@Los Angeles Lakers

Lakers/Hawks Postgame Analysis, J.Worthy, Bron, Reaves, Coach Ham | Jan 30 2024

Lakers/Hawks Postgame Analysis, J.Worthy, Bron, Reaves, Coach Ham | Jan 30 2024

Lakers drop another one on the road this time to the Atlanta Hawks they end up 7 and8 in the month of January 7- 17 on the road for the season guys and uh bottom line not a lot of fight uh shown tonight with this team uh shows kind of

On defense lack of communication uh the body language listen we are the first ones to build up up this team we said at the pregame show that we believe in these guys and that they can make uh a run that we’ve seen him do in the past

But the truth is the truth and the facts are the facts and right now they’re 24 and 25 big game games and and and can’t sugarcoat it’s a bad feeling right now and uh there are challenges for sure yeah a lot of challenges for this team

Right now um tonight without ad I mean it wasn’t like they percentages wise you look at it they they shot about even Lakers 53 the Hawks 52% shot the ball decent from the three free throw line they missed 11 that that that probably was something they could have gotten a

Little better at but with no ad in the paint uh Atlanta just did whatever they wanted to they knew there was no presence there layup after layup after layup after layup Lakers turn the ball over they capitalized on that and the Lakers just couldn’t seem to you know make any any difference in

Their comeback you know every time they you know decrease the deficit a little bit the Hawks they turn it over and the hawk six for six from the from the three for a long time there and they hurt the lickers and and so many different ways

It was just one of those games where they didn’t have a presence defensively they couldn’t stop them yeah it’s you know it’s it’s disheartening to watch you know right now and like we said uh you earlier you know they are who they are right now you know this is a you

Know average basketball team 24 and 24 before this game started we talked about the challenges that they were going to have on the defensive end against Murray and young and those two guys just just ate them up you know what they going to have to take a real hard look at the

Themselves uh in the mirror first of all individually and then as a team collectively and see what they can do with the rest of the season because this is a point in time right now where it could be either Make It or Break It yeah

You know they can go one or two ways you either go either go farther down in in the in the deeps of depth where you have no chance of coming out or you going to Rally around each other and say listen man enough of this we got to start

Playing basketball and it is it is an interesting time with the trade deadline looming and the way that the world works now social media there will be a lot of noise and and we’ve preached forever about since the time you were a little kid whether you’ve coached or played you

Know about sticking together through rough times adversity and the team is the one that has to pull themselves out of this it’s not going to be fans not going to be anyone waving a magic wand it’s it’s collectively big game so that leadership has to come from a lot of

Different areas inside that locker room we and we’re about to see we’re about to see here particularly in this next game against the Celtics uh we we’re about to see just you know if they can gather enough energy bring themselves together you know I think about the Terminator you

Know and it blast the Terminator and you think you got him and all of a sudden the metal star coming back together again and all of a sudden you got a terminator and that’s where they have to be right now man cuz they got a lot of different pieces all over here injuries

Body language guys not really sure if this team can get what they need to do to get there they they I mean they they know they can they they’ shown us they just got to get back to that and believe and this next game against the best team

In the NBA right now and a big rivalry we we’re going to see yeah adversity tests the true character of a man it really does and we’re going to see what that character is lot of people jum off hey hey it’s easy to jump off the bandwagon 100% you know just like it’s

Easy to jump on when everything is going great but when everything is not going good that’s when you find out what type of person you are and what type of people you’re playing with who really got your back you know and who’s in this for all the right reasons so I mean this

Is a test it’s a huge test on a team that we know is a lot better than what we’ve seen in the last four or five games we talked about the defense guys the points off for turnovers 25 of those tonight the 23 fast break points but uh Andrew Miller Graphics produc put

Together a thing over the last five games here graphic that’s not fun we’re going to have to see second third fourth effort against these guys because the way they move the basketball and we didn’t see that we saw so many wideopen shots by the ha I mean wide open with

Nobody near him that’s effort you know and that’s the thing that we know we can’t continue to do on the defensive end you got to have that effort on every single possession and if you have that effort you give your CH yourself a chance to win the game we spent some

Time in the pregame show talking about the young Hawks stars in Deonte Murray and Trey young they came to play tonight we knew they would we knew jonte Murray’s hamstring would be fine Lakers are coming to town it’s going to be a full house everyone’s going to be

Excited they combin for 50 points they also combined for 22 assists big game and uh they were ready from the jump you got to make them feel you you know they they didn’t feel us tonight at all I mean they were able to go wherever they wanted whenever they

Wanted and if you’re not not a lot of resistance no resistance whatsoever you know and again like I said you got to make them feel you it even if it’s what I used to do back in the day is I’mma pick you up 94 feet and every time you

Do pass the ball you going to feel me I’m going hit you I’m going do something but we did not make them feel us at all tonight and when you give guys that are that good already the freedom to do what they want to do mhm it’s going to be a long Night just one uh Darin when you guys go I think it’s like 56% at the free throw line something along those lines just how tough is it especially when trying to make a comeback attemp in that fourth quarter uh you definitely need to step up and make your free throws but even

Before you get to that like I just told the team after the game you know we got to figure out you know how to give more resistance defensively those first and third quarters um you know you start out you trying to build a foundation for the

Game on that side of the ball which if you’re good on that side of the ball it can carry carry you through you know some bad or unforeseen circumstances offensively uh and it allows you to get a rhythm offensively when you’re good defensively and it creates uh some easy offense but

You know we came out couple breakdowns in transition couple of breakdowns in terms of finish finishing and possession defensively with a rebound um and then they get a rhythm they get going their juices start bubbling and now you know you’re in a dog fight and you’re facing

A deficit and so by the time you do start making Headway offensively you know you’re playing behind the a ball and so it’s just a matter of again looking at it we we tomorrow be a travel day coming off this back to back you know unfortunate circumstances

With the travels usual it’s been like that all year though um having a back to back no ad you know it’s different circumstances that it’s going you can use them as excuses or you can say hey the whole league goes through it got look ourselves in the mirror and man man

The hell up and so um it’ll be more of that but also with looking at it with Clear Eyes on how we can you you know turn this thing around and not make those same mistakes that that eventually hurt us those self-inflicted wounds you mentioned the transition defense especially early it seemed like

The Hawks were getting out on on the fast break that was an issue last night against the Rockets is it an effort issue or organizational issue what’s leading to these breakdowns and transition I don’t know if it’s an organizational issue I mean it’s a basketball issue where where you have

Tired legs I mean that that that double overtime game we poured so much into it physically emotionally you definitely can feel the remnants and then you you’re on a 4our flight from San Fran to Houston um and you’re going into a back toback like this where you have two

Teams trying to figure themselves out as well that’s that’s young playing hard as hell um but it’s it’s when you feel that you got to makes you have to do your work early even more you have to just be solid and consistent with the simple details even more um the things you can

Control like just shot goes up soon as the ball leaves the opponent hands you’re sprinting you you you or your teammate’s hands I should say you’re sprinting back and you know being prepared those first three steps makes a huge difference in you being able to even though your tank may be low your

Gas tank you can sustain and ration rational ration out gas if you will that will sustain you through the game if you’re just doing the details with a sense of urgency uh Darin I don’t know if you were aware but about 20 minutes before tip off Christian Wood tweeted LOL and and

There’s been some speculation online that he was upset about not starting um so I don’t know if you knew he tweeted that or not but just wanted to ask if you had a conversation with him pregame or if you have any insight into that well no I’m not on social media and I

Don’t have everybody running and grabbing ho of stuff like that and throwing it at me unless it is presented to me in this form um that said you know it’s a lot of thing he and all of us can do better um I thought he was solid

Overall tonight tried to give us a help give us a chance and um we decided to keep him in his role and uh where where he’s been for some time and and give Jack opportunity to come out the energy he played with last night give him a

Chance to come out and uh try to help us in that manner and so we we’re kind constantly looking for balance with our lineup it’s not a popularity contest we’re looking at how to mix and match our players that’ll be most effective in helping us get a

Win hi coach uh Lebron basically he didn’t rest the whole second second half why did you make that decision on the second night of the back-to-back game have you worried about his physical challenge especially you have four more Road games yeah we have there’s time built in there where we’ll get rest and

Yeah you know when that again to the original Point May when you don’t do the details and you face a deficit you have to push your your your your big dogs further than what you want to push them in the first place you have to go outside of the box

Outside of the predetermined plan of of action and so um you know our guys to look at him our medical team starting with Mike Manas we’ll we’ll take a look at him make sure he’s good but he’s a competitor as well you know he we start making a little Headway digging into

Their lead he he’s not going to want to sit down either and so so uh that’s why I try to save as many timeouts as possible you know to use in different ways and tonight you know just trying to save them and to cut off runs they were

Making or get him additional rest because I know how he thinks we’re all competitive and I know he’s competitive as competitive as they come and so am I and so he doesn’t want to come out of the game and nor do I want to take him

Out and the circumstances of us making a push to cut into the lead that they had on us you know all signs po pointed toward him being on the floor last one coach you’re no stranger to this building and having coached before what things have you seen from your personal

Growth and getting better at coaching I mean just the patience the time and patience you know people just don’t start off being great at something it takes time you got to go through your bumps and bruises you got to go through your learning curve um you just try to

Gather as much information talk to the people that’s Walk The Journey um the same one as you’re walking and put your notes together and see if there’s anything any general principles that you can apply to how you pushing the line yourself and it’s been great thinking

Back you know we were just talking about this before the game but thinking back to coach Bud Quinn Kenny Aon Taylor Jenkins myself you know all of us we used to sit in a theater before they remodeled the place and put our brains together and try to come up with the

Best plan to help Jeff Kyle corver deari Carrol who’s with me now great to see Kyle over in the front office Al Horford still doing his thing Paul you know resting Comfort comfortably in retirement I know and all of those guys perro all of those guys

That we had here k b more is brings back a lot of memories being in this building thank [Applause] You m check my okay good Austin we were I was talking to LeBron about the the team clearly inconsistent right the record shows that 2425 had some really good wins um some really bad losses where do you think that the nature of that is coming from what’s what’s been behind the inconsistency

Um I don’t know if you can just point to you know one or two things um cuz if it was that easy you know if you see a problem you fix a problem uh in any situation in life you um address you know what you don’t

Like and what could make you better as a person as a team um but we have to come together as a group uh organization and figure out exactly you know what it is that we can do better as a collective group to be better cuz you see on nights

Um where everything’s clicking it’s beautiful it’s beautiful basketball we’re swinging it playing second side uh everybody’s involved and then you you know have nights where it’s not pretty and it’s not good basketball and we have to you know convert back to the good and just try to continue to do that every

Single night and that’s really you know if I had the answers we’d already have fixed it but um the more good basketball we can play obviously the better defensively of course it’s a little bit more difficult without Anthony Davis clearly you know he makes a big difference on that end but where

Tonight were some of those holes and where was Atlanta getting their shots and what were you seeing on the floor yeah I mean anytime you play against a guy like Trey young and deante they’re so good at you know getting downhill Shifty but but not force it anything um you know they uh

For the most part play the game the right way and make the right read and um especially Trey with his passing ability um and scoring ability it’s tough um you know he’s super quick Shifty likes to reject ball screens gets downhill puts the big in um tough

Situations and then also puts the low man in a tough situation uh with this passing ability uh but we just have to be better as a collective group regardless if we’re you know one through four switch one through five switch we have to you know be physical and um

Create you know indecision for them instead of just letting teams play so freely um you know we all can get better I personally need to get better um and just strive to be better yeah with there are some lineups with with you and DLo and whether it’s been Vando or ruy in

The past this year sometimes it’s been torian or Cam are there different requirements for you like in DLo depending on if it’s with like more of a shooter or more of a bigger guy that you know does different things and how how has that been for you with with those

Different groups uh defensively or offensively offensively or both I I suppose they either yeah cuz they kind of go into each other yeah I mean um you know I feel like going back to the first question when you play the game the right way and you know we’re moving the ball

Um everybody’s getting touched as everybody feels comfortable uh and I feel like that’s why it’s such beautiful basketball everybody’s in Rhythm and um you know making the right play being unselfish uh and then defensively we just had to you know me and dowlo are two of not the best on ball you know

Straight up defenders in the league but we have to compete and rely on team defense and knowing situations knowing that you know ad when he’s playing you know is going to contest at The Rim or knowing the gaps there uh just having that you know specific knowing of what’s

Going on uh helps a lot and sometimes we get too strung out um but you know we’ll uh always look at that and try to continue to get better ausome sorry no I’m kidding sry walked in late sound like you were talking about defense though with uh within that answer

Yesterday ruy mentioned communication as something that hasn’t been there you know LeBron mentioned that for the communication to be there the understanding has to be there as well do you feel like you guys understand what’s being asked you defensively in terms of scheme in terms of you know what the

Coaching staff is asking of you uh you know we go through you know a lot of the times uh the day before and the morning enough of what the game plan is so yeah we should have an understanding of what we’re being asked to do is just going

And executing that um and communication is probably the biggest thing on defense uh just like I was just saying the knowing of you know where your help’s at or where your rotation is going to be if someone gets beat um you know cuz when you’re guarding the ball at the top of

The key you’re kind of blind like you can’t really see what’s behind you so um that communication can give you the certainty to you know be more aggressive or um if you’re switching one through five be aggressive to the ball screen and then get under um but uh you know we

Can always do do better I’m sure the coach and staff will tell you straight up that you know we all can do better and that’s what we’re striving to do and that’s it Austin it feels like the buzzword tonight has been communication from everybody at this point of the Year

From a Layman’s point of view should shouldn’t the communication be the easy part yeah why why is that still an issue um you know if I had that answered you know it’d be fixed uh I think individually we had to sit down and you know look oursel in the mirror

And uh you know kind of just ask what are we bringing to the table and start there and then after that um you know like you said that should already have been done but um you know we’re better than what our record you know indicates I believe

And know that’s a great question and if I had those answers then you know I don’t think we would be 24 and 25 or whatever we are right now so uh we’ll continue to you know try to figure that out and communication is probably the most important thing you

Know you can do as a team thanks a appreciate John LeBron finished with 29 and8 in the loss let’s go inside the locker room he’s with Mike LeBron just the third time you’ve been without ad this season uh none of the three games have gone particularly well obviously you miss him for for

Clear reasons what do you think the difference was tonight though in the play on the floor um I mean I don’t know I mean obviously they scored a bunch of points but that’s what they capable of doing I thought we had some chances um but you

Every time we made a run um they was able to come back and either go like a80 run 60 run whatever the case may be you know we got it down as close to 10 in that fourth quarter and then boom boom boom Lee kind of went back up but I

Suppose the record reflects that you’ve had some clear positive moments and some clear negative moments this year right kind of going back and forth what do you have to do going into these next two New York Boston a couple tough games to to find that the positive side of it let’s

Play our game um try to be better be better in transition um try not to turn the ball over for pick sixes you know those are hard to uh recover from um so you know obviously we got two really really damn good teams you know coming up uh especially obviously Boston at

Home at the end we lost one home game you know so we just got to be better the circumstances of second half a back to back travel and no ad certainly are things that do factor into the game um did you feel like that aside though your

Guys kind of togetherness and effort was where it should have been tonight in a win and and in your to get that effort in what quarter I’m sorry I didn’t hear you not thought you said oh tonight um at times at times it wasn’t but that’s our

Record it is what it is 37 minutes last night 36 tonight do you think the fans appreciate what you’re doing at 39 years old and like how hard is it for you to still play at your level um I don’t really get involved in that or the

Thought process that I just try when I’m healthy enough to go out there and play I just try to perform at a high level help my teammates uh do great things on the floor try to be productive and uh and when lose a draw be you know

Satisfied with the way I approach the game so um that’s all I can ask for myself what’s the best way for you guys to be connected on defense when ad is not in there as difficult as that may be um you know there got to be more communication throughout the you know

The course of an um of a possession um CU you can have a little you know slippage when ad is out there because he protects us on that on that third line of defense but you know when he’s not out there it has to be constant communication and not on the floor so

When we do have the slippers we the have guys that’s protecting but also ad does a great job of defensive rebounding I mean there’s times tonight where we were getting really good stops but we either couldn’t clean glass or the ball or go off our hands out of bounds they still

Have the possession so free throw shooting tonight was not very good yeah that’s started with me though I was ask from the free throw line last two games Lebron team scoring more points this season than any season since 1970 what do you why do you think there’s so

Much scoring going on right now um just uh the way the game is and the way it’s uh better for the fans and the way the officiates rest the game is for freedom of movement it’s the same way of why do we see so many passing yards in

NFL it’s the same thing as good as the the Knicks and the cels are um this group you know you guys have had some big stages this year where you played well and those are two Arenas there’s always energy there um you know do you feel like you guys could put it together

And and look a lot different um we could On Any Given Night Beat any team in the NBA and then On Any Given night we get our ass kicked by any team in the NBA that’s just a what’s our record 500 under 500 one game under 500

Yeah what 2425 that’s what we are last question Brian you guys are C staying on the road for the next couple games big match up against Boston big match up against the Knicks uh what would your message be to you teammate and what can you do yourself you know to get that get

Get back on the winning side of things I don’t have any message for my teammates just go out and do your job I mean I’m not yeah appreciate it you way to cut me off cuz I was about to Go I kind of wish T hadn’t cut him off because uh you know better for the postgame show but listen 21 years guys he’s you know he’s answered every question there is to answer um LeBron doesn’t like to lose nobody does not one person in the lakeer

Organization this is where we’re at he said it this the team we at right now we can beat anyone we can lose anyone it’s pretty he knows pretty right there for you he knows he’s seen it all Christian scored nine points and had eight boards Off the Bench she’s speaking in the

Locker room about 30 or 35 minutes before tip off uh you tweeted LOL and I was just curious what that tweet was in reference to it was a uh I meant to quote something but I didn’t have the quote I thought I did and I just pressed send and I

Couldn’t check my phone before because we had to we had to go out but it was it was an accident so that didn’t I didn’t mean I think I looked at it just now I didn’t mean it came off a certain type of way I didn’t mean it that way

Normally I just feel like in the time we’ve covered you Tweeting that time of the game is not your normal practice no no so I understand not basketball related definitely not basketball related you guys um now one and two on this road trip and obviously tonight was second I back to

Back you had travel and ad was out so there was factors of play but defensively U you guys don’t look like the team that you looked like earlier in the season um what would you point your finger to towards as if we clean up this it can start moving things in the right

Direction I think it’s just us buying into our defensive coveres together not just one guy doing one thing I think we all have to be on a string uh defensively and like you said we haven’t really been doing that as of as of late

But we can we can get back to it you know and I think this road trip is a big test big test for us to to try and get back on track we been playing some some great teams I think we have Boston next was another uh top dog so we just have

To get ready go watch the film and uh be ready for the next one but ad out like this do you look at yourself and say I need to do more I want to do more I can do more or you just play your normal

Game uh I mean I would love to do more but um you know I’ve been playing I think around 14 15 minutes T night uh 20 22 minutes uh tonight so if I had the opportunity to I would definitely try to transition defense was a problem last

Night once again tonight you know maybe tonight was the heavy legs but what does this team need to do to be better in that aspect of the game uh same thing I told Dave just buying defensively uh not one guy doing one thing staying on staying on the string defensively um I

Think that’s been our Achilles Hill you know I think beginning of the Season uh it was guys be this transition we allowed a lot of Fast Break points so um we’re going to watch film we’re going to touch on it and I think we’ll be good next

Game why do you think there’s been such kind of wild Swings with the consistency over this grw uh I mean guys have been out early in the season uh guys getting back Vandal I think is looks like he’s getting back into his his uh usual form and defending and moving and the way

He’s been uh active laterally um Gabe’s still out so we we we we’ve been missing a few guys um ad didn’t play tonight so and he’s our he’s our team captain so um just trying to figure out certain lineups and you know Dam’s been throwing out lineups out there so trying to

Figure it out all good thank you guys y well pyro I’mma take him for his word yep you know I mean that’s yeah that’s all I can do I’m going take him for his word that um that’s not what he basketball it wasn’t basketball related um you know so I’m gonna take

The man for his word but it is kind of weird that it came at the time that it came yeah you know right when the lineup was made you know the starting unit was made that it all a sudden comes up but again uh you know seawood seems like to

Be a pretty straight forward guy so I’m going to take the man for his word I think you learned from your mistakes right big game and say you just you leave it open for these discussions when look I can’t prove it yeah my thing is why are you even texting at that time

Yeah you get ready to go out on the floor he even said I didn’t have time to check it I had to go on the floor so you you know you know at 6:00 phone’s just you know tap it out I agree tap it out bro we learn well Jared after the

Warriors game clearly been a tough pair this one a little different without ad have you seen though some consistency and and what you guys are lacking on the defensive side and where do you what do you have to do to get that back say that question one more time

Just what do you have to do to find the defense uh back after these last couple of losses uh we just got to dig deep and stay together I know it’s a tough stretch it’s a tough back toback three games and four nights so we just got to you know we

Know you know we might be a little tired or fatigue but we can’t use that as no excuse uh we got to come in every game with the same approach play together play hard and uh you know just try to find some consistency especially on that defensive

End what can you expand upon the consistency like what are you looking for on that and like what what needs to come together more consistently I would say more so just communication obviously we missing one of the best defenders in the league so you know ad is a huge part

Of what we do so not having him tonight you know definitely we had to adjust um but yeah just finally commit uh consistency and talking communicating and guys reacting and then just rebounding I think uh communication rebounding and then like transition defense I think those are three things

That hurt us after last night’s game Darin and AD were both Port of you know after the ejection we didn’t get a chance to talk to you yet just how how do you kind of go from that to this game and how do you think about that whole

Thing in the in the context no don’t just move oname I know it’s not as simple as this but as you guys have gotten better offensively uh the defense is kind of at the same time um struggled is there a correlation there is is it like the

Mindset of that that’s causing that or how would you put your finger on it uh we just got to lock in on both ends for 48 minutes I think we should be a defensive minded team to start the game I think that our off uh our defense um should ignite our offense you

Know us getting stops us getting steals getting on the transition you know getting open looks so I think we need to our foundation need to be on that end of the floor uh we got a lot of guys that can score the ball put it put the back

Put the ball in the basket so I think we need to hang our hats on the defensive end I know it’s your call obviously the lineup um do you feel like your heel is healthy enough for you to do whatever it would be asked upon you minutes wise at this

Point um yeah like I said I’m still getting there um you know it’s been a couple months now so I do feel great u a lot better but obviously I don’t pay attention to the lineups it’s not my call has to go out there try to play

Hard every single night and uh that’s all I can focus and worry about and you know let them take care of the rest what’s the difference you’ve seen from this year’s team compared to last year’s team so far where you guys all came in and had this incredible rush now things

On you you below 500 um I mean this this that midseason strike I mean I’ve been on four or five different teams and we’ve all had it every single team I’ve been on you know not necessarily 500 but we’ve had a stretch where you know it wasn’t going

Our way uh that’s part of the season it’s a long season 82 games man every team guarantee you has a stretch where you know it don’t look too pretty but for us we just got to um keep trusting the process keep keep fighting and uh just stay together during these times

And uh you know that’ll help us get through it last question sorry if this was asked came in late but yesterday ruy and LeBron both pointed to the communication that’s something that needs to improve for the defense to get better just how do you do that how do you improve defensive

Communication um you open your mouth and you talk it’s not that you just talk be loud early you know it’s 20,000 people in say so guys just got to be alert I think sometimes our reaction time is a little low slow and then um also being

Able to communicate you know you got to talk loud it’s a loud Arena so being able to just be on top of stuff and being alert and especially being locked into the game plan knowing we’re trying to do we’re trying to give up and what we trying to take away from the other

Team so um I think that kind of goes hand in hand with the communication part than sure

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  1. Laker fans are delusional lakers are what they are an average team with a top heavy roster, all offense no defense unless it’s Davis

  2. People like Lebron pick players and staff because he believes in people. Its not on him to perform THEIR job, the job he trusts THEM to do because THEY said they could do it. Its called a TEAM and yall love to reward selfishness in a team sport and want to reward superior individual effort at the expense of your own team.

  3. I’m a real lakers fan. And I hate to see them lose. But it’s not a lack of effort. They are not defending at all. This can’t be by chance. It looks intentional. I think they are trying to get the coach fired. They didn’t even try on defense. You can’t be that bad and call yourself an NBA player

  4. Inconsistent performances (had a GS Win). AD/LBJ must stay healthy. Players have lost confidence in Ham, i.e., Woods' tweets. LBJ is frustrated and is always in win now mode, but how about Rob and Buss?

  5. Lakers have no consistency what so ever. No team communication what so ever and no competiveness. Need to find a way to win consistently soon or will not make the play in tournament😡

  6. Ham benched AD Monday and played LeBron🤔. Bron get out of there and return home and prepare to retire with Cavs.

  7. D.Ham is not doing a good job with his rotations or mathups and the team realizes he has no idea what hes doing at all

  8. You can't blame the coach… Darwin ham can't go out there and play for them.. Lakers just don't have enough talent simple as is 39 years old he cant carry a team any longer.

  9. So sick of seeing mindless Darvin Ham stumbling over words, attempting to explain futility. He isn't even a good politician. His PROPOGANDA is laughable. C'Mon Jeaanie, get a clue. You did the same thing with Kobe: hired Byron Scott to placate Kobe …now you hire this clown Ham to act as a puppet for LeStat. Maybe 2hen you see the Celtics hoist #18, you will wake up. Pelinka is just more nepotism. If you can't handle the heat in the kitchen, sell the team!!

  10. Lebron wants 50+ mil a year but dosent affect winning anymore. Teams cant get out of the play-in .

  11. Everybody thinks Lebron is an unselfish player, because he will play a stint where he makes 4-5 passes in a row for a great assist. The truth is however, Lebron is a selfish player who always takes the most shot attempts and renders the offense stagnant. LeEgo no longer can carry a team. What Ive noticed is that Lebron "saves" his energy for the 3rd-4th quarter, because he is just too old to play sn efficient and effective 4 quarters. Please go back to South Beach Lebron…most of us Lakers fans are tired of your lack of leadership and narcissism.

  12. I feel sorry for Darvin Ham. This roster is garbage and they want him to create a miracle. This job shouldn't have been given to a rookie coach, but those are the types of coaches Lebron likes so he can walk over them.

  13. 😮THIS DUDE keep breaking down the NBA norms …Bron for the last couple months not going to Podium like the other players….dude always half naked….anyone else would have been fined!! Classless!!

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