a I don’t care about Luca’s happiness anymore men operate by me operate better when there’s a hierarchy if anyone in the military there’s a hierarchy and you need to follow that chain of command but you’re answer to if I remember your long

Time if I remember you from the first time you chatted you let me know that you followed Kyrie around a long time correct tell me your opinion on this I think Kyrie Irving is actually the lynchpin and the Jason kid of it all because he did not respect Steve Nash

Very much for whatever reason he has talked about how he respects Jason kid correct I think there is a a sort of a a live wire where if you were to remove Jason kid from it all that removes a stabilizing factor from things that well that think Kyrie likes

I think Kyrie likes kids so it’s like that removes a stabilizing factor from what would help Kyrie succeed and that frightens me a little bit is that is that an unfair comment no that’s that’s fine like again like for Kyrie he again when he’s on the court [ __ ] amazing

There’s not too many better than him um but it’s it it’s bigger than ball for him you know what I mean like if you come to him and just strictly talk ball he’s probably gonna ignore you like he wants to genuinely know how’s your family like you just had a kid how’s the

Upbringing going like he cares about you as a person um and and that’s one of the reasons why he likes kid but at the relationship that he developed with I’m not sure his relationship with Tyron Lu before he took over halfway when they That season when they fired David blat

To love Tyron L and more importantly Phil handy the uh development coach um but sure loves handy yeah there’s a lot written on that because he was very yeah there was there was a lot of photos and stories just not like stories but like everybody make note of the fact that him

And Phil handy spent time chatting pregame before the Lakers game absolutely he does it all the time he absolutely loves Phil handy but I think at this point I’m bringing Luca an Kai and I’m probably sitting them down and I I don’t think they would obviously fire

Kid unless they had a Sure Fire candidate my number one pick is Mike boser they never had a he shouldn’t have been fired from the first place after he had that death in the family um but I don’t unless they have a sit down with him and

Then I don’t know do you do you move kids does kid ego even take an assistant role to keep him on the team to keep him happy I doubt it but unless you sit down and say hey look this is what we’re going to do what do you think and bring

Them in on that decision like I just don’t I don’t I don’t really understand it my hope and wish is again we’ve seen Luca play off ball whether it’s Real Madrid or whether it’s in Slovenia we’ve seen Luca play off ball and the European sets and the play calling is amazing I

Can’t remember a single time outside of maybe the Minnesota game where they had pal at the top of the key Lucas set the screen for Kai and then vice versa and he had the little dump off down to Kai and he had it right at The Rim outside

Of that I can’t remember a designed play from kid where they had a designed outcome a set outcome and ran it I don’t really think they run a lot of play like a lot of what they run is more more like motions and actions and not because you

Got your shot clock I very rarely feel like they have plays that are designed up it’s more of like a I use this analogy all the time it’s a terrible analogy but it makes me sort of think of like Remember the Titans when Herman Boone is talking about running

The Veer where he’s like I have six plays and we just run them over and over because they always work and I sort of feel like that’s what Dallas does 100% I mean I feel like a lot of it is a very of the Danon offense where it’s just a

Pick and roll and you five out kind of spread it and literally 90% of the teams in the NBA run it but and and it is it’s hard to be have a motion cutting slashing offense because if you pick and roll with Luca Lively and Josh Green

Cuts to the basket you then deny space from the roller uh with with Derek Lely so uh I I would I want this experimental workout if someone who lives in Texas I’m in Houston but I drive up to Dallas all the time but if someone who wants this EXP expent to work

Out if you’re just going to continually play Luca ball and right now I feel like he’s in that James Harden era where he’s going to put up insane numbers but he’s not going to win uh I feel like if you’re not going to incorporate Kyrie more into the offense and you want to

Continue this five out uh pick and roll three and D type thing then just get rid of Kyrie and then build this more so around LCA not because they can’t work I think the fits so far uh it’s just kind of iffy so if that’s the way they want to

Do it do it but I don’t think kid is going to allow them to to succeed I think we need I don’t know who his coach is over in Slovenia but I think we need to run that type of offense I think San Antonio Golden State back when they were

Good uh you know Miami like we need a set design even Tyron Lou was they were 0 and six when James Harden made the trade they are 20 and like six now ever since that trade happened this season Tyron Lou with less time figured out how to put that Clippers team together than

Jason ke right now and that’s just frustrating well I appreciate you hanging out with me man hope you come back next game absolutely man all right um I have a question from somebody in the chat that was asking me why am I not answering their question it’s because I

Don’t read the chat all the time um if you post it in there I will star it and and try to Circle back um Circle back to to this one after I bring up my man Tyron Tyron how you doing doing hey K how’s it going man I I got to address

This I’m pretty sure this is this is J John vo in the in the chat I’m pretty sure he is an SP Nation colleague of mine he runs uh by Bright Side of the Sun tonight he just mentioned that the Mavericks should hire Igor kosov which is phenomenal trolling big fan um Tyron

What’s going on uh I just kind of want to address the whole Tim McMahon uh fan LCA debacle I mean come y’all let’s stop like we just got [ __ ] embarrassed on national team again uh that’s the least of our worries and the fact that I understand like

These guys are human right but um the average human doesn’t get paid exorb amounts of money to play basketball do you really think I give a [ __ ] about what a fan has to say so to me while I’m on the court and my team is getting again embarrassed on National

Television like you know I love Luca to death uh he’s amazing he’s going to to be amazing but it’s just it’s little [ __ ] like that man bro come on man like yeah who [ __ ] car and then on top of that too who gives a [ __ ] about a Tim

McMahon who cares man like I just want Luca to focus on the game and when I say that I’m not putting all this [ __ ] because the Mavericks the whole organization from top to bottom is one big dumpster fire it’s not on him but I expect better from

Him because of who he is and that’s all I have to say about that where am this game I’m not gonna lie I haven’t been interacting with the the chats and the the uh the pods and stuff like because I’m over the Mavs like I’m [ __ ] over it like it’s it’s it’s

Stupid at this point um you know Jason kids attitude towards players uh you know I’m not saying that you know ran Holmes is gonna you know do anything for us but [ __ ] man like can we at least put him out there it’s just weird you know his

Family tweeting out about you know him not getting any playing time and Jason kid this that and the thir like bro what the [ __ ] we’re not winning you know what I mean get the guy some heat if we were winning that’s different if we had decent big men that’d be different we

Have one we we have one decent big man it’s a 19y old that can’t stay on the floor that’s that’s nothing to do with him he’s still learning the game the NBA I should say that’s fine but outside of him we don’t have any [ __ ] big man

Like let ran Holmes get some run you know and I know people hate Jaden Hardy but [ __ ] when Jaden Hardy gets in the game he looks pretty at least somewhat alive unlike most the guys that are out there on the court it’s just little [ __ ] like that like if we’re not winning you

Don’t have the luxury of benching people and and ostracizing people and just doing stupid embarrassing [ __ ] like that it’s [ __ ] embarrassing like bro what you say the point differential was the comeback what was it 40 it was a 44 point swing at one point come on yeah

That’s bad that’s hard yeah you don’t you don’t get to you know I guess for a lack of a better term you don’t get to be mean to the players that you have when you [ __ ] blow 40 points bro like it’s it’s embarrassing I almost went to

The game tonight but honestly like I said I haven’t been messing with the team I much rather would have just stayed home tonight which I did I’m glad I did that’s it’s it’s it’s it’s hard to watch you know we don’t have any off I mean I heard you and I can’t remember

The the gentleman’s name that you did the previous show with tonight Matthew yeah Matthew yeah I heard y’all talking about schemes I don’t see any schemes it’s literally Hot Potato until Luca gets the ball and everybody get gets the [ __ ] out the way I mean the suns were

Running like this is the sort of stuff that that the first time they were running a lot of different mixed coverages at Luca um and that was really when things started to get stupid because they were throwing doubles at him and he was making the right pass

There Jones Jr had that one Series in the first I think it’s first quarter where he had three straight turnovers where he looked like an infomercial just like stumbling rumbling bumbling it’s like what I I understand that guys want you know the Mavericks to play differently I

I kind of like having that discussion but then you understand folks that the other options are then more Derrick Jones Jr dribbling more Tim Hardaway non threes yeah is is that what you want like I I do tend to like i’ I’ve sort of mentioned fairly frequently that I want

A little more not like selfish play but Kyrie gets the ball in a lot of situations when he’s playing with Luca where I would like to see him Let it Fly more i’ I spent part of the day I don’t know why I do this but I spent like part

Of the day talking with various fans somebody’s like Luka shoots the ball 95% of the time he needs to pass to Kyrie more well Luka shoots 24 times a game Kyrie shoots 20 so if you want that to be like 22 and 23 each fine but that’s

Not the difference in the games they’re losing that’s not the the the it’s they’re the best two players and if they’re not playing on the court together because one of them is injured because between the two of them they’re at 25 missed games yeah we’re not even

Half this season Jesus Christ yeah right yeah well something different that I want to see uh is I want to see Derek Lively do more than just catch the ball at the top of the key I want to see some weird [ __ ] from him couldn’t agree more

Again we’re not winning bro like [ __ ] Now’s the Time to try stuff like that you know I cuz apparently apparently could be wrong but apparently when Derek ly was in high school or whatever he had a mean jumper to me that gives you another option on offense if he’s at the

Top of the key and he can just turn around and put you know put the ball up or whatever then that’s a whole another option but for whatever reason this coach that we have that’s getting paid all his [ __ ] money can’t even figure out and try that and exploit that like we come

On if he can I mean maybe he can put the ball on the deck we don’t know but the only thing we want drik ly to do is to catch the ball at top of the key you know with his back to the back he does some dribble handoff stuff yeah but that

That’s that’s it if if I’m if I’m the opposing team I mean that’s not hard to defend I know exactly what you’re gonna do because this guy he literally is stuck in quicksand at the top of the key like I know he can do more than that

Like let’s see it because he’s never unfortunately and this is what I hate about when the Mavericks get young guys with Talent like this they pigeon hold them and they don’t ever really develop them I feel like Derek Lively has so much more to offer but the easy thing to

Do is to stick him at the top of the key with his fa with his back to the basket and pass the ball off and catch ales he come on he can do way more than this kid’s [ __ ] athletic as hell well I just want to see it because it’s like

All this stuff starts to be in like the game to game scouting reports I talked a little bit about with Josh on Monday if Maxi’s not going to shoot the three ever which he did shoot feel let me see here Maxi shot congrats to Maxi CA two shots

In 22 minutes real good job you dummy um if if Maxi’s gonna get the ball at the top of the key on some of these kickouts and just do nothing with it at least give me the thrill of a Derek Lively jumper where I don’t know what the [ __ ]

Is gonna happen yeah can can I say this and you like let me on the show next time I decid to get on here are you kidding I got people in the chat that like we have some like I let everybody on the show this is the internet like

Overtly mean I’m probably going to let everybody talk you proba you probably shouldn’t let me on sometimes I’m not going to lie to you but no can we just get rid of Max caver like just just stop it’s over it’s it’s it’s over with maxi Cleaver I love the guy to death handsome

Deel that he is is over he’s he’s cooked poor guy you know we ran him in the dirt but he’s done you know yeah and that like I said that gives more room for other people I I at this point I don’t give a [ __ ] what people think about you know some of

These other guys I just want to see other guys out there at this point because this whole run it back [ __ ] ain’t working I’m TI I’m tired of it I feel you my man thank you so much for joining us once again and particularly waiting to chat a for sure man so all

Right we’ll talk soon y okay uh I’m gonna bring up Matt next Who’s waiting down below but before I bring up Matt um do me a favor like the stream subscribe to the show send me an email if that’s something that all interests you I have this email Maverick at we talk about all sorts of stuff uh here on the show I am we attempted to be as um Democratic as possible here because it’s just basketball and it’s supposed to be fun we have a good we have a question um from let’s see here uh Dylan asked this

Question a long time ago but I had to start it I’m going to come back to it he said do we really think Luca is a better number one option for this team giving the pieces and the direction Cuban wants to take the team Kyrie has the IQ in the

Fire and doesn’t burn out in the second half I just guys Kyrie’s 17 games that’s not an insult that is a statement of fact please go look at all the the games that Kyrie’s missed over the years for one reason or another he’s a 31y old 175 pound 6 foot1 point guard

Expecting him to hold and carry this team is not a fair expectation of him Kyrie is an outstanding basketball player who is coming into the age and the minutes and the games played where I don’t think he wants to have to carry the team every night he’s a great basketball

Player but in expecting more out of him I just think isn’t necessarily Fair that’s just where I’m at um all right Matt welcome to the show what’s going on how you doing Kirt all right what’s going on I just is um uh first off I

Want to say I’m a Luca fan but I think he acted like a total I can’t say that word tonight but I think he acted like a total jerk tonight and oh you can call Luka bad names that’s fine okay he was a dick head and all the other things he is

But um but I that I totally agree with but one thing I get annoyed and I’m seeing a lot more is the like one big thing you mentioned a little bit ago I think he gets lost I don’t think this team is very good other than Kyrie and

Luca and I mean oh sure I’m trying to be nice just drik Jones Jr is just I mean what was he on the Bulls last year played 18 he was he was a minimum signing he was their 15th man signed and I mean I love drik Lively I’m not like

But but he’s just not it like I’m not not not it like he’s just I mean there’s no way we should be relying on them this much he’s a 19yearold kid like I he’s unbelievable but like he’s gonna get worn out eventually it’s just frustrating like do really want to play

Are we really gonna lose our minds on holes not playing and Hardy and like I’m not trying I Matt I think that’s that’s us as fans wanting to get mad at new and different things no I totally agree and I and I think kid is the biggest I I’m

Not a kid fan I’m not but can I let me defend him for a second and trust me I think he needs to be fired I mean they went to the Western Conference Finals when that team when I felt like it was a legit team and they had pieces and they

Got put together last year I mean we all know it when Brunson left it was just a [ __ ] show and they threw Kyrie in there and it was just I mean in this year I mean I I I I think he’s a horrible coach I’m not trying to like I just feel like

The in the picture this team isn’t very good and it’s like they’re better than last year though and that’s where like I I sort of I I’ve talked about this some previous shows where I think the expectations of fans coming into this year were kind of wildly out of pace but

I understand why you got Luca you got Kyrie you should be able to do interesting things but then Lively pops off we look good earlier we started off eight and two and ccent have essentially played sub 500 basketball to be quite I mean that’s just the way the math Works

Um but Rome is not built in a day and I’ve had a little bit of a hard time with like the expectations of oh well we just need to be better better better right now and I’m like I look at the the injuries I look at the roster like they

They’re lilip puchan they they’re a tiny team and then there’s Derrick Lively and Luca so what my expectations are it’s like all right if they’re hitting threes yeah I would like a little more schematic like Variety in their offense and defense but I’m still not even sure

That would matter well that’s what my point is I get so annoyed like I’m not trying to start the one thing I get annoyed is that Luca has the ball and shoot too much like and I’m not trying to say this I’ve watched them since Madrid like my family’s from Slovenia my

Grandfather is so that’s how I like what else do you want do you want Josh Green shooting the ball freaking five more time I’m not trying to like just so but those are your options that’s what you’re talking about the distribution yeah I mean the Monday’s game I’m not

Trying to go back to a s but did you see the spacing on the court when Kyrie and Luca were trying to do anything it was the worst I’ve ever seen we’re this far into the Year this is a great this a great point we’re this far into the year

And The Scouting Report which I mention is this sort of like nebulous thing that exists but teams understand what other teams have they’re going to let Derrick Lively and Derrick Jones Jr shoot so you like there is no operating room so that’s why you know you try to play Tim

Tim gives them space but then Tim is like spinning around like like a like an like he’s in an ice skating ring because he doesn’t know how to streakiest shooter that ever existed he either goes literally it’s that stupid scene in the office where the guys are all like

Finger gunning like that’s what Mavericks are doing because it’s like you either die One Way Or Die Another and then hope you shoot 45% from three that’s how they win and then and there’s no other and I and I like I’m again I’m not trying to say this but

It’s you’re we kind of got screwed because I feel like we had these chances to build something and we messed up and we missed those chances and now we’re kind of at the bottom and trust me I’m the biggest Luca fan alive like I’m not being like it’s just it’s frustrating

But I don’t know what else they can do and it’s just like I think kids I keep saying I think kid’s a horrible coach but man I wish we could have seen that Western Conference Finals team the next year and see how they could have like

I’m not trying to say like get I get it this team is horrible and I mean I’m very curious to see what they do at the deadline because I mean I I think Luka acted like a [ __ ] but I felt today was the first time he actually looked

Like I’m getting tired of this crap like and I’m curious to see what happens because well I mean if if I mean there’s some interesting reporting out kind of what happened in Milwaukee I can tell you this I can tell you this whatever that owner whatever that GM says that

They didn’t ask for players input on this they are lying Liars who lie Giannis or Dame or both simply raised their hands at one point and said what are we doing here there are stories going back to game two of the regular season that were like the buckser in

Disarray Luca if he wants to Kyrie if he wants to can raise their hands and say well we didn’t know we I mean Kyrie certainly knows this he knows you can do this L might not know that you can do this you can raise your hand and say I I

I want a new coach maybe the Mavs won’t listen but he could ask and considering what the Mavericks have walked away from so far in Luca’s career with kind of giving him whatever he wants I don’t see why they wouldn’t now can I say a good point that

You made earlier for the not the guy before but the Kyrie fan where sure I think if I think if I I I love I actually love watching Kyrie and my opinion has changed on him since came here but I think you’re right I think if

Kids gone I think kids like I don’t think kids coach but I think you have to have somebody to protect Kyrie and I’m not no no it’s like he he respects Kyrie so it’s like what options do you have like that that’s a that’s a it’s a fair

Question and it’s not it doesn’t come with any implications it comes with a track record so he he he that’s why the kid gamble was or I’m sorry the Kyrie gamble was a good gamble for kid but they’re kind of in this gordian KN where if one thing goes the whole house of

Cards mixed metaphors sorry the whole house of cards might collapse and and I keep saying this to people I mean I I’m on Twitter so much last couple of days getting annoyed with people like I probably should I turned deleted the app tonight I was so annoyed but like true I

Mean if you take Kyrie and Luca off this team I mean do you really I really think it could battle with Detroit for the worst team like I just oh certainly nobody can dribble I mean I just feel like and and I kind of got a I used I

Listen to you every night I don’t really get a chance to come in like I’m sorry I uh when you keeps used to get annoyed where we can’t make a move we can’t make a move we have to grow and I mean I get your point I’m just I’m just

Getting to the point where like like let’s I I don’t want to be a be bad news but what happens if nothing changes in it and we just [ __ ] hits the fan and like things go to hell like I really think things could blow up quickly I’m

Not trying to be like that but I just I just unfortunately can see it and it’s just it certainly can it certainly can but you know what here’s the flip side and since you’re a last guest I’m going to close in something moderately positive you know what else what’s what

What what could fix all this tell me what do you think could fix all this I think a trade didn’t just I am much simpler win a [ __ ] basketball game yeah true wild I really do I think that helps sorry for cussing I cuss a lot my wife Y no that’s good trust

Me all right man you got anything else for us no I was good talking to you hopefully I can come on more thanks hope so too appreciate it all right guys if uh nobody else wants to come up on stage I’m going to look through I saw some interesting questions got some folks

That are pining for Aon if we’re talking about Aon uh we are down bad go read aon’s quotes about how you can’t take him uh how he’s a how he’s a max player and you can’t take that away from [Laughter] him guys guys thank you uh Dylan tell

Your wife I’m sorry um I appreciate every single person that’s stuck around for this long uh you guys are fantastic um even the people that that yell at me uh this has been Kirk Henderson I’m over here pod Maverick this has been group therapy hope you

Feel a little bit better not too much worse uh we will be back Friday I don’t know if we’ll do a second live show Friday we’ll probably definitely do one on Saturday just because it’s the back toback guys things are about to get so freaking weird everybody have a great

Rest of your week and go Mavs

Kirk and Josh plan to talk #DallasMavericks vs #PhoenixSuns, the first game in the NBA’s nationally televised Rivalry Week. The last time #LukaDoncic played the Suns, they beat Phoenix badly on Christmas. Hopefully both he and #Kyrierving play (both are on the injury report) against Devin Booker, Kevin Durant, and a hot hot hot Suns team on a win streak.

We’ll hang around after for the second postgame show, Mavs Party or Group Therapy win or lose this time!

Start time is an estimate!

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  1. Love your work Kurt. Long time listener on the podcast side. Will try jump on a call one time however I am in New Zealand so time difference is a bit tricky

  2. On the point about Luka throwing out the fan and people getting angry about it being reported is it’s ridiculous to not report on signature news about ur team. People got butt hurt about people tweeting out Jalen Brown dropping Luka the other day the same exact way. I even watched Nick’s show and they didn’t even bring up the play (kudos to you guys).

    If we have a played that is so emotionally immature that he gets upset if someone reports on the team then good god man make an appointment with a professional and find out where that’s coming from. Not to get all armchair psychologist but that could lead to some dangerous stuff if it goes unchecked.

  3. Jason Kidd Is Horrendous as a coach
    LUKA always complaining and now bitching about fans is insane

    What are we talking about fans they pay well they can heckle you is part of fans being Fans

  4. I’m with Kirk about the Grant Williams standing over Durant. I’m so tired of that dude. He’s not some tough guy enforcer. He’s a jackass who for some reason decides to get into it with the other teams best player every game.

    Nurkic and Durant were right for going at him, and I’m ready for someone to beat Grant’s ass. Between Grant and Luka, this is a very unlikeable team. Hard team to root for.

    Also, anyone defending Grant woulda been pissed if someone did that shit to Luka.

  5. does anyone out there think the Cuban would allow anyone to coach luka if Kidd set like the Cuban would fire him in the game this is why we can't get good coaches and front office people the Cuban has final say him and the coach needs zero input on the roster and Nico has to be able to fire Kidd

  6. Great show Kirk – love your enthusiasm and sheer rage.
    I'm waiting to hear you after each game
    Its pitty – that the Mavs is a pathetic organization that is good in making bad deal after bad deal.
    The Mavs blew it, they spent five years on building a lousy roster near to Luka.
    Sadly, I don't see a redemption path for Luka and Mavs – In two years Luka is gone.

  7. Another outstanding Kirk's performance!
    I actually think mavs should find that same passion / expression in the next coach as this is exactly what Luka needs to balance himself and actually mature as a player!🔥

    I remain on the same thought as before: Although this might me a cruel or even unfair judgement / prediction, but I think J.Kidd's true aggressive personality he had as a Player did not translate to the Coach because his natural spirit has been killed after having problems in his private life and was (I assume) forced to take a medicine that 'relax' him to the point where he may be good for his family but not for the job that he was given. Some people simply can not do both things well..

    Saying all that I believe the answer is pretty clear and it is just a matter of time when 'all-positive' texas media realize that and start to actually point it out…

  8. 100% agree – the ejected fan is a story. It is news. At the same time, the fan apparently fucked around and found out. Like i don’t feel he’s a victim, personally. Do stupid things, win stupid prizes.

  9. TeamKyrieCaptain talk about Luka and coaching and buy in, and already explaining he even didn’t watch Luka with Carlisle let alone before that is a joke of the day

  10. Suns fan here…. it's crazy… does that heat get carry over even if booker is the only person left over no player or coaches from that series…..

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