@Golden State Warriors

Report: Warriors have ‘no interest’ in trading Klay, Draymond

Report: Warriors have ‘no interest’ in trading Klay, Draymond

by Lord_Vanguard


  1. Fun_Ingenuity_4357

    Hey I don’t know about the rest of you but I am cool to just let them just slowly get older and fade away but forever be dubs as long as I get to watch jk rise into stardom (drays still a elite defender) klay well maybe he can be a bench three point shooter

  2. ![gif](giphy|Lndtxw3ztLhNC)

    Shams is nothing but a shit stirrer farming for engagement on his FanDuel TV show

  3. CarryOnUptheMorning


    This has always been the case I feel.

  4. Nessmuk58

    For practical purposes, Steph is untradeable. Everyone else needs to be available IF THE PRICE IS RIGHT.

  5. RevolutionaryDrive5

    Idk they said the same thing about Poole, could be just raising the price, though I think it’s true for Dray, not so sure for Klay atp in time

    Klay is on a downward spiral, he has attitude issues as well as his performance issues both of those are going to dictate what he gets for his next contract, regardless if they want to trade him or not, if the price isn’t right, he might have to go elsewhere either way

    and in that case Steph/ the team can barely blame the FO, the guy is clearly beyond his prime but still wants to hold on like he’s HOFer

    has there been any talks of him coming off the bench or taking less to re-sign? idk how this all going to turn out, just glad i’m not the one in charge, i’m guessing bob feels the same rn lol

  6. Western_Upstairs_101

    But Woj said he had a reliable source! Btw can stand that sports talk group with Perkins spouting nonsense.

  7. guesswhodat

    They will retire as warriors and statues built of them in the front of Chase.

  8. zdachmann

    They shouldn’t have an interest in trading either of them. I’d really prefer if Klay took on a smaller role that’s kinder on his legs. It would help the team and also help establish Moody as a permanent rotation player, but I rather have Klay in a role that’s a little too big than not have him at all.

  9. TheBubbaDave

    Only trades I would be interested in would be without us adding draft picks. Don’t want the front office trading away our future for a rental.

  10. I heard a rumor that all those guys are on the table.

    So….guess we’re right back to where we started.

    Every team denies that their valuable assets are available for trade.

  11. thelastestgunslinger

    Aside from the sentimental reasons (which I fully embrace), who were the Warriors going to trade for that would have been an improvement? The market looked a bit thin, and trading Klay when he was slumping, or Dray when he was a) fucking around, and b) finding out, was always going to be difficult.

    Ride or die with this team. And celebrate the rise of JK, who looks like a budding (super)star.

  12. Wasn’t it like a week ago that everybody but Steph was expendable

  13. advanced510

    I feel like this organization under Lacobs has always been compensating their players well and hasn’t really done shady moves to their players like other owners have done and continue to do.

    They’ve been pretty solid at sticking with what they had until the off-season. Of course there were additions along the way but they haven’t really shipped anyone out that didn’t have it coming. However, this also is the new GM’s first season so that all could change.

    Still looking for that player that wants the “Prove It” contract that Warriors would pay bare minimum for, like so many players that have been successful here and then got the bag.

  14. olskoolyungblood

    Players get older and younger players eclipse them. Would love for both Klay and Dray to retire in blue and gold but it rarely happens in any sport these days that players have one-club careers. They’re both hall of famers, but Dunleavy would be stupid to not consider it, but smart to leak that he wouldn’t. GS needs some young ballers. It’s clear for all to see. And it’ll be the true test of Kerr’s coaching legacy to see how he handles this third act in those players’ careers. If they don’t trade them, sooner or later, he’ll have to modify their roles. It’s already started.

  15. matty_nice

    Really wonder if it could be GP2 and Looney, both have basically 16M (9 and 8) combined next year, and Warriors are going to still be over the cap WITHOUT Klay and CP3. So they still need to find space next year if they want to re-sign Klay, much less CP3.

    And yes, I understand we all love those guys. I’m sorry.

    Neither guy is going to be your starting/ending 5. TJD and Podz can take over those minutes for much cheaper. GP2 can’t stay healthy. Maybe try to get back some combination of wing/center depth, expiring contracts, and picks. It does take away from their already low center position.

    Steph, CP3, Podz

    Klay, Moody, Wiggins, Kuminga, Saric

    Green, TJD, something back.

  16. mattjchin

    Still would prefer they try and trade for a true center. Looney needs to play less unless he’s going and we know how much Kerr limits TJD. And Dario is a 4. They shouldn’t kill Draymond’s body by giving him heavy minutes at the 5.

  17. ArtfulLying

    Draymond I believe. Klay, I do not. I think there was no market for him and they’re saying this to save face.

  18. We should in Klay, if he has continued interest in 30million annually. I don’t even think the warriors want to give him 25 unless its like 2 years 50million. Preferably they want 3/60 & i keep hearing klay wants 4/120.

  19. Damn Klay might need to go before he leaves next year

  20. If only Klay could buy in and accept a lesser/bench role… please

  21. Well they are fools for not trading Klay, he will be the anchor on this teams chances of winning a title. Hate on this comment if you want but it’s the truth. Many nights it would be simply addition by subtraction when his ego can’t be checked. Now imagine you are replacing him with a player that has borderline allstar potential and is younger and more athletic. They will keep him and pay him like 24 mill per for 3 more years. I mean how many playoff games and regular season games does he have to tank before it they get it. The front office is not committed to winning without exploring that option.

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