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LIVE: Celtics vs Lakers Postgame Show | Garden Report

LIVE: Celtics vs Lakers Postgame Show | Garden Report

Can you say hard hats folks hard hats lunch PA steel to a boots anything show of a championship this year is a failure look at this Boomer right here you’ve just got so much talent here somebody said we need to apologize for J can I pull the John what are we apologizing

For what do we say what do we Do all right joose way fine I’ll apologize ready no this ain’t real yes I’ll apologize for letting these guys off the hook the last couple games when they played like [ __ ] because I’m being too them okay that’s that’s that’s more of a realistic apology I thought you would apologize on

Behalf of the Celtics I don’t like those apologies no I won’t listen it could be a factor of things it’s possible look I’m trying to stay even keeled on it I think raging back and forth and back and forth do I think this game matters like hugely matters and joose

I’m told your mic is loud I don’t know if you can turn down the game there a little bit is it loud I I look does it matter matter no meaning I don’t think because of this game this is indicative of why they won’t win everything every Champion who’s ever played basketball probably

Has games like this and games like other bad games they’ve had this year they still have the best record in basketball blah blah blah blah blah the Lakers hit a lot of Threes we didn’t hit threes all the excuses fine if you want to go down

That road it’s fine it’s just what ends up happening is games like this to me Jose are a reminder of what worries me about Tatum and brown and has always worried me about Tatum and brown but when we overreact to it people lose their minds and so I temper it a tad

Because I do think it’s a little much every single time there’s a bad game you freak out every time there’s a good game but you see snapshots of things that still bother you and I do believe among everything else that topown energy and Leadership someone posted recently like

Their their record since the energy tweet from Jaylen that’s all fine and good but if your gu if your guys if your top guys come out and don’t give a [ __ ] it trickles down I’m going to leave t out of this one I didn’t think he had a

Great game but I saw him Hit the Floor a few times and he seemed to be trying it was a disjointed effort it was the only time the fans got on their feet by the way but yeah yeah Jaylen Brown was walking around and there were multiple

Opportunities here to to to write the ship we’ll get into some of it as we go on maybe I’m just pissed off because my I live in Newton and the teachers have been on strike for two weeks and I’m I’m at my wits end right now crazy we can

Get the end of fried I’m a little I’m a little angry about so this so I’m GNA pause and I’m gonna let you tell me matter okay I just want to follow I want to pinpoint exactly what frustrates you most about Tatum and brown is it the

Overall Vibe when they know guys like LeBron and Anthony Davis are gonna be playing or is it the lack of uh I don’t know sense of urgency when you’re down 16 against a short-handed Lakers team I don’t get yeah to me the the first quarter of

Not giving a [ __ ] and being sloppy and lazy with the ball I find so annoying but you’ve got so many what bothered me to most about tonight joose is you had the right you had um you had the opportunity to write the ship so many times and you didn’t and that’s what

Gets me that’s what Galls me about tonight’s game okay so these guys suck they’re whipping it all over the uh the court the bench comes in and saves their freaking asses into the first quarter and makes it a close game and what do they do they piss it away again in the

Second so what happens you know they come out with their starters in the third quarter and they freaking just are allowing dunks and layups and whatever and Joe did the right thing in benching benches them Brown and porzingis Y Brown porzingis and holiday which I oh holiday but holiday came back

In in that third quarter Brown and porzingis did not yeah yeah you’re right they that nine minutes then they both come out in the fourth quarter and Brown’s still walking around so you had the first quarter the first half and then getting benched in the third quarter as a potential wakeup call and

You never took it and that’s what bugs me the most is your coach is basically begging you and telling you like dude get serious here and they didn’t do it that’s crazy to me yeah that bothers me too John it feels like if you’re beating this team for three and a half quarters

There’s a good chance that they’ll I don’t want to say check out but they’re not going to put forth the effort of of sense of urgency and that is that should worry you John and there’s a few other things that worried me as well and especially with porzingis how many times

Did Chris dos have a mismatch in the paint and he took advantage of it a couple of times here and there but in that fourth quarter I just don’t understand the game plan of not trying to get back to that trying to get guys to the free throw line I know Tatum did

His best he was attacking when he could and he got to the free throw line finally with what three minutes left in the fourth quarter that was his first trip to the free throw line but it’s inexcusable I I think the Celtics have to find a way to to just make plays and

Execute down the stretch you don’t have Anthony Davis for the Lakers right they don’t have Anthony Davis they don’t have LeBron James but then you have guys that just show up and and and set the table D’Angelo Russell’s one of those guys man especially when he’s hitting three-point

Shots 14 assists you know getting guys going and of course Austin Reeves this can H this happens from time to time okay so Austin Reeves I mean you should be ready for something like this and if you ask me he’s the player of the game obviously you know just from what he did

Just carrying it out all four quarters but I also think the Celtics just never even made any type of adjustments in that fourth quarter to just one stop the bleeding and two just get better looks get looks for your guys for your who should have been named in Allstar was

Probably gonna go for Julius Randle anyways I just that part is what drove me nuts because look Jackson Hayes he played his ass off especially in that third quarters the way he started the second half he set the tone but Chris porzingis he should be able to counter

That attack with it’s on the mismatch whether it’s on the Block like I just wanted to see him try it and I know Hayes had a heck of a play against him but I just don’t understand the sense of not trying to attack the mismatch and take advantage of someone that you

Didn’t have a year ago a guy who makes a tremendous difference and if you ask me is is a complete makes it think a completely different team when he’s out there but I didn’t see it tonight I didn’t feel it tonight at all he wasn’t engaged uh Brown was never engaged and

Again I’m not brown was never engaged I’ll give Tatum half a pass tonight but not generally speaking because there’s been many games where it’s Tatum who’s the guy who came out sleepwalking and jacking threes and and just going through the motions here and you know it

Wasn’t a great game by him either it just wasn’t as bad as the others but he’s been guilty of this from time to time and I do think again that’s when we’ve talked about it you know that you know the the the the you know the the leaders there and somebody

Put up a comment in there and um about Barkley and I know Joe sway’s at the game um so I don’t know if you caught it what’ you say at halftime Barkley um or was the post game it was it was at halftime I didn’t get to watch the post

Game because I was waiting to start this post our post game yeah those guys are yeah that was a bad question Charles Barkley those guys usually go off in the at half time so that makes sense Char yeah they go to the next game quick Barkley suggesting Tatum and brown not

Tough enough to win a title he said that they they win on this the Celtics are a team the exact quote win winning on Talent not on hustle and I think he told you know an anecdote you know from a coach or blah blah blah and this and

That but basically um that’s what he said he’s like they’re nice guys I don’t see that they’re tough enough they’re not those guys that are just gonna frakin Nash their teeth and get after it they have their moments but they don’t do it enough and I know part of that is

Just their demeanor is passive they are generally not thump your chest sort of guys they’re a little bit lower energy sleepier not as demonstrative so some of that is superficial and maybe not necessarily accurate and maybe doesn’t reflect how intense they are in games but right he the moment intense is a

Little different but yeah so again and so when everyone talks about this Jimmy put this well in a text we’ve T we’ve given the Celtics a lot of credit for winning games they would have lost last year this is losing a game game that they would have lost last year or the

Year before they just never got it in gear and they had so many opportunities playing a team that had nothing on the other side right right yeah I mean look it’s just one of those games where I feel like um again if you if you put

Forth the right effort for three and a half quarters you’re going to you’re going to get them to to to break down and I feel like at that two-minute Mark even with somewhat of a run away you know from at least making it a one possession game Jonesville have benched

Them you know and I hate to say it but it was probably the right thing to do just to send a message because this one is ugly man like it’s one of those games where you’re like do you guys even deserve to try to make a comeback here

You know you’ve had a lot of chances here you’re still not playing the right way but John I can’t I can’t help but Wonder like how well they’re being set up out there man like I I just don’t understand the way they’re executing offensively especially coming out of

Timeouts you know there were a couple of uh uh great plays you know or a couple of plays out of a timeout that happened in the first half you know but after halftime I I just I just didn’t see it you know and the effort thing is is is

Worrisome especially when you come out of halftime but to start the fourth quarter after what a couple of quick plays from White and and and porzingis the guys who were out it was right back to what we saw and all of a sudden the sthers were down by double digits again

I mean this is the type of stuff that makes you wonder like in the course of a seven game series like like will this team show up again this version of the Celtics and if it does man that could really cost you a series I just do think

The margin of error is that th uh in the playoffs and especially when this s this team is lack and when are they lack most lack John when things are going well you know when uh they gota you know whether it’s winning a handful of games heading

Into this one or just finding out that LeBron and Anthony Davis weren’t going to play like is that is that a mental thing John because I can’t help but think it must be like oh these guys are GNA can’t shoot like this all night sure the Lakers average like 11.5 threep

Pointers a night this season and they passed that at by halftime you know like I don’t want to chalk that up as like oh they just made a bunch of Threes but it obviously put them in a in a great position but the Celtics still were one

Run away it felt like Lakers shooting what 19 for 36 from Deep you know guys making plays like like Russell and hockey Mira finally found his offense in that second half and look the athleticism and the way they were cutting off the paint you credit the Lakers for the defense for sure but

Again you you if you pinpoint just the way that something’s executed in that fourth quarter played by play there’s a lot of questions as to why they didn’t try to utilize someone like porzingis man like this I just feel like this was that game where especially in that

Fourth quarter where it’s like man just give him the rock down low and just see what that gets you just two three times in a row just see what happens like I I I’m sitting there thinking mou is gonna do that but he never did he never did in that fourth

Quarter yeah um never did I I don’t know you know I’m not putting anything on Joe though nothing on him no no not tonight it’s the dude so you’re okay with that fourth quarter from the Celtics though like just the way they played yeah it’s on them man

It’s I’m not I’m not doing the joke sometimes I’m tired of this all like oh let’s just try to get the best look and no sometimes you have to get the guy you have to set up the guy sometimes in the NBA especially in the fourth quarter

When you’re down and if it’s Tatum okay if it’s porzingis in that fourth goer sure but I just didn’t see enough of it you know I saw saw more chucking I didn’t see I saw less ball ball yeah I mean look I always get annoyed there when they get too happy

With one thing um but I think they lost this in a lot of different ways I think the turnovers not Joe a lot of different the threes not it was look it wasn’t it’s not the worst shooting night they’ve ever had you know it wasn’t horrible they just you know and again

You can put a ton of things into the Lakers hitting they average 11 threes a night and they hit 19 tonight that’s not going to happen so is this are they this could if the Lakers aren’t hot it’s an ugly win right probably it’s an ugly win

Um yeah that’s true where you’re like God they played like ass but they snuck it out thank God it’s the Lakers and they couldn’t hit you know they couldn’t hit [ __ ] but it’s a loss you ran into a hot shooting team and you played like ass offensively all night long and you

Didn’t care and you didn’t respect the basketball and you didn’t respect your team mates and that’s what you get and so Joe’s Joe Joe likes to say like oh I like the adversity I like when we don’t play well and see how we come back that’s great I don’t know what he lik

Tonight and I I really want to know like I I jaylen’s talking now I really want to know are they acknowledging this was a benching did he actually bench them there’s no way of course he did but he’s not gonna say it right no let me see no he’s not he kind

Of did oh amit’s gonna put put it in there he kind of did say it okay that is good yeah I was going to say alond has something but I don’t know exactly the specifics but something oh God Alit this is a Bible is this worth it it’s a buck

40 that’s a Bible this is this is a lengthy sound bite are we doing this actually it kind of reminds me of radio yeah that’s a that’s a little that’s a little long that’s chunky is it good it’s insane oh he says it’s insane oh god oh if amond says insane that means

[ __ ] I don’t know if I’m ready for weird Joe but here we go Joe and Gary the Joe and Gary show hit it it’s one thing you miss shots and not execute it’s one another thing not to play hard um and to get booed and guys

Get I don’t mind getting booed it’s good for you guys get not get back on defense transition baskets after you guys make a basket like that has to be a concern that the the lack of effort as opposed to like missing shots are just not executing uh I’m not concerned by it I’m

Not happy about it but I’m not concerned by it I think it’s unacceptable um doesn’t mean that like I’m concerned um we’ll work through it you know I think part of bad stretch of basketball is uh physical just as much as mental and I think those two things go hand in hand

You know so I think it’s unacceptable for those things to happen um but if you take a look at the whole scope of our season they happen very little and so to look at everything with just this lens of like two games or a stretch or a week

Or whatever the case may be doesn’t uh do the Justice of the process of what we do over a long period of time so I it’s unacceptable make sure you know that but at the same time it’s going to happen and it’s a matter of holding guys accountable and working through it but

It’s something you probably I mean you had a meeting with them before the game you probably told them hey guys let’s not let down since they’re missing LeBron and AD and it still happened how frustrating is that you know how many things I tell them that still happen that’s like

Coaching all the time so the goal is your kids no no kids oh man that’s why you’re asking that question if you had kids you wouldn’t even ask that question yeah but these are grown men yeah but they’re adult I mean you you married yes oh come on you

Listen to everything your wife tells you uh I try to and I get told when I don’t I get told when I don’t I don’t yeah the uncomfortable laugh that’s a first that’s an uncomfortable laugh Jun how are you digesting this because you have both John so how do you feel

About this it makes me I have neither you have a wife and and children John what does this have to do with basketball I’m sorry but come on man like not to get like serious but if I’m Gary I’m like can we talk about basketball Jo but if he says that then

Gary’s the [ __ ] right right oh all right how about this how about this something spans if Gary asked that question to Joe would you guys be like oh that’s funny you wouldn’t right you would be like why is this reporter asking him about his personal life right

Come on man Where’s the Line like where’s the line with this I’ve said josee I’ve done this job my whole life oh Tuscano’s in here there he is I agree Jimmy yeah Jimmy’s not gonna sleep tonight hop on man hop on if you want to at the end of this I’ve done something

Like this my whole life right um yeah this is a great perspective for you man I want to hear I’m just saying this content in X Y and Z you know well yeah seeing a coach up there right the back and forth no but I mean in this world

I’ve lived in this universe I if I had one job I could I could do better than what I’ve done my whole life by far it would be hired to stop professional teams athletes coaches General Managers from doing stuff like this I can tell you what it’s going to

Play like what it’s going to sound like how it’s going to be covered what everyone’s going to say about it I will I these teams need me to stop Joe from having press conferences like this okay it is just anyway it has nothing to do with basketball doesn’t matter at all it

Is just if you had to guess though if you’re Jo you get a talking to yes Ben we know it’s not a big deal unless it’s a big unless they think he’s a weirdo and then it’s a big it’s weird it’s weird yes can we can we agree it’s weird

It’s just weird just that part that part he is insecure man stop sensitive insecure and also it’s deflecting and it’s no account of but just just please Joe we ask the questions all right especially like basketball related questions I’m never going to ask you about your wife I’m not gonna ask you

About your kids like stop deflecting man like oh man if I’m Gary I would have been like why are you asking me that why are you deflecting like this stop making this about me it’s like we’re talking about you and I think this is too far I don’t

Think it’s too far I just think someone’s gon to tap him on the shoulder and be like Joe just do what was that yeah what was that you’re so good like you’re such a smart like you can talk basketball all day you’re like it’s your whole life is dedicated to it just do

The basketball stuff just leave it you know he would never admit it but if I’m also Gary I’m like are you uncomfortable Oh no you’re not then why would you ever ask me a question like that but again if Gary says that then oh he’s in his

Feelings oh he’s trigger what if what if wurn was like widowed or like a child like what if something bad happened yeah I just said bye to her last week you know like you don’t have no idea what this guy’s going through like what if he lost a child or or

Spouse this this whole thing is just basically he said the players don’t listen to me and then he changed the subject you’re deflecting like and the way he dismissed it too John like you think these guys listen to me like it was almost as if like he’s like

He’s batting like 300 you know with these guys it’s like wait what like oh my you mean like so the majority of the time they don’t listen to you so I’ll ask the question great great great um um great rort by by Gary though like oh but these are grown

Men why are you bringing up children oh so oh man I can’t wait to read Gary’s call listen it’s like he just said so much in that little back and forth that I don’t even think he realizes like in terms of like getting this team to do what he wants

Like this is the way I’m I’m dissecting what I just saw like this is the most boring this is the most boring commenter we have but yeah okay okay okay cool I don’t like it media is the bad guy okay yeah we’re the bad ones anyway it’s it’s weird it’s

Stupid it’s stupid it’s stupid but I’m still not blaming Joe for them playing this way I just think that’s weird I’m still putting it on the players you know it’s just I always wait for the first like weird Joe because it just gives me fuel to like continue on with the rest

Of the show um you know so we’re not spinning our wheel saying the same [ __ ] they came out they played like ass um you know and that’s it I lost you for a second you still there yeah I’m still here sorry man people com in here give

Me that look I’m like yeah I saw I don’t know man it’s just one of those things where I I just feel like he’s showing more and more that how uncomfortable he is with this right now and I’m not saying that like this makes Joe mul a

Bad coach or um he’s not the man for the job but he’s he’s like going through some stuff right now I feel like in terms of like uh not knowing how to answer tough questions or how to explain what happened tonight it seems I thought he got better and again it’s a minor

Thing but I thought he got better in in the preseason he seemed a little better you know I know he talked to the guys at different points of time during the year and he definitely like kind of came off this attad it’s so weird to be this way

When the team is so successful right now there’s not that much to complain about right just why you’re talking to other people yeah no I mean I mean I was but no I mean it just shows that like it’s hard for him to get them to to do I

Guess nowhere near everything he wants done because he makes this he just compared it to uh your children not listening to you for some reason and I don’t think that’s a great comparison when you’re talking about as Gary put it grown men you know who are uh who who

Who aren’t only grown men but they’ve been in this league for a handful of years and I don’t know man I just think the whole back and forth is it’s different I mean to to like and then he and then he switches to oh are you

Married oh do you have kids like what does have to do with anything I think I think Joe just needs a press conference film session you know um Jo needs talk with somebody therapist what were you trying to do there you know what were you trying to do there seriously think

The guy needs a therapist man trying to accomplish anyway um back to the game itself and again you know on the Panic meter uh thing what where are you after this yeah after this game how much does it bother you cuz J Jimmy gave me [ __ ] and rightfully so because I

Wasn’t as bothered because I am like I understand the swings and I do understand that this happens to good teams all the time I think the problem with this team is it’s these things that have doomed them before showing up when it matter not showing up when it matters

And not rising to a to to the occasion in extremely big moments in an inexplicable way and you don’t understand it so when you see it like I said it’s just a weird PTSD of watching these guys and be like what are you doing what are you doing you know and

That’s what that’s what triggers me and that’s why I got a little triggered by this one because the effort it was the effort was so bad yeah I mean probably had like a five or six and I know that’s not really high because like to Joe’s point right you can’t put

The entire season on what we saw tonight and what we’ve seen before right where you guys just don’t show up in the second half and the team takes advantage even if they’re short-handed but it worries me in the sense of what it’s going to look like in the postseason or

What it’s going to look like even before the postseason that important three- week stretch where a lot of teams let’s face it pick up their stride and carry that momentum through look what happened with the Miami Heat last year I mean [ __ ] people weren’t even talking about

The heat get to anywhere near the finals they got in as a play in you know they uh locked in the playoff spot and went throw that momentum all the way to the NBA finals and you could say similar to what happened the year before that with

The Golden State Wars like I just think all that stuff is super important so I mean not to say you know what Bobby Bobby and I talked about the other night where he asked me if these guys are bored I don’t think this is Bored him

Though I really don’t I mean it’s a a lack of I don’t know like oh man no no Davis no no LeBron maybe a little bit of that you kind of let your hair down a little bit but the the the way these guys execute in the second half and

Especially when you look at the way Joe moua’s talked about finishing quarter is strong and all that you’re not seeing that right now and you wonder how much of that disconnect is between the coach and and his players I mean he just compared them to kids but I don’t know

We have to see how they bounce back again it’s a small sample size but it’s worth talking about obviously and it’s worth it’s enough for me to put my meter at a five 5.5 I’d say anywhere between a five or six 5.5 okay we’ll we’ll we’ll see about

That um we are going to get another uh Joe uh sound bite whether or not you can read into this whether or not the jayen thing was a bench um Jo ways again yeah what’s up people hey what’s up guys what’s up dog I got you man listen play the

Clip you g to play the clip who me I thought you were going to I don’t have it yet oh my fa I thought you queuing it up it’s exporting I don’t cue this isn’t like a I don’t have a tape machine back here I don’t queue things up I’m

Thinking I’m thinking in radio terms I gu I just press it no it’s it’s exporting those are that’s that’s that’s the that’s the term we’re using here um I don’t think I don’t I disagree with this I think Celtics are going to still be the one seed I guess when we talk

Well they had they built this this lead which is I think is significant too that five point I mean they haven’t been this high in the in first place since 2008 so you can take that for what it’s worth also worth mentioning the toughest stretch of the season I mean it’s kind

Of in the rear view right now right if you look ahead here a lot of home games too as well it’s easier yeah yeah so that helps uh because they didn’t Drive the basketball guys that’s why I brought that up at the beginning man they barely

Got to the free throw line Tatum got there for the first time with three minutes left in the fourth they win what seven times seven for seven shot like they shot like 53s I mean Lakers took 26 free throws Joe yeah 48 threes okay so there you go

There you go it’s not like they’re getting hammered it’s just you know yeah but anywhere anywhere near 50 attempts three used to used to surprise you but now it’s just I mean do we really think the refs were favoring the LeBron Les Lakers at the Garden like what’s the

What’s the rationale behind that I’ll bring Lakers Lakers are playing good defense man they’re playing yeah fraking Vanderbilt yeah he said a tone early he he he was he was uh feisty yeah bringing in Bobby Manning Bobby tell us things oh wait first I’m gonna talk about this is

Jaylen Brown we do want to talk about this uh briefly Brown um was benched uh essentially um Jose we still see your lips moving we still see him yeah yeah it’s just because you’re muted like it’s clear that you’re talking to someone else anyway uh this

Is J Jaylen Brown on uh on whether or not kind of what happened he got benched he got benched three minutes into the third uh when they were playing like ass Joe pulled you and a couple of other guys and you sat for the rest of the

Quarter um it doesn’t happen to you very often what are you kind of like stewing in that moment or you accept that as like you know you weren’t playing well and you had to like just accept it how does how does that work uh I don’t know I haven’t been in

That position too often so you know it kind of is what it is you know we weren’t playing our best I wasn’t playing my best so nothing I could really say there um you know every time I step out in the court I try to add the

Win in tonight you know uh try to make sure I was being a selfish getting the guys with hitting our guys in stride and sharing the ball you know and stuff but was a little L to days wasn’t my best game but you know I put it behind me

I’ll be ready for the next one there’s some ownership do you think he was bothered by it Bobby yeah I’m sure now nothing uh like bothered like I can’t believe you embarrassed me like that on National Television not to that not to that level that’s not great that’s not a great look

Right yeah I don’t think it got to that level uh of course he mostly dodged the question there in terms of his feelings about it but Chris Das porzingis talked about the same thing in the locker room and said yeah you don’t like getting benched but we had to try something

Different because what we were doing wasn’t working so I do think you know just seeing guys in the locker room seeing the demeanor of guys that this one didn’t Rock them Rock their confidence in the coach in fact I asked Chris STS you know what Joe’s message

Was and you know did he agree with it and you know did say that you know they all generally felt like they can learn something from this and that you know in games where you win which you know I think is relevant for the Pacers and Pelicans game that preceded this you

Might get away with certain things and forget about mistakes you made that are gonna stick with you after a loss and you know this does end a long stretch of games here they’re going to get two practices in over the next week here so I do think you’re more in tightening up

Mode here rather than concern mode or panic mode or anything especially I looked at some of the stats that were’re concerning out of this game and honestly whether it’s turnovers whether it’s free throws different things I know you guys probably kicked around at the start they really didn’t struggle in those areas in

January so I don’t come away from this one panicking but you do raise your eyebrow and say all right how long is this going to linger here do a few of these pop up um there were a few games in Mar in January the Pacers won the Rockets won

On the road but you turned it over a ton and still won in spite of that so this is where it really killed what it’s worth it was only three second half turnovers right yeah but the nine in the opening frame oh it was ridiculous it

Was ridiculous it was like it was it was it was like you know Keystone Co it was just like just like a blooper reel it was it was every other possession I I think you know I got enough of a feel that Joe’s approach to this game seemed

To go over well with the players I don’t think there was anybody turning their head at him or what he did in this one or even what he said after the game which of course you know in Joe’s fashion was trying to turn down the heat

And not cause any panic over this one uh but the bigger question I think is does that work does that resonate does it turn into a positive out of this because as we’ve talked about John that Joe’s approach is almost the polar opposite of emay in terms of listen we’re going to

Be fine I know you guys are freaking out it’s one night this stuff happens in fact he walked into the interview room and was like that’s the NBA right and it was it was an interesting press conference really it was almost like he was trying to swing it toward jokes I asked him

Like what the turnovers stem from and he was like oh you saw those right those were something I was like yeah what caused them and he was like like he didn’t even answer the question um I I I just I wonder how it goes over you know how it flows into

This next string of games here I know they’re running into some really easy opponents this next week here so if you lose any of these games against the Grizzlies and Hawks and wizards that’s where you’re gonna be like all right what’s going on here but this did feel like an anomal and

Chris St said too when LeBron when Davis and those guys are ruled out you know he was talking a holiday and oh here we go like this is going to be a tough one because that’s just how it goes sometimes so this was a rough one to watch it

Was puzzling at times what they were doing out there because this isn’t who they’ve been all a year and so if you want to call that an anomaly I guess I’ll give it to them for now but I feel like in recent weeks John I got to pull

Up the games here there’s been a few of these so you start to look at them and say all right what’s going on here but for now it doesn’t seem like it’s a trend of anything do you feel differently like about this particular game or this stretch yeah I mean you go back

To the Bucks game just one thing like I said I kind of said it last time Jimmy gave me some heat like I’m not concerned it’s kind of a roundabout stance I’m not concerned for each individual game because I’ve kind of fast forwarded to the Future and decided

That we’ll judge them then you know what I mean is like nobody gives a every good team has missed steps along the way so it’s not necessarily representative of how they’ll be the problem is it’s games like this and efforts like this and nights like these that have burned them

In critical moments in the playoffs and years past and you always worry like if it’s just if it’s just embedded in the DNA of your scars and I I’ll maintain this from three years ago to beginning of this year to now the additions are great it’s Tatum and Brown that are going to

That are going to win or lose this for you and how they come out and how they play and whether they’re serious all the time and whether they’re focused on what they’re supposed to be doing whether they cut down on the mental lapses don’t freestyle It Don’t Force It make the

Right reads be patient Let The Game come to them play defense do the little things rebound hit the deck play tough be leaders if they do those things they’ve got a great great chance but if they shrink in that moment they’re dead like they’re dead and so when you see

You know tonight Brown walking around or the nights that Tatum clearly is disinterested in just chucking threes those kill you yeah I hate seeing it because it’s a reminder of what you’ve seen and what you don’t want to see but in a vacuum one game like this I agree

With the Chatters and the fans who say it happens all the time in the NBA don’t be so myopic here like it’s not like just the Celtics I get it I get it it happens but with these guys it always worries you some because of their past

And because it’s a it’s a it’s a it’s a it’s a it’s a championship robust season yeah and that’s what you look at and say what the hell there’s a level of focus and consistency they should be demanding of themselves in this moment and to their credit I’m sure they showed it on

TV John Tatum got pretty fiery there in the third both on the bench and on the floor to try to rally them in this one and this I think did mostly come down to jaylen’s like bical play as he said in the quote there and Christa’s just being

Completely off in this one which is obviously abnormal for him in the year he’s had a lot of settling the transition defense that’s been a little bit of a consistent theme in their recent let UPS here is their failure to get back and set themselves and not fall in the

Matchups and not get our rotation into those quick entries into the half court I mean the Lakers flew into the Zone in this one and just had the Celtics all crossed up and that what’s that’s what leads to 15 offensive rebounds too I want to call a quick timeout and talk

About this play I don’t know if this is how fuzzy intended it I don’t know if he’s saying like they’ve no I know what he’s saying they’ve gotten away with it so so I would agree there that’s a concern so we’ve laed them for playing

Like ass and finding ways to win and not caving in and not losing these games which is cool in the regular season because you have so many of those last year like you know the OKC game or the Knicks or whatever and you’re like oh my

God this is end of the world sort of stuff the sky is falling watching them play that way and they’ve won a bunch of games playing poorly this year um and that’s a bad thing because in the playoffs you won’t do that um you’re not there’s too many good teams you could be

Facing a really really good team in the first round so it’s really you know and more realistically by the time you get to the second round you’re you’re facing a team that if you don’t take seriously they will absolutely beat you um and talent alone won’t win it and so that’s

That’s a reasonable Point here to not be thrilled when they can when they can you know mess around and still get the and still win the game and it would say an toes and the roster is much better this year you’ll get away with more of those

Games based on your talent alone we said it all year you can have two guys play you know walking around chucking shots missing it and then everyone else will correct it for them right they the the other talented guys will kind of pull them out of the merer and you can

Survive you you’ve survived games this year with bad Brown and Tatum Knights as at the same time that’s something you could have never done before and really if you had one of the two completely off you had a of winning you can get away with it now because of the talent yeah

You’re it’s that you’re right yeah and when you look at the recent games the Pelicans Pacers game you squander big leads in those ones the Clippers game obviously was a big sore Mark against a really good team but still uh the Heat game historic shooting

Kind of drove you in that one and you were still going to win the game either way but but uh you go back to the road Rockets game which wasn’t great and Dallas game had its lapses the late game execution against Denver so you’re on a

Little bit of a extended run here going back to mid January you have some games that you didn’t come away from feeling great out of and you know could even go back to that Milwaukee game if you really wanted to bring it back to that point so there’s some concerns here John

And the things we’ve talked about all year they can’t get to the free throw line you know it’s a real struggle for them and Joe really didn’t have an answer for you know I he he said it to me before too you can’t force the other team to follow

You um but there was a huge differential in this game uh based on the Lakers aggressiveness versus the Celtics aggressiveness and they were very passive at times in terms of where they you know put themselves on the floor they really didn’t get porzingis mismatches until very late in the fourth

Quarter that’s where they’ve generated most of their free throws from this year um so that’s a concern I have transition defense it’s building defensive rebound and they had some difficult nights in that area recently too you know we can get into some other stuff too uh but

Those are the ones that really stand out to me turnovers I feel like they’ve had timely ones but I did look John and that’s one of those things they were first in terms of fewest turnovers last month so I guess you can scratch that one off as abnormal they have had timely ones

Someone sent me a cool stat um that brown I think has seven um zero turnover games this year I think he how many do you think he had all of last year uh fewer than that five so he already has more zero turnover games so again it’s he had won that New Orleans

Game seven zero it’s not as big a problem as it is so it it in fact magnifies it when you see them doing it because it’s just it’s just not caring you know it was just sloppy sloppy sloppy um yeah yeah does happen this time of year you’re getting into the All-Star break

You’re trying to just survive and get through that 15 I think 16 now games and uh however 20s something games here so it’s been an extended stretch of play uh they’re just getting into this home stand here that’s gonna keep them here for a little bit so I don’t think this

Is a panic game but it is the first time with no excuses really you look and say what the hell was that like we did often last regular season and those concerns from those games last year and there were many many more than this year those drove despite a similar reaction from

This team from this coach our doubts about them going into the playoffs and they reared their head among you know their Reliance on the three last year specifically their defensive issues which we really hit on throughout last regular season different issues than some of the things we’re talking about

Here with this team but but things that did play a factor in those playoff disappointments they had yep let me ask you this I’m not doing blame P tonight but I will do concern cake I wish I had a graphic for it what what aspect of what aspect of

Tonight’s game are you most concerned with a lot of people in here putting it on Joe a lot of people here putting it on Brown some people putting it on Brown and Tatum um what thing concerns you most that you see tonight and in the

Snap you the the games where you know we haven’t loved the inconsistent effort games but especially you know kind of you know highlighted by you know everything being asked tonight I think the number one thing isn’t on the court it’s their demeanor in terms of not being more upset about this or at

Least um reactionary to it in the sense of this was bad this is unacceptable and Joe did use those words but you just didn’t get that vibe uh from any of these guys I know we’ll probably hear from joose on Jason’s approach but I do already see him saying just move on

Again that was something we heard from him in the playoffs last year that was something we heard from him throughout last year and I know Chris steps got asked too like do you have to sit on this for a little bit and just kind of

Feel it and assess it and I just don’t think that’s how this team approaches these things and you know maybe they’ll get into it on a deeper level given some of the off days they have coming up the practice opportunities but they should be a little more angry about

This one especially Jason who did seem to be demonstratively upset on the court with how things were going and uh trying to get the team going and all that so that’s number one number two as I mentioned you really in a need in a game

Like this need to be able to get fre throw line to slow things down to build some composure um to balance the math that’s going against you and obviously this was an abnormal shooting game from the Lakers by a long stretch um but yeah that’s one I keep looking at and then is

The defense just slipping that much John to where you’re having these mistakes to where you’re not looking dominant to where you can’t ramp that up in a game like this where things are going against you the way they were offensively you know maybe you were mad about some calls

Maybe shots didn’t go in at certain points what they finish from three in this one 33 so it was night from three it’s not it’s not it the Clippers you know um yeah but it was it wasn’t great yeah but you couldn’t lean into that defense to really get close when

You needed to I mean they were within 10 pretty much the whole second half John they were right there in Striking Distance they needed one run you win this game The Lazy Man’s way back into the game is keep chucking and hope that they fall right the the way you grind

These out is you just you just suffocate them on defense right um and again granted Reeves hit some tough shots and the Lakers shot on Godly number from three they average 11 a game they hit 19 tonight so that’s an anomaly you don’t don’t expect those but even on a decent

Shooting night they make 14 15 of those um so it it happens but um you know I I still can’t decide whether it’s a good thing that they brush the stuff off or it’s not that’s where I kind of get stuck because yeah I don’t want to see

Them you know do we need to see them throwing chairs and screaming and yelling and this and that I don’t know I think fans like it I think fans want to know that they’re pissed um but I also I’ve said this a million times before in postgame

Commentary and stuff like that like do you want to see a guy you want to see Jaylen going and spazzing out on the bench and yelling at people do you want to see in a post game them just flipping out I don’t think they want to give that

To the media and like okay here I am put on a show look how mad I am they just they’re like I don’t want to talk to you about this I’m pissing but is that there is that there with anyone in that room like does anyone of course we only get

To talk to you know certain people after these games like did Drew come out of this one feeling like what the hell was this guys and you know was their sentiment lower down the roster of like what the hell are we doing and of course

As you say John it has to start at the top and you do hear from Jaylen and Jason tonight I’m sure Jaylen was U you know not happy with how this one went and a lot of it did fall on himself he took the accountability for that um but Jason’s the one

Right he’s the one who you want to see this bother because it’s going to flow from him forget Joe like I I think Joe you know is trying to protect these guys and not call them out maybe maybe he’s doing things internally that we don’t know about he doesn’t want to be

The one he thinks everything is a fke at him too you know like and he doesn’t want any there’s some sensitivity in a lot of it trying to protect the players and not overreact to things so forget on the grenade yeah forget Joe because he’s

Not I who would you say is the leader of this team John it’s not I don’t think it’s Joe and I publicly I think he’s trying to put it on himself a lot of the times I think he’s taken a lot of the attention I think he’s uh directing a

Lot of the conversation but when it comes to what’s actually going on in the room as we saw on the sideline tonight it starts and ends with Jason and really Jason and Jaylen as a tandem like it’s gonna all flow down from them and Chris steps might have his thoughts

And Drew I’m sure has his thoughts about things but they’re going to defer to those guys because it’s their team so listen I know I get frustrated with Joe to and I know the chat does and it’s always going to be fire him after games like these but when are Jaylen and Jason

Gonna be the ones who grab this and really roll run with it in in in nights like these especially come playoff time forget this game like we all know it doesn’t matter in the grand scheme but we’re the only we’re worried about John and what we’re trying to figure out here

Is do these things pop up in the playoffs because we sat here last year and said ah I forget it Pacers oh the Thunder game of course they slept walk through that it’s the Thunder and this and we didn’t care about those games last year but they mattered in the end

Because they didn’t build up the habits and the consistency that you needed to show off in the playoffs and we get to the playoffs and you’ve said this John like they they got into the NBA Finals two years ago and it was like oh we didn’t have it tonight and then you got

Into the playoffs last year and it was like oh whatever you know we’re up 2 it was bad game on to the next one you can’t do that in the playoff those things don’t fly there so the fact that you let them sign in the regular season

Does it build a bad habit does it build a bad message internally that you can just brush these off and be fine with them yep like you don’t have to be throwing chairs Johnny you just have to kind of acknowledge like this is unacceptable and again Joe used that

Word but is that really kind of what’s being stressed in the room yeah that’s the thing I guess unacceptable it’s like I I’ll I’ll go back to what Joe Joe’s press conference I do have kids okay and I understand how kids react to things there we go this

Analogy we waiting for no I all I’m saying is I do no I want to hear it no when I tell my kids don’t do something and they say I’m sorry and then they do it again that bothers me you know like that’s the thing that pisses me off the

Most is did you really mean it were you sorry or just you just you’re mad that it happen and when they keep repeating it it’s like don’t say that to me like I don’t like the BR you when some body says it’s unacceptable then you want

Them to not do that again you know and so they’ve done it too many times to fans and I think that’s where people get tired of it is yeah we just can’t play like that great I mean Bobby you you remember I mean two years ago in the finals in the

Finals there’s there’re delivering pre we just didn’t come out with the right energy tonight the finals how in the world you get to the finals and you’ve got your two best players saying just we just didn’t really have it tonight oh my God you know yeah Joe and Joe wasn’t the coach

Back then and Joe wasn’t the coach so this is what I always said is like did it with Brad did it with eay you know like that’s the stuff is like and that’s why I want to fast forward to the playoffs the Jays have it or they don’t

That’s it like they’re either gonna be the guys who lead you or they’re gonna be the reason you lose that’s it it’s not Joe it’s not oh well holiday ended up not being as good as I thought it’s those guys the bench why didn’t they had

A guy the bench those guys it’s always been those guys so it’s on them it’s on them I will say one thing and I’m just gonna this is obvious and it goes without saying anybody in the chat says something culturally racially insensitive misogynistic if you go at

Each other in an insulting way or you insult somebody on the program at at at best you’re getting put in timeout and at worst you’re going to get blocked and removed from the show and the chat completely so please come on be respectful of one another and don’t say

Dumb [ __ ] um anyway back to this it’s the Jays it’s always been the Jays uh and that’s that’s what it’s gonna come let’s head on Jaylen because we we talked about it earlier John the allstar nod the column from low you know the assessment of the analytics and all that

It’s fitting almost that he had the game he had tonight because we’ve we’ve gone at it over him here and he needs to be better than this for things to go the way you want it to this year and the worry with him that I think so many people have and you

Included he can sometimes put too much on his own shoulders and when he tries to do too much it can really derail the offense and it hasn’t happened in a while but tonight was an example of that I thought he just LED far too many possessions in this one um and that’s

What it came down to especially given the night he had here and so we know Joe puts it on these guys to organize themselves and structure this offense and he’ll throw in a play here there but I thought the ball needed to be Tatum’s hands more often I thought the ball

Needed to be in White’s hands too often and we’ve said that throughout this year and BR keeps stressing you know I can be this playmaker and he’s done it he’s shown it he had some good moments even in this one H but man bad decisions just overtook this game what stood out most

To you John what stood out most to me is the seven assists cuz I don’t remember any of them you know what’s also amazing to me um the Celtics finished with 29 assists tonight yeah it’s not always an indicator right right how is that possible it looked like they weren’t

Moving the ball some of the worst teams some of the worst teams in the league are among the league leaders and assist so you know we like that number you like when it’s higher but it’s not always going to say you did great things offensively no it’s not look the Jaylen

Stuff we talked about um you know earlier was the you know the All-Star related stuff I I don’t think it’s necessarily need to get into it but it really is it comes down to like you know who is the guy you know uh you know who is he you

Know what is he and what does he need to be and we always said the best version of Jaylen Brown is the guy who does less right um and meaning allowing the game to come to him and being able to do the things that he excels at of which there

Are many particularly you know you know getting to the basket you know strong musling people getting into that mid-range getting out in transition terrific stuff and making the reads easier for him um and so you know just to read a comment from it because it was interesting from Zack

Low talking about his All-Stars he puts Jaylen Brown in because he’s eligible for you know front court and back court and he writes okay time for the jayen brown conversation period he’s a tad overrated he’s averaging 22.6 points down from 266 last year Advanced numbers frown upon Him likely due to his

Unreliable decisionmaking he’s averaging 3.7 assists and 2.4 turnovers those Advanced numbers paint him as a mediocre and sometimes inattentive Defender and that’s always been the kind of knock on Brown is like at his best he does things at such an elite level that you know you can get people thinking like maybe he’s

The guy right maybe he’s better than Tatum because he can be an Unstoppable force and he can get hot and he can carry you for entire quarters and win games for you and when he locks in on defense um he uh he he can be an impact

Defender it’s just not enough right and what they did this year is they opened things up they made it simpler they’re getting the ball in situations where he can see the court a little bit better make right reads he’s much better about not being indecisive this year the

Turnovers are down at Tad um I mean he’s he’s being better about not not forcing the issue this year uh and he’s making more of the right reads so there’s certainly some improvement there but now the scoring is down and there’s a question of whether or not it’s Allstar

Worthy especially when you’ve got porzingis and white playing the way they’ve been playing and you know possibly a more you know complete game so it’s an interesting debate on it and then he comes out tonight and throws a stinker but you had two na prominent National Writers come out between Zack

Low and then John Hollinger Hollinger left him off completely and he put porzingis and white on his all-star teams and he said holling the reward for the winning for for the reward for winning crowd is going to push hard from jessus Hollinger hard from Jaylen brown or Julius Randall uh or maybe Jared

Allen none of those guys have been good enough this season uh each has seen his play Dr drop off a bit and they were already pretty fringey Allstar so that’s not a lot of national respect for this guy and it’s something that he’s fought from within I know everyone in the

Chat’s gonna say the Boston guys are going to drive him out of town but nationally this is kind of a Viewpoint of Jaylen Brown you know of of who he is so that that was the debate that we were having earlier today or at least throwing that stuff

Around yeah and he came under a greater microscope after the East finals per bad East finals but he’s an all NBA guy and he’s a $300 million contract guy so the expectations obviously change yeah um yeah all those things for Sher and that was always gonna be the difficulty for

Him and I think he’s talked about this a little bit too do you have to go out and play like you’re earning that deal that money uh certainly the expectations are high too on the team here so are you you know forcing too much to tr to carry the

Team at times and I think that’s a balance he always walks of all right we really need to break this defense open right now we’re down in this game by double digits here so I’m gonna go make a play and I think that’s one of the things that makes him great at times

That makes him frustrating at times he can get that laser vision you know there’s moments even tonight’s game where you see him just kind of freeze up he was in the that double team in on the Baseline for it felt like the entire possession as the Lakers were trapping

Him and then finally Joe called the timeout from the sideline there’s just some moments out there where things seem to move a little too fast for him or he’s not able to slow things down which I feel like it was the biggest thing they needed in this game was to just

Slow things down and execute Joe called this an effort game to a large degree they didn’t play hard they just sucked but I felt like for a lot of this game they just really struggled to ex defensively certainly being in the right positions getting themselves set which

Is an effort thing in itself but also offensively getting into the you know spacing and actions that they wanted to there and too often he was just driving downhill trying to make something happen yeah let’s hear from joose way quick were you in on Tatum yeah um you know

What I liked his analogy way better than Joe mouas which was just a bad week at work and you look at the the numbers I mean yeah they haven’t been playing their usual cells but the turnovers are down you know there’s there’s a lot of

Positives to look at so I I I can see why uh Jason Tat’s looking at it big picture-wise and um yeah he just kept it pretty kept it positive um can’t wait to turn things around next time around all that kind of stuff question would you prefer it anybody chat too I’m

Curious would you prefer it if Tatum came out and like lost his mind and said you know I’m looking I’m looking at myself and up and down that bench and some of our some of our guys were supposed to be leaders and we didn’t do it tonight what if he called people out

What if he threw some bombs I wouldn’t like it to be honest because they would show that they’re very unstable mentally that this loss really got to him whereas if you’re in the game mentally yes no no I mean if that was in game though during a timeout

Yes I would love that in gain he does that yeah but you know pouting up at the podium doesn’t have the same effect if you ask me in game I would love that I would love that in a Timeout getting people’s faces Tatum oh I would love

That you know what tonight was like something I haven’t seen in a while from Tatum when he got that loose ball right Bobby I mean just screaming on top of his like he almost looked like Paul Pierce in game seven when he grabbed it from LeBron man like he lost it and I

Was hoping that would carry over you know for the I thought it would I thought it would happen John that they were they were gonna go on that run after it never did man it never did you know that was that was that like sorry about it real quick that was that

Classic like the referee called it a jump ball but he’s like no I’m keeping this you’re not gonna get this ball for me and he tried and Tatum’s like no he never let go so I I just love that obviously his reaction well that’s there in this one right and the benchings are

There John which isn’t something Joe does often so you did have those two attempts at the top to instill some accountability there at least send a message I mean I I don’t know if he talked about Joe S him you know getting into the guys on the bench there but

That’s not common from Tatum either so the fact that they attempted that even if it didn’t work in this one I think is a real step and listen if as we’ve always said if the accountability is happening internally that’s fine even if they don’t want to bring it public but

We liked what eay did that year at least I did you know you had no e may called them out flat out that’s a question oh that was a question I’m gonna ask you guys do you want to see Missoula do that because obviously it worked that I he

Might tonight and maybe I was stupid for feeling that way because he just doesn’t do it but I feel like tonight was that bad and that you know he benched three guys at the beginning of the third there I thought it was coming like listen guys

I tried I tried to let him off the hook but tonight was awful a question what if what if Tatum said not calling people out what if he said we are never winning a championship if we don’t break habits like these what if he said what if

Something waiting for yeah I would love that because that’s what I mean is like I think it just I’ve been trying to figure out where you want to see it because we said this about Brad and he’s like H you know he just never got to the

Point where you felt like he sensed urgency over the what we were seeing and that’s kind of what you wanted it wasn’t like the throw the chair moment or the the ranting press conference I think I phrased it incorrectly the first time it’s the the acknowledgment that this

Problem it could be a big problem if we don’t fix it as opposed to nah we’re fine you know so it’s not that you want like your pound of Flesh to have them necessarily and you kind of do you want them to mirror what you’re feeling sometimes because it makes you feel

Better but also you want to you want them to acknowledge that like it needs fixing and not that it’s okay uh and maybe that’s kind of what you’re more looking for is that um is that kind of vibe of like yeah this could be bad we cannot have games like this instead of

We’ll be fine we just had passive John I don’t like the off night stuff the off night is is excusing it they do these things you know they’re the team that goes out there and plays and then they’ll come out of these games talking like oh you have those kns

Sometimes that stuff just happens and it’s true but you was the coach you was the stars on the team you’re supposed to be the ones going out there preventing it from happening we said it last year all year and it drives me crazy Jo SL because I want to see this start

Happening again you have to take care of it now because when it happens in the playoffs all of a sudden you look in left and right and you know guys might get attached like I I’m just I feel like we’re reliving it a little bit because

All last year it was fine who cares move on and then when you’re down three nothing against Miami oh you know we lost our identity and oh we might not be as together as we think here we got to come together like that can’t be the time where you come together and they

Tried it like they you know tried like hell to do it at that point it almost it happen and they lost those three games they lost those three games in different ways you know like that’s why we were kind of like oh time this can happen like oh little things yeah

Allu yeah and you know another Factor last year you were super healthy on that run so you know Health was an excuse either there Health was an excuse tonight so I just the through line John is what scares you because we’ve seen this team do it it’s a different

Incarnation you have more talent you have more safety valves in terms of you might be able to get away with doing certain things just because you’re that good and you have other guys that can save you here white holiday porzingis all the way down the line to the bench

That continues to play really well I mean the bench almost saved them again tonight Hower comes in raining three Pritchard had a big shot like it’s on Brown and Tatum and you know I’m glad to hear Brown Take accountability for this one but does he mean it you know

Tatum just move on I I forget Joe Joe’s gonna do what Jo does we know it at this point I think you look at Tatum at after this one especially with what he said Jose way right there and you know I stop me if you disagree with this but we’ve

Heard this from him before right move on yeah throw it in the trash on to Memphis we know they can beat Memphis we know they can beat Atlanta we know they can have a good week but what are you taking from this one were there any takeaways

From this game things they got to do better things they got to work on like you can just broadly say oh we got to do you know we gota go to practice and tighten some things up here but what needs to get better is there any acknowledgement from

That tonight I don’t think anything I don’t know if there’s any acknowledgement I do believe it is a bad day at the office I do believe it’s one that you could easily just say it happened and they could go out and win by 70 next game and everyone’s like see

You know like what were we worried about and they’ve done that before it’s it’s not that it’s that if this if this is part of who you are and it can come out at any time it can come out at the wrong time so you want to nip it in the bud

And you just want to recognize that you can be this way and that you shouldn’t be this way and you’re supposed to be professionals and you had everybody healthy and you’re playing on underman team and you’re not supposed to play with your food and learn from it and say

That like yeah this is embarrassing [ __ ] you know um but I don’t know from in terms of the game like we want to nitpick certain things you know I don’t know like I mean is there anything about the way they played outside of the effort and the and you know and and the

Sloppiness particularly with how they started the way terms of style like look there’s things that you like we can talk about those things like look is it going to be a team that’s too reliant on the three that doesn’t get to the free throw line enough that doesn’t create enough

Easy baskets that doesn’t create enough turnovers um all of those things are could be could could kill you in a game Bobby right but yeah they have so many things that can beat you that they can beat you with I just don’t necessarily worry about it I’m not gonna get too

Hung up on those aspects no team is perfect no team can do everything well all the time they do a lot of things well and they can defend at a high level and they can switch they can do a bunch of different things and they have multiple guys who can create their own

Shots and that’s just something they’ve never had in the past so overall the good outweighs the bad by a by Miles and Miles and Miles so I’m not going to nitpick the aspects of their game that aren’t perfect it’s really more a matter of when the other team ratchets it up

Are you ready to answer the bell and that’s why I keep saying I guess it’s more of a mentality thing right and it’s a mentality you know you gave up how Joe adjusts to things when things in series when things change when team te don’t do the same thing every night when you’re

Getting their best effort when you have good coaches on the other side watching what you’re doing game planning and completely changing flipping the script on you are you able to figure that out as well you know spoler was just toying with Missoula in the first three games

Of the year you know they’re like oh my God the Zone he’s gonna kill us with that and then he plays an entire game without going to Zone once you know like stuff like that so I don’t know I mean there’s those are the unknowns how’s Joe

Gonna react how the Jay’s gonna react it’s the same it’s the same thing they’re just better equipped to handle it this year yeah but why is that though I mean you have two guys you didn’t have last year that change the dynamic of your team like use them you know I just want

To see that utilized more often especially in porzingis but um look you do wonder if it was e if he’d kick him in the ass right Jo s and just be like just think [ __ ] you know yeah yeah anyway go ahead Jo no well especially a

Game like this yeah that’s a really good point so yeah I mean I just think that’s something that is part of the player players knowing what’s best for the for themselves in down the stretch in the fourth quarter let’s face it they they’re the ones that have to you know

Rely on that muscle memory to make the right decisions but it’s also you also gotta be a little bit on the coaches right like you got to set these guys up and I just think offensively you know outside of that drive from Tatum down the stretch in that fourth quarter I

Just didn’t see a whole lot of like plays being set up you know it feel like they’re just freestyling out there and that’s good in some some of the time you know we’ve seen these guys pull it off especially in a big way I mean look big picture-wise thought they still have the

Best record in the NBA and clearly uh one of the more dominant teams in the NBA however when they when they’re not playing that way in that fourth quarter in and seems like they’re just struggling to find a to make a play it worries me it does it generally does

Because I don’t think or at least I haven’t seen uh very a lot of lot of the times in those moments where drula draws up a quick play for what this team really needs you know out of the timeout place like he’s just not that type of Coach yeah you

Talk you talk about him trying to set them up with that approach to be able to be a little more random and creative and self-sufficient in the playoffs right it can’t be a parade of timeout saving them uh in a playoff game so you understand that mindset but on the other hand there

Might be a situation that calls for a heavier hand from the sideline and that’s been me and your biggest issue with him all along John is that he won’t put his imprint on plays enough at least moments where things are kind of spiraling to add a little bit of

Structure to maybe run a play to run a play in a non-conventional way you know to get a guy involved that know might throw the defense off like you you really and I again I want to go back and watch a lot of this game because I feel

Like I didn’t get a great feel for it you know in the moment here in terms of what went wrong offensively but I agree with Joe sway there it seemed to be a structure thing they seemed a little rattled you know as they fell behind by double digits particularly right after

Halftime to where they you know they’re missing shots inside you know they’re not getting clean looks at the basket things are a little crowded in there that is the one thing I think Joe acknowledges a lot after some of their worst nights is the spacing wasn’t there

And guys weren’t in the right positions in terms of freeing up that R Lane because you know they had a pretty good third quarter John you know they won it they got better shots Tatum got going but I think they missed six shots in the paint and almost all of them turned into

Points the other way all of them probably could have been cleaner looks in there and you know that’s still a philosophical debate here with with with Joe is I think that’s what makes him nervous they’ll get there there’ll be maybe a 5050 shot at the rim and if you

Miss it boom you’re dead the other way and that showed itself tonight does that make them a little more hesitant to go there more often you wouldn’t like to see that because I do think it’s an element they need more Rim looks more free throws which I think are directly

Correlated with that um so some of its some of its basketball some of its mentality I think more of its mentality John because it’s the situations they’re in crunch time big deficit um a game where your opponent’s missing its best players that rattle them it’s it’s not

The talent on the other side or um a star on the other side or anything any other coaches doing out there like I think they’re pretty sound in their X’s and O’s as much as a few of the points there might frustrate so it’s a mentality thing this game was

Clearly a mentality loss and do they have the championship mentality because we know they have the championship roster there’s no doubt about it Y and we’re all sitting here saying they’re gonna do it this year sat there at times last year saying they’re gonna do it this year so they’ve

Had the rosters it’s been the mentality thing that prevents them from doing that so it’s tough to measure it’s tough to quantify especially with this team it’s tough to get them to talk about about it uh so I think we’re all just kind of sitting here in the dark waiting for

Those big games in the playoffs and seeing if it’s going to rear its head before we wrap here’s Jason Tatum talking about it I mean like you said we got a couple days of practice and and look over things that we can do better uh today Thursday

Just just a bad week at work you know everybody in here got a job uh you know nobody has great days every day and you know us we’re no different this is our job um we would love to be perfect we would love to win every game and make

Every shot but um it’s just not the case but you know we got to be better and look ourselves in the mirror and that’s what we’re going to do don’t we all Jason bad dve that was electric anyway um we’re gonna uh it’s funny too because that that was the

Biggest that was the biggest quot of the whole thing that’s why guy just makes me want to run through a wall um anyway so maybe they’re right because we saw we saw that’s the the type of motivation you need during a game though I don’t

Want to see him up there being like this guy needs to do this that no no I want to see it during the game because then then in that moment I think you get a response from your teammates I think I’m pretty sure it tonight if it’s Tatum

Doing it it didn’t work it didn’t work but they did it tonight and you say it all the time John who cares what they’re saying after the game it’s a lot of lip service we saw them actually go out there and try to rile each other up and

Fire each other up and get a response in terms of benching and all that and that’s pretty rare from this group so is that a step in the right direction do those things fire them up and put them on a little bit of a run here do the

Practices as they say help here tightening things up we’re gonna see that this week and certainly it’s a good opportunity to do so against three really bad teams and it does remind me John that Memphis game obviously Memphis coming up on Sunday the one in Memphis

Was in a good example of wow you were just horrible in this game and you got away with it so we’ll see if that happens again we’ll see if it happens again we’ve got a got got a couple days off and we’re back on Sunday right

Sunday at six Sunday at six Marcus video tribute night and that’s about it right maybe an L who knows we’ll see yeah we don’t want to build bad habits you’ve built them you don’t want to get back into them right you don’t want to you know you’ve had them it’s it’s okay it’s

Okay it’s okay we all have bad they’ve been in the back they’re built they’re fully built this the they’re built um but again they have avoided them for the better part of this year uh but as you know fuzzy put in the comments and other people have also said you’ve gotten away

With you gotten away with some stuff because you are so talented you’re know you’re not g Get Away minimized they minim you’re not gonna get away with in the playoffs and I think that’s fair but anyway thank you guys for hanging out uh

It was fun um and yeah I know it was a hate show but I we don’t we’re not really hating it’s con like I said it’s the concern cake it’s a concerned show um you want to make sure that they’re okay uh and there’s nothing to be super

Concerned about almost every single game like this you’re gonna ask does it matter how much does it matter you know and that’s kind of what we’re trying to figure it all out um so again thank you guys for hanging uh thanks Bobby thanks Jo s uh check out our Celtics YouTube

Channel subscribe like it share it do all that good stuff uh check us out we do appreciate you guys hanging with us every we will see you I appreciate that we will see you guys on Saturday Sunday Sunday Sunday sorry I just said it but I’m looking for the outro and I’m trying

To wrap the show we’ll see you guys Sunday wait am’s got an outro for us I think no he doesn’t he said he was going to work on an outra he had a phenomenal game phenomenal game forit out I I think it’s an option that did not sound like a chair

It was a freaking chair it does sound like a chair

The Garden Report goes live following the Celtics game vs the Lakers. Catch the Celtics Postgame Show featuring Bobby Manning, Josue Pavon, and John Zannis as they offer insights and analysis from Boston’s game vs LA.

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  1. Im not even mad at this loss. Flukey game. HOWEVER, this game proves my point that i have been bringing up since BRAD was coaching. This system will never win. The small ball, 3 point shooting crap just invites bad teams to keep games close because it becomes a 3pt shooting contest instead of the celtics just playing like the better team and driving and pushing the ball. Tatum literally sabotages his own talent by taking dumb 3s. Then he cries for EVERY call. Brown os movong more without the ball now, but he's sloppy with it still. White is great, but sometimes he takes dumb 3s. Porzingis is the most polished player on the team and is not used a lot. This is due to the brad stevens system that was passed down. This team is also soft af. Brown has some fire, but tatum is the leader, and he's too cool and too soft. Joe is sensitive and out of touch with the game too sorry. Sam Cassell or van gundy would do better. I think even Chauncey billups would have a team like this playing hard.

  2. This game is proof 108363527 that sports is rigged / scripted …. Lakers had the numbers to win simple as that bcuz all is numbers

  3. They are totally overrated..I don't feel as if Tatum & Brown are "TEAM" guys….selfish guys and care about their money above everything else….this loss is is embarrassing

  4. I’m with Josue on Gary vs. Joe. Joe does nothing else but deflect and appear insecure. He is so unlikable imo.


  6. If they fall short again this year, time to pull the plug on the Tatum/Brown duo. They don't have what it takes on so many levels. Trade JB and anyone else besides Porzingas and Tatum to line up next year's first round pick for Cooper Flagg. We need stars who give a shit.

  7. 3 different coaches with the same 2 gutless, clueless and unlikable top guys. It's same thing over and over again.

  8. Joe sucks has a good record because of the team he has, but they will not win the title, I hope that i'm wrong, sorry.

  9. Lakers played hard ,shot well,and took advantage of Cs poor effort. Cs kept jacking up 3s and did not guard. This loss is on the players.

  10. They probably were supposed to throw this game. Explains why Jaylen wasnt interested

  11. I can’t believe the poison of the character of the guys on this team were able to get all the way to a stand up guy like Jrue. That is pretty crazy

  12. Honestly, you both are pretty dense if you can't understand what Joe is saying. He is saying that it is normal in human interactions for people to not always listen. You come across as overly sensitive.

  13. AD & LeBron laughing from the sidelines, inflicting humiliation on the Celtics and their fans who paid $$$ for tix. The days of 19 year old Tatum dunking on LBJ fading?

  14. Why the hell did you get a point guard, if you keep letting Tatum and Browne bring up the ball? Ridiculous.

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