@Sacramento Kings

Kings PG De’Aaron Fox Doesn’t Want To Go To the NBA All-Star Game

Kings PG De’Aaron Fox Doesn’t Want To Go To the NBA All-Star Game

Shout out to dearn Fox who doesn’t want to go to the all-star game um let me read you the quote I got the quote for you U because we literally yesterday we were talking about this like man if you if you were gonna if you were let just

Demonis the bonus and you were going to be an injury replacement would you want to go like that was the whole premise here’s what dearn fox said uh to Chris beardman in the Sacramento be and you can read this um quote I don’t really care about being an Allstar

Plus Indiana’s cold it is end quote and then he said when asked to elaborate he said quote I don’t really have an answer for that I can’t control the way I feel about things and I think it’s fascinating the the that and and great job by by Chris who who co-hosts

One of the world’s finest podcasts uh Candlestick Chronicles um I think it’s fascinating that a that that Daren would would say that publicly but B that that’s how he feels because we make such a thing out of the All-Star game and the NBA makes such a thing out of the

All-Star Game right and you go down you go down as a 10- Time Allstar like damn that guy was a 10 was an Allstar and dearen fox looks to be on track to be that kind of player where dang end of his career he’s a 10 11 time

Allstar but then he sits there and he’s like nah down yeah but I mean I watched the way that he made the All-Star team last year right and know like I’ve known dearen since he was 19 years old like we like I’ve interviewed him hundreds of

Times over the last couple years MH and the thing about him is he he feels that way he doesn’t want to go right but he does want the respect that comes with it he does believe so when he did get into the All-Star game last year his quote to

Us was well it’s about time and it’s like yeah I knew that if we won games I would get into the All-Star game because that’s the way NBA works there’s a mechanism in place here that you make it to this level you get into the All-Star

Game but the reality of getting on a plane and going to Utah you could see from the moment he stepped on the court like get me out of here I do not want to do this and this comes back a little bit to the fact that Deen is an introvert

Right the allstar all-star weekend is about a it’s about getting carded like thrown on a bus or in a really nice car and moved from one location to the next to the next to the next to the next so people can talk at you signing autographs uh going into

Like build a house like they have you know Habitat for Humanity stuff they have all of these community events they they have to go to like signings and picture takings and like all of this stuff and this doesn’t even include the media responsibilities in game well that

But there’s also like shoe companies are there there are parties that you have to go to you have to make appearances at like it is raining for these guys it’s not a three-day weekend break and that’s why even I think last year keeg and Murray ended up leaving right after like

The the rookie uh you know the rising stars challenge yeah the rising stars oh he took off like the like the next morning and was on a plane somewhere else like players need to get away an 82 game schedule is brutal and I get it I I

Just don’t know that it helps him to advertise it this way because the decision’s already made like it like TNT already has a a briefcase and somebody in at TNT already knows everybody that’s going to be they’ve already cut all of the little promos for each player right

Like it’s already done so there’s a good chance he’s an All-Star but this does in a way cheap in the event at least from him like he doesn’t want to be there I okay real quick the players have already done that though like that’s why the NBA is trying

To change the rules to make it a competitive game again yeah because because it is is I mean what was you got 160 something to 170 something like that’s it’s already a fake basketball game it’s a fake basketball game but they do that because the players don’t

Want anyone getting hurt sure you know what you don’t want to do is you know what Paul George was doing like a Team USA thing when he snapped his leg Yeah like this is something where you’re trying to have a good time put on a little bit of a show show people what

You can do what I don’t see dearn Fox doing is like what Mitch Richmond did in the the 1990s where he goes to all-star weekend and he he wins the MVP like Fox doesn’t have it in he doesn’t care yeah and and to me it’s okay that he doesn’t

Care I I totally get that but I think it doesn’t really help him to actually say that and because next year if he is put up for an All-Star if if if this is where you know if he is a multi-time All-Star here it’s possible he doesn’t

Get in and then where are you but he doesn’t care and if he’s making all NBA teams and the kings are going to the playoffs like I don’t I honestly we’re gon to talk about Steve Clifford later and what what he said about his Hornets team yeah but I I I kind

Of I enjoy the honesty here and that dearen doesn’t go like yeah it’s a great honor to be among the leagues best competit like he does that every night he’s he’s the best player on the floor most nights already yeah I don’t think he has to prove anything by by going to

Indiana and and playing nine minutes in a All-Star game yeah the only thing I would like respond is that that people remember this that you know you know what I mean like this is not something that you just say and then it’s no longer a big deal like this could linger

And again next season what you you might not be given an All-Star bid because of it and the next season after that you might not be an All-Star and like look the people who vote you in all NBA they may remember that the guys that that

Vote you in to the Hall of Fame down the road they may remember that you’re ambivalent to this and that you don’t really care and you know like I think that that’s part of it like Fox is gonna get paid no matter what right he is he’s

Gonna get he’s gonna make a ton of money and that’s like one of the focuses for him has always been like look I want to set up my family for the rest not only my family but like generational wealth which he’s establishing right now I mean

He’s got his his Under Armour deal now he’s got uh he’s got a gigantic contract that it’s only going to get bigger yes but in order for him to maximize his money he needs to be all NBA again because you go from 30% of the cap to

35% of the cap if you’re all NBA right uh for two years in a row but okay so let’s let me let me take this out to its conclusion then because you’re you’re positing that this is bad for for dear him saying this publicly I I just don’t

Like you can have that opinion but I don’t know that sharing it it helps you okay that’s what my like so so we’re drawing this out to conclusion then so out Beyond just because if the argument is well now they’re not going to make him an All-Star anymore well he already

Is established he doesn’t care so that’s that’s not a negative for me okay are you saying that this is going to affect people now voting for him for all NBA I think it’s possible because again like voters you do have like he didn’t say I don’t care about Awards I don’t

Care about he’s just saying I don’t want to go hang out in Indiana for a weekend and go to the Allstar festivities but that’s kind of the job you know what I’m saying yeah like it’s part of the deal and and I get if he doesn’t want to be

Part of that it’s it’s okay for him to feel that way and and it’s okay for him to say it because now I mean it’s probably going to become like a self-fulfilling prophecy sure but at the same time like do you think you think if you’re the face of Under Armour that

Under Armour was really excited to read that Sacramento be quote yesterday no probably not probably not yeah especially when especi because he’s under the curry brand right yeah and Steph Curry is the guy out there always just saying the right thing whether he believes it or

Not yeah so that that I that that I get that I get the the one the one thing I would I would I think I would push back on the most here is that this would somehow impact his Hall of Fame chances because a whether he wants to go or not

I I don’t know that people are going to necessarily factor that in when it comes to Fan voting if he’s averaging 30 a night and the kings are are 15 games over 500 yeah but fan voting fan voting is never going to help him because he’s in Sacramento we finished like seven

Seventh in fan voting no not if not if he continues doing this over the next few years and they’re going to the playoffs every year and they’re winning playoff series like that’s how you build that popularity he’s just not there yet no okay so I don’t I don’t even I don’t

Even know if this is gonna affect him Allstar wise specifically and and you mentioned Hall of Fame chances and I go back to what I just said if dearen is this player where he is I’m not even going to say 30 28 29 Points a game and his three-point shooting continues

To be as good as it is and the kings are going to the playoffs and they’re going to the Conference Finals and they’re going to the finals uh over the ne you know a few times over the next six seven eight years whatever whatever the length

Of his prime is going to be 10 years whatever then like he’s going to the Hall of Fame no probably but but you need a resume to get into the Hall of Fame and this is part of it like I’m not saying that because of this he’s not

Getting in the but it is part of it and so like I know he doesn’t want to embrace it and that’s okay but you got to remember what you’re doing is when you’re you’re not endorsing something like this this is the league yeah this is a League’s baby yeah it’s their

Showcase and you don’t want to be part of it you you also you also just to that point and make it a little more micro to Sacramento you also have a marketing team that’s been working their asses off to get people to go out and vote yeah there are television commercials about

It they’re putting a Billboards at the games they gave me a lunch box they’re giving you they’re giving out lunch boxes and saying hey promote this get get D get votes and then you have him go to Triple vote day that would suck you know what that

Would suck if I was if I was out there with the Kings and and putting together all these things and daren’s like I don’t even want to go no I think the other thing is there’s I I think there’s an important context here yeah where this is this is the response uh to

Because we don’t know if he’s getting in yet or not and I would I I assume he is but we don’t know yep and from from his standpoint it’s like I don’t care that much to go if I don’t get in I’m not going to lose sleep and and flip a table

And you know Rudy goar okay remember Rudy goar cried like that was something that was that meaningful to him it was like he wanted it and he didn’t get in and H daren’s not gonna go do that daren’s not gonna lose sleep over this no and I think I think that I think

That’s an important context to this yeah like the confidence of him and like his want to be himself and to not want to buy into the the machine that is like the self-promoting thing that is the NBA right that’s okay sure it is and you

Know for that matter like the NBA as as a um as a marketing machine has done nothing but disrespect him as a player for the first six years of his career No Doubt it wasn’t until year what seven year eight where they’re like hey let’s put them on national TV

22 times before that it was like H forget them we don’t even need to play him so I I could see that being another thing where it’s like look you guys didn’t want me for all this time but now you want me and I’m not really down for

It I I would rather have my week off you guys got me for the first six seven years of my career you you let me have a week off in the middle of the Season you know he did go to all-star weekend for like the the rookie challenge the rookie

Sophomore game yeah but outside of that I I think there’s a certain part of this where you’re like I don’t really know that you wanted me as part of your club and now now that we’re one of the cool kids you want me part of your club and

I’m not really down for it because now I’m married and I’ve got I’ve got a small child and yeah I I want to be a dad for a week and I want to I want to be a husband and all these things and and take a break and let my body heal

And so I get it I get it but you know putting it out there is a whole another thing because again it becomes almost like the Charles Barkley I’m not a role model right you know where it has every every possibility of of back uh blowing

Up in your face and if uh if you guys missed it in the Sacramento B today uh Chris Beerman wrote about this with dearn vo saying that he does not want to go to the All-Star Game the full teams will be announced later on today I should also find out whether dearn Fox

Is or is not in fact allar that’s right and I’m not roasting Fox I’ll just I’m just being honest with you guys and I will also tell you Kyle and I’ve said it to I’ve said it many times I don’t want to go to the all-star game like you go

Once or twice and you’re like this is a mess it’s not fun it’s chaotic there’s no one-on-one time the the coolest thing about all-star weekend is that there are Hall of Famers there and there’s a Hall of Fame ceremony where you go and like I’m sitting there like walking up to

Hakee elijahwan and interviewing him that’s the coolest thing for me outside of that it’s a mess nothing is like you’re in a big giant room with a whole bunch of players in the scrum and then some local reporter ask every single player if you were a Smoothie King smoothie what flavor would you


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  1. Booker over Fox is wrong I understand Kat over sabonis cuz they’re the top seed but fifth place no all star and the suns who are like seventh get two , is wrong but we all know Fox is legit

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