@San Antonio Spurs

WEMBY IS LYING ! (He Knew What He Was Doing lol)

WEMBY IS LYING ! (He Knew What He Was Doing lol)

Pop pop did a 4minute one that’s longer than normal uh wait that was 6 hours ago man the only one on here is oh wait wait no we got pop we got pop an hour ago and that was 37 seconds oh my god dude oh I got so excited too man man it’s

Probably only 3 minutes with the French questions that’s true um by the way big shout out to everyone that gave me uh French film suggestions if you want to do it this will be another segment if you want to do it under this video you

Can give me some more um I already put all the suggestions down uh on my phone so I will be watching it uh with my girl um at some point so I do appreciate you guys it means it means the world to me oh God gosh pop 30 seconds makes me

Nervous just draft bronny let’s not do that all right pop oh gosh oh gosh pop don’t be in a mood please pop is I was going to speed up what’s the point of speeding up it’s 36 seconds please pop be nice uh what I call self-inflicted loss uh I thought

Washington crap I should have usually I start these off by saying what I think Greg papic is going to say and now I can’t I agree with him though it was it was just we just shot ourselves in the foot for no reason played harder than we did they played smarter they executed

Better uh we didn’t have enough people playing well or playing smart and we did that to ourselves so I think it’s a a tough loss because For the first time in a while we looked young we looked immature tour we looked foolish and didn’t wait did he say the first time in

A long time or did he say the first time for the season hold on because For the first time in a while we looked young in a while yeah that that’s how I felt that’s how I felt pop is ABS absolutely right um yeah it’s like it’s like it’s

Frustrating cuz the whole month of January we’ve looked like a team that was hungry for wins that was that was hungry and taking everything in with a with a like a sponge you know and making the the right small decisions to win a game like good decision after good

Decision after good decision and this one it just felt like they were kind of feeling themselves I think the Spurs do recognize or do understand how talented they are like I truly I think soan wimy fael like Trey Jones and him helping these guys they understand how good they

Can be as far as like being kind of a core and obviously we’ll need another star we’ll need some other things um but they they do they do have camaraderie they do uh you know you can tell that they love playing together and stuff like that but

This game it just felt like they thought they were the Harlem Globe Trotters I mean you’re just holding the ball way too long uh wimy there were so many shots by wimy where it was like dude what why are you trying to do this fancy like like it was just unnecessary it

Wasn’t good fundamentals it’s like they just really thought we’re just going to bully uh the Wizards and it’s because they played so well uh last game I think um and it was the biggest game of the season but we probably should have expected this we probably should have expected it

Honestly with a young team um but no excuses you you got to win this one we looked immature we looked foolish and did not play with each other the way we have been so that’s a disappointment but that’s the way it goes and you move on yep that’s true we didn’t play we

Didn’t play together um and we did that right off the bat by the way see I initially assumed that when it came to uh Sohan starting off so poorly I thought that it was uh them trying to attack Wizards because the Wizards are so bad at defending power forwards at

Least they have been over the past couple of weeks so they were really trying to attack them there but yeah he did not allow the game to come to him it seemed like a lot of forcing it and they were able to get it out of his hands

Quite often it was the same thing with wimy too like no one it felt like the game just came to him it’s like we relied solely or mostly on fael to kind of get us out of a hole or help us um but just bad I didn’t fact check what we talking

About heard thunder got drum drumming oh but you didn’t fact check yeah okay anyways all right let’s see here wimy I’m just listening to English by the way with this segment if there’s any uh French viewers and you would like to put in the comment section

What he said I will happily uh tag it to the top so people can read um the translation I won’t be doing it because I’m lazy but you can do it cuz you’re not lazy we we yeah we we I don’t think it was related that’s how I would answer

Every question if I was wimy I didn’t listen to a word of what that reporter said kind of uh what kind of happened in the fourth what happened in the fourth quarter I think that’s what he has I don’t think it was uh related to

To effort at all you know we played hard but it’s we we didn’t play smart and um pop say you guys didn’t play hard enough nor smart so now I have my now I am in a conundrum guys uh because on one hand this is my favorite player by the way

This is my favorite player Okay so so anybody that says Sohan is so I love Sohan he’s he’s up there whm is actually my favorite right cuz he’s freaking awesome let’s just be real dude did a sham God the other like what is that

He’s 7 fo5 he did a sham god um but yeah so wmy said we played hard pop said you didn’t how does Clan feel about this well I I think they played pretty pretty hard I I I I didn’t get I didn’t get the vibe that they were just kind of

Half-heartedly being out there I I didn’t I didn’t get that now um now you can make the argument that Wizards play smarter therefore they played harder which I I think I would accept that actually our brain compacity wasn’t 100% there it’s a it’s a full it’s a full

Experience okay you need your mind and your body on the same page and I felt like our minds were not 100% there as far as playing good uh fundamental basketball so in that regard Wizards were better but just but let’s be honest though Wizards didn’t play really good fundamental ball either wizards look

Terrible for a majority of that game it’s just that they made better uh plays down the stretch than we did but I mean they looked terrible okay if I’m a Wizards fan I’m probably coming out of this and like dang we won that like it was pretty

Bad more oh switch says more just the Wizards constantly turned it on when they needed to and we didn’t uh just come with experience yeah yeah there we go um also he said lots of dribbling overthinking tonight from everyone just didn’t look natural they’ll bounce back

Yeah it was pretty bad yeah I think what we took from the game is we we were pretty immature at times first time you guys young team yeah he love his PO he love his pop he love his pop they just they’re just repeating pop talking points I love this team yeah you

Know it’s um I mean Clan wi’s English getting way better you notice I mean he’s a very smart dude so I would assume uh we can try to compare do we care enough I don’t care enough I mean I could understand him before so but yeah he has to speak it

More often so I’m sure it is getting better we’re always going to have some some good and bad games you know and he still has a developing brain during the season but this was one of the better ones obviously every game is is a learning experience for everybody learning experience for you you

Personally have had some high turnover games lately is there anything you’re looking at there to to clean up or he has some high turnover games lately he’s been having some bad turnover games okay let’s see he’s going to be very honest about his turnovers cuz he’s honest about everything all right positive

Positive or or negative he’ll be honest common thre you’re seeing between the turnovers um yeah I mean it’s always one of the the the things I’m trying to reduce the turnovers but it’s uh you know we’ve come to a point in the season where we we know each other more and

It’s you know we should be more certain about what we do you know more decisive so it’s uh so I’m definitely going to look at this look at the film and reduce my turnovers they’re different dang just like that when you come into a game like this

You’d won two in a row you’re playing a team you just beat a week ago I know you probably don’t like to think about that games that way but is that something that a young team has to deal with the expectations of people think you’re going to win

G I don’t think they’re thinking about us at all is he going off of my tweet he said it is the pressure of guys expecting you to win stressful for you wimy is it stressful is it stressful that Clan expected a win out of you tonight

Wimy does this stress you out that he said no excuses for a loss tonight spur win does that stress you out wimy does it stress you out that that that this one dude this this one lone fan out of millions said that you should win tonight did did that did that pressure

Get to you yes that that win to me Clan is uh very intimidating I mean I don’t think he’s got to do with expectations I think this is not an excuse at all but we we got to get stronger he said excuse he saw my tweet he saw my I said no

Excuses wimy and he said look it’s not excuse It’s not excuse Clan it’s not excuse I swear I swear to God it’s not excuse Clan I swear to god dude it’s not I promise it’s not excuse though mentally to to you know to to to get to to the

Next game and like a seemingly easier game than the previous one we still need you know we still need to come in with the same motivation and uh he’s shook right now he’s he’s sweating and everything he’s like oh God God Clan’s going to react to this video oh

God you know I think I think we I think we were maybe mentally tired because of those two less efforts but we got to get stronger cuz it’s not it’s not acceptable this might be a little silly but there was a play when you um had the

Ball all on a break and you took some time did you stumble a little bit you kind of laid it in it was there’s a couple ways of viewing this okay he does it often and what he’s talking about is on fast breaks wmy gets the ball I gu’s running uh basically

Runs past him wimy could easily just put it up there but he like waits for a minute he’s either a being a jerk which I love or B looking for a foul which I also love because you don’t want to foul him when he’s right underneath the basket like that uh I

Think it’s going to be one of those two all right it’s going to be one of those two do you remember what I’m talking about it was the full coure pass to you oh yeah yeah yeah I was I mean yeah it’s you saw that he knew is this the

Look at that face he is so full of it dude he’s so full of it it’s so a it is so a it is so a dude uh-huh oh I don’t I don’t remember this is the first time he’s ever lied you are lying I I don’t remember I don’t

Moving on you in the back was was your question he is so full of it look at him no that expression I’m not stupid no I don’t I don’t know what you mean I he was being a jerk he was being a jerk he was being he

Was he was stunning on him that’s the type of player he is wimy is not a nice guy in the court I love it long a break and you took some time did you stumble a little bit you kind of laid it in was you remember what I’m talking about it

Was the full court passed to you oh yeah yeah yeah I was I mean yeah saw that face dude no I’m not stupid I saw that face you know I was trying to take my time rest as much as I could I was trying to rest this man said

I was trying to I was just just going to take a break just want to rest a little bit he he is such a jerk I love it just catching his breath he is such a jerk he he’s not lying he probably really was like let me catch my breath you know

Whatever you know I got time you ain’t going to touch me you know whatever NE next he’s going to start just doing stretches bro like on those on those full court passes he’s going to do like a quick stretch you know get a little yoga in some downward dog and

Then he was like I guess it’s time to go ahead and score yeah yeah I was I mean yeah it’s you know I was trying to take my time to rest it as much as I can physicality in the fourth quarter you feel like to match up with him he

Was trying to rest defensively with all of it is a I said that seem like they got really physical in the fourth quarter down the stretch with all of yall do you feel like you all did a good job trying to match up with that yeah I mean

Um not sure Victor is tired you can tell how he answered I actually believe him I just feel like it’s a mix it’s a mixture it’s a mixture okay it’s a mixture cuz I feel like with the Warriors cuz he did it in the preseason against the Warriors

And he kind of like star at the guy down for a little bit you know like I think it’s a mixture a little bit it’s like I’mma Catch My Breath but also I can cuz like you know I’m better than you I’m taller I’m better whatever you’re not going to get

To me so I can just chill for a minute I need to watch that film again but sure do there’s a couple rebounds you know that slipped out of our hands some turnovers but yeah we we definitely I don’t know how it’s going to look on the

Film but we we need to watch that what did you like about the way Jetty played and the the lift he gave you guys off the bench um very efficient you know I love the energy from these guys J Blake I’m going tell you guys this right now

Okay if we’re relying solely on cheddy Osman to go8 for 12 in a game we’re we’re probably going to lose it all right we’re probably going to going to lose it all right with the soan is a much bigger X Factor than cheddy Osman on this team we’re probably going to

Lose he’s his first uh his first time in the court was uh so intense and so efficient so it’s you know I mean I think they they were in their roles as the best as they could tonight so it’s I mean huge uh huge crust to them nice take a couple true

Uh shaking my head the entire media really ran away with Vic won’t be able to handle the NBA physicality and Vic is handling just f it was so obvious that he would it’s like what the heck are you guys talking about in the modern NBA who who’s this shack-like figure that’s just

Going to be beating up on wimi it hasn’t it hasn’t happened other other than embiid in which even with embiid if the refs were a little better uh wimy would have won a lot of those matchups I mean he scored he scored like 33 points in

That game but he would have won a lot of those matchups you know as far as positioning like he got really aggressive with embiid but then they kept calling fouls on just about anything um so other than embiid who though Giannis hasn’t been able to do that no one’s bullied wimy

Yet it it doesn’t happen and he doesn’t even have his strength yet like the strength that he’s going to eventually have and yet and steel cuz he just need some more core strength and everything but yet and Ste even when they move move him he’s so he’s so quick on his feet

And he’s so long till it still doesn’t matter most of the time Vic has to put on some muscle also jic pretty much said he’s stronger than he looks he did not say this about Chad no CH Chad and wimy are on two different Playing Fields I don’t know why this

Comparison keeps happening Chad is a good player but he’s not wimy yish said Chad needs to gain weight wait when did he say that chat missed the season cuz LeBron bumped him that was pretty bad there were a couple plays when and be purely out strength wimy but overall he been

Just fine with physicality yeah yeah I mean obviously but it was one play it was like after that where he was obviously like too much uh for wimy it was another play where wimy got or MB attempted to get in position I thought wimy held his own

Pretty well and I’m pretty sure they called a foul on that something happened and the play never happened so we never got to see see it but he he did a fine job but I do think that MB put 24 on wimy hold on we’ll actually Wy did okay that’s all I’m

Saying we can try to fact check it hopefully actually comes up I know we were having trouble with this the other day let’s see if it actually comes up if we go to Stats profile matchups yeah cool all right let’s find a be guys the heck oh it’s it’s based on freaking

First name H we can find and beat oh there’s a be beat okay let me see can I scroll up it all and still see the top we can cool oh wait you guys can’t see it um all right so I’ll say it and then

I’ll show it uh so points and bead and this is with wimy guarding and beid um so he scored 24 points so I was right it was 24 uh 10 for 15 66.7% so he was putting up a he was killing him um and four free throws so

He got called for a foul twice and you can see it here so this is when wimy was on embid only five point five minutes 45 seconds and he went 10 for 15 so 24 of those points were on uh his head but hey five of

Those times he missed it that’s all I’m saying that’s all I’m saying he did okay he honestly did okay MB put 16 on wimy 23 on Collins no he put 24 on wimy well are you saying no even minus the free throws is 20 he put 20 on

Wimy yeah you put 20 on wimy uh on Collins we can look up Zack Collins let’s see what MB did against Zack Collins all right let’s see here all right let’s finally beat actually it’ be much easier ah no there’s no extra see usually there’s a little extra match up possessions are derived

Using NBA Advanced stats player tracking and a gosh why can’t I change the whatever let’s just find a beat all right here’s embiid uh with embiid he put up that 21 points okay he put a 21 points on Zack Collins and that was nine for 14 so basically the same it was 10

For 15 against it was 10 for 15 against wimy 9 for 14 against colins so it was about the same and then two free throws so yeah it didn’t really make a difference it’s about the same and about 20 seconds more that he had to guard

Him so no he didn’t put 16 on wimy he put up 24 on wimy and he put up 24 on or no 21 on Collins so not the same love from Germany Clan what’s up man I’m going to say this wimy floor can be Timmy Silling no stretch W’s floor can be Timmy

Silling oh man I mean Timmy I mean I’m thinking Timmy Silling is like 03 that ain’t a floor I mean when we I mean wm’s floor is like I won’t go that far I mean Duncan was really good like wy’s floor feel like wi’s floor can be David Robinson’s

Floor I don’t know if I’ll go as far as to say his floor can be Duncan silly I mean even if even if wimy cuz I think that wimy truly can end up being the greatest player of all time even if that’s the case it’s going to

Take a lot you know for him to get to that point that that’s a pretty that’s a pretty big that’s a hot take bro I’m not mad at it cuz I know you love Duncan and wimy but that that’s a hot take go and watch go back and watch

Like refresh your memory on like 03 Duncan like refresh your memory on 03 Duncan oh actually Tim Duncan 2003 finals stats he carried the entire team in the finals this is one of the biggest carry jobs of all time and no one ever talks about they always bring up like uh Dirk

Nowinski they might bring up LeBron caran they bring up the yish recent performance they never bring up Tim Duncan in the finals it was a carry all the way through the playoffs this was the finals and look at his numbers dude look at these numbers it’s it’s Godly actually was that the first

Game yeah that was the first game so first game against the Nets this man put up 32 points 20 rebounds six assists three Steals and seven blocks in the finals this is the best team coming out of the East and he put 32 20 6 3 and seven on their their heads

Um and he carried the entire team by the way nothing but role players people that tell you oh it was Tony Parker and mon jobi ignore them they don’t know basketball okay Tony Parker and Monto jobi were role players in 2003 like easily okay uh easily role players uh

But yeah field goals made 11 field goals attempted 17 so it was on 65% uh let’s see moving on n and then the next game 19 points 12 rebounds three assists three blocks uh the next game 21 points 16 rebounds seven assists one steal three blocks game four 23 points 17 rebounds

Two assists one steal seven blocks and then 29 Points 17 rebounds four assists one steal four blocks and this is how he ended it okay this was his closeout game this is the finals all right we’re right now you might you might see wimy put up seven blocks okay against the Detroit

Pistons or something all right but this is a finals finals this is a finals team uh 21 points 20 this is how you beat them 21 points 20 rebounds 10 assists so triple double nearly a quadruple double with eight blocks he gave him eight blocks to get that ring Absolut carry

Job absolute carry job actually hold on Spurs 2003 finals stats if you want a little bit more context and the finals these are the points so Timmy was scoring 24 points and the next up was Tony at 14 and then David Robinson at 11 11 and then Steven Jackson at 10 so you

Know decent especially Tony Parker decent um but he averaged he averaged the most assists Manu had the most steals but the fourth most steals the most blocks by huge margin M you David Robinson was not what he used to be um let’s see and then obviously he would have the

Most points we don’t have to look at that anything else we need to look at minutes played minutes played he he played 44 minutes and Stephen Jackson played 35 so he was averaging almost 10 more minutes than everyone on else on the team absolutely carried this team if whimy gets six rings he’d

Automatically be the goat I agree we got a long way to go guys it’s gonna be a lot of battles going to be a lot of battles to do that but it’s very possible and he’s so competitive that actually he him winning that many rings yeah for comparison LeBron played 21

Seasons for four rings Steph played 16 for four what are we talking about but seriously though if if um uh what’s his name Rudy Gober three time def as a player of the year can’t guard wimy at the age of 20 I don’t know who’s

Going to be guarding him in in a few years I who like like who can guard him I don’t know I mean who do you match him up against there’s not another him in the league you know I mean like who who guards him yeah the best bet you have is just getting

Like a wing defender on them that can kind of get underneath them a little bit and try to steal the ball that’s the best you can do but it’s probably going to be a foul so it’s not much you can do like Wy said if you’re big I’m faster

Than you if you’re small I can just shoot right over you so it doesn’t really matter um no one’s going to be guarding him in a few years and this off season he’s going to be working tirelessly and with the Spurs and how well they’ve done with soan and his

Shot wimy is going to be absolutely disgusting he he is going to destroy teams all right in the segment in the segment we did some long segments tonight


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//About me:
I am a huge Spurs fan born and raised out of Tennessee. I am dedicated to continue to grow our community and give Spurs fans (and NBA fans) a place to speak with fellow fans ! I also talk a little Dallas Cowboys too!

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  1. personally, I discovered your channel for the subtitles of press conferences. I believe that Americans who have not seen the live stream can activate the subtitles so, we (the French) do not need to comment.

    PS: thank the Spurs CM who broadcasts live whitch automaticly blocks the subtitle function… it brings you traffic.

  2. Here a quick and basic tanslate of the french questions:

    question about the meeting with the french staff, what do they say?
    wemby: they would like to know how players would like to develop their game in this campaign oj JO, They don't take this lightly, we talked about sport and non-sport, what we could do to make the French team better, and interesting things for the future.
    Journalist: you said you love win games becanse you are a competitor, can you explain how do you feel after this kind of game ? if was a nice match, a nice poster against Bilal, how do you feel ?
    Wemba: Disgust, at the end of the game, Disgust, we did it to ourselves and and we have manu opportunity to do things differently but you don't take it, that my feeling.
    last question is about bilal coulibaly but it is not very interresting…

  3. Little list of french film:
    – LA HAINE
    if you want more ,say it on your video, i whatch all of them .
    Have fun ,enjoy the movie on the list

  4. I don't know about the talent part man… Of course, Victor makes the team look better, but the roster is bad without him…
    Does DV have some talent? Sure, but is he a star talent? Debateable. A really talented team should look more like the OKC or
    Orlando in that regard, unplug SGA or Banchero they would still be able to make the play-in it's not crazy to think about that
    when they have so many top 10 talents on the roster. On the other hand, the Spurs will be an all-time worse without Victor😅

  5. About the TD/Wemby argument,nah, they're not exactly the same type of player.
    TD' was a traditional 4 max-out at size & skillset + being an athletic monster, yeah you heard me right.
    His college nickname is something like a flying bat, then after the foot injuries, he adapted his game and roles over time.
    That way he could help out the team more, without even being the first option, he's the ultra team player.

    You can not possibly claim Wemby's floor is Timmy's ceiling, because of the way TD had to adjust every several seasons,
    he sacrificed a lot of stats just to make the team better. I'm pretty sure if TD was born in this era, he would have
    increased his 3P% to around 35 since 3P wasn't that important for bigs at that time.

    TD's ceiling is close to his floor, that's how complete he was as a player, but his adaptability & longevity were the reasons he GOATed at the PF spot . That being said, I feel like Victor is the only person who has a case of surpassing all of the greats,
    and I believe he would, he just needs to stay healthy.

    If you want a clear floor for Wemby, I would say his floor is KP's offense + KG's defense being 7'3, that's still not TD IMO.
    I used to picture he would be as good as Dirk offensively, but we need to see how he improves his shooting.

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