@Cleveland Cavaliers

Debunking any Darius Garland & Evan Mobley trade rumors + was Jarrett Allen SNUBBED of the ASG?

Debunking any Darius Garland & Evan Mobley trade rumors + was Jarrett Allen SNUBBED of the ASG?

And welcome to the first ever ultimate Cavaliers show Mikey McNuggets Jason Lloyd joining you guys here this is one of a couple team specific spin-off shows we are creating under the ultimate Cleveland sport show umbrella to give Cavaliers fans Guardians fans and Browns fans if you don’t get enough coverage

From 11 one on ucss G Bush will be hosting that too Jason I don’t want to toot our own horns but I feel like of the people in the ucss universe if any two people should be talking Cavs I think Steve Becker did a good job

Assigning us to this uh to this ultimate Cavs spin-off show yeah for sure uh you know you played college basketball I covered the NBA for 10 years covered the Cavs championships so well versed and you’re well versed in basketball in general I have a deep history with the

Cavs and it’s fun because you know the Browns take up so much oxygen on ucss that we don’t always get a chance to dive into a lot of Cavs topics and sometimes some of the things that are set on the show you and I look at each

Other like what in the world is going on so we can maybe clear up a few things over the course of uh this podcast as well and just a little you know Credential Check LeBron has Jason’s number so all right there’s Jason’s credentials and I was a 40% shooter in

College so that’s that’s all you need to know we have someone has LeBron’s number and I think LeBron may have said Jason’s my favorite beat reporter who covered the Cavs not Varden and not McManaman it was Jason Lloyd and only Jason Lloyd despite what everyone else says and then

Like I said I have a better winning record as a starter in college for Jim O’Brien than Michael red does and he’s G so y’all can take that however you want but Jason let’s let’s jump right into things the Cavaliers beat the Grizzlies last night 108 101 they were playing

Without Evan Mobley the Grizzlies had a bunch of guys off but an on the road win coming off back to back for Cleveland is impressive nonetheless but there was something that stood out to both of us especially kind of down the stretch as the Cavs at least start to formulate

What they think is their potentially best lineup to close games with yeah no Darius the last two games now they were his first two games back and I don’t think that this is a I don’t think it’s anything to make too big of a deal about because he’s coming back from injury and

They’re trying to integrate a lot of pieces but I do think it’s something to Circle and watch because it was kind of curious um that he wasn’t on the floor at the end of the game in either of the last two games so you know and it’s funny because before we started

Recording I asked you I’m like I wanted to look at his line real quick because we both said it felt like he had more turnovers than what he really did his two games back he’s had 10 assists and four turnovers that’s not bad that’s pretty good that’s pretty good ratio

Three last night it felt watching it it felt like he had five or six that’s why when I looked at the box score morning I like wow it was only three um so I don’t know what do you make of it what do you make of the lineup that uh JB’s going

With to close game and it’s worked but what you what do you make of the lineup to close games you know it’s just to make everything as Jason said it’s two games back just something that’s interesting to note not anything to panic about and I think at the end of

The day their best lineup includes Darius Garland but right now Darius defensively and it’s two games back once again just just pointing out something we noticed uh has been giving up a ton of points and he’s gotten lost on a few possessions and you look at last night

Donovan Mitchell was on the bench until the five minute mark darus scarland Sam Marl were the two guards in the game and Donovan came in and you would assume all right Sam hit the bench but Darius came out and JB actually rolled with Merill and Donovan Mitchell as the two guards

For two minutes before he brought auro back and I think the biggest thing is when they look at how they’re playing offensively even though they didn’t have Allen last night he tweaked his ankle appears to be minor they’re best when they have one big four guys and Shooters

Around but the shooters they have all can play defense and right now Darius doesn’t provide the same caliber of defense that an Isaac could C is that a Carris Levert even a Dean Wade and Max stru in that capacity I know Wade’s more of a big but I think right now JB’s

Going with what’s working if it ain’t broke don’t fix it and right now that fiveman closing lineup I know last night didn’t have Allen but you normally put Allen in for Nang there I think that right now today that is their best constructed fiveman lineup so doesn’t

Shock me that’s what he’s going with to close games especially in an Eastern conference right now Jason that is loaded from five to two and getting that three seat and potentially avoiding Boston in the second round you all these games matter so if you could pick up a

Win on the road I think it’s makes all the sense in the world to play your best five to close out a game to ensure you get the W and and defense matters to JB he’s very much a old school coach you know when they went to the style he he

Flat out said like he doesn’t love it like when you just come down and start jacking threes he that’s not the way that he prefers to play but it’s it’s what they’ve it’s what the league has turned into like like they’re just catching up now to the rest of the

League but you know he likes to play guys who are gritty on the defensive end he likes to play Big lineups so it’s not terribly surprising that he’s going to go with guys who are gonna guard because that’s just that’s what he likes you know the Sam Merill thing is fascinating

What a story he’s been and to really emerge as a as a rotational piece I know I think we’re g to talk about him more a little bit later but you mentioned him being on the floor he’s really carved out a ite for himself and you know even

With Darius back I don’t know that you could take him off the floor like Craig Porter I I kind of get it why and I know people shake their fists and say why isn’t Craig Porter playing more but the Merill thing he is such a good shooter he’s he’s making himself a viable

Rotational piece even when this team’s healthy yeah let’s just talk about it now while we’re on the topic Porter Jr that you can’t play 12 guys at the end of the day in a regular season game you can’t play 12 in a postseason game the rotations get cut down down to you know

Nine if you’re lucky and we kind of did the exercise on the Fly yesterday the Cavs if you include Porter Jr have 11 or 12 guys depending on health who I think legitimately could coulds the keyword play minutes in the postseason Porter Jr can’t shoot yet I I love his potential

But right now he’s not a shooter and we saw in the playoffs last season if you can’t shoot in the playoffs which is such a different game than the regular season teams will essentially leave you open and say all right you can shoot and beat us but we’re gonna double team

Mitchell so I don’t think in a playoff series Craig Porter Jr is playable for more than a minute or two in stretches but on the flip side of that Mer’s pure gravitational pull on the defense makes such an impact that until Max stru starts making shots at the level I think

The C at hoped he’s been a bit inconsistent with his jump shot and I’ll bring this back to him in a sec Merl’s their most consistent outside threat he is the highest volume highest efficiency shooter in the NBA right now per 36 minutes he wer on the show yesterday

Jason but he’s shooting 14 .3 threo attempts per 36 minutes that’s two more than Steph Curry who’s second in the league and he’s shooting 43% on 14.3 three-point attempts per 36 minutes the dude is you know for me and you making a layup that’s saman Marl shooting an open

Three like that’s the same likeliness of it going in and when he’s out there it it forces defenses to play four on four and there’s just so much more space to operate and for someone like Donovan Mitchell who is not a top 10 player in the league but a very very very very

Very damn good player and someone who is as good as I would say almost anyone in the NBA at getting into the P into the paint and creating for not only himself but others when you have a whole Defender who can’t help off and if he does it an automatic three points it

Puts teams in an absolute crisis situation how to how to defend that defensively and my two favorite plays and the the metrics back this up it’s two of their three most effective it’s my two favorite plays the Cavs have run this season is the Jared Allen notan

Mitchell pick and roll pick your poison and then it’s the Sam Merill Donovan Mitchell pick and roll they ran it against Orlando four times they got three open threes and Merill had an assist he had nine points and an assist off this and even though Orlando guarded

It pretty well Jason a half step in the wrong direction is three points yeah you have to be perfect on that and what are you gonna do double team Mitchell let Donan get ahead of steam going downfield or down court or You Gonna Leave saman Mar open for three there’s a lot of

Action they can run with Sam Merill that they can’t run with other guys just because of how good of a shooter he is and I’m not sure who kind of loses out in the rotation but I’m with you I think Sam Marell has to be in the ninan

Rotation if JB that’s if that’s what he decides to go with come crunched on at least with the way he’s shooting right now if he starts missing shots okay but he’s shooting 43% he has to play win yeah you gotta make a spot for him and I’m gonna make a terrible comparison

Here like I I’m ready this shows all for terrible comparisons Jason no I’m going to regret I know I’m going to regret this but when you talk about the Don Sam Maro pick and roll the only reason I mentioned this is because this is a two guard Wing combo that you don’t normally

Normally when you run pick and roll it’s a big right it’s a guard and a big but when you can get two wings or two guards running pick and roll it puts the defense in such a jam when the the first two that really did it were LeBron and

Dwayne and I’m not comparing I’m not comparing Sam Marill and Donovan Mitchell to LeBron James and Dwayne Wade I’m not comparing them to Hall of Famers okay like can’t say it enough not comparing the players but the scheme it’s the scheme and it it would give the

Defense fits when these guys would run pick and roll in Miami because number one they’re not used to it you’re not used to two guards or a guard in a wing running it and it it just it puts so much pressure on the defense that I I

Agree 100% with what you’re saying and one more point on the porter thing they don’t and I’m gonna I’m gonna like talk out of both sides of my mouth because when we get to like what does this team need at the deadline I actually think a veteran back backup point guard is

Something I would Circle they haven’t had tiome all year Rubio obviously you know retired they were counting on him this year but at the same time when you have Darius and Don both healthy you can get away sometimes without having another ball handler you know you can

Stagger those guys to get through the backup minutes if you need to so if you got to cut a spot in the rotation that’s why to me Porter hasn’t done Porter’s been great in the that he’s got but I don’t know that he’s a guy that you’re

Going to count on for big minutes in a postseason like he’s just not ready yet and you can make the you you can I think it’s fair to say if Sam Mill’s doing this now why didn’t you give him a look last year but at the same time quite

Possibly maybe he wasn’t ready last year you know just because he’s doing it now doesn’t mean he was ready to do it last year there’s progression to this there’s growth involved in all of this and it could be the same thing with Craig Porter Jr so I don’t think you’re going

To look this is not a guy you’re going to rely on for heavy minutes in April and May but if there is a veteran ball handler out there to go get at the deadline that doesn’t cost you a ton you know I think that’s that’s a place where

I would look but for now you can only play so many guys in a rotation you can get away with Don and Darius and not needing another real ball handler in that spot yeah one more thing on on Merill and this goes back to the

Stru point that I forgot to crap up with before before we talk about was Jared Allen snubbed up an All-Star spot and what to make of all these Darius Scarlett Evan Moy trade rumors is the fact that even if you’re not making shots a shooter spreads the floor in ways that a

Non-shooter just simply cannot and the four best lineups the Cavs have this season all include Max stru who is not shot to the level we had hoped he would shoot when they sign him to that big contract he’s better defensively than we given him credit for like better than I

Thought and one of my good friends is a assistant coach for the heat I didn’t even think after talking to him he was as good of a Defender but just by his mere reputation as a knockdown shooter teams have to respect that and yet we

All would love for him to make two more threes a game and get that shooting percentage up close to 40% as opposed to where it is in the low 30s now but they’re legitimately is a gravitational pull that you have just based off your reput reputation as a shooter and that’s

Why Sam Merill the fact that he’s making 43% of his shots right now from Beyond The Arc is just silly because teams now are not even helping off him you know he was making a bunch open early when he first started getting minutes because teams were like yeah this ain’t real he

Can’t keep this up well jokes on you guys he he has actually shotting even better but I I have pretty I have a high level of confidence that the shot from Max Tru will kind of come back around he was always best in the playoffs with

Miami too so he’s not a guy you’re worried about the lights will be too bright for come postseason time so just the fact that you have Shooters and if you compare stru with a Merill now you’re playing essentially three on three because you have two guys you

Can’t help off of so however JB wants to configure and make this this rotation come playoff time happen it it’ll depend on who’s playing best at that point in the season but I think stru will come around as a shooter and just the fact that Merill essentially a 50% guy making

Half you know two out of five but as good a shooter as anybody in the league now both at a volume and an efficiency standpoint I don’t know how you don’t have him in the lineup and I was actually surprised he wasn’t in the lineup more against Detroit late in that

Game when they were getting open looks Galore because Detroit’s not a particularly great defensive team yeah the max thing he he hasn’t shot it as well as you would like but he’s helped them in so many ways he had a big three last night played great last night by the way yeah

He had a key I remember I saw a key offensive rebound late kept The Possession alive he he just he’s he has helped this team immensely it was the biggest hole on this team God bless Isaac okoro and I know he’s shooting it around 37% this year from three and

Everyone’s saying aha see see he can shoot I’m telling you right now teams aren’t going to guard him in the playoffs it’s different caliber of looks by the way too Max Drew is not getting the same wide open looks Isaac is exactly so max is filled what was the

Biggest hole on this team they had a glaring need at the three when they’re whole when this team is whole and healthy that’s where he’ll slot in is at the three and and he was he was exactly what they needed it it was not at all a

Bad signing I know he got a lot of money but that was exactly what they needed to get and I’m fully confident that you know he’s one of the guys last year in that Nick series you’re looking around going well who can you count on he’s one

Of those guys you can count on % before we move on to our next topic just a quick reminder that on Monday G bush is joining you guys with the ultimate brown show the ultimate 216 show with Earl the Pearl launches next Thursday we’ll have an ultimate Guardian show as well and

This ultimate Cav show will be once maybe twice a week for the rest of the regular season and Beyond moving forward so if you like these team specific shows make sure you hit the like button we’re subscribed to the ucss family tree so do

Us a favor hit us a like and make sure you guys continue watching ucss Jason the allstar rosters were announced last night Donovan Mitchell was a lock he was the first guard selected to the bench Jared Allen though was not one of the front Court players or wild cards those

Honors went to Bam atab bio of Miami Pao banero of the Orlando Magic jayen Brown of the Boston Celtics and Julius Randall of the New York Knicks there’s a case to be made that Allen could have been in that conversation it played out exactly how I expected it to but do you think

Jared was snubbed and take injuries out because there’s a very good chance he makes it as an injury replacement so just take that out of this for the sake of this discussion was Jared Allen snubbed of an All-Star spot snub to me is when someone more deserving than you

Makes it with there’s someone that you can look at on the roster and say that guy shouldn’t be there then that to me is a snub there’s nobody that they pick that you could say isn’t deserving of it there’s just not enough spots for everybody but I do think as you said I

This happened a couple years ago where Jarrett was more than deserving what wasn’t selected guys always dip on Allstar Weekend they some are legitimately injured some have mysterious injuries because they want to go lay on the beach they’d rather take those days off and I get it like it’s a

Long season and and some guys would rather just have the time off than go to all-star weekend so I do think he’ll make it in and and and so what who cares if he wasn’t one of the first seven selected who cares if he’s you know

Number eight nine or 10 selected I I don’t think it really matters but I do expect to see him in Indie for all weekend even if it’s not now and and deservedly so like imagine that he’s a two-time hallar and coming off just a Dreadful series against the Knicks to

Where his toughness was questioned and rightfully so like he got punked the Knicks were laughing at him and he didn’t do anything about it like even after game three or four or whatever it was and you you would think okay now he’s gonna come up and and show his man

Card and it it still wasn’t there so for him to have as terrible of a series as he did against the Knicks and still come back and have the type of season he had it’s all credit to him he’s had a terrific year and for him to be a

Two-time Allstar uh is is really quite remarkable I I didn’t think he’d be an All-Star when they signed him to that deal I thought he was a good player but I didn’t think he’d make two allst stars in what his first three years on that

Contract I think it is I’m trying to do the numbers off top of my head I don’t remember now yeah it was two years ago and this year so yeah yeah two of the years three years that’s that’s really impressive and in East full of good centers if he gets and well Julius

Randle’s out for three weeks so he certainly won’t play in the All-Star game so that’s one open Big Spot Joel embiid has his miniscus injury now so he’s a starter so it could be two open big spots if he does not get selected with one of the two open injury big

Spots well then we could have the snub conversation but I think you nailed it like we talked about this on Wednesday you weren’t there I said Jared Allen is 100% deserving of an All-Star spot this year he’s playing at an All-Star level I just don’t know who you’re putting him

In over because the other guys I think have been slightly better and are also deserving there’s only 12 spots and seven are the reserved spots so I don’t think snubs the right word but I do want to give Jared Allen credit for a couple of things you pointed out the rebound

From last year Jason where he said the lights were too bright and that’s still a meme that gets used all over the internet now to this day and we talked about Jared Allen and trade rumors day after day after what could you get what you know I was making up trades and the

Value I was getting back never equal Jared Allen it was just I thought his value would dip that low and I think it was fair at the time for me to assume that what you were getting back for Jared Allen did not equal the peak of

Jared Allen but would we ever see that Peak again he has turned into an absolute freaking monster his touch from the high post is Phenom he these weird little floaters yeah his dunks are awesome he dunks from like seven feet away from the rim and his arms just

Extend like stretch but the most impressive thing to me about Jared Allen and this is what I’m hopeful that Donovan Mitchell and darus scarland can develop but if you go back and you and I watched I don’t know the exact number I say 50 possessions last season I went

Back last night and watched and then 50 possession this year of Donovan Mitchell Jared Allen pick and rolls they have an unspoken chemistry right now in this pick and roll situation that they did not have last season like it did not exist and you could say yeah spacing was different all

Valid but I’m just saying those two right now know exactly where to be for where the other person wants him to be to make the best play possible they’re doing give and goes pocket passes Allan and this is what he does maybe his most underrated skill when he catches that

First pass off a pick and roll he makes lightning quick decisions on whether to attack whether to pull it back or whether it’s a help Defender who’s one step off and he’s kicking to the corner for an open three and that’s what Draymond Green made a Hall of Fame

Career off of doing that’s what he’s best maybe as good as anyone I’ve ever seen Jason you’ve covered the lead longer than me but it was impossible to you know Blitz a Steph Curry pick and roll because Draymond would beat you before you could recover Jared Allen’s

Kind of doing that in this four out one in system for the Cavs right now Evan Mobley will we’ll see if he can get to the level Jared Allen is but he’s as good as most centers I’ve seen in the NBA like he’s not yic by any means he’s

Not Draymond at that capacity but he’s really really really really really good at that and that makes it super hard to defend pick and rolls with this a guy like Donovan Mitchell who can make you pay for a mistake now you have two guys who can make you pay for a slight

Mistake in the same action and that puts so much pressure on the defense I cannot tell you and I I’d be remissed if I didn’t to say Jared Allen has broken any preconceived notion I had of the player he could be like i’ never expected him

To be this good of a basketball player and he is 100% deserving of an All-Star spot he’s just not more deserving than Palo B right now or Julius Randall or B metab bio like those guys phenomenal seasons in their own right but Jared Allen has proven every doubt I had wrong

And outside of Donovan Mitchell I think he’s the most Irreplaceable guy in the Cavs right now yeah that’s remarkable and when you talk about the chemistry between Don and and Jared I think a lot of it is just it’s year two and they’ve got a comfort level now now they know

Where each other’s going to be on the floor and you need time it just takes time I mean you know that as as a player it just takes time to get a feel for what guys like where they like the ball where they’re going to be on certain

Spots and the only way to get that is through game reps practice doesn’t really replicate that you just have to play with guys and you sort of figure that out in terms of the the trade stuff with with Jarrett number one even still the way he’s playing now there’s just not the

Trade value for Bigs that don’t shoot that don’t have range the the trade value is just not as much and number two I never liked here’s the only the only time where I considered where I thought they may have to look at trading Jarrett was I didn’t know if they could fill all

Of the shooting needs that they had coming off of last season with what they had to work with which was you know the midlevel and a couple other things and they were able to fit uh streu in on the sign and trade using the mid level they

Got Nang here so they were able that was my only question can they they they’ve got to get shooting you have to find shooting from somewhere where are you gonna find this shooting well they developed Merill and they went out and signed stru and yang and that’s helped

Immensely and do you need to use Jared Allen as the vehicle to do that once they filled the shooting needs and kept Jared then I was like all right well keep him you know like he exactly what you said he’s going to bring you more

Value than what you can get back is a $20 million big who can’t shoot you know beyond 10 feet really you know the the the value around the league it just isn’t there so and I’m I’ve 100% co-sign everything you said he’s had a marvelous year I wasn’t sure how that playoff

Series would impact him coming back and the answer is it’s had no impact if anything it’s just motivated him to to get back to the player he was because I mean the Cavs would tell you defense on the the defensive analytics he’s sort of the tent pull to everything that they do

Yeah and and they’ll show you numbers to back up exactly what you said of how critical he’s been to this team it just went away at the worst possible time and so casual fans who maybe didn’t watch night in and Night Out Who ton for that Nick series walked away going this guy

Sucks well no he doesn’t he had a really bad series a really bad series and and that’s really he started proving this year that’s all it was now having said that and I do think the Knicks were a bad matchup for them still are that’s exactly it they still are so you know

We’ll see this year if if he Flames out again in the playoffs this year you know the the regular season numbers aren’t going to matter as much but to this point man he’s been terrific well you mentioned trade rumors Jason we got 10 minutes left so we’ll get to our final

Topic after a quick reminder that next week ultimate Browns ultimate 216 ultimate Guardians doesn’t start yet but ultimate Cav will be back these will be weekly 30 35 minute shows team specific for any fan who isn’t getting enough specific team coverage during the normal 11 to1 of ucss but that’s not going away

Either we’re still doing 11 to1 every day and just adding these because we wanted to give youall a little more content every time we talk Cavs on the main Mothership of ucss Jason and you’re only there Mondays and Fridays and I know it’s going to change next week with

This updated schedule no matter what the conversation is it comes back to should the Cavs trade darus Scarlet or Evan Moby and I love bull I love Jay I love G but no matter what the conversation starts as it always comes back to that so I figured while we’re here we’ll end

The show today with whether or not it’s crazy to think those trades are plausible possible and if someone’s crazy for thinking that it should happen so if you allow me to start I’ll start then please piggy back here anything that involves Darius Garland is crazy anything he’s not being

Traded he should not be traded and I don’t think any trade that has his name involved is plausible realistic Endor makes sense for the Cavs I do not think the Cavaliers should trade Evan Moy I I’m positive they won’t trade Evan Mobley but I do not think it is crazy

For someone to suggest an Evan Mobley trade in order to improve the Cavs roster and especially their chances at winning a championship this year here’s why it’s two reasons one if you believe Evan Mobley is the player that we’ve seen to this point of his career it

Maybe gets a little better but he never fully develops that three-point shot and he’s just a solid good NBA player but nothing great trading him now Max maximizes that value and you get the biggest return for Ev possible if you were to make a move now and on the other

And and on you know building off that if you don’t believe you can with two non-shooting bigs Now’s the Time to get off Moy so I do think there’s Credence to people who are like oh the Caps should trade EV Moy to improve their

Team this year I do think the idea in a vacuum by itself I’m not going to call you crazy for suggesting it I don’t think it’ll happen I don’t think it should happen but at least I can understand the premises of where someone’s coming from for bringing up an

Evan Mobley trade anything with Garland no throw it out the window but I do think there is a little bit of yeah okay at least I could understand the thinking behind wanting to trade Evan Mobley at this point so I’m not gonna call them crazy I call Jay crazy for suggesting a

Darius Garland trade every other day but I’m not g to call some of these guys crazy for thinking the Cavs could upgrade their roster this year Mooby is their most valuable trade piece so if you want to go big fish hunting he might

Be a guy you have to put on the table so I don’t think that’s as crazy but I’d be shocked absolutely shocked if either player got moved or was seriously involved in trade discussions at the deadline you would have to pick me up off the floor yeah if they traded either

One of these guys it’s not happening they’re not trading and and quite honestly Darius Garland right now I don’t think he really has the value that you think he does he’s making 35 million and he’s hurt all the time so you weren’t here the other day Jason I kind

Of mentioned that I love darus Garland I think he’s an awesome player but he’s an undersized often injured point guard who makes a ton of money and the point guard position in the NBA is loaded I think at best he’s the top 12 point guard and by

12 I mean he’s 12 you know we were ranking the point guards in the league me Earl tyus and G all had him between 12 and 15 like what are you getting back for a super highly paid middle of the- pack point guard that’s not a knock on

Darius he’s an awesome player but the point guard position is freaking loaded yeah and he’s got the he’s got the biggest contract in team history think about that for a minute he signed the biggest contract in Cavs history now some of that salaries are always escalating who was pled on the Cavs

History who might have had a big contract yeah right there anyone really good in Cavs history who might right Booby Gibson that he beat booby gibon okay so I just don’t know first of all he’s not going anywhere they he shouldn’t go anywhere they shouldn’t trade him he still has a

High ceiling um but you know the injury concern is real he can’t stay healthy and he is small and this the the injury concern is probably going to follow his whole career you know same thing with Kyrie Kyrie was always hurt when he was here and this sort of feels like that

And you know injury an injury plague point guard making 35 million doesn’t exactly have a huge market so you wouldn’t get back for him what you think you would and plus there’s no reason to he’s he’s locked up long term Kobe Alman is big on guys who want to be here and I

I you know Die Hard clevelanders may want to plug their ears on this but there’s not a lot of NBA players in their mid 20s who want to spend their winners in Cleveland like it’s it’s it’s A Hard Sell and Darius is the one who signed the extension to stay here Jared

Allen’s the one who signed the extension to stay here like these guys said I’m committing to Cleveland so that that counts a lot in the eyes of this front office now the Moy thing is he’s also not going anywhere Jared has I think two years left on his deal Beyond this year

MO is what a third-year player so after he signs his extension you know you probably have him for four more years after this so do the math they’re not and and in anytime you have a Cavs and trade conversation ultimately it always goes back to Donovan Mitchell I believe

Donovan Mitchell is in his last months as a cab I think they’re gonna have to trade him this summer so why would you also move one of these other guys like that when the Cavs look at their future three four five years out it includes Evan Moby Darius Garland and probably

Jared Allen I don’t think it includes Donovan Mitchell I think that they know that I think they’re very aware of where this thing is headed so you’re not going to complicate you know you’re you’re not going to trade your best young players when you don’t have your draft picks

Yeah like what sense does that make you you you the the the the the Fallout of the Donovan trade is coming and it’s a wrecking ball headed toward the organization you know when we had the you threw out the question on the text chat which trade are is is Cleveland we

Haven’t done this on the show yet by the way so you’re you’re opening yourself here I I just text questions you’re open yourself up to criticism well I I don’t care I’m I’m a big boy but when you say which trade is Cleveland going to regret more the Deshawn trade or the Donovan

Trade I gotta tell you I really think it’s trending toward the Don trade because Deshawn the damage is done not with the contract but with the draft picks they got one more draft pick to go one more first-rounder to go this year and then the the the money’s in the bank

Like the check’s been written and it’s been cashed the Donovan trade the checks are still to come and they’ve traded five years of control five years of control of their draft to Utah and it hasn’t even started yet so it’s really going to depend on what they get back

For him if when if and when they have to trade him so you’re not going to compound that problem or complicate that problem by also trading your young players who are really really good what you gonna get back for them like draft picks what sense does that make you

Don’t have your you know you’re if you’re trying to why would you try and rebuild you’ve got two really good players young Playmakers in Darius and Evan these guys aren’t aren’t going anywhere Evan will sign his extension he’ll probably get a Max too at the at

The way he’s trending and I still think he needs to develop a three-point shot and I wrote about that this week and everybody went crazy even though JB bicker staff said the exact same thing but you’re not gonna move the two guys who you have control of for a long time

When you already have to trade one star you know probably coming up this summer it makes no sense at all and for that reason Garland and Evan Moy aren’t going anywhere so we’re on the same page neither is going to get moved we’d both be shocked if they did my point was I

Could see at least the premise of thinking behind the line of Mo trade I can’t fathom anything with Garland but I take one offense Jon we got one minute left so I got one comment that we’ll wrap up but I take offense when you say you look at the Cavs core moving forward

And you say Garland and mobli and Allen and Sam Merill okay let’s put some respect in my boy Sam’s name but that’s going to wrap it up for the first ever ultimate cat show Jason I had a blast this is fun we’re going to hop on next

Week we’ll have some topics most of these will be live by the way we had to tape this Friday morning Jason has to be a dad responsibilities you know cincin weekend swimming regionals baby most of these will be live we’ll take some fan questions actually the question earlier

About what’s the Cav’s best lineup came on a DM from Jeff kumman so if you have a question you want us to answer you can DM it to us don’t tweet at Jason because look at his mentions tweeted at me I have a much more likely chance of seeing

It but we will be taking some live fan questions on this as we uh progress forward and do more of these but for Jason Lloyd I’m Mikey McNuggets we’ll see yall next week peace

The Cleveland Cavaliers are red hot right now and are coming off a win over the Memphis Grizzlies.

Donovan Mitchell has been their best player this season, but Jarrett Allen can make the case he was snubbed in the ASG.

Evan Mobley & Darius Garland keep hearing their names being put in trade rumors, but is that fair to the two young stars? We try to set the record straight on any potential trades involving those two.

Plus, Sam Merrill and Craig Porter Jr. are falling out of JB Bickerstaff’s rotation now that everyone is healthy, but is that the smart move?

In that same vein, what is the Cavs BEST lineup right now and does it include all of their best players on paper? We’ve noticed an interested trend of late that isn’t concrete yet, but is at least worth pointing out.

Welcome to the Ultimate Cavaliers Show with Mikey McNuggets & The Athletic’s Jason Lloyd.

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  1. Non-scoring big men? What's that about? JA consistently ranks in the top 5 for field goal percentage.
    The issue with JB is that he is rarely featured, despite possessing a diverse skill set.

  2. If i am a cavs executive. Such as GM etc. I am pinning my professional success on the development of Garland and Mobley.
    Any other alteration of that course ruin any chance of long term success. Especially after the trade for Donovan.

  3. I think Mobley has a confidence issue big time. In MLB if yourre in a slump you goto AA or AAA for a few weeks, i know the NBA is different but what would it hurt a couple sominant G league 40 point games to get his mojo going, because he looks tentative doing everything

  4. I wouldn't trade neither. Always trade ๐Ÿ™„ ๐Ÿ˜’ ๐Ÿ˜‘ trade trade trade ๐Ÿ™„ we have a great team. Sometimes you have to wait your turn.

  5. GREAT to hear intelligent Cavs basketball talk from basketball guys! Great idea and great show!

  6. They have 12 decent players. Even Damion Jones has started to play a bit better. But, yes, playing more than 9 or 10 guys is very tough on a team. I'm ok with Porter being out of the rotation but we may need to play T Thompson: that would make 11 rotational players. Then do you take Wade out of rotation? He also hits 3s and plays defense. Keeping Merrill in rotation is kind of a no brainer.

  7. Outside a Lebron for Mitchell swap, no trades!!! We got CPJ, Bates, and Luke Travers ( 6โ€™8โ€ 3&D point forward ) might come in handy a year ahead of schedule. Maybe a Jerome trade for cash or buyout. Just get the young guys in the building for the run. No big swing to make. We got our guys.

  8. We can have a good 5 to 6yr window keeping most of the guys we have and maybe trade some fringe players etc for a win now mode in another yr or 2

  9. You guys!!!! I'm so pumped for this show!! Great job!

    (I apologize in advance because this is longer than I thought it would be.)

    Let's talk about JB for a sec. I am not a person who if you can't get the ultimate championship in two seasons you fire the head coach whether it be NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL – whatever.

    Now – I think what the Cavs have here in regards to our talent is unique. For the first time in awhile we have some depth and the guys who needed to develop have done so (Okoro, Wade) and they will only continue to improve.

    We hit the lottery with both Merrill and Porter, in my opinion. I went to watch a Charge game last year (and am going again on Sunday to check out the talent), and after watching Merrill play for five minutes – I was asking everyone I could 'why isn't he on a two way contract at the very least?!'. (Jason — he was TOTALLY ready last year!! No question!) And his D wasn't bad AT ALL at that time either.

    We also have Donovan and Garland. What a 'problem' to have! And we also have Allen and Mobley – again, what a problem to have!

    What I'm hoping you guys will either touch upon or have a full out discussion on is: why can't coach figure this out??

    What would everything look like if a Popovich or a Kerr or a Budenholzer were coaching?

    Would we be astronomically better? Or at least, would another coach have figured out how to rotate all of this talent on and off the floor?

    I'm worried that if this continues (what we have seen in the past two games with G and M being back) that for SURE Donovan would want to leave because he's going to have to do it ALL again. His body can't take that game after game and with who we have on our roster HE SHOULDN'T HAVE TO!!!

    When they were out due to injuries and we played the 1 and 4 – I felt like Dono was the director of the Cleveland Orchestra and they were playing Tchaikovsky on a nightly basis! We weren't over using him. He seemed to be old Donovan and having fun. Seeing genuine smiles out there from him is great.

    I also noticed that in the playoffs last year that something happened between JA and coach, and at that moment JA was NOT happy and started playing without the usual effort he was playing with before. Also with him, i don't know if he and coach made up (I'm thinking maybe they did when he mentioned something about what JA said in his post series interview, in a way that instead of it sounding venomous like he was in previous interviews, he sounded almost like he and JA patched things up and they moved on. But I'm convinced they had a tiff during the playoffs and that also affected his play.)

    So, I feel like he's actually back to his old self as well. And it is SOOOOOOOOO SO great to see! (I feel like he's the ambassador for our team, because of how nice he is! I mean who takes the time during warm ups to wave to the kids in the crowd or some regulars he recognizes?) But he's back to himself again, having fun and playing great 'Cavs Hoops', as he said. And OMG his stats??!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

    Sorry to ramble, gentlemen, what i would like to hear , is your thoughts on
    What would everything look like if a Popovich or a Kerr or a Budenholzer (or a more experienced coach) were coaching?

    (Does JB lean on his crew for suggestions for lineups? Can no one figure this out?). Or is this a roster that any coach would have a difficult time figuring it out? ๐Ÿ˜•

    Oh! Last question! Why in the world would JB put Strus in to wrap up the quarter instead of Merrill?? He did that last night and the whole room of people I was watching with went NUTS! They were calling for JBs job right then. I was saying it's because jb sees something he could do defensively to help us out! (Well, shoving a guy IN HIS BACK while going for a lay up mid air because you got beat to the basket ain't the answer! He's lucky he didn't get punched. That could have lead to a serious injury for that guy and time away from the game. Strus got lucky on that review if you ask me! Dude was guilty!). Side from Jerome, and that's only because i haven't seen him play much art all, i have the least confidence in Strus. Believe me – I didn't want to feel this way, but his performance is very underwhelming.. .

    Thanks in advance!!!

    (What's the deal with Ty Jerome?? Is he ever coming back? He is this year's Windler…….)

  10. Jason Lloyd seems to be so sure Donovan is leaving, but I have some questions. Why would Donovan Mitchell not sign the extension with the Cavs when we can pay him the most money? Also, there have been reports that the Knicks are likely not interested in getting him unless it's a bargain. Where else is he going to go to play in NY? Brooklyn? Would he leave a team with a higher ceiling to go play with the Nets? Miami, another team mentioned with Mitchell does not have the assets to trade for him. Unless Lloyd is suggesting that the Cavs are going to be forced to accept pennies for Donovan, there doesn't seem to be many options for Mitchell, unless he's aiming to play on a team with a lower ceiling. The Knicks seem set on bagging a top 10 player with the trade assets they have. I would love Jason Lloyd to one day clarify the remarks he made about Donovan leaving.

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