@Golden State Warriors

Steve on Podz saying he strives to be a mini Dray: “He is in that he wants to impact the game in a lot of different ways. He’s not the guy who’s just a spot-up shooter or just an assist guy. I mean, he fills up the box score. He really does.” (quote cont’d in post)

Quote continued:

> “And he’s a guy who takes a lot of pride in taking charges. He loves making the pass. He loves guarding the toughest guy. He’s really a guy who impacts the game in a lot of different ways. And that’s one of the reasons he’s playing so well for us.”

Quote is from Steve’s appearance on [Tolbert & Copes]( earlier today.

by taygads


  1. great-distances-1919

    Nice that he loves guarding the toughest guy but he shouldn’t have been guarding LeBron at the end of that game the other night.

  2. BeetLover1111

    I love that kid but I think the defensive assignments he’s getting are a bit much for him at least for now.

  3. PettyPettyKing

    I know. Good defend comes after knowing your opponents game. How you gonna learn without guarding the best. Video is not the same as IRL.

  4. mandoman10

    I wonder what Kerr would say if Kuminga said he was aiming to be like some elite superstar. Oh wait we know… can’t make this sh*t up

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