@Detroit Pistons

2006 East Finals Game 6 – Detroit Pistons at Miami Heat – Highlights

2006 East Finals Game 6 – Detroit Pistons at Miami Heat – Highlights

It’s clear that the Pistons you’ll be want to see the other players like Jason Williams as he knocks it down they want to see those other players make shots that he didn’t explode and go to the rims Hamilton the mismatch with Walker gets inside nice move from Hamilton who’s

Been really struggling just 36 percent from the field in the series way down from his regular season average like every time that Phillips and Hamilton have one of the big players up front on them they must go to the hill they must go strong Jason Williams nice goals win Williams

Quickly with four points he is really moving his feet throughout the series and doing an excellent job defensively his health defense has been scoring that time Wallace though got a good open look it was around where they won game six on the road Rasheed Wallace had a huge game

For them that night and Hasler knocks down an open shot and that is very big for the Heats will not step out and take an open jump shot all right Phillips looking for three taishan Prince knocks it down cutting off that 29 point game it’s the first time yeah I’ve seen once

Again Johnson’s got to read that when that’s there when that lane is there he’s got to take it see the numbers as the support players picking up the slack for the heat Jason Williams has been very early Williams three for three for the field Sarah Lee scoring but given this touches throw

Them a pass down low once in a while it energizes his whole game and then the team well that’s every Big Move every big man wants to be appreciated Aslam knocks it down big men are so sensitive music well that’s because they’re seven on the shot clock

Good defense from Walker and O’Neill the rebound look out long I like the energy of Miami early they’re getting out on the break and they’ll they’ll test the Pistons you got to get back in your transition defense Wade Elliot nice Shaquille O’Neal [Applause] now just keep an eye to the right of

Your screen see the defense came out Rasheed Wallace came out to try to put pressure on Wade to have that stamina to keep chasing this one’s already missed a couple of free throws that was a big story game five Ali up to O’Neill and they let that go yeah Cooks Hunters want

To foul no way a standing ovation here in Miami Shaquille O’Neal with a good start but he’s not alone the heat seven of nine from the field 78 percent and already with a four-point lead I take it off to a great start Jason Williams on his way to a quick three for three from the field and then also we know that they’re pushing the ball getting the ball up in there Antoine Walker gets fouled and now Haslam is two for three and he struggled the other

Evening so if they are going to do [Applause] alley-oop again third assists for way and Third Field all for O’Neill the rebound and just answer this you know early early shot they’re going to wave it all for travel to the rebound that’s not the shot they want Ben Wallace to take

Jason Williams forcing the action he’s four for four you can’t let him do that you cannot let guys who are strong right-handed dribblers to go to their right to the offensive board Rip Hamilton short Romeo’s presence small tipped still alive Hamilton tries it again see the heat will be hot shooting early O’Neill

Shaquille O’Neal was four for four I see that was beautiful and again they’ve got a high percentage in this building against the Pistons and games three and four Phillips Wheeling him down he didn’t get that all night long they know that anytime they need a basket they high percentage shot

Walker for three Antoine Walker Ben Wallace gets caught trying to help now here goes Wade on the little spin move down inside but dead now once again Jason Williams that’s his third time going to his right hand to the right side of the rim now there is

Antoine Walker when he makes that catch chase him off the three and get him inside the line enjoy they have to go here now because you have a free man drinks on the drive oh pretty play from Prince he finishes so well and he’s off the lane let’s pull in the playoffs here

He’s averaging on the 11 minutes but he’s giving him three points and four rebounds and Wade with his first field goal finally getting on the board he does have three assists suffering from the flu but knocks down this beautiful shot and the Heat have a seven point lead It’s been a year-long struggle for Pat Riley but they’re doing it at the right time of year nice feed and Ben Wallace to finish that’s how it must be down strong with two hands and now they’re double teaming O’Neal and they get an Intel no nice pass from

You guys there’s nothing to do about that knocked down with six now you can’t fall asleep with the ball now especially on the Baseline now it’s a nice feet inside again and Wallace puts it in case he moves for Big Ben well he’s moving now he’s moved twice without the ball and

Created the pass in the second quarter Pistons trying to Stave off elimination once again getting some nice play from Ben Wallace John C Phillips and the Pistons have done it over and over again they’ll try and force the game seven coming up Sunday good swarming defense from Detroit on the drive reverse O’Neal

Everyone stopped James Posey Off the Bench hasn’t scored but he has five rebounds in solid defense O’Neill there it is gets the roll he’s got 14. yeah such a soft touch that shot altered and rebound Haslam Here Comes Jason Williams on the pull-up and Williams continues

His hot shooting five for five from the field and this is the largest lead of the game you’re getting wide open place now just keep an eye on this how he gets this ball out and up over the rim and then Shaq following I’ll tell you he and

Morning have been a bear on the offensive glass in the series now just keep an eye on this now just watch most guys this ball would have gone off to the right of the rim somehow the magical spin on the ball brought it right back into the hoop

Like you said you know they’ve got to start putting up some numbers way to Payton Wade’s defense he’s averaging we’ve talked so much about all the other aspects of his game he’s averaging two steals a game in the playoffs here in the second bad pass from Wade gotta get it up and

It throws it ahead Chauncey Phillips blocked for the goalten that’s all right good waiting good transition way to run him down most important that for the for the Pistons that was their fourth point on the break this is what must happen when you’re having a bad game is that

Not the same but he’s doing some good things setting up his teammates right now they’re in a 3-2 Zone excellent ball movement yeah I see that all Shaq has to do against the 3-2 Zone Zone playing one-on-one he’s eight for ten from the field I would say he’s off

To a nice start we’ll see Wallace hits a three big bucket for Wallace that’s his second field goal he’s six rebounds Off the Bench he’s been rebounding uh you know quite a bit over five the game throughout the playoffs Haslam tough shot O’Neal with the soft touch again

Shaquille O’Neal having a huge first half he’s got 19 Gary keep an eye to the left of your screen as this shot goes up right there see Rasheed Wallace is saying that Jack used his arm in his back he’s exhausted he played 20 minutes but the guy who has

Picked it up is the shack man and he is off running like a runaway train 19 points nine rebounds three block shots he’s covering in the paint so you know that he’s having a great game but look to the right the rest of the team with the 24 points 9-3 team shooting Jason

Williams five for five for ten but then Posey came in with seven rebounds and Haslam with six own the play and we go to report as soon as possible we’ll shoot Wallace backs up and release the side of the backboard defense his own rebound they have plenty of time

Prince wide open and that’s a three-pointer and Riley very upset with that sequence well they came out in a Zone in a 2-3 zone They trapped that half court and then once when the putter went through then they became a little discombobulated and they got a good open

Look as O’Neill just power into the basket he’s got 21. he’s been our Achilles heel he said we’re just not making any shots I don’t have any explanation we’re putting way too much pressure on ourselves offensively he says I don’t know what the heck we can

Do I told him we’re lucky to only be down by 11 points I said I don’t know what to say or what I could do at this point we’ve got him and while Shaquille O’Neal worked very hard to make this shot there’s a big seller’s working now we said that yeah

He’s got 19 points in nine boards that is his third offensive rebound giving Marcus in within three so he has no place to go that was pretty close though Williams he continues his hot shooting he’s six for six he’s getting out doing a good job he’s got the feel and

Everything is in the mid-range game or off the dribble for the easy layups 12 big points for their starting point guard and the heat with a 13-point Advantage has 11 rebounds in three blocks Excuse me while this is a live shot of Dwyane Wade as he’s coming back to the

Floor he did not come out at halftime did not start in the third quarter in that first half Wade played 20 minutes suffering from the flute if you’re just tuning in he’s in the hospital last night with an IV and he’s throwing up and I had a pretty good oh pretty bad case

We should say the fluid you could see how it affected him in the first half looking for something to drink there well Mike it was interesting because he played 20 minutes and he’s slow getting up I look out it’s out here Wade and that’s getting away with an extra stack Here Comes Phillips

Hamilton blocked but a goalten two Clyde will help each other out you know we just keep saying this and it sounds so corny there were only down 10. all right and we we still have you know 8 26 to go in this quarter it’s up to 12 for the Heat Phillips for three

Prince Hamilton will try a three-point where Hamilton shot is just so off right now gets inside nice move he’s all right a good score like grip he never stops moving he’s now two for nine from the field [Applause] Haslam good open look [Applause] to 12. Jason Williams continues to push

The basketball by pushing the basketball they’re getting wide open 17 to 20 foot jump shots on the Baseline in that corner or the mid-range game millets gets inside there’s Delta that’s why he’s in there knocks it down two defensive game he’s pushing and good things are going to happen you’re going

To get open shots like that waves it’s only a second field goal but it gives the heat a 12 point lead yeah but you can see concentration by peeking over to see if Jack is going for the block bill it’s just two for 11 from the field

Wade on the drive Jason Williams stays perfect seven for seven from the field and the largest lead of the game for the heat you’re saying look we’re getting great looks at the basket we have a quarter and uh four and a half minutes to go 16 minutes everything will get it

Down to eight all we wanted to do is to get down to eight with about six Prince with two on the shot clock and has won the rebound remember I told you tonight and you’re getting open shots like that that’s all you can expect Williams knocks down a three

Eight foot eight from the field and it’s up to 15. he’s especially at the three-point range that’s right let’s see when you’re in it when you’re in a in a field you got to feel all the way you know that he’s going to shoot it in the open floor [Applause]

Wave puts it in 17-point lead or she Wallace wild shot not even close Haslam but dice this time does jump Wayne knocks it down the lead is balloon to 19. [Applause] trying to help the team now this is Dwyane Wade at his best seat he just

Gave you that little juke move and Delk was forced to step back because he didn’t want to drive on him and then this one I think he just surprised the defense by turning quickly and making the shot right now 10 it’s like a 2-3 zone right now for Pistons

Wave fires away knocks it down [Applause] were you going to sub for me were you actually really going to take me out of the game 20-point lead Hamilton South count it and it’ll go to the line the shot clock is turned off Wade tied up fires away it’s good

That’s the way to end the porter blade Wade will a second to go looking up at the clock with 127 left in game seven and and have an elite and then the lead just evaporating in an amount of a minute and 27 seconds so that was um painful memory you know of course

Um but just just knowing how close we was to getting to the finals and you be he told us that one of the keys for him was looking on the faces of his teammates in the locker room how devastated they all were he didn’t want to see those faces again

This year as he wanted to come back and beat the team that eliminated them last year and even with the flu he is playing the superb game right and the Detroit Pistons 29 all right dude there’s a whole quarter left to play it’s gonna have to be some finish but what are the

Pistons need to do yeah well the key is he got to defend I mean right now you’re not shooting the ball well at all he was just 11. and his way he drives Walker spots up for three everything going in for Miami Heat we always tell

You the key to this Miami team are players three through eight it has made all of the wins easy the only two wins for the Pistons and went three through eight struggle Hamilton gets one to go his point is is that in the two wins the Pistons scored 92 and 91 points they

Forced a ton of turnovers they had 10 Steals and they were really in their blocking shots Haslam puts it in double fingers for Haslam Riley talked about getting home for dominance during the regular season they were 31-10 it was 7-1 in the playoffs Hamilton and that’s a three-pointer for Hamilton that cuts

It to 17. and of course before the shot Wade four on the shot clock puts it in while Peyton loves that left side of the floor back out if they run and double team them like they did on both of those fish he’ll kick the ball out for the

Three men if dice give him go Hamilton nice play and a rare easy bucket for the Pistons in comparison why not of course he had the flu back in 97 game five of the NBA Finals it was tied at two game apiece he didn’t get out of bed until

Three tip-off was at six in Salt Lake City trainer said that no way you could play he was struggling all night until he was shooting the ball 15 points in the fourth quarter 38 points for the game he played 44 minutes as the Bulls

Won by just two and took a 3-2 lead in the series they run up scoring 39 in game six meanwhile Wade bad case of the flu is in the hospital this morning getting IV fluids throwing up and they weren’t sure about how he was going to be able to be

Affected a slow start but has really poured it on here in the second half the third quarter in Big Shots now and not just shooting getting his teammates involved as well absolutely Mike see that’s the key not only does it such a Michael Jordan Santa grew up in Chicago [Applause]

17-point lead for the heat they brew this game open in the third quarter Hamilton it’s a three [Applause] proud Channing defense to make sure the way the Heat have played in defense and Hamilton hits another 31 for Hamilton and now it’s 13-point deficit we’re past the Midway point of the

Fourth La Dan O’Neill slowly fitting [Applause] Phillips tried to force it Here Comes Jason Williams and the lead balloons back to 17. and not going to let it happen the Pistons need time out oh he just did a great job he measured that one all the way and

Down here feed the big guy he knows right now you don’t have Ben Wallace in the game I’m taking it strong now get it out on that turnover and look for the layups Look to push Hamilton back to Prince Tony Dell gets inside nice reverse backs today attorneys attacked the basket all night every time that he has had an opportunity he’s going strong to the basket once again back to 13. this is the closest they’ve been here in the

Fourth quarter you have to be careful here Lisa Williams again Williams pretend from the field what a game what will be their first ever trip to the NBA finals Posey for three Bang [Applause] Foreign [Applause] never involved in the initial offense just spotting up since starting with Shaquille O’Neal the larger the life character with three championship rings looking for more dwade Wade Dwyane Wade the blossoming star the first of the celebrated stars in that 2003 draft Udonis Haslam of course the hometown

Hero Gary Payton the former perennial All-Star who’s come up empty in two finals now as a role player trying to get back again Antoine Walker another former All-Star looking to show everyone that he can be part of a winner of course Alonso morning the former franchise player now our survivor who’s

Savoring every moment of her career that he thought was over and of course Pat Riley the coach of Showtime back on the sidelines for another ride and the Miami Heat again just three minutes and nine seconds away from their first ever trip to the NBA finals it is

Right now they’re going to lose their third game by double figures and they have not scored over 83 points in any of the three games the shooting has been very very poor but tonight there’s been a ton of open shots Wallace stops down the three that makes it back to 15.

Wade playing with the flu is at a terrific second half walkers for three and that one just may do it and it’s back up to 18. and again the celebration here in the stands that was Dwayne Wade’s 10th assist in this game and he plays as we told you earlier

Hamilton puts it in they came so close last year dominating in the first round and then the first two games against Cleveland something happened and the offense started to have its big problem says Anderson knocks down the three for the Heat play will it be Phoenix or Dallas that’s still to be determined

Hamilton misses the Trophy presentation will be coming up following our game on SportsCenter so stay tuned for that and what a celebration that will be here in Miami shot clock is off they’ll dribble it out for the first time in franchise history the Miami Heat are going to the NBA finals

I want to congratulate Mickey Harrison Pat Riley the Heat players on their Eastern Conference title and their first trip to the NBA final Mr Harrison we’re going to start with you it’s been it’s been 18.

Richard Hamilton 33pts
Dwyane Wade 14pts
Shaquille Oneal 28pts

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