@Phoenix Suns

The Suns Are About To BREAK The NBA..

The Suns Are About To BREAK The NBA..

Ish doing his dance finds Richards Too Much Thunder but it’ll stay with a good guy and there’s an O Nick Richards miles there are currently 5 days left until the NBA trade deadline closes and things are heating up in Phoenix you’ve probably heard by now that Flex from

Jersey is reporting that the rumors of the Hornet sending miles Bridges to Phoenix are getting serious also the suns are said to be after Nick Richard hit the like for us and please tell us in the comments what do you think about this potential trade first let’s talk

About Nick Richards a 7t 245 lb 26-year-old fourth-year Center out of Kentucky and I’ll tell you after watching a lot of his tape it is so obvious why the Suns want him so what do we have here big and strong check explosive check mobile big that can run

The floor check and check LOB threat check yeah but can he protect the rim check check check can he step out and hit the three absolutely not don’t be ridiculous that’s too much to ask but suffice it to say he’s absolutely an upgrade over Drew Eubank no offense to

Drew he’s been playing some really valuable basketball lately but Nick Richards reminds me of a less heavy faster more mobile version of udoka asab BK but he’s a more polished all-around Prospect with impressive explosiveness especially for his size honestly if the miles Bridges part of this deal falls

Through Nick Richards alone would be a very solid addition to the Suns and he could make a significant impact Off the Bench now on to Bridges we had the discussion a week ago about whether or not the son should even be going after him given his history and his legal

Situation pending in February go check out that video if you want to hear me in su’s takes on that but as far as what he means for the Suns on on the court I don’t know if Suns fans actually comprehend quite yet how great of a basketball player he is the word

Athletic does not even begin to describe him and not only does he get to the basket with ease he can really shoot the ball this guy is a physical specimen that should be studied by scientists Bridges has a super deep bag and he moves really well without the ball which

Fits perfectly with the Suns good luck trying to defend him while you’re worried about the other big three of the Sons this guy’s going to absolutely eat in this offense he’s a player like Grayson Allen that can actually make defenses consistantly pay for doubling book and KD I’ve been a huge supporter

Of Bradley Beal but even at his best miles Bridges gives him some competition for the third best player on this team and certainly with the woses that Beal has been experiencing lately which I don’t think will continue Bridges absolutely challenges him for that title this could actually be the moment that

The Suns become that jugg not team that they thought they were going to be or it could result in an embarrassment like no other if they fail to capitalize on all the talent they’ve put together on this loaded roster

The Phoenix Suns are attempting to trade scraps again, this time for Miles Bridges and Nick Richards from the Charlotte Hornets.
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  1. we need miles bridges so we can have a big wing. also helps our bench so suns can send grayson allen to the bench alongside eric gordon

  2. Did you say Nick Richards was a 7 foot 245 pound 26 year old C? That's EXACTLY what Frank NEEDS to anchor his defense and make us top 5 defensively. Hopefully Frank has enough time to put it all together with him. Would be better if he was a bit more stout, but could for sure work. Even though MIles seems like a bad look due to his past, we need his production too. Lets get it done!

  3. I’ve been loving the Suns since I moved to Phoenix in 1987 where my grandfather had season tix to the madhouse and eventually the new arena where I watched game 6 of the finals. I’ve wanted to see them win so bad ever since then, but…. I’m out if we bring Bridges on. If we can’t win without a guy who beats his wife and throws billiards balls at the windshield of a car with his kid in it, then screw it. I don’t wanna win.

  4. Gambo should've went with sarver. He's been grabbing sarver's pocket since he bought the team. Aside from that, it really wouldn't surprise me given james jones ridiculous hardline stance against aquiring any player not considered a wing. If we keep sliding jones may need to be on his way out too. He was also a sarver guy. Now as long as bridges can stay out of the news off the court then it makes sense. Richards currently makes more sense filling a glaring weakness for this team. We still need a pointguard to run the second unit.

  5. We’ve been saying this and little results in return… starting to sound like cowboy fans now, all bark no bite

  6. Bridges has a no trade clause, said he’s not leaving the hornets. Suns don’t have any valuable assets. And he’s a free agent and the suns can’t pay him… OH and he’s a terrible human being.

  7. He won’t get his touches in Phoenix. Anyways, offense was never the problem. It is defense. And I doubt anyone from that terrible team known as the Hornets is going to fix our defense. But I could be wrong. Who knows?

  8. Bridges moves effortlessly, when he isn't breaking downhill he seems like he is just playing with the defender. He knows he can get his shot up from anywhere, he would feast with the Suns but at what cost????

  9. I have a feeling the trade deadline will come and go and they won’t make a move. The only tradable contract besides Grayson is Littles and I don’t see a team sending us a quality player for someone who is not even in our rotation.

  10. Phoenix suns James Jones you trade for Cody Martin miles bridges that would put you in the championship window

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