@Miami Heat



Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami I feel like I should run that back I feel like I should run that back oh my gosh go ahead come on what the hell um I don’t know why you didn’t que on the beginning we got a que on the down be oh come on let’s go are you are

You doing it again I’m gonna do it again oh my goodness please stick with us I don’t even know if it’s gonna play again you know what we’re not gonna mess around anymore this is welcome welcome Christ welcome to the Miami hee postgame show it’s me sioban alongside mhb co-founder the

Capologist the man crunching the numbers behind the scenes what’s up Brian gos off to a rocking start that’s a that’s a cap yeah um yeah I’m doing a great job right now I haven’t produced in a hot minute um no pun in sended um but uh I

Do want to um you know basically filing for G he uh requested my assistance since on short notice so he was doing busier things in the background didn’t realize he was going to Sage today that was kind of a caught off by a surprise moment um how is that still working

Because the energy never lies there’s always a need for clearing of just bad nasty stagnant energy get some fresh [ __ ] get out all the evil get all of that [ __ ] out works every time G’s undefeated I think that’s six and0 now yeah I’m gonna p the janca Tweet um some

Sometime soon if I can find it because he tweets way too much um but he did tweet saying that yeah that they were um five and0 entering this game um and then the last time that he saged the arena when it was needed they followed that

With a five game winning streak and a plus 17 net rating yep right that was the first time no that was the first time he saged actually five win straight after this I I believe that was actually if I’m not mistaken that was right after that whole um that situation where Jimmy

Butler was cussing out SPO SPO through his clipboard and PJ Tucker and him were having a moment also on the bench with with UD that that was time he did it like literally the day after that I think was the first time he did they won

A five game winning streak and and that first game on that five game winning streak guess who it was against was it the Kings Sacramento Kings that’s awesome I just put it in the um in the in the heat be chat so let’s talk about it let’s get into it

How do you feel let’s just how did tonight feel after all of the you know longest losing Street since what 2008 a real about [ __ ] time listen are you taking about time for the sage or about time for a win these s will get back to

Me because you don’t rush the energy you got to come when it when it’s time to come um but yeah Brian how do you feel tonight how did how do you feel and how do you feel like the team feels just looking one game Uber small sample size

But how did how did tonight feel for you so before the game before G stage Arena I thought this was going to be another L and I thought their first one was going to come against the Wizards after G Arena and I I saw some tweets from from

Brady Hawk before the game where apparently during warm-ups um Jimmy Butler was kind of um trying to R up his teammates um you know they were kind of just like being loose having fun um during their warm-up something we haven’t seen from this team in quite a while um

It’s it felt like they were trying to um just try to play loose like I feel like they were in their own heads for a bit um during the seven game losing streak obviously it’s frustrating um they haven’t had a streak like this since 2008 as we mentioned but you know like

Part of basketball is mental and I think that was something that was really affecting your play and um as much as we want to like you know analyze certain numbers you know rotations um who should start who should stuff like that like at the end of the day it’s they’re

Basetball players you know there’s one ball on the court 10 players you got to fight um for every every little um you know point that you need to get in in a win like that’s really what it bows down to so it felt like they hadn’t been

Playing with that kind of edge in in in a while and that was something I think SPO mentioned in his last press conference like they hadn’t had a charge in in quite a bit especially since they trade Lowry who’s one of the guys that was leading the team in in that stat but

Like you know all those like deflections things like that like just setting hard screens um you know rotating with with actual like conviction and and making sure that they’re you know on top of their communication as well in the court I think that’s also a big part of this

Like I don’t feel like they were also like communicating as a team to pick each other up when they need it in certain moments so all that combined felt like we we got that part of the he identity back today wasn’t there pretty win but it was still a great victory in

Terms of like an overall complete um game I know they had that stretch where they were up 18 in that second quarter and then they obviously blew most of it um before halftime but they came back they didn’t let that affect them they still came back and they won by double

Digits so I’m happy overall with their performance yeah I I agree fully you know and for everything that you said right like the the lineups the who does this who does that who can do this who can’t do that who should do this more more do that less like for all of those

Things um a lot of it has been effort has been but aside from effort has been a level of kind of discipline and attention um Tor Mia said glad for the win but lowkey annoyed because it’s now clear that they can play defense if they feel like it and they haven’t been feeling

Like it there’s a there’s a lot to that again it takes a lot to do defense at a high high level the way they do it every night and all of those things but yes we know that they can but you know that’s part of kind of what I wanted to get

Into and you know so much of the disposition of this team for better for worse depending on who you ask people tell you it starts with Jimmy and I thought that Jimmy came out the gate um out the game just with beginning in warm-ups probably beginning in the film

Session just understanding that as the leader you know it’s on him to kind of inject a little bit of brevity into the situation because for you know better for worse depending on who you ask they’ll tell you this team goes as Jimmy goes goes I think Jimmy came out in the

Beginning of the game looking to score looking to be aggressive um but defensively he was active he was moving he was getting to doubles trying to Poke Balls from behind but getting back to his rotating really well and he just had a bite a a snap in his movements from

The from the very beginning that um along with some other things I do think helped set the tone for the kind of overall tener of the game how’ you feel about Jimmy Bryan I think Jimmy had one of his best performances all year um both sides of Court it felt like both

Sides of the Court he played you know his Brandon basketball that we’ve come to know come to know for the last five years obviously this season He Slipped defensively offensively he hasn’t been as strong of a finisher he’s been better on the perimeter um as of late

Especially now today he’s made what two or three more threes um he’s shooting over 41% I think now probably 42 now after this win so he’s been having a great season Beyond The Arc um mid-range has been bare for the most part it’s it’s been like him trying to draw the

Fouls like that’s that’s part of the game that mime needs from him is slowing down the tempo so that one they don’t get beat in transition if if they’re you know in a grind um especially like defensively they they they play better defense when they’re set and that’s

That’s been a case since probably year one with with the heat like they they had issues playing against fast teams and the kings are a fast team Deon Fox is one of the fastest players on the court and I feel like what Jimmy did was he slowed down the game just enough so

That Miami was able to play you know solid defense obviously they played some Zone today that helped too the Kings weren’t really um attacking their Zone they weren’t really shooting well from three besides Keegan Murray all game um he’s great by the way I love him he I

Wish Miami had a guy like him on the team yes um but like just overall like they they Jimmy provided what they needed he provided the spark he he basically gave them like he was like the callus in terms of like I follow my lead

And then the rest of you guys fill in um you know fill more needed and I like that I think that’s his role right now to get them out of this funk he can’t do that every single game though so that’s my only concern is he did it today they

Got the win they broke the streak now how can we build on from that and start building um hopefully a winning streak from this and and get some more victories on their belt so that one they can maybe somehow climb up to the four or five seats so that they’re not having

To um play against you know a team like Boston Milwaukee or the Sixers in the first round that’d be great um but too like I mean really it’s just more of a fact that they’re a playing team right now still after this win their seven seed we need to somehow build off this

One win thankfully they get the Wizards next game on Friday but the the schedule in February is not any easier it’s a it’s a rough stretch the next 15 are are tough before tonight you could have asked most people and they give you I don’t know anywhere from two to six

Wins maybe over the next 15 but again it does feel like with the Renewed Energy with a renewed kind of connectedness and willing to um just play for one another in a really palpable feeling way you know I think this upcoming stretch is is really big go ahead read the Tweet so

From Jan so this is before entering tonight’s game so before entering tonight’s game G had um G had Sage Arena um five times and each of the five times Miami has got on to win that game the first time they went seven- one the next time they won

The game right after I feel like all these other ones happened this is the second time he’s done it during the regular season all these other ones happened during the playoffs um as far as I remember especially last two seasons I know he did it before the Boston series Desperate Times Desperate

Mees and he did it also I think before the Milwaukee series too this year last year so every time we’ve won um two times we won in winning streaks or big winning streaks and as far as right now like we’re six for six six for so shout out to g g gets

His replica ring we win this season they need to throw uh you know the screen oh he needs his own he needs his own float on the parade do you know his screen like when his camera goes out and it’s whatever that black screen is send that

To the Raptors like send that to the Raptors he’s a put that next to you Jersey yeah yeah that’s a community Legend um but you’re talking about you know Jimmy being able to you know kind of withstand you know some of the output that he he had tonight one guy super

Super important that I do want to get to especially with all the conversation that’s been surrounding him um will get to him after this next guy if this guy can keep up just any like a a half of what he did tonight 9 for 15 from the

Field 6 for1 from three freaking joshh Richards yes G with the dragon’s blood dragon’s blood is a very particular type of sage it’s not white sage it’s not Cedar it’s not La it’s not none of those things Dragon Blood is for a really specific ass intent and shout out to G and his

Energy lady retired G’s HTMI cable um but yeah Josh okay six for 10 from three nine for 15 from the field and even before tonight Josh had been playing in a way that felt more like the way that we’d like to see Josh ver play get rebounds get putbacks around the basket

Cut finish when you’re at the room finish the little dump offs if you find yourself near the room tonight had an amazing shooting SE uh shooting game and I think some of that is it’s replicable open Catch and shoot shooting as long as you put the work in you can be a

Serviceable catch and shoot shooter do you feel like going forward how do you or how do you feel going forward Josh’s role should look like with Terry and to now hopefully with the renewed and you know just consistently engaged Jimmy now on the back half of the of the Season

Where do you see Josh um kind of helping glue all of this together yeah it’s interesting because he didn’t play uh what I don’t think he played a single minute in that next game I think if I’m not mistaken and now this game he played what how many minutes honestly Duncan

Was out but you play what 30 30 plus minutes and we hope Duncan gets well concussions are are nothing to [ __ ] around with Josh played 27 minutes tonight 27 so it just about 30 yeah uh and he had a really efficient 27 minutes on both ends of the floor I want more of

That from him we haven’t seen him at least we’ve seen some games where he scored his buckets offensively it’s the other end of the floor that we really need him more um we don’t have point point of attack Defenders really perim perimeter defenders in general um that’s something

This team has lacked it’s something that I think will continue to be an issue um until they rack up more reps um with this starting back court and with the rotations that um are now you know being used or being like least tested by SPO

Um he’s he’s mixed around Josh he he sat him a couple times he tried doing something differently this game also with um you know Ro um kind of like staggering Terry and heroes minutes especially in the first half so curious to see where Josh still like minutes

Still come uh when Duncan’s back but I don’t think they can afford to bench him if he’s going to keep playing like this so yeah and in a way it’s this is part of the reason why SPO trusts him um you know even when he was having his

Struggles early in the season and up until now so these are games he can give you um they needed it from him because all those baskets were especially like some of those relief baskets when they needed some of those um threes get counter of the that comeback that the

Kings had that second half or first half it was Josh a lot of times he had a couple floaters that looked really nice that three obviously was working for him and yeah like just just him be able to like give you that extra connective pass um is something that they need so that

They can improve on their ball movement that’s something else that this team has been lacking they kind of been working on a lot of these like isolation um like I don’t know like it felt like the team was like hey I’ll pass pass I’m going take a few dribbles try to attack the

Rim but by the time that happens like whatever the rotation there you are swinging it the the other guys already there like they need more guys who can just dish it out um in a moment’s notice especially in the pick and roll I I like

What he was doing today I hope that he can build off of that I don’t know if that was part of the film session if that was what they were look going for um it’d be great if that was like the whole entire film session Josh we want

You to take 15 shots or how no I don’t want that to be the F of the but no he’s been he’s been liberal with his with his shooting kind of all season he’s been willing to take him and For Better or For Worse again uh make them or miss

Them you know they need guys who are going to be willing to take those shots to keep Defenders onest so that you have the tyers and the terries and the jimmies and the Caleb on secondary penetration you know having some space to get in there into and to navigate and

And playmake from From the Inside Man a little scary to depend on J Rich like that I I I would agree if it weren’t for so many of the looks were so open he just got really great catch and shoot looks it’s it it’s

A it’s a shift and roll like you said at first they were having him like come off the stacks and and trying to read coverages who’s stepping up who’s coming or like who’s shifting down where is my skip pass to I’d rather see Josh and either catching rip and finish or catch

And shoot or dribble off of a closer I don’t want Josh having to to playmake from up top and so if he gave us you know this 25 24 points out of pick and roll reads and and stuff like that then I’d feel that way but he got a lot of

Really really open Catch and shoe opportunities did any his performance gave you any hope that he can um provide some of the the possessions and minutes loss with maxu not being on his team anymore is there any hope with with his performance today where he can kind of

Fill in the shoes that stre left if he’s going to shoot this if she’s if he’s going to shoot this well fairly consistently I say yes people tell you and say oh Max didn’t shoot well last season that’s cool the team didn’t shoot well last season for the first three

Quarters of the season last quarter of the Season G and Max began to shoot better Max also was a very kind of underspoken defensively and if you look at some of Max’s defensive statistics this season you’ll see he’s been really effective for Cleveland um and so I personally team has been effective

Defensively yeah I really appreciate Josh’s offensive output I am someone who still I want him to be tighter like you said at point of attack I if you don’t give me you know 24 every night but you give me 15 and really really good solid contain I’m okay with that um one thing

I wanted to mention I’m really happy that SPO decided to use his Challenge on that block for J Rich yeah part of me felt like that was one something that boosts confidence like trust he didn’t really have to do it but fact he did it was right and I think stuff like that

Goes um unnoticed sometimes uh for players to um you know just get them confidence to me that’s what this game was it was a giant confidence boost top to bottom yeah we hold on go we got somebody special that we need to bring in oh man what’s happening what we are not

Worthy what did do are you in your car where are you right now he’s super in his car Nam I’m playing I was playing volleyball we just left we won tonight just like the heat we put that work in we grinded it was a get right night for

Us I just want to let you know I did it for the fans I don’t do regular season saging I felt like something had to be done I went I I went during work hours I told my boss I have something very important I need to do I I will be back

In an hour and I went to the arena I saw my I saw my energy lady and she told me Brian do you have the picture I can pull it back up pull the picture because she gave me Bon I I explain she hases she knows nothing about basketball she doesn’t know who

Jimmy Butler is she doesn’t know she barely knows what the heat are and I explained to her how bad it’s been and she goes that sounds bad and I go that sound that’s bad and she goes she she Rubes she goes in like her like she has

Like a big chest and she’s going through her chest pulling [ __ ] out and eventually she brings out this that thing is huge look at my hand yeah like that’s like and she gives me this like a baton and she goes if she goes if this doesn’t work there is no God that exists

That can fix it and I said Thank you and that’s what we did I don’t know how the game went I didn’t see a second will rewatch tomorrow but I want I want to let the fans know I love you guys and all the people that told me that they put the

The heat bet on the heat money line their mortgage let me tell you something I was sweating I’m glad I’m glad we came out for y’all hold on let me read this comment this is from Lees agenda commissioner he says or she says I don’t know um some Heroes wear capes some

Heroes wear hoodies that are strangely tied around the shout out to the dragons blood moving out saying we need a t-shirt of this do we do we one t-shirt guys like for real do you want a t-shirt well we’ll make we’ll make shirts we we’ll get a stage design we’ll get we’ll

Get something out there hey man it’s potent get right win shout out to Bon and Brian for holding it down tonight and for letting me come out and play my volleyball tournament you guys are the goats and just a big just a big night for Miami I mean they needed this win

Was looking bad how are the Vibes on the court The Vibes were great go tell them about him Brian what was what was Brady saying so Brady was saying before game um like tip off um like as they’re warming up that do you uh Jimmy Butler

Was like really trying to pump up his teammates he was they were basically like you know like when you warm up you can like do it like the the Golden State way where Curry’s like just having fun doing and [ __ ] that was basically what Jimmy was trying to do around his

Teammates and I think it worked um obviously part of it was because of you and your lady but like honestly was something they probably discussed during this um players only meeting that they had that bam orchestrated and also during that film session that’s SP orchestrated they I think part of part

Of the reason was they were just in their own [ __ ] heads the entire time during this losing streak and they weren’t having fun on the court so in a way it just bleeds into everything you do on both ends of the Court like they weren’t defending they weren’t

Scoring and and then they like it’s not like this team can’t win games they obviously were over 500 by like nine or 10 games before this losing streak they’re still over 500 today even with the losing streaks so um I’m happy that they uh were able to figure something

Out this game um but our only concern is like this stretch in February is gonna be pretty [ __ ] tough um thankfully you’re losing you’re uh saging the last time you did during the regular season they went on a seven game winning streak I don’t know if you remember but do you

Know your stats do you know your yeah you read them cuz pull pull up the janca Tweet Brian janca janca tweeted them and uh I think I retweeted if you just go to my profile yeah you might have to scroll through Liverpool posting no he’s got it

We just the lad’s got a win baby The Lads got a win on Chelsea we did it baby I’m the table You’ll Never Walk Alone it’s been a great day for you overall it’s been terrific way Liverpool also won that day so good good for me yeah uh this is

Jan’s tweet so like I said earlier in the show last five times you you’ve done it five times this is now six technically but the five times before where he had Sage the heat went on to win the next game the first time he did

It they went seven and one I think it was a seven game winning streak though is what he tweeted earlier but he wrote so one this tweet um the second time and the third time I think he did it during the playoffs I can’t remember which

Games what they were one of them Billy one of them was against Philly another one was against Boston they did lose Theon do one against the walk series because I felt like he did one before that too I don’t remember and I know I did one the one in the regular season

Was after the the the Jimmy spoke exactly and I was going to say that that when they won in that winning streak the first they won in that winning streak was against the Sacramento Kings that’s so funny um and then the it happened again where they went four and0 um so now it’s

Six for six is basically what he’s tweeted so they’ on wining streaks hope going a thir third winning that’d be great they play um they play the Wizards on Friday so that should be a win so should be at least a two game winning streak but we’re hoping for more dubs

Out there Clippers on Sunday that’s a big game I I we got weekend coverage of that game I know it’s a Sunday but I’ll bring it to good one that day well I gotta go I gotta get home before they close the parking lot that I’m in shout

Out to heat Nation shout out to the heat shout out to you guys for holding it down today I love you I can’t wait to listen to the full show tomorrow and rewatch a great Heat win so take care y’all peace c g so aside so you know like the the J Rich

Though yes G is a legend shout out to that guy um I I really want to get into who I felt like made so much of this work tonight and again there have been you know just heaps of conversation on the timeline just all over the place do

You bench him do you six-man him do you let him start you bring someone else in and this was one of my favorite um Tyler hero approaches to the game today 14 points eight assists only nine field goal attempts now part of your question earlier about whether or not Jimmy can

Sustain this is whether or not we get consistent scoring outputs from everyone else if we’re going to ask Tyler to be more of a playmaker distributor so you got four from heith 31 from Jimmy 16 from bam 14 from Tyler eight from Kevin seven from Caleb 24 from Josh eight from

Hame three for Terry from Terry few years ago I tweeted the idea of Tyler as a uh a playmaker I feel like kind of focuses his eye on looking ahead for how play develops for other people and I feel like tonight Adis the the he and Bam connection kind

Of reignited on on a few lobs um I really enjoy the way that Tyler comported himself tonight I know he had the comment in the post game about um oh I’m just questioning and shooting now you know trying to sacrifice or whatever yes but he still put up you know like 18

18 shots and I don’t feel like being asked to you know catch and shoot in that way should be considered a sacrifice but you know that’s that’s in the past this a fresh start the way that Tyler plays and with as Nimble as he is with as

Creative as a dribble as he does have he can get to the the cup albe it you know depending on how consistent you want it to be he can do some mid-range things and he can be a pullup threat off of handoffs and off of pick and roll

Options you know at the top of the key from from three Tyler the playmaker yes I that’s I tweeted that earlier playmaker Tyler I think is better than Score first Tyler because he can still get his but it’s he’s Dynamic enough in a way that brings everyone else kind of

Along with him we’re going to talk on Terry a little bit in a second too but how do you feel about Tyler the starter as a playmaker versus Tyler the starter as a scorer and what even Tyler would be to the bench as the six-man score Tyler the the the

Playmaker today how did he make you feel or Tyler the Creator as what fix said yeah we’ve we’ve been on that I think we titled uh an episode Tyler the creat I think you guys did that like a few weeks ago last yeah um obviously we want Tyler

To Be A Plus on both ends of the Court he hadn’t been that in a while he’s been his January slumps are pretty well known documented right now over the last three years shooting 40% or under I think he was under entering this game now he’s probably just over hopefully with this

Performance um I mean part of it’s he he he plays he plays in a way where I think they need him to especially with Lowry out like he does need to be the guy that can generate um those easy pick and roll assist um especially he had like I think

He had like this really nice law pass to bam that we hadn’t seen this team any guards on this team really give bam like had and Bam was to start the game bam was pretty bad like he was missing bunnies around the rim his mid-range still hasn’t shown really much this

Entire calendar month um since really since he won that play for the week award it’s just been gone like he hasn’t had that touch um in the mid-range but they got him going towards the end of that second quarter and I like the intent that he had to try to still feed

Bam and even Terry did the same too because I remember there was a possession sort of like what Larry would do where Terry passed the ball to to Bam and Bam as he’s like in his postup area passing it back um to Terry to like try to swing the ball the other direction

But like no Terry’s like no we’re put we’re giving the ball back to you like and and Tyler also does that too obviously he has more of a connection with bam and I know that was something that hopefully we were going to see more out of it um since they kind of like

Were working on it two years ago that was something that we were like tweeting about like oh the Jimmy the the the new um future of the heat would be this Pi pick and roll combination between bam and Tyler like that’s the new thing they’re one of the best in terms of pick

And roll like efficiency points per possession whatever you call it we haven’t seen much of it so like just at all like we haven’t really seen much of it this felt like a game where they brought some of that back um so i’ like the intent from Tyler to try to get bam

Going and it also helps him get going too because I feel like like you have you say Ball’s energy you get the ball moving around everybody feels it and it it just it helped makes everyone’s job a little bit easier because part of the issues on this team on offense is the

Ball sticks and they’re having to self-create be be isolation players that they’re not settle for shots that they don’t really necessarily need to take in the mid-range when they should try to be getting closer shots towards the rim try try to get to the foul line if possible

And then obviously you want um better looks you know from three if you can because obviously they they’re worth more and twos so I like what Tyler did and I think he can build off this performance I know he was talking about sacrificing like we just mentioned I

Don’t feel like he looked like a different player sacrificing today I just felt like he looked more like um he looked like a player that honestly fit next to Bam and Jimmy that’s what we need from him yeah there and I I I don’t feel like he he appeared to be sacrificing today

Either and I feel like a lot of the conversation around you know Tyler’s usage or his ball dominance I tweeted is you know the offense just flow better and and there is there’s a difference between Tyler with the ball in his hand looking to do like intentional things

With a with a plan I think a lot of the frustration with Tyler and the ball dominance comes when it’s ISO Tyler when it’s Tyler in his short arms you know trying to give you four or five moves to kind of not really get anywhere and then

The rest of the offense stagnates we know that this team has a an issue um watching one guy trying to do a thing and there’s no movement get into their sets with like 10 seconds left on the shot stuff like that we don’t get passes with unless it’s like under 12 and then

Somebody goes into a shop like three seconds and then kicks it to somebody else to take a super shot but I I feel like Tyler with a A Renewed sense of of kind of Direction like I feel like Tyler and a scoring opportunity especially when we stagnate off the ball is a lot

Of well [ __ ] I gotta kind of do what I can to kind of get you know what I can get and it it feels really directionless it feels very you know just out here without a paddle just riding whatever wave of the current and Tyler playmaker

Tyler with a with a task at hand feels like we’re like we’re flowing Downstream but in a controlled way and you know Tyler can be effective initiating and in the intrum of plays without necessarily being the person to finish a play and I hope he understands that and that that is a a

Really important quality and because he has the handle that he does he can get out of a lot of kind of situations he has a great snake dribble like he can get to a lot of you know kind of cool spaces and so I hope he doesn’t feel

Like well [ __ ] they don’t want me to shoot anymore or you know I I don’t feel as important to my team because I have fewer scoring opportunities um if he can be a a vital part of the flow of the play without necessarily always having to be the one

To finish the play if it allows Jimmy to finish plays more him and pick and roll um with Bam gets bam kind of on that Runway Tyler seems to enjoy passing from how he reacts and I believe that he does and and and and you can see that he

Feels like he’s doing something good for the you know for the for the benefit of the ho so I really really appreciate it Tyler but to your point earlier about Jimmy F I do feel like the sum of the Tyler stuff is sometimes well no one else can

Score no one else is looking to score so I feel like I have to you said earlier can Jimmy maintain this um and I said I feel like everyone else kind of has to maintain too there has to be a balance between Jimmy being able to maintain

Some level of this engagement so that Tyler can focus his game in this particular Lane so he doesn’t feel forced into having to force shots so to speak yep that’s super key and to your point this is a great stat tweeted out from my Wiman the game ended this game

Ended with the heat with a franchise record 40 assists um the AUD oh I guess I didn’t read the full tweet I thought they had a franchise record I didn’t read the full tweet that’s on me apparently I guess the NBA I don’t know whoever stats keepers are they took away two assists

So instead it’s now a season High know [ __ ] these stats Keepers you know what what the [ __ ] how are you going to take away two assists first of all what kind of assists are you taking away are these like Fast Break assists because they’re too quick that they scored on a basket I

Don’t understand no it has to be like someone received a pass and then had to take like too many dribbles to actually get into a shot whatever they they they broke their franchise record I don’t give a [ __ ] what the NBA has to say they get [ __ ] wrong all the time just like

That uh challenge that SP had to use cuz that was clear clear block um but yeah anyway he had a season high at least but franchise record 40 assists um they they need to play like that more often to be able to get into the higher 100s on offense

Because like defensively they did enough to win against the Kings but right in a way I felt like the Kings still had some good offensive possessions because they were still getting some decent looks from three The Zone obviously helped play a part in that uh they’re gonna

Have to do more on the defensive end still from after this game they’re not perfect there yet but there’s some momentum in the build off from this performance yeah um on top of what they did on offense The Zone was the Zone was actually a little bit tighter tonight

There were a few kind of um boneheaded we’re mismatched we misaligned and so they’re getting kickouts on the other side but I feel like the Zone had more activity and more um definition to it than it kind of has um we’re going to close it out here we

We could talk about bam bam you know we can talk about him quickly I guess you know like you said he didn’t have a great game he didn’t look great to begin the to begin the game um second half you saw B be more aggressive and you saw him

And Tyler you know kind of get into their their synergizing off the pick and roll it’s interesting because you know I don’t care if anyone says Bam’s undersiz um at his position and so the mid-range feels like the more easily able to get shot for him um but when you get him

With Tyler when you get him with Duncan when you get him with people who are able to tilt um kind of the defense on on a run and you get him moving you he’s able to get some momentum and and get some things so you know I thought bam

You know finished the game solidly but I want to get to uh the guy that you threw a little bit of shade to and I’m going to let you speak for yourself you said uh Terry here is looking like 2010 God but Terry finished with 10 assist and

He’s you know finding his way into this this team this is the first game that he’s I think been with us where we’ve seen Jimmy be Jimmy and so that takes a lot of well I need to do some of these other things too so how did you feel

Collectively like on on the whole about Terry tonight so I’m going to put this out there don’t take all my tweets so literally like all these are just [ __ ] tweets that I think are funny in the moment I’m a nework Heat fan at first hly I do like providing some cap

Analysis but to get that you’re going to have to accept some of the tweets that I do put out there just because I think I I I I just have to put out something out there to uh keep my Twitter timeline filled because um there’s only so many

Captains you could put out um throughout a course of of whole NBA season uh but yeah I I’m still not happy with the ter rier trade I’m not going to hide from that I think Miami pay a little bit of a premium than they probably should have I

Think they sort of settled um they probably could have protected both the 2027 2028 um years and maybe see if they could have converted it to um like two or three second round picks potentially to um not have to give up a first rounder if if that hopefully doesn’t

Happen but if forever reason the pick in 2027 and 2028 wouldn’t convey then yeah that would suck um but beyond that like I think Terry rer we watched him play against Miami and Charlotte a few times this year he’s killing them killing them scoring I think over 29 Points a game on average

And we haven’t seen really much of that from him um right we obviously know that he hasn’t really had a practice he’s still learning um you know where to pick his spots and really he hasn’t he’s been quoted saying that he’s not aggressive because he doesn’t want to um he has

Respect for the people that are out on the floor’s not GNA walk in and try to step on toes that was for and he said that he could if he wanted to he could yeah take up his his pullup threes and and and and play that sort of style

Where he’s a little bit more aggressive you haven’t seen that really much from him yet we got like a small glimpse of it to start that game against Phoenix he tried to get a shot early in his game wasn’t working for him so he he basically turned into KY

Lar he he basically was able bble to get them going um you know out in in in in getting Z assists like he got 25% under their 40 assists tonight so it’s great that he’s able to do that but like shooting sub 20% from three like we we

Need more from him on that department because listen like in the playoffs teams are gonna defend on Jimmy they’re going to defend on bam and potentially to defend on and hero they’re going to need another guy to get his buckets they’re going to count on him to get

Those buckets so I really hope he gets it going because that’s part reason why they brought him and they brought him really the score um so I’m hoping it’s just a slump hope it’s nothing more than that because listen Mike babby was good Miami and then he suddenly just forgot

How to play basketball I hope Terry razier doesn’t become that obviously he’s a lot younger than when my paby became a player for the heat um so I doubt that’s gonna happen but at the moment I I slightly regret the trade just because I felt like they could get

More out of him right away I mean they got more out of J Crowder than they had any player that they traded for right after a trade it’s hilarious every player that they traded for has always started off like really bad there’s like a whole stat that um some guy on Twitter

Puted put out like every player that they ever get whether it’s a buyout player or a trade like they all start out shooting so terribly I you’re in a whole new team I feel like I feel like other team that never happens like when James Harden got

Traded to OKC he was on fire from like the GetGo yeah from OKC to Houston but like I don’t know Miami hasn’t had that luxury because I don’t know what do you think do you think it’s because SPO like has too much complicated things in the

Offense where it’s hard to pick up on then unless you’re like a catch and shoot player like it’s really hard to be like guy to be that’s why Jay was yes it’s it’s tough to be ball so it’s help to be a guy with a ball in your hand

Coming to a new system and figuring out your shooting opportunities Jay as a three and D I need you to defend and take these open shots J uh PJ before he stopped shooting um I need you to defend take these open shots when you have a

Guard when you have somebody on the ball it is more difficult to you know kind of pick your spots and you’re also wanting to see where how everyone else like you bam might be used to a pass you know kind of two in bam might like his

Passes on the road to come quicker whereas you might be wanting to um delay it a little bit and maybe pass a little bit behind them there’s a lot of kind of connectivity that has to be establish that’s true but also I think to like the

Terry point and the respect about it all when James left OKC to Houston correct me if I’m wrong but they weren’t in any type of like actual title tendy type of place I feel like people come to Miami and have a respect for it as an organization so Terry is out in

Charlotte playing you know young man ball is we he he says it like he said it losing was part of the DNA of Charlotte so at that point I’m just here I’m trying to make myself look good so that I can get you know maybe other opportunities you come to a a program

That you respect that has a pedigree that has a standard it’s a little bit more pressure and you just want to I don’t know you just want to show s well and and there’s also like a history of him like really having a fondness for this organization yes because of Wade

And what Wade has accomplished um and so when you’re kind of trying to fill those shoes um especially when you’re trying to I mean you can’t Dawn a number three jersey but he picked the closest number he could get the closest he could right um there there is uh there is probably

Some added pressure that he’s feeling so I can I can probably see that U from a human perspective yeah not I’m not a basketball player but I can imagine that that does weigh on you especially if you’re in a shooting slump because he was in a shooting slump

Before he even got to Miami I don’t know a lot of people knew that but like he hadn’t been shooting even well the last like three or four games when he was in Charlotte before he got traded so he’s been shooting stuff for going on what

Two three weeks now so and like you said still hasn’t had a had haven’t had a practice yet yeah and also he’s been playing a lot of games too that’s also part of it I think like he’s probably has some dead legs on him um no The

Season’s long like it’s a long 82 games is a lot you’re playing backto backs you’re playing four games in six nights like it’s it’s a lot for no reason in my opinion but I I I agree with you though that like come playoff time they’re

Going to need him to be um a bit more of the isolation score that we’ve seen him kind of be able to be but even in B in in small BS we we’ve seen him like get to the cup he has a good burst he has a

Nice like herking jerk about his game kind of in the middle it freezes a Defender a bit so I I think you know as they continue to jail and if this is the new way that they’re going to kind of go about themselves if Tyler is going to be

Cool playmaking a bit um then that in that of itself kind of open space for Terry to kind of be you know a little bit more aggressive scoring and Jimmy will leveled out somewhere I don’t expect 31 every night from Jimmy but I think they feel good about themselves

Going forward I hope if you think about it like the box score they won um they scored over 100 points if you take away say you take away 10 of Jimmy 31 you give the 10 to Jerry like that’s that’s a winning formula still so that’s all

They need to do they just need to balance out so that they have multiple guys you know scoring in that 15 to 20 range and then you you get the cont contributions from guys like Hae guys from Caleb that can hopefully give you you know one of those good games off the

Bench because that was something that they had been um having luck with all year the last two seasons um you know their bench would give them there would be a guy that would just give them like 10 15 20 points like they would have just a game and they just kept them a

Float when some of the guys just were having off nights they need more of that now they got another guy and Terry who should be able to give them more of those belief baskets that’s why I hope that he’s able to provide we’ll see how it goes the rest of the season um

Obviously allar breaks coming up pretty shortly so that might be something that’s good for everybody thankfully for everybody everybody um but yeah that about does it for tonight we are going to go ahead and wrap up and get up out of here your Miami Heat play again on

Friday at DC and then we have the Clippers on Sunday back at home and then yeah we get into a stretch you got the magic the Spurs the Celtics bucks Sixers Pelicans Kings again yep Blazers nuggets it’s February February they finished before the All-Star break they’re they

Have a backto back versus the the Sixers and the Bucks before the allar break yep so it’s a good stretch coming up though it’s it’s a very make or break gel together um we’re on the back side of the season now and the back half of the season goes by

Like oddly kind of fast like it’s it’s there and then it’s not so it’s time to get in the Rhythm it’s time to like really nail down what we want to look like so I’m excited for the stretch um especially with this new sense of of kind of connectedness and energy and and

Togetherness we got all the hopefully all the negativity out the way G did this part so you know we’ll see but yeah we’re gonna go ahead and get out here like I said man Friday and Sunday G already told you we’re going to probably do a special weekend episode because the

Clippers is a big game but until we see you lovely people again we’re going to go ahead and get out of here and yeah Peace by guess for

Siobhan Beslow is joined by Brian Goins as the Heat beat the Sacramento Kings 115-106

• Losing Streak is Over! The Fun is Back.
• Josh’s Reawakening
• Tyler the Playmaker vs. Tyler the Scorer
• Franchise record 40 assists (d**n the league!)
• Brian’s beef with Scary Terry

And more!


  1. Jimmy told the team it’s time to ball out and that’s what we needed to see this is the heat team we need to see let’s go heat let’s go on a winning streak now

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