@Miami Heat

Miami Heat: Jimmy Butler leads Heat to snap streak

Miami Heat: Jimmy Butler leads Heat to snap streak

Down the floor mys you can check the score Hustle Hard couple SCS wear bubble frogs just like Buck said you in trouble y check the Flor plan got it all B y’all seen the block stop with one hand and P trust it’s F have the guts we here to bring

The heat y’all can hang it up welcome to five on the floor a daily Insider show on the Miami Heat and the NBA featuring Ethan scholet Greg sander and Alex Toledo plus others from the five reason Sports Network welcome back to another postgame edition of five on the floor I’m your

Host Greg sander tonight’s floor plan with me just the coach Sean Rochester and we have enough the Miami Heat as Eric Reed so are uh eloquently put it on the broadcast the cloud of misery has been lifted the losing streak is over 115 106 the final score from the ca

Center Miami um needed this one oh my gosh they needed this one and there were some things uh to take from it that I think are really going to be um wor worth diving into tonight so it’s exciting that they got back to some stuff uh before we go any further do

Want to call out off the floor that’s our new Discord server you got to sign up this is where you’re going to get all of the most artic ulate informed passionate Heat fans all in one place talking Heat basketball 247 but there’s channels to talk about all kinds

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Discord server that’s where you’re going to see it pinned in the description and to all of our Twitter profiles we’re constantly sharing the links try off the floor that’s our Discord server so Sean we’re going to get into um the play of the night how good did it did The Vibes feel

Let’s just get into Vibes first we’re GNA get into everything else later um I’m uh deviating from the show sheet they needed this one didn’t they yeah I mean and and we think it’s chaotic as fans and we look at social media like imagine being one of those 15

Guys in the locker room or the you know the five six guys on the staff like they care about this immensely and and to go through a losing streak like that the longest one since 2008 it’s the pressure is is Big Time you know it’s not playoff pressure but like it’s that weird

Feeling of not being able to get one win you know like how hard is it you take it for granted when you’re getting them but when you can’t get one yeah and you know we’ll talk we’ll talk about the assist tonight that shows me a connected team

Right like it wasn’t just like Jimmy got us for a 55 and that’s how we won it’s not like we beat one of the weaker teams in the league we play connected team basketball I would say on both ends and that’s a good sign you know whatever happened in that film session yesterday

Whatever conversation happened something changed and now you’ve got to carry this forward all the problems aren’t solved right we’re not going to we’re not going to talk about how like we’re good now but like it’s a positive step and now tomorrow and you know Friday we just got

To keep making positive steps I’m glad you mentioned the assists let’s go to the a aggressive play of the night and now it’s time for the insurance byet play of the night sponsored by insurance at a Aggressive Insurance Agency you can reach out to our friend Lynette at 954 581 8800 that’s

95458 8800 or insurance ins that’s with two NS and two T’s your best play for Auto Insurance homeowners insurance condo Insurance life insurance or a retirement program reach out to Lynette at insurance so usually we pick one play for the a aggressive play of the night but that’s

Not what we’re doing tonight folks now there’s some weird stuff happening with the box score but follow me here the Miami Heat had a franchise record this was on the broadcast a franchise record 40 assists tonight but now the box scores reflecting 38 assists on 42 made field

Goals it was 40 assists during the broadcast I don’t know if there were anything that was credited differently or what took place there or if the box score that I’m reading is is wrong but the the the the assist percentages best of the Season easily highest assists of

The Season easily this is what what Sean was talking about when he referenced the connected team you saw Terry roier with 10 big assists and only one turnover they kept turnovers down when we talk about you know them having 40 assists they only had eight turnovers that’s

Just huge Sean that’s really like if there was anything that was going to happen tonight that would be an indicator that maybe this [ __ ] could actually turn around it’s probably this right it’s not just one player taking over because you say that’s an outlier can he do that every night it’s

Literally this kind of performance right this is about as well as that we could have expected them to respond yeah 100 perc and and you know what there’s been a lot of focus on certain players playing certain roles and that type of stuff and when you look

At those assists it doesn’t mean that that that changed like you know there’s been a lot of discourse about the Tyler hero off the ball and it’s hard to get assist when you’re off the ball right you need the ball to get an assist but

You can be on that second side of an action Terry Rosier can get downhill spray it out and then Tyler’s attacking that uh that second side that bent defense and now he’s spraying it out and now he’s getting an assist these guys you know when you look at the assists

Like you said Terry had 10 Tyler had eight bam had five Jimmy had six that’s the big chunk then you have Kevin Love with four you have um Josh with three Caleb with two like everyone was involved and then on the other side of that assist is a ma basket everyone was

Involved in that too interesting thing and I always talk about shot D I know you probably were going to throw that to me at some point 91% of our shots came outside of the four foot like that Rim area a lot of short mids um 61% of our

Shots were in the mid-range 54 of those percent were uh four to 14 feet so kind of misleading in terms of like we didn’t get to the rim and it was kind of not surprising Sacramento’s a good Rim defense team but the way we shot it

That’s the only thing and we’re going to be me and you are always was positive but we’re we’re I’m going to say this every night you’re not going to shoot 52% from mid-range every night you’re not going to shoot 46% from behind the arc so that’s the only thing about

Tonight that I will say is that is it just one of those nights where the ball went in and are we still kind of but hey we can’t We’re Not Gonna complain tonight Greg we’re gonna keep it positive we’re gonna enjoy this this is true I said Thank gosh but it’s actually

Thank Josh let’s go to the gamer of the night and now on five on the floor it’s time for the gamer of the night sponsored by Rock Esports Center the place to eat drink and play all day host your next birthday party with them located at 15305 South Dixie Highway in

Paletto Bay they’ve got a 5500 ft state-of-the-art Center equipped with all the high-end power play all day passes available for just 25 bucks but if you mention five reasons it’s just $20 so mention five reasons or five RSN you get to play all day for $20 and now the game gamer of the Night so there’s really two guys that I think can be called The Game Ear night but we’re starting with Josh Sean this dude came out firing from the Geto he started really hot early 24 points nine of 15 from the field six threes five rebounds three assists

Closed in a closing lineup that I thought was an interesting one alongside Terry roier in the back court um that was a big night but let’s also give kudos to a guy who we’ve asked to step up and and now is the time Jimmy Butler in 34 minutes 10 of 14 from the

Field 31 points got to the free throw line 12 times he was nine of 12 from the from the line seven seven rebounds six assists one turnover got a steal this is the kind of stuff you wanted to see from both Jimmy and Josh is just obviously this was the best game

Of the season from him this is a really um positive thing from Jimmy now that he’s played several games in a row where he’s playing better basketball I think that if we’re trying to pull from anything here positive as the losing streak continued and and and

Jimmy played well and now has come to an end and Jimmy continues to play well it’s that may Jimmy may be rounding into form am I on to something there Sean for sure very efficient Night 10 of 14 from the field two of three from behind the arc which is you know it’s

Not a typical Jimmy thing but great for him there 9- 12 from uh the free throw line seven rebounds six assists engaged basketball now look we always look at an individual plus minus negative one that’s why you don’t use single game plus minus because we damn sure know

Jimmy was good tonight you know and and Josh you know the thing I think you got to give him credit for three four five days ago he was out of the rotation in New York didn’t get to play so bounces back in the middle of the week like

That’s why you want to vet like him and look he hasn’t had a great season he’s had some moments but like to be back in the rotation after being out of it give you 27 minutes give you 24 points active defense it’s just it’s cool to see those

Moments and maybe that’s the Sparks that you start to see that those role players stepping up and it could be a different guy every night but it’s it’s really cool to see that you have that depth you have different guys that contribute and at the end of the day all that matters

Win this we need to have more points than the opposing team that’s it that’s so true and you know what seemed to surround Josh tonight and Surround a lot of the guys Smiles even um SPO getting animated with the challenge on the Josh block uh there were moments throughout the game uh at

Halftime where Kevin Love and Tyler herro were like kind of embracing and joking around as they went to the locker room smirks from Jimmy Butler that kind of stuff has not been having happening this team is not not been having fun so for them to come out and um you start to

See those things whatever they did in that um meeting and film session where they really uh had a Dark Night of the Soul moment amongst the team I’m hoping that that did turn things around because I left them for dead and I’m hoping that I was dreadfully wrong I’ll be happy to

Eat crow there all day long because I am not in the business of being right when it comes to the Miami Heat not winning I want them to play well so this was a really big step in the right direction because of the way that they look so

Connected it wasn’t just one guy it wasn’t just two guys it was everybody playing a connected brand to basketball um and Sacramento is a good opponent so I thought that that was another huge part of this uh let’s go to the Eric Rubenstein injury report before we get to our final

Thoughts and now it’s time for the official five on the floor injury report sponsored by our friend Eric Rubenstein the personal injury attorney born and raised in lauderd Hill Florida lives in Miami went to St Thomas he’s a South Florida guy and a huge Miami Heat fan

But the important thing is he can help you get your money that you deserve when something happens to you so reach out to our guy Eric Rubenstein again Eric Rubenstein or ask about me I got you on Instagram and now the injury report the injury report is clean except

Duncan Robinson is in concussion protocol I don’t expect him back for a little bit they’re going to be really careful there um but I heard that he’ll be okay and he’ll be back it’s just more about them being super careful so don’t expect Duncan Robinson uh anytime in the

Next couple games I’d say uh that’s just my gut feeling that’s not based off of any intel I just want to be clear about that otherwise injury reports clear so that’s a good part of this Sean final thoughts on what is one of the most needed victories of the season it was

The most needed victory of the season one of the most impressive victories of the season because of the assist total I have now checked and Yahoo sports both had them at 38 assists the broadcast had them at 40 assists I’m going to go with 38 because that’s what

These box scores are telling me Eric Reed said 40 so maybe I’m G to be uh wrong for doubting uh the great Eric Reed but 38 assists is huge on 42 made field goal attempts that is huge um Sean your final thoughts um this guy Brady Hawk 305 he

Tweeted that we had 39 assists so that’s who I rely on for when I need information I’m going to Brady Hawk so I’m going 39 I’m 42 this I don’t care about Yahoo ESPN any of those other ones Brady Hawk he’s got the notepad he’s keeping the stats um look in all

Seriousness it’s great to get a win it’s one game but it’s a much needed win and uh the good thing I think looking forward is that you have two days off so you get a little rest but I think it’s also an opportunity and we’ve talked

About this I really hope there’s a an opportunity to practice yes now I know that like tomorrow is going to be an off day they got to travel to Washington short flight like maybe not a practice but like a heavy shoot around where you’re getting into some things just for

The fact of Terry rier getting you know some time there and uh I believe there’s a gap between games after the Washington game obviously Washington is a game that you’d like to get they lost tonight to the Clippers they’re a team that doesn’t play a lick of Defense they can score

But it’s a game that you should win even though you’re in Washington um and yeah just look keep stacking positive things positive days positive quarters like just continue to get better every day and and that’s the only way you’re going to dig out of this little hole that we

Were in it’s so true and they really took a big step tonight so he fan should feel good about this Victory by o over the Kings thank you to Sean thank you to our sponsors you’ll have Ethan in the regular crew um back more often Ethan’s been moving um we’re chronicling this

We’ll see how uh he eventually makes it back here Sean you got one thing more for us we almost forgot we gotta give a shout out to the real MVP the real reason all this happened tonight who is it Greg the say Gian Carlo Navas thank you he saged the arena

He went to his spiritual Guru got the right stuff and it manifested into a Miami Heat Victory thank you very M very much shout out to G shout out to Miami he thank you for listening to the five on the floor on the fireing sports network after all someone needs to

Listen to my dad

The Miami Heat had the highest assist total of the season as they recorded a much needed victory over the Sacramento Kings.The Heat recorded 38 assists on 42 made field goals in franchise record fashion.The Heat were led by Jimmy Butler and Josh Richardson, among others.

Greg Sylvander and Sean Rochester break down the Heat victory.

Sponsors: ROK E Sports, A Aggressive Insurance, Eric Rubenstein

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1 Comment

  1. Jimmy Butler was laughing at himself when he missed a free throw, he was joking, he was having fun – that was leadership! It always feels like feast or famine in sports world. It's the Miami Heat, Heat Nation, Spo – We okay! I'd rather have the old junkyard under-dogs we got than making it easy with all the purebreds of the other teams. Team Chemisty! No more trades! Terry will be great for us! If we make it easy on ourselves then it ain't fun no more!

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