@Minnesota Timberwolves

“I’m Happy That Our Team Will Be Well-Represented.” | Rudy Gobert Shootaround Sound | 02.02.24

“I’m Happy That Our Team Will Be Well-Represented.” | Rudy Gobert Shootaround Sound | 02.02.24

So Rudy we obviously know that your teammates are headed to the all-star game one if you can talk about what that feels like and then also um everyone feels today that you got snubbed and not getting that recognition how do you feel about it um first of all I’m really

Happy for the guide you know I mean we they they they deserve it a lot of work uh so I’m happy that all team will be well represented you know in the Allstar Weekend I hope that the coaches get to go there too that’ll be that’ll be

Incredible uh and when it comes to me you know I didn’t put that much expectation in it you know I’m not the first time I get to take for granted I disrespected you Know taking all these things you know I’ve been in this league for a long time I know how it works and um I I’m happy at the end of the day I get to uh get some some vacation so you know the best defender in the world uh the number

Number one team in the west and uh on the number one defense in the league we get to to enjoy the beach during the Allstar Weekend so that’s might be a blessing actually Rudy do you do you take things like this and put it in the

Back of your mind or does it give you a little bit extra motivation uh when when things like this happen you know when I was younger it used to be the case but I’m in a place now and I know what I bring to the table I know my worth you

Know I know you know uh I know uh what my purpose is you know and uh and like I said you know I mean we number one New West number one defense in the league uh you know and that’s what that’s what really that’s what really

Matters to me that’s what I trve every day to to bring to to to my organization to my team and uh you know and everything else is is out of my control uh but you know uh I’m really happy that you know we got two guys going there and

Uh and I’m happy for all the guys that get selected you know still uh it’s cool for them I hope you know they enjoy it for myself uh I’m going to keep doing what I do best you know and and there’s the only one drer in the world that can do

That cat said that uh the as soon as he found out he said the first thing he said is did Rudy make it and said that he talked to you last night just what was the conversation like and just knowing that your guys felt for you that

You didn’t you didn’t uh yeah we so we he called me and you know we we talked a little bit but he I told him to just enjoy his moment you know uh he earned it and uh and yeah he was feeling bad you know I said you don’t have to feel

Bad you know it’s not the first time uh it happen for me probably not the last time that I you know uh that I get disrespected but um I’m in a place now and uh you know uh I always see the bigger picture and uh and once again you

Know when you when you know you know your worth you know what you bring to the table all the external stuffff you know it’s it’s not that important at the end you know when uh uh we talking about it we talking about and I said at my hall of fame speech I’ll be

Able to joke about how many time I got I got to enjoy some extra vacation because I got SN for the allstar game did you tell them hey all they do is pick offensive players anyway so you just on cat that way we didn’t say that but but

But you know uh cat is is a unique player he incredible player and uh and and I’m happy for him you know you can you got to be able to yeah separate things you know and um and I’m glad that once again I’m glad that at least our

Team um you know that’s been playing really good basketball is being rewarded with two guys you know we got teams that are you know uh not even in the playoff picture that get multiple guys so at least the coaches did a little bit of you know uh of work and they rewarded

The our team that’s good is is it weird that it seems like over the years you and Carl have always been kind of fighting for the allstar spots all NBA spots like always seems to come down to you two like is it is it any different

Now that he’s your teammate and I mean I don’t think that it comes down to us too you know I think in the in the eyes of people it might it might be the case but you know we two very different players uh like I said you know there’s only one

Guy in the world like what I do uh there’s only one guy in the world that can do what C does uh and um and yeah you know um you got to be able to separate those things you know and and every time you know I’m able to be very

Happy with for the guys you know car has been through a lot you know uh ant’s been through a lot uh and they put the work so you know I’m I’m happy for I’m happy that our team is being represented and for car I’m I know how much it means

To him so I’m I’m I’m really happy for him for myself you know uh once again there’s a bigger purpose you know and uh I might never get the respect I deserve but it’s fine you know I I truly know my worth I know what I bring to the table

And uh you know and Hall of Fame speech would be able to to laugh about it when uh when you got here last year when did you realize a was going to be this level of player and every year sort of Allstar and you know kind of the the player he’s become uh

I mean pretty pretty early on you know I saw that the unique things he was able to do and and and also I saw that he truly cared about winning so that’s when uh I would say and add that to his physical tools and and all that stuff like uh I

Already knew was special but for me for most important thing for him was to um yeah keep finding himself you know as as a finding his routine and his work adct you know uh keep taking it to a higher level higher level and um and he

Took a step this year you know got a lot better I thought Tim was great for him too uh so it’s exciting you know to see uh his growth in this one year and you know um sometimes I forget that he’s only 20 22 yeah so when I remind myself that

It’s 22 is pretty pretty incredible like when I see where I was when I was 22 and and I look at him uh you know it’s uh yeah man sky sky is the limit you know you got all the keys to um to be one of one of one you know

If if he wants to and then Carl this is his first time making it as like a power forward you know he’s now playing alongside you uh Finch has always talked about how he’s had to make kind of the biggest sacrifice in this new roster construction how have you seen that from

Carl um it’s been it’s been great man just uh you know getting all his comfort zone you know know um we asked him to do a lot of things that he probably wasn’t doing before and uh you know and he he’s been taking off that challenge you know

He he he understand what I think now he understands what it takes to win you know and uh and um and he’s been you know he’s been taking that challenge and you know it’s it’s a blessing for us to have a guy that obviously so Ted but

He’s about to um I wouldn’t say change who he is but able to open his mind and like do things that he he wasn’t doing in the past thanks for


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  1. You’re an all star to us ruuuuuu 💯💯💯💯💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾🐺🐺🐺🐺

  2. He's probably happy he gets a nice vacation tbh. If nothing else hopefully he gets a chip on his shoulder and plays even better after the All Star break.

  3. 1:28 “ I know um… I know um” I know he wanted to breakdown💔!! MN loves you dawg. enjoy the vacation Rudolph🐺 give a good howl at night on the beach 🐺🌲

  4. If he makes all-nba that will tell you what the all star game truly represents. That game just is all for entertainment purposes

  5. Rudy get that ring & your 4th DPOY!

    Some R&R will be nice for you if Silver wants to get a guy from SAC in the game as an IR!

  6. Kenny Smith said Rudy was deserving of being an all-star.
    There is always a few others who are deserving but don't make it.

  7. You were snubbed best way to show them and have the last word is win the damn title Rudy and make All Defensive and All NBA!

  8. Yea it wouldn’t make sense for the best defensive player of a generation having his best defensive season to make the ASG.

  9. Go get yourself that ring Rudy, it will look good next to your DPOY and All NBA awards this year. Those of us who watch the games instead of highlights know exactly what you bring night in and night out.

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