@Detroit Pistons

Will The Pistons Make A Move At The Trade Deadline? | The Valenti Show with Rico

Will The Pistons Make A Move At The Trade Deadline? | The Valenti Show with Rico

The most special time of year oh yeah followed by hey Kenny we’re GNA cut a new one for this year it’s the start of black history month and you know what Kenny told me I don’t have to Dave is not here so what are you Kenny I am the black man

Today yeah we’re gonna you know what why don’t we just Dive Right In how is everybody it’s good to be back it’s good to have nostril us my special little guys back yeah oh that a baby Rico I have a gift for you later we are going

To do not a Shameless promotion although that’s an added benefit we’re going to do a five-star Zone Ambush Blitz at 3:30 oh for all the people rightfully so by the way who have just been enjoying football is shuing all things hardwood and basketball in college I have a

Michigan Michigan State five star Zone Ambush Blitz at 3 30 okay first of all the DayQuil is kicked in because if you had a shoeing on the bingo card you can go ahead and cross that out two minutes into the show oh that’s right we are we are locked in from a vocabulary

Standpoint but here’s what we’re going to do while we are going to get to the Lions because I think there is a nice piece of news today Rico always refers to zaro right mocking me for my Heritage uh today we’re talking Zab Zabo we’re in

The sbob era yeah I was just like what is SBO be uh what is don’t worry I got you covered we’re going to do it at 3 but what I wanted to start with in something that only this radio show would do cuz we’re out of our

Minds I want to be proactive not reactive proactive not reactive we are a week away from a potential Chas young chair drop 2.0 do you know why I do okay there we go that’s right because Tunis the driving cat AKA Troy Weaver is still at the wheel of the

Detroit Pistons and we are a weak away right now this moment a week from today the NBA trade deadline so I wanted to do two segments on this me Rico and well I can’t pretend Kenny will participate so how about me Rico and you the people and

I have a couple of notes with one is what I term a a ball tingling fear I’m talking about like if you’ve been on a roller coaster and you hit the Apex and you start to go down and you feel like your nuts just shot through

Your head that type of ball a ball clenching fear but I wanted to ask these questions Rico and I’m being serious about this I said to you off the air I go it’s almost as un it’s more unbelievable to me that Troy Weaver is allowed to guide

This team into a trade deadline than the Lions being in the NFC title game I mean think about it we thought the lions were good right we thought the Lions would win the division and win a playoff game what they did was take an additional step but it’s not

Unbelievable Troy Weaver still having a job and then being empowered seemingly depending on who you trust being empowered to make win now moves is totally unbelievable so it’s this idea Rico and I want to actually ask people these questions and I want to hear from you on

It Rico look what can we even expect from this man but moreover who are the sacred cows on this team because one thing has been true and you haven’t done it I haven’t done it there’s been a weird almost reclassification of a a core four have

You heard about this yeah as if the Pistons have these immovable pieces so you want so it’s Cade Ivy Duren and assur Thompson that we are led to believe by certain factions of the media and fan base that these are the quote Untouchables yeah well

No because the way I view your roster is the way Kenny views his Saturday night he wants to be touched Big Time touch them all baby like literally take whatever you want these people are terrible so I I wanted to ask people like are you just in shock disbelief

Rico that this is even real are you afraid and and who is a sacred cow because as we approach this everything we’ve heard is they don’t want to deal bogdanovich that they want to acquire Talent they’ve got roughly 67 million in cap space and then after I hear from you

And we talk I’m gonna give you my fear there’s one thing he could do it would be Chase young 2.0 talk to me oh yeah oh yeah no it still just amazes me that he’s allowed here’s the thing no matter what Troy Weaver does I just don’t know that I’ve trust him because

He’s dis disintegrated the trust factor that I’ve it’s almost a vesque where how are all of your moves bad like you you would think that occasionally I guess the Duran trade O Okay bringing him here but most of the things that you do are to help out the teams that you trade

With it’s like oh wait Detroit’s calling pick up the phone because we’re about to fleece them we’re about to take advantage of them and we’re going to ship off our bad player or bad contracts to them and let them deal with it so I don’t trust his judgment I don’t trust

What we’re doing yeah the core for to me the only sacred cow on this team is nobody because you’re at the bottom what are you about to add to this core that’s going to make them good because they’re they’re they’re they may go the entire season and win a single digigit games

Number amount of games amount of wins single digits that’s how bad this team are when they when they beat the Thunder it shocked everybody I don’t see how we’re allowing this man to just continue his business as usual and and just continue to to just Meander his way through all of this

This is but if they don’t care it’s to the point now why should I care you see it with the fans the fans don’t care but yeah you shouldn’t be allowed to make any trades and do anything and I feel like whatever you do right now if you make a trade it’s going

To be like the quintric era when you allow them to draft right before you fired them and it set the franchise back they never should have been allowed to do anything and I feel that way about Troy that maybe this is it’s telling me I’m the idiot and Troy is fine he’s safe

And and and gors likes the path that the Pistons are on I don’t know what that path is it’s the very slow burn but my goodness why are you going to do that first who’s going to want to come here because I got to think Detroit is the

Threaten that okay you want to keep doing this I’ll ship you to Detroit nobody wants to come here I don’t care how I mean you had to overpay for for Monty to coach this team he originally told you know and came up with a ridiculous number and you met it and he

Was like well I guess yes I got to go now but K Cunningham may be the only piece that could draw you back a king’s Ransom he’s it really I mean Jaden Ivy you’re not going to get a ton of stuff for him so I guess that’s why he’s part

Of your core Duren I think Duran on a on another team could be that guy coming off the bench that young guy that you could build upon and hopefully in a few years he could do something assur Thompson assur Thompson’s not starting on on good teams Mike he’s probably the eighth or ninth

Man so let me offer you my fear and I want to throw the number out to the people I’m admitting to you I’m afraid 248 539 9797 here’s my biggest fear I think it’s the circle of life I think we’re right back to where Tom Gores empowered a

Front office that was on the way out to go get Blake Griffin I’m telling you my biggest fear that Troy has opted for all this cap space knowing full well the free agency crop this summer is ass knowing they’re not going to sign anybody and they’re going to have to

Take someone in trade and the only way you can get a player that makes a lot of money in trade when you don’t have picks let us remember something you’ve just giving away two more second round picks you are giving away your first round pick in one of the next three years to

The Knicks as Rico said about that Duren thing yeah there’s a price for getting him that price is you have to give the Knicks a first rounder the only way you can do it is you have to take on someone else’s problem and I’m telling you oh oh yeah

You know where I’m going wait let me get the chair ready okay I am telling you my biggest fear and this player’s hurt right now okay I don’t think he’s going to play before the deadline he’s only played in 25 games this year he’s having the worst year of his career since

201718 his own teammates hate him I’m telling you right now if you hook Demar D rozan up to a truth machine with Robert dairo operating it he would opt to kill this player and the franchise may actually give him away it’s Zack LaVine his contract oh yeah his contract

Is odious it’s awful and he’s a volume me first guy as evidenced by the night he came here and dropped 50 and the Bulls still lost game two of the season for the Pistons Rico if Tom gors and Troy Weaver bring Zack LaVine to town

And they offer that to you as the use of cap space and the piece that’s going to get them better etc etc etc I’m telling you proactive not reactive that’s a Chun chair drop see I that’s not where I thought you were going but that’s just as

Bad Mike I thought they were going to just try to go all in and try to boost the ticket sales and bring somebody back to the city who has local ties you’re talking DayDay yes I’m talking luckily luckily the Warriors have come out and said uh we’re not doing anything like

That but I I hear you and I’ve made that joke before so guilty is charged yeah but we wanted to just do two segments to open the show because realistically everything else has been lions and rightfully so but today we’re going to mix in some of those other things going

On and still do some Lions no but we’re a week away from having a guy like Matt Millan or a guy like alivila um run a trade deadline and the thing they should do Rico is the thing they won’t do right you have to trade bogdanovich and they

Won’t no they always hold on the players until they lose all their value and the other reason why I’m just I’m numb to the fact that Troy is going to go into this trade deadline and I don’t know how act you put this team together Troy this is all you didn’t

Inher this this is these are all the pieces that you thought would be a winning franchise in Detroit and you may not hit double digigit wins this year that in and of itself should bar you from making any decisions that in and of itself should probably have you

Fired but I don’t trust anything that you do as a matter of fact it’s the opposite like I said when it’s like when a v I’m sure when he would call other general managers they would say oh you know what clear the line Detroit’s calling we got to make this deal oh a

Calling see Alice yeah immediate erection right andoy A’s on line three Bo TR we got to get rid of some money you know what call the Pistons they they’ll we could fleece them for something and they’ll take here’s the other thing guys remember Tom Gore’s promised changes oh we’re three weeks ahead of

You guys changes are coming what changes here are the two changes that have happened they hired a nobody assistant coach and they paid to get Marvin Bagley out of here those are the changes mhm so if they go along with a second round pick yeah and if they go into this

Deadline and don’t do anything what do you say then I’m telling you my fear I don’t want it to happen I don’t wish that upon my people here in this town no but Mike think about this Zack LaVine we we joked about it but now I’m not even joking that oh

You know what if the Lions end up with more victories this season than the Pistons that’s going to happen it’s possible and and and again Rico I told you from the beginning I remember when you and cookies were doing the whole hey what about 2 and 80 I’m like guys it’s the

NBA someone’s going to roll in here drunk high and stupid and lose a game you saw it the other night with OKC it’s going to happen welcome to the league but I’m with Rico on this no I don’t think they’re winning more than 12 ball games and this deadline the idea that

Weaver’s going to hang on to a 35-year-old Wing that’s unbelievable to me yeah but if they take on the contract to Zack LaVine and God help me if they take Ivy and send him to Chicago as a part of it guys lunatic so we’re going to do two

Segments that’s it you got a call you got a question you got a take let’s do it and then we’re going to move on we got a lot of stuff to cover today including some Lions so don’t panic 248 539 9797 I got that five-star Zone ambush

A little later on we’ll get to it in the 3:00 hour 971

Will Troy Weaver and the Pistons make a move before the trade deadline? #pistons #nba #basketball


  1. I'm with Mike…. Troy had his chance and proved that he's just not ready to be a viable GM . Plus the Monty Williams hiring was awful . Now I don't know if Gores went over his head or not but that's another subject . But yeah it's the Quinntricia effect for sure . 😉

  2. No no no, Mike, here’s the thing. NO NO NO, Mike once again, it’s like your ex girlfriend, no no, I’ll simply say, so yeah

  3. Tell ya what moderator…Why hide every opinion you dont like? Every YT channel does it and I laid out why baseball and basketball suck. Leave the comment for varying opinions or you are creating fakeness. Which will bite harder than you realize

  4. I’ve learned that the Pistons are just the Washington generals. They are the team that the good team gets highlighted plays on or just messes around and wins

  5. Geez! You guys are so emo! 😂 it’s a team of guys not old enough to buy beer and a coach that’s busy with his wife who has a recent cancer diagnosis. It’s another rebuild year to develop the youth and transition to making win now moves by the summer. As far as guys to trade or not, it’s about getting value for them rather than giving up before they develop. If they got a great offer for Bogdanović they would take it but they don’t want to move him for almost nothing like they have been offered til now. They have some flexibility to make things happen and develop the youth but no reason to tear down a team of 20 year olds 😂 chilllllll

  6. I'm in Hawaii, i go through extremes (league pass) to support my home team! If they trade for Lavine annnnddd include Ivey or any of the other previously mentioned "core 4", I'm going on a minimum 2⃣ year watch or even gaf about blackout

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