@Boston Celtics

How the Celtics bench players are making an impact | Forsberg’s Four

How the Celtics bench players are making an impact | Forsberg’s Four

Forsberg’s Po and forsberg what’s it all about today so you know normally we put the spotlight on the star players and with the All-Star reserves being named tomorrow night I thought should I make another cage for Jaylen and Derek white and christop Pingus and we’ll see if any

Of those guys get in here but digesting the month of January and the Celtics having essentially the second best record or second best total of wins I thought it was good to Spotlight some of the guys that have float below the radar some of these bench pieces the guys that

Are fair or not we’re going to be talking a lot about trades and whether Brad needs to upgrade that roster so let’s put some of the guys on the spotlight that really had a great month and helped the Celtics get to those 11 wins starts with 45.8 and that is what

Sam Hower shot from Beyond the three-point Arc against all those 11 playoff teams 22 for 48 overall if he maintained that number it would ranked third in the NBA overall for three-point percentage he’s at 41.2% overall that’s down at 27th but he’s kind of climbing he’s also High uh up amongst the high

Volume guys guys have taken more than 200 three-pointers we’ve seen the Celtics make a push here here for him to potentially be in the Three-Point Contest so maybe Sam can sneak himself to Allstar Weekend as well he’s been great and he’s making him against the big time opponents which is good the big

Question with Sam is always going to be can he hold up defensively in the playoffs well I mean I had that answer because against those the same playoff teams 5.3 below expected field goal percentage 42.7 actually the best on the Celtics among regulars everyone keeps

Trying to test Sam and Sam is holding up and Sam is definitely holding up on the defensive end I think he heard that other people they think he can’t play defense like I’m going to show you they heard Sam slander yeah they heard Sam slander what’s coming up next slam Hower

Slam SL I’m going to work that I don’t know yet I may about to get Drew cter on that too all right next number 37.8 that is what opponents are shooting against nimish kada in the month of January it’s the best number on the team now he doesn’t quite qualify for among the

Leaders because he didn’t play enough minutes but we’re shoehorning it in here because when he has been out there he’s been super good and look I know he had some struggles rebounding the basketball in that Pacers game but otherwise he was fantastic FC plus 15 was best on the

Team he made good things happen in his 14 minutes on the floor no Luke no Al you needed another big to step up and take some of the pressure off christops I thought nimish was great and look it’s been weird like right like because so Luke gets hurt nimish comes in and we’re

Like oh this guy needs to be on the parent roster he’s so good then he Fades a little bit Luke comes back we’re like oh Luke’s pretty good at basketball too it’s an embarrassment of riches but I’ll tell you this as we start looking out big picture we say like do the Celtics

Need another big these guys have kind of held the fort so shout out to for bringing it uh he has been excellent plus 18.4 net rating only 73 minutes but good things are happening when he’s out there including on jump balls when he dunked that thing and everyone

Celebrated that was super cool kayada definitely stepped up in that Pat game also had two blocks in that matchup as well all right what’s coming up next all right the next number plus 92 and this is the plus minus for Payton PR way too

Many P’s in there for me to plus minus P I almost stumbled all over that and uh this is the team best so he was ahead of Derek white he was ahead of Jason Tatum he was the head of christop porzingis and pretty handedly too Pritchard is

Going to has been really good just making a positive impact that’s why I keep calling him positive P that nickname is not going to stick it’s not a very fun one but at least it it embodies what he does when he’s out on the court the worry much like Sam Hower

Is can he hold up defensively in a playoff series same as as Sam the numbers have actually been pretty good the number I keep coming back to is the best net rating on the team Plus 14.7 for the month of January you know that’s 350 minutes of of cour time so it’s not

As kind of flute has maybe if we want to talk about neish I love that Payton is sort of Taken on this challenge the minutes are up this year he’s been thrust into a bigger role he’s still got to like wait you know Derek has been so

Good and now you got Drew and yet he’s really held down the fort as that third guard I do think he has shown that even in a playoff series he can be a positive for this team positive got crypto P pre-season P positive P which I do kind

Of like that one I feel like he might like that nickname we have Pacific p as well we need to start keeping a list of all of pton printers things at this point I’m trying to still keep up we could just make a t-shirt at the end of

The year with everything on it and then he wears it we can wear it on Celtics post up all the nicknames that Pon Pritchard has so far all right last but not least what do you got post up PE if you post up PE there you go see it’s

Just I I can’t believe how many pe’s have been in the second all right next number is 173 as I try to get this thing from going off the rails this is my estimated number of cool celebrations that Luke cornette has unveiled over the past month it started with in Indiana

Doing the ice and the veins after the free throw when everyone’s missing it was Luke who stepped up made two big ones bench loved it and what does it do last night it culminates with uh I don’t know if you’ve seen uh Wedding Crashers Chaz Reinhold is on the couch when he’s

Talking to Owen Wilson’s character uh very much similar with the arms going up and down I love what Luke is bringing to this team Jaylen Brown said at one point during the month that he’s like the ultimate teammate you know because you could throw him in there and all he

Cares about is one being a good teammate and and helping win doesn’t care about the minutes although it is notable that January was the most minutes that Luke has played in a month over the course of his of his career in Boston and he asked

To go back to January of 2020 before the pandemic which see feels like a lifetime ago to find when he’s actually played more minutes in a month so credit to Luke hung in there has shown that he can be that depth Center and we’ll go talking about it like do they need

Another person I don’t know the big man we just did nemish we just did Luke I feel pretty good about that position I spoke to Luke cornette a couple of weeks ago and he he men a nickname Captain Charisma he said he doesn’t know if he

Wants to stick but I just want to throw that out there that that is that is something that is on his mind Captain Charisma when you see him celebrating out there with this guy it is I told him I said that’s a great nickname he was

Like uh actually I think might want to rework that one I was like all right Luke well hold on hold on let me just get this right he pitched a nickname and then he walked it back back he took it back he pitched a nickname to me and

Then took it back so I like all right I like it Luke but I don’t know if he wants it to

On the latest edition of Forsberg’s Four, Chris Forsberg breaks down how Payton Pritchard, Neemias Queta, Luke Kornet and Sam Hauser are making a difference this season.

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  1. Yea so true they try to pick on Sam and Pritch. I always love when they get stops and the offensive player look confused. β€œI thought they couldn’t play D?!”

  2. Trade LUKE KORNET right Chris Forsberg πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚

  3. The only thing holding Queta back is his agility, if he managed to move around better he would definitely be playing over Kornet.

  4. Luke is clearly an old school WWE fan. Captain Charisma? nice one luke. that guy is in AEw now though having one of the best heel runs in his career.

  5. #JoeMazzulla please give #NeemiasQueta some Enes Kanter offensive rebounding tape if he masters that we are set to win it all!

    Great team work to grind back out this win! #Celtics need to have the mindset to know when they have to get wins this way and it should be every time; when Celtics realizes their shooting isn't where its needed. Especially when they already missing 5 threes back to back and in a hole of more than 15 pts. Mix up your offense and do not be predictable make run out plays, NFL passes, first to floor rebounds those are the Marcus Smart intangible stuff I prayed the team would step up in as a whole especially bench! So far its been Oshae & Sam consistently even when their offense isn't there. However, the best offense some times is an even better defense #Celtics especially come playoffs! AL should be mentoring the younger Bigs on how to defend without fouling that he can stay healthy and do this for another season or 2 multiple rings!

  6. Derrick is a CLUTCH player let him be your PG 4Qtr! My Depth for the Playoffs is Payton, Neemias, Oshae, Sam, AL and they need to add DUOP Reath so they can play JT as a SF, AL as a PF in their true positions. Luke in the Playoffs is your third center you throw out there dependable enough to get some buckets and not be trash on defense completely after already blowing out opponents. However, #Celtics need a strong BIG at the 4 that can play stretch 5 like a younger AL in Portland's DUOP, your poor man's Aaron Gordon! When Warriors had their runs, they had 9 to 11 players they could count on every game. Do not burn out your players Joe, do practice at least some games winning by committee with stellar defense!

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