@National Basketball Association

Lebron on Joel Embiid

“Where are all the media outlets, tv media personalities, hot takes that talked so much 💩 about Joel Embiid about missing those games when he knew what he was dealing with.

Now he’s out with an injury because of it. Not 1 person has went back on tv or their dumbass podcast and apologized to that MAN!! No accountability 🗑️🗑️🗑️”


by Iamagodfrey


  1. How the fuck do you blame media people talking their usual fuckery for your own decisions as a grown man for what to do for health, longevity, and career. Is it the media’s fault for pointing out when he last played in Denver? It’s just an objective fact. It’s high time for teams to stop dicking around and just give their players and fans proper injury reporting. The media is not the criminal here, it’s the Sixers injury management program.

    Edit: It seems some of the replies here are devolving quickly. This is not about hating on embiid and the narratives about him ducking are stupid. The point is that he should not have been playing hurt, and he would not have been if the Sixers had reported and managed his injury properly. And it’s unfortunate that asking the fans for an apology is the action here instead of pushing for better accountability from teams for both fans and players.

  2. iRockaflame

    Lmfao the first reply with a photoshop of LeBron in a Philly jersey is funny

    He looks pretty solid in that Philly blue and white too 😮‍💨

  3. CrazyEnd941

    Embiid is out with an injury because his own medical team fucked up. That’s it.

  4. I’m actually confused has it been cleared up what caused the injury?

    I was under the belief it was Kuminga landing on his leg that caused the injury into a MRI scan because of that incident. So you can’t predict or expect that

    Even if that wasn’t the case why are people blaming the fans or media for the 76ers medical staff letting him play anyway ? Why Would Embiid risk going out? He said he didn’t care about indivual awards anymore after getting everything so why even play this game injured?

  5. kanyesboner

    Nurse said after the game; “He obviously got landed on. So they’re going to do an MRI tonight or tomorrow. It’s kind of unrelated to what’s been bothering him. So we’ll just wait on that.”

    I get the NBA loves to dunk on the media, but they should get their story straight first.

  6. Ascaris_Egg

    This comment section is a cesspool. It’s not hard to understand that the media made a harsh campaign calling Embiid basically a pussy when he truly was injured. And it’s also not hard to understand that Embiid and the Sixers medical staff made a rash decision to play him. Both sides can be wrong at the same time.

  7. jorgelongo2

    > Not 1 person has went back on tv or their dumbass podcast and apologized to that MAN!! No accountability 🗑️🗑️🗑️”

    100% true. Should be a line of talking heads apologizing for doubting a man’s character and integrity

  8. Etizzle17yall

    I love how Nuggets fans act like if Embiid was on the injury report nobody would have acted like he was ducking once he eventually didn’t play. The hate would have come regardless

  9. Ok_Respond7928

    Joel decided he was good to play then his knee got landed on which caused the injury. Nick Nurse said as much in the [post game interview](

    Was there an overreaction to him missing the Denver game 100% but to act like what the team did wasn’t weird and unusual is crazy when they got fined for it. Joel was clearly hurt at the end of the Pacers game but he kept playing than was good to play the next game till 10 minutes before tip. That’s super weird no other way to put it.

  10. marselluswallice

    Yeah as a huge Embiid fan f most of y’all. Mad respect for Lebron for saying this

  11. yourcrazy28

    Interesting, when it was rumoured that Embiid was going to miss the game following the 2nd one, I could’ve sworn I seen people using that as a reasoning that Embiid didn’t “duck” Jokic, he was actually injured.

    But since he ended up playing the game after the Nuggets one, it’s change to “Embiid forced himself to play due to media pressure”.

    I honestly don’t pay much attention to NBA media outside of what I see on here, so maybe my first paragraph is just a skewed Reddit pov, and wasn’t said much outside of here.

  12. There’s nothing saying Embiid *can’t* miss games, he just can’t miss them and also win MVP.

  13. Uk_KingsStar

    he got injured cuz kuminga literally landed on his knee. would he have gotten injured if he played the denver game and no such accident happened? who knows. the media don’t gotta apologize unless he injured himself and not because of another player.

    lebron is dumb for this

  14. NYdude777

    He’s out because someone fell on his leg not because he’s a bitch and dodges Jokic.

  15. ExpectedOutcome2

    NBA Media treats NBA players with kid gloves in today’s era. Watch them interview players after games, they’re all scared of saying the wrong thing and triggering the players. Players get fans kicked out for soft heckling. I don’t wanna hear it.

  16. bigdicknick808

    First time I’ve ever agreed with lebron

  17. therealunbread

    Honestly I want to blame you morons but we’re all conditioned by the media whether we like it or not. It’s irresponsible and kinda pathetic that he gets so much stupid media coverage when he’s *so good.* mfs will sit here and pretend he doesn’t have a beautiful game because he flops lol

  18. milehighrukus

    Some real LeRevisionist history here.

    If he was listed on the injury report in a reasonable manner everyone could have pointed to the pacers game as a conduit for the injury and missing the Denver game.

    But they didn’t. Their failure allowed speculation to run wild.

    It’s not the fans or medias job to police the health of these players. It’s the people hired within the organization. Maybe Lebron should call attention to the god awful track record some of these organizations have within their medical staff.

  19. LiveFrmTheGutter

    If my glorious King is defending Embiid then I have no choice but to do the same. He was actually injured and not ducking Jokic imo 💯 heal up soon 🙏

  20. Of course it’s one the players and team to not to wear themselves out, but it’s been absolutely ridiculous reading people even on this sub acting like Joel Embiid is “dodging” people. They somehow missed Embiid playing against Jokic just a couple of weeks ago

  21. luciferbanjos

    This place too. Quick to talk shit and then acted like they were so upset about the injury

  22. fineseries81

    🤔Something is REAL 🐠 🐟 🎣 🐟🐠 going on

  23. OutlandishnessShot87

    13 year olds on r/nba: noooo i understand the game better than LeBron!!!

  24. Playing hurt didn’t cause his mcl injury.
    Getting landed on caused the mcl injury. If he Had the mcl prior to playing he would have had trouble ambulating.

    His mcl would have been injured regardless of his “health/injury status. It was bad luck. No ones fault.

  25. Misterstaberinde

    I am a notable Embiid shit talker but I never doubted he was actually injured, the injuries are the problem

  26. NandoDeColonoscopy

    “I’m sorry your medical staff didn’t put you on the injury report. Next time we should assume the Sixers medical staff is incompetent” seems like a fair apology

  27. LV_Blue-Zebras_Homer

    Embiid and Sixers: He is injured and just to prove it we will have him play!!

    *Kuminga falls on Embiid’s knee.*

    Sixers and LeBron: omg why would the fans and media do this.

  28. If you’re triggered or defensive while reading this, he’s talking about you.

  29. Sixers cleared him but also its different injury lol Nurse said it himself

    Embiid fell then Kuminga fell on his knee and somehow thats related to Denver game? A freak injury unrelated with reasons he missed Denver

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