@Los Angeles Lakers

Reaves SHOWED OUT in Lakers win without LeBron & AD + Embiid’s KNEE may cost him the MVP 👀 | Get Up

Reaves SHOWED OUT in Lakers win without LeBron & AD + Embiid’s KNEE may cost him the MVP 👀 | Get Up

It is the Lakers visiting the Celtics no LeBron James no Anthony Davis they’re sitting at the bench in this one Celtics are 15 1 Half Point favorites what could go wrong Austin Reeves is the answer here’s a three in the second quarter put the Lakers up by eight under three

Minutes to go in the second Lakers up by five here’s Reeves again guys this is just going to pretty much be Austin Reeves highlights so what do you think of how Austin Reeves played last night he was in Fuego he was red hot and they just they couldn’t guard him which

Didn’t make sense but that’s unguardable right there but that’s what happens when you get hot yeah now early in the fourth quarter Lakers up by 10 Here Comes Reeves he’s going to drive and Bank in the floater Monica he had it going I mean this was his night indeed he was

Just in the zone as they say Lakers up by uh up by nine here this is Russell Reeves decided to pass it off this time LeBron and AD hype Lakers win it 114 105 Russell had 16 points and 14 assists and you look the Lakers win but they’re

Still Ninth Place in the west which would put them in the playin tournament uh if the season were to end today which thankfully for them it does not they’re four games back of the Sun and uh Suns which would give them safety from the playoff game four games back from the

Sun they would be uh uh BPI only gives them a 6% chance to finish at sixth place or better so that’s where things stand with the Lakers after their biggest win of the year I would right I mean there’s no question going into Boston and winning

Without their top two guys so what did that what did that game tell us about the Lakers nothing all right serious is next doesn’t because their two best players didn’t play and the problem has been when their two best players have been playing which is the first time

This season that ad and LeBron were not in the game at least one of them wasn’t on the floor which is a good sign normally in the past we’ve been concerned about Anthony Davis’s availability we not this year and by the way turtleneck coming back looks great

On him but this is more about the the cast that’s around LeBron and AD that helped get them to a Western Conference finals last year and really had all of us caught up in this kind of cool young group of energetic players and Defenders and Austin Reeves of course and what

They can do with LeBron but since the inseason tournament Monica they have fallen off big time and now we got LeBron putting out hourglass emojis and we’re all trying to decipher what this means so this is this Supporting Cast saying it ain’t us it’s not us we can

Ball listen first of all after the Thriller versus the Warriors I don’t know how we didn’t forecast at least three games out for the two of them just in terms of the energy that that game required so I wasn’t surprised when I heard that they Wen playing this

Particular ball game I think to me for the Celtics this is a indication of the dog days of the Season everybody is trying to make that push to get to All-Star break to recharge mentally and physically and so I’m not going to put too much on it they shot 33% from 36 and

48 like we know the three-point line is their biggest threat but as far as the Lakers are concerned I want to take confidence away from this because you’re not getting this level of productivity consistently from your rooll guys but that is not a realistic measure of this

Team cuz that’s not this team because you didn’t have LeBron ad dominant pieces so you had other players who could be a little more it always happens like that right like where one game right right the one game it’s like fgas it’s time for me and so players who

Aren’t as comfortable in Supporting Cast roles now you become more of a primary player but again last year this all made sense this all fit last year why all of a sudden this isn’t fitting is the big question there on last year though too there was such a smaller window for it

To fit remember it started to click late because it was trade deadline right they made a bunch of moves at the trade deadline which actually brings me to what I wanted to ask next which is trade deadline is what 6 days away now Thursday so what are we looking at for

What what is the what are the what are the move or the moves that the Lakers need to make well what the fan base wants them to make what LeBron probably wants them to make is the jonte Murray from Atlanta who they could bring in as

A Defender and help them out in the back court with defense but I don’t know if that puts them over the top I don’t know if that makes them a championship Contender and what do they have to offer because Austin Reeves as a player do not trade him and that’s what Atlanta would

Want so what do the what do the Lakers have to offer in a trade what would you do what would I do I would start Felding offers for LeBron James because that’s the best thing you have it’s the most valuable piece tradable commodity that you have and of course it’s not going to

Happen Twitter so don’t bother responding to me I already know it ain’t happening all right X Twitter Instagram snapface whatever it is just trust me I get it but if we’re looking at it logically the Lakers don’t have assets they don’t have enough to build a championship team for a 39-year-old

Superstar who’s still giving you 25 s and seven shooting 50% he still can play at a superstar level but it’s not going to be enough whatever you do to get another championship so now you got to start thinking about the future we tried to do this last year it was too soon and

They put together a nice team and they made a run but it wasn’t enough but man what else are you going to do if you’re the Lakers give up the 2028 pi pick so that when he’s long gone and now you’re stuck with I don’t have any draft picks

I’m in the lottery but I don’t have my pick because we went through this era and didn’t come away with a championship you can get a boatload for him it’s never going to happen but logically it’s the right move yeah it it does make sense on paper and it may even make

Sense if you were to dig into like you mentioned what do they have in terms of the available picks and so on and so forth but the Lakers as an organization LeBron James is the face of that franchise right now and I’m sure they don’t want to regress back to prior to

LeBron getting there right they’ve always had a marquee Hall of Fame caliber guy that carries so this is where I was about to go next I’m old enough to remember when ad was supposed to be the guy to carry the torch and it seems that that conversation has

Dwindled more and more and more and here we are I mean you trade for ad anybody trying to trade for ad no not with that contract and the also the question about availability and to his credit yeah he has and I’ve been critical of Anthony Davis’s availability this year he has he

Came into the season he did all he was supposed to do be in great shape and be available to your team he has been he’s played at a high level but these two guys together it’s still not enough to compete for a championship and when you have LeBron James that’s all you should

Be trying to do while you still have him and while he’s still playing at a high level you’re saying we’ll get back to this in a little bit you’re saying that but if they move him you’re saying they got to press the reset button and start

All over again you can get I mean talking about five picks six picks for some teams it’s worth it for that shot at a title what’ you make of of everything that went down there the atmosphere in the garden atmosphere in the garden Monica so you know the Apple

Watches they give you the loud environment warning I got four of them during the game okay and that means it’s hazardous right noise but it it was it’s something that we haven’t seen in in that building in a long long time and he is in the middle of it we hear so much

About everybody telling talking about it and we’ve done it too the Nicks got to find a star the Knicks have got to trade for a star forg stars get supernovas all the villain NOA guys bring them all in that jride culture cat there’s something about them and Jaylen Brunson is the the

Centerpiece of this he has transformed this franchise prior to the game Rick Carla was asked did he predict this version of Jaylen Brunson and without missing a beat remember he was in Dallas with Jaylen as well as his head coach without missing a beat unequivocally

Carl was like yeah I he said that’s the guy has the stuff he says he hears all the noise and he just manages to chew it up munch it up spit it out and use it as fuel Jaylen wins and I think in a league where most of these guys have been the

Top of their class the entire span of their basketball lives to be a guy that is very comfortable being doubted being overlooked and still managing to figure out a way and to do it so well I put my money on JB so how far can he take how

Far can this n Nicks team take this well okay so if you look at it his on off is similar to Joel embiid in terms of when he’s on the floor and when he’s not in the productivity of this team and Joel embiid is in the MVP conversation while they’ve lost to

Boston and they’ve lost to Milwaukee they have not met this version of that team those losses were in the calendar year that just passed 2023 and so I would be very curious to see how that Defense matches up the Knicks currently defend better than Milwaukee um I think they’ve they’ve beaten Philadelphia this

Calendar year so listen I don’t see why this team can’t push for Eastern Conference place in the Eastern Conference Championship yeah and we got to also put the caveat when healthy J who was also named to the allar team he is not healthy with the shoulder right now they don’t have their starting

Center Mitchell Robinson and they lost OG anobi who they traded for so they get these guys back or at least you get anobi back first and they they have the makings of a team that can definitely make a run like we saw Miami Heat did last year with Jimmy Butler as a

Centerpiece and you know all these guys that just understand their roles know them and a team that plays hard and what you don’t want to be as a team that plays them especially if you’re like one of these cake eater I’m like good all year type type teams then you play them

In the first round like this is a team that is going to come after you and they’re goingon to I I know leg said this Tim legler said this recently on ESPN and I thought it’s was the best thing to say every night they’re going to outwork you they might not out Talent

You but they’re going to outwork you and they’re never going to let go a game like last night was a perfect example they had four missing key pieces to rotation every reason to pack it up every reason it’s the middle of the season it’s the dog days of the NBA

Season you already won eight in a row this is the time to go all right it’s not our night but they would never never they just wouldn’t laid down they pulled out yet another win pretty exciting fun story Brewing up the road here in New York at Madison Square Garden with the

Knck and he wasn’t just having a good season prior to this injury he was outperforming his 2022 2023 season in which uh he won MVP one problem though there’s a new rule this year he has to play at least 65 games to qualify for that award thanks to that uh new rule in

The NBA’s new CBA played 66 games last season so the question now becomes is that 65 game minimum that new rule that says in order to be eligible for the postseason Awards you have to play at least 65 of your team’s uh 82 games is that going to cost Joel embiid a second

Straight MVP award no no that won’t because it’s the knee that’s going to cost him I mean the numbers are great this year there’s no question about it but he’s also playing and then he takes a couple games off then he plays that is the issue the knee and the concern for

The knee and well before the meniscus injury and that that that scary fall was showing you right here which kaminga lands right on it you can see he’s in obvious pain if you were watching this game and I was and I’m sure Monica you were too he was already dragging that

Leg up and down the floor like he already was showing you that that knee was bothering him we have seen him enough during this season where that knee is now starting to get worse and worse and worse now this injury comes up I don’t think the rule is going to come

Into play because I think the knee is going to be the bigger issue it is unfortunate that injuries are part of the game and yes the conversation will be the KN the 65 minimum but you’re right the knee is the primary thing I just think think there’s two things that

Are missing to me in the conversation about the minimum one everybody is acting like it was just the players and as if the entire league and medical staffs and front offices and coaches were not also complicit in how we got here to requiring a minimum the second

Part of it to me is the I understand the guys feeling like they are being penalized if they’re injured but at the same time if a guy manages to stay healthy they should have the same opportunity and maybe even be given more credit in terms of hitting some of the

Accolades that trigger uh monetary benefits in their contracts and so this is unfortunate I personally if I’m the Sixers I don’t care about 65 I don’t care about the MVP at this point you need him to be as healthy as possible in the postseason cuz this window is

Fleeting and that gets to the heart of why they feel like they needed the rule right because the the point the point of the rule is to disincentivize sitting guys right and sitting guys out for regular season games but we have a situation now where he obviously is is

Injured and can’t play so it leads to questions about whether the rule is fair is it fair of course it’s fair well first first of all life ain’t Fair anyway go ahead there you go no no and I’m with you like that’s where I was going the whole idea that the reason we

Have rules right know that but and Monica what you said is I’m glad you said it because it’s not being talked about enough we blame the players for this rule well we didn’t have if you didn’t sit out so much if we didn’t have people like Kyrie and others who just

Sat out because they wanted to sit out not because they were actually hurt if we had guys that were talking more about how playing 82 games that’s really hard it’s too much on my body whatever it is we made it a science to not play right a

Sport like that’s a can you I can’t imagine NFL players telling them you know what it’s better off if you don’t play this weekend hell no you got to play you want to play and most players in the NBA want to play every game but this didn’t start with just players this

Started with Greg papovich wanting to make a point about the schedule and backto backs and wait a minute I played on a Wednesday now Thursday I’m playing on TNT no I’m sitting job and and Duncan and all those guys out of of spite starts there and we call it rest we made

It a science and now it became an excuse and then other players took it so what you said is a thousand it’s it’s absolutely correct it’s why we got here but now we have to make rules just to inspire players to want to play look at the inseason tournament Stephen A said

This he was right you put a half million dollars on the table oh how hard did these guys play so I think that the Hope was obviously that would make uh it would the rule would take care of this problem but obviously it hasn’t I assume

The NBA will continue to address it as we move Along

The Get Up crew react to the Los Angeles Lakers 114-105 upset over the Boston Celtics with LeBron James and Anthony Davis out and what statement the win made. Then, the panel take a look at if the NBA’s 65-game policy will hurt Joel Embiid’s chances at winning the MVP.

0:00 Lakers vs. Celtics recap
2:00 Lakers statement without LeBron or AD
4:00 What trade can the Lakers make to improve their roster?
8:00 Should the Knicks be considered championship contenders?
10:00 Could the 65-game rule cost Joel Embiid MVP?

#getup #espn #nba #lakers #embiid

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  1. I would trade lebron james. He has a great career but to build a dynasty he needs to be traded. I definitely wouldn't trade austin reeves

  2. @miscamicam. With all due
    Respect: you are a beautiful
    Lady, but you don't know
    Shoeshine, from shinola.
    This was the Austin Reaves,
    From last year, but with a
    Lebron James, Anthony Davis,
    You can only have the ball so
    Much. Austin, had 32 points,
    And D'angelo Russell, had 14
    Asists. Rui Achimura, is a
    Power forward, but he cannot
    Play, because now that Lebron
    Is older, he can only guard, power forwards, not small wing forwards. The lakers
    Play up to the level of the
    Boston celtics, and more,
    Because they won. To me,
    Lebron James, plays for
    4 things: STATS, RECORDS,
    FAMILY. not his teamates.
    Thats why, Austin Reaves,
    D'angelo Russell, and Rui
    Achimura, suffer, and the
    Lakers want to trade them.
    Of the three, they might not
    Trade reaves. But they say,
    They might. The lakers, might
    Not make the playoffs, until
    They get a profecional coach.

  3. if lebron and AD actually moved without the rock more then the lakers would be a lot better. Gotta get your role players involved if you want them to play well

  4. Lebron is incredibly toxic and only brings down the team. Please start acknowledging how terrible he is ESPN. Its getting ridiculous

  5. Looks like the Lakers has found their FUTURE TEAM post Lebron. Watch Jeanie and Palooka Linka mess it up, AGAIN. The Dynamic dodos failed to keep Caruso, Monk, Brooks Lopez, and Schroeder. STUOOOOPID!!

  6. The Clippers has FOUR star players, George, Leonard, Russell, and Harden. I stopped watching Lakers this season, now watching the much better LA team, MY CLIPPERS. SWITCHED😂😎

  7. If I was ham I wouldn't even play ad or bronn in the 1st of every game let the youngs get the rhythm flowing then in the 2nd bring them in slowly, and save em for the 3rd and 4th where veterans are needed.

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