@Golden State Warriors

Golden State Warriors vs Atlanta Hawks Full Highlights 1st QTR | Feb 3 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

Golden State Warriors vs Atlanta Hawks Full Highlights 1st QTR | Feb 3 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

Def and rebounds the game so you may need two to put a body on him all hands on deck when it comes to the boards they also force a lot of turnovers too so you got to take care of it so Atlanta with Trey young the jeante Murray the shooter

Garrison Matthews Jaylen Johnson and Clint capella so they go a little small here sadique Bay is banged up and will not play starting with Wiggins on Trey young and there’s the lobs that you’re talking about but capella couldn’t bring it in so Draymond was able to stay home

CU Andrew WI spot over that pretty well Draymond got his hands up broke that one up so this is this new lineup for the Warriors with Steph clay Wiggins kaminga and Draymond paid dividends and there’s the post up that a man named Ken asabuki was talking about in Warrior pregame live

Put Trey Young on the box if Trey young is starting I even said Klay Thompson you have to expose that man down there Klay did a great job getting as close to the basket as he could jeon Murray and Trey young had great games beating the Suns last

Night a tough cover for even guys like kaminga Murray out of the corner out that three and every rebound you saw Draymond just get capella off the glass and Wiggins came back and got the [Applause] rebound open Wiggins three on iring there Matthews will put Trey young into the front

Court think about him and Steph 2728 a game and then Trey young double figures in the this D Johnson is almost there Jonathan kaminga in a young guy that is getting better and better as capella puts it up and in told you about Clint capella in those offensive rebounds and

He just went to work he had enough room to work with so play scored once on Trey young and he will be fouled you’re aggressive you’re fighting over if it’s Trey young Klay Thompson he opened with the layup and now a three so he’s working inside and outside really making

Trey young work defensively which is what want to do yeah Klay was on our bus coming over to the game I still think he’s a little under the weather but he wants to be there for his team as Wiggins who had three blocks last night had a block there Garrison Matthews

Though that’s the second offensive Rebound in bucket for Atlanta the Wiggins has started off great though defensively just fighting over that one if you fight over you have to keep coming keep working see if you can block it from behind like he did Raymond looking for a cutter it’s

Kaminga that’s why you love Draymond with the ball in there you can just initiate your movement trying to put size on Trey young and wigg got another block he got Garrison Matthews on a three he’s been Stellar defensively so far Steph thought about shooting that

One hey Thompson your post up man and he pulled into nitzky on Trey young that’s a win for Trey young he’s fading away in there he’d love to be able to just go to the basket go through if you want Trey young missing that three he has

Unlimited range he’s a lot like step where he crosses into the front Court he’s open for running some ISO post UPS here Wiggins a little bully Ball but couldn’t quite bank it [Applause] home third highest scoring team in the NBA Atlanta seventh highest scoring team in the NBA the Warriors their fourth in

Free throw attempts Atlanta and the lob to Capella and that’s for Jaylen Johnson we just see his growth as a player well Draymond was just in help position on a strong side block just came off of capella so you want to get some weak side help there Step missing that three

Deonte Murray leaking out touchdown they’ll get out in transition if they can get some stops they’re throwing it ahead going to leave Steph Curry and Atlanta’s just lucky you want to run that and give Curry wide open threes all night good luck with that those Steph

Ball screens now step is popping out of him the foul on the kaminga thing get Steph wide open threes early in the game Atlanta will have to adjust to [Applause] that Jaylen Johnson and capella and they’re taking advantage of Capella’s size it’s just draymond’s having to help

And capella is really good at reacting the drives speaking the drives kaminga probing getting it back to step jeon Murray’s a good Defender stayed right with him MGA from the foul line this kid is doing everything it’s a good match up for kaminga too going at Johnson he’s

Got some length and he can move his feet if kaminga can go at him and score on him man you can pretty much score against anybody Ray young and Draymond broke that up capella got the deflection and then Wiggins hanging in there capella playing volleyball but the Warriors staying

Tall Stefon Matthews will take the bomb flip either guys have to trim their fingernails or he’s got to get Neo sporing or something going on cuz T post game he is just beat up battle scares Hur on the handle he’s got that Seattle slickness capella and Draymond just took

It away from him and Clay moved his feet on ball defense is solid Johnson trying to stay with [Applause] curry step setting up Draymond for an open three and he got it we ain’t surprised he actually said he changed his approach he’s seen pictures differently the game is slowed down for

Him Movic in and you can see Quinn Schneider it’s like hey let’s get compella if they’re going to play small we’re going to have compella Beast people inside and he already has eight points they’re setting him up nicely Patty Mills is out there to chase Steph around Raymond attacking and couldn’t

Quite bank it home capella diving on the deck he’s got nowhere everybody was teasing him hey three more rebounds you have triple double what are you doing exactly you not rebounding anymore he told me on the bus he didn’t even know I I thought someone would have told him rebound was checked

In DeAndre Hunter has been dealing with an injury is back bogdanovich missing from the Baseline p jsky in clay resting we’ll see how both coaches manage the back end of a back to back both played last night Warriors obviously play in travel kaminga had it knocked [Applause]

Away jante Murray to AO so they’re trying to have AO capella continue to finish inside and it’s going to be something for the Warriors to deal with Draymond made one three that one off front [Applause] IR Dante Murray eats up all that space and then floats it up and out well

There’s a kongu who he’s missed two layups gets a third opportunity and pays it off that’s where they’re going to get you the offensive rebounds but Andrew Wiggins has been amazing defensively he moved his feet there again he just couldn’t get his defensive rebound jsky an open three shot it long Ricochet is

Out to step barely in his hands and right in the bucket he doesn’t waste any time does he 200 threes for Steph and he’s closing in in on 3600 for his career that will’t happen likely this year that man never ceases to amaze Hunter will pick 35% prior in his

Career and he’s pretty solid defensively too so Kei Santos he got first quarter run last night he’s in the rotation right now no Dario shich again tonight Wiggins tornado move and he couldn’t finish on the other end cuz we saw that at the end of the OKC game is

There can be cont but as long as the Rim’s not vibrating or something to cause the ball to Ricochet [Applause] out step from the Baseline so Steph Curry is rolling early three of

Golden State Warriors vs Atlanta Hawks Full Highlights 1st QTR | Feb 3 | 2024 NBA Regular Season


  1. Ya know the NBA’s struggling when games are like pre-season practices 🫣🫣

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