@Atlanta Hawks

Lebron to the Atlanta hawks !!???!!!

Lebron to the Atlanta hawks !!???!!!

by No-Forever-6104


  1. MannerSuperb

    Lebron calling this out is big. Trae not making it is flat out embarrassing

  2. TraeYoungsOldestSon

    Okay this makes up for at least one of the brutal playoff sweeps

  3. Acceptable-Taste-912

    LeBron you is one of them cats! 😭😭

    Joking aside it’s cool the goat respects Trae

  4. Intelligent-Arm8568

    Absolutely love Lebron tweeting this. Confirms we are not crazy (I knew we weren’t) he has got to be one of the injury replacements now

  5. Chessh2036

    THANK YOU LEBRON. Also if LeBron tweeted this about Foxx (who also didn’t make it) SportsCenter, ESPN, Bleacher Report would write articles titled “LeBron talks Foxx’s All-Star snub”. They won’t write a damn think about him doing it for Trae.

  6. Toadfinger

    The thing is, it doesn’t seem to bother Trae at all. His business sense seems to elevate him way above it. One of the key ingredients that turns greatest into legend. And we’re getting to watch it unfold.

    HOX ROX!

  7. jacked_dweeb

    Thanks LBJ you are a real one for this… Trae thrives as the underdog though which is where it went wrong for us. People gotta doubt this team for us to succeed. So while I appreciate this LeBron fuck off for now and don’t mess my boys shot up❗️

  8. Zealousideal-Past851

    Isn’t it based off strictly votes by fans though ?? If not it’s def something fishy but if it’s just fan votes all y’all had to do was vote

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