@Detroit Pistons

Detroit Pistons goals for the rest of the season?

Detroit Pistons goals for the rest of the season?

Yo yo yo yo yo guys what is going on we have a Wednesday episode I don’t think I’ve done a Wednesday episode in two years uh tells you how much I’m working but I am joined by a very special guest Chris pilot of Woodward Sports what’s

Going on man not much man just happy to be here you know just you know this is this is good because there’s not many outlets you could talk pisses not many places people are talking pisses and even when they’re terrible like we said off mic you know even when they’re

Terrible he’s still you still come up with a whole bunch of topics to talk about because you know it’s just it’s it’s our life it’s our life this is what this is what we chose this is what we chose yeah I don’t know why my parents

Chose Michigan but here I am here you are uh but you know before we do get into the podcast what I like to do anytime I have a guest on if you have anything you want to promote plug where people can find you on social media floor’s yours uh yeah I appreciate that

That yeah I mean you can find me on anywhere uh Instagram Twitter mainly with with just real Chris platty it’s just my name and then real in front of it know you know how to spell real um and then I just actually started today it launched a rap cave podcast with a

Few of my friends so I’m starting to do a whole a whole network on the side where it’s just kind of uh you know everything everything about rap you know reviewing albums um speaking with artists um I just got a flint artist that I’m going to lock in with pretty

Soon that was that used to be signed to Dr Dre so I’m very excited about that um and so just doing doing a whole bunch of a whole bunch of the hip-hop music stuff so if if you’re a fan of that too uh tap into that but as far as the sports go

I’m on well we heavy weights every day 5 to 7even on wward Sports and uh and just you know popping wherever I could talk pisses and you know in NBA truthfully so it’s so funny that we both work there and I never got to talk basketball with

You because by the time you got by the time you got in I was leaving like every time that’s the craziest part too cuz like you know you never like you you never want to like CU my thing was when I got there like I had met you and I and

Like I’m just trying to meet everybody you know and like you know and be cool with everybody and make conversations and you were somebody that like I never really got to talk to and so then I find out that you’re you’re the pisses talk guy and I’m like that’s crazy because in

My head I’m like I’m thinking he looks like a baseball guy to me he looks like he looks like a he looks like a baseball guy I don’t know why like I just made that kind of like assumption like I’m trying to figure out you know who’s into

What because at Woodward you know everybody loves you know multiple sports but everybody’s got their like one sport and so for you I was like I was like I I I was kind of shocked it was basketball so then I started watching the pisses talking I’m like I’m like dude this guy

Is like a a real life basketball nerd like this guy this guy really really understands the game this guy’s really into the game of basketball and I was like I was like I don’t know why I don’t know why I picked baseball for you for

Easy I mean I knew him so I knew he was a I knew he was a football guy like it was just kind of funny like kind of mapping it out in my brain just trying to find ways to talk to people and then you know next thing I know you’re on

You’re on your way out and uh and yeah it was just funny because I I didn’t know I I had no clue that you would be like the the Pistons guy of of all people had I known had I known that man me and you would have been best friends

Off day off day one because I was dying fast forward now nobody wants to talk pisses when koola’s in the building shout out to Koolaid I get to talk thises with him but other than that man everybody’s like piss and suck I don’t want to talk about it and then just like

All right well talking about it doesn’t mean it’s not there yeah I mean it it’s funny like I wish we could have more while I was down there but I remember when you were an intern E’s like oh this guy’s got all these podcast he loves

Basketball I like I’ll have to talk to him sometime and then I just I was just just the moving part down there like you know wearing like 15 hats but I’m glad we actually finally get to do a podcast shout out to EAS for exercising this up

Because I I told him I said let me get Chris on a podcast he’s like dude you’re gonna make his [ __ ] day yeah just talking basketball like I was like dude we got we gotta do it he texted me and I was like and I was like hell yeah cuz

Like I said like I’ve been tuning into live streams like you know I know you guys you guys thank you for shouting me out you and James when James was on a couple weeks ago and that was a dope conversation too like like I said I’m a

I’m a fan I’m a fan of you of your work and I’m a fan of the content that you that you make I I love the the the Instagram reals and stuff are are always dope to you know to see to see those so for me this is like like I said it’s

It’s very cool that I get to talk with people that I that I respect to people that I know know basketball because you know basketball is an all-encompassing thing like like we were talking about earlier you know you know the the cruise team way better than I do I I barely

Know anything about it so like to be able to kind of like be in rooms where I can like pick people’s brain on Sports sometimes is is is really fun like sometimes sometimes you don’t know the answers and for some people they don’t like that for me I love it because it’s

Like if I don’t have the answers I want to find somebody who has the answers so you know that’s what that’s what I use your your platform as a lot a lot of you know figuring things out because you you do a phenomenal job with your guests and

Everything so it’s it’s fun man yeah eventually what I want to do is you know have guests on like this all the time I actually did know go solo because me I had a podcast partner for over a year decided to go solo in 2024 and just try

To get guest on more so this is something that I want to do you know going on like I’m I’m trying to get like Ben Wallace on like we’re in talks like Hamilton like people see like I I just want to blow this the F up and I I just

Want this to be a space for not only like you know professionals or beat writers just fans too like I I like I’ve had people I’ve sent them a link that I have I’ve never met them in uh my life and I see their face I was like okay you

Know we talk shop for like a half hour yeah that’s dope man that’s dope that’s that’s what I love that’s what I do with the with the with the rapk podcast that I was talking about earlier you know it’s just like it’s just started as friends that just love music and like

Having those discussions and like I said music is even like basketball you got numbers right like I could I you know you could tell me why I’m wrong or you could you know versus like music is just like it is so subjective where it’s like what could be amazing to me could be

Like you know could be like just unimpressive and dull to you it’s like it’s so it’s it’s fun to have those kind of conversations and like you said just chop it up with people and the you know people that you don’t know people in the people in the Twitter streets I’m still

Going to call it Twitter always never going to drop that but same here same here uh let’s get to the basketball though um let’s do it talk about the Pistons obviously and I think this year you could probably go back to podcast early in October and

Roast the hell out of me oh yeah because I was like you know this a 30 win basketball team so my my question to you just throughout the season I think we’re almost 50 games in like what are your thoughts on the Pistons so far just as a

Whole my thoughts are so boggled like I’ve been saying this all the time when whenever I do talk Pistons like this year really broke my basketball brain and I don’t want it to sound like I was coming in expecting that the world from this team I wasn’t even the guy saying

Playing you know there are people at wward sports that were saying play in and lindsy Hunter came on our show and said and said this a 44 win team and I was like and I and I and Lindsay knows basketball obviously like he’s done it

At every level he’s been on he’s been on the playing side of it he’s been on the executive side of it the coach side of it like he knows well so it just it breaks my basketball brain because I didn’t think the world of this team but

I didn’t think this team was going to be this dysfunctional this disorganized this like out of sync you know and and and going back in hindsight hindsight’s always 2020 you you could have picked up on some tea leaves right like the disagreements about about the head coaching uh you know that’s something

That like I didn’t think of because at the time I just thought Monty’s a better Coach than Kevin in my opinion so I’m happy that we got the better Coach but you know not really thinking about how important coaches are to players and how different coaching Styles uh and and

Coaching preferences you know affect players in their development and all of that so like you know kind of those things that I know but I wasn’t really thinking of coming into this season I was just thinking look this a team that’s getting K Cunningham back and a

Guy who I expect will will have his best season of his career um Monty Williams who is a who is a great Co coach who has a history of developing teams that are that are in this in this kind of Stratosphere with the Pistons similar trajectory uh you know like those two

Things got to add up to at least 13 wins like you like they won 17 games last year so like to get to 30 it’s like a former coach of the year plus who we believe is an All-Star level player I mean depending on the team success was

Going to depend on if he got an All-Star this year and you know in internal growth like you would think that those things are would all add up to 13 wins like that that didn’t seem too crazy to me to to add that but like I said it

Just it broke my brain because rotations are never the same defensive schemes are never the same um they look so good to start the season and then I’m thinking in those first three four games I’m thinking oh my God this is better than I thought maybe Lindsay was right maybe

This is a 40- win team or around there because they look so damn good defensively that I didn’t I that was something I didn’t think was ever was even G to be possible for such a young team so it all just kind of it all just

Kind of breaks my brain man like I don’t know I don’t really know what’s wrong I know Monty prefers veterans I know Monty is trying to reset the culture I know those things have affected some of the younger players um I know the the rotation CH uh the roster construction

Was meant for a different type of Coach a different style of Coach so like I I know that there’s all these different things that are factoring into the dysfunction that we see the front office not being on the same page and there being so many chefs in the front office

Like all those things are factoring into you know what you think will be a what you think will be a good team it ends up being a a terrible team and a borderline histo historically bad team but I get I’ve heard you say it I don’t think this

Team is that untalented I think they just have some ill-fitting pieces and some coaching and schematic that they have to work out and a front office that has to get on the same page of what they want from their players and and you know last year you’re talking about spending

All this money and now this year they’re talking about spending the money so it’s it’s a back and forth thing it’s like nothing’s in sync and it just kind of It kind of broke my brain to be honest yeah I I think there’s so many things that

You said that I agree with I think organizationally it starts from the top you said that you know I didn’t think much of the disagreement with you know Tom Gore and Troy Weaver agreeing with the coach and I’m not saying M’s a bad coach but I just don’t think he’s the

Right coach for this team right now I agree um I thought you know the Milwaukee job it recently opened like if Monty was sitting at home he’s probably coaching the Bucs right now like if they called him instead of Doc Rivers which I think this is gonna absolutely fail

Which is gonna be hilarious to see it’s probably gonna be a three1 choke job or something like that I don’t know yeah but like I I think it starts organizationally getting on the same page uh you have way too many you know Cooks in the kitchen whether that’s Eric

Telen AR telum Troy Weaver Tom Gores I think there there’s just so many people that in that front office that make decisions that aren’t on the same page I think it’s dysfunctional at the end of the day and you have to there has to be

A leader in my opinion there has to just be a undecisive leader that can take this team to the promised land um and I think that’s why there’s to spend so much dysfunction whether it’s like free agents they didn’t want to Target like we all thought we were getting cam

Johnson this summer it didn’t happen we got like Joe Harris like cool yeah nothing against Joe Hara just like I just didn’t think that was going to be like a realistic Target especially like as a shooter to Target I was like okay whatever um meanwhile right now as we

Speak Sam Merill is just some guy that just popped off the scrap heaps and is just absolutely lighting it up he looks fantastic man I know it’s it’s probably going to be different in the playoffs when teams get to focus in on him but on a random night on a on a Tuesday

Night like he will he will light you up man I know it’s just little things I think organization like you said like not getting on the same page I I want to give Dan Burke credit and for people that don’t know who that is he was you know an assistant that

Came over uh he was supposed to be like this defensive coordinator for the Pistons he was a part of the the Indiana Pacers teams that had like Germaine O’Neal Reggie Miller Stephen Jackson all those guys you know really you saw it in the first couple of games I mean the

Pistons weren’t giving up more than like what a 102 103 points a game in 20 103 yeah it was that’s absolutely insane and then he he leaves you know Family Matter What whatever it may be but it’s just like anything that could possibly go wrong this season happened and I was so

Shocked because I wasn’t like 40 wins like Lindsey Hunter but I was like you know 32 33 I I thought like like you said Kate Cunningham coming back healthy uh year two Jade Navy and Jaylen durren getting a defensive stopper assar Thompson uh getting fortunate enough to

Trade for Marcus Sasser who I view like a Terry roier like I I thought get getting the coach of the year ammani Williams but everything is just and and also not to mention not to mention too right like we thought like at the very least you’re upgrading from Dwayne Casey

Like remember how you know that last year and a half of Dwayne Casey’s tenure you know a lot of people were and I was okay with it I thought it went maybe a year two long but ultimately it was I was okay with it uh but like people were

Like okay yeah just not having Dwayne Casey adds three wins and it turns out you know it could like that’s kind of the opposite effect almost with with this team so I’m glad you brought Dan Burke too because you know that was something that I looked into you know he

Was there for the first four games of the season and for and obviously that’s a very small s sample size and it’s like probably the most unreliable sample size because it’s the first week of the NBA first weekend of the NBA but I mean this was a top 10 defense under that sample

And then since then has been one of the worst in the in the league so like I think they’re really is I think there really is some some some gravity to that I I T I talked to my boy who’s uh who who’s connected with the Indiana Pacers

And he’s and and I said you know hey give me the like the scoop on Dan Burke and he’s like you that’s the real deal he’s like trust me he’s like that dude is the real deal and he is going to shift and change your defense and

Whatever you thought you were gonna get from it expect better and I was like oh okay like wow all right this is awesome I even did I even went out after I got that text I went out on a limb on heavyweights and I said I got one name

Nobody’s talking about Dan Burke like in the offseason you know and I’m like this is a big big deal guys because I because you know I I trusted my source and it and it looked right for the first four games and then yeah said that plus everything else man just everything you

That could go wrong has gone wrong and it’s uh it’s it’s a it’s a struggle man it’s a struggle I mean even when I I I talked to James off camera he was just like he’s like I don’t know how you guys do it like I feel bad for the fans like

I don’t know how Pistons fans go to games just like I don’t know how the arena sold out yeah he’s like I I don’t I don’t know how Pistons fans put up with this I was like dude like we just want to good basketball team like look

At the lions like yeah Lions sell out Ford Field even when they were 0 and 16 you give them a winner the city was going nuts this year yeah like like people always say Michigan is a small Market it’s not it’s a huge Sports market like if you have a winning team

There’s so many people not not just Pistons fans like Red Wings fans Lions fans Tigers fans like you give them a good product they’re gonna go out and like jam-pack those Arenas every night yeah dude I I’m dying to see the day where the city has at least three of

The four if not all four on competent level I’m not talking all all of them are championship teams but if you get a if you get a cycle where three of the four all four of them are playoff teams man you’re going to see National media

Talk about hey this is one of the best sports towns in the country like yeah no like of course it is it’s one of the only Sports towns that has all four teams to begin with let alone you know has the love and and the appreciation

That these fans do these fans just want to see winners but like you said even when they’re losing they’re still there but when they’re when they’re winning man it’s a it’s a it’s a huge difference and I I don’t want to get too much into your topics I don’t know if it relates

Here if it relates to another one of your topics you got going forward but I am actually like I I’ve been working I’ve been tasked with working on you know this Vision how do you how do you change this team what what what what changes would you make type of thing

Kind of playing the GM role so uh whenever you want to kind of tap into that aspect whenever that touches on one of your areas you know let’s let’s one of your topics let’s go ahead and let’s go ahead and get into that but I figured I just mentioned that here while we’re

Talking about you know what’s went wrong 100 100% I love that man absolutely love that we could sa that for the end of the podcast kind of maybe maybe targets trade targets free agents whatever absolutely the next person I did want to talk about is Kate Cunningham and you know obviously this

Year you know know came back healthy had the knee injury for two weeks um then he was a late scratch this week so my question to you is you know through his three years in the NBA are you getting concerned with his injury so

Far no I I’m not I I don’t really think I I would have assumed him to be more durable if that makes sense but I’m not concerned because I I just you know until somebody gets injured a lot then I then I you know or I get like a flag on

Their on their medical reports like cam Whitmore coming into the came coming into the draft uh like those kind of things if you if you get told like hey you got the cam whitmore’s got the Brandon Roy needs it’s like okay now I’m worried about it but like there was

Nothing to ever think that Cade’s injuries were Cade was gonna have these injuries and when you look at these injuries they’re not necessarily like in my mind I know people will be like oh because they’ve all been leg injuries like oh they’re all correlated and he’s

Just he just doesn’t have good legs I don’t necessarily think that it’d be one thing like to be honest with you a player I’m way more concerned about injury– wise as Jaylen Durk the fact that his ankle he’s had the same ankle get hurt and hurt and he’s hurt the

Other ankle too but it’s mainly been I believe the left if I’m not mistaken and it’s the left or the right but one ankle has been the predominant of of his injuries in fact we looked it up uh on the heavyweights and the only injury he

Had Beyond an ankle injury was in the NBA was a cervix injury so like it’s always been when he misses games in ankle and so you know I think back to like the Amari stmm comps that a lot of people were trying to make with him and

It’s like well Amari had the knees this guy might have you know like Amari star with the ankles like this might be a guy who’s extremely talented it could be otherworldly but is he a guy that you know his prime is more so 23 24 25 than

It is 28 29 30 like that’s a player I’m more so worried about K kingham man like a shin injury um a an ankle like that happens knee that that does that does happen you get a little more concerned with knees just because knees just

Always kind of seem to be a a a a a more concerning injury but none of them like none of them seem to me like directly correlate I know people want to correlate the the shin to the knee and I I just I don’t personally as somebody

Who’s not a doctor at all I don’t I don’t make that Cor coration to me I it would be one thing if it’s the same injury but to me it’s not so I’m not too I’m not too worried about K C him’s injury or his or his durability and you

Know the fact that he missed like a week or two I mean Luca rolls his ankle every year and misses like a week or two you know like dearen Fox rolls his ankle every year missed a week or two Steph Curry had consistent ankle injuries and

Now is good like these type of things especially with someone who works as hard as K cuningham does and I know that he’s always putting in the work like I’m not too worried about I’m not too worried about his injuries until it until it becomes the same consistent thing are you worried about

It I’m not too worried about it I know fans with Kate Cunningham it’s a very touchy subject um it it depends where you get your like your news from on social media uh I I think Twitter is probably the most sane place when you talk Pistons um Faceook

Facebook like we’re live on Facebook right now like I’ve gotten some comments about you know Kate Cunningham where people think he’s the worst first overall pick in the last 10 years like I don’t I don’t agree with that that statement but I think so many people

Look at him and see all the games that he’s missed and they’re making comps to gr Hill and it’s like you know he had surgery on his shin you know guys like you know uh Drew holiday have had same surgery and Drew all for the most part

Is a fairly healthy player um if it was up to Kate Cunningham he’d probably play basketball like at the end of the day he just seems like a Hooper like he wants to play basketball I’m not I’m not too concerned with it but I could understand

From a fan perspective why they would be concerned with it because it’s been ticky tacky injuries ever since he’s entered the NBA like his very first injury uh he stepped on someone’s ankle during uh I believe it was training camp and he was out for like two months

People are like oh wow like he’s he’s injury-prone they just they’ve just been like Ticky Tech injuries like obviously the the shin one was bothering him all the way back in college and he never really had surgery to correct it they corrected it you know he was out for two

Weeks with the knee injury um you know he comes back seems a little bit you know maybe not in basketball shape you know that that takes time it takes like maybe a week of just practices and games but I’m not really too concerned with it

I wanted to bring it up because I see a lot of fans talking about it and they’re just fearful that he’s going to turn into another Grand Hill and yeah and I get it it’s the Grant Hill thing but it’s also the fact that the Pistons

Haven’t had like a like a true star I know people want to you know Andre drummed was was a very good player but I wouldn’t call him a franchise piece and I think in fact that’s why the franchise never went further than you know the bottom of the playoffs is because

Drummond just couldn’t be your lead guy so like this is a guy who we all look at as like this could be a lead guy this could be this could be the guy for us so I think that you know there’s that that built in paranoia of oh my God we

Haven’t had this just like all season long with the Lions right to use a lions analogy all season long you’re talking there there’s still people that are like oh my god when is this when is the ceiling going to collapse when is this gonna when is this all just going to

Pull out from under us and we’re going to and we’re going to be a terrible team again like there’s that just that innate fear of having you know losing season after losing season and so I think that’s part of it from the fans perspective but I also to want to

Mention I I don’t know how much you put into this but I do think also this regime has definitely been especially when it comes to k cuningham um through these through through his career so far it’s been a management that’s been pretty okay with resting guys like I

Think that you know I don’t think that the surgery wasn’t necessar I think it was was necessary um I know Kate’s Camp kind of originally at first wasn’t really on board with the surgery but they they kind of agreed that that was the best path um the ankle injury like

You said two months like I I really feel like had this team had something to play for I think he could have been back in four or five weeks you know like like I I just I look at a lot of these injuries the knee injury like the fact that

They’re putting them on on the injury report today as probable like it all to me kind of goes back to the management of you know of wanting to rest this guy because like you said he is a Hooper like I do think he just wants to always

Go out there always play that’s just his DNA and I think this management you know has been pretty okay with tanking like I think they’ve been pretty okay to like call a season early and so I think that that that kind of plays into it too and

It adds like an extra game or two in my opinion I don’t know if you agree with that no I I I do um I’ve kind of been a little bit critical on the medic staff especially with the Monte Mo stuff I know that’s off topic but

Um no yeah that’s weird too yeah ever since Arie kander um was no longer with the Pistons and Mike Aton hour uh this team has been really unlucky with injuries and unhealthy and like Arie cander is working for an NBA team right now and I I doubt people know that like

He’s working for the Orlando Magic they really haven’t had that many injuries and they’re having a really good season yeah and They promoted him to like you know like Pro director of like Physical Therapy like shout out to him for that like has it been the in I don’t know the qu the

Answer to this has it been the same staff since uh since he left or has there been uh you know changes throughout the years they’ve gone through one uh medical director and he he’s been here since the uh Reggie Jackson Andre Drummond era okay uh so

Still still the same yeah okay but I mean like I said overall I think the medical staff does an okay job I just I I just think of like you know Mike abau who’s with the team for 20 20 30 years you know Ary kander um you know coming

Up with like creative ways to keep guys in games like Rasheed Wallace talks about him all the time of how he used to tape him up like 30 40 minutes before a game so he could play yeah it’s it’s absolutely crazy um we do have another Kate Cunningham topic and this might

Ruffle some feathers um like I said this is another this is this is another fan topic like I know uh Donell watching on Facebook right now he’s absolutely gonna love this topic and a lot of fans recently are speculating this team is better without Kate Cunningham because

You you look at the wins and this team has won two games with Jade Ivy when Kate is sitting out so my question to you are the Detroit Pistons better without Cade absolutely not absolutely not I think what they are is a more simplistic basketball team without K

Kingham and I think that that right there in and of itself in a regular season where you’re getting teams that know the Pistons are the Pistons and they’re not going to give their best effort I think that leases some wins no discredit to Jay nvy and I think you

Know E’s always the one hammering the IV and K don’t fit blah blah blah all of that I I think there is some truth to that right now I I I I think they can grow into a better fit than they are but I think that when you take out K

Cuningham I think Ivy style play is just is just a lot more simple I think it’s a and I think that that’s actually a benefit to this team because like we said it’s at the top of the show it’s a it’s a mismash of a whole bunch of pieces that don’t necessarily totally

Fit and I think that you know taking things out um you know can sometimes make it a little bit easier so I don’t think that this team is better without its best player I think K cam is it is the best player I know he’s got the turnover problems I know he has

Inefficient games but I watched that guy through and through and I and I go this guy is the best player on this team and it is very very clear like I know we have the nights where boan just is a blowtorch and he’s dribbling it up and

He’s bringing the ball up and just jacking threes heat checking and it’s it’s fun don’t get me wrong it’s entertaining in a season that’s been pretty you know pretty lack of lack of energy or lack of excitement but no this team is definitely not better without K

Kingham I just think that K kingham style of play is difficult and it doesn’t necessarily and it hasn’t necessarily been supported and I think that goes back to the front office and the pieces that they’re surrounding with them versus I I think that without K cam

It kind of just becomes a simple like okay now we don’t have to worry about we don’t have to worry about Kate and Ivy you know doing their thing and figuring out who gets what minutes and how the rotation works now we could just give

Ivy the ball and let’s and let’s go let him run a 100 picket rolls and you know we have that identity from last season when K cam was out so it all it kind of just almost snaps into place but I think that if you want a higher ceiling long

Term and you’re not just talking this year then I think K keyham is is clearly the the player to build around and I don’t think there’s there’s a question to that I don’t think there’s um anything anything to it but if you want to argue in the short term I guess I get

I I I see why people would say that but I still strongly disagree because I don’t think kad’s Talent is hurting this team I just think that this team has a lot of things to figure out and it’s not all on Kate Cunningham and it’s not all

And it’s not all on Jay iy I think it’s a lot of people yeah I think a big reason why they’re winning games is because of the trade for Mike pascala and danella galinari um you actually got guys that are real NBA players and you’re not playing you’re not playing Isaiah livers

Who is probably the worst three and day three and D Wing in the NBA um he can’t hit threes and he can’t play defense uh even Washington hasn’t even played him since the trade and you’re not playing James wisman back up Center minutes yeah

Um I I will say because I got into this last week I think the reason why that the the team flows so much better with Jaden Ivy is Jaden Ivy style of play I think caters to the younger guys where Jaden Ivy is a very you know fast

Twitchy guard loves playing in that transition game loves pushing the tempo uh kind of like uh you know Russell Westbrook light like he he just loves you know playing a thousand miles an hour he doesn’t know how to play Slow versus Kade where Kade is more

Methodical likes to get to his spots and I don’t really think it favors the Pistons to play that slow pace of type like a like a Luca donic type role like they were having Kade play you know the Luca role uh in Team USA I I think I if

You want to evaluate Kade you have to get pieces around him to actually complement him and not make his life living hell like you can’t have Killian Hayes and assar Thompson out there with Kate cunning right like you need legitimate floor spacers like you need a

Boan you need a like a you know a younger version of and Ari like you need legitimate three andd wings and I think once the Pistons get that you’re going to start seeing you know Kate Cunningham and the Pistons win more basketball games I think the only reason why we saw

Wins against the Hornets and and winds against you know OKC is because we actually have you know complimentary pieces like a mascala even though ginari didn’t play neither of those games like scal is a like a a proven veteran in the N he’s become a fair favor for me like already like I

Would resign him like I have no problems resigning Mike mcal he’s just uh anything but Wiseman I I don’t want to get too too crazy with wisan eight because his stands are absolutely dedicated and call me out find new religion man they’re scientologists too but that doesn’t that

Doesn’t mean they don’t deserve to get made fun of come on man like like sometimes people people put their faith in stupid things wise was one of those to me I can’t I I just I don’t understand it yeah I mean Ro is you know

He he fell in love with them but I understand it like I I I fall in love with prospects and they’re not in the NBA anymore people I I’ve told people like have but I think there just comes a point where like reality kind of sets in

Like I was a like I’m trying to think I was a big Mario honia guy that’s a perfect example that was a complete Miss coming into the draft I was like oh my God this guy talks [ __ ] he he’s like you know he’s got that toughness and you

Know he’s he’s got that he’s got that shot making ability his highlights look good I’m like this guy’s going to be a beast and then he wasn’t but you know what it I’m not still to this day being like the problem is the pieces around Mario hono like I’m not I’m not sitting

Here saying that like at some point you just kind of accept uh defeat but what you said about the style of plays going back to the Cade and and Ivy thing I agree like the Cade methodical like I think the best example that is that Utah game that they ended up unfortunately

Losing in overtime right because you saw like Burks and boan were just crazy in that game like especially in the fourth quarter and overtime like they just went insane and I said look put Cade Burks boan and he had livers too was was was there in in that lineup and

Don’t get me startor on livers and Jaylen dur and I said look Kade Jaylen dur and then take three better version of each of those players that you have in boan Burks and livers and that is a team that you could see can score a lot

Of points and could be a nightmare for a lot of teams like you put in Dorian Finley Smith um Norman P like guys like that like just replace those guys with those guys and you don’t I’m not even saying replace it with Paul George and you know like you don’t even gota crazy

With it but you saw that blueprint work when Burks and Boon were hitting and when livers was actually playing okay defense besides a few lapses here and there like all of a sudden you have a very very good team you have a one in a one in five pick and roll that could

Be very dominant and then you have Shooters to spray around that like it just it it works I I don’t understand why that’s hard for people to to see like that that’s been my frustration with the front offices how hard is it to get three solid three and D Wings Around

K cuningham and Jaylen dur and Let It Rock and I understand you got AAR I understand you got Ivy but I think those players can fit around those guys too you know so like but I I just I I agree it’s it’s a roster construction like I

Said earlier that’s kind of failing K Cunningham not saying that Kade kingham is not without his flaws I mean we see the we see the turnovers there just like the mental lapses and we see the and we have the uh inefficient kns but I I just

I don’t understand how you can look at this team and be like Kate is the Kate is the reason like I said I think Ivy’s the the quick fix the shortterm solution but the long term if you want to build a team I think you’re much better building

Off off of K cuningham than Jaye Ivy and I think Ivy is a very good player I think Ivy is a I think Ivy is a very very good player I just think Kate coam is a better foundational building block and that’s who you should be acquiescing

To not jayen Ivy if you have to choose I don’t necessarily even think you have to choose yeah I think that’s what this season is about right figuring out do you have to choose between those two or can it work together I mean yeah even saw tonight like they were taking turns

Taking the ball up the court and that that’s something that I’ve been just hammering home to a lot of fans that are like you know the easys of the world saying you know they don’t you know fit together like Ivy and Kate Cunningham can’t fit together I think you could

Play Kate C Cunningham off ball if you wanted to I mentioned throwing him it’s small forward haven’t played that Jason Tatum role have I run the show EAS cooked me for that he cooked me for sorry I don’t want to interrupt you but I really I really like this is something

I get ridill about every day is I know that you know people make the luuka accounts for Kade but what I see is and I’m not saying those Luca Harden comps aren’t there for Kade but what I also see is a lot of is a lot of Tatum and

Booker Shades in his game too right like where he could be the OD ball guy and that’s what we saw at the start of the season right when kill Hayes was starting we’d watch in the first quarter Killian would bring the ball up they’d

Set a pin down for Kade to come up like and and get the ball like they’d give Kade an off Ball action so he’s definitely comfortable being an offb off ball player as well so I think again I think it can I think it can definitely definitely work sorry to interrupt but I

Just like no I get so much [ __ ] for the Jason Tatum thing because like I’m like he’s Jason Tatum in my eyes he’s got he’s like a little bit of Jason Tatum but a better playmaker and as good of a finisher around the rim yeah I mean I I I think some people

Just aren’t as high on Kate Cunningham and the only Reon why they’re not as high on him is because the winds haven’t translated yet I think if the Pistons right now like just like hypothetically like if we made if the Pistons had like 25 wins right now and Kade was the first

Overall pick this wouldn’t even be a conversation um I I think the roster construction has been an absolute joke since drafting him his best spacing was like Jeremy Grant his rookie year like that’s the type of player you need next to him you you need

A a I think Cade can be a 1B I think you need to find the one a that’s just been my opinion like I think he could get you 25 points tonight if you need it I think he can get you 10 assist tonight if you

Need it but I I think that’s what the Pistons front office is trying to decide which player are we going to pair next to him and there’s been you know some quote unquote All-Star players the Pistons have been like linked to to trade for um and I think that’s a big

Reason why too yeah I I agree I agree with that man like the one B thing you know I I I I definitely see a world in which that I think his stealing his absolute Apex ceiling and based off the start of his career he is probably not

Going to reach that my friend and I like to have this conversation if you simulate a player’s career 10 times like what version is this is this like a seven and eight eight a two a nine like you know we always say Kevin Durant it’s

Like a it’s like a six or a seven like he’s gotten success but like Kevin dur could have been like much better than what he is Legacy wise playerwise like I think K cenam maybe he’s not reaching that but his 10 his best version of him

Like he is a he is a 1A but you’re right maybe is like this realistic version maybe he’s like he’s like Dam and Giannis teaming up right where it’s like holy like this is two top 12 players teaming up like you know and he’s like

The one B guy but he can be the best player that night or any given night because I also think with Cage’s game too what makes him interesting is that he’s not so purely score-based like Luca and I know luuka gets more assists than

Kade and and more points so like I I get why I get why people don’t like that comparison but for me it’s like he’s not as Luca likee because Luca is to me always hunting a shot and then he’ll just make the and then he’ll make the pass when somebody’s completely open

Versus like I think Kade I think Kade likes to have the EB and flows of the game I think he likes to you know play off ball for a little bit I think he likes to then have the ball in the in crunch time and go and and go Luca mode

And play the first like 40 minutes like Tatum and Booker and then the last eight like uh like you know like like uh like Luca and Harden like I think he kind of likes having both of those things and and that’s kind of tough for the front

Office to build and not making excuses for them because I think like you said they’ve done a poor job they’ve been consistently drafting the talent Guy versus The versus the fit guy and now I think you’re seeing four or five guys that are we all think are pretty

Talented individually and we could all see them having success on other teams but together collectively on this team like if you’re telling me the four best players on a championship team are going to be Cade Ivy assar and Duren I’m just not buying that not not because those

Those each individually can’t be the four best players or the four or a top four player on a championship team but because these four together do not fit well enough like what’s the last team where the two best players were not a good three-point shooting team and they

Won the championship it’s the bubble Lakers and people want to make that you know comparison but even those guys were shooting better from three than than Kaden Ivy so like you know like Elite shooting and none of Kade I Ivy or assar project to be that and so like you know

That’s and obviously durren doesn’t either so uh so you know you need four guys who are extremely talented and I think the world of but I think they each H can two of them fit together sure can three of them fit together maybe depending on roles but yeah all four of

These guys together I just unfortunately I I like their talents I think Troy did a great job identifying talent but I don’t think he identified fit yeah 100% agree um before we go into the next topic the Pistons are actually beating the Cavs right now are they yeah uh six minutes

Left 109 106 uh Danilo galinari has 20 points vintage Gallo that’s some like Denver Danilo Gallinari shout out to Gallo man like that’s that’s insane at the box score right now so I was just like man that I gotta pull that up myself I got I gotta see what we’re

Working with yeah up three with six minutes to go I think there the timeout but that’s that’s actually pretty crazy because the Cavs are a hell of a Eastern Conference team right now they’ve been on Fire Man they’ve been on fire and now maybe and now maybe they’re may maybe

They’re gonna be bad again now if they’re healthy like but again that speaks to what we’re talking about with Kate like Cavaliers player or Cavaliers you know fan base can have that conversation right now are they better off without Evan Moy and uh and Darius Garland it’s like no they’re not like

The fit is easier it’s simpler Mitchell you play Mitchell and you make Allen to basically be Rudy goar back like Utah again and it’s a system that those guys are comfortable in and it works like it sometimes it’s like The Simple Solution isn’t the isn’t the actual best long term for the

Team yeah I mean it it’s funny someone said it’s kar’s a top five piston right now I would I I would have Lov galinari like even five years ago oh yeah man perfect stretch for like that guy’s been a sniper since his Denver days yeah um

Always used to pick him up on fantasy but want to get they want to get into the next topic um and it’s basically trade rumors right there’s been so many trade rumors linked to the Pistons uh most recently Zack LaVine uh miles Bridges to an extent and we even saw

Dejon Murray so my question to you is do any of these trade rumors interest you or Intrigue you as a piston fan when you look look at guys like a LaVine who’s been an All-Star you look at you know an athletic Wing like a miles Bridges um a

Two-way guard and Deon Murray would you think any of these guys could help fix the Pistons quote unquote you know I again fitwise I don’t like I don’t like two of those names I don’t like deante and I don’t like um who’s the other guy you named in between lven

And uh miles Bridges bridges yeah I I I see the appeal I personally would stay away unless it’s a real by low type situation which I I I assume it is but you know again you’re talking assets at like that’s where I want to get into

It’s like the cost of of these players like I know the Bulls fandom had like some crazy tweets about what LaVine would go for to the Pistons and that’s just not that’s just not true but uh but like LaVine is a guy that and I one time

Was so against Zach leine that I made a list to my friend to prove a point of a 100 players I’d rather have than Zack LaVine in the NBA and keep in mind he’s way more talented than 100 players in the league but like I was like oh yeah

Well Pat Bev is on a cheap contract and Zack Le’s on an expensive contract and Zack gine hasn’t won 30 games in his career at that point that was before that was right before he went to um he had the good season in Chicago like I

Was just so anti- LaVine but you know what I’m looking at that contract and looking at it as yeah I don’t necessarily love that contract but like if it’s a situation where you’re just dumping off like you’re just straight up you’re not giving up assets you’re not giving up

Picks you’re not giving up like any of the core guys like like I mean are you doing like if they just say eff it we’re moving in a different direction because let’s look at the actual market like the Lakers don’t have really any interest in them they’re pursuing dejonte Murray

Right now like like there’s there’s just no Market it’s been reported all through the year that there’s just no market for lven so if he’s just a salary dump like like Wiggins is a Wiggins is a guy right now golden state is talking about attaching a first to get rid of I think

LaVine is obviously better than that but lavine’s contract scares so many people that I think if you could talk them into hey we’ll give you just filler we’ll give you a flyer on wisan and filler and just get Zack Ravine off your hands clean up your books then I think okay

Let’s let’s I’m I’m down for that because I I’m looking at this free agency class and I this free agency class is nowhere near as good as last year’s and so I don’t like I don’t like the idea of going and and getting somebody in free agent I like guys like

Kelly UB um you know guys like that but that’s obviously not a big chunk of your of your free agency money like Zack of I’m all for going to get a trade and I think Zack ofen is a is a good kind of really really by low candidate right now

And if that’s the case yeah but if I’m giving up a first if I’m giving up um if I’m giving up Sasser if I’m giving up any of the anything that I actually like in that trade then no I’m not and I’m sorry Chicago you could keep them and

You know best best of luck going forward like I really don’t think if Zack oine gets trade at the deadline it’s going to be for anything that you’re like wow that’s actually pretty nice like he’s not going to get he’s not going to get a good return he’s going to end up being

Dumped and so if the pisses have to the pisses get him for just you know Joe Harris like the expiring and you know and make it happen sure like that that’s where I’m at with with Zack ofine um I don’t know if you want to get into like

Other trade guys but as far as those three Zack I’m interested but it’d have to be for a really really low price yeah I think what Chicago reportedly asked for was boon and one of our younger guys so whether that’s Kate Cunningham Jade Navy sir Thompson jayen dur that would be to me

Like off limits um from my understanding and talking to you know be reporters in the city the Pistons would only be interested in what exactly what you said uh maybe they give them James wisman maybe they throw in like a Joe Harrison there like if the Bulls strictly want to

Do a salary dump the Pistons are willing to entertain that offer and now obviously he he signed a huge 5year $250 million contract I think everyone knows that they understands that um but at the end of the day he’s an All-Star he’s a 255 and5 guy he could fill it up he’d

Probably average 30 if he was playing for the Pistons um I think fitwise and just basketball-wise it would make so much sense to parade Cunningham next to a guy that can create his own shot get to the basket I think it would take a

Lot lot of stress off of him but at the end of the day you do have to come back to the contract and you have to ask yourself are we gonna give Kate Cunningham that Max rookie contract extension that Tyrese helbert just got when we’re gonna be paying Zack LaVine

Up to 40 close to $50 million when his contract is ending I just don’t think the organization right now is ready to make a big splash move like that um in terms of the other guys I just for Deon Murray like yeah I just don’t know it’s just like

Why not just develop Jaden Ivy because he could possibly turn into a Deon Murray type player yeah like they’re obviously Deon Murray is a way better Defender like right up the bat I’ll be the first to tell you Jaden iy’s I know these Ivy blocks man they must be a real

Thing like they’re starting to be a real thing where enough of them are happening like okay damn I all right no I’m joking but I have been impressed with his energy effort recently on defensive side of the ball I think he’s think he definitely has the physical tools to be

All right but yeah not dejonte or what he was at the beginning of his career like dude was a one of the best defenders in the NBA yeah not not like San Antonio de Jon Murray I mean that that was like the one thing com out of

College is he was a good Defender and then he devel my God bro how do you bring the ball up literally like that that that’d be nasty um for Miles Bridges I know there’s been interest from the Pistons standpoint before the domestic violence like right they planned on signing him

This Summer before that happened like they were willing to throw him an offer sheet yeah apparently he has a lot of fans in the Pistons um front office there’s some Michigan State Alum that really like him but I I think someone said itout out what’s that yeah shout

Out um I I think the biggest thing with Miles Bridges and why I don’t think the Pistons would trade for him or even sign him even though he’s going to be a free agent um is the off the court stuff and what they’re dealing with Rob Murphy

Right now it would be an absolute prer nightmare in my opinion right it like I I’ve told people basketball sense I said that’s the type of wing you need you need an athletic Wing to run up down the court defend a little bit spread the

Floor get to the basket like he makes so much sense basketball wise absolutely but I I think know the off the court stuff unless Troy pulls what he did with Josh Jackson when he was here in Detroit and like you’re G to be living across the

Street for me so I can keep an eye on you I just don’t see it working I I really don’t I agree I I I agree yeah the M the miles Bridges thing like you said the theory of like who he is as a player not

As a person like removing that part yeah it fits it it it fits very well um I just think like you said with all that’s going on in the organization uh plus you you know I I’m a firm believer in giving people chances and you know and I’m all for that I just

Think that I I I just you know I do worry I believe I I want him to get a chance but I don’t necessarily want it to be with the Pistons like I I want as a human I want him to get a chance to to

Become a better man and and do right do right by everybody but I don’t I don’t have that interest because I do start worry that you know with the with the multiple reports of incidents like maybe he’s maybe this is a a part of him and you know getting into sports psychology

Too you know like oh why is it so common in the NFL it’s such a violent sport like you have you almost have to be wired such an aggressive ultraviolent way just to be able to even make it in that sport because it’s so Cutthroat not justifying the actions by any means but

You know but kind of R rationally explaining why why why it is what it is and you know maybe that’s maybe that is the case for a a guy like miles Bridges unfortunately and so I root for him to get a second chance I just wouldn’t want

It here because like you said everything that Pistons have dealing have been dealing with on top of the fact that you know I am a little worried that he’s not that he’s not that that he’s that he’s not going to redeem himself and I know nothing about him never met the guy

Never talked to him I went to Michigan State the same year he did um but I never got to meet him never got to you know have any type of conversation with him so I have no clue what type of man he is I and I’m not trying to speak

On his character I’m just from the outside making my assumption which can be totally wrong and doesn’t and shouldn’t hold any weight to anybody yeah I have friends that went to Michigan State as well just like you uh do do know him as a person um and they

Said like that that honestly surprised me when I saw the news like I I didn’t think he was that type of guy and like even his accuser recently um it was an NBA Central post and she has said that the media is blowing what happened way

Out of proportion so I’m not going to pretend like I know what happened I just saw the TMZ video um and the context from that from the outside looking in looks ugly uh but basketball sense I think hell of a player I I see what him and Lamela ball are doing in Charlotte

Um even though the Hornets are like really bad right now for whatever reason maybe it’s Steve Clifford maybe he’s just a bad coach I don’t know but they have some dogs on that team like Brandon Miller seems like every time I watch the kids dropping 30 yeah um so I mean I it

Wouldn’t surprise me if they do sign him and possibly just keep a really tight leash on him like they did Josh Jackson when he was here because when we signed Josh Jackson I mean there was a lot of people like raising their eyebrows like are you serious right now really signing

Josh Jackson um and you know the Pistons always say like you can go in our locker room and you’ll never find a problem you know Troy has always said that like uh guys in our you know locker room are just true professionals and we’ve never really seen anything crazy off the court

In his tenure so you know maybe the organization can you know keep an eye on him and just possibly give him a second chance you never really know yeah I yeah like I said as a human being I root for him to get in a chance

I I really do I believe that there’s very few things on this Earth that that don’t deserve the second chance and so I I I root for him to I root for him to be you know a better person you know especially when you have that kind of

Money that can impact a lot of people’s lives you know very very positively you know you’re talking about uh you know you’re talking like we talk about in in my rap podcast you know like when a rapper gets murdered it’s not just it’s not just like that rapper’s life is lost

It’s now all the people that were relying on that person like you know same with these athletes they’re millionaires like think of all the people they’re providing for their family their friends like they’re there’s so much so you know I hope for them to get it right just for themselves

But also for their environment you know they’re all the all the people that they’re around so yeah I I just don’t you know I’m not I’m not totally against it um but I would I would say personally I would stay away because right now I

Just I just don’t have a I just don’t have a feel but if I’m Troy Weaver and I get to talk to him and I get to evaluate him as a person and you know I think I think then okay then then I then I feel more comfortable making the decision one

Way or the other yeah I was never opposed to it it’s just I didn’t want to say anything off the like speak on his name because I think it’s just irresponsible to do trying to you know come on here and say like oh we shouldn’t sign him because you know all

The court stuff um but I do want to get to the next topic and has to do with the Detroit Pistons veterans um two vets that we talked about earlier Alec Burks and boam bogdanovich so my question to you is do you think it would make sense

For the Pistons to keep vets like boam bogdanovich and Alec Burks or with the trading deadline you know fastly approaching are you seeing what you can get for Alec Burks that’s going to be a free agent this summer you gonna try to see what you can get for boam

Bogdanovich because it seems like every veteran Team every Championship level team they really want to get a boon on their roster yeah I I think I I think you definitely you definitely shop their you shop their values I I think that they are good pieces to have in this locker

Room both on the court and off the court but ultimately I I’m shopping these because I just have to acknowledge to state that the pisses are in and you do have multiple veterans not just them those are are probably the two best contributing veterans on the team but

You do have guys now like ginari in the locker room like mcow who’s you know we’re laughing at but like has bounced around has some NBA experience like for me I understand the pisses are approaching this deadline and that’s what makes me nervous as a team that’s

Trying to avoid infamy a team that’s trying to avoid you know being on the wrong side of history and have the worst record and I and that scares me because I’ve seen that I’ve seen you know my Pistons make you know the the Panic move before and I don’t necessarily think

That a panic move is coming but a slight Panic move I I’m just I’m cautious of those so like where I look at boan and Burks is like you know typically what a team would do in this case with the pisses is you know you sell them off for

A pick that you can you know you can dangle you can entice your fans is like oh this future first and realistically it’s probably like the 27th pick but you can like it’s going to be a lottery pick or whatever you have to do to your fan

Base to appease them or these seconds and we can these seconds are like late are like late first basically like you know you can Jazz it up however you want but I think if I’m the pisses I’m kind of threading the needle because Boon to

Me well I like having him because of the contribution uh clearly he’s made this team better since he’s come back but I think you could find a guy who’s younger like 34 is just such a difference like if he’s 30 I’m like okay like keep that

Man but 34 is 34 is is literally you know 10 12 13 years older than some of these guys like like it it just it doesn’t really make too much sense to to keep a guy at that point long term so what you could do is I I don’t know

About I don’t know if you’ve thought like this but if I got boan I’m I’m making two calls one I’m making a call to the Knick and seeing okay for forier and Grimes or you could give us back the rights to our picks like you could just free up those protections and

That way New York is essentially not even giving up really anything they’re just Rel relinquishing a protection and that allows the Pistons more flexibility to make trades for for picks if they want to go in for a star in the summer with all this cap space that they have

Or you know or getting a guy like Quinton Grimes who I think is a young good player that’s kind of fell out of rotation and I think has has real value uh to a team like Detroit or the second call I making is the New Orleans

Pelicans because that is a team that is loaded with a bunch of players that I really like like Naji maral like how many times I gota watch this guy go from out of the rotation to scoring 20 points like herb Jones is a guy that they consistently ranked over Kade Cunningham

In top 100 list in the NBA ridiculously like and I like her he’s a good player but obviously he’s not K cyam like but those kind of players like the New Orleans they have just one too many good players like they can definitely package two players or get a better player and

You can kind of thread the needle you you’re getting a younger guy who kind of fits more so your timeline but also can kind of step in and contribute right away and you don’t have to necessarily like go the route of just getting picks and then selling fan base on on picks

Per se uh Burks you know it’s probably a couple second rounders so I think Burks I’d way I’d be way more inclined to keep just because I think second rounders are cool like Troy shown hey package a couple second rounders get back into the first get a guy like Sasser like I like

That kind of move but um I I I I’m not totally against I’m not totally against keeping Burks because I think he is a contributing player on this team I understand this team wants to avoid having the worst record in NBA history but if I’m if I’m boan to me just he’s a

Little too old um I think he’s a damn good player I think he’s I think he’s helped this team a lot so I I think you make some calls on on him but Burks I I definitely don’t mind keeping because I do I do believe in the value of of a vet

In the locker room where are you at with I I I think with Burks and I heard something the other day and I was just like it it almost kind of made me sick to my stomach and like I like Alec Burks as a player I do um but there are times

It looks like he thinks he’s Kobe Bryant out there like he doesn’t pass the ball at all he just shoot sit like there be possessions where he just does not pass the ball and obviously I get he’s a bat he’s going to be a UFA I heard they want to bring him back

And I’m like there’s no way this guy is coming back for 10 million and you have you know a projection anywhere from you know 50 to $60 million in cap space I could only imagine what a price tag for him could be probably 15 20 million to

Bring him back like straight up like I I could see the Pistons doing that like you know spending a majority of their cap space to bring back a vet that has had his moments here but hasn’t really contributed to winning he’s not a vet that has actually uh helped this regime

In the win total uh for me I would I would try to sell off on Burks and I I know Houston offered multiple seconds uh for Alec Burks when the Kevin Porter Jr stuff happened Detroit didn’t want anything to do with that they they rejected the trade um don’t really know

What they’re looking for but I can guarantee there’s be contending teams out there that could give you something if you’re looking for picks they’ll probably give you picks you’re looking for maybe a guy at the end of their bench that they don’t really use a lot

Maybe they could do it that way he’s on a cheap deal like $10 million you can get a quality player for $10 million in my opinion yeah I agree as for boan I I think I I struggle with this it’s because I talk to reporters

And they say well the Pistons want to be good next year and they want to keep boan I’m like okay 34 like I don’t I don’t know uh how many more years this guy has left in the tank I would assume maybe like another year or two

Especially the way the Pistons use them like boan should not be getting 15 to 20 shots a game on a rebuilding Pistons team he just shouldn’t um he shouldn’t be your second leading scorer behind Kat Cunningham um I think if I’m Detroit I’m looking to try to get

Maximum value for ban um whether that’s doing a deal with the Mavericks because they’re always interested to your point with the Knicks thing we have mentioned that at nauseum getting our pick back uh maybe taking on forier reuniting you know Quinton Grimes and Marcus Sasser having two Houston uh cougars on the

Detroit Pistons I mean um I think there’s so many opportunities to get creative with trade packages for Boon but the Pistons just seem so unserious in terms of trying to trade him their asking price for him I think is actually ridiculous they want a first round pick

And a good player for a 34 year old that for all intents and purposes should be coming off a bench for a contending championship team uh but you know you’re you’re one of the worst teams in basketball and he’s a second option getting 15 to 20 shots a game yeah um I

I think if you were to trade both of these guy I mean Marcus Sasser is gonna get so much playing time if you trade Alec Burks and I think if you trade boan who knows what you get back but that would open more minutes for Sr Thompson seems like he can’t even get

Off the bench nowadays he was playing like high 30s to start start the season frustrates me um my my biggest thing with this organization right now is they’re so hard on the rookies and they critique every little thing they do but the veterans get a pass the veterans

Don’t get talked to the veterans don’t uh get held accountable like Jaden iy does um I think that’s my biggest issue with this whole coaching staff and I know I’m kind of going a little bit off topic um but I know they’re they fans that want to bring back Burks just

Telling you he’s not gonna sign for 10 million hell no he’s like I think he’s 31 or 32 as well he’s probably gonna want at least 15 to 20 uh Ban’s 34 like I I don’t I don’t know what the Pistons are trying to do like they want to have

Like a three four combo of like a Tobias Harris and a boon bogdanovich is your power forward and your small forward I don’t know maybe that get you 25 wins like I I I don’t know what the end goal is for this team personally that doesn’t

Get that does I’ll tell you what that doesn’t get you is a lot of defensive stops that doesn’t get you a lot of a lot of defensive stops it helps your offense it helps your offense for sure but you know as as we’re as we’re seeing

With some of these teams you know like Indiana I think is the most extremest of the extreme results of of like oh you can only go so far being so good on one end and abysmal on the other so I don’t think that’s necessarily smart for the

Pissen to but yeah I just think I just think yeah instead of trading both Burks okay if you get a bunch of SEC rers like I said I’m cool with that I’m also cool with keeping them and riding it out because I I definitely don’t want the

Pisses to have the worst record in NBA history but I don’t think at the end of the day I don’t think keeping him or trading him is the is the most defining move uh but boan I think you have to get it right I think you have to like you

Said instead of instead of picks just look at Players unless we get our own picks back I do think there’s real real value in that because then you can like we said go into the summer with all your picks and obviously those picks are very enticing because the pisses are the

Pistons and if you want to mortgage the future for a star you can do that under the assumption that you have a young core like Cleveland did for Donovan Mitchell like you can you could do that kind of move and you know and we’re seeing you know it looked Rocky a couple

Months ago a couple months ago looked like oh why did Cleveland do that and now it’s like okay you know it’s they got to figure some things out but this isn’t the worst scenario to be in so you know I I think that route or just like

You said getting good players that can benefit the team right now that just that just quite frankly more fit the timeline like I I I just I again the 34 thing kills me if he’s 30 I get it if he’s 28 29 like like keep him for sure

But you know he has tons of miles left and you know 28 you know 28’s a lot different than 2221 like how I think how I think at 28 versus how how I thought at 21 way way different you know so it’s like so it’s like you don’t have to have

Like a 36 year old to be like you know to be the the guy that relates to these guys like you know the the you can be a 28-year old and you can and you can teach these guys young things you can you can you can do those kinds of things

So yeah I I think Boon’s the one that got to trade I’m with you though I don’t think they will I think they’re I think they’re gonna be very very very um hellbent on keeping them but uh I I ultimately I I would love for them to

Trade Boon and that’s no disrespect to what Bon’s been this year like I said he’s been like I said second lead score he’s been obviously important to a team that hasn’t won a lot of games but at some point you have to do long-term pitch you have to do a long-term uh play

Here and Boon is not your longterm play for sure for sure I I think we basically hit every nail on the head with this topic um people that are coming in into this live stream uh the Pistons that lose to the Cavs uh I guess a lot of

People are saying uh rotations down the stretch big surpris weren’t the best they lose 128 121 I I don’t know man like was it was 116 113 geez yeah yeah they they blew it um thought of a Mitchell had a 40 piece I swear if I’m a piston fan I have to

Watch Donovan Mitchell and Tyrese H Burton in my damn division four times a year I bet you Pistons fans are just sick to their stomach because those are two guys that they wanted to draft oh yeah no no doubt no doubt about it like the Donovan Mitchell one hurts more like

The one okay cool like I get it you you definitely missed but the the Donovan one it just hurts because it’s like this guy nailed the workout like he did everything he was supposed to do to be in Detroit and he just he just wasn’t he just wasn’t drafted and you

Know oh man it’s it’s it’s crazy um one of the topics I want to talk about uh I don’t know if you pay too much attention to like you know Allstar Weekend and stuff like that I love it the Pistons have two representatives for the rising stars game as you guys know

You have Jade iy and jayen Duren you know returning to the rising stars game they were rookies last year playing it uh they’re going to be sophomores this year playing in the game but my thing is two rookies that the Pistons had drafted this year they didn’t get invited SAR Thompson didn’t getting

Invited or Marcus Sasser so my my question to you is do you feel like they snubbed from The Rising Stars game in all theoretical checks and balances if everybody is watching the entire Pistons season yes they got snubbed if you’re just on the outside like everybody else that’s not in our

Bubble and is watching the league and the pisses are the Pistons and so you’ve caught maybe at this point like two and a half games to this point like then then know makes sense but like when you watch that first month how on Earth do you not like think the world of assar

Thompson how on Earth do you not think wow Marcus Sasser was a real gem like the these guys have had very good games I think they’re very promising I think you can make the argument that they are more talented than some of the players in this rising star game however when

You look at the full body of work you know it makes sense like aar’s averaging what like eight points and five rebounds or six points and five rebounds something like that like like he’s his stats are not otherworldly but again like we spoke about it’s because the coach just gave

Up on like they just just P the plug on him and so it’s like so it’s frustrating because it’s like yeah he’s not performing well now but it’s like I don’t think it’s his fault he’s not performing well you know so I I I just like from a logical standpoint they

Didn’t get snuffed but I think when you watch these guys yes they they have they have shown the talent to be able to be in this game for sure but I also get it I also get it too like you’re going to give the Pistons the worst team in the

NBA four spots in a game like come on like you know like I get that the whole team is young but it’s like but it’s like Dam like like it’s a reverse conversation of the allstars right like do the Lakers deserve two Allstars do the pisses deserve four Rising Stars I

Don’t necessarily think there’s I think you can make an argument that they don’t and if so then they took the right too for sure but uh but but yeah no I think that they’re they’re good players and um I think that they’re players that that you should feel comfortable with being a

Part of your future but you have to just you have to just work out that rotation stuff I I don’t think I don’t think them not being in the in the rising stars game is is any type of detriment to them I I don’t look at it like that yeah I

Was kind of surprised neither of the Thompson Twins got invited because I thought just marketing wise that makes so much sense true um for people that didn’t get to see the list I’m about to put it on the screen so you guys can see it so this was the rising stars list uh

You guys could see the sophomores Apollo mag Caro from the magic Dyson Daniels from the Pelicans Duran Ivy from the Pistons obviously Walker Kessler um from the Jazz Benedict Maan from the Pacers Keegan Murray from the Kings Jaden sharp Jabari smith and jayen williams uh that sophomore team isn’t losing I’m I’m

Sorry um yeah that Rim protection and defense is actually absurd uh for the rookies uh they got kabali from the from the Washington Wizards which he’s a nice player I’ve watched him but I was kind of surprised he actually got the ND yeah he’s solid but like you can make the

Argument for assar like yeah uh ke George is actually my guy um a lot of people probably that watched me last year I was actually calling for the Pistons to draft another guard like a ke George because when I watch him I see so much Jamal Murray he’s got so much Jamal

Murray in his game it’s actually like insane if you do have actually watch him um Jordan Hawkins I have no problem with he’s just been a flamethrower for the Pelicans this year as a guy actually wanted the Pistons to trade up and get but they didn’t do it

Yeah uh scoot Henderson who’s struggled and I get he he’s he’s you know what a top three pick in the last year’s draft I get it yeah you knew he was going to get there but you could you could make like a kind of pseudo argument like

Sasser versus scoot like if you wanted to just off of like you know like hey let’s show this game let’s show that game like go side by side game for Game I you could but obviously like you said he’s the third pick like there’s real investment in him Chad obviously Chad

Needs to be uh in that game it’ll be interesting to see uh Jaylen Duran and Walker Kessler against ched hram see if he gets bullied uh Hami haky Jr no arguments from me he’s been probably a top five rookie arguably this year um I don’t know how the Miami Heat do it

Every year they just they find guys at Value and he’s been amazing uh Derek Lively no arguments for me either um yeah incredible yeah the the Mavs finally got a center that you know Luca could roll with Brandon Miller obviously uh the Golden State one that’s where I’m like I he’s

Had an okay season but it’s like you could have put a mean Thompson in there like yeah I I just don’t understand how you don’t put a Thompson twin in there you could have might even put cam Whitmore in there because cam Whitmore I

Know he was in the G League to start the season but man he’s had such um like a bounceback and like saw rocket slitter freaking out today because apparently uh the Rockets are willing to move on from Jaylen green and they want another star so Rockets Twitter was freaking out

Today yeah which I don’t know if the pisses are the place to do it but like that’s a that’s like that’s a guy that I like to I like to I like to buy law on those type of prospects and it’s funny when I came into that draft I said I

Said you know what would be awesome is if somehow the Pistons had one and two in this track and we’re able to take Kate and Jaylen because I I think like jaylen’s athleticness Plus scoring and shot making versus kad’s like will ability to score but also to um you know

Being a playmaker like I thought that that was a a cool little pairing now now watching enough NBA I don’t think that’s qu I don’t think quite as fond of that pairing but I uh I think that could be inefficient Chuck City but but um but I

Do think you know I I I think that I think that if I’m if I’m a lot of teams around this league if I’m Charlotte like I’m I’m blowing them up to like you know get a shot at a guy like jayen Jaylen green like I’m I’m a lot of teams I’m

San Antonio hell like like I’m looking at those type I’m looking at those type of guys and I’m leveraging the fact of oh you’re gonna sign him to an extension you don’t even like this guy he’s like your sixth favorite prospect on this team like think about all the prospects

That are probably ahead of him sangon Amin cam tar like these are all guys uh Jabari that’s five I named five prospects that you like more than that guy like at some point you just have too many prospects yeah I mean it especially with Houston’s case uh they went out and

Spending like yeah people are clowning them for no giving van vet and Dylan Brooks all that money but you can’t argue with the results they’re you know flirting with the playoffs and they want to make a big move they want to make a big splash like they want to go deep in

A playoff run and I think the core they have having sangon who I remember doing pre-draft stuff uh people laughed at me when I called him baby yic but I look really smart right now I mean he plays he plays a similar type of style but the

Monta sabonis and yic just th those European guys are so good out of the low post like I don’t know what it is it’s just they’re just so redefined but um enough about the Rockets Rockets fans hate me anyways yeah natural naturally naturally yeah as a piston fan you

Always get hated on by Rockets fans even when I compliment him yeah me me Kings fans and Rockets fans we just don’t get along but uh Kings fans is a whole other thing because I’m Marin baggley but shout out to B yeah so the the last topic I

Have um for this podcast is what goals should the Pistons have for the rest of the season obviously we know we’re not making the playoffs yeah um probably gonna have another top five pick who knows if we keep it but what goals do you want to see for the Pistons for the

Remainer of this season I think what I circled back to earlier what broke my basketball brain at the very beginning of the show when we were talking about it is just fit and I think you need to really really look in the mirror of all these players really deeply evaluate each of these

Players and their intricacies all their Tendencies and say okay who can we build with who can’t we build with like I I I think this team clearly needs to get better I don’t think that this team getting a a a pro another Prospect is good I think you’re then putting

Yourself in a Houston type scenario which like like could work out you know if if Kate is sangon like you know th those it can kind of work out but like you said with Jaylen green like I think part of what makes Jaylen green not look like Jaylen green is because of

Everything that’s everything that’s around him right now so you know like I think he’s a prospect that like has more value than what he’s being betrayed as right now so I I think the pisses are going to quickly approach that if they bring in another guy I think you’re

Already starting to see that kind of overlap happen with ivy with assar with you know like like I said I love all four of those players I don’t think that all four of them can fit together as your four best players on a championship team could two of those guys be like key

Bench players absolutely but where you draft them you made the investment in them to be you know the guys so I I think that um I I I I just think that you really need to evaluate okay can we build a team around these four guys can

We build team around three of these guys which of these three guys is the best combination or is it just Cade and durren and you know I I don’t necessarily again it’s way too young to give up on AAR I think especially because he is a rookie and he and he

Showed so much Flash and I I love AAR because I just think he’s so additive like I think you put him in Christian Brown Browns role last year on Denver like you give him that type of Team around him like imagine him just being a better version of Christian Brown and

Look how impactful he was in the finals like he could definitely be that like he’s a better Defender than than than Christian Brown he Brown he’s more athletic than Christian Brown like like that kind of guy like you put him in that role when you have the the talent

Around it you just tell him hey just play good defense be additive like he’s a guard that can get 10 plus rebounds he’s a guard that at the beginning of the season the only person who had better Rim protection numbers than him in the NBA was Chris pringus who’s 73 like that’s ridiculous

How good AAR is so it’s too early to give up on him but I I do think you need to like really look at okay who are the players that fit who are the players that don’t and then from there like sa SASS and Stu I’m not worried about

Because I think those guys I think nobody in the organizations is look at them as anything higher than like good bench pieces and I think that’s that’s exemplified by Stu’s contract and um and so Sasser like you said the Terry Rosier comp like I love that comp for him I

Think that’s that’s the comp I’ve been using like I think he’s definitely a player that can be you know a a very good bench player to a to a quality starter if the right pieces are around him um so I don’t think th those guys really fit or those guys factor into the

Equation but you do have to look at getting better you have to get a lot better because of how terrible you are and yes you have salary cap space But as we saw there’s not many free agents so you’re probably gonna have to go the

Trade route so to do the trade route if your tra if your picks are tied up in New York and you’re Adam in on keeping Boon your only core your only path to getting better is breaking it up and so you have to really really evaluate how

Much you like each of these guys how much you believe in their fits and Troy said that on the W pot you know he said we’re evaluating the season for for fit we’re we’re evaluating the season to see what what we got here and I think that’s the most important thing I think

Coaching staff I think the front office I think everybody has to get on the same damn page because should be told it’s been it’s been way too long since they’ve all been on the same page page like I said I liked it when we got Monty

I thought hey we got an owner that’s willing to just do what do what it takes to win I love that well there’s no s cap for coaches why do I care what he gave them but maybe in hindsight that wasn’t the best move they all got to get on the

Same page both organizationally I think that’s the first and foremost because if you want my real path that I talked about earlier step one starts with firing AR and tellum today because since AR tellum stepped in the building the pisses have the worst record of all 30

Teams in the NBA since arum stepped in the building you’ve been through multiple regimes he’s the only common link so if he’s the only common link between multiple regimes besides Tom Gore is the owner obviously then get him out of here like that like that’s it and and I don’t like

Calling for people’s jobs so like I say this one jokingly but like maybe you cut Steph s because at the like like the dude has been on three teams that have lost 20 plus games at the very least he’s bad luck I’m joking I’m kind of

Joking but like no get rid of AR in tell today and go forward with with the offseason figure out what these guys can do on the court together figure out who to Target be on the same page look at this roster and figure it out and if you

Give Monty that kind of contract obviously he has a say and who’s going to be on the roster who isn’t going to be on the roster who’s going to be drafted who’s not going to be drafted he has real SA in the in the organization when you give somebody that kind of

Financial commitment so him Troy have to get on the same page and figure out what is the best roster to build this team to build this team going forward that’s it yeah um I I think you hit so many no in the head um especially with tellum um but what really sucks

About tum which I don’t know if a lot of people know this is actually owns like part of the Pistons um AR tellum is an investor in time gor’s company in Plum equity and he’s also a partial owner of the Detroit Pistons he owns part of the Pistons um

So it’s just like I don’t mind AR tellum being there because I know for a fact that he’s actually landed the Pistons um interviews with players like a few years ago when Stan Van Gundy was at the helm as the head coach and head of basketball operations AR tellum got the Pistons a

One-on-one with El Horford because of his if people don’t know who arel is he was probably one of the most popular sports agents across all four more major sports um I think with his connections as a sports agent um that’s where I was okay with I’m not okay with him making business decisions

Basketball decisions I’m okay with the one thing I want to say to you though too is like is like quickly on that point of like he was the Sports Illustrated most important uh uh sports agent in 2004 and 2005 that is 20 plus years that is 20 to

To 19 years ago like that is two decades ago a lot has changed if you look at back then he had the num he had the most clients in the NBA right now his firm that he pass on to his son um who represents denino galinari so I think

That was probably some type of motivation in getting denil galinari that is something that like they’re now like a they’re now like still a top 10 but you know who runs the NBA Now Rich Paul so like exactly so it’s like it’s like when you get into this like okay

Yeah I believe that you know he’s a he’s a guy that no doubt has connect still but those connections are not what they what they once were those phone calls are not as strong you know it the you you you know it just as well as I do

That you know your influence only lasts for so long and then you kind of become you know you get some courtesy calls here and there and you know and all of that but eventually you go from being the guy to make anything happen like how how rich Paul got Anthony D just forced

Anthony Davis’s way to to the Lakers you think think you think uh Aron T can do that right now he can’t no not for anybody not for anybody important and and so you you look at this team and and you’re just like or you look at that

Value that he brings and it’s like I just think it’s well it’s not nothing I think it’s very minuscule and that’s way and and and I think he’s got way too much weight for bringing in that little value in my opinion and again I’m just looking off

Consistency I’m looking off the fact of that the fact that since he has stepped in office this is the worst franchise in the NBA and so you are the only common threat you cannot blame this on Stan Van Gundy you cannot blame this on Jeff bow you cannot blame this on Dwayne Casey

You cannot blame this on Monty you cannot blame this on Troy none of them have been perfect but you are the only consistent one if you look up town Pistons right now there are pictures on the internet of him with Tobias Harris and if that doesn’t make you lose your

Damn mind as a piston fan I don’t know what does like the dude has been there since Tobias Harris has been on the Pistons like that’s crazy that you can’t that you can look at everybody else as the problem you’re the only Common Thread left so at some point we got to

Just be like look if you want to just get reap the financial benefits of being involved in the Pistons like an NBA organization is obviously very lucrative even when you’re unsuccessful like the Pistons fine you know but strip him of his basketball decision- making ability because at the end of the day he’s

Really not he’s really not bringing in he’s really not bringing in much value and again if you if you if you want to just lurk in the shadows and make a call here make a call there to get a meeting cool whatever if you got that kind of

Power still short but in reality I do not want you picking draft I do not want you picking draft picks I do not want you getting on a phone call and saying I decided that this summer there wasn’t anybody worth getting I don’t want that yeah I don’t want that because who’s

Worth getting this summer and they said that and he said that in in that in that uh video that you posted which I which I saw and I and I loved um like he’s like he’s like yeah you know like if there’s nobody we just roll it over and that’s

What we did this summer and if if that’s the case next summer that’s the case next summer like he’s just totally fine with so you’re just totally fine with being this bad like come on man like at some point you gotta you gotta just like make decisions

Again I don’t like calling for people’s shots but it’s like it’s like I’m not a smart guy but I know that if there’s one common thread in all of this then there’s got to be that that’s that’s got to be where the change has to

Come I I I I think you do make a lot of good valid points with uh not only AR tellum But Eric tellum as well yes um I nothing against Eric tellum um I I think that you know he’s trying to be an NBA agent like his father um I think Aon

Likes to mention that he represented Kobe um anyone that does talk to him which I I think being Kobe Bryant’s agent will forever be an accomplishment because there’s only one person to represent him throughout his whole career like he’s always gonna have that um but at the end of the day it starts

With the head of the snake and the head of the snake is gores head of the snake is arum they can say that it’s just Troy Weaver and I making decisions but I think me and you both know that’s pure [ __ ] yep we we both know that at the

End of the day it’s a group text full of at least three to four people trying to make business decisions how to run this team um and I know we got way off topic with like goals for the rest of the season I know some people had said win

More than 10 games uh don’t tie that BP cat record um you don’t that goes into it right like that that goes into it because again the fit like that’s where that’s where this whole rant started so I apologize but the rant started from evaluating the fit on the court but as

We’ve seen there clearly needs to be an evaluation of fit in the front office as well yeah 100 per. I just don’t think it’ll it’s G to change I don’t think so either unfortunately frustrational eyes I think from a basketball perspective um the only goal I really have for this

Season um is development um I want to see Jaden Ivy not stand at the corner um don’t know if that’s going to change uh seems like a coaching issue um one goal I do have for Monty Williams and I don’t know if I don’t know why he does this

But throwing young guys under the bus or giving backhanded compliments I think it’s just such weird Behavior because you’re a coach that these young young guys are trying to uh learn from you’re a coach that a lot of these players you know look up to and like he gave a backhanded compliment

Today about you know Jaylen dur and Jay Dy making the rising stars game like he can’t be I don’t know if it’s just like the job’s getting to him I mean his record’s getting tarnished he had an above 500 record before he took the job now it’s you know Sy at the

48% um maybe his mind just not into basketball right now because he has a l giv all the family stuff which you know again I totally I totally understand yeah same here like you have to you have to also accept you took you accepted a responsibility you know yeah it’s I

Don’t know every time I see a quote from a reporter of you know him like throwing someone under the bus I just it doesn’t sit right with me as a fan like I I I’ve told people that watch this podcast I was all for him in the summer like being

Hired because because it was like you know that name coach of the year I was hyped but like the more I think about it I’m like hey man like who’s to say that jiren Collins from Golden State or Charles Lee or Kevin Oly uh would have been a better

Leader um in terms of trying to grow with these kids every day like obviously not winning 40 50 games like I don’t I don’t think that was really a realistic goal but I think he just seemed seems so outdated in the sense of we don’t even play0 five offense yeah

Like there is no system when I watch it’s just a bunch of isolations and maybe a dribble hand off or a pick and roll um I don’t know if that’s by Design I don’t know if it’s players not buying in because it seemed even last season more players bought into Dwayne Casey

Right and ammani Williams they’re willing to play harder for Dwayne Casey uh than they were for mon Williams like even before we won the lottery it seemed like when you watch the Pistons game they might not win a whole lot of games but they were competitive and they were

In each and every game under KC I think a lot of players when he got let go it really didn’t sit well with them especially like the guys that were drafted and worked under him like Killian Hayes and Isaiah Stewart uh sadique bay that was here last year but

It’s no longer here like there were a lot of players that really loved coach Casey and they were really upset by the decision of him getting fired um I I just think like you’re you know you’re six and 41 almost 50 games in like this time last year we had at least

10 wins um it just seems like the players in a sense I don’t know if they’re not bought in I don’t know if the message isn’t getting across or the players just don’t give a [ __ ] well that was the one thing mcalla said when he

Came or was it uh or was it ginari one of the two had like uh I had a quote when they when they came here and they’re like you know what’s your early impressions of Detroit and they’re like well first thing is like just how hard

They play so it seems like like CU I’m with you I’ve always been like oh okay you know it’s got to be like an effort thing not that that’s the players’s fault but that the players aren’t bought into Monty but it seems like from all accounts like Jason Tatum said it like a

Lot of players have said hey this team plays hard and they’re more talented so if they play hard and they’re more talented than their wins reflect then the only other thing that comes to mind is coaching and like execution and style that goes like you said no one doing the0 five

Offense so I I think that there’s real There’s real value in that and that’s what’s tricky that’s what’s so dicey about this team going forward is now it’s like well you’re pretty damn committed to Monty and is Monty bringing a system that not only doesn’t fit Cade Cunningham but like also just doesn’t

Fit today’s NBA and then if that’s a problem then what Ro you’re building around a flawed system because if you’re trying to get players to fit that system but that system just won’t work in today’s NBA then that’s an issue or you know like it’s that’s why there’s so many there’s

So many layers and that’s what’s scary about this about this piston team is that they they have talent and I think you like a lot of the prospects and I think you like um and you like the the idea of Coach Monty Williams in a vacuum but all these things together just don’t

Add up and the scary part is that it seems very hard to line all of these things up right to get this back on track like it seems like it’s just it’s G to be you you know you you fix this you fix this hole but there’s a leak

Over there and it’s just going to kind of keep being that because there’s just so many things it’s not one thing that’s sinking the ship yeah my my fear is even if they do bringing veterans I got a feeling it’s still not going to work um it’s just from a a coaching

Perspective even under Van Gundy like Van Gundy for what it’s worth was not a perfect coach but he won with less Talent his first year he won 32 games and you could look at that starting five like Josh Smith was a part of the the

Season and they they went five and 23 to start the season they won 32 games their first year um I just think it’s a coach in thing and I know a lot of people have brought it up they’re like if you look at Monty Williams track record mineus

Chris Paul he’s been a below average coach yeah and you know I had to do some research and the numbers back that up like Chris Paul is kind of like an extension of Monty Williams when he’s out there like we saw it in Phoenix like before Chris Paul got to Phoenix Phoenix

Was in the lottery uh you know Chris Paul gets there they’re a playoff team they’re making the finals all of that um not to say that man’s a bad coach I I I just think a lot of the stuff he runs just takes the Hall of Fame point guard

Yeah it just takes a first batt Hall of Famer that’s one of the like four five greatest point guards ever there you go Pistons that’s your fix this off season if you get a if you get a top five all-time point guard then you will be a

Uh you will be on the right track I I just think like watching his sets they’re just they’re predictable like defenses know what to look for like there’s no like intricacies of like it being like a little bit more complexed in terms of like pick and rolls or dribble

Handoffs or uh back screens or back door Cuts Like This offense doesn’t even move half the time when Kate has the ball they just [ __ ] stand there man like sorry for dropping a f bomb but like they just stand there and just wait for Kade to do something even when Ivy has

The ball in his hands like they just stand there nobody’s cutting nobody’s setting a screen like no one on this team can set a damn screen either I think that’s my biggest problem I was just like there’s not a single big out here that knows how to run a screen like

You can set a pick but they they move instantly and just roll to the basket and you know K’s getting double team or Ivy’s getting trapped and it’s a turnover Adams can they just bring in Stephen I know he’s hurt right now and he’s rehabbing but can he just like for

Two hours a day just show up in the in the practice facility or like not even too hour just just 20 minutes a day like J like the famous quote of James hard is now a great teammate he stays after with his bigs um Can can Stephen Adams just

Like stay here for like 20 minutes after every practice with the bigs and just be like look when you set the screen you don’t avoid the contact you hit them like you hit them like can can that happen man something it’s just so many things man so many things yeah like I I

Was actually like hammering for the Pistons to sign Andre Drummond as a back up yeah I was against that Off principal I’m an anti- drummed guy but uh but you know what I mean hindsight hindsight I should have known that they would bench baggley for wisem men because of course

They of course they would do that of course they would take a a big who is who is flawed but at least somewhat productive and then give it to Wiseman who you know is just yeah he’s he’s Wiseman and I I I despise wisan so much

Much so much dude he’s he is so he is so on my alltime piston hate list like it’s not it’s not even funny how high he is on that list yeah I I feel bad for him because he’s actually I I met him once really good dude um like really good

Like I I want him to do well because he’s such a like nice guy I I think he’s either gonna be playing in the G League next year or overseas which nothing wrong with that but reason why I wanted to get Drummond as a backup is one we don’t

Have a veteran Center for D or Stewart to really you know bounce ideas off of or veteran yeah nland no well like I actually actually had an assistant coach reach out to me about nland a while which is actually really [ __ ] funny yeah what what was it about he was full

Of [ __ ] and he was lying oh about the post about the like organization yeah he was completely like bullshitting um yeah I was gonna say how tapped in would you know the third string Center that you basically just used as like a roster spot how tapped in is he going to be in

All the meetings is he just going to be sitting in on all the meetings like okay like is he gonna have this otherw worldly insight into the front office no I think he’s just salty that he’s not in the league anymore um someone said wisan and hay didn’t play

Tonight and I said that’s progress man that’s progress God yeah that’s a oh my God I don’t have a I don’t have alcohol near me right now but I’ll I’ll do a shot to that when I get off stream that’s F that’s talk about goals to end

The season goals to end the season zero minutes per game for Killian and and wisan I think we’re all right yeah it’s I don’t know if it was on stream or not but when I was talking to James Edwards he had said that uh if Monty wasn’t here Gillian wouldn’t be here yeah

They were GNA they were going to resign Gillian this summer and like the number that the Pistons offered him he was just like no like I want way like way more Piston’s like well we’re good then yo the fact that Kil could have any offer and say and turn it down is that’s

Ins that that might be of all the things I’ve heard that might be the craziest thing I’ve I’ve heard yeah I mean wow gu so we do we do drop gems on here once in a while stuff I do hear uh because I do have a lot of people reaching out to me

Um yeah I know you’re very plug in that’s what makes this podcast so good is like you are somebody that like I said not only knows the game but you are somebody that that is very that is very plugged in like you’re not just getting up here and speaking nonsense you know

You’re you really do have a um a a good pulse on a good pulse on things but wow turning down a contract off that’s crazy that’s crazy where where does he think he’s getting an offer I don’t know I I would assume like if he was dealt maybe San Antonio makes sense I

Could see that makes sense I could see Phoenix just from the standpoint of Phoenix doesn’t have a point guard and they’re so desperate like Phoenix right now is trying to get Monte Morris which yeah uh if that happens I’ll cry uh because I want Monte to resign because

He’s under 30 and like he to me he’s the only vet that I actually mess with because he’s actually up he’s cheering he’s supportive yeah um I mean he did a podcast talking about kad’s leadership and the guy has barely played with him like Monte Morris to me like I would

Give him like a like a three-year deal the Pistons like I would just resign him because he’s just 34 like it’s 30 not 34 so it’s like you got some NBA mileage but you’re also you know you’re also just like not GNA be so far away from

These guys like you know age wise like you know boan boan like how old was boan with Snapchat was invented like you know what I mean like like you’re just like Boya is probably like 22 when Snapchat’s around and he’s just like and he’s just

Like you know not into it at all and these these kids grew up on Snapchat you know like like it’s just it’s a totally different it’s a totally different world and so not to say you can’t relate to people that are you know 12 years younger than you but it’s just like it’s

A lot harder it’s a lot harder to do than you know you know closer age ranges 100% agree but we’re basically out of topics um if there’s anything that you wanted to talk about we can but if not we can wrap it up and you can uh tell

People where they could find you or you know where they can follow you on you know your podcasts I know you do a lot of stuff like outside of woodberg sports yeah like I like I said Thank first and foremost thank you for having me on

Because like I said uh you know you’re you’re a platform that I that I respect a lot I know we are in a business where a lot of people talk and so because of that it it’s a blessing and a curse it’s a blessing because you have all these

Different perspectives but it’s a curse because it’s it’s very hard to find um to find the the best of the best the people that you really that that you really can you know um learn from and enjoy enjoy engaging with and your platform is one of those so I I so I

Really do respect what you do um so so so to for you to have me on is is is cool cuz you know like I said I I know we’re I know we’re people that we we we know each other but like you know it’s

Also it’s also cool to like like be a fan of somebody like you can be a fan of somebody you know and I’m a fan of your work and what you do so so first and foremost thank you for having me on and then as far as my content goes I’m on W

Sports on the Woodward heavyweights every day Live 5 to 7 um and and just talking all Detroit Sports Detroit Pistons when they allow me to because right now you know it’s it’s lions lions lions and I and I get it I get it but um

When they do let me talk Pistons I I definitely talk Pistons um and then you know and then and then like I said I launched a rap cave podcast with a few of my friends uh Audi and Amor so that’s that’s going to be like a whole network

It’s going to be a multiple time a week podcast that diving into every sector of hip-hop reviewing albums speaking with artists speaking with producers um other other media members in in the hipop space and just really any kind of conversation you could ever want to have the fan conversations of what album is

Better um you know or like the or like the I start a new series like the the artists you cap for like just just one artist that you just absolutely love and and you’re just like I don’t care what anybody says you know this is this is my

Guy this is my girl this is this is this is my favorite this is my favorite band like you know that kind of stuff just getting into the the fans side of it but also covering it from a news perspective giving you the latest we just tweeted

Out um the fact that TD announced that they’re going to drop all of their all of their albums this year from every single artist which is unheard of for that label so that’s a big deal uh you know so just staying up to date on everything that’s goinging on but then

Also having the fun fan conversations that we love and then you know and then and then you know just talking basketball talk to sports wherever I can you know whether it’s here on this podcast or on another podcast so foll me on Instagram and Twitter real Chris

Platty it’s the best way to way to do it it’s just my name Chris platty you see in that box there and then just put a real in front of it and you can find me yeah anywhere Instagram Twitter all of that um so again thank you for having me

On man I appreciate everything you do and uh whenever you need me just let me know and I’ll be back oh for sure man for sure I know uh working at Woodward it’s NFL graft season until April so um I do not envy you man I do not miss that

Whatsoever no man I I love it because I genuinely I genuinely came into Woodward being a basketball guy like I came in as an NBA guy and uh only NBA and I I’ll watch other sports because I’m a sports guy like I’ll tolerate other sports but I didn’t have an interest in following

Them now I find myself having an interest in the lions in the Red Wings like it’s it’s it is cool to be around a bunch of people that are into something and passionate about something and it does kind of bring you into those but yeah it sucks that the pisses are are

Having the season they’re having because if they were just any if they were just anywhere near decent right now I’d be able to talk about them a lot more but since then you get like until then I don’t get to talk about them so when you

Invite me on this podcast I I SP out these these ramble these these rants of all this stuff that’s been in my head for weeks I haven’t been able to talk about because because it’s it’s lions lions Ling and you know you know how yeah trust me dude I did two years of

That grind to the point where like I haven’t actually seen lion stuff or like anything for like a solid year and it’s actually was like kind of refreshing I was like oh thank God it’s over say I don’t like football I love I love how cool it I love this the effect

It has on the city and that’s what I want the Pistons to one day have because that’s where my heart will always be as basketball I want to be able to when I’m walking out in the street somebody’s in Alliance gear and they’re smiling like I

Want that effect to be like the Pistons like like you just look at somebody you just know like you just know they’re happy because their team is good I want that for the Pistons so you know who knows if they’ll ever get there who knows if we’ll be around for that but

Hopefully man hopefully I said it’s hopefully like I said you’re you’re welcome anytime on this podcast like like I I I tell anyone that I have on this podcast like if you want to come on just let me know it’s so usually we do Sundays episodes you know at 7:30 once a

Week but like I said I had a lot of guests on over like the last year and a half but I do appreciate you do you know making the time I know it was like a Wednesday and I was actually off which was surprising because like this last

Month I I’m not even exaggerating I think I’ve covered at least 45 games and the last yeah like had one day where I had to cover seven high school basketball games and it was like absolutely brutal M how do you how do you do that like gen genuinely how

Because like there’s such a limited time frame for those games to start it’s like how do you stay that invested with all of them that’s crazy man shout out to it’s it’s multiple screens it’s uh having you know takeout on your phone uh I think I have eight and more Jimmy

Johns than I want to admit Jersey mik is my guilty pleasure I cut out fast food but Jersey miks is the closest I get to that which I don’t know if that’s consider I’m sure that that’s fast foodish right I mean it’s not I’ve never had Jersey mics but every time I I

Go to order I just cave and get Jimmy Jones because it’s just like why not but mik Philly chees sake is fire love I’m gonna have to I’m gonna have to try that soon everyone keeps telling me Jersey miks is better than uh Jimmy Jones yeah

My opinion it is I’m GNA have to try it then but like I said appreciate you coming on I think the link to your your Twitter I I put it in the bio I wasn’t sure if you wanted me to put the link to your Instagram in the bio but I can’t do

That after this podcast is over so people can find you uh but we do appreciate you guys being on for two hours uh actually watching this podcast when the Pistons were playing I know it wasn’t a whole lot of you like we usually have whole lot of people in here

But at least we you know we had like good like 40 people consistently for two hours so I do appreciate you guys for that but um we will see you guys on Sunday as I usually do but thank you guys for watching us tonight see you guys soon peace

This week Anthony is joined by Chris Platte of Woodward Sports they are going to talk about the state of the Detroit Pistons and the goals they should have for the remainder of the season.

#detroitpistons #detroitbasketball #nba


  1. I agree about our core 4 not fitting which is why I think we need to boost the value of our young dudes so that we can get good players for them that actually fit. For example, if Ivey played all year, who knows, maybe a Markkanen would have nearly equal value, build the team that way. In other words, trade our “blue chip” players, just not before their value is peaking.

  2. Our core four fit perfectly just need a stretch four who can guard perimeter and can help side defender

  3. Wiseman Killian Joe Harris four seconds for lavine Stew sasser Burks for Wiggins and Moody pick up Kia jones

  4. I’m not touching Zach Lavine I’m sorry, it just doesn’t make sense to me, especially if the core 4 are “untouchable”…how is he gonna fit in?!! He’ll only slow up Cade or Ausar’s growth going forward. Lavine being here is only gonna speed up the process in Cade or Ausar wanting out I guarantee it. Nothing but Miles Bridges makes sense for this roster right now and that is a fact. Especially if the core 4 are really untouchable. I’m rolling the dice on Miles I think he’s learned from that off the court incident and deserves a second chance.

  5. I believe this core 4 can absolutely work especially if miles bridges is starting at PF and not beef stew. Might need to walk away from Monty Williams though he needs to coach elsewhere.

  6. Fans need to stop with the Pistons are better without Cade talk! Just because of a win against OKC & the team plays with more pace with Ivey doesn’t make them better. We can see what the weaknesses are but if they don’t get addressed how can there be progress 🤷🏾‍♂️ Cade is the guy to build around.

  7. Bro you have to look at this logically and not from a fans perspective because these are the same fans that want to fire Dan Campbell two days ago people are stupid look at the last 10 years first round picks and tell me Cade is the worst.. ridiculous

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