@Atlanta Hawks

what are the odds of him getting the hate Trae got?

straight up flopping into the roll man is way crazier than stopping on a dime letting the defender run into you but hey 🤷🏾‍♂️

by blingera


  1. MiserableSoft2344

    Yeah that’s really bad. Brunson could draw like 4 of those calls on Okongwu in a quarter.

  2. BraxxIsTheName

    JC always touches the refs when explaining himself lol

  3. dangheckinpupperino

    This is why he leads the league in offensive fouls drawn

    This is on the same level of shameless foul baiting, yet since it’s a “defensive” play, people will call it smart, because it is honestly. It’s also just as ugly as Trae twerking for free throws

    But only one will get real shit for it

  4. I don’t mind when Trae pulls-up to shoot with the defender on his heels. At that point Trae has beaten his defender and he’s allowed to pull up and take a shot if another player has rotated to defend the basket. Don’t want this to happen? Stay in front of Trae.

  5. aurelianson

    imagine if everytime brunson did this, he had a chance at two free points. they’d call his basketball IQ up there with lebron.

  6. gmbaker44

    Porzingis has been doing this. It’s beyond annoying. Offenses and defenses trying to out flop each other these days.

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