@Atlanta Hawks

Hawks vs. Suns Postgame Press Conference: Trae Young

Hawks vs. Suns Postgame Press Conference: Trae Young

Hey Trey three St three straight wins for you guys just what has been working especially with having Hunter out and then having sad go down to uh I mean we just been finishing the games playing hard uh paying attention to the game plan and when we do adjust start the

Game we’re focused and not making too many mistakes and then just capitalizing off off their mistakes so uh just got to continue to do it and continue to take it one game at a time and I know before we’ve talked about well I asked you about being underrated still and with

The All-Star selection going out and just knowing that you were voted second amongst guards in the east by fans but then still not chosen for the team what was your reaction to not being chosen at all I got a lot of love for the fans I

Got a lot of love for my fans out there I ain’t got much to say about it right now now if they came to you to want for you to replace somebody injury reserve would you do it yeah I mean I I mean I would just

Because I just I got I’m not I know I’m not representing just myself and instead of being selfish and being like a towards it uh I’m just going to be honest I mean I could but I know I’m not representing just myself and I’m not I ain’t even got offered yet so who

Knows if they will offer me uh that’s how funny it is but um if I do I know I wouldn’t be just representing just myself so I would go um but want to get the invite of course first thank you Tre kind of following up on that it’s been a

Big week for you guys so far as you mentioned three wins in a row have another T tough match up tomorrow when the Warriors come to town um was there any motivation this week going up against like the likes of LeBron KD Steph Curry tomorrow and then knowing

That the allstar Reserve list was kind of looming in the air have you been playing with a little extra motivation this week oh man you name a list of some guys yeah I didn’t even realize I mean for me I I really I mean I really try to

Take it one game at a time and the next game is somebody somebody else like tonight it was KD book and Brad and then tomorrow like you said it’s Steph and and clay and Dre so um got to be ready I I mean I know we played the Clippers two

Days after that but you can’t look too far ahead you going to get caught up in that and then lose tomorrow so got to focus on taking care of the Warriors now that we we’ve taken care of the Suns uh this week you’ve had some big matchups and you’re preparing for

Another big matchup tomorrow against the warriors uh what does it feel like to get these wins against players like KD Lebron Curry all guys who you’ve had time you’ve had time to spend with train under um when you were younger and what does it mean for the team as you’re

Couple games under 500 and you’re trying to make a playoff PCH uh I mean it just means we got another game tomorrow that we have a chance to go out and compete and try to win I know they got obviously I mean a big time player and all time great on their team

But you can’t get caught up in that you got to focus on uh your team and yourself and making sure you’re ready and prepared to go out there and win so um I don’t get too caught up in all the the big eyes anymore of who who I’m

Going against and all that I just try to go out there and win and try to focus on that and focus on my team and make sure I’m ready to play and make sure I’m ready um to give my team my my best effort to go out there and win so that’s

That’s all I’m focus on and like you said we got some guys coming in here and we got to take care of business so Trey you got a big steal against KD um can you walk us through that moment big defensive uh play down the stretch yeah

I mean it’s a it’s it’s a risky play um Quinn doesn’t like us doing it too much uh so I took the Gamble and and kind of went for it um knowing that if if I tried to meet him at The Rim it was probably in his Advantage so uh they

Threw it up and I just just tried to attack the ball and just try to be a cornerback and um go get it and I fortunately I grabbed it made a three and it’s a big momentum swing for us for sure you hit some deep threes early and

Uh what what what what happens when the defense has to adjust to that looks like they were doubling you out and I guess it opens up the floor for more assists for you when when that when you’re hot early like that yeah what’s what’s the question what what do you mean what’s the

Question what happens you know when the defense changes their approach yeah how does that open uh I mean it just it um like it just it opens up more abilities that I have like as far as my speed and being able to get by my Defender and

Forcing to help guy to help and then I can hit hit the roller hit the lob guy or if if the opposite corner man is sinking down to hit the big man I’m I can hit bogey in the corner for a three like I just them them deep threes pull

The pull the defense out and it just opens up the court not only for me to get around the bigs or whoever has guarding me but my teammates once I get it out of the Trapper get out of my hands from your point of view what’s been going right defensively this week

We know that you guys can score with the best of them but it seemed like over this recent winning stretch defense has kind of been at the helm of why you guys have been winning games and how it’s been easier to you know get points uh

What’s been going right for you guys I mean we’re just getting getting more comfortable I mean when you start the season and you you get two of your top starters hurt and you’re missing a lot of games with them and then you’re you’re trying to get them back it’s hard

To get really adjusted and chemistry going and this is jaylen’s first year to really play a lot and he’s been balling this year um but he also had a stretch where he didn’t play very many games and we went on a losing streak and it really

Really hurt us but now he’s back and been back for a couple weeks now and he’s starting to get more comfortable we’re starting to feel more comfortable with each other and you can tell by just I mean watching us play and we can feel it out there on the court so just

Getting guys back I mean hopefully we get Dre back but having him back last game helped and I know we’ll get him back tomorrow but we had it back to back so it’s just just getting guys back healthy I mean that always helps thank you gotcha

Hawks vs. Suns Postgame Press Conference: Trae Young after 120 – 129 Win

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  1. The reason he didn’t get selected was because of the foul baiting, constant complaining at the refs and lack of effort on defense I’m not even hating I like this guy he’s definitely an all star but if he doesn’t fix that he won’t get the respect of the coaches and his peers

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