@Golden State Warriors

My Personal View on Player’s Trade Values Going into the Trade Deadline

My Personal View on Player’s Trade Values Going into the Trade Deadline

by PHXCP3Fan


  1. PHXCP3Fan

    *Team’s needs include players that aren’t neccesarly all-star caliber, but can still fill holes in the roster. Such as defensive oriented centers, good wing defenders, etc

    I’m also a CP3 fan so may be a bit biased, but I do think when healthy he runs the 2nd unit so well that his impact will be hard to fill if we trade him for anything less than a all-star player.

  2. Amnesiquack

    Leave GP II alone!


  3. RidiculousNickk

    Move Wiggins up to the All-Star return tier and Gp2 up to Needs fulfilled tier.

    Looney might just be a vibes guy now, but when Gp2 plays, he’s still a top 3 defender on this team and has a huge impact on winning.

  4. ImTheBestNerd

    I’d move gp2 up a tier. Hes still very good when he’s healthy. Probably move cp3 down a tier

  5. Klonomania

    Okay, it’s rare for a tierlist to exactly reflect someone else’s opinion, but down to a T, I agree.

  6. AssortedSub

    I would trade CP3 for much less than an all-star, but maybe I’m just a hater

  7. Clean_Winner_5589

    I’d trade Klay in a second if it got us a meaningful star contributor

  8. janitorfan

    bro saric is on a 1 year vet min balling out you absolutely do not trade him for anything

    most value contract in the league rn

  9. Man I don’t want to trade loon bros been such a huge part of our journey

  10. rudamaster_malone

    Im sorry but this isn’t how trades work. No shit we’d want to get rid of our 4 or 5 worst guys. We’re going to have to give up a few pieces to get pieces back that fit better.

  11. justgetttingbyman

    If you really think Klay and Draymond are more valuable than JK from a trade value standpoint please reconsider how you watch basketball.

    The only people who should be untouchable is Steph and JK unless the LeBron rumors are fr. Everyone else has not proven to be consistent enough to provide, or potential high enough to consider not trading.

  12. KevinAndrewsPhoto

    Id swap Klay & Kuminga. JK is 21 and is showing he can dominate. The Warriors just played their best game of the season when Klay was out. That’s not a coincidence imo
    I’d also move Wiggins up 1. We will never get talent in return that can fill what Wiggins is when he’s at his best. Just need to continue to see if he can get there

  13. EffinCroissant

    Klay is not on that list dog sorry. Way too selfish and takes advantage of our spineless coach. Wish he would just accept a reduced role for the betterment of the team.

  14. gottapeenow2

    Don’t move Podz. The kid has immediately proven to be a legit NBA combo guard. Tough on D, takes charges, heady player, moves without the ball, can create and knock down shots. When they drafted him I was pissed we passed on Cam Whitmore but good thing I ain’t no NBA GM because Podz is for real. He’s gonna have a real long career.

  15. Orphasmia

    Pretty salient with my view of the team as well. I’d raise GPII up a tier if anything. When playing he fills so many deficits and his contract isn’t terrible.

  16. how much value would the team get if Moody TJD and Kuminga played more? instead we have to watch cory joseph play instead its infuriating

  17. EquipmentNo9500

    Or you could’ve titled this …..

    How to be a casual bandwagon fan without really trying.

  18. Idk why but I want to keep quinones. He reminds me off poole too much and we already fucked up there

  19. Wiltmygoat

    I would love a Moody for Goga Bitadze trade, Goga is a great rim protector and while he doesn’t have the short roll passing of loon, he’s a much better finisher.
    Moody is buried in the warriors rotation and wasting away, Goga is also being underutilized by Orlando because they have no shooters and Goga himself is pretty limited offensively so they can’t really maintain any spacing in the Goga minutes. Jon Isaac is a better defender, Wendell Carter can shoot and Mo Wagner is better on offense (mincemeat on d tho) so Goga is the odd big out for them.
    Conveniently, Orlando need some minutes at the 2/3 spots and Moody perfectly fits the bill.

  20. Sweetbeansmcgee

    Jackson Davis is definitely important to keep. You can look at trades just in terms of this season if you’re a gm. You have to project into the future and consider the sizes of contracts as well.

  21. Klay will be nothing but an anchor from here on out. You are essentially saying you would rather see the team not give it’s best effort to win a championship if it means trading a player you would be sad to see leave.

  22. 693275001

    They should trade the bad players for really good players

  23. id move tjd up to needs. hes our only true rim protector and good things always happen when he gets minutes.

  24. madlabdog

    I hope Moody gets traded and goes to a team where he can perform well and sign a good extension.

  25. Dar8_Vader

    I’d love JK up a tier coz he is our present and the future.

  26. MegaJ0NATR0N

    I’d trade the entire bottom tier for a vet because it’s not like we ever see them play

  27. DrDivisidero

    I feel like trading CP3 would be a betrayal on some level

  28. MojitoChico

    I think too much of this fanbase thinks they’re experts

  29. Routine-Link-666

    I would move trayce up one he has alot of potential for rook

  30. you rate chris paul that high? with the emergence of kuminga and wiggs’ return to form he’s easily the most tradeable piece on the dubs right now + moses

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