@Phoenix Suns

Phoenix Suns vs Brooklyn Nets | LIVE Reaction | Scoreboard | Play By Play | Postgame Show

Phoenix Suns vs Brooklyn Nets | LIVE Reaction | Scoreboard | Play By Play | Postgame Show

What’s good everybody what’s going on man welcome back to Suns Valley podcast on a Wednesday evening playing our former well they’ll always be our twins won’t they going to be painful tonight I hate watching can and male play in a different Jersey it just doesn’t feel

Right this stream is brought to you of course by Bubba bet us here’s a prop you guys could have played tonight still can there’s probably still a little bit of time if you want to run to bet us and sign up using our Link in the description Devin Boger to have 25 or

More I think that’s actually has to be over 25 and Phoenix to win with a 114 so plus 114 so that means if you were to put in $100 you would Win4 let’s take a look at what Vegas is going to want tonight am I right minus three so Suns favored to win

By three I think ESPN has at three and a half I’m seeing some uh we’s sundo emojis being properly used he’s running a little late all right sundo is just a little late he said he is at church so we’ve got guns out sundo flexing sundo all right I felt like this might

Bring the mood up a little bit even though we don’t have him yet but thank you guys for joining let me uh pull up the game here and see if it’s anywhere near starting no we got a Volkswagen commercial we got a Harlem Globe troter commercial

Now Roy what’s going on I do have a parlay I guess I can share with y’all the parlay that’s gonna cook me tonight um so I went simple tonight normally I’m trying to win $100 off of 10 tonight I said all right just 50 just give me 50 and

Whoa let me try to pull it up here all right so what I need is Kevin Durant to get 26 points he hasn’t been scoring a lot lately for for what he’s capable of I figure that’s got to change eventually and then he’s going vers his old team and there’s all this

Excitement I just feel like he’s going to perhaps get off to a hot start could be a cold start but either way I just just think he’s going to get more involvement tonight so I’m thinking 26 points felt like a good safe betat we’ll see how that works out Bradley

Beal I need him to get 18 points tonight feel like I mean he had 19 last game feel like he’s getting better with that Batman mask now starting to feel a little bit more comfortable a little bit less terrible with the mask gone so you know I feel like 18 points

For an All-Star like him should be should be very doable and then the Third Leg of my parlay I need Devin Booker and male Bridges to combine for six three-pointers made now last couple of games book has shot one for two and two for 10 so he’s cold but male’s been

Really hot hot Lately from thre so I feel like one of them could carry me and and Mel’s shooting on a high volume right now of Threes too at that number one option so here we go something we never really wanted to see but it is

What it is we’re going to be going up against male Bridges the Net’s number one option book versus mcale did anybody ever want that hey what’s up Jeremy uh what up Michael Ruben in the house srk said Ben GNA ball tonight Ben hurt his leg on the last possession of

The game I think last night he hurt his KNE that’s been the issue so he actually is out no Ben Simmons well Michael you know you’re the rich one Michael you’re the one with that Apple platinum card so go ahead and sign up for a membership permanently

How’s that sound to prove you’re not Diego Mrs Sund said su’s playing music for the Youth tonight I’m telling you he’s a man of the people he’s a man of God Jaden says Gabe are you nervous at all uh as far as do I think we can lose

I think we can lose this game they’re they’re playing good the last couple of games and you know how we are we don’t always show up so we’ll see what Sun’s team shows up Beal kicks it to Durant guarded by Den witty comes off of a screen and

Dwy fights through the nerkish screen a little bit too hard and he is going to draw a quick foul Den goes over and Whispers to the ref the real reason why it wasn’t a foul and to watch nerkish for his dirty screens nerk hand off to Beal Beal alley to nerk that’s not

Really that’s not really you know I wouldn’t if it were me you know and it’s nerk I wouldn’t you know I’d probably throw him a nice crisp bounce pass like he’s not going up and dunking alopops what are we doing oh my bad I Was preparing for next

Week that’s funny let me pull that back yeah I was doing that because I was I was preparing for next week let’s go Nets and here we go thank you for that and Claxton gets a dunk Beat cast you must have been AFK when you when you won Eric su’s playing

Youth uh playing music for the Youth at his church tonight they’re gathered around listening to sundo strum his guitar can you think of anything better anything the youth need more today than to listen to sundo cam free throw range beautiful jumper for nothing Sun’s down guys help us out though hit the

Like button let’s try to get to 100 before sundo gets here nerk swipe through hands it off to Booker book hesi got Claxton on him step back midi no good nerk gets the rebound goes back up slapped out of his hands by Johnson cam Johnson out of bounds

Wes Wes in the house we got Wes timing out TV remote Wes is on a crusade to not let people be negative in the first quarter a crusade Johnson to Claxton Claxton hook over nerk no good rebound Beal Miss sundo says if we can get to a 100 before the end of the

First she’ll give her first and only membership gift out that’s something cam Thomas working on nerk kicks it to cam Johnson in the corner no good thank God Durant with the board Durant crossover on dwiti ripped by Den witty but out of bounds he wants

A foul not going to get it it is Suns ball though Wes has 100 likes end of the first so that’s two memberships now that’s two memberships if we get to a hundo Durant midi no good Beal with the board over to book and nerk gets it over to KD nerk to

The rack for a nice slow man’s dunk I’ll take what I can get notice I notice I stopped playing the parlay where nerk needs to get just one dunk cuz he never does so that is refreshing cam Euro Fade Away beautiful beautiful leaning man Beal working on

Cam over to nerk nerk back door cut to bilsky wiski over the book over to gour Brick short come on Gordon we gotta get Gordon warmed up Claxton to the rack filet over Kevin Durant Suns need to beat this team because they beat uh they got beat last time and it was not

Pretty nerk ripped by Claxton ball pushed up to Claxton foul no just slapped out of bounds by book it’s going to be Nets ball good hands by book good finish by Claxton man Michael says he’ll match Beat cast says will not match cam Thomas with a shovel pass to

Claxton way too easy and here we have the Suns coming out flat we’re not really going to play the first quarter well we we’ll let you guys get up by 30 and then we’ll try to come back that’s the Suns you got tonight why there’s one reason Miss sundo cover your

Ears because Su wants to pick God over us all right that’s why we’re losing you already know it that homie uh Ashi assah says Come On Son Step It Up go Suns they’re going to need it they’re going to need it Michael I got a couple of options all

Right I got you know a good a good pen here then I got a nice Vape a nice Sugar Bar Vape so I’m going to be I’m going to be going back and forth Wes says Gabe I’m trying to set an example here don’t be complaining too

Much save it for the second quarter well I mean I got to complain about the start it’d be it would be a lie if I was if I said I wasn’t upset about the start I don’t like when the Suns come out like this now can they come back and win of

Course they they’ve done it they’ve proven they can do it I don’t want that I want a team that handles their business from the jump I know that’s asking a lot I suppose but is it with the roster we have I just want him to come out with

Energy whatever Frank is telling them in the beginning of some of these games is not working you know General Freddy says sundo again what up General how you been man Michael if I if I actually hit a dab before or during the stream I would be probably useless I

Mean I I can handle about as much as anyone can but dab is a little different and I haven’t dabbed in in a few years so miss sundo says we’re at 60 likes let’s go 40 more for a free membership absolutely thank you guys for hitting that like oh

Man Four Points here to start this quarter the Nets are getting open looks open rim rim runs say that 10 times fast and uh whoa Michael did it just disappear that’s crazy Roy Roy can’t believe the speed with which Wes is cooking Fools DeAndre riddle back back what up man people been worried about you after that Ravens game what up Turbo Man Gordon screen from nerk and book kicks it to Beal kick it down to Durant on the Block for a post up there is a I mean that’s three seconds thank you no thank

You Scott Foster ah so they’re they’re like showing a double team right they’re showing hey we’re going to w Durant we’re going to W meanwhile the guy who’s doing that Claxton is standing in the paint faking like he’s going to double team like I’m so glad they called that I really was

Going to be heated book to nkic hand off to book kicks it over to go kicks it down to nerk nice pass by nerk to Beal Beal dropped cam Thomas but then slipped and fell while trying to go past him what a jab step my God all right relax with the timing out

What are we doing this is turning into Blazer’s uprise whe hits good free throws there uh Den witty hand off to Johnson over to male ner tries to jump a pass slaps it out of bounds can’t get to it in time cam Thomas over to an alleyoop for Claxton nice and

Easy Booker trying to get it to Beal does Beal jab step spin move floater short cam Johnson good defense cam Johnson pump fakes Beal drives into the paint alyo to Claxton it was left a little bit short and he couldn’t get to it Gordon going the other way Gordon on

The Fast Break there we go Suns there we go Jacob I don’t know man I don’t know I I suppose we should right we should try to do that this year our Channel’s growing a little bit maybe that’s something we should focus on it’s just Tori does such a big live stream

Excuse me Tor just does such a big live stream that you know I usually just sit back and watch is hand off to cam Thomas little hesy on nerk tries to get him in the air can’t doubled Fade Away in nk’s face left short almost an airball Durant pushing

The ball up the court step through slapped out of his hands that’s going to be a foul on future son Royce O’Neal yeah Turbo Man I want Javon car that’s what I’m looking for you guys are freaking wild in the chat Durant shoots he hits just want to remind you guys again

Me and sundo have four Bleacher Report streams coming up in the month of February first one is February 7th okay just want to give you guys a heads up cam Johnson for three in Booker’s face it never hurts so bad just want to just want to start reminding you guys so

That you guys will be thinking about it Booker hits the three because the first three live streams we did for Bleacher Report we didn’t have any of our Suns Valley podcast family in there like I think Roy showed up but I think that was it it would just be dope because

Bleacher Report and we can handle it don’t get me wrong we can handle it we handled it just fine actually people started liking us on Bleacher Report but Bleacher Report commenters are brutal okay and it would be dope to have some of y’all there in the chat that don’t hate

Everyone you see that you don’t know you know Miss Sund said 30 more likes let’s go we’re getting close what’s going on Damen Outlaw yeah Wes um it h it we did a few streams during the summer and then they started focusing more on like having athletes like actual big- time

Athletes do shows for him so I was like oh they they moved on like they must not want creators like us like when they can get real athletes which why of course like why wouldn’t you want to do that but they emailed us about a week ago and

They said hey we want to have you guys back for four more uh four more live streams so we’re excited man thanks Maurice no Roy we can’t do it live um on YouTube but we can they’ll send us a recording of the entire thing and

Then I’ll cut that down and and edit it into making it faster and more um a little more easy to watch and I’ll put Clips out for the channel so that you guys can see it so you guys will still get to see it Wes it’s literally on

Bleacher Report so you have to go you’ll you’ll watch us on the bleacher report app you click on suns and we’ll be there at the top of the Suns stream which is by the way the coolest thing that’s ever happened to me I’m not gonna lie it’s the coolest thing that’s ever happened

To me like I’ve been using Bleacher Reports since they started and you know shout out to Suns Jam sesh and Phoenix sports like all the guys with credal ials you know uh uh Brendan clean right um from locked on Sons like everything they tweet all their articles their videos pop up in

The Bleacher Report feed because they have credentials or whatever I don’t I think it’s because they have credentials so it is so dope to me and Sund that we get to like finally be on ble like be in some way like I don’t know I don’t know it’s

Weird but it’s dope we both love doing it and it is fun but it’s kind of scary because Bleacher Report commenters will just fry us for anything we’re back almost yeah Miss sundo we need to Wes uh first one is on the seventh and then we have one on the ninth um

I’ll have to look at the the list again but I know the seventh and the ninth it’s a Wednesday and then a Friday cam Thomas kicks it over who is this is that Lonnie Walker who what at look at my phone I’m actually look at who shot

That cuz it wasn’t trendon Watford he passed it nerk a big dunk for nerk baby let’s go two dunks in one game for nerk what is this cam Thomas screen gets it to trendon trendon driving on his former teammate scores on nerk longtime teammates Booker in transition hesis bulldozes cam Johnson

Who takes a charge successfully on book look never wanted to say those words Horseman shirts would be dope you’re right Johnson to Watford over to O’Neal trying to sell a foul no good from three Durant bringing it up gonna pull in transition oh it looked so good but it just popped out okoge

Almost steals the rebound cam Thomas into the paint stops pops brick Durant Bard kick up to oog thought about it gives it to Gordon back to Durant Durant going to pull P watford’s shoe is coming off so he wasn’t able to get a good contest Durant made him pay let’s

Go cam Thomas to the rack under the rim throws it almost away Watford saves it back to Thomas pull up short little midi is good for cam Thomas book guarded by cam Johnson screen from nerk kicks to oogi down to nerk looking for Durant gets it to him

On a back door cut Durant goes up fouled by Royce O’Neal going to the line why did his shoot even how did did it come off I didn’t even see what happened to it Durant his free throw Eubanks coming in folks Eubanks we are at 77 let’s

Go let’s go 23 more likes 24 maybe we’re getting a couple of free memberships gifted out by the crew Durant hits the free throws suns have the game tied up trendon screen from Roy cam Johnson GNA pull a short three thank God Walker with the rebound kicks it to

Cam Johnson Johnson with the nice Euro cooked oogi oh my gosh oh it’s painful it’s painful what a pivot give him back to me now Wicked oogi said we’re trash without Grayson uh we’re doing okay I don’t think we’re on the trash level right now we’re uh well it’s not great is it

Man my game is so far behind I’m going to go ahead and refresh because this is ridiculous book for two no good male pulls in transition and drills it in eubank’s face oh my God Gordon drills it that’s why we should be okay without Grayson because Gordon is getting it

Back M stops shoots uh a pass turns it into a pass cam Johnson misses the Deep three and thank God book bringing it up male FS trying to get through a Eubank screen Sund on the way home good 86 likes 14 more guys thank you

We’re so close two and a half minutes of gameplay left Eubanks clanks a free throw I want to pay attention to Dennis Smith Jr because I’ve heard that he could be a point guard that is getable and I just don’t know what he’s been playing like I

Know what he was supposed to be I know he fizzled out yeah same thing code right same thing that’s exactly what I was thinking but for Dennis Smith Jr k b de on the rebound wrapped up oh my God they let them get that kbd gets it ripped by Lonnie freaking Walker

Fade Away male that’s tough as doesn’t go thank God the booker bringing it back up book screen from Eubanks pulls o didn’t think that was going in that’s something we needed badly Den Wy stops kicks it okoi slaps it out of bounds Suns ball sorry Net’s

Ball 93 that is dope thank you for the count Miss sundo Den witty stops in the paint that wasn’t three seconds okay Lonnie pump shoot no good on his former teammate do Eubanks I think they played together I think they played together the same they had to have kbd to book books step

Back Cooks D witty misses the three Lonnie wearing the new James hardens in a peach color Eubanks wraps up Claxton for a jump ball let’s go code I agree 100% I didn’t like his shoes at first and then they grew on me and I love them but some of his colorways suck this

Colorway sucks that the ones that are just like this but they’re purple suck book back to Eubanks back to book for three y oh damn that’s how you turn a quarter around Lonnie kicks out to den witty for an open Corner three it was good from the second he caught the ball wide

Open Booker guarded by Dennis Smith Jr screen from Eubanks at half court thinking about it kbd don’t put your hands down kbd you’re not getting the ball kbd standing next to Booker like hey can I have it no get away from him yeah the shattered backboard

Colorway West is goated hey we must have hit that 100 likes because Mrs sundo just gave out a membership who is it assah and who gets and DeAndre riddle let’s go thank you guys welcome in to our two newest hemen thank you Mrs sundo and thank you Wes oh

Man be really ain’t been doing anything this first quarter he is asleep but it is what it is Suns look Suns look better than they did in the beginning of the game we got another free membership a quiet silent Chad membership let’s go thank you Travis Prince Travis I should say for

Making Turbo Man Rod which Turbo Man Rod I would love an explanation of your name um is it from the movie like what is Turbo Man but welcome in Turbo Man rodar absolute newest Horsemen thought I broke the button again honestly what’s up cloy so I think both

These teams the same skill-wise hell no clo what are you talking about what are you talking about hell no hell no we have so much more Talent than them like I’m not trying to be a dick towards the Nets but like no no I don’t agree with

That hopefully Michael you might have to bust out your black card though you know I’m sure you left it outside in your Bugatti so you might need to go get it but DeAndre said I told Gabe I lose want to get it right back Wes yeah it’s crazy

You win every time riddle like there’s something going on with your name you just get it every time wicked oogi said what do UDA and Alec Baldwin’s careers have in common I just know the end of that’s going to be good I just know it um

Yeah we got to get burner in here Reuben hopefully we can give gift out some memberships when he’s here said uh I made this name up and didn’t know what turb the Turbo movie yeah there’s a turbo man well it’s not it was called it was uh jingle all the

Way right Jingle All The Way starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and can’t remember who else and the Turbo man is like the uh Christmas gift of the SE like it’s the toy that all the kids want so parents are all fighting trying to get their kid a turbo man funny

Movie yeah pre he’s going to be here soon hopefully soon he’s driving home all right are we back we back do I think KD will hit more than five assists this game I didn’t look at his assists recently and I don’t know it it all really just

Depends on how much they double team him and they’re not they’re not instad doubling him they’re what they’re doing is like trying to bait him into taking a couple of dribbles and then they’re trapping him if it was the type where they just insta double Durant and say you can’t

Beat us cuz we’re going to not let you then yeah he’d probably have seven eight assists easy Sinbad it was Sinbad Maurice that’s what it was I’m telling you it was a good movie Sinbad doesn’t do bad movies Dennis Smith to Lonnie to the rack no good uh oogi comes away with the

Long rebound Durant bringing it up Den witty guarding here comes a double shortly I’m sure no no double Durant in the Aunt Pearls sets a screen they double him he pocket passes to Eubanks over to kbd kbd Euro over to Eubanks for the little floater and oogi slaps her back

In and one style going to the line hit this oogi please I would love nothing more than oogi to make himself playable again and in the last game he looked good too so here’s hoping yeah if he earns it Roy if he can give us a reason to put it back in rotation

Lonnie to Claxton back to Lonnie drives left floater Ali oop Claxton bangs out geeez Beal going to the rack kicks it to Durant pulls up on the Baseline hits it that’s a tough shot double teamed doesn’t matter Lonnie pushes it up to Claxton into the corner to Lonnie got

Kbd on him jab stepping driving left goes to the rack there was a foul or a D3 on Papa Eubanks more than likely and there we go finally a real man joins the Stream she said what’s yours is mine type [ __ ] type [ __ ] Claxton back to Lonnie Lonnie hangs cannot finish once a foul not going to get it Eubanks gives the rebound over to Durant Durant in transition kicks it to Banks Banks with the bang out banks with a little white

Flight okay he’s getting close half court Claxton over to den witty back to Dennis Smith Jr su’s boy Den witty for three no good Eubanks board okay Durant half court kick toile oh whoops there’s no way they can’t hear you oh wow they haven’t been able to

Hear the game like nobody told me the game audio wasn’t playing the whole time y’all are Wilding Wilding didn’t witty to bridges yeah so what he said earlier when he came in was he heard somebody’s been using his wallet to gift out memberships Oki to the rack nice finish

Aogi looking good two games in a row we need to take advantage of this oogi stretch offensive foul what thank you Scott Foster scottk my sweet little Scott Foster oh he elbowed the [ __ ] out of oi’s face he didn’t mean to he really didn’t but he kept it yeah it shouldn’t be a

Foul I mean he kept it both hands ask you yes can I can I be honest with you it’s not a foul now do they call that just because that’s how the NBA wants it called Because by rule like the way me and you play basketball growing up the

Way anybody’s play basketball like you’re in the area you’re in my face like you’re up yeah exactly like I’m allowed to put my elbows up and keep the ball away from you that should be a foul on you for being in my area not the opposite I don’t know so why does the

NBA does does the NBA want it called that way iess I guess the goodness the L what happened ending in an offens oh just y she’s laying down the law in that house about time somebody someone has to okay DeAndre riddle wants you to know I

Lost my Horseman today and got it back Su though riddle wins every time instantly really yes his third win uh third time he’s won he deserves it especially after you know his Ravens lost and then the Seahawks stole his defensive coordinator look at the replay no I’m saying typically The Defenders

Are ahead typically The Defenders you going to take that riddle hey look I’m just telling the truth like they the Ravens lost and they shouldn’t have let’s be honest they were playing stupid Sunday so and then what’s uh nothing like avoid his chin with your elbow when you’re going up for a shot

Like I’m I’m sorry his chin got all up in my face little love for Moki Ander ma think it’s great good higher so we’ll see who he gets for an no see that’s my concern defense will be great though Durant what up double G be drives gets the ball stolen be’s

Been absolute garbage tonight by the way then witty then witty back to Bridges bridges gets a pick from Claxton he’s going the drive in the paint fade away no good rebound base deop Durant Durant Kevin I don’t want a video package Durant pulls and then with his face

Hits keep giving Durant the ball please and keep getting out of his way Michael it wasn’t a concert shut up I see you lost your membership sir we might need to ban him just for that you know we’ll say with Michael if he doesn’t have a membership he’s not

Even allowed to be in here you have to pay to Annoy Us Michael Roy you ain’t got to do all that Durant hits a bucket that was W was timing out everyone in the first quarter he has a a new Crusade no being negative in the first

Quarter I likeon stopped by kbd I like that rule good for you Wes that’s a solid rule Ki floater no negativity until halfway in the second floater I like that rule can we make that an official Suns Valley podcast rule we’ll we’ll keep testing it out

It’s in beta testing right now I know beta official Ru it’s in beta testing that way we can give Iris in a buffer two right Beal th oh my God Beal why are you so scared to play offense Beal oh Eubank with nice little floater what we we’re getting a we’re

Getting good oogi and Eubank minutes bro what is happening hey who started drills a three uh I believe it was Gordon in favor of Grayson of Allen Durant tough Three Ain’t No Way ain’t no way that was wild Clon that’s a Trav it is but we ain’t going to talk about that

Apparently we’re just going to let cam Thomas slap thzy oh sorry Lon [Applause] Walker defensive the third or option the load it in terms of effort Banks nice pass to aink it looked bad when it went up air ball oi dwy guard byx D drives by him fake in

The paint fade away and one off the glass I don’t see where the foul was but hey whatever I don’t either I don’t NE going my wife made this fire food what was that I’m so blessed to have Mrs sundo looks like chicken huh you’re not

Wrong I uh my wife made some chicken and rice earlier and she brought it to me and she’s like I don’t think you’re gonna like I don’t think you’re GNA like this and I was like no I’m sure it’ll be fine it wasn’t it wasn’t fine but she knew

So so so I was like hey what about them leftovers we still got any of that like uh few days ago she made this uh talini with Italian sausage and it was fire there was there was some of it left so I just reheated that up and smashed

It yeah Turbo Man got a one month who else got a one month another Ghostbusters movie please tell tell me it’s all female Ghostbusters again no no they brought back the originals brought the originals then I ain’t watching it shut up listen if it don’t got if it don’t got

Leslie what’s her face in it I watching Leslie Frasier I don’t know what her name is that’s a football coach you’re right that is aotb what’s her name people what’s her last is it what’s her oh my God I can’t think of her last name she’s

The goat it shouldn’t be hard for you guys to figure it out she was the only she was only the only Redemptive part of that whole entire movie I don’t think there was a Redemptive part of that movie to be honest I didn’t see it that’s what I

Heard what up Ash it’s always Slimer bro is that the old boy from old boy from uh wow from stranger things Leslie Jones Leslie Jones that’s what I thought it was I was just I was scared to be wrong I think Leslie Jones and Tory Jones are related I wouldn’t doubt it you

Know’s been lying to us this whole time that he’s actually black and he’s got black Heritage but he’s just too embarrassed to say it his other his his other brother is uh Jon Bones Jones exactly you know y hear about Tony snail I saw the news what

Happened I mean I saw there was news of him I don’t know what the news actually was get released or something you guys want now I think he got released or something what’s up baby Nester not sure about bull bull yet uh he was upgraded to I

Mean he’s like dayto day now here we go white here we go here we go come on fellas come on goei want lock Andrew come on good hit J baby they’re he just called Drew drewy can we please start calling Drew Eubanks drewy I ain’t calling him anything maybe whitei toi

Durant screen from [Applause] nerk future son I don’t give a pissed about nothing but America God and nothing but the tide I don’t get pissed about nothing but the Suns I don’t get pissed about nothing but the Suns you sound like you have dip in your mouth when you say that

The point I know it’s a good impression really I don’t get about nothing but the time Durant with the block beautiful I don’t get best brown that dude seemed a little bit that dude seemed a little bit he was drunk but he also seemed a little acoustic you know what I [Applause]

Mean little bit AC hilarious bro this is an inter I don’t get ped about nothing but the sun that’s what we’re going to say sun Michael said how buy one of these weak ass memberships even though sundo don’t deserve my money I don’t want your money Michael Gabe does he’s got your

Heritage I just want Diego back those were simpler times you know nerk bully balls into the paint for a bucket glad to see nerk getting involved his statistics his statistics his statistically he statistically has been poor what I’m trying to say too easy Micha ROM went to

Tutorial uh do you have to be on the on a computer foul yeah you got to be on PC with it at least the desktop nerk just basically did that thing where he dropped steps and the defender flops went up for a dunk and got blocked

By uh from behind by freaking Dennis SM okay he was just a foul he only got his inner elbow coach says M regress defensively I mean what do you expect when SC on the team right yeah he is the number one option on offense have much that’s just a normal

Post move as long as it’s not egregious with that elbow in which he doesn’t have to he can literally just the goet a we shouldn’t have Roy O’Neal guarding in in the post anyways so everybody wants b b man I don’t get pissed by nothing but B in the song is bull b

Available I don’t know is he Bridges available step back deep about that would have that piss Gordon in the game Gordon in the game Gordon in the game Gordon in the game what a pass to nerky nerk and he puts go they’re really really utilizing nerk against a smaller

Team it really makes me happy does it yes because it’s not about nerk it’s not about nerk getting points I don’t care but it’s about IQ it it’s like flashing the coaches IQ at me it’s flashing the players IQ at me and saying these guys get it they see that there’s a physical

Mismatch and they’re they don’t care they’re not saying oh I’m Durant I need to score they’re not saying I’m Bradley be I they’re just saying hey you see how we have a seven-footer on a tiny guy let’s just take what we can get for free bbo would never would never what

Do what ner just did no he can’t physically but he’d do it a I’m sure he would do it a different way you know B would probably just Euro Step past them and keep the ball up up where the top of the backboard is so nobody can reach

It um yeah I don’t know let me let me I guess double check here and see if bow is even by the way we we hit 100 likes first quarter I know Miss sundo told me she gave me a rundown of what happened that

Was in honor of you by the way good they should they should be honoring me okay the best thing about this show you know what I’m saying we all know better than Gabe better than Tori when he comes in here that’s obviously I mean what are we

Doing better well maybe not better than Spurs F Gary R okay let’s let’s let’s let’s uh R let’s you know pull the RS back on that one there’s nothing better oh wanted to run a pitch your way oh here we go this is a serious pitch and I think it has legs all

Right he says I want to start a I want to start a YouTube uh WWE YouTube channel with sundo and he’s got this I would definitely would consider it he’s got a channel that’s almost monetized called romp NFL or NFL romp just go he goes he goes

I’ll turn that into WWE Channel I was like that actually sounds like it would work like I’m kind of sad I’m not I can’t get in on it because I don’t watching some wrestling but you know I yeah people would hate me on that channel CU I would just not be able to

Would so funny bro you your code so funny you you give one opinion about one wrestler and he thinks that you’re just like the biggest fan of that wrestler I I don’t even like Seth Rollins like that yes he does code yes he does he says I know y’all

Don’t want to hear this from me but I’m curious to see what Aon would have done under vogle now that I’m watching this game well yeah I wanted to see it fit for miny system we all wanted to see we all want but you told us we were stupid

So I want to hear that from you shut your mouth Know Your Role don’t want to hear it from you yeah told you told us we were dumb no he’s soft he’s soft we don’t want him on his team he’s she is soft but you said it

First you came for us first code sundo to code shut up [ __ ] all right Miss says how was the food was great phenomenal remember my birthday great dish make it less so I don’t get fat Phoenix she will never make anything less cheesy bro I promise you it’s a

Staple of her people okay Cam Johnson Corner three no good he said this stable over people wased cus Sendo at WrestleMania will do that we do that l Hell in the Cell we got mad be but here’s the deal I don’t even know what the stimulation is Gordon for three

Misses damn it cuz I didn’t yell Gordon during it I was iation it’s not like I want to fight for Seth Rollins honor who wants to do that that’s the stupidest thing ever cam Johnson to Claxton Claxton trying to get it back to him hands it off to Bridges

Bridges got kbd on him drops him off hits the fade away that hurt that hurt that hurt to look at man nur’s going after Claxton what are we doing b gets the rebound bails him out job kab Bates good job C is the great one oh we

Could definitely have a Austin uh Rock rivalry you can be rock all you want oh Cam Thomas and one Thomas he hit that shot man cam Thomas is pretty good huh Thomas he’s really good man he’s a great score F here we go cod if you’re still

In the chat you’re the rock I’m Stone Cold okay no maybe I’m more like a Booker T we’ve got here’s what we need more than anything in the world all right we’ll start a new intro okay oh this is good I can see it now

Okay maybe we CGI it maybe we get you to do it live action you’re already bald we put you in some jean shorts with some knee braces you hear the glass shatter you hear oh my God and then you come walking down Su cold okay Sun cold Sun

Wow and then he says I’m coming with a three-man stable you ain’t got so yeah so we’ll definitely do it where I just edit I’ll be the lwo my stable will be Gabe Romero and Diego Roy can be our manager so yeah it’ll be your face on Stone the new nation of

Domination hey bro can you imagine code if the nation of domination was happening today how that would just get shut down immediately bro I could be gilberg but it’d be gabber perfect Gab if you don’t know about gilberg you ain’t a wrestling fan everybody loves gilberg bro I love

Gilberg just cuz the best just the best there you go k can be our manager in our stable hey baby girl you need to pay attention to your Fall Guys what up classy bringing it up guard by cam John Thomas give cams get a pck from nerk

Kicks the nerk nerk in the paint nerk Euro off what are we doing thank youou no he hurt his ankle no he did he’s fine he’s going to get up shut up Richard Jefferson about your career high nobody cares It 2 I was I was going to try what

Up big mer I was going to shoot the entire time but that’s the fun of coming back and like JJ say you jeon was never the best player on his team not once Miss I haven’t played Fall Guys in a while either I just I need them to

Come out with an update to hook me back [Applause] in miss the first throw shoots the second hits itce D Buff Bagwell was the man guarded by Gordon Oki switches on to him cam Johnson in the corner back to Bridges back to Claxton over to den witty Den witty drives right floater

Alleyoop over to Claxton we’re going to get a shove on nerk a little bit of a push so that the alleyoop couldn’t Ur hey bro power world TC I just figured out like how to do dungeons and how to do that stuff and that stuff is hard bro

If you’re not ready you get worked worked I say pre- Rush as game could be Scott Steiner on fullblown roids oh my [Applause] God could be Scott see I I love Big Papa Pump but I didn’t realize how stupid freak I didn’t realize how bad of a like

Show he was he yeah he was just funny to me Durant doubled over to bski wiski finally shoi wkis and bricky wickies they kick it up to cam Johnson fouled by Beal let’s all be careful let’s all be careful let’s not get either of you walk here where’s on my freaks at

Holl if you hear me not able to get the ball in the middle worried about the seconds but the Nets actually that was one of the first coach go watch BR breaker is nice listen I’m gonna need you to take over because I got to do my old

Man Twitter YouTub AG oh my gosh here we go second free throw K Johnson first free throw he hits my bad throws here for cam Johnson and that was great defense by the Brooklyn Nets it was a rotation [Applause] Second free throw I just saw the future man bill just picked up his future teammate cam Johnson what be was helping cam Johnson up brought a tear to my eye Gordon Gordon to nerk nerk open dunked good pass from Gordon nerk with a big yper dunk J witty alyo to Clacks and misses

Nerk with the rebound Point ner damn you’re so far ahead and I’m Durant nerk again hits the bucket going wild bro Fe Fe for feed nerk they’re just too small bro they’re just and that’s I’m just so glad they’re doing like this man Thomas drives off the board and one [Applause] wow C why would you want to see Aon in this system when NK doing this cuz Aon would never I want to see Aon theist coverage cam Thomas just turning the corner on nurkic he opens up his body allowing him that angle to the basket DeAndre we have we have Internet

TV not real TV of course we’re behind I’m way behind you though bro like this is insanity refresh [ __ ] I did I got Beal walking I got cam Thomas now dribble dribble dribble dribble shoot Thom you know type [ __ ] nope D has the ball on my screen it’s foul on a

Sh be down to Durant let me know he gets foul okay foul going to the line [Applause] Durant Andre says don’t talk I can talk back to you all I want you want to know why cuz we have Mike McDonald over here bro that’s why drawing those two were extraordinarily

Close Kevin Durant took cam Thomas under his wing you know when he hits that first free throw Thomas Thomas a real piece for this team and there you see bridges that initial like what I didn’t fou him but you have your arm on an offensive player while he goes

Into his shot that’s a fou and my question for any basketball fan that wants to bring back hand [Applause] hand Thomas going crossover jab step turn it around gets it back to Bridges Durant guarding nice pushable from M nice pivot from M and Durant has to foul him on the wrist

Damn it’s weird watching those two go at it dude so weird person I it I mean Michael had always said that Durant was his favorite player he also said I comp he said I probably would have pulled the trigger on that trade too if I was the He gets it you don’t want to hear that that’s that’s the number that’s the number one thing you’re supposed to say for PR don’t know that pressure be H don’t try to start [ __ ] where there ain’t [ __ ] is no no rebound drei both free throws board 8 seconds Durant bring it across

Half court Durant to the rack throws it right to cam Johnson they’re going the other way they’re going to get a shot off and yes let’s go male misses a buzzer beaten layup needed it needed it needed it oh baby a nothing going to hurt worse than

If male buries a dagger in our hearts this game okay so every time he misses I feel a little bit better you know what I’m saying hey Co you don’t like uh you don’t like kicking it with Ross or in the clutch ENT them dudes is cool um there’s uh sh Shytown

Mark Jessie he’s pretty cool there’s some black dudes in the community in the community of wrestling but anyway you tell me how to you get to do the synopsis cuz just got here Gabe okay here we go uh you know what no no ad tonight no ad no ad okay

No ADI just trying to we got to switch up on the advertising so we need to go over what they want us to talk about they want us to talk more about uh football Super Bowl stuff but we didn’t really get a chance to go over that so welcome in Suns Valley halftime

Show a sundo gabis real quick so we started out piss poor sundo I’m talking 10 or 11 points to Four Points and Wes is Banning everybody because they’re being negative I’m being negative he’s trying to tell me not to be negative I’m like look what am I

Supposed to do we’re doing that thing where we start the the game we start the first quarter with no urgency like it’s still warm-ups and then all of a sudden they just they started going to nerk bro and everything opened up 17 points for nerk in the

First half bro I can’t even remember the last time he did that he’s had some games lately where statistically he’s just been very I mean he did hurt his thumb recently or whatever finger he hurt so he’s playing through injury but even before that this is the type of nerk

Performance that if we could get on a consistent basis we’d damn near be unbeatable truly and no assist for him is weird right now but five for Durant so whoever that was in the chat that was asking can Durant get five assists you have your answer early Gordon

Hit a three missed a couple of Threes hopefully he can get hot Booker three for five from three at least right he’s he’s hitting from down uh from long range that’s nice I’m looking at turnovers we got seven turnovers how do you feel about seven turnovers in the first half that’s not bad

Right I would prefer to end the game with seven turnovers yeah and it could definitely be cleaned up I look at the bench man and oogi is playing his way right back into our hearts with his hustle five rebounds for oogi already um Eubanks another solid game so

Far Four Points four rebounds two for three from the field one block but we got metu not not touching the court suo does that make sense does that make last game either does it make sense I mean it make it makes sense because he didn’t play last game

Right but I just I don’t know I think Franken they have these weird rotations where certain players play for like a certain amount of games and they’re like yeah we’re bored with them it seems so weird to me it’s like it’s like that Meme it’s like the um Andy Toy Story

Meme I don’t want to play with you no more right but I think it’s worse not worse I think it’s stronger than that I think it’s more than that I think they’re really holding him and Nas out for a trade all these players look like other

Than bull bull are the players that you hear about in trades and none of them are playing I almost feel like Frank is like look I’m going to get Eubanks going and Diop and Oki because no one wants to trade for these guys so we need to

Figure out how to play with them now and we need to learn how to play without metsu now and Nas now because we’re not going to have them to rely on because we’re seriously in trade talks I mean NS how does it how does it make sense not to play

NS did he do anything in his time in to make you feel like you don’t want him on the court hell no no I’m just I don’t know what do what do you guys think about that in the chat do you do you guys think I’m wrong is should n does Nas

Like seem like he doesn’t fit or you don’t want to see him play Mike McDonald I wasn’t aware of your game Mike McDonald new Seahawks head coach you I know what I wasn’t aware your game means wasn’t aware of his game is he a pillar bismack bibo in the house what’s going

On don’t look now but you might have spelled your own last name wrong I don’t think it’s BYO could be wrong how was our day how was your day sundo that’s fantastic my day was pretty de slept most of the day after a long night of video games and uh took the

Dogs on a walk took some of my dogs on a walk Travis says Nas and metsu need minutes winning or losing we need to be playing them they’re they’re a part of this team unless they’re going to get traded H hold on I need to turn on the

Ceiling pan it is hot in here hold on be right back code says you can’t risk him getting injured before the trade deadline ends because he’s our only trade asset okay I that goes along with what I’m thinking goes along with it Lester says let’s uh get the big six

Book Beal Allen’s Allen nerk KD miles Gordon it’s over it would be a scary ass lineup man it would be one of the best teams in the league for sure I really hope they’re able to pull it off but I’m sure you guys have heard and I don’t

Know if they are just rumors or if there’s any truth to it but a lot of people saying that Miles Bridges a doesn’t want to leave Charlotte which that’s not going to be up to him but the other part B I’ve heard that he quote unquote doesn’t want to go to Phoenix

Which makes no sense to me whatsoever like why would he be against that have you guys heard that rumor and is there any truth to it bsy I wish we could have brought you back man I really wish they would have brought you back but druski is holding it down in your

Stead Ruben says I don’t know about metsu metsu has been up and down but I feel like he’s given us more to want to play than kbd has and abbd is playing nice lately I me we’re getting Bare Bones minimum statistically from him but he hasn’t looked lost out there he has

Looked opportunistic and he’s been a help to this team metsu is still better though Nas is better like not playing one of the options okay I get that not playing either of them and then UDA I still believe in UDA I think UDA should be playing but we’re we’ve won

Eight out of our last 10 games so it’s tough for me to sit here and complain and act like Frank needs to do something different when we’re winning the The Lion Share of our game so I guess whatever whatever works you know don’t try to fix something that ain’t broke

But I want youa in the game lit sup says are y’all listening to the halftime broadcast they’re saying everything I’ve been saying about balance and sacrifice no let me see if it’s even on for me what up yo we might not be getting that part of the broadcast it doesn’t look like

It what uh just he was asking if we’re if we’re watching the halftime show thing precious says Beal looks disengaged when Booker is out there be looks disengaged period I don’t see Beal going to work I don’t see him him being like yeah let me just go ahead and get

Like not at all he’s deferring like like can’t even think of a player that’s that passive like I’m like nerk usually you know how nerk is always just trying to get rid of the ball I don’t like it you guys know I love Bradley Beal and I think the world

Of him but he’s not taking enough shots he’s not taking enough ownership in the offense um and he’s just trying to be a point guard which is great I get it but you have to have some balance they have to I want him to make them fear him so

That book starts getting more open shots and Durant starts getting more and Gordon Beal is kind of the key to this whole thing because you know what you’re going to get from Booker you know what you’re going to get from Durant if Beal can be unstoppable our whole team team can be

Unstoppable Ry I don’t think he’s P his prime honest to God I I really don’t as a 36y old I just don’t see it I don’t think he’s I think he’s on the edge of his prime he’s probably at the end of his prime but he just hasn’t really gotten

Completely back to normal after being out for so long with several different injuries that kept popping up uh and he’s playing through an injury right now with this mask like maybe he’s probably right he’s probably still really affected by this mask unfortunately he played terrible in the

First game with the mask he played okay in the second game but statistically like efficiency wise he was not efficient with the mask and he looks even worse tonight with the mask on that’s true zabot says all we can hope for is that they turn it up come playoff

Time a Suns fan the reason why it’s difficult to even go down that road of talking about Beal with the trade is because he has no trade clause so you can’t treat him like a normal player you can’t offer him around unless he’s okay with it and there’s no reason why he

Want to said he says be wants a trade scenario is if he wants a trade game if he wants a trade yeah you could get something nice for him bro you get something honest I would trade him for pcks that’s it really yes I would trade him for pcks and maybe another player

Really yeah man like we need to figure out you know we need draft compensation because one it helps you to the draft young Talent or you can make more moves H I just don’t know what You’ get for him honestly a a whole big package of players I think you

Could get at least two first rounders for him I’m saying give me a player that’s gonna be in a decent Wing Off the Bench and some draft picks I’m good on that I want to keep him D see we’re just talking about hypotheticals I don’t I

Mean yeah I don’t want to trade be I’m just saying if you ask me what I wanted to do like that’s really what I would do I yeah I’m we’re that’s a disagreement right there for sure like I know I know I’m just saying like if I want to I don’t want to

Trade I’m like but yeah if you do trade for Bill you get you get as much as you can which is you know but I would want to get draft conversation and players out of it I mean I’m not like completely like you would have to show me the list of

Assets and players that we’re getting right right I’m not saying any I’m just saying that be my starting point not saying just any player that’s why it’s such a bad scenario cuz we don’t know we don’t know exactly what we get for him I got local commercials you too no I

Got a a FanDuel commercial with John Cena and grank yeah pre- Rush as be for LaVine and Caruso yes I mean if you if you tell me it’s that you know but I don’t know later asah Stoner kitchen says if sundo leaves we will lose oh we know we know fine I’m

Leaving bye but he has no remorse sleepover Sun’s victory’s a three-point lead on the Nets as we take a look at our first half stats brought to you by ES all right we’re back what do you think of these Nets jerseys teamot it Phoenix been seeing some trash talk in

Theuh you sound like you’re underwater you’re under you did Suns fan said no B Escape Suns or Nets this game I think the Suns win for here in the second half to keep them here in this game let’s send things over now to Cass hover yeah Ryan I had a

Chance Zona don’t you think kogi’s been playing good the last few games though compared to what he normally gives us cour they to the and they don’t want how are you so ahead of me dude what is going on why don’t you pop it up in disc Thomas

Will Thomas all right half court okay to pointset without Ben simm just returned played well the to Gordon down to nerk nerk ver cam Johnson do him nerk doubled kicks it to Gordon deep Gordon three let’s go whoa whoa whoa let’s go that’s some range bro D wty to the

Rack rather those book screen from ner kicks it to Durant Durant push sorry nerk pushed by cam Johnson they really are going to try to go small ball on us to try to force us to take ner nerk off the court and he cuz who is nerk supposed to guard in

This lineup and I understand the premise of that but there are times where there are shoters on the floor that’s true I thought they had cam Johnson at Center cuz he’s guarding him twice turns the ball over good job Johnson runs the floor on the hi game for the signs come on book

Let’s get some points book screen from ner book pulls up juicy beautiful PP oop scoreboard thank you Travis get ready to Claxton Claxton cam Thomas doesn’t get him gives the back to them Wy he gets a pick witty cam Johnson for three hits [Applause] Pain John having a nice game 15 points five of n Brad be hands off to Durant he’s got by cam gets a pick from by CL cam Durant drives floater hey good board ner oh nerky get it nerk get it ner look at ner look at n up but that is a

Tremendous effort from USF nerk to win that basketball back for Phoenix well he hasn’t missed many around the rim tonight here misses this reverse bunny but the second effort to pursue the basketball and keep the possession alive for the Phoenix [Applause] Suns D get who seven on the Thomas

Phoenix well I mean if he loses this it’s time to retire communicating with Durant if Cam Thomas has great reaction time no and Bren Bari came in to talk to cam Johnson and Eric Gordon about their position is Scott look Black Dynamite official who you

Got they W it it went off of Durant yeah it was still at least ner tipped at the right direction Thomas Sam Thomas working on Gordon Johnson to deny Clon gets it Clon hand off to Thomas Thomas to the rack floater should have aled it was a little

Selfish book with the long rebound sorry uh Beal they kick it to Durant Durant contested three in and [Applause] out cam Johnson to the rack stops turns kicks it out to den witty back to cam Johnson ner guarding three-point line takes him off the dribble loses the dribble Booker

Steel is just thirding it up book cross over stop kicks it down to ner and we’re going to get a foul on CLA that’s crazy did that seem like a foul here I didn’t see it unless he grabbed his shirt I didn’t see that part third person remember Devin Booker playing

With three pick those up in the first half book into nerk hand off to book trying to get it to nerk he’s got cam Thomas on him book drives into the paint little push off that’s a tough hit bro that’s a tough Hit sep’s been quiet hand off to cam Thomas screen from Claxton they try to kick it to male but Durant gets the deflection steel Durant stops kicks to nerk gets it back screen from nerk pocket pass to nerk let’s go dog I did not think that was going in did you beauti

From watch how when he sets this pick you know I for Kevin Durant to still deliver the basketball even though he knows cam Johnson is going to switch that and roll never forget seeing the deontre that we saw during that final round efficient aggressive hungry I agree I think ruined I think

Just mess with Cam Thomas open goes Baseline Gordon fouled him and they didn’t call it they get it to bridges for a wide open elbow three good3 of the night on six attempts Booker hey what if Beal shot the ball once would that be possible nerk backing

The [ __ ] down Adam male that’s just that’s baby food bro that is baby food oh sorry why did I read it Eubanks it literally looked like it on the back of his jersey Thomas for Midi no good oh we fumbled the rebound Claxton gets it and puts it back

Damn Durk kicks it to book weird pass Beal for a contested three and he hits let’s go right [Applause] Travis Bridges screen from CLA and bridges cross over Bridges pump he traveled thank you referee thank you but the Nets who had just two turnovers in the first half already have

Three in this third quarter well and to me Bradley Beal’s got to get going he’s played 23 minutes he’s two for five he just hit that three there but only seven points now you know you have to give up something and tonight it’s nerk his he’s

The guy that they’re going to feed and make the net stop that but he still has got to got to get himself Durant Durant back to Beal Beal to Gordon Gordon to book book swipe through 6 seconds stops oh my God that’s tough bro that is demoralizing for the Nets they’re playing really good defense and book is just hitting tough shots now suo would you allow me to to run and grab a hoodie

You look sleepy you look lethargic I’m a little bit my neck K too man Mr Sund can we get you in here to give him a neck rub please Midstream your boy is sore from work Blue Collar sundo people Blue Collar sundo R’s thank God for you guys uh yeah

What you mean you can’t watch the game or something I’ll be right back 106 to 115 okay yeah I I agree let’s get a dub here get your stupid coat hoodie whatever I’m gonna grab coffee while I’m out too of course you would uh Happy guys on while watching

Burning body with Wifey hey there you go enjoy your time with the wifey man guys make everything better about Suns ball thank you Reuben we appreciate you man try we don’t know the CBA like Tori does but you know we try last leg Suns last leg Suns ml for one oh

No actually start paying for the game just to watch you guys appreciate you Travis man yeah that’s what we Prince Travis man always appreciate that uh oh Charles is in the chat all right Charles man I hope you don’t see a collapse yeah Mary I mean it’s always concerned right

Right that’s why I kind of want to get a big lead in the fourth just before the fourth just so we don’t go through that but it’s not going to happen so we better not collapse in the fourth please do not do I have to be on the desktop to

Gift memberships I don’t think so to give memberships no but to become a member you do have to be on the desktop so weird yeah Miss suo why do why don’t we have 10050 likes yet wow we really crapped out after uh after we hit 100 in the first maybe

You do got to be on desktop to give memberships too that’s really weird let me see if I can’t find it on my phone bro Travis says 200 by the end of the third guys so usually that means a membership got a little bit of time here have you ever heard the phrase

There are scorers and then are scorers appreciate you Reuben stuttered you just made that upj and that a great description is not aase the life of Lula says brah I need four more points from Katy you’re going to get it you’re going to get it it’s a close game

And he’s been doing good tonight you’ll be you’ll be fine is that for does that finish your parlay Dy bringing it up only screen from Claxton kicks it down to Claxton uhoh nice little scoop pass nerk stops the layup from uh cam Johnson Booker gets the pass from Durant book

Stops Baseline Pops in cam Johnson’s face it’s good B oh my God so nice CLS to dwid pulls in Gordon’s face and D it come on man jeez Durant screen on cam Johnson kicks it over to nerk from Beal Beal NOP Durant’s going to get a midi and drill it beautiful Durant 18 points six assists three rebounds KN out Bounce by be will stay

Here with almost a Beal steel poked it out of Cam Thomas’s hands Kevin Durant just a simple just pull up what he does there that fake cut back door step back allows for the defense to Sag off a little bit just an easy pull up and once he catches is no there

No heades Thomas kicks it into wity didn’t we do the rack scoop layup is good NK kicks it into Durant point Durant Durant kicks it down to nerk nerk into the corner to oogi don’t do it oogi don’t don’t not shoot it oi don’t not shoot it

Oi is what I was always gonna say Su that he’s really doing things the Lonnie Walker doesn’t take the screen tries to step through nerk who blocks it with two Bear Paws let’s go I don’t know what you mean codk out of that able to decisions a after little bit of

A drill cam Thomas kicks it out to lonie pump fake Lonnie back to Thomas Durant guarding oh running one foot footed three almost went in at the end of the shot clock Gordon pushes it up to Booker book swiped through Burns cam Johnson pump fakes gets it back from

Nerk going to step back going to kick it down to nerk nerk with a nice little hook shot it’s good they can’t stop nerk they can’t stop nerk wonderful witty fouled going to line thicks Gordon with the foul ain’t that the truth code oh my God if he could find that release the

Way he had it at points last season Caesar P though with a member for TW month message uh thank you man says Nish nerkish nishish you know a lot of nerkish is he at 30 what’s he got that’s crazy what if nerk had 40 tonight he could get 40 if they

Keep oh way W list way better you set the bar really low though there’s a there’s a [Laughter] dash Den Wy hits 891 Phoenix Durant bringing it up Durant screen here from nerkish pulls oh my God there’s your Four Points how did he hit that bro that’s so well

Defended he’s Kevin Durant bro that is the answer Lonnie Walker working on book gets it to claxon Claxton uh ripped by book good defense book two-way book pushes it up to Durant Durant into the paint pops hook shot is good let’s go that’s why you traded for

Kevin Durant that’s why you traded for Kevin Durant Phoenix Suns won the Kevin Durant trade all right type [ __ ] type [ __ ] go bathroom be right back thought you were going to say you were going to leave the stream all together I was going to lose my mind [Applause]

Mama Durant knows who won the trade Suns really do need to win this game though they already lost to the to the Nets they you know for narrative sake I don’t think we should lose this game I don’t think we can afford to lose this game especially being up 13 you

Know classy nasty says we cooking now we really are Travis says Beal slowly leaves big three nerk enters it’s I I know it’s a joke but I really think it’s just his um it’s just his injury wearing the mask is [ __ ] with them I promise Rome said so if we pay for

Membership can we see the game on here wouldn’t that be nice that would be amazing but no YouTube won’t allow it but me and sundo are supposed to start soon we just haven’t started on on uh what’s it called uh uh uh uh playback TV there you could watch it with us on

Stream but even so you got to have league pass the life of Lula says I need two more assists from Beal he might get it because he’s playing rather passive on offense he’s not taking shots he’s just looking to help people out cousin will with the5 dollar Dono

Thank you cousin will says I love the twins mucho but sort of Wonder uh if they’re sitting in the Huddle right now like well that’s why we got traded for that dude I mean they know they understand um nobody has more respect for Kevin Durant than actual NBA

Players they know what it is cuz they see him in person and he is a freak freak of nature um male talked about it he said I know I I understand the trade I would have made the trade too if I was the decision maker I mean it’s Kevin Durant

But I just hope we get them back at some point I hope we get one of the two if I’m trying not to be selfish if I’m being selfish and unrealistic I want them both back Booker said we’re gonna talk to them we’re gonna we’re gonna see what those boys are doing in

2026 and I really hope the suns are able to bring one or two of them back that would just be oh that’d be having your cake and eating it too folks Lester said the Nets destroyed the Lakers last week we better take them seriously they’ve won their last couple

Of games and they’ve scored a lot of points in their last couple of games Brianna Stewart free agent NECA gu and B Lan looks like maybe some recruiting from Stewie and Bona trying to get NECA to come to New York after their trip to the finals Lonnie for three no good tipped in

Nope Dennis Smith almost tipped it in but they’re going to get another chance here Lonnie loses the dribble working on book Crossing up nice nice dribble move by Lonnie but he throws it away I want to study that dribble move and see if it’s possible for an old cuck like me to do

It IRL that [ __ ] was beautiful book whips it to Durant Durant into the paint kicks out to oogi back to Booker pump fake oh you should have shot it book nerk will bang out though don’t you worry about that all right ner got more dunks tonight than he does all season Dennis

Smith to the rack kicks it to claxon blocked by nerk Durant kicks it to Gordon right back to Durant thought about it got cam Thomas on him sizing him up nerk waved off Durant into the paint tough you’re too small cam Thomas no offense Durant looks out at the crowd says small [Applause]

Mini Roy says nerk what else were you saying Roy what do you want me what do you want me to read andd he too too small we talked about how close those two are Kevin Durant cam Thomas Durant 25 points eight of 13 shooting su’s really mailing in this

Episode don’t you guys think is it is it fair to say su’s mailing in this this episode of the channel 24 to6 Run for the Suns here in the last five minutes 15 seconds Lonnie kicks it out to cam Thomas for three Hier arching drills it that was pretty that was

Pretty I’ll say this about the Brooklyn Nets and their defense they have good Defenders on their team there’s some ubiquity in terms of Durant three no good that was a heat check Claxton with the board cam Thomas to the rack traveled travel Phoenix Subs coming in herein Durant

Analy skill but inside Yousef nurkic has just punished them time and time again they’ve had no answer they just don’t have enough real size especially with the injuries to Simmons and sharp along with Dorian finy Smith Beal Crossing half court got male covering him nerk nerk what are you

Doing dog you’re W like okay nerk beats Dennis Smith Jr’s layup oh and a Euro SL uh layup slapped out of his hands by Lonnie and he’s going to the line is Durant nerk bleeding on his inner arm crazy NK is on Once a Night you got

To hle back you goty and make up for he did a good job him and Kevin Durant talking about that dribble over you don’t have to throw a 30 foot pass you can dribble over get a better position and no one was really guarding him he

Could have gone to the rim he hasn’t really been guardedly all night some of it is because of the STA that the Brooklyn Nets have going against okay we got a one Monon membership message from David Ray says even with the abysmal record we uh do not underestimate the

Nets we also shouldn’t underestimate the sun’s ability to screw up that’s that’s pretty true I’m you know we’ve seen leads like this evaporate not out of it yet we got a Horseman uhoh seir Mitchell who did he who did he gift thank you sir is it sir or SE and who got it

Here free throws good there and welcome Caesar our newest Horseman welcome to the family thank you sir Mitchell be bringing it up screen from dusi field of the rack kicks it out to kbd for an open 333 DRS it let’s go what’s going on why are we

Tangled Up On The Ground over here get up drewski Bridges pump fake kicks it over to Roy ooh male again for three no good aogi with the board kicks it over to Beal push it up Beal come on hey Beal how about you shoot the ball for once no yes

Brick okay and you see instead of going with the all small Diego in the house my Mexican K Gabe can we talk about how your boy had the number one rap song in the in America you know what though you know what I really wish he would have I wish

He would have wrapped faster cuz he’s he talks super fast I feel like if he would have put some enough what are you talking about he should have went twist fast he can’t go twister fast he wrapped fast he about as fast as he talks I know that’s your boy though on

The lowkey no that’s your boy not my boy I would dare I wouldn’t dare your boy be pumpin going to the line racist Gabe well I wouldn’t dare you’re more of a Tom McDonald guy I know I know I know I wouldn’t even dare listen to that

That’s your boy I wouldn’t dare listen to that cultural appropr that’s your boy cultural appropriator either okay gois Bret Cooper though hey it’s whatever what you think hey hey romp loves Bret Cooper I know I he would he likes freaking K Plum what’s frustrating frustrating is both things are true she looks very

Cute correct and she looks exactly like Ben Shapiro so it’s frustrating okay cuz how can those two things be happening at the same time I have no clue Dennis Smith sundo boy bringing it up Dennis Smith Jr mhm kicks it over to cam Johnson spin move stolen by goat Ki stolen by goat

K yep frustration foul on my boy cam Johnson don’t worry baby boy we’re going to get you back in Phoenix we’re going to get you running your restaurant again you know we’re going to get you back in that son’s Jersey Smith J when you have a non shooter you can offer more help

That’s what we’ve been begging yo Diego’s in the house anything you’d like to say to I got nothing to saygo creates the turn no Romero’s gone though that did notice that did notice that o Ki misses the free throw no take yeah Diego he does own a restaurant

In membership who’s going to be thank you Roy cousin will cousin will who just sent a Dono while you were gone welcome cousin will you belong in The Horseman family dein Durant says is she cute or are you just a Little a little what well look that’s the problem see I don’t know did you guys ever um go to school with somebody who you were friends with and then he had a sister that was hot but also looked freakishly like because they’re brother and sister they just naturally yeah but

It’s a weird feeling when it’s your guy friend and then you’re staring at his sister and it’s just the you know XY chromosome version of your broki and you’re like why do I chromosome version of your brosi know I’m not a scientist okay this man said XY like how I’m supposed to know

Huh I didn’t go to college like you you well I didn’t go to college yes you did you one Center you’re ridiculous game Ruben said I’m in that sit right now Gabe so Ruben’s got a friend whose sister is hot and he has confusing feelings about his guy now

Mhm never had that issue you know code come on we know su’s a 1center who’s a 1 me yeah upper upper class SU sundo had some white flight and got up out of his old neighborhood have to live in a hood to get out of the Hood At first Gabe what up

Fabian where the hell is burner that’s my only question it’s 9:30 p.m. Central Standard time he should should be waking up right about now and cracking his fingers to start typing Travis with the membership the free MBE given out and it’s Raphael Dixon welcome Raphael our newest Horseman says any son trade I

Don’t know we’ll see if we get trades I imagine we do just nothing thank you Travis Sund won’t thank you I mean some rumors are out there but Su won’t thank you cuz he’s a 1center but I’ll thank you miles Bridges thank you thank you thank you that that was that forced and

Fake definitely was forced what we saying about miles they just asking R trade for sun I was thinking you know miles um the Royce O’Neal rumor migle says brat Cooper or Candice Owens we know what a Milkman like you’s going to say either the thing is sometimes Candace Owens looks

Gorgeous sometimes she just normal what I was gonna be stupid be like neither Tommy Lauren that’s a good oldfashioned white woman she’s just stupid that’s a good oldfashioned well but if you could just never have to hear her talk you know that’s the problem I have a same thing with Brie Larson the

Problem Elite milk I have a brain book over to Goat K back to book back to Goat K goat K why am I calling him goat K instead of no Ki Oh Lonnie Walker with the dwib moves over to DW wity snatch back pull no good Sophie cutting did you see your Twitter

Today I was it from I saw one of them from yesterday where she’s like in a swimsuit and she’s like I don’t just play basketball what was that about no clue but you’ll you’ll appreciate it but she had she had Sons fans in a dizzy Phoenix Suns fans was like go look

At Sophie’s Twitter oh my gosh Dennis Smith Baseline to bridges over to den witty guarded by druski Kicks it over to Dennis Smith for a corner three ain’t no way that was a ky level bro hit the side of the backboard code sometimes Angel Reese is pretty but sometimes she looks like

Glorilla let’s be honest all right her eyes is wild her eyes are too far apart all right well eyes are too far podcast is over guys this is the moment I’m going to go ahead and just take my mic away you don’t know who I am prove me

Wrong know who I am prove my name is my name is not suo that’s not my name don’t YouTube your name is uh Richard Johnson my name random he Ledger okay Kei Ledger Bridges to O’Neal over to Lonnie Walker working on dusi kicks it out to

Male in the corner for three no left it short Dennis Smith boards kicks it back out to male male to the rack male to Walker in the corner they are moving the ball like crazy cam Thomas says I’ll put an end to that nope passes again Walker for three no good Bridges offensive

Rebound can we get nura back in the game can we geta back in the game this is how they come back every [Applause] time Maurice Jones says I second that Gabe you ain’t lying all right about what yes y like I like the biggest thing for Angel Reese other than you know she

Did that thing with Caitlyn Clark you know right which is great for women’s basketball IMO cam Thomas guarded by book o’ drills a three whoopsy Poopsy call timeout yeah no no timeout Frankie okay get back in this but they’ve got to be able to gets and right now they know

Theying all R and they’re just manipulating Malo wants to know when is that Zesto and Jackson’s Jackson momes don’t know what you’re talking about I told you Zesto’s gone we need to go back and find what episode that was and make a clip of it so we can canonize that never lose

Zest’s free throw is in and out just like my parlay in and out but to my point whether it’s Eubanks or whether it’s been NK on those pick and rolls where the Nets are slipping they’re out of there early Reuben knows exactly when it was says it was the Indiana [Applause]

Game in Phoenix he wrote that [ __ ] down cam [Applause] Thomas gets it back guarded by drewski jab step ski to the rxi off the glass sker screen from I’m going to participate my favorite pastime Madden Lonnie Walker rips Booker kicks it up to male for a transition three and

He drills it in Beal’s face so remember when it was uh 90 to 110 and I was asking if we could get a timeout and Frank said no me too German hail Hydra lay God who’s got to be the biggest douchebag in the world who Jackson momes

Oh so you are checking Jackson mahomes’s insta not insta Tik Tok all right let’s hear it we know you all want to see and hear from Jackson momes so here we go King West hey he changed his name to King West that is so awesome so we uh I

I wouldn’t say oh no no that was Lester he said where did the hail Hydra Emoji go we replaced it cuz nobody we we just weren’t using it you know nobody was using it so so much for asking that question I have so many cases I phone cases that I just

Absolutely love so let me tell about them this one is one of my favorites I got to custom make it and show pictures of my family this is the 9ft dropproof casee which keeps my phone very safe this is the print case with this one right here is actually my

Favorite you cannot tell me that that boy is not zesty dog okay bro you cannot tell me my boy thing zesty if you played that voice for me and I didn’t know who it was and you were like that’s Mills I would believe you he sounds like a whole woman with a raspy

Voice and God bless him for it I like them both I also have a neon glowin the- dark that’s fully customizable I really like a lot along with my neon cases that are so dope so yeah if you want one don’t forget to use my code 15 Jackson

For 15 don’t forget to use my code 15 Jackson God man this dude is ridiculous hey man he’s just living off his brother’s clout bro you got to do something he going back to the Super Bowl bro he going back to the Super Bowl I want to see them sub in Jackson

Mahomes for one play and he’s got to throw the ball not a handoff okay that’s what I want to see and and he’s got to sit there in the bench and be like and got to call the play sir said is is he joking or he really talk like that Sund though that’s

His voice that’s Jackson momes bro that’s Jackson momes man hey that’s the guy that was accused of sexual assault I mean not accused he was caught on camera but same guy geez John Goodman looks like a shell of himself what are we doing you lost a lot of weight good for him

Well yeah but I mean he also looks old as [ __ ] well does what happens Gabe when people get old stay young man do push-ups you know what I’m saying dang Bri is good for you yeah bro you know he’s going to Eclipse Durant pushes it up to

Oogi oogi down to dusi over to to book book going to pull that’s beautiful that is beautiful over Walker working on dusi back to Bridges Durant guarding kicks it to Lonnie Walker for three back iron no good Durant with the board bringing it up kicks it no stolen lazy pass by Durant

Stolen by cam Johnson kicks it to male oh my God Royce O’Neal was wide open and male was late to get it to him might have thrown his rhythm off he had to pump fake and step back and missed B into the paint hops no good Lonnie downhill bumps book that’s going

To be a andana but he misses so he’s just going to the line he definitely pushed book out of the way yeah ran back in after that last time out now nurkic about to come back in for [Applause] Phoenix this is what we were talking about with muel [Applause]

Bridges the NHL Allstar Weekend starts Friday in Toronto NK coming back into the game oogi coming out thank God Beal’s coming back Inc just do me a favor win me a little bit of money just rattle off a quick nine points willia Walker Walker [Applause] hits makes it a be pushes it into

Durant 21 Durant over to Beal cam Johnson guarding Beal doubled kicks it over to Durant Durant being swarmed and poked in the face Durant draws a foul on Lonnie [Applause] Walker to disrupt the offense and then Lonnie Walker with the clip to Kevin Durant’s face that’s one Durant

Inbounding kicks it to nerk back to Durant Durant Durant to the rack step through almost an and one easy damn Hees soes heing BB pick your pick your player you want to call the foul on Lonnie or Cam Johnson they both slapped him on the way to the rim allow the defender to

Strip down on the basketball everybody’s always reaching up to get the basketball in his drives fre throw is good him keeping that ball up you try and swipe that you’re not going to get it it’s very difficult but Kevin Durant you see there’s other guys James hard the

And would be nice wouldn’t it [Applause] Roy we need to get Su in some Suns Valley merch game against the net he’s a lot better cam Thomas but I feel like he might have played more minutes that’s what I’m I’m going to hold step back shoots no good nurus the rebound Beal

Kicks it over to Durant 15-point lead for the Suns here need to stretch this bad boy out a little bit pause and AO and LMO Durant on male stops whips it stolen can we have someone else run point guard and oh Lonnie with a transition three it’s good ns are waking

Up Gordon no good they get quicker wants Frank’s going to you know what first I think that’s a you know it’s been a while since we’ve used this picture bro two two there for himself Bridges and then theer Walker going for the basketball we’ll see when we get

Back HCM we do need a Star Trek sundo Emoji no no we have that what we need is this hanging sundo Emoji I mean I for the record I think we’re going to be fine it’s it’s just scary a little bit because we’re slacking but it’s like at what point are

We going to stop having these fourth quarter meltdowns at what point are we going to be able to finish a game strong that we’re not losing in the end and we’re trying to come back like we’re able to do that bro can I be completely honest be honest Gabe those KFC fries

That are stuck in mashed potatoes with cheese and bacon look f fantastic uh KFC fries are actually pretty decent if you get them like fresh they’re actually really good if you get them fresh if you don’t get them fresh well it’s over with you heard it here folks yeah that commercial really did

Something to me that commercial made me think about eating KFC for the first time in a decade are you worried at all uh I’ll let you know in about two minutes it’s just funny you say that because that’s exactly what I’m thinking we’re getting close to the point where you’d

Worry teetering over the edge you know right which is not where you want to be so I was thinking about popping a poll up we need to figure out what we want to do for Merch because people are saying that they want merch so we need to figure out what yeah

Like what we want to do for Merch so let’s start let’s start figuring this out here um feel like I’ve asked this question before but let’s just see start from the beginning would you actually purchase SVP merch there’s the first poll and then I think we’ll figure out if they if they

Do want merch we’ll figure out do you want a t-shirt do you want a hoodie do you want a hat do you want a tank top do you want a sundo body pillow because I think we all know it is the sundo body pillow who wants a sundo body

Pillow would you feel comfortable with us selling sundo body pillows I would not only because I know that one would be in burner’s hands ASAP he would he would order all of them so that no one else could have one like I really feel that all right we’re

Back bad quarter for the sun nine points to their 16 crazy cam Thomas into the paint oh my God he almost traveled Gordon Gard Lonnie Lonnie shaon a fool shacking a fool Devon Durant said sundo toilet seat [Applause] covers once again burner buys them all up the League this season as

Walker got a off ball foul on Lonnie Walker versus Durant Phoenix get this game over with your boy wants to go to sleep free throw line of theer his return 29 Points five rebounds seven assists 11 of 12 from the line eight of 14 from the floor

Book to Beal Beal right back to book screen from nerk book drives pulls up deep two no good but nerk chases it down whips it to Durant Durant goes right Durant Euro Durant dunk okay what a Euro bro cam Johnson pulls in Booker’s face oh my God Inn out

Cam Thomas with the rebound and put back though just cannot pull away Durant Durant to nerk over to Gordon Gordon puffet Gordon Gordon worried right now no keep hitting shots keep hitting shots those were a couple of big plays for us back to back Lonnie kicks it out to cam Thomas Thomas into the paint stops Fades hits the midi won’t go away look to Durant telling Beal get up the court

It’s not like you want to score anyways kicks to Beal Beal into the corner to Gordon no good cam Johnson Working on book kicks M book switches off onto M and fouls him Phoenix fifth foul on book keep an eye on that he cannot play defense very aggressively the rest of this [Applause]

Game this is just beautiful from KD a backward slap you don’t see many of those anymore that’s old school old school he’s still he’s still he’s still he’s an OG in the game we got to give that the the board slap and now you can’t hang on the rim

Anymore apparently you can’t pull yourself up kick the back with your is what you Cam Thomas working on Gordon Gordon playing really good thickum style defense but he hits it anyways was that not good defense from Gordon pretty good come on he’s all over him nurkic over to Durant Durant Euro

Wow wow Bing for Lonnie to the rack gets the bucket right back jeez Gordon they’re being full court pressed right now Gordon trapped kicks it to Durant Johnson guarding down to nerk nerk got Royce O’Neal on him hook shot no good foul on Royce O’Neal cuz he’s just a

Mismatch you love it Kevin Durant you talk about nk’s ability to pass hits Kevin Durant in the stride and once he elevates there is there’s no stopping that that is just too difficult too much size but again it starts with that Kevin [Applause] Durant out of te and ner have you seen

An uglier free throw from nerk ever that was wild talk oh my gosh home to or RJ’s homecoming to East Rutherford in the New Jersey Nets the reality is RJ and I were role players RJ was a better player than me in the prime of his [Applause] career cam Thomas bringing it up

Durant those F bases care just a friendly reminder tonight about what you lost Brooklyn I’m sorry oh I’m screen from O’Neal they get it back to cam Thomas Thomas to the rack Burns ner n reverse layup is good 10 points Durant throws it up to nerk scary on the

Baseline Beal with it Beal immediately passes to Booker over to Gordon let’s go that’s my guy Gordon that you have no faith in suo oh my God Walker walks to the rack for a layup Beal inbounding kicks to book full court press back to Beal up to Durant sto out of bounds get back on D boys lazy passes

Bro these lazy passes are getting ridiculous dude Lonnie to the rack kicks it out to cam Thomas over to mcale for three in KD’s face no good touches the top of the backboard and Scott Foster says my parlay says that was out of bounds come on people to

Beal Beal over to Durant Durant over to nerk nerk gets that [ __ ] stuffed but damn he got fouled throw it’s all O’Neal can do man there’s I mean they’re asking him to guard a seven-footer like I legit feel bad for him we have for you this weekend LeBron

And the Lakers at MSG to take on the hyping hot Knicks our coverage begins with MBA something wrong with the net oh they just whistled it dead and then nerk went over to the net to try to adjust it 26 and 11 for nerk make it 27

Well and the Knicks they had their best month of all time winning 14 games in the month of January just so impressive and I do believe that you know look I think Milwaukee again I think Milwaukee’s got some questions obviously 28 and 11 for nerk I think that they can make a

Serious here in this Eastern Conference Bridges here’s brid back to cam Johnson in the corner wow wow away bro they’re down by 10 come on [Applause] team Beal full court pressed by male kicks it to Durant over to oh why didn’t he shoot they kick it down to nerk back to Gordon back to nerk whips and stolen by Lonnie Walker over to male pulls a three that was a line drive off man thank God he missed right

Book bringing it up book trapped and calls a timeout at the free at the half court line what do you think suo I’m not I don’t I I know it’s a 10-point lead with a minute 30 but I I don’t feel comfortable I do give me a clutch buck

Right here clut bucket and I’ll feel comfortable I feel like this game is going to end where we win but we’re upset with ourselves for for giving so much ground back but in the end to me a win is a win and we’re we’re you know getting our Vengeance for them beating

Us last time we played them I like this win it’s a dirty win it’s a it’s a a a tough fought win but I still think it’s going to be a win we’ll see if that ends up jinxing us but I don’t know do you really think they can come back in this

Short a time I don’t know I’ve seen worse and Vincent said it best another lost fourth quarter yes I would feel worse if I hadn’t seen the Suns win fourth quarters and the game like versus the Kings and [ __ ] like I think we use the fourth quarter

How it needs to be used if we need to come back we come back and if we’re up it’s anybody’s game might be the area of the game where we do feel not having a true point guard even more and he said so it’s good to go through it get these reps so

That inbounding kicks [Applause] to Gordon jab step pump fake double clutch Gord that The Bu that we needed I said GG oh my God I’m going to run to the bathroom you take over a double clutch three I can’t believe it cam Thomas dries misses the layup Eric Gordon with

A rebound Katch to KD KD drives pass break HS the booker in the corner Booker for three hits that’s ball game that is ball game as Booker hits that three-point shot Corner moving three-pointer in the corner dagger ball game that’s it way to close that one out

Needed two clutch buckets shout out to Gordon shout out to Booker I can’t believe he hit a double clutch three dude shot and then KD to Booker ridle it was literally 28 to 18 they had the ball I was saying I don’t like where we are cuz if they want to

Run they could have but guess what Gordon and Booker did no I don’t think so so shout out to them thank God it makes my running shoe look like new it’s amazing wow did not want to have to deal with another Narrative of the suns collaps in the fourth even though they

Still collaps in the fourth it’s so good but like only three points you guys in the chat were talking bad it’s only three points 28 to 31 so like it wasn’t that bad like everybody’s thinking like people were in the chat I’m just going by your judgment they were acting like

It was like 18 to 26 or something like that or 18 to 30 or something like that riddle is not I mean don’t riddle be quiet all right you don’t get to talk Mr oh the Ravens are gonna win no you don’t get to have confidence

Right now you will not let him live down the Ravens I will Not so I mean me keeping my faith kind of makes me look like a Chad doesn’t it you know kind of be fair I said to be fair I said the ravers are going to win too well C I mean that is true I mean look they they closed this one out so

Good for them good for them 2 2 says you think mcabs can make the playoffs I don’t know going to run we’ll see pulls no good Eubanks rebound kicks up to your guy Goodwin let’s see if Goodwin goes uh Sabin Lee mode and gets his like he has

Been at the end of these games yes your Cavs are going to make the playoffs jaob what are you talking about you’re forcing oh my God you Banks good win come on good oh nice hesi goodwi to the rack good one with the floater I’m telling my guy cuz I’ve been

Saying he needs to get back in the rotation my guy my guy Lonnie with the beautiful dribble move and Lefty filet a UDA bucket oh hey Nas is in NS probably just going to dribble it out well there you go if a Phoenix Suns player likely Kevin

Durant gets the post game uh interview here I will play it here live we can listen to what Kevin Durant has to say but until then Kevin Durant until then I’m ready for a sundo synopsis from the heavens no you don’t get a synopsis do your own come on give us the

Synopsis Durant had 33 points I didn’t think he had 33 points that’s crazy a easy quiet 33 I know cuz had 28 so we weren’t paying attention good Lord Katie Booker with 22 beill with 12 is everybody mad that be only put up 12 points are you guys just

Upset about that still I’m upset because of my points game we hate B you know his his mask is really like he is not able to play with a mask it’s not making him better remember how oogi got way better when he was wearing a mask not that kind of effect for

Beal he is lethargic in that mass all that love for Durant M and Durant shaking hands after the game you love to see it here comes the talking my girl Cassidy H love to here we go Kevin Durant Cassidy he knows well in Brooklyn an efficient 33 points

This crowd went from cheers to boo to essentially silence you’ve had a lot of notable returns in your career but what did this one feel like tonight oh it was cool man it’s good to be back here I love these RS love playing in front of

This crowd you know Brooklyn is one of my favorite barrels and excited we got to win they beat us they beat us up at our place last time so we wanted to come out here and you know avenge that loss and I’m glad we was able to uh get to

Over 500 on this road trip so that was a big concern of eyes and it’s good win you said you didn’t want a tribute video at least watch it of course uh I mean I had some great moments here a lot of stuff that flew under the radar

But everybody in this organization and my teammates we understood what the moment was like U something I’m always going to remember playing here and um glad we got the W tonight and a w with six players in double figures but how big was Yousef nerich I mean they play small and they

Wanted to switch all our we told that you guys post whatever you want so take your time and he got us going there in that first half and we cruise from there lastly KD you guys improved to 11 and six in your big three ERA with the Suns surpassing the amount

Of games you played in your big three ERA with the Nets what if anything did you learn from your experience here did you hear that St game wild you hope to carry over a build off of with your son’s teammates it’s a whole new experience I mean he’s already won more

Games with this big three than they did with the next big myself more as a basketball player out here so I can bring that to the crazy Stu a lot of things how many they together switching teams you know injuries all that stuff so we bringing all that together and we

Trying to use that experience and that knowledge to make a better make us a better team and you know so I’m I’m excited about where we’re going thanks for your time Katie back to you Ryan Durant phix god dude things look I I’m not trying to pound my chest about beating

The Nets cuz they do have 11 DeAndre they have an inverse record to us right like we were what was it um 27 and 20 they’re like 19 and 27 but still they’ve been playing good basketball lately this was a good win to me bro what do you

Think yeah solid win it’s a good win one you needed I mean we need every win we can get right now for these standings so it’s when you needed and it’s a good win Brooklyn Nets yeah they’re reeling a little bit but they gave you run for

Your money you saved off that back at the end it’s welld deserved you definitely needed it so it’s a good dub you you played a team that was somewhat talented you kept them from you know you went into their home court and beat them by 14 16 you can’t beat

That now I wish you would have held them to less than 120 we got to fix our defense here that’s for sure but we scored 42 in the third quarter that’s ridiculous so it’s a good dub it’s a good dub to me more sing who you I want to S harder what

Else you got nothing I’m looking at these standings um they said that the Kings lost and now the kings are 27- 19 we’re now 28 and 20 um so that keeps us you know same position you know as a matter of fact we have the same amount of we’re the same

Amount of games back with the Kings Let me refresh this and see if it’s fixed refresh refresh nope still the same so I mean we really just need to separate ourselves from the Mavericks and the Pelicans at this point um the Clippers are now the three seed Gabe you see that

They are they moved up into it or they moved down yeah and they’re they’re a half game ahead of the Nuggets too so I don’t believe that the nuggets are fourth I mean I know they are but um I just can’t believe it bro they’re gonna they’re gonna be so

Dangerous come playoff time dude all these teams are dangerous the Wolves the okay see the Clippers and the Nuggets any of those teams that we got to play are going to be ridiculously hard to play yeah if I’m being honest I’d much rather play The Wolves or the or or OKC

Just because I don’t feel like they’re they’re that bad I agree you know the Clippers have a lot of talent so the nuggets and and the King even the Kings but still every team in the west is not is good there’s no slouches here there’s no like there’s no Atlanta

Hawks number one seed like the year that they won the number one seed when the heat were just L gagging through the season right and then the heat Molly wops them you know what I mean there’s no team like that I want to shout out a special

Man Josh oogi 26 minutes tonight well I said that during the the Durant interview if you didn’t hear me cuz she said that we had had three people in double figures and I thought it was going to be Gordon which he was but I thought it was going to be Gordon Off

The Bench I forgot Grayson was hurt so then when I looked and I saw it was joshu oogi with 11 blew my mind what isn’t this like three games in a row that we’ve like what we’ve seen from o uh two two just two two two yeah just

Two games in a row at least that I remember click on his name on your screen and go in and look and see what his last three games were cuz I feel like I I I could be wrong maybe it was just two but either way kogi getting like codee said

Something so smart earlier dude no just the last two because against the the magic he had zero points so the last two against the Heat he dropped 11 against the the Nets he just dropped 11 that’s crazy gu zero that’s what I’m saying and that was against the M I’m saying two

Games in a row you loser listen to me I’m right all the time that’s true he had 11 point he had 11 points and seven rebounds against the Heat he had 11 points and seven rebounds against the Nets all right oi do if you can be consistent

Like this I would love you code said something to the lines of we okoi figuring his jump shot away from basically being Unstoppable because bro if you can afford to play him a lot the defense and rebounding you get yep 100% correct tob’s skipping voluntary shoot rounds

Well we only know about one that he skipped you know it don’t matter he’s still skipping them yeah well that’s it for me take a master bed well everybody say good night to suo suo yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Suns win Suns win Suns win Suns win Suns win

Suns win this was a tired sundo perform I feel like he had a headache W wi see you Friday yes sir all right let’s slap this sundo pick up I guess we can take away the hanging sundo because he didn’t end up having to hang himself go back to the tank top that’s

What brought on this good luck to begin with let’s not forget that um let’s see yeah sleep D Nick he’s always sleeping lately later big wheels um everybody saying good night to to good old sundo I don’t know guys I mean this this game this game was important get back on

A winning streak I forgot to shout out Eubanks cuz I think he’s quiet L playing his way back into our hearts and remember how we felt about Eubanks a month ago or three weeks ago I don’t feel that way anymore and I think you guys don’t either I think none of us are

Like that worried when Eubanks comes into the game although I would love to still see as BK play yeah Zona for real this was just his this was his uh fake AI bot version of sundo that we got a NPC sundo DC said this game proved why we got rid of the

Twins well DC I mean the the twins played good you got like what 18 points from uh cam Johnson and 21 from at least 21 from male I can’t remember I’m just so happy that we’re all past the stage of where we think that we did the wrong thing thing and oh

We should have kept M like I’m so glad that’s over you know Julian Clyde says good night Suns fans see you guys at the Hawks game yeah we got the Hawks on Friday that’s going to be another fun test see what the Suns come out with and how they do things

Um I’m excited for that game TC said KD needs to settle down the Goff passes into double coverage very true I don’t know why they’re having Durant bring the ball up so much uh tonight when you really should just be feeding him off of cuts and stuff and

Getting getting it to him in the post dingo says what’s Grayson Allen’s status uh dingo Grayson obviously he hurt his ankle uh last game he was game time decision and on prize picks you could even bet on him so like I think it was probably really

Close to him being able to play tonight and he didn’t which once again shout out to my guy that I’ve never ever ever ever lost faith in Eric Gordon for another 17 points on five for nine from three so last game he was five for 12 tonight he

Was five for nine and that really made up the difference because what are you getting from Grayson on a good night five threes right up to nine but with good efficiency that’s what 55% from three or 60% from three somewhere around there Jin says total team effort it

Really was it’s fun to see uh it’s fun to see 33 28 17 22 I mean this was a far cry from one of those Booker games where Booker goes for 40 to 60 you know so this goes kind of well to your guys’s point A lot of people are

Disagreeing with me saying that we don’t need book taking so many shots well this is is what you guys wanted and maybe you’re right maybe he does need to continue to spread it around eight assists for Devin Booker nine for 17 instead of getting up into the 20s uh field goal wise attempt

Wise Zona said I would rather have male on our team over Beal yeah I said it Zona bot I don’t think that’s a crazy statement at all I think more than likely everyone agrees we’d rather have Mel because the gap between M and Beal because of M’s defense it’s not as far

As it used to be years ago it’s probably not even much of a gap anymore let’s be honest um Charles in the house how you doing how you doing there Charles how’s life outside the Discord Charles um Timothy McDonald’s says Beal is injured with a mask give him a break

Personally man I’m giving him a break I’m giving him 100% break I ain’t mad at Beal but I do think he’s capable of more with or without a mask but still it is what it is Suns win he’s not taking a whole bunch of shots I wish he

Was but he’s not he is getting to the line he got six free throw attempts tonight Roy says Charles trying to be a changed man isn’t he though royal royal Roy he really is Timothy says he’s a better scorer than male yes but that Gap has shriveled

Up and Mel is a much better Defender even though Beal’s not terrible but but uh you know he’s a real true two-way player DC says male’s defense defense you mean the defense he had against Luca that’s true DC he’s not built to defend everyone just like oogi is really only

Good at defending smaller guards and stuff not forwards male could only guard players that didn’t outweigh him David Ray for real man rip to Dave King never got to meet him but I’ve just he’s been a staple in the Suns Community for long as I can remember

Rip Timothy says I love male but people need to let it go he’s not here anymore I would hope that after having Durant this long and seeing the Durant we’re getting this season especially on a night like tonight I hope that really helps people put in perspective that we

Made the right decision you know tough tough tough decision but it was it was made right Charles says Dame is playing the Blazers right now I got to watch watch that game I told Blazers uprise to do a live stream for it but he might be at the

Game trying to witness that in person um anyways I’m like I’ve said before I’m sad metu is not playing I’m sad Nas isn’t playing but it really feels like that trade is getting close to happening uh maybe not close but it feels like it’s still on the table not

Off the table like some people people want to think it is um just a great game tonight great game Charles needs to ask a question let’s go Roy says Gabe what about sha Tate there has been rumors I saw that but then I also saw John gambadoro say like

Completely go against that and say the sons are not interested in him so I’ll take gambo’s word for it to be honest Timothy McDonald says if he goes to jail we’re screwed LOL that’s true he does have a court date maybe they’re waiting to see what happens in court mid

February so maybe we really are going to be waiting around for that trade to to not happen I wonder if the Hornets will even want to get rid of him after he they find out he’s not going to jail if that’s what ends up happening uh Ruben says shantee is not

Three and D we need a three and D Timothy says the deadline is the eth oh SN that the deadline’s February 8th yikes man marchelo henbo says nerkish for Gafford I don’t know do you still feel that way after a game like tonight I mean I’m not saying Gafford isn’t awesome he is

But he’s smaller he’s not quite the passer he’s a completely different style of player TC says nerk is safe you know Roy sometimes a non-response is the best response you know um Han San says nerk is a perfect fit for this squad you know Han I agree

And it’s not not only on games when he does like this which he doesn’t usually score this much but not even when we go through him like he’s always a good fit even on the games where statistically it doesn’t look like he did much he still

Does work he still boxes out gets tough rebounds gets great assists makes passes you guys remember that Durant double clutch Fade Away uh game winner several nights back that pass that nerk bounced to him was Godlike I mean it was point guardes you got to be a point guard to

Make a pass like that but or Joker or sabonis and he made it so I just I don’t know I’m big on him let’s take a look at this poll what are we at here so we got 80 votes see we’ll go ahead and end this poll I think t-shirt

One yeah t-shirt by a long margin uh Roy says Gabe nerk or Claxton man that is tough dude that is tough because I really like Claxton but nerk is a true seven-footer and if you take like look how small the Nets felt against us and how nurk was able to just

Gobble points up because there was no true Center who’s our true Center if you traded nerk for Claxton and Coach don’t even want to play do do never gets to play well TC we’ll we’ll um be able to do more than one merch I was just wondering what we should do first so

Obviously hat probably goes second um yeah Charles I don’t know if he’s available to deadline or not but I don’t think I don’t think they want to get rid of him I wouldn’t think it TC said seriously playing the ball through nerk opens everyone it does and he knows

Where to go with the ball he’s very efficient at getting the ball to Durant or Booker he usually doesn’t or Beal he gets the ball to them he doesn’t usually pass it to oogi in the corner um he gets it where it needs to go he’s

So talented at it and people just don’t some people don’t pay attention uh maninder Kolar says is Allen uh G to get traded I highly doubt it it would have to be something special to trade to trade Allen John C said dodged a bullet with Simmons out I don’t know I’m happy for

For Simmons to be back but I don’t know I don’t know if it would have made that much of a difference I feel like the suns were just eating like eating toying with their food instead of eating it he looked pretty good Prince Travis he did look pretty good uh in his first

Game back so it is what it is I hope for the best for him he’s kind of a sad afterthought now and so I’m kind of rooting for him like a underdog um it’s true Reuben that is how we blow leads you know and then we toy with them

In the beginnings of games we let them start the game off like 11 to four you know anything else on this game man kbd playing some valuable minutes finally Goodwin looks like he could be ready to come back I don’t think I’ve seen him miss a shot maybe one in the

Last three games he’s played wouldn’t mind seeing Goodwin because he’s another oogi like Defender but other than that man I mean we got a game Friday Friday versus the Atlanta Hawks so we will see you guys for that game thank you for hanging out with us you

Guys freaking Rock it’s a fun night tonight sundo mailed it in but you know he’ll pay I’ll make him pay until next time folks Suns win Sons Win and we won the Trade yeah baby KD we won the KD Trade you know where the hell was burner

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Game begins at 6:30pm Valley Time.
Gabe and Sundo will call the game and react live with the chat.

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