@Milwaukee Bucks

BREAKING NEWS- Colin Reacts to Bucks Firing Adrian Griffin and Possibly Hiring Doc Rivers

BREAKING NEWS- Colin Reacts to Bucks Firing Adrian Griffin and Possibly Hiring Doc Rivers

Milwaukee Bucks just fired their coach Adrien Griffin he’s been there for 43 games they’re 30 and 13 second in the East and they fired him and I they’ve been on a hot streak I think they’ve won five of six what what on Earth happened now

That’s has got to be a juicy story you don’t fire a CO coach when you’re second in the East now remember Dame Lillard showed up in the off season and then they had brought on Terry stots remember was like an ADV assistant coach and then they quickly jettisoned him boy this is going

To I don’t even know what to make of this holy cow who who does that Giannis pulling the strings there well again they’re they’re they’re playing well recently they go look at their last six seven games haven’t they final last 10 games are six and four like yeah 19 and four at

Home there has to be a personality conflict has to be think holy holy cow yeah they’ve won you’re right five of six games now now their defense has been bad but In fairness they have a weird defense where they’ve got big guys who don’t move well

Except Yannis and a small guy who can’t defend anybody with sigh is Dame so when you got Dame in and you lost Drew holiday you have to be honest about it that’s a big loss defensively so Dame’s a poor Defender regardless of his size he’s a great offensive player he’s not a

Good he’s a great offensive player Drew holiday is an elite Defender you got rid of him and so you also got rid of Grayson Allen who was kind of a chippy Defender but had a he played with some Zeal defensively I don’t know if he was rated as a good defensive player but

You’ve got some bigs who don’t necessarily aren’t Twitchy and don’t move well Chris Middleton by the way is not what he once was not a great defender and then you lose Drew and then you bring in DNE they’re not going to be as good defensively that’s my macro I

Don’t watch every Bucks game but they weren’t going to be as good offensively but they were going to be better offensively because Dame is a great closer and they needed somebody that could create his own shot in the perimeter because they were very yanis Centric in big spots Middleton with

Injuries not the same player and Drew is more of a defensive guy so you remember when the Celtics they went to the finals against the uh Warriors a couple years ago and then they fired their coach like on the eve of the season and then it turns out there was some you know

Personal stuff right there’s got to be something here right I mean there’s no way you’re in second in the east 30 13 and you can your coach like something H something bad so the Bucks will strongly consider Doc Rivers now come on wait who’s that was that WJ that’s Chris Haynes Chris Haynes

Okay okay so so well here’s the thing so doc that’s an interesting decision what is Doc known as gets along with veteran players when he went to Boston Kevin Garnett Ray Allen Paul Pierce you know the story was he he was very the guys were like you win tonight tomorrow’s off

He doc tends to come in players like him he’s very good with veteran players Dame’s a veteran Giannis Brook Lopez you got old it’s an old team last year they were the oldest team in the league are they still the oldest team in the league they they’re up there so Doc is very

Good with older players he’s not the the teacher with the he doc doesn’t want a bunch of kids that’s not who he is so the so what it tells me is if they’re bringing in who’s good with veteran players that their Adrien Griffin had struggled with some of the veteran

Players young firsttime NBA coach probably butting head and again I’m just I’m what I’m taking is when you move off a a certain type of personality and you hire somebody else abruptly you’re often hiring the opposite the pendulum swing of hiring you’re hiring the opposite of what was problematic so if you’re hiring

Doc it tells me he’ll smooth out the locker Room everybody likes doc I see Doc twice a year every people love Doc in La Doc is like isn’t he an announc everybody he’s like everybody’s neighbor everybody likes doc he gets along with everybody all he does the only thing he

Can’t do is lock things up in the postseason where he chokes away 3-1 leads than it’s hard to win in the playoffs nobody Blake Griffin DeAndre Jordan not easy nobody has blown more 3-1 leads in the playoffs than Doc Rivers that is a fact an unassailable fact I’m sorry you know that’s the

Reality I’m sure he’s a great SW guy the facts on Brock prie but the doc ones you’ll pull out there anytime you care so I’m just saying is is the dock higher if it would have been somebody else it was different but bringing in dock is a signal they’re trying to

Soothe some fissures in the locker room fissure that’s a good word yeah that’s what it feels like to me CU Doc is going to suppress any angst everybody loves doc doc gets along with everybody and let’s be real this is a players league right the players run the NBA in the n

NFL obviously the coaches in Paramount matters massively no the coach matters in the NBA but it’s a player league and also if you’ve noticed Giannis over the last several years he’s become westernized he swears more he’s more demand it’s not a criticism European players come over they play nice and

Then all of a sudden the pressure they’re getting ripped on social media then all of a sudden they get westernized that’s a great point on jannis Yannis has gotten much more he’s got some skirmishes skirmishes he’ll give you his opinion he’s a nice guy but jannis Ain going to

Sit around and get pushed around anymore it’s like get me damer I’m out yeah he probably went to him and said this ain’t working but I would say In fairness to Adrien Griffin and again I’m I’m not in Milwaukee but when you let go of Drew we

Said this on the air and you bring in Dame you’re not going to be the same defensive team and also they’re an older team so you’re not going to be as Twitchy athletic I mean like the Lakers when you watch them between they’re older in some season they don’t get out

To the wing is good they don’t they just don’t defend the wing that’s a that’s a young man’s game out there yeah does what does this change your trajectory the Miami Heat made a trade yesterday or this morning whatever for Terry roier that’s a nice ad listen the heat are not

Going anywhere I kind of faded they’re never going to go anywhere Jimmy Butler and Eric spoler you’re gonna have a chance still I still think the Celtics are the class of the East they are I do too I think Philadelphia I like this Philadelphia

Version I know I do I like them I like not because of the seven I think we’re going to have some fun with the Sixers in the playoffs no this is no pressure on Jo so they if you just joined us the Bucks have won five of six they’re the

Number two seed they’re 30 and 13 they just fired their coach so something’s got to be I mean this will be one of those follow wo she’ll have some inside stuff because it just it feels like there’s some there’s some fissures inside the room to high dock the

Ultimate cooler in the room Soo it no egos everybody loves dog Damon Giannis running that team huh would there nothing wrong with that nothing no players League I mean that’s a tough coaching job doc you want you want to come in and deal with these guys

Who just ran off a young coach as a friend of mine who who uh works in the NBA um and has for a long time NBA head coach he calls it the worst great job in America to be an NBA head coach is the worst great job in America you love the

Sport you love the lifestyle the night games going out you love the it’s hard it’s a it’s a you know it’s a it’s a players league and that’s okay it’s been players League since I was a kid since the years of when I was a kid growing up

With Spencer Haywood he it was a players league in the 60s 7s I’m gonna wait for LeBron to chime in on this because we know he’s had some veiled comments about Darin ham lately players lead Colin let’s just remember that nobody’s safe it’s fun it’s drama yeah I like breaking news

We’ll see you tomorrow live in LA it’s the her it’s playoff time in DraftKings sports book official sports betting partner the NF

THE HERD – Colin Cowherd reacts to the breaking news that the Bucks are firing the #adriangriffin and possibly hiring #docrivers.

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  1. A hyena laughing and a guy guessing how Giannis has changed is what I got from this. As a Bucks fan we weren't winning a chip the way team is playing currently. So a new coach is only way to go if you have to win in next two seasons. Just a roll of the dice. Maybe a bit hasty though .Doc Rivers I'm not sure, hope I'm wrong.

  2. Their record almost isn't real. The Bucks struggled to win almost every game they've won this season. The Pistons almost best them twice in week. I'm not surprised AG was fired. Don't act like how the Bucks have been playing hasn't been worrisome.

  3. Bruh how does Doc still get work.. Bucks hot streak fake bruh they been bad as for contenders

  4. Now if Bill Belichick wants to be considered the goat of coaches this is his opportunity, do something Tom never did: win a NBA championship 😂

  5. If the goal is to win a championship the Bucks can not hire Doc Rivers all the man does is choke away 3–2 and 3–1 leads in the postseason

  6. Doc Rivers ? How many chances this guy will get ? Sixers are absolutely better then they ever were when was coaching there.

  7. They have the 2nd best record in the whole NBA. And the only team that has a better record they beat so bad TNT had to cut the game off national tv to show another blow out. They are not desperate. They just want to win it all this year.

  8. Let’s be real only one person in that organization can ok this and his name is Giannis. He criticized the whole team’s effort a couple of weeks ago and put everyone on edge.

  9. I don’t understand the media last month everyone was talking about firing Griffin and now it’s a surprise? Ridiculous

  10. Bucks front office knew where this was going if they didn't do something drastic. Struggling to get out of the first round and likely getting bounced in the second round. Then the coach would have been gone anyway. Now the next move is to get rid of Middleton and bring in a dog on defense along with some perimeter defense guys. You just can't be giving up 135 points the Detroit. The worst team in the league. Then be in a dog fight the next game with them as a 12 point favorite.

  11. Griffin urged The Organizations to trade Bobby Portis for a better players Bobby went crying to his Friends Giannis Then it was a choice between Griffin or Portis they choose Giannis friends

  12. They clearly haven't been watching the Bucks all season. Bucks have been winning in spite of the coaching. This change needed to be made weeks ago.

  13. Wait until Bucks fizzle out in the playoffs. Maybe blowing another 3-1 lead. Then all hell will break loose.

  14. Jason has to be the worst. He is annoying & doesn't know what he's talking about the majority of the time. Colin, you can do better!

  15. I love this move. None of the teams Doc had with the Clippers or Sixers were championship caliber. He will get these guys to buy in.

  16. The fact that these guys don't have a clue as to why this happened tells me that they dob't watch basketball.

  17. Losing Holiday/Grayson allen on the defensive side now you get Beasley/Dame Middleton is a shell of himself and the team got older not younger Doc Rivers wont make it any better king of underachieving as a coach with talent good luck get ready to blame Doc count down

  18. Your a jagoff the bucks didnt jettison stotts stotts resigned because of conflict with AG .There were red flags all over the place

  19. Huge huge mistake by the Bucks, Rivers is a mediocre coach that was lucky with the Boston roster on 2010, to put you in perspective what this man has done, he ruined the sign in from Duncan to the Magic, when he told Tim family could not travel in the teams airplane, really?, he told Penny Hardaway he needed to change how to play bball, ah? wtf? He blew out a 3-1 in Orlando against the Pistons in '03 then he got lucky in Boston then he went to the Clippers and blew a 3-1 lead, TWICE.. TWICE.. Really? Bad coach very very bad coach, has no vison of the new movement, holds the wrong players accountable, let the "stars" do whatever they want, no compromise. in other words NO BALLS to WIN!!!. Good luck to the Buck cos they are going to need it, when you make these type of dishonest moves, going behind coach Griffin's back bringing a "consultant" to then take over your job. The outcome will be really really bad, you will see., Just like all the mediocre moves in the league with the bunch of overrated clowns asking for trades….

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