@Denver Nuggets

Denver Nuggets vs. Oklahoma City Thunder Full Game Highlights 🎥

Denver Nuggets vs. Oklahoma City Thunder Full Game Highlights 🎥

Can’t Go reverse like that got to go strong try to dunk it now giddy’s in the lane and it’s blocked by Murray Murray trying to take it away inside no now Murray quickly into the front Court Murray pulls up bam Murray is so comfortable in that mid-range and he

Looks like he’s going to attack and get inside and get into a shot so quickly to get that off yeah against big or small yep now D is on the run and it’s blocked by Gordon Watson is on the move over to Porter looking aggressive early extra pass Gordon fires and hits

You think there’s a let down somewhere along the line [Applause] Here Murray pulls the trigger got it again and the Nuggets standing there now giddy back cut it’s deflected it Porter’s got it he’s missed two shots right there by people making him use their link defensively back cut to Murray puts it up and in what a nice

Dish by Aaron Gordon he waved bye-bye Jamal Murray did great cut from Jamal Murray recognizing the late close out little shot fake and then waves bubye as the Thunder fly by Murray with an easy G Alexander 10 on the clock trying to turn the corner K dumping under the CH and

Gordon swats it out of there we no home we had eight Blocks the game against Denver this year I think I help yourself out too by using fake game multiple fakes within an offensive possession especially when home G slides over nice pass and Watson buries the three quarter trying to get

Away around the corner he goes puts it up and in more of that needed from mpj that was nearly a good steal good take and again Kat just talking about it Right Gil just trying to get it in turn shoot no Watson got a piece of it and the Nuggets finally clear it it’s pretty impressive nuggets lead 15 to 10 kcp side stepping got it calwell Pope so in rhythm with good look from Reggie Jackson finds

Kcp in the corner and you see under three minutes remaining your first quarter glad you’re with us on altitude the Nugget short-handed tonight Reggie Jackson on corks got [Applause] it here comes his Zone KC looks like it into the lane Reggie put it up no Zeke Nai exactly yep heck of a block

Now side stepping that’s the thing about Justin holiday like see the Justin holidays getting some time Here and that shot is blocked and that is going to do It Reggie Jackson lets it Fly and drains it Reggie by his man put it up no Porter’s got it and he puts it up and in how about thatb Michael Porter J rebound the way he comes from that weak side and you see Christian with a steal Christian’s got a lane Christian

All the way scoop it up and in qu with a deflection now 3730 our score Murray’s in the lane out to Christian Brown he sets he fires he gets the triple watched him in warm-ups [Applause] Katie intercepted by [Applause] Watson Porter trying to retrieve cwell pulp to Gordon Gordon puts it up and in nice pass late by kcp got into the paint [Applause] right Reggie Jackson picks up G now Gordon is in the lane out to Porter should make this that a good look yes he

Does he set sail into the third [Applause] quarter Gordon in the lane out to calwell pop these are the kind of shots that the Nuggets going to have to make tonight if they’re going to win just kind of running with the level of the ball and an extra hustle guy on that

Outside beat you Murray little step back got it Jamal Murray and you have to relocate so that he can see you move away from basketball Gordon with a great fake come underneath switch it out Murray’s got a look he o it up and hoist it in [Applause] Good fake game there from Aaron Gordon going up for that shot then kicking it out to kcp around the he’s worried about getting fouled and didn’t finish one of the easier shots he’s had Homen is stuffed wow my goodness Aaron Gordon he just went straight up and then

Just caught it hunger not strong enough to kind of power his Advantage there inside not much more than nuggets can do when he gets deep Murray’s in the lane and he drops it in Jackson it’ll Fall Away yes nice move Reggie Jackson try to get his right now Murray sets up CB got

It big make dor lets it go that’s no good Reggie huls in the rebound Christian Brown yeah there you go time out getting aggressive out in running in transition push the ball up the floor and CB takes it off the heel another rebound to Gordon Gordon doing yomen work under the CB lay it up and in he missed I’ll do it myself he says

What about the tip done by Gordon just caught him half there CB just misses but then Aaron with the tip reverse that’s sweet Usman Jang is on he wears number 13 down the middle poked [Applause] away six to shoot Reggie in the lane holiday [Applause] Yeah Gordon give it to Watson and Watson jams it up and in you have to have your head up high and and just playing but when all sudden it goes bad Denver hung has hung its head a little bit good steel there Peyton Watson lowers the boom lur is

Going to need an nice CB after this yeah he is so is Gordon Gordon is in the lane out to Porter Porter down goes meic and Porter drops it [Applause] in and off Murray Porter and Porter there you go coming alive meets it stripped can they grab

It nugget have it Watson give it to kcp he Fires for [Applause] Three [Applause] Gordon in on Williams Powers it up and in time out now just playing mean and nasty here for five minutes to see if you can steal a game porter porter coming alive late here how about [Applause] that giddy tough shot M sa nugget get a hoop this time

Down down by 10 got a score here Gordon inside nope tip it up yes Murray behind the back Murray On The Run callwell Pope for three yeah cavius callwell Pope gy for three no good Gordon’s got it nugget trailing by five Gordon all the way coming to n score oh he wanted a

Foul together this one okay Gan going to work going to work around the three Oklahoma City Thunder Defenders right 13 13 and S knocked away behind the back kcp [Applause] running Murray around the screen gives a Gore oh and Gordon rcks the casbar the coaches are talking that

Did case Gil just Alexander get a hand on it but that’s a great pass little contact 28 to9 s if you could have replicated even close to that for a couple more quarters I mean that that this game was the Nuggets to win Reggie Jackson navigating around home r

Nuggets fall to Thunder 100-105 on the road.

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Denver Nuggets vs. Oklahoma City Thunder Full Game Highlights 🎥


  1. close one, sga really gets the softest whistle in the entire league. bro runs into our players while shooting just to get free throws. hate players like that

  2. Its ok if they not win at least they fight even kokic is not there because nuggets is the though in nba players in the world lets go nuggets love u all nughets players especially jokic the real mvp ❤❤❤❤❤😮😮😮😮

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