@Minnesota Timberwolves

“We All Love Rudy Here So Much.” | Karl-Anthony Towns Shootaround Sound | 02.02.24

“We All Love Rudy Here So Much.” | Karl-Anthony Towns Shootaround Sound | 02.02.24

Cat congratulations on being for your an All-Star for the fourth time what does it mean to you this time around uh it means a lot uh you know just to uh come back from injury and hear all the talk in the summer and stuff so it’s pretty cool to be able to

Have this moment and what does it mean to you to be able to share it with your teammate it’s great it’s that’s the whole point I mean I I you know just to see an’s growth and to see him this time around gets selected is really

Awesome I’m happy for him you know I know last year he was a little bump that he made it and he was more of an injury replacement this year he gets in fully so I’m happy for him that uh he got this moment he deserves it and uh I’m I’m

Just honored that I get able to uh celebrate this moment with my teammate Carl when we uh talked to you on Wednesday night it seemed like you were bracing maybe for not getting in how were you surprised or how what did you what did you feel like coming when you

Finally when you’re heard your name I was in Wasington so I didn’t really know uh my dad was the one who ran in and told me so uh I didn’t I didn’t even recognize the time and everything like that I just was kind of living my life I

Had some obligations I was taking care of yesterday so didn’t really uh have that moment but I’m just happy that you know I’m just happy the first thing when I made it the first thing I asked is did Rudy make it yeah that was my first

Worry cuz um big fow deserved to be an All-Star Game and all of this is on possible because of him you know being number one in the west and stuff you need to have a defensive impact to have the best defensive player in the NBA definitely gave us better odds to

Make it so it’s all you know it’s all part of the reason we all we made it was because of him so felt weird that you know me it’s still weird that he’s not there with us um but you know he’s an amazing teammate he very supportive us

He was the first one to call me uh you know I just I’m happy to be able to represent our team and our oranization there uh it’s going to be feeling different like I said uh big fell is is it weird that it seems like for the last several years you

Guys back when he was on Utah you were fighting over Allstar spots ium they came down to YouTube All NBA spots and that that even hasn’t changed like here in Minnesota which is weird that it always seems to be like YouTube fighting for like whatever whatever honors it is

That that are there it’s it’s it’s it’s I feel our whole career we’ve been fighting with each other for those spots uh I get an Allstar of the year but he gets the all NBA nod so he gets the extra 40 million and I get the $500 the

$50,000 B you’re not bitter about that right no I’m not bitter at all about it I mean you know 50,000 is great you know um but you know it’s it’s crazy like you said we’ve been fighting you know we feel we’ve been two of the top bigs in

The league for a while and we’ve always been fighting with each other for the honors and at the end of the day it’s really different now now that we get to both do this together and it’s kind of as teammates so feels different when you’re being competitive with someone

That you want to beat but it’s different when you uh are competitive with someone you want to see with you there so it’s a totally different feeling um we we all love Rudy here so much especially myself I’ll be the first one to sing his Praises

So like I said it’s a weird feeling it’s even a weird feeling now talking about Allstar we’re not talking about Rudy in there so it’s kind of I’m honored I don’t want to take away the the specialty of this moment but you know I think about these guys a lot about more

Than myself okay you uh have had Seasons where you’ve aage more points and you’ve averaged more rebounds and things like that but we weren’t winning but you weren’t winning I would do you feel like this is a real acknowledgement of just the way you’ve had to adapt to this team

To help that win uh I mean it’s it’s awesome to be acknowledged for the sacrifices I made for this team so um you know consistently kept me um Reinventing my game for the team every year uh every preseason every summer I I feel like I go into the gym Reinventing who I

Am as a player so I can be the best for this this team um I’m just happy to be recognized for of course but um you know other than like last year I’m also more happy just to be healthy enough to be in this position so um really happy just

Mentally I stayed with it you know went through a traumatic injury last year and just stayed with it contined to work on my body and got myself back to this level this is first time Mak the team is like a four you know isn’t that crazy

That’s a good point I never thought of that so right now but like I mean I know when when Ry got here you’re like I’m kind of a Vibe still too like do you feel like you’re more of going to the allstar game as a board what is that

Been like how how is that different than I mean I haven’t thought about it till right now when you said it but uh it’s it’s cool I feel like every time I’ve been allstar game I kind of been a a four too I don’t know I have to look

Back at the tape too but it’s an All-Star game so it’s position L basketball at that point uh but your role on this team yeah yeah yeah yeah I think it’s it’s cool it’s it’s cool now that you say to be able to have made Allstars in two different positions it’s

Really cool um special uh never thought of it like that but uh I think it just you know just shows the the work I’ve put into the gym into my mind and into improving my game so that I could be able to play whatever positions needed and still find a way to

Be at that level are you going to shoot threes like that I mean that’s what I’m known for so I feel like I have to I’m still uh I don’t know if I’m going to be shooting threes just on Sunday or not so I’ll have to figure that out over the

Next couple days if there’s going to be more days and threes by me thank you thanks k


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  1. This guy is a truly great human being…Competitive but unselfish. him and Rudy making it an unrivaled force is awesome

  2. that KAT and Rudy connection has really blossomed this season too! KAT has almost 20 more assists to Rudy than ANYONE on the team right now, CONLEY INCLUDED!

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