@Philadelphia 76ers

’76ers should SHUT JOEL EMBIID DOWN FOR THE SEASON!’ 😳 – Perk on Embiid’s injury | NBA Today

’76ers should SHUT JOEL EMBIID DOWN FOR THE SEASON!’ 😳 – Perk on Embiid’s injury | NBA Today

This will be the 13th game that has been missed by MB that means he has to play in all but four remaining games for Philadelphia for him to remain eligible for postseason MVP honors for all NBA for all of that so back here with wo W what is the latest with the reigning

MVP I’m told we’re getting closer uh in Philadelphia to getting some clarity on what’s next for Joel embiid you know he went back to Philadelphia as the team went on to Utah for tonight’s game he went back uh you know he’s being evaluated uh he’s talking with doctors

And certainly the team is talking you know the doctors with Joel embiid on what exactly is next for him and that bothersome left knee and what if any course of action needs to be taken uh to remedy this and so I’m told we’re closer to getting a clear picture of what

Exactly that’s going to be but uh they’ve certainly spent a lot of time here over the last day uh evaluating that knee and trying to come to a consensus about what’s next for him whether that’s to stay on the court and keep playing whether that’s a short time

Away or a longer period of time away uh we’ll have a clear picture on that perhaps as soon as tonight Malika W thank you so very much we certainly will keep a lookout for an update on Joel embiid’s condition but of course he is out tonight as you reported against the

Utah Jazz so Kendrick on NBA Countdown yesterday this it’s this has become an all too familiar story for Joel embiid he has a knee injury he goes out what did you say on NBA Countdown yesterday that you thought the solution was that they should shut him down for the season

Okay so you said that you think for the entire season not just for the regular season Chan what do you think of perk’s thought there I don’t agree with that you know Joel and beid is playing the best basketball right now in the NBA he

Is averaging 35 points per game he is in year 10 and no one at year 10 is 100% right we know he has a history of having to manage this ever since it was year two for him in his career I believe that Joel embiid if he is not going to make

This injury worse we’re going to see what we saw from the first 40 or so games of the NBA season a guy that is dominant and a guy that can play I know you’re concerned about this Championship window I know you’re concerned about him being able to play in the longevity

Right but I do think that there is this sanctity to basketball where you always have to make the effort to go back out there and play and not just shut things down there is some time until Allstar there is some time after All-Star there is time to the postseason I don’t think

You just say hey we are one of the best teams in the Eastern Conference we can make a run at the Eastern Conference Finals but no we’re going to shut things down for draw and beat yeah I know what this is like personally I was in that

Situation last year with the Los Angeles Sparks I got injured I played and it made it worse but every day I woke up thinking that hey today is going to be the day that I can make it out there for those fans now that day did not not come

And it was disappointing but there’s still a process that you have to honor and I think we see the institution of the 65 game rule to make sure that that happens do you want to respond or do you want to hear from Brian first I want to

Hear from Wendy first all right let’s bring Brian wior back in Brian what do you think of P perk’s suggestion here to shut him down for the rest of the season well first off you just have to know the medical report you can’t know what the options are until you have all

That secondly Joel embiid’s a $200 million player and even if you think it’s UNC to talk about players in terms of the cash value he’s extremely important to the 76ers organization they have layers and layers and layers of trainers doctors physical therapists Consultants who go into making decisions about this incredibly important person

For this billion dollar franchise okay and they would not clear him to play in any of these games if they didn’t feel he was going to be okay to play nor would he want to play regardless of the 65 game rule regardless of who’s on the other side whether he played in that

Game the other night was a huge apparatus that cleared it and it was a freak injury where where he got landed on and then there’s other huge apparatus with the some I’m sure some of the best KNE specialists in the country that are going to evaluate to do next this is not

A flippant thing it’s very very complicated and the process is playing out and we should do it and Joelle wants to win and Joelle wants to be out there I think he’s demonstrated that and if he can get back out there and he can win this year he’s going to do it

Well I respect both of y’all thoughts and opinions you know what I mean I still disagree with both of y’all and let me read this quote from y’all I think I think about it a lot what could have been what could have happened I just think about my situation was

Mismanaged the ball was dropped no pun intended early on which caused a whole new set of problems that lasted for another three years you know who that quote was from Grant Hill right Grant Hill and he talked about it in the GQ interview about how he wish he would

Addressed the problem early and Brian you you just talked on and and touched on the medical staff and how that you know how important Joel and be is to the organization well damn it we’ve been having the same conversation for the last three years two and a half years

Now joeel embiid has been in the regular season in the postseason and he’s been injured he’s been playing through injuries in with his needs so at the end of the day if we’re sitting up here talking about your best player the guy that you supposed to protect and we know

That his prime is not the same as the Yannis at the copos because of his history then we know his window is short right so at what at what point as an organization you say you know what we have to put a plan in place and a and

And and plan in place to take to make sure that we do the best by embiid and the franchise to to get him healthy to get him healthy and we haven’t seen that over the last 2 and 1/2 years it’s just so T without knowing exactly what’s

Going on yet waiting again for that report to come out we’re going to get back to this a little bit later in the show in the show perk but we’re talking about the window is this big the window is this big and if they have a chance

Now I believe that the 7 LeBron James and Anthony Davis they are both out tonight in Boston as the Lakers try to get back to 500 on the season now Davis he missed the team’s last game versus Atlanta it was the second night of a backtack for the lake show LeBron has

Played in 44 of 49 games so far this season so now we say hello to our senior NBA Insider Adrien W nki woj this lineup change it came within the last hour and it was a little bit surprising what happened here and look at two beat up stars on

This Lakers team right now you know you look back just this week overtime game on Saturday then a back-to-back Monday and Tuesday and so for the first time this season both Anthony Davis and LeBron James will be out of the lineup at the same time you know against uh

Perhaps the best team in the league in Boston certainly uh one of the great rivalries in the NBA Laker Lakers Celtics but it’ll be without LeBron James without Anthony Davis tonight the hope is that the Lakers can get one or both of them back for Saturday night when they play another National

Televised game uh just down the Northeast Corridor in New York against the Knicks at Madison Square Gardens so no LeBron James no Anthony Davis against Boston tonight okay W thank you please do not go too far I want to bring it into Studio here real quick Kendrick

Perkins Chen gum here with me perk I’m going to start with you th I was surprised when I saw that LeBron James and Anthony Davis weren’t playing particularly because ad spoke at shootan this morning and he said that he was feeling better what was your reaction wo

Said two beat up superstars right but he didn’t say physically two beat up Superstars mentally and this is a statement to the front office Rob pinka and Jeanie bus and this is the attitude that we get from LeBron James every time we get close to the trade deadline this

Is a normal thing I’m not saying that he’s sitting out you know that he sits out but at the end of the day we’ve been getting a quite you know the tweets okay we’ve been seeing the Matrix of subliminal messages from multiple players even some coaches a little bit

And now we’re getting the short responses look it is disappointing because this is one of the most storied rivalries and one of the funnest funnest sure most fun games right but Anthony Davis has played 46 games so far LeBron James has played I believe 44 games so

Far that’s a heavy load for both of those guys considering what they have dealt with LeBron in 20 or so years and AD finally playing the requisite amount that we all say catapult him into the best of the best conversations I’m not mad at it this is a very difficult

Stretch and I know there’s a lot of conversations about whether Stars should suit up or not these guys are both averaging 25 points per game they’re playing hard and it still hasn’t amounted in things that have worked well for the Lakers but still I understand

Why this is happening not me not me this is one of those games that you circle on the calendar right we’re talking about the cel and Lakers LeBron James in the garden like this is not one of those times but so far all this season we’ve seen the Lakers including the inseason

Tournament and other show stopping games we just got one last weekend with the Warriors they get up often times but it’s not like they’re top six in the west and that’s why that’s why they’re sitting down no one reads the tea leaves on LeBron James better than our senior

Writer Brian wior so let’s bring him into the conversation Brian where do you fall in this it seems like Chan is a little bit more understanding where is perks like no this feels like a message is being sent well look I do know that Anthony Davis that hip has been bothering him it

Is not something that um is you know invented it’s been an issue it’s arguable the way he was feeling whether he should have even played the front end of that back toback in Houston over the weekend um as for LeBron it’s not my ankle I don’t know how LeBron’s ankle

Feels I do know that this game he’s missing today he’s missed several games with this tend opathy issue this season it’s a maintenance thing now historically LeBron has wanted to play when he’s 50/50 he has talked about what how important he feels his role is to

The fans and the partners but if there’s a fan base he doesn’t mind disappointing Malika it’s the Boston fan base so I don’t know if that tipped him to 5149 or what but I I’d be remissed if I didn’t point out that not playing in Boston is

Not going to break LeBron’s heart I will just say that all of this no matter what the Lakers want to say or Lebron wants to say or whatever all of this takes on a different Viewpoint in the wake of The Hourglass tweet right and I hate to be

Sitting here talking about an emoji but this is 2024 and I have to be honest I also have to tell you that over 20 years I have watched a number of times where it’s been near the trade deadline and LeBron has wanted something done with the team’s roster and he has had to

Browbeat annoy passively aggressively message his team to try to get them into taking action he wants them to take and here’s the thing you can criticize that and say he should be above it and all that stuff but the data in history shows guys he’s almost always been right right

Whether it’s going back to 2018 where he was agitating for changes and basically in a playing strike for the Cavs they trade half their roster they make the finals he did this in 2015 he was dealing with some injuries then they end up trading a bunch of their roster they

Make the finals even last year it wasn’t quite the same he was not happy with where the Lakers were they trade half of their roster they’re in the Conference Finals LeBron’s history of agitating for this and it being the right move is pretty impeccable so if that’s what’s

Going on and I don’t know for sure that’s what it is again it’s not my ankle I kind of understand why he would think about doing this whether it’s with a tweet or whatever it feels a little bit impossible to separate this all from the fact that we are just over a week

Away from just under at this point a week away no exactly a week from Day what day is it it’s Thursday a week away from the trade deadline at This

Adrian Wojnarowski, Brian Windhorst, Chiney Ogwumike and Kendrick Perkins join Malika Andrews on NBA Today to discuss Joel Embiid’s knee injury holding him out for the Philadelphia 76ers vs. the Utah Jazz and debate how the injury affects his ability to meet the NBA’s 65-game rule regarding qualifying for NBA awards. Then they react to breaking news that LeBron James and Anthony Davis have both been ruled out for the Los Angeles Lakers vs. the Boston Celtics

0:00 Woj details Joel Embiid’s injury
1:36 What should Joel Embiid do?
6:21 LeBron and AD out

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  1. That is what will happen if you rest/load management for too long. Fragile body. That is on you Embid. If you want additional incentives, you need to work hard like playing 65 games. Just like the regular employeees.

  2. Embiid needs to stop Flippin' & Flappin' as much, and keep putting himself in a more vulnerable position to get injured 🤦🏻‍♂️

  3. Surely we should be taking about shutting down or a 65 game target when we're not even halfway through the season

  4. Perkins the Celtic tick cries for embiid… last year he cried for embiid … said joker padded his stats … embiid has not come close to a triple double average
    Yet the Celtic tick cries and cries ….lol

  5. If they would’ve gotten Kyrie, the Lakers wouldn’t be the 9th seed right now. Bron told em, but they didn’t wanna give up that 2029 pick, pay Kyrie and let go some of our so called depth. So now here we are.

  6. Embiid wants to go against the big boys, strong men that are capable of playing 100 games a year, and not just play them but dominate.
    Players like Lebron (perhaps not as much in the last few years), Jokic, The Greek and many more, lets say Steph, Jimmy, Book..
    These guys can go 70+ games in the regular season, carry their respective teams to post season and then dominate the playoffs..
    If he wants to compete against these dudes ok. But if he is not capable of doing so, to play both the regular and post, he should pick his poison.
    If you cant play it the way you should then dont.
    Dont pull those little tricks to play the stats..
    I was shocked to read the total stats for this season, he is hardly top 10 in any stat total for the season. So his avg is just a joke, stat padded in hand picked games.
    Dont do that.
    Kawhi couldnt do it, so he load manages but he has rings to his name.
    So play like a man or just dont and load manage, dont play us for fools.

  7. At first I was like Perk is trippin but he low key started making a little sense halfway through the video

  8. That's what happen when you flop a lot, throwing your body just to get a foul Embiid. You walk like Doc Rivers when you're just 29 yrs old.

  9. 2:26 Sanctity to basketball?!? Embiid is the only remaining piece from "The Process" that threw out the entire CONCEPT of your "sanctity to basketball" – We're just past the halfway mark, I think Philly needs to see how they perform without Embiid but bring him back in late Feb. To Windhorst's point, Embiid's a huge crowd draw wherever he plays

    I think next year's going to be an interesting one for Philly and Embiid. I don't see Philly winning this year and Embbid's contract is up in 2025-26. Will they trade him or try to keep him on with yet another promise to try to build around him. I'd LOVE to see him down here in Miami and we know he wants to play with Butler again sooooo…

  10. Fans need to yell: "Duck! Duck! Duck! Lose…er!" at players ducking teams. Load Management LeBron back at it again QUITING on his team.

  11. Give enough rest to be right for the playoffs. He should never have played against the Warriors. You could clearly see that he was injured and it was a matter of time before it was made worse. 76ers aren't winning anything if Embiid isn't healthy.

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