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Next Up: Houston Rockets | Raptors Today – Feb 2nd 2024

Next Up: Houston Rockets | Raptors Today – Feb 2nd 2024

Welcome back to Raptors today Paul Jones aside alongside Javon Shepard and Sherman Hamilton got to measure my words you don’t know what take this is to try and get these these things right with my two colleagues guys we know what will be right tomorrow is the r Raptors playing

The Houston Rockets and um say what you want about his off thec Court activities emay Oka showing that he can coach uh the Rockets have improved they have almost surpassed the win total from a couple seasons ago this year uh we’ll see that in a second but the big thing

On that previous board was the defensive rating is a top 10 in the NBA uh he has got them playing together uh the team is transforming they’re kind of rebuilding it I mean I we’ve talked talked about this before felt sorry for Steven Silas he went to Houston thought he was

Getting Westbrook and Harden and ended up with basically an aaou team and and lost his job but udoka is in there he’s changing things around and what do you see Sherm as a trajectory of this team going forward as they as they kind of rebuild and and and restore the shine on

A on a very very proud franchise yeah first of all I’m glad you shouted out Steven Silas I mean he just I think got a raw deal in that situation and uh Oka we were never concerned about him as a coach he could always coach and uh unfortunate what happened off the court

With him um but it’s no surprise that he’s gotten back into it and he’s hit the ground running I think what they’ve done is a couple things number one they understood out of Porter they understood that Porter was not the guy moving forward they realized that what they did was they surrounded

Their young people with some vets Fred Van v and we know how good of a vet Fred is he’s a he’s a huge leader a massive leader and he understands how to Galvanize people and he’s talented then they brought in Dylan Brooks who we know Dylan you can say what you want about

Him but I want him on my team yes if if I’m playing I want him on my de on my team shenon has been excellent they’ve gotten pieces now that can play Jeff Green a veteran a wly veteran a guy who’s been around the league a guy who’s

Won he gets it so now pieces are in place that can stabilize you on the court and it’s around the core a young player of Jaylen green and Jaylen green is to me an explosive young Talent so now you have the building blocks you have the coach on the sideline and now

The team can play a brand of basketball that’s consistent and sustainable so Steven sis didn’t get these opportunities no that’s the problem no he didn’t Oka is getting all these opportunities and and he’s doing a good job with it so it’s not surprising and the impressive thing with e he’s a

Players’s Coach and he’s not afraid to hold you accountable he’s not afraid to get in your face and let you know what his expectations are and you add that into the mix you couple that with you know Dylan Brooks who you know you watch what he watch what he did this summer if

You look at what he did this summer with Canada you know he’s a culture guy he’s a locker room guy Jeff Green culture guy locker room guy um and then Fred himself he’s Fred is a a leader he’s a General but I also like the fact that you have a

Top 10 defense if you can play defense in today’s NBA right you figured out something right that says something because everybody’s trying to figure that out but also they they’ve looked at the formula across the league and realized you’ve got to play from the post right you’ve got to use your big

Man shenon is a baby joic and they’re one of the top teams and use you uh role man usage are one of the top teams in post-ups so I think they have some really good balance and like you said sherm surrounding green with some young guys and letting him just learn through

His mistakes and flourish yeah uh you know you talk about shenon cam giving them some really good minutes too another guy that that is playing well and another uh young player and and when I think about shenon you talked about him as a as a baby yic here’s a guy he’s

Been allowed to develop in a space where there’s not a lot of pressure at all and and we talk about development sometimes there’s losing is code for development well he was in Houston when they were losing he’s obviously developed his game but not developed a lot of bad habits and Sh you

Have a line that I really love you talk about being responsible with the minutes don’t just go out there and like oh it’s a bad shot it doesn’t matter oh he’s Young no no no no hold his feet to the fire and say I know we’re losing but I

Expect a certain level of play and and a certain uh disp position around how you’re playing and it seems like that hasn’t been lost with the organization and maybe even a Ste Steven Silas with Alfred and chingun yeah and I I think you tip your hat to stepen Silas

Throughout that process but you think about the Raptors that’s kind of what Darko is going to have to do with this he’s going to have to hold these guys accountable and continually reinforce and teach good habits even though the winds might not be there as you want it

To be cuz everybody knows winning feels better but when you’re and can you maintain good habits and that’s something that’s going to have to happen for the Raptors but with Houston the other thing about I feel about being given opportunities and being responsible is being held accountable

Now that can happen a couple of ways it can happen via the organization or it can happen individually and when you have an individual who holds himself accountable it beats having an organization to have to hold you accountable and shanon seems like that kind of person that say said I expect

Certain things of myself regardless of what’s happening in terms of win loss and now we’re seeing the fruits of that and that to me is the best you want players that will police themselves right that will hold themselves accountable and when you have that and I

Think guys like Scotty are like that RJ is like that Emanuel quickley is like that I think a lot of the players on the Raptors are like that they will hold themselves accountable yeah uh quickly before we go Dylan Brooks and RJ Barrett not sure if R we’re not sure if RJ’s playing

Uh hopefully he’ll be back in the lineup but you got two guys that were important this past summer that may have a chance to play against one another Fierce competitors um you don’t expect anything less from Dylan but you know just quickly on your point that was one of

The first things RJ said to me the second day he was here is that the difference that in coaching that he’s getting from New York to here is that they’re sitting down like they’re teaching him we’re watching film you’re showing me how I can be a pro how how I

Can be a better Pro and he just wants to get better and absorb all that so I think that for him you know the ceiling is going to be so much higher here under this you know this this fabric here well fingers crossed if you’re a raptor fan

That RJ Barrett will be back in the lineup whether he is or not there will be a game the Raptors and the rockets you can see it on sportset here with Javon and I on TSN 1050 for everybody here we thank you for watching us here

On this first day of Black History Month February 1st on Raptors today thanks for watching the Toronto rappers YouTube channel check out our latest video And subscribe for more oh pain denied lead pass here’s McDaniels in a crowd wide open the that

Next up for the Toronto Raptors is a familiar face, Fred VanVleet and the Houston Rockets. Jonesy, Sherm and Jevohn are in studio to discuss the matchup as well as players to look out for on the Rockets.

0:00 Introduction
0:21 Ime Udoka with the Rockets
2:00 FVV and the Vets
3:01 Expectations for the Young Players
4:10 Sengun
6:22 Jevohn’s Thoughts
7:05 Thanks for Watching!
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