@Washington Wizards

Miami Heat at Washington Wizards Postgame Show | The Basement Sports Network

Miami Heat at Washington Wizards Postgame Show | The Basement Sports Network

James catches puts up a three one go rebound Bosch back out to Allan his [Applause] Three-pointer oh yeah we packing somebody up tonight hey come on in take your shoes off before we close the door few rules heat packing the air we about to blow this the basement ain’t nobody safe you already know grab a seat and kick your feet for you get too comfortable you

Want the ex’s and the O the yes and know friends and the F the but and the heroes you can feel it in your soul when the ring is the go but if somebody need to go we be sure to let you know going hard for my dogs is an everyday thing like

Jimmy down the lane of 13 off the screen whole Squad keep it tuck like number 17 bring your takes and your memes going hard for the team going down in the Bas oh it’s going down in the Bas oh get your take going down in the yeah welcome to the basement Sports Network postgame show I’m your host Royal a Shepard and in celebration of black history month they have saddled me with the three whitest members of the basement

Excluding hot tank Harry we got my guy Alex shman shman how you doing tonight my boy I’m good bro uh glad the weekend is here uh not happy to be watching Miami Heat basketball tonight but we did anyway yeah indeed one of the worst ways

To spend a Friday night is by watching a hotly contested game of the Miami Heat and the second worst team in the NBA um what could be even worse is probably doing it at four o’clock in the morning like my guy George George how you doing this morning afternoon I don’t know what

Time it is over there afternoon it is 1:40 here today and it is a toasty 101 outside and I stayed inside watching the game when it is beautiful outside and [ __ ] me do I regret that [ __ ] so much you say 101 the heat is on oh and and dressed in the proper apparel

We got my go Stone pulling up one time for the one time in a Heat jersey what Jersey is that stone brother you might very well be the reason why this could go down as one of the most terrible trades in heat history how you doing today Stone I’m doing

Great um all I know is my man’s getting banned the ball in the post it it only took I don’t know what six seven years of Bam’s career to find someone that could do that but we found him and uh we’ll keep building from there I’m doing

Great Miami Heat won against a very Valiant opponent in the Washington Wizards um Eric Reed was happy so I was happy that’s all I really got for you yeah Dev Master 93 you feel my pain brother okay I’m surrounded in black history month but it doesn’t matter the I can feel our

Ancestors you know don’t worry about it brother I will not be boxed in this evening we just gonna talk a little basketball and get the hell up out of here so myami won this game 110 102 over the Washington Wizards I the game was cool like not

Cool like like it wasn’t cool because you’re in a game like first off you were losing it at first and then you know it took some like Kevin Love heroics in the third to kind of get you back into it but I mean I don’t know it was it was a

Weird game for me uh he said stay black I have literally no choice um my man Dan the film jet with the $5 no no consistency is key ladies and gentlemen bam is an Allstar for the third time but no in all seriousness I don’t care about

That just go win the chip at this point they’re not doing that but yeah we haven’t gotten a chance to congratulate B maabo on his third All-Star selection great job we’ll dive into that more and probably like a spaces or something we’re gonna get into this game uh Shin

Starting with you bro give me your thoughts on the game tonight it’s bro it’s the the Wizards have nine wins like why the why the [ __ ] was this a dog fight versus a nine Win Wizard Team bro like cool you’re on a two game win

Streak but come on like if this was the playoffs the the national media would be talking about how uh the heat lost three of the four quarters tonight versus the Washington Wizards which they did um but yeah they showed up in that third quarter when they went on a uh I believe

Clay Ferraro tweeted out they went on a 17-3 run at the six-minute Mark when uh Somebody went to the bench I will not mention his name um two somebody’s two somebody’s no just one somebody um but yeah they they they got the job done I

Mean as as many people such as myself uh such as Royal have been saying uh I never doubted this team they they have the guts they like the this is a gutsy Heat team I knew nobody beats Eric spoler eight times in a row just does not happen

Seven times maybe once but eight has never happened so once that seventh loss came in I knew turning point on the season some people some other people some other networks may have said it’s time to blow this up this team and this core have run its course not me nope I

Had the guts the whole time I knew they were going to turn it around this this Miami Heat team is going to win the NBA championship Ricky J Mark was right from the start uh they are going to an NBA championship and if you disagree with

That you are a racist and you hate women and children correct listen I don’t know if y’all I don’t know if y’all ever heard this H be Weezy bird isn’t it appropriate in the month that we’re in but I don’t know if y’all ever heard this from any group in particular but

The mind he are not making any trades we’ve said this was because they don’t want to well because they don’t feel it necessary if they don’t feel it necessary why should we feel it’s necessary so we I’m trying to tell y’all it’s not it’s not it’s noten George give me your thoughts on

Tonight’s game bro against any other team in the na National Basketball Association we lose tonight and lose vividly we had three good performers okay barring the Detroit Pistons and maybe one more what the [ __ ] Alex don’t don’t don’t give me the they would have beat the Celtics by 36 tonight because

That’s what they [ __ ] do [ __ ] hell I can’t argue with that uh except Kevin you can just look at the last time they played the Celtics that that provided a pretty clear argu me against no go ahead just continue bam Jimmy and Kevin Love bowled the [ __ ] out tonight I was happy

Happy with ter Rosa’s performance tonight barring the fact that I you start from [ __ ] and I’m happier than [ __ ] okay like two for 13 [ __ ] abysmal but he he got to the rim he created he got some boards it he did 1111 from the free throw line I’m

Happier with that sort of performance he just can’t shoot for [ __ ] right now it [ __ ] pisses me off to watch but he can’t because I just traded I traded him into my team for one of my best players and in fantasy basketball I thought you refering to

Kyle Lowry for a second I almost died that phandom is a little too strong I see a couple people mentioning it but yeah you wna um want to say RP to Carl Weathers uh that [ __ ] was pretty tragic he was a great actor um great athlete

Played for the Oakland Raiders uh did a lot of like people’s favorite movies you saw a lot of people like Arnold Schwarzenegger and [ __ ] like that like reaching out uh Sylvester Stallone he’s Apollo Creed in Rocky for those of you who don’t know but he passed away today

Man so RP to the legend uh that [ __ ] was pretty tough um but yeah oh Predator but yeah a lot of people a lot of people you know shout him out Mando he was in the Mandalorian too bro like just a really solid actor they say

He was even better person it was cool though um Stone my man you got on Terry rier Jersey brother and not going to lie we called Jimmy free throw Merchant you take away 1141 for the free throw live him tonight and gang [ __ ] starting to get rough but I want to hear your

Thoughts on the overall game before we go into individual players everybody knows how much I love me a free throw Merchant slow the game down get to the line fundamentals all the greatest shooters that ever play the game were great free throw shooters um I can keep

Going keep just keep getting to that Strip Buddy um my main thoughts on the game tonight are that we are getting really really close to seeing my dream starting lineup that comes in during this bam substitution rotation that we get I want bam out there as part of my

Starting lineup but when we take when they take bam out and run that Kevin Love uh Terry Jimmy Triple J Caleb Martin lineup if we could swap Caleb Martin with Duncan and we could swap Kevin Love with bamat bio we get my dream starting five out there and I’m

Just really really enjoying those minutes of basketball that I’m getting getting to watch and I believe that was the unit that sparked that big run in the third quarter yeah uh that because that it was it happened without Tyler and without bam on the court I know a lot of people

Highlighted the fact that Tyler wasn’t out there but it was bam as well like he wasn’t out there either he he ended with a with a great statline I don’t feel like this was a great game I feel like it was a good game but I feel like he

Left some things out there to be desired I think the shot selection went back to the mid-range [ __ ] a little bit I he but he did get some easy ones you got backtack possessions with him getting lost one from Tyler hero one from Terry Rosier let’s spend some time talking

About the back court a little bit uh shman it’s been rough bro like since Terry roers got here that back court just hasn’t quite figured it out uh tonight they each gave you 15 points but the shooting splits have been horrific for both of them uh like why is that

Like not kind of jelling bro yeah I mean if you turned in tuned into uh the episode of the random scrub heat podcast two weeks ago um hosted by LJ Cascon uh you would know that uh one of the many things that I was worried about with the back court was not

Necessarily the defense um it was actually the offense and how the offensive fit was going to go um Terry is a guy that needs the ball in his hands um other player that I will not mention is also that same type of guy um and Terry is well he’s great at catch

And shoot threes he still does need to operate in the pick and role in getting downhill to get to those spots to free free himself up to do that so um yeah I feel like he’s just struggling to fit in with his backcourt partner because uh that person doesn’t necessarily want to

Uh share the ball or sacrifice as much as he likes to talk about in his postgame interviews um you know he had 19 Shots tonight I am very glad he sacrificed and allowed bam matab bio to have 14 very very very generous of him

To do that um but yeah I I just it I just don’t think it’s going going to work ultimately I I really don’t um unless one of them goes to the bench I don’t think the pairing is going to work and I could be wrong on that I know

We’re only what five or six games in at this point um but it hasn’t looked good for pretty much all of them so yeah yeah I I do agree bro like I I don’t think it’s ultimately going to work either I do think that there is

Some I I don’t know confusion about who supposed to handle the ball at what times it feels like Terry roier is just kind of like it I’ve seen it like he’s deferring to Tyler hero but not really my boy he culture up listen so my boy

Hit me up on the PlayStation app and was like let’s run some 2K we got into the game the other day who now I ain’t gonna hold you I don’t know if he want me to put his gamertag out or it’s PSN out there you can put your PSN in the

Comments if you want to uh but yeah [ __ ] with him bro bro all right on that game now he saw he saw the legend himself out there on that 2K too y’all [ __ ] with me on that 2K now I but um but yeah I think in terms of like the Terry Rosier like

Tyler hero Dynamic George I think I feel like at times when I’m watching Terry rier play it feels like he’s playing with shackles on himself like he’s the one actively out there thinking about whether he should shoot or whether he should facilitate and I think that that slowing

Down process is taking away from his game why why do you believe like either Terry roier isn’t working out or this back court isn’t working out together I think he is overthinking a lot as well I think he’s having more of an opportunity not in terms of possessions

Because in Charlotte he was when when lamelo was about especially he was running the offense from start to end but when he plays like this when he’s got a much different role on the team I still think he’s just he’s in his head about it too much

Where he feels like he’s expected to for facilitate most of the time then when he does shoot it’s just it’s got to be something’s got to be affecting him other than you know what what the obvious is like saying that he’s struggling is just one thing but this is

Like disastrous numbers these are very very very [ __ ] bad shooting numbers so I when you look back to it I feel like the front court itself isn’t isn’t built it’s so like they’re both talented Okay Tyler hero and Rosia individually talented players together I don’t I

Don’t know I don’t know how they fit together I feel like they don’t really compliment each other in Any Which Way um hero struggling just as much as this Rosier is this this month like sorry last month especially and at the start of this month’s at the start of this

Month but when Rosia plays we know why he’s struggling this month like yeah he he tends to do this before trade deadline time as well he always tends to play like talking George no it’s the truth though if you look at his numbers the last six games before the trade

Deadline it’s like ker loser him across the board and then after trade L ends he Hoops he Hoops like like he does and it’ll happen the exact same this year as well I call it from now you will see a string of three games that are [ __ ]

Much better than they are now from hero but I don’t know with Terry Terry something I feel like SPO needs to do a better job at putting him with a lineup where he can excel I don’t feel like you can have them at the court at the same

Time at any which way I don’t care what point of the game it is the first three minutes of the game you know where like the first sorry six minutes before they make a sub it looks just as bad as the last five minutes when before he takes

Them both out so you got to stagger them minutes better I feel like if you got to give Terry’s confidence back and you got to give T like Tyler hero his own role but we’ been saying this for how long now that he needs to go to the bench and

Facilitate with that bench unit but so to gr’s point like he said Les we forget rosier’s terribly inefficient score and his shot selection was Charlotte was Heroes I think that’s why we’re having this conversation we recognize that they are two similar players like and and I

Think the last game like it was kind of smoking mirrors in the way that they were able to play off of each other or whatever Tyler was shooting the ball L ter facilitating and it looked like it would work but it’s just kind of like you get a situation like this where

Neither one of them is just kind of oh like they’re not getting huge assist numbers on a night in Night Out basis tonight they combin for 10 assists if they’re not going to combine for huge assist numbers and they’re going to shoot inefficiently then it’s G to be

Tough to kind of like figure out a way to be able to play them or even stagger them bro like because you have to have both of them on the floor at some point like thank you cors with the $10 donut said serious questions if you make $27

Million a year should you be able to get off a good shot on your Defender without a pick from bam in theory but some people get paid $27 million for being good six-man um he said he’s also not a [ __ ] point guard you talk about Terry or you talk about

Tyler because I don’t think either one of them are are like point guards uh so want to hear your thoughts on this Terry Tyler backc Court Dynamic like how do you feel it’s going this conversation like really pains me because I I gotta put my favorite player

In a negative light with Jimmy Butler I think that he comes in like when he when he starts to play like Jimmy ball and like we get like these 30o performances or I don’t know what he had tonight but when he starts to really try and force

The issue uh in games it really slows down the offense and they stop playing with urgency that can’t work with Terry Rosier and Tyler hero both on the court together they could maybe play together without Jimmy on the court or it could be Jimmy and one one of them maybe I

Think that SPO could maybe figure out a way to make it work in those circumstances the three of them where Jimmy really slows down the game kills the shot clock like that’s just not going to work with the style of play that those two guys have so I think

There is a solution to staggering but I think it’s a bigger picture than just Terry Rosier and Tyler herro like I think we got to look at kind of the whole unit that they’re running out there with them um also I when we’re up in these games I do not

Understand the reason why Tyler herro needs to be closing these games I mean I’ve seen the Denver Nuggets take Nichol he got pulled at the end of this game he got pulled for Caleb Martin towards the end of this one when they needed a defensive stop but he was not to be in

There yeah goad had they done that at the two-minute Mark then it’s not even like a game at the one minute Mark but they left him in there and Cory kissper went right at him twice and Cory kissper put up six quick points and then Jordan

P got fouled and all sudden it’s a game again so I don’t understand like when they have a double digit lead with you know two-ish minutes left in the game why Tyler hero needs to be out there closing the game like know you got defensive dogs that you can turn to to

Close the game at that point and if for some reason they start peeing down their leg then maybe go put him back out there to be you know his heroic hero self or whatever you think he can do yeah bro so this is a suggestion like brother you do realize that you have

Three like Nega impact defensive players on the court same time I I do agree that they need to find a way to stagger Tyler and Terry like starting them together does not look like it’s going to be beneficial to Miami uh separating them is impossible like I don’t think that

They’re gonna bench Terry Rosier for say Josh Richardson I know they’re not gonna bench Tyler hero so I think like this is kind of what we’re gonna roll out there with and you’re going to have to try and find a way like I agree with your point

Stone I think that you can play one of them with Jimmy Butler without the other and I think the one that needs to be playing with him is Terry roier the problem comes is if you’re separating Terry and Tyler then that means you also have to separate Jimmy and Bam because you’re

Gonna give Jimmy you’re gonna give bam to Tyler to run with another unit but you’re also gonna be playing Tyler and Duncan in a unit like that so like that that’s kind of what you talking about when you talk about this problem expanding to the larger team it’s like

You brought in a player that plays very similarly to Tyler hero when Tyler hero was already here and that play style wasn’t quite doing it for the team you know what I’m saying so like I don’t know bro it’s tough bro and that’s what SP to figure out like that shit’s just

That shit’s just probably not GNA it’s just not gonna work bro it’s just not gonna work so what you’re saying is we need Ben Simmons is what you’re saying we should be trading for Ben Simmons I’m saying that Ben Simmons would be a better fit next to either Tyler hero or

Terry roier than they are next to each other it’s true but Ben Simmons would also play one game before his vagina starts speaking of vaginas boundy wow wow my bad my bad y’all y’all can’t y’all know that woman can’t be in here oh speaking up she said where’s my

Brother my brother just closed on his house today he and his wife are getting their first home so they just kind of like closed on their house today which is [ __ ] great what you mean hey bro first of all stay out of this bro this between me and my lovely lady lunch

Right here okay don’t don’t get involved around here brother okay just stay stay in your stay in your lane stay in your lane uh but St you did bring up kind of like the time of year where Jimmy goes into this slowdown ISO ball we saw a lot

Like he’s been doing that the past couple of games so uh and we saw it again tonight where he just kind of went into that bag slowing it down I do think that that affects the other team uh the rest of the team I’m sorry it affects

The rest of the team in a somewhat negative fashion but the overall goal is getting wins and he’s helping us get that uh Shel want to hear you talk about Jimmy Butler tonight I said it all of last year said it most of this year uh the heat are at

Their best when Jimmy is engaged in attacking the basket early uh I believe he had 10 first quarter points tonight uh he I believe he had 11 against the kings in the first quarter so I mean what do I know I’m just a guy on the

Internet you know uh but yeah I mean it’s it’s nice to see him giving somewhat of a [ __ ] about basketball again it is February so I guess he’s sort of gearing himself up a little bit for uh the games that matter uh for the most part um but yeah this is this is

The time of year where I can tolerate watching Jimmy Butler play basketball because it’s actually uh someone that looks like they care about their profession that is making them multiple millions of dollars uh for a children’s game um but yeah he was excellent again tonight uh he was great against the

Kings um I don’t know why the [ __ ] he decided like to shoot 44% from three this year I I don’t know like how that happened it just like he was he was one for one tonight he just yeah like I kind of just want him to get to

The 90% on the free throw thing so he could shoot 50 4090 that like that would just be the funniest [ __ ] to me just Jimmy Butler a 50 4090 guy when there’s like 12 guys in history that have done it like Jimmy Butler he’s a very Mercurial player bro like he’s just all

Over the place and Eli I have horrific news for you brother I am HR so what am I goingon to do talk to myself I guess I should sometimes I do need some expert advice so I’ll just I’ll just make sure that the next time I say something inappropriate then I talk

To me and then let me know that that will not be tolerated by me um or the next time that I do that then I will have to fire my ass okay like that’s just I’m I’m going to lay down the law with me uh George let me talk talk to me

About Jimmy Butler huh I’m actually on board with this comment right here like don’t put Jimmy in the game just put him in the Three-Point Contest that would be some truly hilarious [ __ ] he’ll went wearing his warm-ups so you say he gonna pull some Larry Bird [ __ ] walk in there

Talk about who’s coming in second go if Jimmy Butler wins a three-point bro stop uh go ahead George talk to me about Jimmy Butler he he’s found himself in a different role I feel like this year especially with now bringing in teror Rosia he’s going to have to look to to

Actually play different he’s going to have to look to play different for the first time now will he I don’t think so because Jimmy’s Jimmy when playoff Jimmy comes around it’s going to be disastrous as in like for the other team he’s going to play his hard out he’s always going

To do the same thing but I feel like we’re trying to get Jimmy so we like we should look to get Jimmy back to the way he was playing in the bubble where he was largely playing a pass first role he was he was playing a pass first role yes

He was but no we should not get him back to that hey that [ __ ] used to frustrate me to no end bro he would be right under the rim and would pass that [ __ ] not to that extent all right to an extent I’m let let me let me strip back the the

Argument little not not the full past first vers you said like make Jimmy make Jimmy like a facilitator like one of our primary facilitators like the primary sponsor of the basement simple Health advisors ladies and gentlemen

3 7 7 3 8 3 2 1 3 4 5 7 7 3 8 3 2 1 3 4 5 7 7 38 don’t complicate Insurance can’t wait do you soor he is not a liar so pick up the phone and call Simple Health advisor hey bro just because of that little that

Little J I remember man phone beautifully done sheltman you are getting a raise and by raise I mean you might actually get paid this month uh what you were saying George I’m saying with with hero playing the way hero and Rosia playing with the way they’re playing now they’re not they’re

Not combo guards in any facet of the in the word like they’re not defensive mind like the defensive guards They Don’t Really facilitate the highest level either you need someone and if Tyler her is not going to do what he did last game which was delegate and actually pass up

Shots that uh you know I wouldn’t say always always hurtful to the team but against the run a play which you did today like we we were they were on the back of a like you know massive comeback he was just launching [ __ ] again like even in the first half

He was just launching [ __ ] it [ __ ] annoys me the only shot I saw that the one he made the one he made bro the camera wasn’t even on him properly it was [ __ ] because he should have shot it he shouldn’t have shot it bro like God

Damn bro I’m sorry go ahead bro I only I’m say I’m only talking in terms of like what’s going to help this team win in general now if hero is not going to be that guy if he’s which he [ __ ] damn right should be because you want

Jimmy to be playoff Jimmy you want J to be in that mode now if you’ve got no one facilitating and everyone just trying to Chuck shots it’s not going to [ __ ] work it’s this this this whole the infrastructure just just is not there the foundation is bad you can’t have

Four you know like bam can only do so much in terms of trying to get himself like get himself open and get shots for the you know for hero by setting screens and do [ __ ] like that but you need someone to delegate you need someone to

Pass the ball to facilitate which is why gave vincon on the trade market and he should come back home I like way yes [ __ ] off Stone he he was perfect here I like I like the way that you slip that in there George listen bro listen gang I don’t want

Y’all to think that I have these [ __ ] on a schedule I don’t have a schedule of who shows up to which post game show it’s literally bro it is one you should have brought your ass to work there let them folks cook I appreciate you guys for being here don’t let these

Racist in the comment section try and hold y’all down I appreciate my fellow Caucasian members of the basement who showed up to work today Stone talk about your favorite player on the team Jimmy Butler and why he deserves to be the MVP of the league well I mean that’s quite clear

And obvious um he always just does more with less um whether it’s beating Carl Anthony towns and Andrew Wiggins in a pickup game in Minnesota with the third stringers or you know taking this garbage Heat team back to the finals year in and year out and tanking our

Draft stock um he finds a way um yeah I mean we’re at our best when he’s playing his best um I just think like the the overall biger point who was that’s that’s LJ that’s LJ LJ I will happily tag out so that you can come finish the show if you want to

Jump on here that’s what we’ll do if LJ decides he gonna come through I’m gonna tag out I’m gonna let LJ and the whites finish the first show of Black History Month go ahead St I just think that the issue becomes that this team when they need to

Play with urgency they can’t they don’t know how to find that urgency and so that’s kind of if it’s possible for this team to evolve at this point because I know a lot of people think that they’ve plateaued and maybe they have it would be trying to find ways for guys like

Jimmy and I don’t know uh I’ll remove 14 from this conversation because his urgency is more panicky than what I would call like efficient basketball urgency but like can the younger guys like can JJJ helped this team play more urgent I mean he’s flying all over the place he’s back door cutting like

Late in the game there was a moment where Jimmy brought the ball up and was slowing things down and like I know they’re trying to kill the clock and stuff but like he missed Caleb Martin wide open probably a good thing probably Caleb Martin brick on the other end of

That um the thing about Caleb Martin is when he takes a tough shot and he makes it you know he’s GNA take another one which is just unfortunate um but it’s it’s can those type of guys like the glue guys find ways to create that urgency while Jimmy’s kind of slowing

The game down and doing the things he does well can they create that urgency around him I don’t know yeah I I agree with you take one of the things that you said that was interesting is about JJJ him flying around and [ __ ] like that brother it has

Not looked the same recently I’m sorry like he has not popped off the screen uh sorry sorry set the [ __ ] up while black man is talking [ __ ] the Ravens I love Lamar Jackson though not gonna lie uh listen to my gu Lyn Penny make sure y’all smash

That like button for us if you have not already make sure you subscribe to the basement Sports network uh and follow us for all these postgame shows and [ __ ] like that so appreciate you Lenny for reminding the people that we need to kind of whoop this algorithm’s ass and

We can only do it together as a team uh but yeah uh triple J is this rookie wall is this new player fit issue sheltman what is it because I’m JJJ is not JJ Jing no more and I feel like he’s falling down the list of kind of like impactful [Laughter]

Rookies um yeah I think it’s a mix uh I think people crowned him after 40 games as this world beater uh reminder that he was a late pick in the first round um again I will definitely uh admit that I was wrong I think JJJ is a very quality

Role player um I do like his offensive game his defensive game is not bad I think there’s some work to be had there but it’s not like he’s a Turn Style on defense by any means um but yeah this this is just another classic case of the

Heat fandom uh selling out for a player after 20 30 40 games that he’s you know their new Jesus in in a heat uni um unrelated to uh that uh cam Whitmore tonight had uh 25 points six rebounds one assist three Steals on uh 58% shooting in 21 minutes off the bench

Um objects in Mirror may be closer than they appear [ __ ] Wy only had 16 tonight brother the problem is wmy was gone when the Miami Heat drafted cam Whitmore was not all right ladies and gentlemen so happy to announce that Kenna has been resigned for four more

Years here at the basement uh the deal is worth the the equivalent of Tyler Hero’s deal and we’re doubling his pay after one year uh to be more than Tyler hero because my dog is infinitely more valuable than Tyler hero ever has been to the Miami Heat so shout out to kall

Uh great news for him great news for the basement to be retaining one of the goats in this content creator [ __ ] uh big news for us you know that makes me really happy George tell to me about H hak bro what’s happening why is the

Shine kind of worn off on the rookie now I don’t want to make any excuses so I’m just going to get that out of the way very quickly no excuses for the way he I think has been a butt but I feel but but the injury has taken some of the air

Out of it like from under his wings that’s that’s the only one and also I feel like the Rosia deal has actually affected him negatively more than like more than most people on this team I feel like they they don’t it’s not that they don’t need him now but they don’t particularly need

Exactly what he offers like you don’t need another guy to come and give you buckets of the bench as badly as you did before I’ll shut up oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah boy is here as you a real Ste a real stepper 93 Supreme big stepper coming

Through I I appreciate it George but yes um I have been resigned the deal has just went through uh yeah and this is a balloon payment if you think Tyler Johnson’s contract was balloon you the poison pill on this [ __ ] hey blimp blimp Goode blimp hot air

Balloon that’s the love of this contract on first year front loaded there’s going to be no salary cap for you wh sorry but Stone I’m gonna make sure we get we gonna get you a deal somewhere and dardo hey you done with your stream bro I know George was over there commenting

In your stream uh to be honest I just kind of wanted to I didn’t feel like there was a nice enough whites to celebrate the beautiful month that we are in uh so I figured I’d go ahead and show up and do my do my part I think

It’s all important that we do our part during this time so we don’t let the others take over hey what’s up my guy who said that who said that D Master hey put that comment back up baby you real one do not talk about your [ __ ] ass and how dare you

Interrupt that black man while he was talking get the [ __ ] out I’ll bring him back up here in a second that was crazy um it was he got he he has his his contract will be incentive based um and it’ll be it will be a threshold we will guarantee he will

Not hit defensive play of the year that Tyler hero MVP [ __ ] come on now I want you to do me a favor remove this cracker from my show Stone we got some ball to discuss brother I’ll be in the backat do not run have a good show boys

G you stand just like that it’s full V one we never we never hoop before Royal but that defensive play to your comment is the most accurate thing you ever said I’ve watched your Clips bro I seen you post the clips and I’ll admit bro you

Got a torch on there you got a cannon on your shoulder he at his his jump shot is awkward but that [ __ ] go to the bottom of the net but brother I’m not looking forward to you stopping nobody bro you are the embodiment of Tyler hero um we was

Talking about hame HCK I don’t think George ever got to finish his point uh George you want to wrap up your point about how H is I was I was pretty much done I’m saying that I feel like they don’t need what he offers as much as

They did at the start of the season when when you he was adding something that we were missing which was like attacking the rim we really needed that and then he found himself that like in a good situation now not so much you know you still need obviously someone to attack

The rim but he’s not he’s not getting the same opportunity he’s not getting the same shots it’s it’s not that he’s not talented and that I still don’t think he’s hit the rookie wall at full extent I just feel like they don’t really need what he off

At the moment to the same extent as they did at the S of the season so opportunity goes down sh sh go down he just looks for less productive like we just need people to pass the [ __ ] ball and defend that’s what we need so the problem that I have with what you

Did like he did nothing to lose those opportuni nothing in his play lost him those opportunities and I don’t think the people that are replacing those opportunities are worthy of doing so all the time and want to hear just kind of like your thoughts on on uh excuse me

EXC Triple J he’s like the play’s going down a little go ahead yeah no it sucks how he’s not getting as many isolation attempts as he used to because I feel like he’s so efficient when he gets those attempts I saw I remember one time tonight he got the ball like sort of

Like on the Baseline you know farther away from the camera and he kind of did his little jab step got right to the rim one shoulder bump easy layup like he’s a legit 70% isolation score because unlike number 14 when jameh hakz goes ISO he gets to the rim and that’s something

That I’ve really miss seeing from him I love that you had that one play where Jimmy found him back door because hame used his great footwork did a little spin went Baseline they’re obviously not going to run their offense around him or call many plays for him but I think the

Offense would be better if they would because he’s very efficient at getting to the rim but I’m trying to figure out like why is it that we aren’t getting like the volume that we were getting earlier like is it because like the addition of Terry rier and having Tyler

Hero out there just kind of like makes it so that he won’t have as many opportunities with the ball in his hands is it because you know what I mean like the second unit functions differently now I think it’s as easy as that like I don’t think it I think that’s

It I think ter Ro and Tyler hero have a lot to do why that man not getting the ball no more bro like I think those two you have to split them up they can’t always play together and when you split when you take one off the floor the

Other one has the ball and I think it takes away some of those opportunities that haime had where we saw him kind of like I don’t know but I also think the injury could be like a thing but I’m not sure though bro like it’s a lot it’s a

Lot that goes into it Caleb’s uh kind of resurgence he wasn’t great tonight but Caleb Martin played 28 minutes tonight he’s our new point of attack Defender so like he has to play I don’t know bro I just feel like this is somebody said can we talk about Haywood hos

Why I didn’t even know he was [ __ ] playing tonight until at the box score lie I know I know playing because K makes the same comment about him every single game when he gets that ball and he takes that he T he moves his feet

Just a little bit and he Chucks up that three and every single time it’s a brick and he says that he’s a catch and shoot shooter and I just want to say Kate no he’s not he’s not a shooter at all the only court that he should be shooting on is in Beijing

China oh c be saying oh that’s a tough one by Haywood he be saying that all bro they I think C started to get sick of his team too K situations this year but yeah I think y’all handle all the Haywood hot Smith talk that I could take for the even

Let’s Talk About Kevin Love a little bit bro because I believe my Boy Deserves some flowers I think personally Kevin Love was the reason that we won this game he had he had a double double in like 13 [ __ ] minutes like [ __ ] was insane bro he was out there and it felt

Like you felt his impa instantaneously he is again playing backup center uh there’s been some conversation around whether or not he should be a four or the backup five I saw some that on the timeline today uh I don’t really care I just know that he’s been impactful

Sheltman uh just tell me like I I know the old man has been slumping a little bit and we can’t expect this every night but when you do get it bro like talk about Kevin Love’s impact on this roster and how it’s been specifically tonight he he’s just an incredibly

Cerebral player like it OB you can see why a dude with very little athleticism turned into an all-nba Talent when he was you know in his prime in Minnesota because he’s very smart like he’s just like a very very intelligent basketball player uh and that has carried over with

Him into his old age sure he doesn’t necessarily get the touches anymore um you know his body has broken down over the years so he’s not going to be able to bang in the paint as much as he usually would be able to pause uh but he

Um he’s just using his intelligence to put himself in the right spots to get random ass rebounds um you know he’s still capable of hitting the three at a pretty good rate and I I really really hope they manage his you know minutes for the rest of the year because I I

Feel like he is such a critical piece to what this team is that if he is not available in the playoffs it it sounds absurd to say but if a 38-year-old or however the [ __ ] old he is Kevin Love is not available in the playoffs we might

Be in some legit trouble and again it’s almost as insane to say like this Heat team going on a massive losing streak when a rookie went out with haime hakz to talk about how important he was to the roster I feel like Kevin Love’s sort of in the same light where you just

Don’t like they just don’t have enough smart basketball players to get on the court and if he’s one of them then he needs to be on the court and filling his time with people like yic or [ __ ] Thomas Bryant like it just has not

Looked good so I hope he is able to stay healthy the rest of the way and uh if he can give if he can give 10 and six every night I will be happy with that so I think what I think you kind of like hit

It like you kind of like circled over it like the reason Kevin Love feels so important is because if Kevin Love’s not playing then we’re playing Thomas Bryant and that feels detrimental to the roster but ladies and gentlemen I’m gonna read this $5 Dono from Corpse he said High

May scoring seems to have slowed down when Tyler hero came back from injury very very weird if you ask me Corps I don’t know what the correlation is there or nothing it’s not like I might have speculated that that could happen even when Tyler hero was injured

But I see you and I might need to have a one-on-one conversation to pontificate on such things true to my word there’s another white that has shown up to work and he is actually pg2 on this network my boy LJ Cascon has pulled up one time

For the one time and true to my word I’m G to let him continue and Host this for the rest of the show I’ll see y’all later have a good rest of the show guys gentlemen we did it mission accomplished hey uh I haven’t hosted a

Postgame show yet on the network but we host a nice little weekly podcast if anybody’s ever heard of it it’s the random scrub he podcast um what have you guys talked about I tuned in a little bit late um actually the one reason I did want to

Show up is because it is Black History Month um I had to add a little spice a little horchata to the lineup here I want to give George a solo where he just says Nick Richards five times fast can you do that for me George we have a fifth amendment in this

Country George I recommend you plead it um you get to Le remained silent there we go I take that as as George saying that he no longer wants to participate with the network because it was a pretty simple request I didn’t realize that it

Was a tall task he said it on things for some people the language barriers interrupt some certain things George I’ll give you a backup I’ll give you one opportunity for a backup Nicholas what is Steve Kerr’s son’s name Nicholas Kerr correct see was that so hard no not at all congratulations

You get to stay right now who who haven’t we talked about tonight Jordan poo I I love watching Jordan P play we haven’t talked about too much from The Wizard side of things have we we’re changing things up tonight a little bit I think we need to talk about what we

Saw from Washington side because the way I saw it Miami had what was it a one point a 17-point lead in the second half and that thing evap evaporated like you pour a little bit of water on the asphalt on a hot summer Miami day it is absolutely incredible where are the

Black folks they’re around they’re around don’t fear not we have one right there fear to the network I want you to do me a favor remove this cracker from my show oh [ __ ] bro that is fantastic bro let them finish bro let to finish bro oh [ __ ] I agree with that because Italians

Are basically the black people of white people all right right anono I would just wanted to say that George could say the nword a hundred times and that still won’t be more racist than when royal royal said that Martin Luther King deserved it that’s what happens when ant host the show oh

[ __ ] this is no nowhere near the show was going almost see he almost did but he didn’t and that’s that’s that we want to tow the line but we didn’t lose a sub and for that we thank you for sticking around George I want to talk to you about

Jordan P tonight why the [ __ ] because Jordan p is honestly a main contributor on wami why Miami was able to hold on to that lead in the fourth quarter because he W what was he W for 13 he was shooting he had hero numbers I forgot what it

Was Prime hero numbers six of 21 six six of 21 10 assists though hey 10 assists he was dishing it he’s got to make up for that contract somehow no p p was pretty was uh was a main contributor on how Miami won tonight because it it was like

I said before before everything went to [ __ ] they were up by 17 things kind of collapsed a little bit that late game offense is still leaving a lot to be desired they still haven’t figured that out but I mean you could rewind about three years and say the same exact thing

About a fourth quarter Miami Heat offense Stone let’s go to you here because George doesn’t want to play ball what just n name a role player that you liked well today who what role player that you haven’t talked about tonight has already come up and played good um

Man it was pretty rough from the role players tonight um I guess uh I think sheltman kind of hit on this earlier it was nice of Tyler hero to sacrifice and only take 19 shots um I was expecting at least 20 out of him uh in the cat Le Henry Bowl uh we’re

Back to back champions in that by the way which is just great I might get t-shirts printed um so yeah I guess that would be my role player that I was pretty happy with tonight he cut it off at 19 uh had just a enough shame for

Them to get out of there with the win um when they subbed him out in that last minute okay yeah thank you Royal for letting me know that we haven’t talked about hero in depth tonight because that’s that’s kind of where I wanted to shift the conversation honestly um I’m having trouble seeing

Spinning a positive development with Tyler hero who went what was it six for 19 if I’m not mistaken it it wasn’t pretty he had a good game last game against the Kings he was Distributing you see that comment you see that comment beijing’s calling for Tyler hero

Someone put that yeah there it is thank you Elon Musk it it was just absolutely I said it in the chat too it’s like you’ll get one really good Tyler Hero game where he’ll play a a well-rounded efficient basketball game and then has just followed with three more games of

Really really rough outings 19 shots zero free throw attempts that’s hard to do Tyler hero managed to do it so I’m going to go to one person right now that I know can make an optimistic spin on this Anthony dinardo what did you like from Tyler Hero’s game tonight I know

You got something for me I see you’re calling for my friend that would be optimistic ant uh listen I don’t really understand how you guys can say that this team has trouble scoring and then you want to get rid of Tyler hero who averages the most shot attempts

On the team there’s a correlation between shot attempts and scoring maybe if Tyler herro got more shot attempts he could have more points that seems to be the basic math that a lot of you people are missing and I don’t care tonight if he was what was he tonight he had five

Assists to to two turnovers that’s not bad and he was six for 19 and he was a plus minus three [ __ ] I can’t find any stats to put in his favor tonight uh no he had a nice lob pass to Bam early in the game and I

Was like okay good we going and get another nice hero night uh he had you know the eight rebounds eight assists last game but they never went to that again I don’t really see any reason they can’t go to that you know bam pick and

Roll SL lob six to seven times a game and unfortunately the reason we don’t see that a lot is because Tyler hero spends half the game with the ball in his hands now I did hit the over on the anonymous Player Pro betting at that doesn’t sponsor me so I won’t say their

Name they had him at four and a half assist and I said hey the way Tyler’s talking about wanted to be this new point guard he going to get you at least eight well he got you five on the money which was just enough to hit so truthfully that’s all I care

About that’s actually true please shave that [ __ ] please he would he would have dropped a 30 piece that’s not a mustache take that [ __ ] away for the love of God you already lost the [ __ ] bet from last time you still didn’t you still haven’t done your [ __ ] part you lost

The the season long bet we had last season on what show is that on a show that doesn’t exist anymore because you wake up at like 3: in the morning morning [ __ ] I’m ready I’m been ready I stay ready I’m I’m I’m ready to do the

Show you said the other day let’s do it I’m that’s actually a really good segue um to I wanted to ask Alex real quick his thoughts on Tyler here I’ll let him get his [ __ ] off real quick but we were just getting a little bit of lore of

Witness weekly which might be making a surprise return on the trade deadline day George why might witness weekly be making a return TBD you stupid son of a [ __ ] what a you take it why why would witness weekly be coming coming back on the trade deadline next week we are planning

Something very very exciting for the February 8th trade deadline mark it down that’s six days from now we are planning a 24hour stream that’s from the 1200 am in the morning to midnight I think George is gonna be the guy that uh does a most

Of it because as we all know he has no life you know everyone understands uh but we’re all going to be making appearances you’ll have some segments of witness weekly you have some segments of maybe uh Alex reading white people stats or maybe bringing back the white border

Tier list we’ll definitely see some tier list but it’s G to be awesome we’ll probably be putting some promo out for that on Twitter soon but stay tuned because it’s gonna be a wild day and we want to do something really special since the Miami Heat will do nothing on

The trade deadline exactly that’s exactly why we’re doing it we want to give our fans something to be at least look forward to you don’t know if the heat will make a trade you know that you can rely on the basement to be there for you on the trade dead with some 24hour

Non-stop content including the debut of our twitch stream I don’t know who’s going to be streaming it might be me it might be royal it might be Alex it might be George to fill up some time anyone who wants to stream you can go over and see the basement Sports gaming on Twitch

And you’ll be able to see us get a little content off over there too Alex it’s now your turn you’ve been sitting back nice and politely what do I know I saw you wanted to jump in a few minutes ago uh what what do you have to say

There and then does it involve Tyler hero yeah Trey young tonight was uh 12 of 17 for for 32 points he also had 15 assists and three steals he was seven of 11 from three um same conversation I was told that that’s it that’s all I had for

You I appreciate it anyone else want to talk about Tyler her before we move on and uh talk a little bit about this next game that’s coming up because uh we might have some thoughts for this next game the heat are for those who don’t know are two and0 in their last

Two I fact or fiction I had the guts the whole time I know say I saw it all over the TL you had the guts I I tweeted numerous times that I had guts and anyone that did not have guts and that you know wanted to trade Jimmy Butler or

Break up this core anyone that said that fake fan non gutsa not me though full-fledged gutsa that’s what I hear but next game does that two and0 in their last Two Become Three and0 in their last three the heat begin a four game home stand against the Los Angeles

Clippers coming to town to start things off you have to assume they’d be relatively healthy that’s going to be a tall order I’m interested to see the way that some of those matchups play out Stone let’s go to you right off riff here what do you think how what do what

Are your predictions for this next game against the the LA Clippers who seem to be in my opinion probably the best team out west right now first of all classic Steelers fan um looking at manyi streaks um in the Ravens building we start each week 0 and0 uh we’re just trying to get

To 1 and0 that week um currently and one last one okay that’s besides we’re 0 and0 this week um listen uh they’re gonna lose this game um to to quote an alcoholic with a heat platform I want you to lose this game um no I I actually don’t want them to lose

This game I just was thinking about that for whatever reason but um they’re going to lose this game it’s like so many guys that were in heat trade rumors that the heat put their nose up to and I just know they’re all going to come in and

Drop 40 points each they’re all going to take turns just switching on to hero and going ballistic and I think we lose that game pretty handedly that’s fair enough um before I go over to George now um Stone you have to say one positive thing about John Harbaugh

Um um that’s what I thought all right George no go ahead go ahead go ahead I think that he’s a great family man who should dedicate and commit his entire life to spending his time with his family that’s well said we’re we we we implore family time here at the

Basement George are you feeling good for this next game against the the LA Clippers I’m feeling all right I feel like this is one of those games that they could steal if uh things start to go right which is extremely optimistic take on [ __ ] at the M like the way it’s going

But look they’ve got like Mason plumbley at Center we’ve got bam if he can do something then [ __ ] knows we got a chance but kaw’s comeing back to form still got Paul George they still got Harden the Russ Russ Off the Bench it’s it’s not looking good as a team that

Actually had a similar problem earlier in the season they had a big losing streak certain player went to the bench they started winning again you know through the through the kindness of that guy’s heart Russell Westbrook he said I’ll go to the bench there’s too many offensive options starting right now we

We got to we got to change something up and they started winning now they look like the most the most dangerous team you know in the NBA now we can look at the culmination of of all of our work and what we’re not willing to do versus a team that was

Willing to make the change and people forget you know as soon as they brought in James Harden they had some Growing Pains they were 0 and six and then they they turned it on and they’ looked really good an what about you how are you feeling against this next game

Against the clips well recent history would tell you that it depends on if Kawhi Leonard and Paul George are playing because if they’re out we know Amir coffey’s good for what 30 bomb now I do want to say the Clippers are on the first night of a back toback when they

Play the miam Heat so that’s something we want to monitor we know those guys will rest out of the first or second night but if they do play in Miami it should be an easy win no doubt about it that’s that optimistic ant positive attitude that I just I come to these

Streams for thank you so much Alex how about you can I expect that same optimism from you yeah the uh the heat are about to blow that [ __ ] out [ __ ] is you talking about uh Jimmy 40 bam 31 louder son Terry Rosier 11 of 11 from the free throw line

And two of of 10 from the field uh who else is on this [ __ ] god forsaken roster Tyler hero 17 field goal attempts maybe makes four of them um I think be over on that on the attempts not the mies Kevin Love another white guy probably 12 maybe points not

Shots Robson double double zero minutes uh zero minutes played and zero minutes uh in the building he probably will be on the g-league team that’s fine uh Kawhi Leonard 17 points he leaves early with a turned ankle because that’s what he does not wishing that on him that’s

Just probably what’s going to happen it’s you know it’s it just it just happens you know it’s Qui Leonard who else is on this team Martin no no no no seven minutes crazy seven points on four ridiculous layups I don’t know how that math works out they’re just going to subtract a point

From him it’s gonna happen he’ll get fouled on one he’ll get fouled on one and shoot 50 at the line yeah yeah they won’t count yeah I think that’s fair he by 27 obviously now he wasn’t moved you’re not moved by me the I will have you know done radio

My friend I don’t have the I don’t have the authority to be screaming the way Royal has like the Bas in his in his in his chest and yells I will now speak my peace I think that the Miami Heat will come out against the Clippers the next game and play

Basketball I won’t give you a score I’m not going to give you a box score no numbers basketball will be played will it be good I’m not willing to make a commitment on that will it be bad I’m also not willing to make make a commitment on that however if you buy a

Ticket to that game you will see professional athletes dribbling the basketball shooting the basketball maybe playing some defense you can come to expect that when you go to an NBA basketball game maybe but that’s what you’ll see and the Miami Heat you know what I’ve had to change of

Heart they’re gonna win they’re gonna blow that [ __ ] out what the [ __ ] are you talking about the Miami Heat are winning and going to go to three and0 in their last three something the Baltimore Ravens don’t know anything about let’s bring Royal back up here and just hear what he

Has to say Royal if you will tell us who’s winning the next basketball game you already know they you want to blow that [ __ ] out [ __ ] is you talking about sh I already told you Jimmy 48 bam 40 Tyler hero 40 shots field goal attempts probably 17 makes or so zero free

Gos t rier p one time cheit T assist [ __ ] is wrong with you w you guys are great no enough of that we’ve seen enough white people for tonight I will be ending this show solo thank you guys in the comments as always for joining the show making it much more

Fun than it would have been without you thank you to black people and only black people during February part video Justin Justin look at this look at

Covering all things Miami Heat including Jimmy Butler, Bam Adebayo, Tyler Herro, Kyle Lowry, Josh Richardson, Caleb Martin, and Kevin Love.

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