@National Basketball Association

[Krawczynski] Anthony Edwards wasn’t surprised by the size of the fine. “Probably because I said they was cheatin.”

[Krawczynski] Anthony Edwards wasn’t surprised by the size of the fine. “Probably because I said they was cheatin.”

by VoidPineapple


  1. RelevantJackWhite

    I’m calling him Detective Edwards from now on

  2. DontBanMe_IWasJoking

    tbf it must be insanely easy for refs to cheat these days, you dont even have to bet on games, you can bet the under on a player scoring points and give them two early fouls

  3. Sharcbait

    Can you get fined for agreeing to pay a fine? Lmao.

  4. JarvisCockerBB

    I love how relentless he is despite them actually winning the game.

  5. I am the farthest thing from an Anthony Edwards fan but props for being one of the only players ITL with the balls to actually say something about how shitty the officiating is this season and literally shrug off the fine. I will say he is probably the funniest player rn

  6. WhatShouldTheHeartDo

    Michael Jordan ladies and gentlemen…..

    Or just a regular dude from ATL

  7. ImPoSsIbLe2343

    HOF shit talker, even doing it to the refs

  8. I_Set_3_Alarms

    Go off Ant. I’m waiting for the next gen of players who grew up with constant gambling adds to get really specific.

    “Well the spread was +3.5 and we were winning by 8 with 3 minutes left. Once they started calling fouls only on us and we ended up winning by 3, I knew the refs were clearly thinking about gambling”

  9. wilsonsmilk

    Players need to start hitting these refs with “accidental” fast balls to the face or nuts ala the longest yard.

  10. KyrieLS777

    I hope one day these refs and silver get exposed

  11. aquaman1417

    This would be like paying a 100$ fine for cursing out the health inspector at work, I might do it once a month tbh.

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